Women's Ordination: History, Issues & Implications

Ellen White's View of Women in Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Isaac Olatunji


Series Code: WOHII

Program Code: WOHII000015A

00:14 We want to welcome everybody to this powerful presentation
00:18 on Ellen White's view on women in ministry.
00:21 This is Dr. Isaac Olatunji a professor at Oakwood University
00:25 and also pastor of the Gulf States Conference of Seventh
00:28 Day Adventists. Shall we bow our heads for a word of prayer?
00:30 Eternal Father we come before you in prayer asking you for
00:34 the anointing of the Holy Spirit who is the great Teacher of
00:37 truth Lord. Illuminate Your Word Lord and this presentation
00:41 and as it goes worldwide, may souls be blessed, encouraged
00:45 and strengthened because we have a more sure word of prophecy.
00:49 We thank you for answering this prayer. In Jesus' name we pray.
00:53 The Bible says in the book of 2 Timothy, chapter 3
00:57 and verse 16, I hope you have your Bibles, as we turn to
01:00 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 as we deal with this issue of
01:04 Women's Ordination, it has become a subject of most, great
01:08 importance in God's Remnant Church and I want to assure you
01:12 brothers and sisters that the Bible has the answers to this
01:15 issue. Now the Bible says in the book of 2 Timothy chapter 3
01:19 chapter 3, verse 16, the Bible says
01:38 I don't mean to call it necessarily a doctrine per se
01:40 but dealing with the doctrine of ecclesiology as it relates
01:43 to women in ministry, let me make that correction
01:46 Now in this issue here of women in ministry, women's ordination
01:51 we wanna let you know that again that God has the answer.
01:54 Now this issue here stands or falls on the issue of how we
01:58 interpret not only the Bible but how we interpret the
02:01 writings of Ellen G. White, we call it in theology Hermeneutics
02:04 So let me give you a scripture on this from the book of
02:07 Psalms chapter 33 verse 11. Because some argue it from the
02:11 cultural context, it was for their culture at that time, or
02:16 all kinds of other, how should I say, philosophies based
02:20 on that. But as we said the Bible is profitable for all
02:23 things. The Bible says in the book of Psalms 33:11, I love
02:27 this Scripture. The Word of God is a wonderful, but it's the
02:30 most powerful book in the world The Bible says in Psalms 33:11
02:47 So brothers and sisters what God wrote in the 1st century on this
02:51 issue of women's ministry, women's ordination applies to every
02:55 other culture and all generations all the way down
02:58 to the end of time and with that let me hear you say Amen!
03:01 Oh, it's gonna be good today Let me show you some things here
03:05 that the Lord has put upon my heart. What we wanna do as we
03:11 deal with before we deal with what Ellen White has had to say
03:15 on this issue, we have to go to the greater light, the Bible.
03:19 Amen. We wanna affirm that this book commissions men and women
03:25 in ministry. Matthew 28:19, turn with me to Matthew 28:19 I know
03:29 that we know it by heart but we wanna go to the Bible. The Bible
03:32 talks about the commission God has given men and women.
03:36 Because the church is composed of men, women and children
03:40 and Jesus said in verse 19
04:00 This gospel commission is not only for men but for women
04:03 to teach and preach this ever lasting gospel so that Jesus
04:07 can come back. Jesus says the same thing in Mark 16:15
04:15 So this commission to get the gospel out is for all, men and
04:20 women to finish the work and both sexes are needed as we
04:24 meet the demands of time. John 14:12, the Bible says
04:28 one of my favorite scriptures as we talk about commissioning
04:32 His people to go and finish the work, the Bible says, John14:12
04:49 So Jesus commissions men and women by the power of the
04:52 Holy Spirit to finish His work and we're gonna talk about
04:55 this most powerful issue as we deal with what Ellen White has
04:59 has to say about women in ministry. Now, because the Bible
05:03 has the answer we have to go to the Bible. Am I right, somebody?
05:07 The Bible has the answer.
05:19 So on this issue, there's a right way to divide the issue
05:22 and there's a wrong way. Am I right, somebody? So it's very
05:26 important that we study this issue out and I like what our
05:29 President Ted Wilson said on this issue.
