Women's Ordination: History, Issues & Implications

Introduction Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: WOHII

Program Code: WOHII000001A

00:14 Another argument that is used in favor of women's ordination
00:18 is that ordination was approved at the 1881
00:22 General Conference Session.
00:24 I want to read from Review and Herald, December 20, 1881,
00:29 page 392, about the resolution that was taken at that
00:34 General Conference Session.
00:41 That is of elder or pastor.
00:50 And so it sounds like the General Conference Session
00:53 approved the ordination of women pastors.
00:57 But when you look carefully at the evidence,
01:00 nothing such as this really took place.
01:04 You see, after the resolution was read, it was actually
01:09 a motion; the resolution was a motion.
01:13 After it was read at the General Conference
01:16 Session it was discussed.
01:17 We know that at least eight individuals spoke
01:21 to that specific issue, and a vote was taken by the
01:24 General Conference Session to refer this to the
01:28 General Conference Executive Committee.
01:30 And in the Executive Committee it died, until 1990 when it
01:36 resurrected in Indianapolis, and resurrected again
01:41 in 1995 in Utrecht.
01:43 And both of those times the General Conference did not refer
01:46 it to the Executive Committee.
01:48 The General Conference in Session said, No.
01:51 In fact the North American Division brought the resolution
01:55 to allow for the ordination of women at the General Conference
01:58 Sessions of 1990 and 1995.
02:02 It was debated on the floor, and it was rejected
02:05 by the delegates, after two individuals at Utrecht presented
02:09 the Biblical evidence.
02:10 Everyone was persuaded that Dr. Damsteegt presented
02:14 the more persuasive case from Scripture.
02:17 Another argument that is used is that the missionary outreach
02:22 of the church is being negatively impacted
02:25 by a failure to ordain women to pastoral leadership.
02:28 Actually, folks, statistics show that churches that have decided
02:34 to ordain women have generally experienced a
02:38 decrease in church growth.
02:39 The church is growing phenomenally outside of the
02:44 so-called developed countries, and they don't ordain women.
02:48 In fact I remember at Tosk, in one of the sessions at Tosk,
02:52 I think that it was maybe the first or the second,
02:54 this argument was being used in order for the church to grow
03:00 we need to ordain women.
03:01 And when we ordain women then the church is going to
03:03 experience explosive growth.
03:04 I remember a gentleman stood from Africa, a Ph. D.,
03:09 and he said, You know, I keep on hearing this about
03:12 if we ordain women to the gospel ministry that the result
03:16 is going to be explosive growth in the church.
03:17 He says, You know, we have a very clear stand in our field
03:21 and we don't ordain women as pastors,
03:23 and we're experiencing explosive growth.
03:25 You could hear a pin drop.
03:28 Nobody could come to the microphone and contradict him,
03:32 because there are places in the world where the church is
03:37 growing phenomenally, and they don't ordain women.
03:40 In fact there are some scholars who are saying that God is never
03:43 going to pour out the latter rain until we ordain women.
03:46 I don't find that any place in Scripture that a condition
03:50 for receiving the latter rain is to ordain women
03:54 as gospel ministers.
03:56 Another argument that is used is that women today have been
04:03 called to the ministry.
04:04 They feel like God has called them, and therefore we should
04:08 accept their feelings as God accepting them being called
04:14 into gospel ministry, and into ordination.
04:18 But we believe that it's not feelings that dictate whether
04:22 something is in harmony with the will of God, it is Scripture
04:25 that tells us whether it is in harmony or not;
04:28 not impressions and feelings.
04:31 In the book, The Great Controversy, page 394 and 395,
04:34 Ellen White is describing some of the fanaticism that arose
04:38 at the time of the Millerite movement,
04:40 and she had this to say:
05:21 We cannot depend upon feelings and emotions,
05:24 and success in ministry as the litmus test of whether
05:29 the ordination of women is proper or not.
05:32 It's the Bible that dictates whether we should do it or not.
05:36 It's not feelings, it's not emotions, it's not a seeming
05:41 success in ministry.
05:43 Another argument which I found, which is very interesting,
05:46 is that those who believe in male leadership before the fall,
05:52 they also have to believe that women are a lesser
05:56 order of humanity.
05:58 And I'm quoting. And that women are inferior to men.
06:02 That is if you believe in male headship before the fall,
06:05 automatically they say, you believe that women are a lesser
06:08 order of humanity, and that women are inferior to men.
06:12 The fact is folks that this is a straw man argument as tall
06:17 as Nebuchadnezzar's image.
06:18 There is no egalitarian that I know of,
06:21 there is no individual who, you know, complementarian,
06:26 excuse me, who believes that God has different roles
06:30 for men and women, although they are equal in status
06:33 in the sight of God.
06:34 There is no complementarian that believes that women are
06:36 inferior or a lesser order of humanity.
06:39 That is just simply a fabrication in order to cause
06:44 people to go to the side issue and reject it, not on the basis
06:49 of theological argument, but on the basis of emotions.
06:52 I'd like to read from the International
06:55 Standard Encyclopedia.
07:26 A related argument is that if you don't believe that women
07:29 should be ordained to the gospel ministry then you do not believe
07:34 in women in ministry; once again a gigantic straw man.
