Series Code: TDYL
Program Code: TDYL220015B
00:11 >> Welcome back to our special Thursday night Live. We're so glad that you have joined us.
00:15 The first hour has gone by in a hurry. What a blessing to hear. The incredible stories 00:20 that Wilson, his wife is sharing about what God is doing and through the work of 00:25 the 7th average church. But you notice he's mentioned it's really the power of the holy 00:31 Spirit and the word of God that changes life. we want to encourage you tonight to maybe 00:36 you're there all alone. And you're wondering and try to find purpose in your life it 00:41 will still have you addressed. Maybe that person. But you're wondering where to turn and 00:47 reveal and what your purpose in life? Well, you know, you're here today for a reason 00:52 to that God loves you. We love you. You're part of the family and they got has a work for 00:58 you to do matter where you are in the world matter what's going on. God has worked for 01:02 you to do. But do you just now joining us already referenced the Wilsons, but we Ted Wilson 01:09 and his wife Nancy, here with us. You're the General conference, president of 7th 01:11 Avenue S we know we have a very busy schedule. Thank you so very much for taking the 01:15 time to come here to 3ABN your support again of 3 ABN. We know that you stopped in St. 01:23 Louis on your way here. We're going to talk about the general conference session 01:26 that's coming up in more than month or so. A little over a month. 46 day. So many talking 01:34 about that and just a couple of minutes as well. >> Of Mister Danny Shelton 01:39 founder 3, 8, in your wife, Doctor Van, so good to have you both on evening. Well, 01:44 we're encouraged in in a A when we hear these always say the blessing is on the go in. 01:53 So Jesus is going all the world. And so the power Jesus says all powers given man 01:58 heaven and Earth go you therefore. So what he's saying to us is when we submit income 02:03 in her life to transfers that we can go now with the with with be encouraged to know 02:11 that God is with us all powers. Give me have go. You therefore, so each one of us 02:16 are potential people want to look around this. courage will ways God. was he when I needed 02:23 him for this war? know that's the devil courage, people that each and every one of us, the 02:30 people you're talking about, one person you been willing to preach to. Those people could 02:35 made all the different head. You just said, you know what? This is raining. I'm and come 02:42 back the next day. They may have not so not very important. Look what we're 02:46 giving up and are changing our lives. But it's each of us is you are saying, Greg, got it. 02:52 He says I knew you before you even formed in the wrong man. And I knew from the beginning, 02:58 I have a plan for you. so that plan is that each of us are to be evangelist. And so it's not 03:06 what we know or how much do we have memorized book revelation or do whatever. But Ellen 03:11 White's as own personal testimony is our greatest So as we here's a listen to you 03:18 Wilson and sister Nancy. It in is encouraging and I hope everyone listening. We don't 03:23 want to just it's great to hear about that. But what does God have in store for you? 03:29 That's good. I want you to do something when you come in the name of the Lord. Mighty 03:34 Marvelous things happen in spite of its not because of But when we go forward and 03:38 rightly divide or to truth, this should be infectious. All of us is like, hey, I want to 03:45 get up. Let's go do something right now, you know, for the large. So thank you. And I 03:48 know that this is happening around the world and even places we don't even know. But 03:55 the Lord is coming back very soon. And the clouds of glory and its things just like this 04:00 that is making us is 7 Devin as Christians. We should never be discouraged but encouraged 04:07 that God has given us and in times message for an in times, people come hear these stories 04:13 out about John Ready to go do who are doing >> I want to do more. right. 04:21 >> You know, we talked to the first hour about Philippines in the income credible work 04:27 transformation of the Holy Spirit and did there in the text you referenced. I love 04:32 that second, Timothy 1, 7, God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power. Love and of 04:35 a sound mind. And as we live in these closing moments of history. As we see the wars 04:42 and rumors of wars and the famines and the pestilence is that take place, you can be 04:47 afraid. I think of what's happening right now in Ukraine with brothers and sisters in 04:54 Ukraine and Russia and other countries in that region, the terror that would be in 05:01 people's hearts during this time. The suffering that's going on right now to talk to 05:05 us about how our brothers and sisters, especially in the 7th avenues church are with this 05:11 crisis. >> Well, of course, our hearts are heavy. For our brothers 05:17 and sisters to in Ukraine. In Russia, in eastern Europe. Yes, we have many faithful 05:27 people in in all those countries. And we we love them. And we just feel a part. 05:32 Of there. Their love for the Lord. And we just want to be together. But the things that 05:41 are happening in Ukraine are very tragic. We pray for cessation of violence and for 05:52 the bloodshed that is taking place that God will somehow intervene. But it it's amazing 05:58 to see in this situation. How God is working in the lives of our church members to with 06:06 this to people and to help them even amidst all of these challenges. 06:14 >> And so many people are leaving, you know, as refugees over 5 million have left and 06:18 >> our church. Poland in Slovakia, in you. In Hungary, in Romania, in Moldova and in 06:30 Russia. They have responded by helping people who are refugees, giving them 06:37 encouragement, address our admin, this development and relief agency international. 