05:32 Recently, where President Ted Wilson said,
05:55 The Bible makes it very plain that the Spirit of God will
05:58 lead us into how much truth? All truth. So therefore, there's
06:01 a truth in here. So yes, this issue has been a controversial
06:06 issue. Some places it's divisive on all points but I want to read
06:11 to you a statement from the Spirit of Prophecy. This is from
06:13 the 1888 material, page 904. The Sermon of the Lord's Day
07:03 Can we say Amen to that? So what God says here, we shouldn't
07:07 be fearful of what anybody will think of us because we may take
07:09 a certain stand. We heard that right. Our Constitution and God
07:13 given right to do that. Now on this issue, Elder Dan Jackson
07:18 President of North American Division rightfully said
07:27 So as I present this message, I present it in Christian love
07:31 sincerity but with firmness and balance to see what God said
07:35 on this issue and let the people of God make the right decision
07:40 Now as we deal with this issue about Ellen White and women in
07:44 ministry we will be going to the writings of Ellen White which do
07:47 affirm women in ministry. But we wanna let you know that as
07:52 she said, her writings are a lesser light leading to the
07:55 greater light, the Bible. Lesser light does not mean less
07:58 inspired. It doesn't mean less authoritative, but the function
08:02 of her writings must be in harmony and is in harmony
08:06 with Biblical principles. So we gotta get out of this book first
08:09 and then as we read the Spirit of Prophecy we will see how she
08:13 correlates and how she harmonizes with what God has
08:16 already said. And I like what she says in Great Controversy
08:38 Why? Because the Bible is known as the Canon. And the word Canon
08:43 means the measuring stick. Which means that any other
08:46 revelation, teaching, outside of this Book or that claims to come
08:50 from the Bible must be in harmony with this Bible
08:54 or it cannot stand the test of Isaiah 8 where we know it says
08:58 to the Law and to the Testimony She says,
09:04 Now this issue of women in ministry falls under the
09:07 doctrine, in systematic theology of ecclesiology or the study
09:10 of the church. So what happens is this right here, the revealer
09:13 of doctrines and the test of experience is very important.
09:24 Very important principle. When ever we read anything from
09:27 Sister White we got to understand the Spirit that God
09:29 gave her. Even her own writings she said must be subject unto
09:33 the Bible. But we thank God that we have a more sure word
09:36 of prophecy and she herself says her writings never contradict
09:40 the Bible. She says, quote.
09:58 So if there's a teaching on this issue it must be in accordance
10:01 with this, am I right? If somebody has an experience
10:03 or somebody says they have a calling it must be in
10:06 correlation to what God has already revealed. And so
10:09 the Spirit of God does not and cannot contradict itself.
10:12 So what we wanna do, we wanna look at some Scriptures to show
10:16 how the Bible affirms women in ministry. Because brothers and
10:19 sisters we need both. Am I right somebody?
10:22 And before I read that I wanna just thank God for my precious
10:25 mother sleeping in Jesus awaiting the first resurrection
10:29 who the Lord used in ministry, the ministry of the home
10:33 to bring me to the cross. And I thank God and I affirm all
10:37 my sisters in ministry who were instrumental in my conversion
10:42 I thank God for my Bible workers I still call them Bible workers
10:45 in the Allegheny East Conference Sister Melanie, she knows who
10:48 she is, who did labor among me and my family to bring me
10:53 to the truth, Amen. And I still can never forget those Sabbath
10:58 School classes, those new believers classes
11:00 at First Church in Washington D.C. and I thank God for women
11:03 like that as well as for every other woman ministering. Now,
11:07 I notice this right here, the Bible affirms women in ministry
11:09 so throughout the Bible, looking at some notes here, women
11:12 are shown to be involved in ministry. Could we say Amen
11:15 to that? There are several examples, like Deborah who was
11:18 a judge in Israel. The Bible talks about it in the book of
11:21 Judges, chapter 4 and verse 4. In the book of Exodus chapter 15
11:26 we see Miriam who was a prophetess. And notice this
11:29 right here we have in 2 Chronicles chapter 34, let's
11:32 look at 2 Chronicles chapter 34 the Bible talks about another
11:35 woman and I like this right here because I specialize
11:38 in teaching on the writings of Ellen G. White and I know that
11:41 there's some outside of our fold who look with negativity
11:45 upon women prophesying but the Bible does support women
11:48 prophesying, what do you say out there? The Bible says, in the
11:52 book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 34. The Bible says in
11:55 2 Chronicles chapter 34 and verse 22, the Bible talks about
12:00 about a certain woman who was used in ministry at a very
12:04 serious time in the history of God's church. The Jews were
12:08 about to go into Babylonian captivity but yet God raised up
12:11 a woman, the Bible says in verse 22
12:42 So we see that not only can a man give a Thus saith the Lord
12:45 a woman, anointed by the Holy Spirit called by God can give a
12:49 Thus saith the Lord, as well too
13:07 And she gives more of her prophecy in the other verses
13:09 So we see right here that God speaks to a woman, am I right
13:12 somebody? God used a woman in prophetic ministry. So we see
13:16 Huldah who was a prophetess. Let's look at the book of Luke
13:20 chapter 2, verse 36. The New Testament affirms women in
13:23 ministry as well too. And Luke chapter 2, verse 36 and I'm
13:27 gonna read to you some statements from the Spirit
13:30 of Prophecy. It's not every statement but enough to make
13:33 the point and to confirm what the Bible has already said
13:36 on the subject. The Bible says in the book of Luke, chapter 2
13:40 verse 36, do you have it? Amen.
