Women's Ordination: Equal but Different

The Case for Male Leadership

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: WOE

Program Code: WOE000003

00:15 Good evening.
00:16 I would like to invite all of you
00:18 to bow your heads with me
00:19 as we ask for the Lord's presence in our study today.
00:23 Our Father and our God,
00:24 once again we come into Your presence
00:27 knowing that we need Your help.
00:30 This is a very, very important subject,
00:33 a controversial subject at this time,
00:36 so we ask that through Your holy word
00:39 you will make this subject clear to our minds.
00:43 Not only clear to our minds
00:44 but we ask that You will soften our hearts
00:47 that we might be willing to hear Your voice
00:50 and abide by the order that you have established.
00:53 We ask Lord that You will bless
00:55 all of those who are viewing
00:57 and we thank You for hearing our prayer,
00:59 for we ask it Jesus' name. Amen.
01:04 In our last study together,
01:05 we noticed very clearly that God gave Adam
01:10 the headship or leadership role both before sin
01:15 and after sin entered the world.
01:18 We also noticed that in God's arrangement
01:21 Abel was to respect and be subject
01:25 to his brother Cain
01:27 because Cain was the older of the two.
01:32 Now, a little bit later on as time went on,
01:35 the first born son male son
01:39 was the designated leader of the household.
01:44 And this was called of course the birth right.
01:48 And so we notice that very early in history
01:51 even before patriarchal times,
01:54 God established very clearly that man should be the head,
01:59 should be the leader of the household.
02:03 Now I would like to say a few things
02:05 about the patriarchal period, the period of the Patriarchs.
02:09 It's been claimed by women's ordination advocates
02:13 that the patriarchal system was one of male chauvinism
02:17 and that basically this system enslaved woman
02:21 to the quims and fancies of men.
02:25 Now, the Old Testament and the Spirit of Prophecy
02:28 beg to differ on this perspective
02:32 that many have about women during the patriarchal period.
02:37 Ellen White makes it very, very clear
02:40 that the reason why God established
02:42 the patriarchal system was not to make
02:45 men dominant over women
02:48 and for women to please the fancies
02:51 and the quims of men
02:54 but God established a system
02:56 to preserve the knowledge of God.
02:58 I would like to read a statement
03:00 that we find in the book, Patriarchs and Prophets,
03:03 page 141 where Ellen White explains
03:06 the reason for the patriarchal system
03:09 where the man of the household
03:11 was to be the leader or the head.
03:14 This is what she says.
03:15 In early times, that is the times before Abraham,
03:19 the father was the ruler and priest of his own family,
03:23 are you hearing what she is saying.
03:26 "In early times the father was the ruler
03:29 and priest of his own family." And now listen.
03:33 "And he exercised authority over his children,
03:38 even after they had families of their own.
03:42 His descendants were taught to look up to him as their head,
03:47 in both religious and secular matters.
03:51 This patriarchal system of government
03:54 Abraham endeavored to perpetuate,
03:58 as it tended to preserve the knowledge of God.
04:02 It was necessary to bind
04:04 the members of the household together.
04:07 "You remember that the word husband means house-band.
04:10 In other words it binds the family together,
04:13 so once again she says,
04:14 "This patriarchal system of government,
04:16 Abraham endeavored to perpetuate,
04:19 as it tended to preserve the knowledge of God.
04:22 It was necessary to bind
04:24 the members of the household together."
04:27 Now notice the reason.
04:28 "In order to build up a barrier
04:32 against the idolatry that had become
04:35 so widespread and so deep-seated."
04:39 The purpose of the household
04:42 being under the governments of the man of the house hold
04:47 was due to idolatry in the surrounding nations
04:51 and if the family had a strong spiritual leader in head,
04:56 the family would be preserved
04:58 from being enticed by the adulatory of these nations.
05:02 Now when God established the nation of Israel,
05:06 He found that the nation of Israel
05:08 which is actually the official beginning
05:10 of the Old Testament church by calling 12 males
05:17 to found what was the Old Testament church or Israel.