07:39 Those of us on the committee who were opposed to women's
07:44 ordination to pastoral leadership are very much
07:48 in favor of women in ministry.
07:49 In fact, women can occupy virtually every position
07:53 in ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, except for
07:56 the position of elder or ordained pastor.
08:00 Those are reserved, according to the Bible,
08:03 for husbands of one wife.
08:06 Now it is also claimed that there is no parallel between the
08:12 relationship between God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
08:15 and the relationship between man and woman originally
08:19 when they were created.
08:20 The fact is that the Bible makes it very clear that God
08:24 the Father and His Son are two individuals.
08:27 But the Bible says that even though they are two individuals
08:31 they are One, because they are composed of the same substance;
08:36 they are co-substantial, in other words.
08:39 And the Spirit of Prophecy and the Bible make it very clear
08:42 that Christ was subject to the will of His Father
08:46 even before sin came into the universe.
08:49 You read the first chapter of the book,
08:51 Patriarchs and Prophets, it comes through very clearly
08:54 that Jesus is subject to the will of the Father.
08:57 And when you go to 1 Corinthians 15:28 it makes it very clear
09:02 that throughout eternity future Christ will submit Himself
09:05 to the authority of His Father.
09:07 In other words, the Godhead has this idea of two individuals;
09:13 they are One co-substantially, and the Son is
09:18 subject to the Father.
09:19 Now in Genesis 1:26 we find the Father speaking to the Son
09:24 and saying, Let Us make man in Our image,
09:27 according to Our likeness.
09:29 Now the image of God is not only that Adam individually
09:33 is physically, mentally, and spiritually in the image of God,
09:36 and Eve individually is in the image of God physically,
09:39 mentally and spiritually.
09:40 It means that their relationship is a reflection of the
09:44 relationship between God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
09:48 Let me ask you, Does the Bible say that Adam and Eve
09:52 were two individuals?
09:53 Does the Bible make it clear they're two individuals?
09:55 Does the Bible also say that they are one?
09:57 Yeah, they're close and substantial; they're one.
10:00 Does the Bible teach that the woman is subject to the
10:03 authority of the man?
10:04 Oh yeah, you say, I don't like that.
10:06 Well, then you wouldn't like the relationship between the Father
10:09 and the Son either, because the Bible says that the image of God
10:12 in which Adam and Eve were created, is a reflection on a
10:16 human scale of the relationship that exists between
10:19 the Father and the Son.
10:20 And as the Son is subject to the Father, and He doesn't complain,
10:24 and He doesn't whine, and say, I'm not going
10:26 to submit to anyone.
10:27 He's perfectly happy.
10:29 So God has created a system where the man and the woman
10:33 are two but one, but the woman is to submit to the
10:39 authority of the man.
10:41 Another argument that is used is that Ephesians 5:21 states
10:46 that the husband and the wife, the man and the woman,
10:50 must be mutually submissive.
10:53 That's one of the favorites, because it says,
10:55 submit one to the other.
10:58 However, several contextual matters are ignored by using
11:03 this argument that submission is not the wife to the husband,
11:06 it's the husband to the wife, and the wife to the husband.
11:08 Well, the fact is you have to look at the succeeding context
11:12 to see what the apostle Paul is saying.
11:14 In the succeeding context the apostle Paul then speaks about
11:18 wives submitting to their husbands, about children
11:22 submitting to their parents, and about bond servants
11:26 submitting to their masters.
11:28 Now my question is, are we to understand that Paul was
11:31 teaching that submission is a two-way street between
11:35 parents and children?
11:36 And children say, Oh, parents submit to me. Absolutely not!
11:40 Are we talking here about the apostle Paul saying
11:45 that masters and bond servants should be mutually
11:49 submissive one to another?
11:50 Are we saying that the commanding angels in heaven
11:54 are mutually submissive to the angels that they command?
11:58 Is there any evidence in Scripture that God the Father,
12:02 and God the Son, are mutually submissive to one another
12:06 in an egalitarian relationship?
12:08 There's no evidence of that.
12:10 Furthermore, in the very next verse the apostle Paul says,
12:16 along also with verse 24, that's verse 22 and verse 24,
12:20 the apostle Paul says, Wives submit yourselves
12:24 to your own husbands.
12:25 There's not one text in the writings of Paul where he says,
12:29 Husbands submit yourselves to your wives.
12:32 Besides in other places besides this text in Ephesians 5,
12:37 the apostle Paul says that wives should submit to their husbands.
12:41 For example, in Colossians 3:18, 19, the apostle Paul says:
12:51 And then he says:
12:58 Not once do we find any texts in the writings of the apostle
13:02 Paul where it indicates that husbands are to be subject
13:05 to the authority of their wives.
13:07 Let me read you a statement from Ellen White, Volume I of the
13:11 Testimonies, page 307, 308. Ellen White says:
13:20 So if you don't like the husband as the head of the family,
13:23 you're not going to like Christ as the head of the church. So...
13:31 And listen carefully.
13:50 Boy that would go over like a lead balloon in the world today.
13:54 Now she explains:
13:59 That's what it means to be mutually submissive.
14:30 Very, very clear. I mean there's no ambiguity here.
14:33 Everything that is said in favor of women's ordination,
14:39 when you look at all of the evidence, it becomes very clear
14:42 that that evidence is not saying what those who are in favor of
14:45 women's ordination would like it to say.
