Women's Ordination: History, Issues & Implications

Male and Female Created He Them

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Julie Mesa, RN


Series Code: WOHII

Program Code: WOHII000016A

00:14 Alright. Happy Sabbath. It's a blessing to be here
00:20 Before I begin I want to say that I have some dear friends
00:26 and family that are on the other side of this issue.
00:32 And I want you to know that
00:35 while I take a different position my love and my respect
00:39 for you still remains the same. And it's painful for me that
00:45 that we're even having to deal with this issue
00:48 in our church at this time. I grew up in a wonderful home.
00:53 My parents and surrounding family instilled in me
00:58 and in my brothers and sister my brother and sister
01:02 the idea that we could set our minds to do anything we wanted
01:06 to do. They believed in us and coming from a long line of
01:11 very strong women, and you can ask any of the women in my family
01:14 we are all very strong, opinionated and stubborn
01:19 I felt that the role of a woman was just as high and exalted
01:24 as that of a man. And I never felt deprived because there were
01:29 some positions that were not open to women; in fact I usually
01:32 didn't want those positions anyway. So when the issue of
01:36 women's ordination came up I wondered why women would want
01:42 to put themselves in that position. A minister's job
01:44 is a blessing. It's a high calling. I know because
01:48 for a while my husband was a minister and I was a minister's
01:52 wife. But it is stressful. I thought, I mean it's a hard job
01:58 to be a minister and when I thought about if I would want
02:02 to be a minister you know when this question was coming up
02:04 I thought do I want to be a mother and wife, and a minister?
02:09 No way! That would be too much. So for me I just said
02:13 I don't need to study this issue out, because for me
02:15 it's not really an issue. Then friends and family of mine
02:20 started taking sides on this issue, urging me to study it
02:25 out. I didn't want to. I just wished the whole thing
02:29 would go away, that I didn't have to focus on it.
02:31 Occasionally I would sit down and I would take some time
02:35 to study a little bit of it out and I would put it down again
02:38 it didn't interest me. But what caused me to pick it up again
02:42 was when I saw what was happening in our church
02:45 I saw that some of our Unions and Conferences were choosing to
02:50 ordain women despite being asked by our General Conference
02:56 to hold off on some of these steps. And when I saw that
02:59 I thought, what is it that would make our Conferences and some
03:05 of our Unions do what appeared very rebellious to me and
03:10 create disunity. What would cause that and so I said,
03:14 you know I really need to take the time and study this out.
03:18 And when I came to the conclusion of my study, I saw
03:25 a beautiful picture for the ministry of men and women
03:28 that I hope to share with you today. So before I get into
03:33 the main part of my talk, let's go ahead and have a prayer.
03:36 Lord I just pray that You would be up here with me, that You
03:43 would speak through me, that it wouldn't be my words that are
03:46 heard but Yours. I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit
03:52 would be felt in this place, hearts would be convicted to
03:56 follow You, in Jesus' name. Amen.
04:00 Sally Shaywitz in her book, Overcoming Dyslexia
04:04 talks about three regions of the brain that are very critical
04:08 to reading. One is called Broca's region and it's located
04:12 in the front of the brain, and there are two other regions
04:15 called the parietal temporal area and occipital temporal area
04:19 or region. Now what's interesting about dyslexia
04:23 is that people that are dyslexic generally only have broca's
04:28 region in their brain functioning during active
04:31 reading. So one study said, you know we're gonna take a group
04:36 of people that are dyslexic, that have only one region of
04:41 their brain working, and we're going to put them through
04:43 a period of tutoring and at the end of that time we want to
04:47 see what kind of an effect it has had on their brain.
04:50 And so they put them through several months of tutoring
04:52 and at the end of that time these people were reading
04:57 wonderfully, fluently. They'd been struggling before but now
05:00 they were reading wonderfully and they said I wonder what kind
05:03 of changes we're going to see in the brain when we look at it.
05:05 And so they looked at their brain and they found that
05:09 instead of just that one region working all three of the regions
05:14 were working at the end of that tutoring session.
