Your Favorites By Request

I’Ve Never Loved Him Better

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: YFBR

Program Code: YFBR200031B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:03 Thanks for coming back and singing.
00:05 And thank you Ryan Day.
00:08 What, you're near. I'm back, man.
00:09 I'm here.
00:10 So, Ryan Day is a wonderful singer.
00:13 I love to hear you singing, I love to hear you preach.
00:16 I just I love you.
00:18 I appreciate. I really love you too, man.
00:19 It's good to be back.
00:21 Good to sing songs of praise if he wants more, man.
00:22 Yeah, I enjoy singing harmony with you
00:25 because you just, you carry, you make me sound better.
00:29 Oh, I don't know about that.
00:30 Well, anyway, you truly do. Likewise though.
00:32 Anyway, so we've got a song here.
00:35 It's a request. It's an older hymn.
00:38 But there was the Gaither vocal band
00:41 made it popular a few years ago.
00:43 Terry Franklin sang this hymn, so tell me about...
00:47 Little is much. Yeah.
00:49 When God is in it, I love the song.
00:50 When I think of the message of this particular song,
00:53 I think of the little story in the Bible
00:54 of the little widow woman
00:55 who gave all that she had
00:57 which in the eyes of others was very little, right?
01:00 But because God's heart was in it,
01:02 it was made much.
01:04 And so, I just love this, the message of the song.
01:06 Let's sing. Yeah.
01:13 In the harvest field
01:17 Now ripened
01:20 There's a work for all to do Hark!
01:26 The voice of God is calling
01:31 To the harvest calling you
01:38 Little is much When God is in it
01:44 Labor not for wealth or fame
01:50 There's a crown And you can win it
01:56 If you go in Jesus' name
02:50 Now you sing at home.
03:11 Here we go, on the last verse.
03:13 When the conflict Here is ended
03:19 And our race On earth is run
03:24 He will say
03:27 If we are faithful
03:30 "Welcome home My child well done!"
03:36 Little is much When God is in it
03:42 Labor not for wealth or fame
03:48 There's a crown And you can win it
03:54 If you go in Jesus' name
04:07 Amen. It's beautiful.
04:09 What a command, yeah,
04:10 to go in Jesus' name and rely on Him.
04:12 That's right.
04:14 Oh, wow, what little we have?
04:15 What's that in your hands? That's right.
04:19 They told Ruth, or in the Book of Ruth.
04:21 Isn't that Boaz and Ruth...
04:23 Right, absolutely.
04:24 Now I got you.
04:25 So that's the story.
04:27 That's the story as I remember it.
04:28 Little is much when God is in it.
04:30 That's the point. That's the point.
04:31 Right.
04:32 So, I just like that song.
04:34 Wow!
04:36 Here's another song that we get.
04:37 We got a request for.
04:39 We're doing a lot of gospel songs.
04:42 And this one I believe was written by Dottie Rambo.
04:46 And this is just a nice, what a comfort to know,
04:49 this kind of songs are really comforting,
04:51 "Sheltered in the arms of God."
04:53 Let's do it.
05:05 I feel the touch of hands So kind
05:12 and tender
05:15 They're leading me In the paths
05:21 that I must trod
05:25 I'll have no fear
05:29 For Jesus walks beside me
05:36 For I'm sheltered
05:41 In the arms of God
05:45 So let the storms rage high
05:50 The dark clouds rise
05:52 They don't worry me
05:56 For I'm sheltered safe
06:00 Within the arms of God
06:06 He walks with me
06:10 And naught of earth
06:13 Can harm me
06:17 For I'm sheltered
06:21 In the arms of God
06:27 Soon I shall hear the call
06:32 From heaven's portals
06:37 Come home my child
06:41 It's the last mile
06:43 you must trod
06:47 I'll fall asleep and wake
06:52 In God's new heaven
06:58 Sheltered safe
07:01 Within the arms of God
07:07 So let the storms rage high
07:12 The dark clouds rise
07:15 They don't worry me
07:19 For I'm sheltered safe
07:23 Within the arms of God
07:29 He walks with me
07:33 And naught of earth
07:36 Can harm me
07:40 For I'm sheltered
07:44 In the arms of God
07:50 Yes, I'm sheltered
07:55 In the arms of God
08:05 Beautiful song.
08:06 That is a pretty song. Pretty song.
08:08 You know a lot of people have favorites like that,
08:11 that you hear on the radio.
08:13 What about you? Do you have...
08:15 I have all kinds of favorites and, but you know,
08:17 there's a particular hymn,
08:19 I actually learned within the past couple years.
08:22 I had never heard this hymn
