Participants: Phil Mills
Series Code: WOHII
Program Code: WOHII000013A
00:14 Before we open God's word let's pray.
00:17 Lord give us Your Spirit to understand Your Word 00:23 Give us a heart to obey Your Word, and thank You for giving 00:27 us Your Word, in Christ's name we pray, Amen 00:32 My story begins with the ending of the very first Christian 00:36 missionary journey, traveling an estimated 1400 miles 00:42 Paul and Barnabas had led an evangelistic team throughout 00:47 Asia Minor baptizing numerous converts and organizing many 00:52 churches. The missionaries made their final stop at the port 00:56 city of Italia. Here they caught a boat headed back to their 01:00 home base, Antioch. They had completed three exciting years 01:04 and they were ready for a furlough. 01:06 We begin with Acts 14, verse 26 01:34 This testimony was so important that God arranged for the 01:38 testimony to be given again and again. Testimony is effective. 01:43 And this testimony galvanized the Antioch church into 01:47 greater efforts to win Gentiles to Jesus. While God was using 01:53 Paul's testimony to advance the Gospel's cause in Antioch 01:56 Satan was inspiring his agents to carry a far different 02:00 testimony to Jerusalem. Jews who had rejected and opposed God's 02:05 uh Paul's Gospel message wrote letters and traveled to 02:08 Jerusalem for business and for the Annual Feast 02:11 Their testimony was of synagogues being split 02:14 and homes divided by Paul in the most inflammatory manner. 02:21 They told how Paul was causing Jews to cast aside long 02:25 established traditions and customs. They blamed Paul 02:28 Paul for stirring up dissension among Jews scattered throughout 02:31 the Roman Empire. These testimonies stirred up the anger 02:36 of the Jews that were in Jerusalem. This made a very 02:42 interesting situation. As a Jew Saul had caused persecution 02:49 in Jerusalem. But now as a Christian it seemed like 02:52 he was causing persecution in Jerusalem for Christians. 02:55 The life of Paul abounds in such ironies. Saul's persecution 02:59 of the church in Jerusalem caused Christians to flee to 03:02 Antioch where they established the church which Paul's ministry 03:05 subsequently built up. Saul went out first from Judea to oppose 03:10 Christians while Christians later went out from Judea 03:13 to oppose Paul. This brings us to Acts chapter 15, verse 1 03:22 Though these men had been sent to Antioch, Syria by the leading 03:26 brethren in Jerusalem on official church business 03:29 they carried an unofficial agenda, for the verse continues 03:39 The introduction of this new and false teaching made of none 03:43 effect the life and sacrifice of Christ. It did away with the 03:47 prophecy of Daniel 9:27 that Christ, the Prince of the 03:51 Covenant would cause the Sanctuary sacrifice and offering 03:54 to cease. It attempted to mend and restore the veil 03:59 that an Angel hand had ripped apart at Christ's death. 04:03 Paul was well familiar with this teaching for he had once taught 04:07 it himself. During the trial of Stephen he had supported the 04:11 accusation of false witnesses who stated that Stephen taught 04:16 that Jesus of Nazareth will change the customs that Moses 04:19 delivered unto us. As a Jew, Saul had made this accusation 04:25 against Christians but now Christians are making this 04:28 same accusation against Paul. After his conversion, Paul 04:33 realized that in Jesus' life type had met anti-type 04:38 ending the purpose of the ceremonial rituals given by 04:42 Moses at God's command. Careful students of the Word had 04:47 recognized this truth immediately, that unforgettable 04:51 Passover weekend that Christ was crucified. We should note 04:54 this statement from Desire of Ages and I'm reading 05:16 They got it. The ritual service had no further value. 05:21 The deliverance from bondage in Egypt had been superseded 05:25 by the deliverance of bondage from sin. Type had met anti-type 05:30 The Communion service replaced the Passover service. 05:34 The one sacrifice on the cross had replaced the daily sacrifice 05:39 on the altar of burnt offering. They were now Christians. 05:43 Sketches from the Life of Paul states it succinctly. 05:47 The Law of ceremonies was made null and void by the crucifixion 05:53 of Christ. The pro-circumcision teaching was a new heresy. 05:58 Appealing to the cultural prejudices of long held 06:03 tradition of the Jews, it attempted to inject fundamental 06:06 change to Christianity not authorized by Jesus. In contrast 06:12 the pro-Christian teaching of Paul was the continuation, 06:16 renewal and flowering of the teaching of Patriarch and 06:20 Prophet. Acts Chapter 15, verse 2 06:28 This was the proper response, for, as Sketches from 06:31 from the Life of Paul states 06:55 Paul and Barnabas were both prophets with a inspired message 07:00 They pointed their hearers to appropriate and plain scripture 07:04 This should've settled the issue But the pro-circumcision party 07:10 was not open to the Spirit of Prophecy. Paul and Barnabas 07:15 spent earnest time in prayer. God's answer came to them 07:19 by revelation, instructing the brethren to go to Jerusalem for 07:23 a general church council. Since Biblically based global church 07:29 unity is a priority with God. Local practices that impact the 07:36 church globally must be decided globally. We see this was true 07:41 from the very beginning of the Christian church. 