14:06 The Bible does not talk about her prophesying but the Bible
14:08 recognizes her as a prophetess meaning that she gave prophetic
14:12 word, prophetic counsel to the church. She definitely was
14:15 involved in ministry and with that I will say Amen.
14:18 I wanna give you another Scripture in the book of Acts
14:20 chapter 18, verse 26. Acts chapter 18, verse 26.
14:24 Let's go to Acts the 18th chapter and we're gonna look
14:28 at verse 26 and we just wanna give God the praise for His Word
14:32 because brothers and sisters we have more sure word of prophecy
14:36 The Bible says in Acts chapter 18, verse 26. The Bible says
14:58 We see a woman here in ministry here with her husband.
15:01 And I'm pretty sure she was giving a word to the young man
15:04 who got converted, Amen. So we see here women in ministry
15:07 and one more Scripture we're gonna look at here is the book
15:10 of Romans 16, verse 1. And we maybe able to visit this back
15:15 again before we close. And the book of Romans 16, verse 1
15:19 The apostle Paul and one thing I wanna share with you on this
15:21 issue, on Women in Ordination I thank God that this same
15:26 author of this book was the same author in Timothy and Titus
15:29 and as well as 1 Corinthians. Where God called one man
15:33 to talk about this issue. So you can't put Peter against
15:39 for himself. The Bible says in the book of Romans 16:1
16:02 Paul himself affirms women in ministry. The word serving
16:06 comes from the word where we get the word deacon. She served
16:09 as what somebody calls deaconess or a congregational servant
16:13 ministry but yet what we're gonna do, we gonna show you
16:16 that what she did here as a minister doing ministry for
16:21 the church did not contradict what Paul said in other writings
16:24 And we'll look at another one right here. There were women
16:26 that played a prominent role in the ministry of Jesus and
16:29 for time's sake we're gonna give you Matthew 28: 1 to 10
16:32 for your research, Matthew 28 1 through 10 and there's other
16:36 Scripture examples, Luke chapter 8 verse 3. Luke chapter 23
16:44 verse 49 and then John chapter 1 through 46, 12:1 to 8
16:51 John chapter 11: 1 to 46, chapter 12: 1 to 8
16:56 and so we see this right here women along with Jesus working
17:00 in ministry. But what we wanna show you is this, further no
17:03 spiritual gift is limited. Is what somebody? to men
17:09 in the list of the New Testament spiritual gifts of 1 Corinthians
17:12 chapter 12, Romans 12 and 1 Peter chapter 4.
17:16 And women were commanded to edify the body of Christ
17:20 which included teaching according to the book of Titus
17:22 chapter 2 verse 4 and as well as prophecy. The Bible says
17:40 So we see that right here as well as everything else.
17:44 So the Bible affirms that women have an incredibly important
17:48 role in God's church throughout the ages. That hasn't changed.
17:53 However, even though men and women both serve the Lord
17:56 in significant ways we should not conclude that God has
17:59 intended men and women to function in the same capacity
18:03 and that's very, very important. You know football, just using
18:07 analogy in football for those that watch football,
18:11 all football players are equal. Am I right? But all don't have
18:15 the same role. One has to be a quarterback, one has to be a
18:19 wide receiver but the most important position is the center
18:22 Because unless the center hikes the ball the quarterback can't
18:25 do anything. Well we all know the quarterback usually gets all
18:28 the glory and those kind of things, but every position
18:31 in the church is important. Paul says in Corinthians that
18:35 those with higher gifts cannot look down at those with lesser
18:38 gifts and vice versa. All of the gifts of the Spirit are
18:40 important. What we wanna do right now for the next couple
18:43 of minutes, I'm gonna read what the Bible, read what the Spirit
18:47 of Prophecy says on affirmation on women in ministry.
18:50 Now, we're all in agreement that women as well as men
18:55 are qualified to do ministry. Am I right? Now what we wanna do
18:59 is read what the Spirit of Prophecy says in correlation
19:02 and harmony with Biblical Principles. Got some statements
19:04 here, reading from Review and Herald
19:41 Then she says in Letter 77, 1898
20:02 It's very clear. We need sisters in the ministry.