05:17 And their conclusion was that in order for a person to be
05:23 a fluent reader they needed all three of the regions to be
05:28 involved. Now do you think any of those individuals
05:32 who were struggling to read before would wish to go back
05:36 and say, you know my broca region of the brain is pretty
05:40 amazing and it can do its own job and the job of those other
05:44 regions. We are discriminating against this region
05:49 by stating the other regions do a better job at their job
05:53 Now that's silly, right? We would quickly reply that Broca
05:57 has demonstrated that it can cover for the other areas
06:01 plus its own but the result will not be what God designed
06:06 it to be as when all regions work together.
06:10 God, my friends, has designed specific roles for men and women
06:23 It doesn't say male and male or female and female.
06:26 God created men and women of equal importance just like the
06:32 regions of the brain. And He designed us to work together
06:37 just like the regions of the brain toward a common goal
06:41 To accomplish this purpose He gave us different roles.
06:46 If one of us tries to do our job plus the job of the other one
06:51 we're going to leave a job undone. He created us male
06:56 and female, a team that is equal but with different
07:01 and important functions. Today the idea that men and women
07:06 are actually different comes as a surprise to some.
07:10 Did you know that? I just read a story of a woman, she's a
07:13 psychologist, Susan Pinker I'll quote some of her thoughts
07:17 later on. She says it came as a surprise to me that my husband
07:23 and I were not just alike, that they did not react the same to
07:27 to the birth of their first child. She said, I thought
07:30 everything he could do and like I was like as well as a result
07:35 of the whole feminist movement if you haven't heard Laurel
07:38 Damsteegt talk on the connection between feminism
07:41 and this whole issue. I hope you can go back and listen
07:44 to that. But ultimately my church family we have an enemy
07:50 the devil who would like to obliterate the image of God
07:55 within us. The blurring of distinction between the sexes
08:00 is one of his methods. When Ellen White saw this happening
08:04 a hundred years ago, in dress, when it was happening it was
08:08 something called The American Costume, they were trying to
08:11 blur the distinction of the sexes at that time and she
08:15 warned us about this. She said
08:41 Are we not seeing that great confusion now
08:46 between or regards to the role of men and women? Yet some
08:51 in our culture would like us to believe that males and females
08:54 are different not because God created them different
08:57 but because they're socialized to be that way, did you know
09:00 the new idea out now that we're only different because girls
09:06 were given little dolls to play with when they were little
09:08 and boys were given little cars to play with when they
09:11 were little and so of course girls are going to like dolls
09:15 when they get older and of course boys are gonna like cars
09:17 when they get older. They say it's just because that's how
09:20 parents trained them to be or that's how society trained them
09:23 to be. But just so that we can be clear this idea of
09:29 socialization is not the reason our Bibles give and it is
09:34 an idea questioned even today by biologists and psychologists
09:39 And I just want to take a little bit of time before we
09:43 get into other parts to just enumerate on some of these
09:46 differences. There's a book that's just been written
09:48 by a developmental biologist. His name is Lewis Wolpert
09:53 and the title of his book is Why Can't Men or Women
09:56 Be More Like Men? And he gives a whole list of biological
10:01 differences between men and women. 1. 40 hours after birth
10:06 girls will look around and choose to look at faces
10:11 of people more than boys will and boys on the other hand
10:15 instead of looking at faces, you know what they like to look at?
10:18 Mechanical objects. Fans and other gadgets. They don't
10:23 Their interest is in that. After 40 hours after birth
10:27 At four months of age, twice as many girls will cry when
10:31 frightened in a strange room as will boys. At 12, 18 or 24
10:37 months of age girls will look at dolls much more than boys.
10:41 While boys will look at cars much more than girls.
10:45 Do you know what Lewis says about this? He says,
10:58 Another difference. The hypothalamus which is part of
11:02 the brain is much larger in men than it is in women.
11:06 Women show their emotions more than men. Men tend to be
11:11 more aggressive than women. And interestingly even the words
11:18 we choose can reveal our gender. Did you know ladies that men
11:22 if we were to take a paper and write on it and send it off to
11:25 someone who never knew if we were male or female, if they
11:30 just took a look at our writing they could tell generally what
11:35 gender you are simply because women use more words related
11:39 to psychological and social topics while men use more words
11:44 that refer to properties of objects and impersonal topics.