14:48 Another argument that is used is that as slaves were emancipated
14:52 from bondage to their masters, women should be emancipated
14:57 from their bondage to men.
14:58 Of course the question is, is it valid to compare the
15:02 emancipation of women with the emancipation of slaves?
15:06 The fact is, folks, that God established female submission
15:10 to male leadership before the fall.
15:13 It was established by God as His ideal, whereas the idea of
15:19 slavery was invented by man after the fall;
15:22 totally different context.
15:24 Furthermore, this is very important, ordination to the
15:29 church office of elder, or minister, is not a rite
15:33 but a calling that is not given to everyone by God.
15:36 Racial and gender equality are inalienable rights that have
15:42 been granted by the Creator to of all His creatures,
15:45 but pastoral ordination is not one of those inalienable rights
15:51 that have been granted to women by the Creator.
15:53 To the contrary, God has consistently reserved pastoral
15:57 ordination, in the Bible, for men.
16:01 Basic human rights are different than role distinctions
16:05 in the church, because rights belong to all human beings,
16:09 but roles in the church are according to God's calling,
16:13 and do not belong to all.
16:16 Another argument that is used is that there's a
16:19 trajectory in Scripture from not favoring the ordination
16:26 of women, to eventually favoring the
16:28 ordination of women.
16:29 But the fact is they have to go beyond the context of Scripture
16:33 to argue this, because as I pointed out before,
16:36 it becomes very clear that the apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28
16:40 says, There is neither male nor female.
16:43 Galatians was written long before 1st and
16:45 2 Timothy and Titus.
16:46 There's no scholar that would say that 1 Timothy
16:49 and 2 Timothy, and Titus were written before Galatians.
16:52 And yet in Timothy and Titus the apostle Paul says, Hey, the
16:56 elder and the bishop must be the husband of one wife.
16:59 I guess the apostle Paul at one time was egalitarian,
17:02 and then later on he became a complimentarian.
17:05 If you look at the New Testament evidence, that's what the New
17:09 Testament evidence indicates.
17:11 Another argument that is used is that it is certain that
17:17 Spiritual gifts and church offices are interchangeable.
17:22 They're the same things: a Spiritual gift
17:24 and a church office.
17:25 But the fact is that the New Testament makes a very clear
17:28 distinction between Spiritual gifts, which are given without
17:32 regard to gender, and church offices,
17:35 which are gender specific.
17:38 Let me give you an example: shepherding.
17:41 You know, in Spanish we have the word, only one word: pastoral.
17:45 Pastor, we have in English.
17:49 In English we have pastor and we have shepherd.
17:52 They mean the same thing.
17:53 Ellen White has a statement where she says that men
17:56 and women can serve as pastors of the flock of God,
17:58 so some people have said, See, she says that women can be
18:01 pastors of the flock.
18:02 The problem is the word pastors, as she uses it,
18:06 is different than the definition of pastors that we give today.
18:09 The meaning has changed.
18:10 For us pastors today mean individuals who have
18:13 been ordained to be ministers.
18:15 But in the times of Ellen White pastors means someone who has
18:19 the gift of shepherding.
18:20 Women were to shepherd children.
18:23 They were to shepherd other women.
18:25 But that doesn't mean that they were pastors in the sense
18:29 that we use the word today.
18:30 In other words, pastors is one of the spiritual gifts
18:33 according to the apostle Paul.
18:34 He says, pastors is one of the gifts of the Spirit.
18:38 But Paul is not speaking of a church office,
18:40 he's speaking about a spiritual gift.
18:43 Let me give you another example: evangelism.
18:45 Did you know that there were many successful women
18:48 evangelists in the history of the Adventist church
18:50 in the early history?
18:51 There were some powerful women evangelists.
18:54 And evangelism is one of the gifts of the Spirit
18:57 that is mentioned by the apostle Paul.
18:59 But the gift of evangelism is not the same as being an elder,
19:03 or being overseer of the church.
19:05 You're talking about church offices versus a gift that is
19:11 given for people to function within the
19:14 confines of the church.
19:16 Another idea that people present is that it is quite certain
19:22 that our pioneers were supportive of the idea of
19:27 women's ordination as elders and pastors of the church.
19:31 Nothing could be further from the truth.
19:34 I'm going to read now from two sources of our pioneers.
19:38 The first is Signs of the Times, December 19, 1878 where
19:43 J. H. Waggoner, the editor of Signs of the Times, writes this:
20:46 And he's commenting on 1 Timothy 3:12.
20:52 Another editorial in Signs of the Times, in 1895 is a response
20:57 to a question that was asked, Should women be elected to
21:01 offices in the church when there are enough brethren?
21:05 And this is the answer of the editor.
21:07 This is 1895, by the way.
21:10 Quite late in the 19th century.
21:13 This is the answer of the editor:
21:44 Assisting the deacons.
21:47 Notice deaconess is assisting the deacons.
21:56 fall to their lot.
21:58 You know, when I read this statement of the Pacific Union
22:00 in Constituency Session you could hear people snickering
22:03 and saying, Oh, you think that women can only serve as clerks,
22:08 and treasurers, and librarians of the tract society?
22:11 As if to say, How demeaning to women!
22:15 The editor continues saying:
22:34 Now listen carefully.