20:06 Testimonies to the Church, volume 9, page 128
20:20 Evangelism, Page 472.
20:32 We're going to come back to that as we deal with this issue.
20:35 Notice this right here, this is Letter 54, 1909
20:59 Going to read on, Evangelism page 472.
21:03 This is also in Letter 169, 1900.
21:24 Then she goes on to say who were the instruments of this.
21:43 Amen! Listen to this right here.
21:46 I'm gonna read some more. This is from Letter 84, 1900
21:52 Letter 84, 1910 excuse me.
22:34 That goes back to Sister Melanie who was my Bible worker
22:37 to where every Sabbath, Oh how I loved those new believers
22:39 classes. We'd go through Amazing Facts, we'd go through
22:41 Revelation Seminar and just to see her teach the gospel
22:44 prepared me for baptism and when I got baptism she did a
22:47 good job of making sure I under stood the Adventist message.
22:50 So I praise God for that. And she concludes by saying
22:53 there's a wide field of service for women as well as men
22:57 Can I just keep reading? Can I keep reading? This is good news
23:02 It says women are, from Review and Herald, December 19, 1878
23:18 Let me keep reading. Testimonies Volume 6, page 118
23:58 With that, let me hear you say Amen. I praise God for the
24:03 Spirit of Prophecy. Review and Herald, December 19, 1878
24:06 continuing, she says, quote
24:27 Oh, let me just keep reading, let me give you a couple more,
24:29 then let me get into the real issue. This is from
24:32 Review and Herald, August 26, 1902
25:21 Very important. I have women in my churches that I need them
25:28 to visit certain people that I should not be visiting. Amen.
25:32 Just that woman's touch to soften the hearts.
25:46 Oh this is powerful. Letter 31 1984.
26:15 Let me just read on. Evangelism page 465. I kind of chuckled
26:22 when I read this. You'll see why.
26:41 Some will talk a hole in your head.
27:01 Oh I tell you, so much stuff. Let me keep going on.
27:04 Time is of the essence. Maybe I'll come back to a couple later
27:09 What we want to do, we really want to get to the bottom line
27:13 This is from Evangelism, page 457
27:37 I thank God for them. Let me see if I can read one more.
27:40 This is from Letter 108, 1910 and then we'll get to the issue
28:05 I've come to the last couple before we close, but what
28:09 we want to do is get to the real issue. It's plain.
28:12 The Bible supports women in ministry. The Spirit of Prophecy
28:15 operating, highlighting Biblical principles affirms women in
28:19 ministry. So it's not, as we all know the purpose of this
28:23 Symposium to demean women in any way. Am I right?
28:27 But what we wanna do is be truthful and firm and consistent
28:31 about what the Bible says. The real issue is, does the Bible
28:34 and the writings of Ellen White support women serving
28:36 as ordained pastors in the eldership, bishopric function
28:42 that's the issue. Not whether women can speak or teach.
28:46 But should she be ordained as a pastor in the eldership,
28:49 bishopric function? And thank God the Bible has the answer.
28:52 Now in the Bible we see a couple of things. Just gonna
28:56 give you the reference in the book of Acts 14, verse 23.
28:59 You can write this down. In the book of Acts 14, verse 23.
29:02 We see that the Bible says that elders were ordained.
29:05 In Titus chapter 1 and verse 5 we see Paul commissioning Titus
29:11 to ordain elders in every city so we see that elders were to be
29:15 ordained. Now one thing I will say before I go on. As I have
29:19 watched arguments from both sides, watched a certain
29:23 constituency meeting last year, not too long ago where one
29:26 of the proponents for women's ordination plainly said that
29:28 if we could ordain women as elders then we should ordain
29:33 them as pastors. Now I had to agree with him from that
29:37 philosophy standpoint, not that I agreed with his conclusion.
29:40 Because in the history of the Seventh Day Adventist Church
29:43 there were no woman elders till 1973
29:49 where the first woman elder was appointed and ordained
29:53 in an ordination service. We quote where Paul says
29:57 in Timothy for ordination of elders and when ministers
30:02 are ordained Seventh Day Adventist ministers
30:04 and I'm sure ministers of other denominations, the same text
30:08 is used. Now look at this. If a woman, and being a woman
30:13 in the church is being ordained as elder with the same text
30:17 that Seventh Day Adventist ministers are being ordained
30:19 that man, the person who said that had a point.