06:40 And Europe, has done phenomenal work in helping too make people feel loved 06:48 accepted them and warmth. That is there. And our people in Ukraine. Our trying to help 06:59 not just their own 7th day Adventists members, but so many others And it's a huge 07:06 witness and probably the greatest thing that they can do is as Romans 12 tells us 07:14 the end of that chapter. It tells us repay no one evil for evil over And then it says, 07:23 you know, in verse 19 not Avenger sells, but rather give place too wrath for it is 07:31 written. Vengeance is mine. I will repay, says the Lord. Therefore, if your enemies 07:36 hungry feed him, he's thirsty given drink 4 in. So doing you will heap Kohl's of fire on 07:41 his head. Do not be overcome by evil. First, 21 but overcome evil with and our 07:47 church members are. Helping so many people. I I see a picture in my mind of. Church members 08:00 in the country are in the city of Odessa and they were providing. Food for people who 08:07 were leaving. Wow. And then right next to that, they were providing Bibles and the great 08:16 I mean, these are church members trying to help those who are filled with the spirit 08:20 of us. You know, that 1 one illustration of even God's protection just came about 08:29 recently where there was a terrible attack on a train station a missile came. 50 08:39 over 50 people One 7th, the that this was part of that particular. Group when this 08:45 bomb hit. And the bomb blast through are many, many feet, 18 meters away she was 08:55 stunned, kind of woke up, looked around and saw all these dead bodies around blood 09:01 and everything. I was able to. Herself, you know, and shake the dust off or and walked 09:13 away without one Believe it is the But this is a witness to people of what God is doing to 09:21 try to help key people focused upon the things that are have a positive and art. Our 09:31 pastors are helping to move people from one place to the other. Not just members of our 09:35 church, but others and people are just amazed that. You would help me to be able to to 09:40 be safe. The churches. Is is moving ahead in a very difficult time. And I want you 09:49 to pray, earnestly for and for all people it Ukraine, Russia throughout Eastern Europe that 09:57 God will use his people to stay firmly rooted in him and not allow anger and strife to 10:09 create such such animosity that you cannot then fulfill what God is said to overcome 10:17 evil with good. And so by God's grace were seen a tremendous impact on the 10:24 people in Ukraine, by our church members. But it's not easy at all. And but we're in 10:31 very close contact with them. Were working with them, trying to encourage them and just 10:39 just a couple days ago, we had a very good meeting through electronic means trying to 10:44 bring encourage meant to our church leaders. But I just ask you to pray earnestly for 10:52 these warrant. They also knew many people, of course, have lost their homes. 10:56 >> And are refugees and our our. >> The the men and Ukraine are 11:03 not allowed to leave. >> So the pastor's under 6 dozen during the 60. So the 11:11 pastors were staying with their churches and many, many women were leaving. But the 11:15 wife said we're going to stay and then work. has and they have taken they have opened 11:22 their churches for those who have no shelter. They have provided food. And clothing. I 11:30 don't know where they get all of this, but they they are assisting, however, is in 11:34 need. And was that our our clinic and key for they were baking the bread. Yes. Like 11:42 100 love, said a day and passing it out people are stuck. They have no kitchen. 11:48 Many of them. They have no food. And so our church is just doing incredible things 11:53 to feed people to shelter them to give them closings. This is. 12:00 >> True. Medical missionary following the footsteps of Jesus. You know, people 12:05 physically mentally socially and spiritually. And and, you know, these are laypeople to I 12:08 mean, it's not just pastors and I this this quotation from testimonies for the church 12:17 volume 9 page. One 17, it says the work of God in this Earth you can never be finished 12:21 until the men and women comprising our church membership, Raleigh, to the 12:27 work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers. Everybody is 12:32 working together. This member involvement and it's just an amazing thing to see how God 12:38 is pouring out. His spirit, even in the midst of and terrible, confident and send 12:45 during a time of tribulation that we really find. >> Out, you know, a lot about 12:50 ourselves and about her church, for instance, I was talking to pass tomorrow 12:53 family the other day. He was saying and some of these countries like Poland and all 12:59 the church churches there in order to help people coming in. They were tearing out the 13:05 pews and it out to bring. So there's room for people to come in. I mean, that's true. 13:11 Religion rise. There's no. Well, wait a minute, we tear out all over Hughes and move 13:15 everything out the way we've got to meet know if people need a place in shelter over 13:18 their head. We're going to make turn this and 2, you know, not just where we can 13:25 come and enjoy We're going to help people. that's that's such you know, I want to say 13:31 sacrifice, but it's so bold on a certain part of people. And it shows a have caught the 13:35 vision. And I know that especially dear to you all start you lived in. I guess, 13:39 Moscow for a while for its big Russian. So you Russians and Ukrainians together. We built 13:47 this huge facility and we had over 100 Ukrainians to come and work together with the 13:52 Russians and Americans there that we had and to build this huge facility and course we 13:56 all got along World Brothers and and sisters in the Lord. And now to see this. This 14:05 separation of the and so people are saying, well, this country that and this one, you 14:11 know, I tell them we don't really know what's happening. We just know our 14:13 responsibility is try to be there when people need us to continue to give the gospel 14:19 and continue to preach. Love one for another. And that led to Lord workout all the 14:24 details and some so thankful as a church that basically what I'm hearing is that we 14:29 need to pray for everybody take care of those in need no matter where they are, where 14:36 they're from. And that's that's true. Religion is taking care of those who can 14:40 take care of themselves and mature said than is absolutely true. Doesn't matter. 