22:55 Here's the balance.
23:15 Always back to the word.
23:18 Another argument that is presented sometimes is that,
23:22 Okay, we might be willing to grant that the man should be the
23:27 head of the home, but that does not translate into the man
23:31 being also the head in the church, only in the home.
23:34 Well, the fact is that the apostle Paul,
23:36 both in 1 Timothy 3, and in Titus 1, clearly says that if a
23:42 man is not able to rule his own house, how can he rule
23:47 the church of God?
23:48 I found this remarkable statement that I want
23:51 to share with you.
23:52 I had not found this statement until a couple of days ago,
23:54 because the argument is the home is one place,
23:59 and the church is a different place.
24:01 But the fact is in this remarkable statement from
24:04 Ellen White, she's going to say that the home is a little
24:08 segment of the church, and the church is
24:11 composed of many homes.
24:12 Listen to the way that she expresses this.
24:14 This is in Volume 5, of Manuscript Releases, page 449.
24:19 She says:
24:59 She's quoting Scripture.
25:01 And now notice what she says:
25:26 So what you're saying is that the man should be the leader
25:33 in the small church in the home, but then in the larger church
25:38 it should be a woman.
25:39 That is incongruent.
25:41 Notice what she continues saying:
26:18 Notice the number of times that you have the masculine
26:21 pronoun in this passage.
26:23 And for me it was very significant that Ellen White
26:27 here speaks about the church in his own house,
26:30 and the larger church outside.
26:33 Another argument that is used is that in 1895 Ellen White wrote
26:39 a statement that shows that she approved
26:42 the ordination of women as pastors.
26:46 Well, let me read you the statement.
26:47 It's found in the Review and Herald, July 9, 1895.
26:51 Ellen White says here:
26:58 You begin to notice that this is not talking about pastoral
27:02 ministry, this is a part time thing.
27:08 Now listen to what the job description is.
27:18 That's the job description of a deaconess folks. She then says:
27:28 See! We should lay hands upon them, they say.
27:32 Well, we'll come back to that in a moment.
27:39 This shows that they weren't pastors or ministers,
27:41 if they have to counsel with the church officers or ministers.
27:57 Another means besides the ordained pastorate.
28:00 Now, let me just mention something which is very, very
28:05 important, and that is that those who favor
28:09 women's ordination many times will say, When you distinguish
28:13 between Ellen White's 1895 statement saying that you can
28:17 ordain deaconesses, but that you can't ordain pastors or elders,
28:21 that's an artificial distinction, is what they say.
28:24 Ordination is ordination, laying on of hands is the same.
28:29 It doesn't make any difference.
28:30 Well, you know, I did some research in the writings of
28:32 Ellen White and I discovered something very interesting.
28:35 Ellen White uses the expression, laying on of hands, many times,
28:40 and she uses the word ordination many times.
28:44 She will use laying on of hands to refer, for example, to laying
28:50 hands on missionary physicians.
28:52 And laying on hands, like I just read in this 1895 statement,
28:57 but she never uses the word ordination in conjunction with
29:05 those other cases where she speaks about laying on of hands.
29:08 For Ellen White there was a distinction between laying on
29:11 of hands and ordination.
29:13 Let me give you several examples, and I'll only give
29:16 you the references.
29:17 The word ordination is used regarding the twelve.
29:22 She says, Jesus laid hands on them and ordained them,
29:26 Acts of the Apostles, page 18.
29:28 It is used for the seventy male elders that
29:32 were chosen by Moses.
29:33 Ellen White says that hands were laid on them
29:37 in their ordination.
29:38 It is used also for Paul and Barnabus.
29:42 Hands were laid upon them in ordination,
29:45 Ellen White states.
29:46 That's Acts of the Apostles, 161.
29:49 The case of Moses ordaining the seventy elders
29:52 is Acts of the Apostles, page 94.
29:55 You know, Ellen White, in writing to lay
29:58 workers had this to say:
30:05 She's talking about lay people.
30:07 She's saying, hands of ordination might not have been
30:10 laid upon you, but that doesn't mean that you don't have
30:12 a work to perform.
30:13 Notice she says, hands laid upon you in ordination.
30:17 She's talking about separating ministers.
30:19 Also she wrote to wives of pastors and she said:
30:28 Once again laying hands of ordination.
30:31 Ordination with laying on of hands applying to
30:36 the pastoral ministry; never used of missionary physicians,
30:40 never used of women deaconesses.
30:42 In those cases it is only laying on of hands.
30:45 It is not ordination by laying on of hands.
30:48 Writing to the young people of the church,
30:51 this is Messages to Young People, page 226.
30:54 Ellen White wrote this:
31:17 Laying on of hands by what? by ordination.
31:21 Never does she use ordination for any of the other
31:24 setting apart only for the gospel ministry.
31:28 Jesus laid hands on children, didn't He?
31:31 So I guess He was ordaining children, right?
31:33 No, He wasn't ordaining.
31:35 Jesus laid hands on the sick, so I guess Jesus was ordaining
31:38 the sick. No, absolutely not!
31:40 The fact is that laying on of hands could take many forms,
31:45 and many shapes, but ordination by the laying on of hands
31:49 is applied exclusively to the ordination of gospel ministers.