30:24 So the real issue is can a woman be an elder. If she could be
30:29 an elder then she could be ordained. We can say case closed
30:33 But if she cannot or should not then brothers and sisters
30:38 the issue is clear. One thing I want to present to you
30:41 is God's Word. 1 Timothy, chapter 2, verse 11 through 13
30:49 talks about the role of men and women in the church
30:52 The Bible makes it very plain in verses 11 through 13
30:55 Reading the text we've already read before in other programs.
31:06 In the book of 1 Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 7
31:10 he's already laid the ground work in chapter 2, verses 11-13
31:14 Therefore when it comes to 1 Timothy when he says husband
31:17 of one wife, able to manage his own home etc., he was very
31:22 gender specific. And of course in Titus, chapter 1 verse 5-6
31:26 he uses the term husband of one wife. Seventh Day Adventist
31:30 Bible commentary, page 296, now this is not Ellen White
31:34 this is the commentator. Now 7BC, volume 7 page 296 says
32:02 Where's this found at? It's the Seventh Day Adventist
32:06 Bible Commentary page 296. This is from the commentator.
32:10 Now the term husband of one wife the word husband, comes from the
32:14 Greek word Amer which typically means a male spouse and is very
32:19 interesting that in the book of Matthew chapter 1, verse 16
32:24 as it talks about the birth of Jesus the Bible uses almost
32:27 the same term but instead of saying husband of one wife
32:31 it puts the name of the husband and the wife and of course
32:34 you know the parents of Jesus were Joseph and Mary. The Bible
32:37 says in Matthew 1:16, Joseph, the husband of Mary which was
32:43 his one wife. So they make it very plain that when Paul was
32:47 writing about who could be a bishop or elder he was very
32:51 gender specific. That may not be popular, it may not be
32:54 politically correct, but this is the will of God based on the
32:58 Scriptures because God simply knows what's best. But even Paul
33:02 appealed to culture. Not the culture of any male dominated
33:06 society, but a sinless perfect culture where the Bible says
33:10 everything He made was good. He said Adam was first formed
33:16 then Eve. Spirit of Prophecy says in Bible Commentary
33:21 volume 1, that Christ, not Christ, that Adam was king
33:25 in Eden. So if he was king in Eden you know who the queen was.
33:31 So the thought that Paul is saying is that elders or bishops
33:36 were to be qualified males. And notice I say qualified because
33:40 all men do not qualify. Now notice what the Spirit of
33:44 Prophecy says. Manuscript Release volume 5, page 449
34:32 You see the word, his and he and man in there which means that
34:36 she's talking about a qualified male or who should be a
34:40 qualified male. Now some may say that was probably generic.
34:43 Notice this right here at the time of this writing there were
34:46 no women, at the time of this writing she says there were no
34:50 women elders in the Seventh Day Adventist church.
34:53 The first woman elder in the SDA church happened in the 1970s
34:57 Therefore, we can conclude rightfully that she was
35:00 referring to males in this statement. There were no women
35:04 elders in the early Adventist church. In the same thought
35:09 the editorial from the Signs of The Times, December 19, 1878
35:13 December 19, 1878, Signs of the Times which will be page 320
35:45 Now before I read on don't look at this the wrong way.
35:48 If there's anybody looking at this the wrong way, Ellen White
35:52 though she talks about men and women being physicians she makes
35:55 a very plain distinction saying that women physicians have to
35:59 work for women. And she makes it very plain that women should
36:04 be the only ones who should be midwives. Which today
36:08 gynecologists and obstetricians. And she explains why
36:12 and when you read it you can understand from a common sense
36:15 standpoint why she would say it. So what happens is if I was
36:17 a physician, if I'm going to follow the blueprint, God's
36:20 divine blueprint there are certain restrictions even
36:23 as a physician. Notice this right here.
36:48 And not one word of rebuke from the prophet came to this person.
36:52 But somebody says, Dr. Olatunji didn't Ellen G. White say
37:06 Brothers and sisters, she did say that. But brothers and
37:11 sisters that's what it says. But the question is what does it
37:15 mean? If I say I am gay, I better qualify that right now
37:21 am I right? Because there are two different issues. Am I right
37:25 But I'm happy, are you with me? I am cheerful, are you with me?
37:29 Am I right? Not the other. Amen. So what happens is this right
37:34 here. So what she says about women being pastors of the
37:36 flock of God, the Spirit of Prophecy makes it very plain
37:38 that men and women can become pastors of the flock of God
37:42 I have no problem with that. So what we gonna do is we'll define
37:46 in these last few moments what does it mean by a pastor?
37:49 And I got some good news for you. God has two definitions
37:53 of a pastor. And we're gonna read it from the Bible and
37:55 Spirit of Prophecy. In the strictest sense, in what sense?