07:43 Yet God's instruction was counter intuitive. 07:48 How could a General Conference in Jerusalem solve the problem 07:53 when Jerusalem seemed to be the source of the heresy? 07:58 But trusting the divine directive, the Antioch church 08:01 members ceased debating and sent representatives to Jerusalem. 08:05 An uncircumcised Gentile convert Titus, went up with them. 08:11 I like Titus' spirit. He was willing to be circumcised 08:15 or remain uncircumcised, depending on the decision of the 08:18 General Conference. Verse 3 continues 08:32 The trip South of Jerusalem was a little more than 210 miles 08:39 and Paul and Barnabas, as often as they could, would stop 08:43 and meet with believers on their way South to share their 08:47 testimony. Their reports of God's mighty work among the 08:51 Gentiles were very inspiring. These testimonies reminded 08:56 the Jewish believers that 09:20 But the testimony that had brought great joy to Antioch 09:26 Phoenicia and Samaria brought no joy to Jerusalem. 09:33 Though they related the success that attended the ministry 09:36 the testimony contained an important addition. 09:38 Sketches from the Life of Paul tells how they also told of 09:56 Sometimes Paul is misportrayed as rigid and dogmatic. 10:04 That might have been true of the Pharisee Saul but it was not 10:08 not true of the Christian Paul who was like Jesus. 10:11 Gentle, soft hearted and easily entreated. In fact four years 10:18 after this experience when he had returned to Jerusalem with 10:21 the Gentile donations he was too accommodating to the advice of 10:24 the church leaders and it resulted in his arrest 10:27 and imprisonment. Gentle, tactful, respectful, courteous 10:31 was the striking characteristic of Paul and it was the secret of 10:35 his evangelistic success. Sketches from the Life of Paul 10:53 In my specialty of dermatology I must sometimes tell patients 10:59 that they have a melanoma. This is never pleasant to say or hear 11:03 I try to say it as gently as possible, but occasionally 11:08 despite my best efforts patients are unwilling to hear 11:12 the diagnosis. Paul tried to tell this group of church 11:16 leaders as gently as he could the serious and contagious 11:20 spiritual disease in their midst But they did not hear him 11:24 Instead they viewed him as the problem and they presented 11:27 their own way forward. From time to time the free will 11:31 of life brings us to a fork in the road and we must choose 11:36 which road to take. There comes a time when compromises are 11:40 unachievable. Further delay is impossible. A decision must be 11:46 made between two choices. The early church was faced 11:50 with just such a situation. Gentiles could not be partially 11:54 circumcised. Circumcision was either necessary or it was 11:59 unnecessary. The Bible alone must provide the answer. 12:04 The church could not create truth. It could not modify truth 12:09 it could not abolish truth. The church by vote could only 12:12 accept or reject truth. It may be helpful to briefly examine 12:17 nine prominent characteristics of the circumcision party. 12:20 First we should note that they were sincere. Inspiration tells 12:24 us they sincerely thought. Second, the pro circumcision 12:28 party prided themselves on being moderate and progressive. 12:31 They regarded the Jews belief that only physical descendants 12:35 of Abraham could be saved as the extreme right. 12:38 They regarded the Christian position that Gentiles could be 12:42 saved without following the Mosaic Laws as the extreme left. 12:46 They advocated a new position. A third position. That Gentiles 12:51 could be saved if they were circumcised and accepted the 12:54 traditional, ceremonial laws. They sincerely thought they were 12:58 introducing a new way, a medium ground between the two extremes 13:02 of Jew and Gentile. They believed this would build 13:06 bridges between Jew and Christian and overcome Jewish 13:10 prejudice. But their bridge brought Judaism to Christianity 13:14 not Christianity to Judaism. It was the fast track to 13:18 Pharisaical tradition. Their new doctrine was promoting a 13:22 superficial and selective outward compliance to God's 13:27 law in place of an unconditional surrender to God's will. 13:33 Ellen White says, and I quote. 13:49 The problem with their compromising position was 13:52 not only what it affirmed, but also what it failed to affirm. 13:55 Like fast food, the pro circumcision party's solution 13:59 not only contained that which was objectionable but it lacked 14:02 that which was essential. Their message was imbalanced, 14:06 incomplete, lacking essential gospel vitamins, minerals, 14:09 amino acids and fiber. The Christian message requires us 14:14 to declare the whole counsel of God not just the politically 14:17 acceptable counsel of man. The pro circumcision party's 14:23 testimony was false, neglecting clarifying truths. 