05:22 Now it bears noting that Jacob not only had 12 sons,
05:28 he also have one daughter Diana
05:31 and yet God made it a point
05:34 to choose the 12 sons, 12 male sons,
05:38 I'll emphasize of course sons are male
05:40 but I want to underline that fact,
05:43 God established the Old Testament church
05:45 by calling 12 males to be
05:48 the founders of Old Testament Israel
05:52 or the Old Testament church.
05:54 Now, of course all of Israel was represented
05:57 in these 12 male leaders.
06:00 Ellen White in the book Acts of the Apostles,
06:03 page 19 says this.
06:06 In the Old Testament the 12 patriarchs stood
06:11 as representatives of Israel
06:14 and so God called 12 males
06:16 to be the representatives of all of Israel.
06:20 Now this number was important,
06:22 the number 12.
06:24 Not one digit could be subtracted
06:27 from it nor one digit be added to it.
06:30 Because the number 12 as we are going to notice
06:33 is the number of God's people
06:36 and as I mentioned once before
06:38 God chose 12 male founders to represent
06:43 all of the nation of Israel that was to come from them.
06:48 Now, we find also that before the 70 elders
06:53 were named in Israel,
06:55 God told Moses that he needed to surround himself
06:59 with individuals that would help him govern Israel.
07:04 It's interesting to notice that in Exodus 18:25
07:08 we were told this about those who were chosen
07:10 to be the heads or to help Moses govern or rule Israel.
07:17 Exodus 18:25, listen carefully.
07:20 "And Moses chose able men out of all Israel
07:26 and made them heads over the people,
07:29 rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds,
07:33 rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens."
07:36 So who were chosen as rulers?
07:39 Where there any woman among those
07:41 who were to be the head
07:43 or to be the leaders in Israel? Absolutely not.
07:47 Moses was a male
07:49 and those who were chosen to help him rule
07:52 or be heads over the people were also male.
07:56 Ellen White has something very interesting
07:58 to tell us about this selection
08:00 of those who would help Moses govern.
08:03 In Review and Herald, October 5 1905,
08:07 Ellen White explains
08:09 that about this individuals who helped Moses.
08:12 They should be 'able men,
08:16 such as fear God,
08:18 men of truth, hating covetousness.'
08:22 All matters of minor consequence
08:25 were to be judged by the men
08:27 placed over the smaller groups,
08:30 matters of greater importance
08:32 were to be carried to the higher officers,
08:35 and the most difficult cases
08:37 were still to be brought before Moses.
08:41 So even before the 70 elders were elected were told
08:45 that Moses chose men as heads over groups in Israel,
08:50 he chose men to be the leaders over the people.
08:54 And then of course in the course of time,
08:57 70 elders were named to help Moses
09:01 in the administration of Israel.
09:04 They were the governing council of Israel if you please.
09:08 Now this governing council
09:10 is mentioned in Number 11:16, 17, 24.
09:17 It's interesting to read
09:18 what Ellen White has to say about
09:21 this group that was chosen,
09:23 the group of the 70
09:25 that would belong to the governing council
09:28 that helped Moses rule Israel.
09:30 Notice what she has to say
09:32 in Acts of the Apostles, page 94.
09:35 "Later, when choosing seventy elders
09:39 to share with him
09:41 the responsibilities of leadership."
09:44 What was the responsibility of the seventy, to be what?
09:49 "Responsibilities of leadership,
09:52 listen carefully now, Moses was careful to select,
09:57 as his helpers, men possessing dignity,
10:01 sound judgment, and experience.
10:05 In his charge to these elders at the time of their ordination,
10:10 he outlined some of the qualifications
10:13 that fit a man to be a wise ruler in the church.
10:18 Now there are several things
10:19 that I want you to notice about this very significant statement.
10:23 First of all Ellen White tells us
10:26 that these were leaders
10:28 and the leaders were called Elders in the Old Testament.
10:32 Secondly the leaders are elders were all men.
10:37 In the third place Ellen White tells us
10:39 that they were ordained to be elders.
10:43 And lastly and most importantly
10:46 she says that this selection
10:49 in the Old Testament of the elders
10:52 became away in which the New Testament church
10:56 would know the qualifications
10:58 for the elders in the New Testament period.