37:58 in the strictest sense, elders and bishops who oversee churches
38:03 are to be pastors. Ellen White says in Manuscript 43, 1907
38:24 Now, number 2. In the broader sense, in the what sense?
38:27 Many women can be pastors who do pastoral duties among the
38:33 congregation or institution, this is very important, where
38:36 they're not functioning as an ordained elder, or do not have
38:40 the function as ordained elder or bishop over the congregation
38:43 Example. Chaplains. We have hospital chaplains, military
38:47 chaplains, we have chaplains on college campuses. Men and women
38:51 who do pastoral labor. And I thank God for that. I have
38:54 colleagues in ministry who happen to be women that are
38:57 chaplains and to that I say keep on pastoring in the
39:00 chaplaincy role. Do you understand what I'm talking
39:02 about? But they're not serving or functioning as ordained
39:06 bishops and elders. Notice this right here. Chaplains, deacons
39:08 deaconesses, Bible workers, etc. So in the broader sense
39:13 men and women pastoring in this function without holding the
39:16 office or title of an elder is Scriptural. Notice this here.
39:20 Let me give you another key thought. Ephesians 4:11
39:24 Go to Ephesians 4:11 for me, Ephesians chapter 4, verse 11
39:29 We want to look at something. Ephesians 4:11. The Bible makes
39:33 it very plain that when Jesus led captivity captive,
39:36 the Scripture says that he gave certain gifts unto men.
39:51 And we know in Corinthians that teaching and prophesy is a
39:54 spiritual gift. So we must conclude that evangelists
39:57 pastors and apostles are gifts of the Spirit as well too. So
40:02 I believe that these gifts here are gender inclusive.
40:06 Which means men and women can function as apostles, prophets,
40:10 evangelists, pastors in the broader sense and teachers.
40:14 So therefore, there is no contradiction. Let's break it
40:17 down. So a bishop or an elder can function as a pastor
40:21 teacher, evangelist, apostle and a prophet. And most of the time
40:26 they do. But those with these gifts, these same gifts
40:31 do not have to be a bishop or an elder in order to perform
40:36 all these gifted functions. Keep that in mind. So I'm an
40:40 ordained elder. I function in these five capacities. But what
40:44 happens is this right here. They're also people who are
40:47 not ordained elders or bishops who function in the same
40:51 capacity including pastor. I know pastors who are not
40:55 ordained bishops but they pastor doing self supporting work
40:59 or chaplaincy ministries and the like. So let's look at this
41:02 thought right here. All bishops were pastors but not all pastors
41:08 were bishops. Keep that in mind. Let me give you an example.
41:13 Sister White. Now she wasn't an elder or bishop? But she
41:18 functioned as a gifted prophet. Am I right? She didn't need
41:21 that there. Indeed women can function as pastors from the
41:24 spiritual gifts standpoint. And as I said before, there are men
41:27 as well as women who work in pastoral care not congregational
41:31 bishops and elders. So what do we want to do now?
41:33 Let's look at the duties of a pastor outlined by E.G. White
41:37 Due to time's sake this is not exhaustive but I believe this
41:40 is clear. The Spirit of Prophecy says in the book Gospel Workers
41:45 page 337. Gospel Workers page 337.
41:58 Now she's talking about this in the context of a minister.
42:04 to house. Am I right? Can she teach? House to house? Converse?
42:10 House to house? Pray with each each family house to house? Amen
42:16 And they shouldn't work alone either. Jesus said, two and two.
42:31 Let me give you another one. Testimonies, volume 5, page 23
42:55 And we need women to fulfill that role as well, Amen.
42:59 Let me read to you another one. This is from Elder William Fagel
43:04 who is the current Assistant Director of the Ellen G. White
43:08 Estate dealing with this issue. It says,
43:39 Whether it's a man or a woman. Notice this right here.
43:43 Key point. A woman with a spiritual gift in pastoring
43:47 who's been divinely given that spiritual gift should not be
43:51 denied from functioning in that pastoral capacity. Can function
43:55 in its capacity without violating. 1 Timothy 2:12
43:59 which forbids women usurping authority over men in the
44:02 congregation which means she does not have to be an elder
44:05 or bishop to be a pastor. So, the lesser light, the Spirit of
44:12 Prophecy is in connection with the greater light, the Bible.