11:48 Susan Pinker, psychologist who I mentioned before, says in her
11:54 book the Sexual Paradox, men women and the real gender gap
12:13 In fact, 80% of women will make adjustments to their
12:18 career to support these priorities. Men on the other
12:22 hand tend to have one passion and pursue it doggedly.
12:26 And interestingly she also states that women tend to have
12:32 about 10-12 career changes on average whereas men only have
12:38 about two. Again that's pointing to the fact that women
12:41 will change if it affects their social or familial relationships
12:46 whereas man, that's what he was called to do and he's just going
12:50 to pursue that. The List could go on and on and when applied
12:55 to the majority of men and women, in fact we see these
12:59 examples. You know sometimes, I find this funny, ladies do we
13:05 ever, you know when we can't get a jar open do we ever
13:09 call our daughters and say honey could you open this jar for me?
13:12 No. Who do we call, we call our husbands or we call our sons
13:16 or we call our fathers because in general men were created
13:20 stronger than women. But which parent do children typically
13:23 go to when they scrape their knee and they want comfort
13:27 and encouragement? They go to Momma. Because the mother tends
13:31 to have more empathy. My dear church family, we were created
13:37 different and God did this because we have special roles
13:42 to fill. We're going to spend some time on these special roles
13:46 but before I do I just want to mention that there are roles
13:52 like you've heard throughout the series, there are roles that
13:56 men and women are called to fill. And I'll just briefly go
14:00 over those again. There are teacher, missionary, prophet
14:05 cook, city builders. Did you know ladies that women were
14:08 called to be city builders? You can find it in 1 Chronicles
14:12 7:24. Business owners, agricultural workers, etc.
14:16 All these jobs were shared with men and women in the Bible.
14:21 But there are certain roles God has created which are
14:25 specifically unique to a man and to a woman. And these are
14:30 the ones that we're going to focus on. So let's start with
14:33 men. If you are married men God has called you to be husband
14:38 and not only a husband, but He has called you to be the
14:42 spiritual leader or head in your home. So what is the husband's role?
15:10 You know men, you are called to die for your families.
15:17 Just as Christ died for us. If necessary. That's your role
15:21 It's a beautiful, high, self sacrificing role that of a
15:26 husband. And I know God put that desire in men to be
15:31 protective. I see it in my husband, I see it in my son.
15:35 You know it's not my daughter who says, Mommy watch out!
15:38 Be careful. It's usually my son, Mommy watch out!
15:41 Watch out for that or be careful of that. He's very protective
15:45 and I love to see that. I saw this tendency growin up
15:49 in my father and in my brother. I remember a time when I was
15:54 a little girl that when my brother, sister and I were
15:58 coming home from school and I think it was probably getting
16:01 close to dark and our school was on one road and you just go one
16:07 road over and that's where our house was. But to get from that
16:11 road to this road you had to go down the scary gravel path.
16:15 It wasn't scary during the day but it got scary as it got dark
16:19 And so the three of us were headed home and I believe
16:22 it was getting dark and as we neared the beginning of the
16:26 little gravel pathway we heard a noise in the bush. And to me
16:30 it sounded like there was some one in that bush and I just
16:33 stopped. I was very scared, I looked at my sister and she was
16:36 scared and I looked at my brother and I thought he looked
16:40 scared but he never said if he was and he looked back at us
16:43 and he said, 'you girls, you run on home', and he couldn't have
16:46 been older than 10. He says 'you run on home and I'll fight them'
16:50 And so we ran and I had no idea who he fought, what happened
16:56 I just know that after that my brother was my hero. He was
17:01 strong and he would protect me that's what God calls men to do.
17:53 God calls you husbands, did you hear that, to protect, to lead
17:58 with wisdom, with kindness and gentleness.
18:02 Let me emphasize again, before we move to the next role that
18:08 God has also called you to the spiritual leadership in the home
18:13 To lead as Jesus leads the church. I just want to add here
18:18 that I have appreciated so much the spiritual leadership that my
18:25 husband gives in our family. Women want a husband that will
18:30 come home and sit and say alright family, let's gather
18:34 together for worship. Let's talk to God or we need to take this
18:39 to God in prayer. I appreciate that as a woman. Men, we want
18:44 husbands that are like that. This is a call for you. It says
19:07 Now if God has called you to be a father He has also called you
19:12 to a unique and high role. The Bible instructs fathers too,
19:26 The word nurture, this is an interesting word because some
19:30 times we think of this word as being a feminine type of word
19:35 but the word nurture according to Strong's is
19:46 Fathers it is your job to make sure your children receive a
19:51 complete education in the things of the Lord and since this is
19:55 your job it again makes you the spiritual leader of the home.