14:44 >> Where you're from, what country, whether there is conflict during the we are all 14:49 as 7th. They have this Christians, brothers and sisters in crime. 14:55 >> and then into that, we should probably have a little season. The prayer may be 15:01 accessed in on this. Pray for the situation Brought to us here this evening. Thank you 15:06 so much. >> Dear Lord, thank you so very much for allowing us the 15:09 privilege of coming for you, the almighty God, the one who sees all and knows all the all 15:16 powerful God, lord. And so we know that you got all of this under control. You know, 15:21 everything that's going to happen. What we want to lift up our brothers and sisters 15:26 over in that area of the world. going through such pain and torment there just hurting 15:32 right now. And so we just lift them up before you we ask you for resources for them. We ask 15:38 you that you will calm their fears that they will trust you. They won't worry about 15:43 anything but they will pray about everything in tell you their and not the thank you 15:51 for you and them and know that you with us. So we just lift them up. We lift up leadership 16:00 church leadership here. I'll do. Wilson just fancy. We thank and them we just want 16:07 look again for your continued blessings and overseeing the We praise you, Lord and thank 16:12 you that you are God and that you will deliver and that you will see those who are hungry 16:18 and take care of those learning our brothers and sisters that area would need 16:24 you more than ever before. Yes, so help help us all to be what you would have us to be. 16:30 We thank you in praise you in. The were the name Jesus, our savior 16:36 >> and Greg, maybe you could address 3 have been Russia right before the banks, you 16:42 know, the clothes and getting money. Maybe you could share a little bit and that without, 16:46 you know, on all the details that some of it that is, you know, it's yeah, this is a 16:52 miracle because just in the nick of time yesterday is that we're getting ready to 16:54 campaign is going to do a sermon called just in the nick of time. So this is God's 16:58 miracles. If you seen through the years. we send funding 2 or 3 and in Russia facility 17:04 satellite every month. And so we heard that things were shutting down. We try to get 17:09 some funds over there quickly. We got a few months over there, but we want to do it a 17:13 lot more months like end of this year. So we heard 2 things were shut down. We 17:17 said, OK by faith, we're just going to send basically the rest of this year's money and 17:23 we've heard and the shutdown. But with God, nothing is right hard happened. Yes, he would 17:28 have to go. So put the to the wire and we received confirmation in about 24 to 48 17:36 hours that the entire amount of money made it there. So they're good to the end of 17:39 this year raised the Lord. That is else happened right before, you know about it. And 17:45 this, you know, this is incredible to see at the end of last year 3, then Russia 17:48 had a number of needs, one of them like the led wall. And there are some control room 17:53 equipment that they needed and the donor heard about that and said, you know what, I want to 17:57 step forward and donate some funds to do it. Led wall for them in Russia. A lot of 18:01 money. Oh, yeah. A lot of money, a vehicle. They need that to finish the control 18:05 room. So the money came in purchase, the equipment. We had no idea that things to be 18:09 shut down inflation. We're just skyrocket. So they have over there that know you all. 18:14 They have a control room this working and they have a vehicle because it didn't have 18:17 when I was working just in the nick of time, right? We had no idea this conflict has got a 18:23 great way raise Goff. Do it all no more building set. You can change everything in 5 18:28 minutes or whole set. You can do all of this to an end to get the new vehicle again. 18:33 >> It started at the time we got there at all just in the nick of time. So they're not 18:37 shut down. You know, they're going forward right now. And the cable stations that still 18:41 growing and people because of everything that's going on right there looking for truth. 18:46 And so 3 been Russia in broadcasting. The Russian language is phenomenal Soviet 18:50 Union. >> 546 cable systems and about 4,000 cities and towns. Russia 18:59 one of the last thing that we're not started over. We'll see. You know that in that it 19:02 is going to grow their new you. >> president, when we first 19:05 started their cable isn't basic man heard of there now cable and the last 2025 30 19:12 years has grown. As you said, 550 cable stations throughout the ex Soviet Union. So people 19:16 are still all throughout. They were able to to watch, you know, and yeah, the that hope 19:23 and encouragement what a blessing. And then the >> So we references several 19:30 times that you all just came from. You could say, I don't know if it's a pre planning 19:34 meeting for the General Conference session. So talk to us about what's going to be 19:39 taking place a June 6 to 11 coming up. >> As many of our viewers and 19:45 as you know, we had to postpone the general Conference session of 2020 to 19:52 2021. >> K, I mean, actually, when this pandemic started out, OK, 20:00 maybe 6 weeks, everything will be over now. So we postponed it. Then and we postponed it 20:09 with the idea of still having it in Indianapolis because that's where it was originally 20:14 a placed. And then the pandemic just kept exploding. And finally had to. You