44:18 So as a woman being a pastor of the flock of God it has to be
44:21 in this context. Notice this right here. When I read to you
44:24 this right here. As we come to the conclusion, 'men and women
44:31 are called by God to finish the Gospel commission, we can say
44:34 Amen to that. We need the labor of both sexes in order to meet
44:39 the unique demands of the present times. There are women
44:44 who are now serving, that I know, as Conference Departmental
44:47 workers, as Youth Directors, Personal Ministries, Women's
44:49 Ministries and other ministries and others are doing pastoral
44:52 care as chaplains etc. as well as other ministerial functions
44:57 that are not in violation of 1 Timothy chapter 2, verse 12.
45:01 Secondly, Ellen White's statement of Testimonies,
45:05 volume 6, page 322 does not contradict the writings of Paul
45:09 as it relates to eldership in the church. The Bible states
45:13 that qualified men are to be elders or bishops over their
45:18 churches who must function as a pastor. That's inherent in a
45:24 bishopric or an eldership. But what happens as Ellen White says
45:27 is not in contradiction. Notice this right here
45:31 Pastoral work in its broader sense can be done by women
45:35 who have the spiritual gift of pastoring. Which does not
45:39 necessitate them holding the office of an elder or bishop
45:44 Pastoring is a spiritual gift but eldership is an office.
45:47 Let's look at 1 Timothy chapter 3. Let's see what the Bible says
45:52 In my last point is that Ellen White's statement must be
45:55 interpreted within this light if she's to be in harmony
45:58 with Scripture. The Bible says in 1 Timothy Chapter 3,
46:03 as a matter of fact let's go to chapter 5 because, uh
46:07 I don't want to leave this out and I want to read a couple
46:10 more statements, we got sometime There is a new argument, maybe
46:16 a new argument, Pastor Bohr that has been brought up
46:20 to substantiate women as elders Now when I saw it I was shocked
46:25 because I'm like this person has a PhD, I'm like you should know
46:28 better from an exegetical stand point but we gonna read it
46:30 anyway. Let's look at 1 Timothy chapter 5 and verse 1 and 2
46:35 and then we gonna come with a suggested solution to this issue
46:40 The Bible says in 1 Timothy chapter 5, verses 1 and 2.
46:45 Let's look at verse 1. Do you have it?
47:03 The new argument that's been goin round, it says here
47:08 Elder woman, it says here, a woman can be an elder.
47:12 You're laughing because you know that that's not what the
47:15 text is saying. That's purely eisegesis, am I right somebody?
47:20 That's from a PhD but people see what they see. But it says that
47:25 the elder woman as mothers. Now when it says elder women
47:27 it's talking about age. Am I right somebody? Amen. It says
47:31 elder women as mothers and the younger as what? sisters. So we
47:35 see a correlation between older and younger, so the context
47:39 yes, it maybe the same Greek word but what happens is this
47:42 right here, it's talking about something completely different
47:45 Have you ever heard the term respect your elders? Amen.
47:49 I'm not talking about congregation elders, those that
47:51 are older in age. Let's look at Titus, chapter 2. The Bible
47:56 gives the answer to what he meant by elder women.
47:59 The Bible says, now you already know what the answer is
48:01 but let's look at Titus chapter 2 and verse 4. I'm gonna read
48:05 to you a statement from a recent Sabbath School author that
48:12 talked about the ordination of women. It was a very important
48:15 very interesting point. Titus chapter 2 and verse 4. Now
48:19 it talks about, let's look at verse 1. Titus 2:1 says
48:52 Like I said, it's a word for women and let me tell you
48:55 the closer we get back to the New Testament model, am I right
48:58 somebody, the more blessed it is. And it's very interesting
49:02 to note that the Christian church, the early church
49:04 grew by leaps and bounds without ordained women clergy. Yet women
49:08 were functioning in ministerial functions. Am I right?
49:11 The Bible talks about Philip's daughters in the book of Acts
49:13 21 verse 8 who prophesied and as we come to the last days
49:18 I believe in the latter rain when God pours out His spirit
49:20 when the message of the third angel will go throughout the
49:23 whole world and the closing work, men and women will
49:25 be endowed with the prophetic gift to give prophetic guidance
49:30 in the last days as we close the work. Now going back to
49:34 Acts chapter 14, verse 23 where the Bible talks about the elders
49:39 being ordained, one of my colleagues in ministry
49:41 and the recent Sabbath School author Dr. Keith Burton
49:46 in Ministry Magazine of 1996 says something that is very
49:49 interesting that caught my attention. This is from November
49:52 1996, quote. One notices in the New Testament that ordination
49:56 was reserved for those who had specific leadership gifts.