20:56 A father, new studies are also showing, has perhaps a greater
21:02 impact on the ability of his child to form trusting
21:06 relationships than a mother has as well. So listen to this.
21:10 This is from a recent study, taken from Science Daily,
21:16 June 12, 2012. That's where it's reported but it was a scientific
21:20 study where they took more than 500, actually it's a result of
21:25 more than 500 studies. And this is what it says:
22:06 Fathers you have a huge impact on your children and I know
22:10 from personal experience what it is like to have a good father.
22:15 My father was the kind of man that did help me form those
22:20 trusting relationships. I can remember being a little girl
22:23 and always thinking I could do whatever I wanted to because
22:28 my father and my mother were that example and said I could
22:32 And I always say my father spending time with God everyday
22:38 He would always take time and that impressed me, my church
22:43 family to spend time with God on my own as well. And whenever
22:49 I imagined God I always thought of Him as the God who loved me
22:54 even when I disagreed with Him because my dad did.
22:58 Whenever I imagined God, I thought He must be kind because
23:03 my father was. My father will always have my respect and love
23:09 for living out a beautiful picture of God. Don't you men
23:15 that are fathers want that for your children? What a beautiful
23:20 legacy to leave to them. I quote again from the Adventist Home
23:45 God has also called men to be providers of their families.
24:00 So you could be a Christian and if you don't provide for your
24:04 own family, it's almost as if you were not one. As a child
24:09 I used to think we were very poor. Because whenever we went
24:14 to the grocery store and we would pass that beautiful aisle
24:17 of donuts in the glass case and I would ask my mother for one
24:21 she'd say, Oh no we can't afford 'em. And so I thought
24:24 Wow, we must really be poor, we can't even afford a donut!
24:29 But even though, probably she did it for my health, we could
24:33 not necessarily afford extra because my mother chose to
24:36 stay home with us, we lived on one income back then. But even
24:40 though I thought we were poor we couldn't afford donuts
24:43 I never was concerned about the real necessities of life.
24:47 Because I knew my dad provided those for us with God's blessing
24:51 It was a very secure feeling, as a child to know I didn't have
24:56 to worry where I would sleep, what I would eat, what I would
25:00 wear, I never had to worry about those things. And men this is
25:04 a need that God is calling you to fulfill for your families
25:09 it's your job to be a provider for them. God has not only
25:12 called men to be leaders in their families however, but He
25:16 has called you to be leaders in your church. There are certain
25:21 spiritual roles in the Bible which are specific to men.
25:25 Now I'm just a lay person who's finally taken the time to
25:30 study these issues out, but I do have what my family describes
25:35 as a very strong personality and I believe in the fair and equal
25:39 treatment of women. But in my study I have not seen any
25:45 strong scriptural evidence to support women holding the
25:48 following positions. The first is deacon.
25:59 It does not read Let the deacons be the wife of one wife.
26:04 That would be confusion my brothers and sisters
26:07 This is the role of a man. It's plain to me who am not a Bible
26:12 scholar that this is what it's saying. Now I know Phoebe
26:15 has been brought up as an example of a female deacon, but
26:18 and so when I heard that I thought Oh I've gotta study that
26:22 maybe she was. And then I found this quote in the North Pacific
26:25 Union Gleaner, December 4,1907.
26:53 Now if she were really a deacon, why doesn't Mrs. White call
26:58 her one there? She could have. It seems to me that that's what
27:03 should've been done if that were the situation. And then
27:06 further on down in that same quote:
27:52 And I do believe she actually held a special role, but I will
27:57 talk about that a little bit later.
28:00 The priesthood was also very specific to men. Never once
28:05 in the Old or New Testament do you ever hear a referral to a
28:12 female priest. At least not one that was not an apostate
28:17 Israelite. Apparently in Judah there was a time when they
28:23 apostatized and there were women serving in that role.