31:54 I'd like to read this statement where Ellen White refers to the
31:59 missionary physicians.
32:00 This is Counsels on Health, page 540. She says:
32:13 Notice that ordination is not used; the laying on of hands.
32:31 Is that talking about setting them apart
32:34 as elders and pastors? No, as such as missionary physicians.
32:38 She continues saying:
32:51 In other words, Ellen White says ordain them.
32:53 And when they've been set apart, or not ordain them,
32:55 but set hands on them.
32:56 And when you have set hands on them, separated them for
33:00 missionary service, then they're going to think twice before they
33:03 decide to go into private practice to make money,
33:05 because they'll remember that they have been dedicated
33:08 to the Lord's service.
33:09 Another argument that is used is that it's quite certain that
33:15 the practice of ordination by the laying on of hands,
33:18 was embraced by the Roman Catholic Church from pagan Rome,
33:22 and the Seventh-day Adventist Church view of
33:24 ordination is identical, and therefore ordination should be
33:28 discarded altogether.
33:30 The problem with that is that ordination is
33:34 a Biblical practice.
33:35 It was practiced in the Old Testament when Moses laid his
33:39 hands on Joshua, when the priests and Levites were set
33:42 apart, when the seventy were set apart, when the leaders of
33:47 thousands, hundreds, fifty's, and tens were set apart,
33:51 when the apostles were ordained, when the deacons were ordained,
33:55 when the elders were ordained.
33:57 They were separated by the laying on of hands.
34:01 So how can you say that ordination came into the
34:05 Adventist church through the Roman Catholic Church that
34:08 embraced it from paganism?
34:10 The SDA view of ordination, by the way, is not, and has never
34:16 been sacramental as it is in the Roman Catholic Church.
34:20 We do not believe, nor have we ever believed, that there is any
34:25 virtue in the act itself, or in the words of consecration.
34:30 We have never believed that ordination confers supernatural
34:33 miraculous power, or that it confers authority above
34:37 that of Scripture.
34:38 This is a big straw man argument, because none of us
34:43 have ever believed the way that it is portrayed.
34:46 It is meant to distract from the real issues
34:49 involved in the discussion.
34:51 This argument is irrelevant to
34:55 Seventh-day Adventist practice.
34:56 Another... Are we doing well? Yeah?
35:00 Another argument that is used, and I quote now.
35:03 This appeared in Spectrum recently, very recently.
35:07 Could it be possible that the shameful statistics of violence
35:11 aimed largely at women around the world might have something
35:16 to do with the resistance to women's ordination?
35:19 And you laugh! And I laughed when I read it, too!
35:24 Now listen folks, the implications of
35:27 this are very serious.
35:28 If this were true, then God would be to blame for the abuse
35:33 of women in the Old Testament, because God established
35:36 the patriarchal system.
35:38 Jesus would be to blame for electing twelve male apostles,
35:41 and the apostle Paul would be to blame for insisting that
35:45 elders must the husbands of one wife.
35:48 This is another straw man argument that awakens strong
35:53 emotions, and that is intended to distract from the fact
35:58 that the Bible does not approve of the ordination of women.
36:02 Another argument that is used is that even though women's
36:06 ordination is not God's ideal plan, we should allow it as a
36:11 Plan B, even on a regional basis for three purposes:
36:16 To preserve unity in the church
36:18 Secondly, to conserve the integrity of the mission of
36:23 the church, and to guarantee everyone freedom of conscience.
36:28 Well, the fact is folks, you look at the prime example
36:32 that is used by those who are proposing this idea;
36:35 it's the idea of the election of the king in Israel.
36:39 You know, God said, I want to be your ruler.
36:42 I want to be your king.
36:43 And the people said, No, we want a king just like
36:46 the cultures around it.
36:47 It was a cultural issue.
36:48 And so God said, It's not a good idea, folks.
36:52 And He told them what the implications,
36:54 and what the consequences would be.
36:56 They said, We could care less!
36:57 We want our king, and so God said, You want your king?
37:03 I'm going to allow you to have your king,
37:05 but He said to Samuel, They have not rejected you,
37:09 they have rejected Me.
37:11 Now the question is, Did this lead to greater unity in Israel?
37:16 Listen folks, it led to the division of Israel into the
37:20 ten tribes of the north, and the two tribes of the south.
37:23 In other words it caused division in Israel.
37:27 Did it lead Israel to better fulfill its mission?
37:29 Are you kidding? Israel became defiled with the nations,
37:33 because their kings married the daughters of other kings,
37:37 of other nations, and they lost the knowledge of God.
37:40 And they came to practice idolatry.
37:42 Did it lead to greater freedom?
37:44 No, it led, ultimately, to bondage in the
37:49 Babylonian captivity.
37:50 And so this idea...
37:52 You know, it's difficult to grasp, or to understand,
37:56 how people could say that we need to adopt a Plan B
38:00 at this stage in human history, when Jesus, the coming of Jesus
38:05 is even at the door?
38:06 You know, doesn't God want us to return to the creation ideal,
38:10 to the ideal of the garden of Eden?
38:12 Doesn't God want us to return to the original diet?
38:15 Or does God say, Okay, go ahead with the Plan B.
38:18 You know, keep on eating cholesterol, and keep on getting
38:22 sick, and keep on getting cancer.