49:59 Not every gift, notice, not every gift demanded official
50:02 recognition or installation into church leadership position
50:05 From the wording of Acts 14:23 and Titus 1:5, it appears that
50:10 those who were ordained fell under the general category
50:14 of presbyter or elder. The ordination was not to a specific
50:19 leadership position such as teacher, apostle, pastor Hmm
50:28 evangelist. And something stuck out here to me. This observation
50:34 is further evident in the fact that the apostles Peter and
50:36 John identified themselves as elders. Thus we see that while
50:39 church leaders may have performed distinct functions
50:42 they all had the generic distinction of presbyters or
50:45 elder. What I got out of this was, is that going back to
50:48 the argument of how a person can function as a pastor,
50:52 as a teacher, as an apostle, as a prophet without being ordained
50:57 to the office of an elder or a bishop. So with that, I believe
51:02 there's a balance. Now, of course there'll be those
51:05 that will not accept any counsel such as this right here as we
51:11 discuss here at the Symposium but for the honest in heart
51:15 Ellen White says, lift up the principles of truth and let
51:17 God lead the honest in heart. Manuscript 47, 1898
52:13 And you know in a lot of churches today, especially
52:16 in the Black church there's more women than there's men.
52:19 And we need the sisters, Amen. And it's been said often,
52:24 if it wasn't for the women we wouldn't have a church!
52:26 No wonder the Bible calls, a woman in Bible Prophecy
52:30 a Church! Let all share in making the sacrifice. God
52:37 declares, I hate robbery for burnt offering and then in
52:40 Manuscript 149, 1899 she concludes
52:57 And I do believe in equal pay for equal labor.
53:01 One of my favorite women in ministry happens to be a
53:06 professor, one of my former teachers. I'm not gonna say
53:08 where she's teaching at but I loved her zeal, her passion
53:14 for the Scripture and the writings of Ellen White.
53:16 And I sat at her feet in my classes and I said, Hallelujah
53:20 Are you with me? So, in conclusion, the Bible and the
53:25 Spirit of Prophecy affirms women in ministry. Amen.
53:29 And the Spirit of Prophecy talks about women as well as
53:32 men being pastors but it must be understood in the light
53:37 of pastor being a spiritual gift to where women in the broader
53:41 sense of the term can do pastoral labor without being
53:44 ordained elders and bishops. And with that there's no
53:49 contradiction, there's perfect harmony. And, as Ted Wilson says
53:54 we must study this issue and seek what God's will is
53:59 And I don't speak for anybody but myself based on doing my
54:03 own personal study. Why? Because the Bible says I must
54:06 give an account for myself before God. Amen.
54:10 Let's go to 1 Timothy, chapter 3 as we bring this to a close.
54:15 And with that let's see what God's will is in His word.
54:21 The Bible says in 1 Timothy 3:1. Oh before I read it,
54:28 thank you Lord, I want to say that equal pay for equal labor.
54:35 I have no issue with women studying theology on a
54:40 bachelor's level, master level or a PhD level. And one of my
54:46 I have a female friend, this lady I tell you is so profound
54:52 in teaching that Word. But yet she does not have a theology
54:56 degree but she's powerful in the Scriptures. And we affirm
55:01 her and you know what? In her church at Jefferson, Texas
55:03 the Pastor asked her one time to be an elder, she said NO
55:10 because of what the Word says. What does the Word say?
55:57 And God has appointed us as men with all the testosterone that
56:03 God has given us, Amen, to be the leaders in our homes.
56:07 And as the Seventh-day Adventist commentary states, even as
56:10 the book Child Guidance, I have a minute and a half left
56:13 even Child Guidance says that the home is the extended church
56:19 We've already read that in the Spirit of Prophecy. Every home
56:21 is a church. And where there is a male, he is to be the priest
56:27 of his home. In the beginning of time when sin came into the
56:30 world, even though the woman sinned first God came to the
56:35 head because he was responsible So therefore Paul was right
56:39 when he said by one man sin entered into the world
56:42 because God made him the head and God held him responsible.
56:47 And in the end there will be many fathers called into account
56:51 whether they were with their children or not. Whether they
56:54 abandoned their families or not and ask the men, where is
56:57 that flock that I have given you? And there are women
57:01 such as my mother who raised myself and my brother and sister
57:06 without my daddy there. Did a powerful work. She had to be
57:12 mama and daddy. But never any time did I call her daddy.
57:18 I called her mother. So brothers and sisters I thank God for the
57:23 truth. Am I right or wrong? I thank God for the truth.
57:27 And brothers and sisters with that, let's bow our heads
57:31 for a short word of prayers. Father in heaven we just pray
57:34 that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will be with us
57:37 bless this Word and may it bear fruit. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Revised 2015-12-03