know, 20:24 postponed again 2022 and you know. Indianapolis said no, we can't accommodate you in 2022, 20:34 we contacted St. Louis because it was already planned for 2025. To hold the General 20:41 conference session there. And St. Louis had exactly the dates we needed open 2022 and 20:52 they welcomed us the Act is interesting that you should use that phrase because we 20:55 used almost the same. >> Just in hole experience that that we have had in in 21:06 the Philippines about getting visas see art as getting in the country. Everything 21:13 happening just in time. And to the Lord. That's right. So he just knows how to for 5th. 21:19 That's right. But any we moved to St. Louis we will. >> The holding the session a 21:30 June 6 to 11. And in fact, all of those of you who are watching and if you'd like to 21:35 come, it's going to be open. We have plenty of seats there. You'll be able to find a 21:40 place. Now. We were just there today actually and saw the stadium. It's lawyers are 21:45 going to be well, it's in the main convention center and the stadium next to me. Yeah, so 21:53 it's it's it's a beautiful facility. We will be doing some interesting things 22:00 because of the hybrid arrangement. We are going to be having some delegates who 22:05 will not be able to come because they couldn't get a visa because the consulates or 22:08 not functioning the embassies or whatever travel restrictions. Maybe they're 22:15 sick, whatever it is so provision has been made and we praise God for that. That. 22:20 Delegates who cannot come can be delegates through electronic connection. Yes, so 22:28 we're probably going to have at least I would say 350 to 400 delegates in that way. 22:34 We'll see what the final tally is. Virtually virtually. But it does look as though we'll 22:39 have at least maybe 1900, maybe 2000 delegates on site. We will we will not be having 22:50 traditional evening program with lots of reports from divisions. We are placing that 22:55 all day on Friday. You know, someone might say, but why do that? We we look forward to in 23:00 the evening and we want to have that. We will be having devotionals in the morning and 23:06 the evening, but we'll have business sessions in the evening and why? Because by 23:10 doing this virtual connection. Electronically, when we come to Thursday night and Friday 23:18 starts moving in here. You're in central time and St. Louis is in central time. In the 23:27 Asia Pacific It's already coming close to 7th and then it is And so to carry on 23:33 business on Sabbath. For those who are connected is not appropriate. So we've moved 23:39 all those beautiful, spiritual reports to Friday, which will be a wonderful thing Friday 23:44 night. Tremendous emphasis on total member involvement is going to be a baptism. It's 23:49 going to just be fantastic. And then all day Sabbath. So at a school church service, 23:56 magnificent music, the afternoon will be packed with mission and then mission So 24:04 the session will take place by God's grace. It will have this hybrid arrangement with 24:09 electronic connection. But we are earnestly pray and asking all of you who are watching 24:18 you. Pray for the latter rain of the Holy Ray for the Holy Spirit to be present at that 24:22 General conference session so that we will be filled with a sense of mission. It won't 24:28 just be a bureaucratic kind of business meeting, which it is. It's a business meeting. 24:36 Elections take place. Reports are given all this kind of thing. But that it will be a 24:43 mission we are asking that people will participate. In the 40 days of prayer 24:53 beginning May 3 and 3 through June 11, 40 days of prayer asking that the Holy Spirit. 25:02 Down upon generation recession absolutely unusual way. So we invite all of you to come if 25:10 you can. And you can watch it, course, live streaming and all that kind of thing. But the 25:15 general conference will take place and then General conference. If the Lord is in 25:21 here will take place again in St. Louis 3 years later. So really 2 years into what we 25:28 call a quick weny or a 5 year period. So they'll be another 3 years to finish that out. 25:33 And then a new can will begin. But the theme of General Conference session is so 25:39 appropriate. Jesus is coming, get involved total member involved knowing the Lord. 25:49 Yes, Lord, as as you know in in Isaiah Chapter 6, Isaiah was so enraptured with being 25:57 taken into the throne room of heaven and all of this and his sins were forgiven and 26:02 Fantastic story. I love to preach on it. But then if he heard a voice of the Lord 26:10 saying whom shall I and who will go for us? >> And Isaiah was so excited 26:15 and so grateful for the righteousness of Christ that had cleansed am yes, he said 26:22 here I send I will go. and so this is part of our strategic plan for that. The World 26:28 Church reach the world. I will go. Yes. And this is a phrase I will go is just caught on 26:33 like wildfire around the world. And in fact, we first heard about that phrase from 26:43 South America. Young people had come up with that phrase and we asked people and we use 26:49 that phrase. >> Yes, yes, you you can use that phrase, but they kind of 26:53 wanted us to tell people young people came going. The whole lot of young people I will go. 27:03 >> We will go. I mean, you can use whatever variation. >> North American division has 27:09 said their motto is together in Mission I will go and the whole world is just galvanized 27:17 around So we we praise God and we want people to be part of that 27:23 >> Yeah, 3 events Excite X will be there at the GC Sessions in this kind of in 27:27 our backyard. Mister Danny, right? I was away. I about quickly and way to get there 27:32 and less expensive and all that There is every time for his we doing some programming 27:39 from their getting? Some reports from the GC Session will be actually streaming and 27:43 the air in a number of the programs, especially some of the reports and stuff. You 27:46 know what God is doing around the world. Such an inspiring time. Yeah, the session. you 27:52 want to touch on a little bit more. Expound a little bit more upon I will go initiative 27:56 a little bit. What that all entails or well, >> every 5 year period, we do 28:03 research on what is really needed in and we have a a special committee called 28:09 Future plans working group particular group. Okay. Looks at all kinds of statistics. 