11:01 In fact she says, once again
11:03 in his charge to these elders at the time of their ordination,
11:08 he that is Moses outlined some of the qualifications
11:12 that fit a man to be a wise ruler in the church.
11:16 In other words the election of the elders back then
11:19 was a pattern for the election of the elders
11:22 in the New Testament church.
11:24 Now, God came to the point
11:26 where He established a priesthood in Israel,
11:30 the spiritual leaders in Israel.
11:33 Interestingly enough, all of the leaders
11:36 that were chosen to supply the spiritual needs of Israel,
11:39 all of the priests were males.
11:42 You can read it in Numbers 18:1, 2.
11:47 Now there is no evidence
11:49 that males were chosen
11:51 for cultural or for cultic reasons.
11:54 In fact it was very common
11:56 among the nations that surrounded Israel,
11:59 the pagan nations to have priestesses.
12:02 But in Israel God said, no priestesses
12:05 because the spiritual leaders of the church
12:08 needed to be of the male gender.
12:12 Now, the Bible lets us
12:13 that when this was disrespected,
12:16 the consequences were very severe.
12:19 For example Korah wanted to be priest
12:23 when he was a Levite
12:24 and we know what happened to Korah,
12:25 the story is in Number 16:3.
12:29 Saul once offered the sacrifice
12:32 which was a priestly duty
12:34 and he lost the throne of Israel as a result.
12:38 King Uzziah, who was a king wanted to be a priest.
12:41 The story is in 2 Chronicles 26:16-21
12:47 and as a result he suffered a sever judgment from God.
12:51 King Jeroboam also wanted to change
12:54 the order that God had established
12:57 and the punishment was swift according to 1 Kings 12:31.
13:03 The lesson is that when God establishes a certain order,
13:07 He expects us to abide by that order.
13:10 All of the priests that were chosen in Israel
13:13 were of the male gender.
13:15 Now, the helpers of the priests were the Levites.
13:19 They performed other duties in the sanctuary.
13:22 The interesting thing is that all of the Levites
13:25 that were chosen were also males.
13:28 Numbers 8:10 and also chapter 18:1, 2
13:34 tells us very clearly
13:35 that all of the Levites were males.
13:39 Once again you never find in the Bible
13:42 that they were chosen males
13:45 because of cultic reasons or cultural reasons.
13:48 The Bible in fact tells us why they were chosen.
13:51 It's because at Mount Sinai
13:53 when Israel worshiped the golden calf,
13:55 they were faithful to God,
13:58 it wasn't for any other cultic reasons
14:01 or for cultural reasons.
14:03 Now the women's ordination lobby has suggest
14:06 that the this impressive list of male leaders
14:09 that I have shared with you in the Old Testament was
14:13 because this was the old covenant,
14:16 but that under the new covenant
14:18 both men and women
14:20 are to occupy the spiritual leadership
14:23 positions in the church
14:24 because of the priesthood of all believers.
14:28 In other words God has overturned
14:30 the old order of things.
14:33 Now I must say that we should be very suspicious
14:36 about any theology
14:38 that pits the old covenant versus the new covenant,
14:42 you know the churches do that with the Sabbath.
14:46 They say, oh, no the Sabbath was for the old covenant,
14:49 it's not for the new covenant.
14:51 They do it with the Ten Commandments.
14:53 Oh, no that was old covenant, not new covenant.
14:56 It's a very dangerous thing for us to reach the conclusion
15:00 that in the Old Testament men were ordained
15:03 but that was the old covenant,
15:05 and so in the new covenant both males and females
15:09 should be ordained
15:11 and should occupy leadership positions in the church.
15:15 Unless we have a clear text from scripture
15:18 that tells us that the Old Testament system
15:21 was suspended or superseded by a different system,
15:26 we must abide by what we find in the Old Testament.
15:30 But just for the sake of argument,
15:32 let's take a look at the leaders
15:34 that were elected in the New Testament.
15:37 How many apostle did Jesus choose? Well.
15:41 we all know that Jesus chose 12 apostles
15:45 and they were set apart by ordination,
15:48 by the laying on of hands.