14:27 Compromise with error always means surrender of the truth. 14:31 Third, the pro circumcision party promoted their approach 14:36 as an important, new, evangelistic tool. 14:39 They felt their moderate, progressive view "would gather 14:43 in large numbers of the Jews". 14:47 How true is Solomon's twice repeated warning, There is a way 14:51 that seemeth right to a man but its end is the way of death. 14:56 In place of being the new right answer it was just another wrong 15:00 answer. Instead of strengthening the cause of truth it weakened 15:04 the cause of truth by dividing the believers. 15:07 It is a law of the mind that the rejection of truth gives a 15:11 religious zeal that borders on fanatical. Inspiration is plain 15:24 Growing up in a minister's home I had the opportunity to 15:27 frequently observe how rejection of truth brought with it 15:30 an energetic zeal in opposing truth and promoting error. 15:36 The pro circumcision party is important for us to study. 15:40 They are a prototype for last day deceptions within the church 15:44 This will happen in the future. Speaking of the church, 15:48 Ellen White stated thus 16:13 This is a clear, unambiguous warning brothers and sisters. 16:18 Fourth, the pro circumcision party was sent to Antioch on 16:24 official church business but misused their church position 16:28 They promoted their personal pet theories. By exceeding 16:33 their authority they revealed themselves unrestrained by God 16:38 appointed church delegated authority. Fifth, they promoted 16:43 a party spirit. They're called of the sect of Pharisees who 16:47 believe. Sometimes they're referred to as those of the 16:49 circumcision and of the concision, Philippians 3:2 16:54 Sixth, they divided and unsettled members. 16:57 Fruit is a reliable way to test a message. The fruit of Paul's 17:03 message was strengthen churches, but the fruit of 17:06 the pro circumcision party was divided, weakened churches 17:10 which they then blamed on Paul. 17:14 The pro circumcision movement was a repeat of Lucifer's 17:17 rebellion in heaven. Though professing complete loyalty 17:21 to God Lucifer rejected God's appointed messenger, Jesus 17:26 and God's appointed order. 17:28 Lucifer professed to be promoting the harmony of heaven 17:33 and accused the loyal of being the cause of division in heaven. 17:38 It is little wonder that Paul warned the Philippians, 'Beware 17:43 of the false circumcision' and classed them with evil workers. 17:48 Seventh, the pro circumcision party exhibited a willful, 17:52 stubborn and independent spirit. 17:55 Paul tells us they were contradictory, insisting on 17:58 their own way with apparent humility and conscientiousness 18:01 yet they undermined divinely appointed church structure 18:05 and lawful authority, Titus 1:10 puts it this way. 18:12 Volume 4 of the Testimonies warns against those today 18:16 who, and I am quoting 18:33 An eighth characteristic of the pro circumcision party 18:36 is rejection of Paul's instruction. 18:41 These men professed a high view of Scripture but they did not 18:44 accept the spirit of prophecy as manifested through Paul. 18:48 Some regarded Paul's instruction as applicable only to certain 18:53 local situations. Finally, those in the pro circumcision party 18:58 missed a cultural sensitivity for Biblical faithfulness. 19:04 Prevailing custom and tradition profoundly impact all of this. 19:09 This was true even of the earliest Christians. 19:13 Blinded by familiar culture fallacious arguments were 19:17 persuasive to Jewish believers that were easily rejected 19:20 by Gentile converts. There's important insight contained 19:24 in the statement of the pro circumcision party Acts 15:5 19:28 It is necessary to circumcise them. The real issue of most 19:33 conflicts can be discovered by a simple question, what is it 19:37 that's felt to be necessary? It is only as individuals believe 19:41 something is necessary that they feel justified, even righteous 19:45 in promoting it. It gives them a cause. If it's really morally 19:50 necessary then it is not just related to the dominant culture 19:53 of the times. If it's necessary then those agitating the 19:57 question are right to push it. If it's not necessary 20:01 the agitators have lost their legitimacy for pushing merely 20:06 their personal or cultural agenda. There is a group 20:11 within the Seventh Day Adventist church that feel it is necessary 20:15 to ordain women to the office of overseer. Womens Ordination 20:20 supporters agree that there is no explicit Bible command to 20:23 ordain women. There is no contemporary living prophet 20:27 living to confirm its correctness. Yet Womens 20:32 Ordination to the gospel ministry is still felt to be 20:35 such a moral imperative that some enthusiasts feel it is 20:40 worth dying for. For 4000 years before the cross it wasn't 20:45 necessary. Jesus didn't find it necessary in His life and 20:49 ministry. The early church did not find it necessary. 