28:14 Surveys that are taken trying to see how we can nurture the church with mission and a 28:21 focus and out of that comes the strategic plan. Strategic plan is very it's it's it's 28:30 rather focused and not too long, but it has certain key performance indicators that 28:35 will help people know how to accomplish certain things. And the strategic plan, as I said, 28:44 has the theme or the title reach the world? I will go. Yes, land this. I will go 28:50 seems to have caught on very few things I've because it's so implies commitment yeah. 29:01 And it's action field. And it's a mission focused so it's it's something that people can 29:09 rally around. But it's all based upon the word of God. No one. What God has asked his 29:16 Matthew, 28 1920 that God wants us go and actually. Christ was the first one to 29:23 say I will go. The the father and the Holy Spirit. We're consultation before even the 29:30 establishment of this world. And they knew there would be a crisis. And so she said I will 29:38 go. Yeah. And then he asks his disciples to go. You know, as you as you reference and so 29:44 for all to participate. And 2 to be willing. And Nancy and I will never forget. General 29:53 Conference session. I think it was in New Orleans in 1985. And we were in. We were part 30:01 of a big mission pageant. We were overseas missionaries at that time in Africa and and 30:06 had a, you know, from an almost complete sense, a wonderful experience. We were 30:14 there with our costumes on our flags and banners. And what have you. 30:18 >> And the whole. >> Mission patch and stop them for a few moments and a 30:23 wonderful. A sweet singer of Israel. I Elder C l Brooks who was such a powerful singer. He 30:36 was in the 7th school department. It he preached a sermon every time a wonderful 30:45 African-American, a and >> he sang the song. >> So send I you melted We're 30:57 just >> tearing up. It was even to this day I can remember it was 31:01 just so powerful and that's what God wants us to. He wants to send everyone. Yes, not 31:08 just for evangelist surpass. >> Literature. Evangelists or teachers. Everybody in has a 31:16 role. Children don't all ages men, women and children, total youth involvement. Total 31:20 children involved. total member total 3 ABN member, the 1985 General Conference 31:30 session in New Orleans. >> No, you Yeah. remember 1919, Indianapolis. I think 31:43 that's where 1991. Yes, I remember in 1985, because we were just getting started in 31:49 November 1984. Was the. >> You know, the weather lord really felt spoke, said, go, 31:55 you know, in all the world that killed a TV station. So 1980, 85, I may remember 32:02 driving down their 3. A B was just a dream is just something we want to do. So we had 32:07 postcards and I'd put him on the post by the bleachers that would say 3ABN, and just write 32:13 a little something to give us their like are. Phone phone number of contacts Web site. 32:21 Right we literally wrote hands of all is what is the Web website. But I remember 32:28 walking around and meeting people and man. This is. >> I've never been digital 32:35 covered. Says this is incredible. And that is starting somehow looked the 32:39 Lord as blast and that again, the blessings on the go. You know I think about who, you 32:44 know, many times you say, you know, go ye into all the world, right, that the 32:47 commission of God, then you ask the question, what's that question? How many yeas? 32:51 >> Alright, right. Raise your hand. And you say every one of your has should win upright 32:56 because all of us are Everyone needs to be involved. Total member involved. Yeah. There's 33:02 so many people say what can I do? I don't have any money. don't have any. 33:06 >> I I don't have mobility. I can't get around. Would have everyone can do something. And 33:14 then God has called us all to be workers and and his vineyard. Everyone can do 33:18 something. >> And we just have to find out what that something is. 33:22 And here I am I this. What is this you have in your hand? That's right. And with the 33:29 Lord ask and that's right. And that's fun. The summers of my. >> First said that her prayer 33:35 meeting, probably 12 people and November 1980, 4 this woman who had never whose 33:40 Methodist never been done. Adventist Church came to repair meeting. mother had 33:45 invited her shoot, feel that a little card for a literature. Evangelist, she showed up to a 33:53 prayer meeting. So I stood up here in West Frankfort Cent the Lord impress me to build a 33:57 television station to reach the world. She calls this is Wednesday night Friday Other 34:02 cause men. She says the little lady did came. They have older lady that came. Her name is 34:07 fun. The summers and she lives out by Thompsonville little area here. Call Thompsonville 34:13 and she said she thought she was so impressed by that. She went home and said Lord, I'd 34:21 like to help them build a TV station. But I don't have anything. And she said the 34:26 Lord said, what is this you have in your hand and she said, well, I don't have 34:31 anything but just a few acres of property. And she said my house is towards a from what I 34:37 got to a point kers of property in the back. I guess I could give them that they 34:41 really needed it. So she called my mother and said, well, I've got a couple acres 34:46 of property. My mother said, why would you think that she's so years ago we bought this 34:50 property and my husband and I and he was going to sell it. And it's a time it wasn't a 34:56 Christian and I had a dream. And the Lord told me, don't sell. And she said I like