28:27 And you also see it in pagan religions, priestesses
28:30 but you don't see it in the priesthood that God ordained
28:35 you don't see that once. Now, men and women and children
28:39 were called a kingdom of Priests in Exodus 19:6 but they still
28:45 had a male priesthood at the same time. So there was a
28:48 difference there between those two. Then there's the role of
28:52 elders or bishops, a role we often equate with our ordained
28:57 ministers and elders. And this is also very specific for men.
29:17 Again, this is a male role and anyone can see this. Like I said
29:22 I'm a lay person and this is very clear right here that this
29:24 is a male role. Listen to these quotes.
29:29 From the pen of Sister White. This is found in 5th Testimonies
29:33 page 60 and this really stuck out to me.
29:56 Do you see the differentiation right there? It was young men
30:00 an opportunity to study for the ministry and young persons
30:05 of both sexes to become workers in the various branches of the
30:10 cause. Another quote also from the 5th volume of Testimonies
30:37 Page 598 of the 5th volume of The Testimonies.
30:44 In closing, men - God has specific roles for you
30:49 He has called you to be husbands if you are married
30:52 fathers, if you have children but he has called all of you men
30:57 well He hasn't called all of you but those of you that He calls
31:01 are meant for these specific roles that are just for men
31:05 that of deacon, elder and bishop. Those are roles just
31:09 for you. That is the high calling. We need men to fill
31:13 those roles. If we don't have men who is going to fill them?
31:16 Ladies, this is the part that is exciting to me because there is
31:23 the special role for us to fill. But before we get to that one
31:27 we're gonna talk about some others as well. These roles
31:31 are specific. Just like the roles He gave to the different
31:35 parts of our brain. And they're of equal importance to that
31:39 which men are called to. They are just different.
31:42 That's it, they're just different. If you are married
31:45 one of the roles God has called you to is that of a wife.
31:49 We are designed to be our spouses' companion.
31:54 That Adventist Home, page 25 states:
32:22 Isn't that beautiful. We were created to be our husbands'
32:26 equal but also with distinctive roles. And notice this how
32:30 Mrs. White puts that we are equal and yet we are distinct
32:35 as well. Women should fill, this is a quote from Adventist Home
33:03 Do you see that? We are equal but yet we have distinctive
33:07 duties. We were also created to complement our spouses
33:12 not to lose our individuality or to let our powers lie dormant
33:18 Listen ladies, God doesn't call you just to be a doormat.
33:23 He wants you to have an education, to use all the
33:28 talents and skills that God has given you to the best of your
33:32 ability because He needs you and He has created and called you
33:36 to a high role in this day. Listen to this quote.
34:07 See, we're equal but we each have our job to do. And ladies
34:14 this is a tough one for me and I imagine that it's a tough one
34:18 for some of you but we are required to submit our judgment
34:22 to our husbands. And my husband will tell you that it's hard
34:24 for me to do sometimes. Some times he'll say, 'Husbands
34:29 submit yourselves unto your wives', when I'm getting up
34:32 on my high horse. We are required to submit but let me
34:37 continue, if it's not contrary to the will of God. I just have
34:42 to include here and this is very very important. Abuse in any
34:47 form or a husband who seeks to turn his wife against God
34:53 that is contrary to God's will. And we should not submit to that
35:06 If it is not fit in the Lord, we should not submit. But if it is
35:11 ladies, it is our duty to graciously acquiesce.
35:15 In a letter to Mrs. Loughborough June 6, 1861, Mrs. White wrote
35:45 Ladies, if God has called you as well to be a mother, He has
35:51 called you to one of the most sacred, important positions
35:57 a mortal could hold. Counsels for the Church, pg. 143 says
36:28 That is a high calling. And don't think because some of you
36:33 choose to stay home with your children that your role is less
36:36 important than if you were in the work force. I used to be
36:40 tempted to think that because I'm not out working I chose to
36:45 stay home with my children and because I'm not out working
36:48 sometimes I was tempted to feel that my role was not as
36:52 important. But then I would remember the sacrifice that
36:57 my mother made for my brother my sister and I when we were
37:00 little. She has a college degree and she could've chosen to
37:05 go out and get a job and help support our family but she chose
37:10 to stay home and take care of us children. And I can tell you
37:14 with great assurance that that is one of the reasons that my
37:18 brother, my sister and myself are still Christians today
37:22 and love the Lord. That is a high calling mother. You will
37:27 have stars in your crown if you do your work faithfully.