20:52 The Book Great Controversy tells us of the Waldensians 21:02 They did not find it necessary to ordain women. The Reformers 21:07 did not find it necessary. God raised up the Remnant Church 21:10 and it wasn't necessary for the Pioneers. 21:15 In the New Jerusalem human culture has no influence. 21:19 And the mistakes of earth are corrected. Yet the men selected 21:24 as leaders of both the Old and New Testament are honored 21:28 in heaven. Nothing is corrected. No woman's name is added. 21:34 On the foundations are the names of the Sons of Israel 21:38 not the daughter. On the gates are the names of the disciples 21:44 of Jesus. All males. We continue with Acts 15, verse 6 21:56 The deliberation must've begun with earnest prayer for unity 21:59 and God heard the prayer and sent testimony to bring unity. 22:07 From a historical perspective I would love to have had the 22:10 entire transcript of the meeting But we're seeing something about 22:14 God's character. He did not preserve the arguments that 22:17 divided the early Christians, instead He preserved the 22:20 Testimony that would serve to unite them. 22:36 We should note Peter's introduction carefully 22:39 Men and Brethren you know. He wisely begins with something 22:44 they all agree on, something they're familiar with, and 22:47 accept as truth. You know that a good while ago God chose 22:52 among us. God decides, He chooses among us. 22:57 That's His right, not our right. God is the one who chooses 23:01 among His angels and gives them their task. And God is the one 23:06 that chooses among His servants on earth and assigns them 23:10 their missions. We do not demand our task, we accept our task. 23:15 It is not our will but God's will that is to be done. 23:19 Jeremiah said, It is not in man who walks to direct his own step 23:25 It was God who chose the apostles and appointed them 23:27 their work. Jesus had told the 12, you did not choose me 23:31 but I chose you and appointed you. God chose among us Peter 23:37 said that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the Word 23:40 of the Gospel and believe. God selected a specific angel 23:45 to deliver a special message to Cornelius. Though this angel was 23:49 in every way more qualified than Peter, the angel was not 23:56 given the privilege of giving his testimony to Cornelius. 24:03 The angel's task was to connect Cornelius with the one who 24:08 was appointed to give his testimony. An angel was also 24:12 given the task to prepare Peter for this assignment. 24:16 It was important that each did their assigned task. 24:21 The first manifestation of Lucifer's rebellion in heaven 24:25 was Lucifer stepping outside of his assigned task. 24:32 God chose among us that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear 24:37 the Word of the Gospel and believe. When these Gentiles 24:42 heard the testimony of Peter they did believe. 24:48 Peter continued in verse 8. 25:04 Both could have purifying righteousness only by faith. 25:13 Peter's statement was clear and uncompromised. Then moved by the 25:18 Spirit, Peter gave a sharp rebuke and warning to the 25:22 pro circumcision party. He began with similar language that he 25:26 has used with Sapphira just before she was struck down 25:30 by the judgments of God. 25:45 Testing God is a very serious thing to do. 25:49 We'll briefly look at what Peter meant by this expression. 25:53 First we test God by hypocrisy, Matthew 22:18. We test God when 25:59 we profess a commitment to God that we do not really have. 26:03 The wily Pharisees and Scribes said to Jesus, 26:22 Second, we test God when we use Scripture to promote wrong doing 26:28 like Satan did when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. 26:34 The inspired writings are not given us as a smorgasbord from 26:38 which we pick and choose our practices and beliefs, 26:43 they're given as our exclusive source for doctrine and practice 26:47 In testing God, it is testing God when inspired passages 26:51 are twisted and misapplied to promote falsehood. We are 26:56 forbidden to teach as commands of God what is merely opinion 27:00 of man, Ellen White wrote in the Review 27:15 Third, we test God when we fail to wait for His counsels, 27:20 Psalm 106:13 and 14. In the wilderness the Israelites became 27:24 impatient refusing to wait for His counsel. Finding a compliant 27:29 leader they forged ahead and made a golden calf. They adopted 27:35 the worship practices of cultural influences around them 27:40 and then called this the worship of Jehovah. 27:45 This is testing God. Fourth, we test God by complaining 27:50 of His ways, Exodus 17:2. The Israelites tested God by 27:54 complaining of His providences or accusing those whom God was 27:57 using. To one individual Ellen White wrote 28:17 Lastly, we test God when we pervert His commands. 28:23 Peter compared the Pharisaical corruption of the ceremonial 28:26 system with its traditions to an unbearable yoke for either 28:31 Jew or Gentile, quite different from the easy yoke of Jesus. 28:38 We test God when we require what God does not require. 28:43 But we just as surely test God when we dismiss what God does 28:48 in fact require. Peter's testimony was pointed. 