a 35:02 fence around the back 2 acres. And I saw the most beautiful fat cattle coming from all 35:07 directions. And now we said the Lord must want to use that property for something she 35:13 donated. Is that property? When we got scientific? Atlanta to come to look at the 35:17 satellites because you can only build these a place at that time. They only had they 35:21 didn't have the K you that the s-bahn and all the microwave interference is it was the 35:27 only property that would work in this entire area that was totally free of any any 35:32 satellite signals. And they gave us a license to shoot signals from there and 35:36 eventually around the world. You know, what is this you have in your hands? She could 35:42 have just said what I'd like to help, but I don't have any money. So you're saying is 35:45 each of us and the initiative, you know, I will go, OK, Lord, what is that? You've given me 35:53 and that I can share if nothing else. It's my own personal testimony. Jesus is 35:57 down from a so thank you for that. And for the division, our this year, Joe kind of 36:02 came up with look at God. You know, we're always made those stories you ago. I was kind of 36:09 looking over and then up a look you this is kind of interesting because as I was 36:14 driving here this afternoon. >> From St. Louis I was thinking about that very fact. 36:22 And I didn't know all the details, but where you are position at that time because 36:28 now, of course you've got that connection and all that kind of thing transmission. But 36:33 that time this was the perfect place for the up link and it's just amazing. Got in God's 36:40 hands. Yeah. Yeah. Look at got And I. >> But Yvonne, you were saying 36:46 something about how anyone we have. We can all do something and reminded me of my grandma 36:51 Evans. She never really drove she learned to drive, but I don't think she ever drove 37:00 much. And when my grandpa died. Unless my mom would take her out, she was pretty much 37:06 home down someone would take her out. And she she tot when she was out and about she out 37:15 of school. She was very active. But she here she was had. She was crippled with 37:21 terrible arthritis. She went call people and encourage And that was like a ministry. Yes, 37:29 she could have thought I can't go anywhere. I can't drive. What can I But she had a phone 37:35 ministration and fall and >> and connect with them. And >> so you really. The Lord can 37:44 can show each one of you. Exactly. That's how can you shoot at I love the fact that 37:54 the I will go initiative. I believe he began with young people South America. 38:02 >> So like a and young people right now. >> In so you had references 38:06 before the program. But talk to us about young people. This is a program, join asthma and 38:13 had put together back to the altar young people, especially in social media tremendous 38:20 issue right now in today's culture. >> The challenge of, you know. 38:30 Using our. >> Our our cell are smart electronic devices, all this 38:36 kind of thing. There's so much good that can come out of it. I mean, the very fact that 3 38:44 ABN is broadcasting the sun is going literally worldwide, right? Is an amazing miracle. 38:50 But on the other hand. People can become so with staying in contact with people and 39:01 measuring themselves against what it appears and that others are doing and how great 39:05 they are and then feeling worthless because you haven't measured up and on and on and 39:11 on. Social media has certain positive thing does, but it has some real negative And 39:21 Wayne and associate director in our LNG why the state? And a very capable young man is 39:28 has had a bird and it came to my office the other day and sharing this burden along with 39:36 our family directors will in the lane all over because it really has do with connection 39:43 with. People and with God and Duane has a real burden. And so he was sharing it then. So 39:54 ice I I really understood what he was trying to say. And so we've now been able to share 40:00 it with world leaders. We've been sharing. We share that with our executive committee 40:03 the other day. It's going to be nurtured by our revival and reformation committee and 40:11 probably next annual council. It's been about 6, 5, 6, months. It will be fully 40:20 explained and voted in 2 program aspect. And what it is is to try to help especially 40:28 young as well as older ones who seem to be overwhelmed by these connections to 40:37 electronic media and that they failed to have the time to get back to the altar of it and 40:46 reading the word of God and meditating upon what God has instructed them because their 40:53 minds are so filled with trying to keep up with everybody else who's online 40:57 and the feeling so overwhelmed by the constant flow of information that you actually 41:05 crowd out completely the word of God. So this back to the altar is back. family were 41:14 shipped back to worship and it's so important and people resonate with them. They 41:20 understand it and they are willing to support it and so materials will be 41:26 encouragement, especially for young people. How do you actually disconnect keeping 41:34 contact because of the 21st century. I mean, how can you get along without your iPhone? 