38:24 I don't mind! I don't care!
38:25 God doesn't act that way.
38:27 God loves us! You know, God says, Go back to the original
38:31 idea. Go to Plan A.
38:32 Why would you want a Plan B?
38:33 Does God want us to go back to the original plan
38:37 with heterosexual marriage in a culture that says, Oh, it's okay
38:42 for a man to marry a man, and a woman a woman.
38:44 Does God want us to adopt a Plan B like some are suggesting
38:47 even now in the church? Of course not!
38:49 The ideal is to go back to the way it was in the beginning.
38:53 Does God want us to adopt a Plan B when it comes to
38:56 the day of worship?
38:57 Oh, Sabbath/Sunday, who cares?
38:58 No! As Adventists we say we're supposed to return
39:02 to the creation ideal.
39:04 We return to the creation ideal in marriage,
39:06 to the creation ideal in the Sabbath,
39:09 to the creation ideal in diet, but not to the creation ideal
39:13 in roles within the home and the church.
39:16 Does God want us also to return to the creation ideal
39:20 when it comes to the relationships between
39:22 men and women in the church, and in the home? Absolutely!
39:26 He wants us to go all the way back to the beginning.
39:29 You know, this reminds me of the story when Jesus had His
39:33 discussion with the Pharisees.
39:34 They said, Is it okay for us to divorce a woman for any reason?
39:40 And Jesus said, No, it's not alright.
39:44 And they said, Well, Moses said that it was alright.
39:48 Moses gave us a Plan B.
39:52 And Jesus said, I know that Moses gave you a Plan B.
39:54 I'm just paraphrasing.
39:56 He says, I know that about Moses.
39:58 It was because of the harness of your hearts.
40:01 Just like when Israel elected a king.
40:03 It was because of the harness of your hearts that God allowed you
40:06 to get divorced for any reason, but at the
40:08 beginning it was not so.
40:10 The standard that Jesus returned people to was at the beginning.
40:15 It was not some Plan B in order to supposedly conserve the unity
40:20 of the church, and the integrity of the mission of the church,
40:23 and freedom for everybody.
40:26 Now another argument that is used is,
40:29 and this is very interesting, is the idea that Priscilla
40:34 assumed an authoritative teaching role over men.
40:40 The elect lady of 1 John was a leader of a local church,
40:46 and the women of the church of Philippi were the
40:50 leaders of that church.
40:51 Now I decided that I would check this out,
40:55 because a very notable scholar brought this out.
40:57 He said Priscilla assumed a teaching leadership role over
41:00 men, and the elect lady of 1 John:1.
41:03 She was the pastor of the church there.
41:05 And the women of Philippi, they were the leaders
41:08 of the church there.
41:09 So I said, I'm going to check into this.
41:10 And I discovered in Philippians 4:2, 3, the apostle Paul nowhere
41:16 says that the women of Philippi were the leaders of the church.
41:19 It simply says that the women were fellow laborers
41:23 with the apostle Paul.
41:24 Well, let me say, my wife is a fellow laborer with me,
41:27 but that doesn't make her an elder of the church.
41:29 It doesn't make her a pastor of the church.
41:31 Furthermore, nowhere are we told in Acts 18 that Priscilla
41:37 assumed an authoritative teaching role over men.
41:40 Rather the text clearly explains that both Aquila and Priscilla
41:47 taught Apollo's the word of God more accurately.
41:51 And it was not in a public worship service,
41:54 it was privately in the home.
41:57 There is nothing that would forbid a woman from being
42:00 a Bible instructor.
42:02 And finally, as to the idea that this elect lady of 2 John was an
42:12 apostle, or elder, or bishop, or pastor of the church.
42:15 No such thing is found there in the second epistle of John.
42:20 In fact Ellen White tells us what the
42:22 position this woman was.
42:23 She was a helper in the gospel work; a woman of good repute
42:29 and wide influence.
42:31 There are many women who would fit that description,
42:34 by the way, in Scripture; women such as Lydia, women such as
42:39 Dorcas, Priscilla, and other women that are mentioned
42:42 specifically in the book of Acts.
42:43 That does not make them elders or pastors of the church.
42:48 Another argument that is used is that the majority of the
42:53 members of the Theology of Ordination Committee
42:55 were in favor of women's ordination.
43:00 And what they do is they say, Well, there were 62 in favor,
43:05 and there were 32 against.
43:07 Now, let me share with you this: the picture is more
43:12 complicated than this.
43:14 Let me share with you why.
43:17 54 members of the committee agreed that male leadership
43:23 was established by God before the fall in the home
43:27 and in the church; 54, our 32 plus the 22 that belonged
43:32 Our 32 plus the 22 that belonged to group number three.
43:36 So basically, if you go to how many believed that male
43:41 leadership, in the home and in the church, was something that
43:44 got established before the fall, there were 54 that said, Yes,
43:47 and there were only 40 that said No.
43:50 Now what's interesting is that in group number two,
43:54 which are those who are favor of women's ordination,
43:58 because they say that men and women have equal,
44:01 and interchangeable roles.
44:03 Of those 40 there is disagreement, because some
44:06 of them believe that the man is still the leader
44:10 of the house, although he isn't the leader of the church.
44:14 Whereas some of them believe that the man is not the leader
44:17 in the home or in the church.