28:54 The pro circumcision party's pretense to full Biblical 28:58 faithfulness was hypocritical. They were misusing the Bible to 29:02 promote error. They were running ahead of the Lord, worshipping 29:05 their own way and calling their desire God's commands. 29:08 They were unrestrained by God's instructions, they were making 29:12 accusations against Paul, God's anointed. Peter then declared 29:18 clearly and forcibly what was necessary for Jew and Gentile. 29:31 By this important statement Peter declared that it was grace 29:35 not race that saved the Jew. He declared that the 29:39 pro circumcision party had it backward. Instead of the Gentile 29:43 needing to become like the Jew, the Jew needed to become like 29:47 the Gentile and have the heart circumcision of the Gentile 29:50 the heart purified by faith in order to be saved. 29:54 Peter gently softened his home thrust by including himself. 29:59 We shall be saved in the same manner as they. 30:03 And Peter's statement remains true for us here today. 30:08 We are saved in the same manner as they, our hearts too must 30:12 be purified by faith. Peter's pointed testimony with 30:17 its strong rebuke was the first step toward unity. 30:36 When we pray for unity we're praying that God will restore 30:39 a clear, pointed, living testimony in His church today. 30:42 And this type of testimony will come because 'as many as I love 30:47 I rebuke and chasten', and Jesus loves me this I know. 30:53 With Peter's rebuke ringing in their ears, verse 12 says 31:05 This was no slick PR marketing gimmick. These were real 31:08 miracles and wonders. What stories did they relate? 31:12 We only have a few preserved. Elymas the sorcerer struck with 31:16 blindness. Virtually the entire city of Antioch, Pisidia trying 31:20 to crowd into a synagogue for a Sabbath service. 31:23 An unstoppable message of the Gospel spreading like wildfire 31:26 throughout the region of South Eastern Turkey. 31:30 Fierce persecution resulting in the message being joyfully 31:32 spread to Iconium where great multitudes of both Jew and 31:37 Gentile converts were causing a city wide division. 31:40 Persecution spreading the message to the cities and the 31:44 region of Lycaonia. The healing of a congenital cripple 31:47 resulting in an attempt to worship Paul and Barnabas 31:51 as gods, followed by the stoning of Paul and his apparent 31:55 miraculous recovery. Persecution spreading the Gospel to Derbe 32:00 resulting in another large ingathering of souls. 32:04 From time to time I see patients with open sores of 32:07 Prurigo Nodularis. They usually have scars. The sores may be 32:15 infected. Sometimes I see will see a patient with 32:17 Lichen Simplex Chronicus. Both these skin problems are self 32:22 inflicted from repeatedly scratching and rubbing 32:26 and itching. The cure is to stop the scratching and rubbing. 32:33 The church right now has a self inflicted disease with wounds 32:38 open to the world. Further agitation will help this 32:43 since it was agitation that caused the problem in the 32:46 first place. The solution is the discipline that my patients 32:51 need, the discipline from the head to control the hands. 32:59 When Paul and Barnabas concluded their testimony of God's work 33:02 among the heathen, a solemn stillness from the Lord reigned 33:07 over the assembly and the General Conference was finally 33:11 ready to come to a decision. The head was to regain control. 33:38 But like the fair minded Bereans James was comparing Peter's 33:43 testimony to the Scripture. Like the Old Testament church, 33:48 like Jesus, James could speak with authority from an 33:52 It is written, a plain Thus saith the Lord. 33:57 Patriarchs and Prophets plainly says 34:28 James understood this. Though he gave one reference as sample 34:32 he acknowledges that the writing of all the prophets agree. 34:36 It was on Scripture, not the testimony of miracle and wonders 34:42 that the early church placed its confidence. A General Conference 34:46 is not above the Bible. Without Bible authority even the early 34:51 apostolic church had no authority. James doesn't say 34:56 We believe because of the testimony and miracles being 34:59 performed by Paul and Barnabas, he doesn't even refer to them 35:03 The early church was in danger of straying from the Bible. 35:08 By using the Bible just as it is written without complicated 35:15 commentary, James was using the Bible to correct the errors 35:20 seeking admittance into the church. 35:23 In verse 16 James continued by quoting Amos. 35:45 David's kingdom was a type of Christ's kingdom. 35:50 Ultimately Gentiles made up a significant portion of David's 35:54 empire. These Gentile subjects like Ittai, were loyal and 35:59 trustworthy. Enlarging, enriching and strengthening 36:03 David's kingdom. But David's Gentile subjects were not 36:08 required to become circumcised to become citizens. 