08:23 until I joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:24 Now, there may be a chance that this hymn has,
08:27 is in many different churches I'm sure there is,
08:29 but I heard this a couple of years ago
08:31 and the words, the music just spoke to me.
08:35 And it's the hymn entitled "Day by Day."
08:37 And it just reminds me as a Christian
08:39 that in our relationship with the Lord
08:41 just like any relationship is day by day.
08:43 Salvation is not a one-time thing.
08:45 It's not some moment in your past.
08:48 It's a day by day moment.
08:49 And I love it because it says day by day
08:51 and with each passing moment,
08:54 strength I find in Jesus Christ, My Lord.
08:56 And so that's the anthem that I want to be my life,
08:59 you know day by day, Lord,
09:01 give me Your strength with each passing moment.
09:18 Day by day
09:20 And with each passing moment
09:25 Strength I find
09:28 To meet my trials here
09:32 Trusting in My Father's wise bestowment
09:39 I've no cause For worry or for fear
09:47 He whose heart is kind
09:50 Beyond all measure
09:54 Gives unto each day
09:57 What He deems best
10:01 Lovingly
10:04 Its part of pain and pleasure
10:09 Mingling toil
10:11 With peace and rest
10:16 Every day the Lord Himself
10:21 Is near me With a special mercy
10:27 For each hour
10:31 All my cares
10:33 He fain would bear And cheer me
10:38 He whose Name Is Counselor and Power
10:46 The protection Of His child and treasure
10:53 Is a charge
10:56 That on Himself He laid
11:01 As thy days,
11:04 thy strength Shall be in measure
11:10 This the pledge To me He made
11:20 Help me then
11:23 In every tribulation
11:28 So to trust
11:30 Thy promises, O Lord
11:35 That I lose Not faith's sweet consolation
11:43 Offered me Within Thy holy Word
11:50 Help me, Lord
11:53 When toil and trouble meeting
11:58 E'er to take As from a father's hand,
12:06 One by one,
12:08 the days The moments fleeting
12:14 Till I reach
12:17 the promised land
12:31 Beautiful, beautiful song.
12:33 Beautiful song. I love that "Day by Day."
12:35 Lovely lyrics. Oh, man.
12:38 That's awesome. All right.
12:39 Well, we've got,
12:41 we're running out of time here
12:42 but, oh, it's so good to linger on those songs, right?
12:45 Let's try this.
12:50 The blood will never lose its power.
12:51 That's what we'll do.
12:53 All right. All right. You wanna sing that?
12:54 I have to shout, yeah. Okay, go ahead.
12:55 The blood That Jesus shed for me
13:05 Way back on Calvary
13:11 The blood That gives me strength
13:15 From day to day
13:18 It will never lose its power
13:26 Sing it with me now.
13:27 For it reaches To the highest mountain
13:35 And it flows
13:38 To the lowest valley
13:43 oh, the blood
13:45 That gives me strength
13:48 From day to day
13:52 It will never lose its power
14:01 It soothes my doubts
14:05 And it calms all my fears
14:12 And it dries all my tears
14:18 The blood That gives me strength
14:22 From day to day
14:27 It will never lose its power Oh, yes,
14:35 it reaches To the highest mountain
14:43 And it flows To the lowest valley
14:51 Oh, the blood That gives me strength
14:56 From day to day
15:00 It will never lose its power
15:13 That's a great reminder, friend.
15:14 Yes, I love it.
15:15 Whatever you're going through today,
15:17 yeah, you got the blood to cover you,
15:20 you will never lose its power.
15:21 Amen? Amen.
15:22 So let's try to get one more in here.
15:24 Why not? Yeah.
15:25 This is a great, in the sweet by and by.
15:28 I like this promise, this is good.
15:38 There's a land That is fairer than day
15:43 And by faith We can see it afar
15:48 For the Father Waits over the way
15:53 To prepare us A dwelling place there
15:57 In the sweet by and by
16:03 We shall meet On that beautiful shore
16:08 In the sweet by and by
16:13 We shall meet On that beautiful shore
16:18 And we shall sing On that beautiful shore
16:23 The melodious songs Of the blest
16:28 And our spirits Shall sorrow no more
16:33 Not a sigh For the blessing of rest
16:38 In the sweet by and by
16:43 We shall meet On that beautiful shore
16:48 In the sweet by and by
16:53 We shall meet On that beautiful shore
16:57 Do you know this one?
16:58 Will the circle be unbroken
17:03 By and by, Lord,
17:05 by and by
17:08 There's a better home a-waiting In the sky,
17:14 Lord, in the sky
17:22 Thanks for singing along.
17:23 Come back next time.
17:33 It's good.


Revised 2020-10-17