44:18 So there's disagreement among them.
44:21 The simple fact is folks, that the group of 40, and the group
44:26 of 22 disagree on the basic premises.
44:31 You see, the group of 40, they believe that men and women
44:36 have equal and interchangeable roles.
44:39 Group number three, which is known as Option 3, they say,
44:45 No, God has established that the man should be the spiritual
44:50 leader of the home, and of the church, but God will allow His
44:55 church to adopt a less than ideal plan; a Plan B.
45:00 I must say that group number two does not like the premises
45:04 of group number three, because group number three believes
45:07 in male leadership in the home and in the church.
45:09 And so there's disagreement even among those who believe
45:14 in regional ordination.
45:16 I have two more points that I want to bring here and present
45:21 before we bring this to a close.
45:23 This is a very serious one.
45:25 Some of those who favor women's ordination are saying that
45:30 Ted Wilson is opposed to women's ordination, and is attempting to
45:35 impose his will upon the world church.
45:37 And I'd like to read a paragraph from a very influential
45:42 ex-Biblical languages teacher at the Seventh-day Adventist
45:46 Seminary at Andrews, where she wrote a personal letter to
45:51 the General Conference president.
45:52 And it kind of leaked out, and I think it was
45:56 published by Spectrum.
45:58 This is what she wrote:
46:23 That's what she wrote to him.
46:25 The fact is folks, let me give you a firsthand report,
46:30 Elder Wilson attended all four meetings of the
46:34 Theology of Ordination Study Committee.
46:36 Never, even once, did he express his approval or disapproval
46:43 of women's ordination.
46:44 And we have some members of the Theology of Ordination Study
46:48 Committee here, and they can back up what I'm saying.
46:50 What he did emphasize...
46:52 And this is important.
46:53 What he did emphasize is that the Seventh-day Adventist Church
46:57 is a church that operates on the basis of policies, bylaws,
47:01 and constitutions.
47:02 And because the world church voted twice to deny the
47:07 ordination of women, Elder Wilson has expressed that the
47:12 will of the world church must be respected.
47:16 The decision not to ordain women is not something that has been
47:19 passed down from the General Conference leaders to the world
47:23 church, it has rather been decided by the world church
47:28 and the General Conference officers are simply carrying out
47:32 the will of the world church, which is what they have been
47:36 placed in positions of leadership to do to uphold the
47:39 policies, and the practices of the
47:42 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
47:43 Finally, there's this argument that according to denominational
47:50 policy, it is the prerogative of the Unions
47:55 to approve ordinations.
47:56 Now let me share with you: That's true,
48:01 but there's a caveat.
48:03 In our denominational structure, the Unions have the right to
48:08 approve ordinations that are sent to them by the conferences,
48:13 but they do not have the authority to establish the
48:16 criteria for those ordinations.
48:19 In other words, the Central California Conference can send
48:23 some names to the Union of pastors that they want ordained,
48:27 and the Union approves the ordinations, but the Union
48:31 cannot create the criteria for ordination.
48:35 The criteria is established by the world church in
48:38 General Conference Session, which means that the Pacific
48:43 Union has to abide by the criteria that is established.
48:48 And one of those criteria is that the elder, or the minister
48:56 must be the husband of one wife.
49:00 And so the Union can't approve the names that are sent by the
49:05 Conference, but they cannot approve names of women because
49:09 it goes against the policies of the General Conference,
49:14 and the Division, and, by the way, of the Union itself.
49:18 And so we've covered a lot of ground this evening.
49:23 I just wanted to give you a birds eye view of all of the
49:28 different arguments that are being used.
49:30 And as we examine these arguments it becomes very, very
49:36 clear, at least in my mind, that these arguments that are offered
49:41 are far from conclusive.
49:43 In fact many of them are based on faulty reasoning.
49:47 They're based on faulty study of Scripture, looking only at
49:52 partial evidence, redefining words, injecting context that
49:57 are not there, ignoring context that are found there.
50:01 I'd like to read, once again, the statement that I began with
50:07 in Counsels to Writers and Editors, page 40.
50:26 We have to be careful that we don't use arguments
50:30 that aren't wholly sound.
50:31 What does that mean?
50:33 That means that when an argument is brought forth
50:36 we have to examine it from every angle.
50:38 We have to look at the context.
50:40 We have to look at the broader context.
50:42 We have to look at what the Spirit of Prophecy had to say.
50:44 It would be helpful to look at what others have
50:46 said about that text.
50:47 Cover all of the bases. Ask questions.
50:50 Find avenues that perhaps might contradict the understanding
50:55 that we've got from that text.
50:56 In other words we have to be like lawyers
50:58 in the study of Scripture, like attorneys.
51:01 You know when attorneys are preparing a case to take before
51:04 a court of law, they are already anticipating all of the
51:07 objections that are going to be brought by the other attorneys.
51:10 They want to present an ironclad case.
51:14 They research, they scrutinize, they look for all of the
51:17 evidence so that there are no loose ends.
51:19 That's what Ellen White says that we must do. Once again:
51:40 At least for the time being.
51:43 You know, we can make an opposer look kind of foolish.
51:46 But then she continues saying:
52:14 You know, Ellen White says in the last days God's people will
52:19 be brought before tribunals, before the great men of the
52:23 earth to present the evidences of their faith.