36:13 As it was depicted in the type so it would be in a much greater 36:18 measure in the antitype. Isaiah describes the Tabernacle of 36:22 David as the throne room of the restored kingdom, the Messiah 36:26 would set up. Following the ascension of Christ 36:31 in the heavenly pageantry of the enthronement in the heavenly 36:34 sanctuary, the good angels were energized. While on this earth 36:39 Satan's angels were dispirited. It was at this key moment 36:45 that Pentecost came. And in an instant the Tabernacle of David 36:50 was rebuilt. In holy vision, God had shown Amos this restoration 36:56 of David's kingdom and that a major purpose in this restored 37:00 kingdom was to bring Gentile subjects flooding into this 37:05 kingdom, those who were called by God's name. By the sure word 37:10 of God it was the time of the Gentiles. 37:14 In further agreement with Peter, James adds that God had planned 37:18 for this all along, verse 18 37:25 From eternity God knows what He's going to do. And He has 37:28 given His promise that He will not make changes in the future 37:32 that He has not revealed to His prophets in the past. 37:36 God makes no hasty, last minute poorly thought through choices 37:43 that He suddenly springs on us. 37:46 His choices were long before we were born. From His vantage 37:52 point of eternity He chooses among us. 37:57 In Acts 15 we see the same pattern that is given throughout 38:01 the Bible. It is the present truth principle. 38:06 Present truth is a past prophecy that is fulfilled in the present 38:15 Present Truth is the light that guides us in making our decision 38:19 There are many examples of this principle but we'll mention only 38:23 Four. The change from the first born being the priest to the 38:27 priesthood being restricted to the Levites, actually to the 38:31 Aaronites was first prophesied by Jacob. But it was not 38:36 present truth until authorized by their prophet Moses. 38:39 The change from Judge to King was prophetic truth 38:44 when prophesied by Jacob, then Moses, but it was not present 38:49 truth until authorized by the prophet Samuel. 38:53 The change from united to divided kingdom was first 38:58 prophesied by Ahijah but it was not present truth 39:02 until authorized by the prophet Shemaiah. 39:05 We must not miss this. It is always God's Word that guides. 39:11 We do not look to the whims of the people for guidance 39:15 We look to prophetic truth with prophetic authorization 39:18 for any change we support. This is why God's Word brings unity. 39:23 Jeroboam was authorized to be king of Northern Israel but no 39:28 such authorization was given him to introduce worship changes or 39:31 priesthood changes. The divided kingdom was present truth and 39:35 must be allowed but the divided worship and priesthood changes 39:39 were apostasy and must not be supported by the faithful in 39:42 in Israel. Ellen White asked an important question 39:54 Before accepting a worship change Great Controversy tells 40:05 The Word of God is clear. When a dispute is raging 40:09 in the church, Exodus 23:2 40:19 Pilate did not follow this counsel of the Lord. 40:22 Instead he followed the crowd to do evil. He let the loudest 40:27 voices make the choice. He went with the easy, popular side. 40:31 But when the early church leadership was tested 40:34 they did not make their decision based on the local, vocal 40:38 majority. Peter and James were guided in their testimony 40:42 by the present truth principle not by the popular error 40:46 principle. They would not turn aside after many to pervert 40:51 justice. The wilderness was a type of God's people to the 40:55 close of time. Though all leaving Egypt were commanded to 40:59 be circumcised, a short time into the wilderness wandering 41:05 the children of Israel were forbidden to circumcise 41:09 the newborns. Those born in the wilderness wandering were 41:13 uncircumcised and they entered the land of Canaan uncircumcised 41:20 As in the type, much more in the antitype. This became 41:24 prophetic truth by Amos, Isaiah, Daniel. It became present truth 41:27 when it was authorized by Jesus and the apostles. With clear 41:31 prophetic guidance James was prepared to make a motion 41:50 Although circumcision was the flashpoint, this reveals 41:55 that there were three items that were also included 41:57 in the discussion besides this. Meats offered to idols 42:01 the use of blood in food preparation and immorality. 42:04 Unlike the ceremonial laws which were temporary, these 3 42:09 involve the moral law. The second commandment forbids 42:13 idolatry. The sixth commandment demands preservation of health 42:18 with avoidance of activities that would shorten life. 42:21 And the seventh commandment prohibits moral impurity. 42:25 The Jerusalem Council recognized the eternal nature 42:30 of the moral law and upheld it. Differentiating it from the 42:33 temporary, ceremonial system. Putting personal prejudices and 42:39 feelings aside, the apostles, elders and representatives 42:43 of the world church passed this motion unanimously. 42:47 The pro circumcision heresy was rejected. The Gentile convert 42:53 Titus was not required to be circumcised by the Council 42:56 and apparently he never did get circumcised. Furthermore, 43:00 the Council affirmed the work of Paul and Barnabas while the 43:04 self appointed work of the pro circumcision party was exposed 43:08 and explicitly condemned regardless of their church 43:11 position, their church connection these agitators did 43:16 not speak for the church. They were simply giving their 43:18 personal opinion and private interpretations. 