Participants: Eric Garloff
Series Code: WWJ
Program Code: WWJ000013
00:01 Welcome, and thank you for tuning into this exciting
00:03 edition of Walking With Jesus. 00:22 Hello, I'm Eric Garloff, your host for Walking With Jesus. 00:24 I pray this series has been as much a blessing for you 00:28 as it has been for us to produce. 00:30 I say that because we're now on episode number thirteen 00:33 which is the last in this series. 00:36 Now that may sadden some of you, but our topic for this 00:39 episode is titled, Be Happy and Rejoice In Jesus. 00:43 So let's get started and learn how to be happy in Jesus. 00:47 God has designed our bodies to collect large amounts of data 00:50 through the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, 00:54 and smell. 00:55 And whether you like it or not, every time you see someone 00:58 your brain is storing up data, or information 01:01 about that person. 01:02 Based on this information a person tends to make certain 01:05 assumptions about people. 01:07 You could call it stereotyping. 01:09 Now this could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. 01:12 Let me give you an example. 01:14 Your car breaks down in a section of town which is known 01:18 for its violent crime. 01:19 Worse yet, it's midnight and there's very little light 01:23 in the street. 01:24 You notice a group of people coming down the street 01:26 towards you, and they're carrying clubs and chains. 01:30 They have not seen you yet in your car, so you kind of hunch 01:33 down a little bit, and you try to conceal yourself. 01:36 Your hands are getting cold, clammy and sweaty, 01:39 and your heart is pumping like it's going to jump 01:41 out of your chest. 01:42 Now let me ask you a question. 01:44 Are you about to get out of your car and ask them to help you? 01:48 Of course not, because your brain is telling you 01:51 this is not a safe environment to be in. 01:54 Now before they reach your car you see two policemen, 01:58 in your rear view mirror, coming down the street behind you. 02:02 The group of people with the clubs and chains duck into 02:05 an alley and disappear. 02:07 You now jump out of your car and ask the policemen to help 02:11 you to safety. 02:12 What just happened? 02:14 Your brain gathered information about the people you saw, 02:17 and you based your actions and reactions upon that information. 02:20 Some people may call this common sense, others may call it 02:24 survival instinct, or good judgment, or even being 02:28 street smart. 02:29 But no matter what you call it, it's a result of the information 02:33 that your brain gathered while you were watching those people. 02:39 Knowing that this happens, and understanding the fact 02:42 that it happens, can be one of the best tools a Christian 02:45 can use to share Jesus with others. 02:47 It's like a story that I once heard where a little girl 02:51 was told by her mother that Jesus lives within us. 02:54 Then one day while she was in church listening to the pastor 02:58 the pastor said something that got the little girl thinking. 03:02 On their way home after the church service the girl's mother 03:06 said to her, Dear, I noticed that you have something 03:09 on your mind. 03:10 Would you like to share it with mother? 03:12 The little girl said, Mommy, you always tell me that Jesus 03:17 is inside of me. 03:18 Her mother replied, That's right dear. 03:20 Jesus is inside of you. 03:22 Then the little girl said, Well, today the pastor said that Jesus 03:27 is bigger than all of us. 03:28 The mother replied again, Yes, that's right sweetie. 03:32 Jesus is bigger than all of us. 03:33 Then the little girl said, Well, mother, if Jesus is inside of 03:38 us, and if Jesus is bigger than us, wouldn't He show through? 03:42 Now that's what we're talking about here today. 03:44 Let me ask you, Is Jesus showing through in your life? 03:48 When people watch you do they see Jesus showing through you? 03:52 What is your daily mind-set? 03:55 How do you act? 03:56 How do you dress? 03:58 Can someone observing you, in your daily life, see that there 04:02 is something different about you? 04:04 Can they see, in your character, in your selection of words, 04:08 in your actions, and reactions, the love of Jesus? 04:12 Can they tell that just as the disciples of old walked with 04:16 Jesus, that you, too, are walking with Jesus? 04:21 If the answers to these questions is yes, 04:24 then praise the Lord! 04:25 But if the answer is, No, then perhaps you should be spending 04:29 more time in prayer with God, and ask Him to give you 04:32 the fruit of the Holy Spirit, that there may be something 04:35 within you that others desire and are drawn to Jesus. 04:39 From the book, Steps to Christ, page 81 and 82, 04:42 we find this passage: 05:28 So you see, my friend, it is very important how we live our 05:31 lives in the sight of others. 05:33 They will read us like a book whenever they see us, 05:37 and our book should be telling them that Jesus is within us, 05:42 that we have been walking with Jesus, and that He is our 05:46 guide in life. 05:47 Dr. Floyd Foust, back in March of '89 said, Early in my 05:51 ministry I met a man named Worrell. 