37:33 Again from Counsels to the church, page 143
37:52 Now ladies, this is exciting! God has also called us to
37:56 fulfill other spiritual roles in the church. I know in the
38:02 last session that we briefly went over the medical profession
38:05 but I just want to again add that God has a specific role
38:10 for men and a specific role for women in the medical
38:13 profession. He needs male nurses and female nurses. He needs
38:18 male physicians and female physicians. It used to be back
38:24 in the early 1900s that we thought of physicians role as
38:28 being more of a male role and the nurse role as being more of
38:31 a female role. But God needs both of us and just like our
38:35 brother said earlier, the reason for this was and I'm reading
38:40 from Counsels Upon Health page 364
38:55 I used to think this was silly as a nurse. As nurses we grow
39:00 callous to a lot of things like that, it just didn't bother me
39:05 But it hit me when I was visiting a patient and they
39:12 said I just feel so uncomfortable having to expose
39:18 myself in such a way and I thought, Really? You know it
39:21 didn't bother me as a nurse but it did bother them
39:24 and it's because God created us private and to keep our modesty
39:30 men and women and he needs men and women to fulfill these roles
39:35 in medicine so that men can treat men and women can treat
39:39 women if possible. I know some times there's situations where
39:42 that's not possible. But I didn't think this idea was so
39:46 silly when I needed to find an OBGYN because at that point
39:49 I wanted a woman as well. And you know when I worked in
39:51 maternity in OB nursing when I first graduated there were no
39:57 male nurses on my floor. You know why? Women don't want men
40:01 nurses helping them have babies. And I know we have male
40:05 physicians sometimes but if a woman had a choice, she
40:09 often would choose the female physician or the female midwife
40:12 over the male as well. Ladies you are needed to fill these
40:17 important positions. God also calls women to fulfill a specific
40:23 spiritual role in church that cannot be filled by anyone else
40:35 And I'm going to shorten that to Gospel Labor. Mrs. White expands
40:40 on this in Review and Herald, July 21, 1896
41:08 There is a call for women to do this kind of work, laboring with
41:13 the minister in the Gospel. This Gospel work designed for
41:19 women is a role that Ellen White says that a minister's wife
41:24 should fill when possible. But Jesus and Paul as far as we know
41:29 Paul didn't have a wife and Jesus didn't have a wife
41:32 so they needed these women to fulfill that part in the
41:37 ministry which they were called to fill. Manuscript 5, page 327
42:41 Ellen White goes on to say that our cause will suffer great loss
42:49 without this kind of work. And she says,
43:28 That is our appointed work. Manuscript 5 pg. 325
43:33 This work is a work for women by women. The cause would suffer
43:39 great loss without it. Women are just as greatly needed
43:44 to do the work which God has appointed them as are the men.
43:49 Just as greatly needed. And this role was considered important
43:53 enough in Ellen White's day that it was to be a paid position.
45:07 This role was considered so necessary that if a wife and
45:13 mother felt a call upon her life to do this work and she was able
45:19 to leave the high work of being a mother in the hands of someone
45:24 else then she was called to do so and go ahead and do the work
45:29 that God had called her to do. And I quote:
46:32 Manuscript 5, pg 324. Notice again, it's different but it's
46:39 just as important as that of a man.
46:45 My church family we are facing some options. You all have
46:50 heard about three different options. We have the first
46:53 option, the second option and the third option.
46:58 And this reminds me of a situation that took place
47:03 about 500 years ago, ok? Do you remember a man named
47:09 Martin Luther? And how he was called to give a message
47:15 that was not agreeable to many during his time? And when he was
47:20 called to stand up for his faith he did bravely. And later he
47:29 was not allowed to go in and so in his place 12 princes went
47:33 and if you read the book called Great Controversy you can read
47:36 their story in the chapter called Protest of the Princes.