43:21 The Council sent respected church leaders to Antioch 43:24 to give their testimony of the decisions of the General 43:27 Conference and affirm the value of Paul and Barnabas' mission 43:31 and message. And that's the story of Acts 15, but through 43:37 the centuries Acts 15 has been misunderstood and misinterpreted 43:42 Historically it has been used as a key argument by Sunday keepers 43:46 to justify the change from Sabbath to Sunday. 43:50 Although Womens Ordination is not in the same category 43:53 as the Sabbath, the underlying arguments historically put 43:57 forward by the proponents of Sunday are strikingly similar 44:01 to the arguments sometimes put forward today by those in favor 44:05 of Womens Ordination. Since the Jerusalem Council decision is 44:09 used as an argument by those supporting Womens Ordination 44:14 and by Sunday keepers, the arguments deserve a closer 44:18 examination. While Sunday advocates acknowledge that 44:23 Sunday was not explicitly commanded in the Bible, they 44:26 denied that it was explicitly forbidden. However, if Sunday 44:31 keeping is not a command of God it must be a command of man. 44:36 Tradition is basing a doctrine on the commandments of men 44:40 and that is testing God. Since we are to teach only what God 44:45 commands and we are not to add to His words, what is not 44:49 expressly commanded is excluded from true doctrine. 44:55 Since both Sabbath observance and circumcision are taught in 44:57 the Old Testament, the Sabbath was likened to circumcision. 45:02 Furthermore, it was denied that the Sabbath was explicitly 45:06 commanded in the New Testament. The trajectory of the Bible was 45:10 said to be the Lord's Day, Sunday. The clearest text were 45:15 reinterpreted and explained away by scholars while other texts 45:21 were taken out of context. At first both Sunday and Sabbath 45:25 were treated in an egalitarian way, but gradually God's order 45:31 was reversed until finally it was abandoned altogether. 45:37 Those men pleasers who were without conviction and were 45:40 therefore tolerant of both Sunday and Sabbath considering 45:45 the topic to be non-essential were lauded as truly enlightened 45:51 by the Gospel Spirit. That's a quote from history. Although 45:55 efforts were made to give some Biblical relationship to Sunday 45:58 keeping. The actual source of Sunday keeping was not the Bible 46:03 but pagan culture. Sunday keeping was urged as necessary 46:08 to increase the number of converts, undoubtedly to keep 46:12 from losing young people and to keep the church fresh 46:14 and relevant. As Sunday began to be adopted it seemed to cause 46:18 no great problem. Each Council's decision was never quite and 46:24 never enough to satisfy those pushing Sunday worship. 46:27 But building on the last compromise those in favor 46:31 of this innovation would bring it back again and again to 46:34 gain further concessions. The pastors of Sunday keeping church 46:38 reported how God was blessing and there were wonders and 46:41 miracles. Those defending the Sabbath were demonized as 46:45 Judaizers just like the circumcision party. 46:47 Seen in Acts 15. Sabbath defenders were marginalized 46:52 and silenced. Rome, leader in this apostasy refused to wait 46:59 for the rest of the church and forged ahead professing to honor 47:02 Jesus by honoring the day of His resurrection. 47:06 Of course the moment the church placed itself above the Bible 47:12 and permitted Sunday in some Regions it was inevitable that 47:17 this apostasy would ultimately spread to all Regions. 47:23 The foundation of the Roman Catholic heresy was its 47:27 supplementing the Word of God. Like Uzzah, steadying the ark. 47:35 This permeates every part of the early Christian apostasy 47:40 The Catholic church disregards the Sabbath but also disregards 47:45 God's instruction on ordination refusing to allow the Bishops 47:49 to be the husband of one wife. 48:18 For the church to be engaged in a major study on the laying on 48:23 of hands should make us very humble since Paul lists this as 48:27 a beginners doctrine, part of the mother's milk of the Word 48:32 a subject suitable for spiritual babies. Those unskilled in the 48:37 Word of God, Hebrews 5:12 through 6:2, the laying on 48:42 of hands in ordination was easily understood in practice 48:46 from the beginning by the Adventist Pioneers. Even before 48:51 the church was officially organized. Though the laying on 48:55 of hands is not a difficult subject it is important 48:58 for Paul lists it as one of 49:00 Christianity's foundational beliefs. 49:12 Since the pillars of the Seventh Day Adventist Church are 49:16 built on the foundation of the Christian Church, anything that 49:21 attacks the foundation of the Christian church threatens the 49:24 pillars of Adventism. I would like to return us to the great 49:30 miracle of Acts 15. The Jerusalem Council closed 49:35 in unity. Unity and love are the DNA marker of genuine 49:39 Christianity. This unity was the most important testimony 49:43 and it's the testimony that is needed today. 