05:53 He had been stricken with Rheumatoid Arthritis 05:56 at the age of 15, and when I met him 30 years later, 05:59 at the age of 45, Worrell was totally paralyzed, 06:03 except for one finger, and at that time he could barely speak, 06:07 and was totally blind. 06:08 But he had a string tied to that one mobile finger; 06:11 a string that could turn on and off a tape recorder. 06:14 Although he struggled to speak, he spoke into the recorder, 06:19 and in doing so he wrote for national magazines. 06:23 He authored books and led a happy and influential life 06:26 from his bed. 06:27 This was possible because after initial prayers brought 06:31 no healing, he accepted his lot in life, 06:34 and graciously said, Well, Lord, If this is the size plot in life 06:38 you've staked out for me, let's You and me together, 06:41 show the world what we can grow on it. 06:45 Down the path of humble acceptance, Worrell achieved 06:48 a happier and more useful life within the limitations 06:51 of very restricted circumstances than most people will ever 06:55 manage with excellent physical health. 06:57 II Corinthians 12:9 says: 07:11 How is it with you, my friend? 07:13 How do you handle yourself in the midst of your trials, 07:17 your sickness, or even tragedy? 07:20 If we're walking with Jesus, you can be sure that He has the 07:25 strength and power to give us the attitude of Worrell. 07:29 Once again, his attitude was such that he said, Well, Lord, 07:33 if this is the size of plot in life You've staked out for me, 07:36 let's You and me, together, show the world what we can 07:39 grow on it. 07:40 If each of our lives displayed this kind of attitude, 07:44 then I believe Christianity would become contagious, 07:47 and people would be coming into the church in much larger 07:51 numbers than what we see them coming in today. 07:53 The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 1:12-14: 08:19 Yes, whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not, 08:23 people are watching you to see how you handle your trials. 08:27 And the way you respond to your trials on a daily basis 08:30 can be one of the most powerful witnessing tools you have 08:34 to draw the hearts and minds of those around you into a 08:37 loving relationship with Jesus. 08:41 There are many Bible verses which bring us comfort 08:44 and understanding, and I'd like to share two of those 08:47 with you just now. 08:48 The first is found in the book of Romans 8:28, which says: 09:01 The second text is found in Jeremiah 29:11, which says: 09:13 You see, God really does have a plan for your life. 09:16 His plan is to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and use you 09:19 as a joy filled Christian, to reflect His image 09:22 and character to those around you; to those who are secretly 09:26 watching you. 09:27 God does have a plan, and it's a plan to prosper you. 09:32 It's a plan of hope. 09:34 It's a plan that will give you a future, and lead you into 09:38 His kingdom, Amen? 09:39 There is so much more that I'd like to share with you 09:42 from the book Steps to Christ, and since this is our last 09:45 program, I'd like to try to pack in as much of it 09:47 as I possibly can. 09:48 So here is a passage from page 85 and 86 of Steps to Christ: 10:25 There are many who have an erroneous idea of the life 10:29 and character of Christ. 10:30 They think that He was devoid of warmth and sunnyness. 10:33 That He was stern, severe, and joyless. 10:36 In many cases the whole religious experience is colored 10:39 by the gloomy views. 11:19 but never gloomy or morose. 11:38 It does not quench the light of joy. 11:41 It does not restrain cheerfulness nor cloud 11:44 the sunny, smiling face. 11:45 Christ came not to be ministered unto but to minister. 11:49 And when His love reigns in the heart, we shall follow 11:53 His example. 12:41 Jesus said in John 15:11, These things have I spoken unto you 12:45 that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. 12:49 Isn't it wonderful to serve a loving God who wants our lives 12:53 to be filled with love, joy, and peace? 12:55 In closing, I'd like to quote you the closing paragraph found 13:00 in Steps to Christ. 13:01 It's on page 90. 13:02 In view of the glorious inheritance that may be his, 13:06 what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 13:10 He may be poor yet he posses in himself a wealth and dignity 13:15 that the world could never bestow. 13:18 The soul redeemed and cleansed from sin, with all its noble 13:21 powers dedicated to the service of God is of surpassing worth, 13:26 and there is joy in heaven in the presence of God, 13:29 and the Holy Angels, over one soul redeemed; a joy that 13:33 is expressed in songs of Holy triumph. 13:37 Friend, I pray that you have enjoyed this series, 13:40 and I pray that in all you do you'll find yourself 13:43 walking with Jesus in joy and happiness. 13:47 May God bless you and your loved ones. 13:53 This was the closing episode in our series. 13:56 We pray it's been a blessing to you. 13:59 May God be with you and your loved ones, and may you always 14:03 be found walking with Jesus, and growing in His love 14:07 and grace. |
Revised 2014-12-17