52:27 She says that the great men of the earth will
52:32 examine our arguments.
52:33 She has even a statement where she says that the great men of
52:37 the earth will question every single statement that we make.
52:42 Which means that when we are studying these matters,
52:48 we must have an ironclad case where there are no loose ends;
52:54 where there's no way out.
52:55 We must know, for example, the arguments that are made
53:00 regarding the Sabbath.
53:01 You know, we usually just argue for the Sabbath the way
53:08 that evangelists do.
53:09 We use the same texts over and over again.
53:11 But there are some questions that people ask that perhaps
53:15 we haven't taken a closer look at.
53:16 Like, for example, you know I have a series that
53:21 I did on the Sabbath.
53:23 I don't know whether you've noticed in Genesis,
53:25 but one argument that is brought out by one of the prime enemies
53:29 of the Adventist Church, who used to be a Seventh-day
53:32 Adventist, he says, Look, in Genesis there's no statement
53:36 whatsoever that says that God commanded Adam and Eve
53:39 to keep the Sabbath.
53:40 It says that God rested the seventh day.
53:44 It doesn't say that God commanded Adam and Eve to rest.
53:48 And, furthermore, they say, and you know the word for rest
53:52 in Exodus 20 is different than the word for rest in Genesis.
53:56 So why the change of the word from Shabbat in Genesis,
54:04 to nuah in Exodus 20?
54:07 And so they say, See, in Genesis the Sabbath wasn't made for man,
54:13 the Sabbath was actually God's rest.
54:16 Another argument that is used is in Genesis it says that every
54:21 day of the week had an evening and morning, but it doesn't say
54:25 there was the evening and the morning of the seventh day.
54:28 And so the argument is because it doesn't say that was an
54:31 evening and morning of the seventh day,
54:33 God's rest is open to us every day.
54:35 And it sounds pretty logical.
54:37 It sounds reasonable.
54:39 Do we have answers to these things?
54:40 You know, some day we will have to stand before kings,
54:44 and rulers to give a reason for our faith.
54:46 If we can't get the issue of women's ordination right,
54:50 what makes us think that we're going to be able to stand before
54:53 kings, and rulers, and the great men of the earth,
54:56 to answer concerning the great things that we find
54:59 in God's Holy Word?
55:00 We must go to Scripture.
55:02 Scripture must be our authority.
55:04 And that's why in this symposium I have underlined to all of the
55:09 speakers that we need to base what we are saying on
55:14 a thus saith the Lord.
55:16 We must base our doctrine and our practice only upon
55:20 Scripture; not conjecture, not the ideas of men,
55:25 not what commentaries say, not even what the church has always
55:29 taught, but a thus saith the Lord.
55:32 What does the Word of God say?
55:35 So I believe that we have some exciting times
55:38 in the next three days.
55:39 It's going to be very intensive.
55:41 We're going to start early in the morning,
55:43 and we're to end late at night.
55:45 We have about fifteen presentations.
55:47 We have three panel discussions.
55:49 We have a town hall meeting at the end where people will
55:52 be able to ask questions live, and it's going to be a
55:56 marvelous experience.
55:57 I believe that for the weekend we're probably going to have
56:00 this place pretty well packed.
56:02 And so you all had better make sure that you come early
56:06 and get a prime spot, because we're going to have standing
56:10 room only when it comes to Friday and Sabbath.
56:13 I want to thank all of you for being here for this meeting.
56:17 I trust that what we've studied has been useful and beneficial
56:20 in setting the stage for everything that's
56:22 going to be discussed.
56:23 Before we bring this to and end, I would like to ask the Lord
56:27 to be with us, and to bless our symposium.
56:29 So lets bow our heads for a word of prayer.
56:32 Father in heaven, we come before You this evening to thank You
56:37 for Your Holy Word.
56:38 What a terrible thing it would be to live in this world without
56:44 any guidance whatsoever.
56:46 The world is so confused.
56:48 It is truly Babylon, as it's described in Scripture.
56:51 People don't know where to turn.
56:54 They don't know what's truth, and what is error.
56:57 But You have left Your Word as a sure guide in this world.
57:01 We thank You, Father for that Word that You have given to us.
57:05 Father we want to be servants of the Word.
57:08 We want to be like Samuel.
57:10 We want to say, Speak Lord, for Your servant heareth.
57:13 We want to obey what You say in Your Holy Word.
57:16 We don't want to look for excuses to be disobedient.
57:20 Father I ask that You will bless this symposium that the next
57:24 three days might be a mountain top experience for all of us.
57:28 I ask Lord that you will bless all of the speakers.
57:31 That You will give them wisdom from on high to speak words
57:36 from Your Holy Word that will burn within our hearts.
57:40 I ask, Lord, that You will bless also all of those who will be
57:44 tuning in by internet, by You-Tube, people who will
57:47 eventually watch these programs on television.
57:50 I ask, Father, that You will give people open minds
57:53 and hearts to receive Your Word as we find it written in that
57:58 book that You inspired so many ages ago.
58:01 We thank You Father for the promise of Your presence.
58:04 And we thank You Lord for hearing our prayer this evening,
58:07 for we ask it in the precious name of Your
58:10 beloved Son Jesus, Amen.


Revised 2015-06-07