49:47 This was not a superficial unity built around compromise. They 49:50 were of one accord. The Christian church which began 49:55 in unity in Acts 1 and remained in unity in Acts 15 must close 49:59 in unity. Men and women, youth and age, every race and culture 50:04 working together in harmony under God's direction, 50:08 this is the only testimony to the world that matters. 50:12 Ordination is an important part of the unity. It was designed 50:16 of God to preserve our unity. Ordination restored unity 50:20 in the early church when the seven deacons were ordained. 50:23 Christ prayed His prayer for unity where we could overhear 50:42 Christ's prayer was not only that each separate generation of 50:46 believers would be in harmony with each other but that all 50:49 from the first generation to the last generation would 50:53 be in harmony. The last generation one with the 50:56 disciples and the early church. 51:00 This is the remnant principle, the last of the bolt is like the 51:05 first. The Christian church is to form one antiphonal choir 51:11 all following one Director, all in harmony in tune without one 51:16 discordant, independent note. 51:19 It is important to examine the original cloth on the bolt. 51:23 What was the early church like? Is the Seventh Day Adventist 51:27 church today, living and teaching what Paul and the 51:30 apostles taught? Are the two churches one? Separated only by 51:34 by time not Biblical belief or practice. If the Jerusalem 51:41 Council had been considering the question of ordaining women 51:44 how would it have decided? Any General Conference must be 51:49 focused on making the decision that would keep the body of 51:54 believers in harmony one with the early church by keeping it 51:58 in harmony with the Bible. The decision must be based on the 52:05 order given in Scripture not some end time politically 52:09 correct in cultural preference. Jesus did not allow the culture 52:15 of the times to influence His decisions such as in making 52:19 disciples. His decision was clear. It says 52:31 Is the corporate body of the church utilizing the women 52:34 of the church like Christ and the apostles utilized them? 52:37 Treating each with dignity and importance. What ministry did 52:40 Jesus give women? Is the Remnant Church a promoter of the same 52:44 Womens Ministries? The ministry of Peter's mother-in-law was 52:48 so important that Christ healed her so that she could resume it 52:51 on the Sabbath. Unselfish women ministered with their 52:55 substance. Dorcas' ministry was so important that God 52:59 resurrected her so that she could continue it. 53:03 Paul listed the qualifications for women whose ministry 53:07 entitled them to the church's sustentation fund. 53:29 Is the Remnant Church in unity with the early believers? 53:33 Is the church seconding Paul's emphasis on the importance of 53:39 women bringing up children in the fear of the Lord? 53:43 We don't have to wonder if Paul wrote this passage for some 53:47 unique situation there in Ephesus. We don't have to wonder 53:51 if he's trying to describe both men and women in this passage. 53:57 He's writing to women. On the other hand what did God expect 54:05 from men who were overseers? 54:19 The Catholic church rejected this instruction, we should not 54:22 join them in rejecting this clear instruction. 54:58 Again, we must not join the Catholic church in rejecting 55:02 this important instruction of Paul. 55:18 Our pioneers early adopted this Biblical instruction as an 55:24 important element of church organization. If we would be 55:27 one with the early church, this must continue to be taught 55:32 as a component of church organization till Jesus comes. 55:37 Those in the circumcision party didn't accept Paul's instruction 55:41 They felt at most it would apply to unique circumstances. 55:46 In Acts of the Apostles, Ellen White states emphatically 56:13 Though there is nothing difficult to understand about 56:16 the word ALL we have difficulty understanding what we don't want 56:20 to do. To say that Paul's instruction on church leadership 56:24 doesn't apply to all classes at all times, in all places 56:28 under all conditions is to contradict the sworn 56:32 testimony of Jesus Himself. 56:38 Paul's instruction on leadership qualifications applies today 56:42 just as it applied when he was inspired to write it. 56:44 Those in the circumcision party didn't accept Paul's instruction 56:49 The Catholic church chose not to accept Paul's instruction 56:52 as it reads. Now the Seventh Day Adventist Church 56:55 is at a similar crossroad. 57:04 Satan would love to hijack the Remnant Church as he hijacked 57:10 the early church. He advances his program little by little. 57:15 With gradual erosion of faithfulness to the Bible. 57:18 He would succeed but for the constant protection and watchful 57:22 vigilance of Christ over His church. Today Christ calls us 57:28 He calls you, He calls me to contend earnestly for the faith |
Revised 2015-11-17