41:40 In fact, in fact, was a statistic which is really interesting. Blain mentioned 41:44 this in a presentation. He said there was a survey done. Would you rather? A bone or 41:56 break your phone? No. Yeah. A and a large percentage of no actually I'd rather have a 42:07 broken, So I mean, this tells you proud dependent we are. >> But it all comes back to 42:14 relationship. >> With Jesus? Yeah. >> And the daily walk with him 42:19 and making time. So that's what back to the altar is about. And it's going to be. 42:25 >> Expanded even more. And the whole World Church will hear about And, you know, pass 42:29 tools. And that is a it's by design that young people and older people are addicted to 42:38 their phones is by design and sew. It really takes. I believe the supernatural 42:43 intervention, 2, 2 break that not not to sever the connection, but to make it to 42:53 put it into perspective because it really is by design that, you know, kids, you 42:58 can't separate from your phone's. If you ask, if you I know that there was one group 43:02 that took some young people on a on a trip and they said you have to leave your phones. You 43:09 can't bring your phones and see. I mean, they really went through Really? It was you had 43:16 a for It's an addiction. So it really doesn't order is one of Satan's distractions because 43:22 the way the priority that >> that has been set on it is, you know, it's it's really 43:30 otherworldly. So we have to as the Lord to deliver from that from the distraction of home. 43:39 >> And think the technology it's kind of like my dad used to say about my mouth. It's a 43:45 that talked all the time. Even as a little kid. I was youngest of 4 brothers not 43:48 talk more on all of them. Put together. It's a son. Your mouth is either going to be 43:52 your biggest curse. Are your biggest blessing? It's going to be one or the other. You're 43:58 not just going to go like everybody else. You're either going to be, you know, really 44:03 bad are the large going to use And so I've been both have been used by the Lord and then 44:08 in my mouth got him in trouble times, too. But this technology is that way. Yeah, 44:12 it's this can be our biggest. Yeah. I've got bibles on here, too. So I'm like everybody 44:18 else and I have this sitting here, but it can be our biggest blessing to get the 44:23 gospel to the world, right? Because everybody has a PlayStation. you can go on 44:28 YouTube reach people around the world. did. It was one of the few period not just in the 44:33 evidence. Jurors are the only one to begin with, but just in general, there were very few 44:39 people going uplink to satellite and then in the middle 80's. Now everybody can 44:43 do it. But so much of the time he turned on, we've got all these chat rooms. We're all 44:49 we're doing is down on people down on this down on that. Always, you know, go on 44:56 Facebook argument. Everybody's so this is either can be a great blessing for us or our 45:01 biggest curse. And so I'm so thankful the you know, you're dealing with this how how do 45:07 we find a balance using the technology but still find time to to get into the word of 45:13 God? >> And I I think it's important to realize that you 45:18 can find a lot of things on a phone and your computer that aren't bad, right? Right. But 45:24 they steal your time day. Our waste of time is good. I think time and older again, I 45:34 realize time is a gift. and we are held accountable for how we send our time. And we only 45:41 have 24 hours a day. We need sleep. We need, you know, all the Saints. So it's not a 45:47 matter of doing. What is good or bad. It's a matter of choosing between what is 45:55 better or Okay. Because we I find that there things that are really that in my life. 46:02 But I have just this much time. So I don't have time to look at these cute little 46:07 videos all day on. Of animals. Also her Yeah, I have to ask God to help me prioritize. All 46:17 right. Even what is You know, right. It's not going to tear me down, but it will because 46:25 it will steal time from God's will So it's not that. Just choosing between what is good 46:34 and bad. But what do I balance? Yeah, to That's good. I really like you both. Are 46:42 leaders in the 7th and how do you as leaders make time How do you make time for marriage? 46:50 How do you balance that as leaders? >> Well, it takes if you don't 46:59 take the time to schedule it in. Time. We'll just slip away. so, you 47:09 >> the early hours of the morning are usually the best time the take time Nancys very 47:17 persistent about that. She's a real Bible student. and, you know, it's just it's an 47:25 opportunity to start the day. Basically know some people may like the evening or the middle 47:31 of the day, whatever it is. But usually the beginning of the day is the best. And you 47:36 need to start, of course, with prayer invariably, you know, I just slide out of bed and you 47:47 commit your your life to the Lord and you. I asked for the Holy Spirit to come into my 47:53 life. I pray for the latter rain. I pray claim James won 5 every They simply did to ask 48:00 for wisdom. ask for wisdom. And then you pray about, you know, many things on your list 48:06 or whatever. You need to take the time to study God's word to read it. And the spirit of 48:15 prophecy and one of the ways, I mean, you know, people well, how do I do that? Don't have 48:21 >> You know, again, we can go back to our smartphones. You can download all kinds of 48:26 stuff noting liable and the spirit of prophecy and all of that. And so you can you can 48:30 listen in the car. I like to walk and I listen to the Bible and 2 spirit of prophecy. As 48:41 I'm walking and so you know In fact, Ellen Light has indicated she she says, you 48:47 know, when when you're writing on the street car. >> know, take a you know, make 48:57 use of your time. So in today's world, I mean, there are opportunities you can find 49:04 2 actually be quiet and focus on spiritual things. As far as marriage and all of that, you 49:12 know, you have to be fairly in a busy schedule. You have to be fairly determined that 49:19 you're going to take time with each other. You're going to talk to each other. And of 49:24 course, during this pandemic, it's maybe been a little easier because we've resume 49:30 and all that. But the you know, you have to be intentional. You have to 49:37 prioritize. You have to really seriously prioritize. And I now it's I feel like it's not 49:43 safe to start the day off without. Going to because he's the one who guide you. And I 49:53 wish we could just surrender one day and then that would stay address. But we have to 49:57 surrender every day because we're human and by nature where self-centered. So Lord, 50:03 take my heart, keep it