15:51 Now one notable Adventist scholar
15:53 who was in favor of women's ordination
15:56 has said that Jesus chose 12 male apostles
16:00 and I quote, "because he did not want to upset
16:04 the fabric of Jewish culture."
16:07 In other words, Jesus did not want
16:09 to rock the boat of his day and age,
16:11 when they believe that only males
16:14 should be chosen to be leaders,
16:15 Jesus said, I'm not going to rock the boat,
16:17 so I'll just choose male leaders.
16:19 In other words, His explanation is that 12 males were chosen
16:23 because of cultural reasons.
16:27 However this just does not fit with the evidence.
16:30 Do you remember that I mentioned that
16:33 12 sons of Jacob were the founders
16:35 of the Old Testament church
16:37 and they represented all of the Old Testament church?
16:40 Well, the fact is that the 12 apostles were chosen
16:45 because they were 12
16:47 and they are the founders of the New Testament church
16:51 and everyone in the New Testament church
16:53 is included in the original 12 founders.
16:57 Listen to what Ellen White had to say.
16:59 I read the statement where she says
17:01 that the 12 patriarchs were the founders
17:03 of the Old Testament church.
17:04 Now notice what she continues saying in that same statement.
17:07 She says the 12 apostles stand
17:11 as representatives of the gospel church.
17:16 The number 12 is significant.
17:19 You can't add a digit
17:21 and you cannot take away a digit
17:23 because the number 12
17:25 represents God's church in all ages.
17:28 There is no such thing as an Old Testament church
17:32 and a New Testament church in theological terms.
17:35 You say, how do we know that.
17:37 Well, you know that in Revelation 12,
17:41 we have a woman
17:43 and the woman has a crown that contains 12 stars.
17:47 Now what does this woman represent?
17:50 There is only one woman notice,
17:51 not many women, one woman
17:54 with a crown that has 12 stars on the crown.
17:57 Now what does this woman represent?
18:00 If you read Revelation 12 you are going to discover
18:03 that it represents the Old Testament church
18:06 and it represents the New Testament church.
18:09 You say, so that woman represents
18:10 the Old Testament church also. Absolutely.
18:14 Now let me explain the reason why.
18:17 When John sees the woman in Revelation 12:1,
18:22 verse 2 tells us that she has a child,
18:25 a male child in her womb.
18:28 Who is that male child that is in the woman's womb?
18:31 It's Jesus Christ.
18:33 But the interesting thing is the child has not been born
18:36 in Revelation 12:1, 2.
18:38 So this must represent which stage of the church?
18:42 It must represent the Old Testament
18:45 stage of the church
18:46 because you can't have a New Testament church
18:48 if Jesus has not been born yet.
18:51 But then the Bible tells us that the same woman
18:54 with the same crown that had 12 stars
18:57 flees to the wilderness for 1260 years
19:01 after the child is born
19:03 and ascends to God into His throne.
19:05 At this stage the woman represents
19:07 the New Testament church.
19:09 And I want you to notice that the number 12
19:12 is identified with both stages
19:15 because in the Old Testament
19:17 the church was established by 12 founders
19:20 and they represented the entirety of the nation
19:23 that came from them
19:24 and the New Testament church begins with 12 male founders
19:28 and the New Testament church is represented by them.
19:32 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
19:34 Now, some question whether the apostles were even ordained?
19:39 Do you know there are some scholars that say,
19:41 the apostles were not really ordained,
19:43 they were chosen by Jesus
19:45 but hands were not laid on them to set them apart.
19:48 Ellen White begs to differ.
19:50 In Desire of Ages, page 296, Ellen White said this.
19:55 "When Jesus had ended
19:57 His instruction to the disciples,
20:00 He gathered the little band close about Him,
20:03 and kneeling in the midst of them,
20:06 and laying His hands upon their heads,
20:10 He offered a prayer
20:12 dedicating them to His sacred work.
20:15 Thus the Lord's disciples
20:17 were ordained to the gospel ministry."
20:21 In other words, Jesus chose the 12
20:23 and Jesus ordained the 12,
20:27 12 males that are the founders of the New Testament church
20:31 and they actually represent
20:33 the entirety of the New Testament church.
20:36 You could not have one more or one less.