47:40 And in that chapter we are told that the 12 princes went
47:45 and they presented their case and the opposition recognized
47:51 that their position was so strong and was creating such a
47:55 division that they said, well instead of taking the first
48:01 option, or the second option, one was to entirely stifle the
48:06 Reformation, the other was to let the Reformation continue
48:09 they said, let's make a compromise. Do you know that
48:12 they did that? They said, and I'll quote. This is from the
48:16 Great Controversy, page 199
49:15 You know this situation that we are up against, we have our
49:21 first option, our second option or we can choose our third one
49:25 which is a compromise. But is that really the right one?
49:31 It sounds to me very much like this situation which took place
49:34 back in Martin Luther's time. Would we lose ground by giving
49:39 in and compromise things? Again that was found in The Great
49:44 Controversy page 199. My church family I want to urge you
49:50 instead of ordaining women to the role of elder and bishop
49:56 create the position in the church which God has called
50:02 women to and without which the cause will suffer great loss.
50:09 Ministers need the co-laborer with them in the Gospel and
50:14 if that can be their wife that's who it should be.
50:17 But if that's not possible, then some other mother in Israel
50:23 needs to step up and take that position. Otherwise the cause
50:28 will suffer great loss. My dear sisters the devil has tried to
50:35 deceive us into thinking that we are missing out if we can't do
50:40 everything a man can do. And now we're paying the consequence
50:46 Suzanne Pinker in her book "The Sexual Paradox-Men, Women and
50:51 the Real Gender Gap" states
51:38 We women have tried to be like Broca's Region in the brain
51:44 and fulfill our own role and that of men as well. And it is
51:51 wearing us out. I don't have this quote here but you can
51:55 look up in the Forbes 2011 Issue and I will try to get
52:02 the date, I can put it up on the website later. It says that
52:06 women who are trying to fulfill the role of a man and woman
52:11 it says, their children are suffering loss because of it
52:16 even women who come from very well to do families, it says,
52:20 they're so worried about the direction their children are
52:24 headed in and the rates of depression are so much higher
52:27 among women as a result of trying to do everything.
52:31 It's wearing us out my sisters but even more serious than this
52:36 is the damage that gender blurring has done to the
52:39 Word of God. Secular website EHow.com, I'm sure some of you
52:44 have happened upon this when you're looking How do I do this
52:48 or How do I do that? You can go to EHow.com and they have
52:50 answers for everything. When I was looking up Biblical Bible
52:56 Role I thought EHow.com had something to say about it
52:59 I thought that would be interesting it's just a secular
53:01 website I wonder what they say about Biblical roles of men
53:04 and women. Well do you know what they say? They infer, I'll quote
53:09 Christians who don't follow the Biblical headship model
53:13 no longer believe the Bible to be the unerring Word of God!
53:19 You can find this when you search Bible Roles for men and
53:22 women on EHow.com and this is what it says.
54:28 Do you see what they're saying? They believe, we don't believe
54:33 the Bible to be the unerring Word of God. Is that how we want
54:38 the Christian world to view us? Is that the kind of picture
54:43 we want to leave with the world?
54:47 God has a higher calling for men and women
55:03 So what was that ministry? She goes on to say
55:21 That's true ministry. The ministry which we're all
55:24 called to. To reflect the image of Christ through us.
55:29 Not doing our will but the will of God who created us.
55:34 And just like the regions, the different regions in our brain
55:39 that help us to read, God has created men and women with equal
55:44 importance but different roles to fulfill. Men you have been
55:50 called to be Christ like husbands. You've been called
55:55 to be godly fathers, spiritual leaders in our church. Don't let
56:00 culture dictate the role you are to follow. Especially when
56:06 God has so clearly laid it out. Women you are called to fulfill
56:11 a role that is so exalted that even an angel would be honored
56:17 to have that assignment. Don't let our culture make you think
56:23 that this role is a low or demeaning one. Not when God
56:28 has shed so much power, light and honor upon it. Ladies, He's
56:34 also called you to fill a role in the church that men cannot
56:40 fill. If you leave that role to just be vacant, you leave that
56:47 role to go and fulfill a man's role then you're creating a
56:53 great loss for the ministry. You will leave a void that will
56:57 ultimately hurt the cause of God.
57:10 Let's go ahead and pray. Lord I pray that You would help us
57:18 to step up to the roles that You have called us to. Help us
57:23 to be men and women created in Your image, fulfilling the work
57:29 that You have called us to fulfill. In Jesus' name.


Revised 2016-01-12