for. I cannot keep it for you. Save me. In spite of myself. that's 50:09 one thing about meetings and the dining room. Haha. Because when I'm in the kitchen, a 50:17 fine baking. I like to listen to sermons. That I think I find myself because I'm I have 50:23 a lot of Martha and me. And we women like to multitask. And I think, well, I can start a 50:30 little close. And then I can. They'll be watching. While I'm studying. But I've I've tried 50:39 and I don't always students, but I'm trying to say, no, you're not going to look at 50:41 your phone. And tell you I do sometimes look for messages, the fine. Now our kids are 50:51 going through something or just to see have okay. But but you have to discipline 50:58 yourself because they're too many distractions. Yes, so I'm still. You know, working on 51:03 that because if you get off track, then you just get busy. And then you. And one thing 51:11 that helps me, too. I I'm trying to memorize scripture. So I put it on 3 by 5 cards. 51:16 This can I have it in my purse and then a fine of waiting and officer somewhere or then I 51:24 can be revealing or memorizing new ones. So there's. But as Ted said, you have to be in 51:32 tension. >> you have to plan thanks. Once in a while. Take advice. 51:41 >> And bring flowers home >> And you don't have to spend money to spend an evening 51:48 together. You offspring times coming, go out and cut flowers and they 51:57 >> It's amazing. This said these 2 hours ago by a in a hurry and at the beginning of 52:00 the second hour, we're talking about and maybe get you some of his discourage you kind of 52:07 find hope Noda will select few to maybe talk to that person right now. That does may be 52:11 discouraged. Something tragic has happened in their life. They had lost like your 52:13 families had lost with your grandchild. Something discouraging going on in life. 52:17 What you have to say to them at home right now. >> depending on what your 52:25 situation is, you may feel alone. You may feel somehow disconnected. You may feel. 52:31 Nobody cares. Or you may feel somewhat lost in all of the things that are happening. I 52:39 want you to know that first of all. God knows exactly where you are. He understands your 52:48 situation he wants to be your best and know that he is there. 52:53 >> Secondly know that the 7th Day Adventist Church is there to help you in every way 53:01 possible to nurture your faith in Jesus name and that the 3 ABN year and many other 53:09 avenues expression in the church are there to encourage you as well and that you are 53:17 part of something. And this is really important because sometimes. We get overwhelmed 53:22 and we think only of ourselves, you are part of something much Yeah. You are 53:29 part of God's overall plan for the advent movement to share and a livable messages with 53:37 the world. You know, I have open in front of me revelation for team and those versus 6 to 53:44 12 to 3 Angels messages indicating, you know, that that the everlasting gospel, 53:50 this to go to every nation tribe, tongue in people and saying with a loud voice is 53:59 not a message that people need to hear you to give God glory and to to worship him and to 54:07 respect him and says fear God doesn't need to be afraid of. And they missed the and it is 54:12 the hour of his judgment does come. And he's the one who has made us don't ever succumb to 54:18 the delusion that you came from. Something other than a creation of created and well, 54:27 I mean, we're running out of time here, but I you know, you go through the Lord wants us 54:31 to come out of confusion out of babbling into pure Bible. Truth. He doesn't want us to 54:36 be connected with anything that will give us the mark of the beast, which is following 54:41 that, which is righteousness by But he wants us to have his seal of God, which is keeping 54:49 of the 7th Day Sabbath, is his special mark. And God has called you to be part of this. 54:56 In fact, the seven-day m this church were told in the spirit of prophecy that the 55:03 proclamation of the first second and 3rd Angels message is this is in testimonies for 55:07 the church. Volume 9 that there is no other work of so great importance and that 55:13 Adventists 7 them to us or not to allow it anything else to absorb their attention? Well, 55:18 of course, you have a lot of things you have to do, but this is something to help 55:21 people turn to that to the soon coming of Jesus And that's why it's so important 55:28 to to share literature. Danny, you've just written these beautiful brochures about h*** 55:33 Fire. 10 Commandments, Salvation Doctor. Yvonne, you have a beautiful book that's 55:39 come out that you gave to us glimpses of his glory. And this is why we need to share 55:44 these things with others. But I want to appeal to you in this final 30 seconds I have 55:51 because we have to turn back over. I want you to the encouraged because in first 55:58 Peter Chapter 3 verse 15, it says, but sanctify the Lord, God in your hearts and always 56:05 be ready to give the defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in 56:11 you with meekness and fear. God bless each one of you. As you know, that you're part of 56:20 the family of God proclaiming this message with Holy Spirit Power and Jesus needs you. He 56:25 needs you to say I will go. harmful so much. >> Wilson, youthful and sister 56:36 Nancy for being here tonight. And Mister Danny and Doctor, thank you both. So we're 56:39 blessed. And it's a privilege. We pray gray and I pray for you both. Thank you. we're 56:47 grateful for your leadership there at the helm of the church. We know of course, 56:51 Christ as the leader, the We're for. God has called you for such a time is that's 56:56 right. Support you one encourage you at home. Pray for elder Wilson and his wife, 57:02 Nancy. They have a tremendous responsibility. >> But the Lord is faithful. 57:06 We love you with see you again ♪ ♪ 57:19 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:34 ♪ ♪ ♪ 57:49 ♪ ♪ |
Revised 2022-04-27