20:38 In the Old Testament 12 male founders,
20:41 in the New Testament 12 male founders.
20:45 Now, those who are in favor of women's ordination
20:48 very frequently quote the case of Junias.
20:54 Now Junias is mentioned in Romans 16
20:58 and they said, well, Junias,
21:00 the Bible tells us that she was an apostle,
21:03 so there were woman apostles as well.
21:07 Well, the problem with that view is
21:10 and I have a whole section where I could deal
21:12 just with an hour on the case of Junias
21:14 but I'm just going to summarize.
21:16 First of all there is no certainty
21:19 that the name Junias is the name of a woman.
21:22 There are scholars who say that it's the name of a man
21:25 and there are scholars good ones
21:27 who says that it's the name of a woman
21:29 and so it's uncertain
21:32 whether Junias was a man or a woman.
21:35 Now, the Apostle Paul tells us
21:37 that Junias was notable among the apostles.
21:42 Now there is also a discussion among scholars
21:45 as to what the correct translation of that is.
21:49 Does it mean that Junias was a notable apostle
21:53 or does it mean that
21:54 Junias was of note among the apostles.
21:58 In other words, whether this person was well knowm
22:01 among the apostles.
22:02 The scholars cannot agree on the proper translation
22:06 because the Greek syntax
22:07 is not absolutely clear on that point.
22:10 And so you cannot establish a doctrine
22:14 on the bases of one verse
22:16 saying that well Junias was a woman
22:19 and she was a notable apostle,
22:21 when it's uncertain whether Junias was a man or a woman
22:24 or what the expression notable among the apostles means?
22:28 Does it mean that she was a notable apostle
22:30 or that she was notable among the apostles,
22:33 they knew that she was well known in other words.
22:35 You cannot base a doctrine
22:37 or a belief on a text that is ambiguous.
22:40 We have to have clear Bible text.
22:44 Now, Jesus not only chose the 12
22:47 but he also chose 70 to help him with His work.
22:51 Now of what gender were the 70?
22:54 We don't have to guess.
22:56 In Luke 10:1-12 I'm going to read the entire passage.
23:01 We are going to find that those 70
23:04 that Jesus chose were all males
23:06 just like the 70 that were chosen in the days of Moses.
23:10 Now if you read verses 1-12
23:14 you are not going to find
23:15 that the word man is ever used,
23:18 but you are going to find
23:20 that the masculine pronoun
23:22 is used to speak of the 70 elders.
23:26 You see in Greek pronouns have gender,
23:29 it's not like English,
23:30 now you can mean a woman or to mean a man.
23:33 But in the New Testament pronouns have a gender,
23:38 they can be masculine or feminine.
23:40 Now with that in mind let me read this passage.
23:43 "After these things the Lord appointed
23:46 seventy others also, and sent them
23:49 two and two before his face into every city and place,
23:54 where he Himself was about to go.
23:57 Then He said to them."
23:59 Now that word them is masculine,
24:03 it's a masculine pronoun
24:05 which means that the seventy elders were what?
24:08 They were men and so it says,
24:10 "Then he said to them, The harvest truly is great,
24:14 but the laborers are few,
24:15 therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
24:17 to send out laborers into His harvest.
24:20 Go your way,
24:21 behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.
24:25 Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals
24:30 and greet no one along the road.
24:33 But whatever house you enter,
24:34 first say, 'Peace be to this house.'
24:38 And if a son of peace is there,
24:40 your peace will rest on it, if not, it will return to you.
24:44 And remain in the same house,
24:46 eating and drinking such things as they give,
24:49 for the laborer is worthy of his wages.
24:52 Do not go from house to house.
24:54 Whatever city you enter, and they receive you,
24:57 eat such things as are set before you.
25:01 And heal the sick there, and say to them,
25:03 'The kingdom of God has come near you.'
25:06 But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you,
25:10 go out into its streets
25:12 and say, 'The very dust of your city
25:14 which clings to us we wipe off against you.
25:18 Nevertheless know this
25:20 that the kingdom of God has come near you.'
25:23 But I say to you that it will be more tolerable
25:26 in that Day for Sodom than for that city."
25:30 So twice in this passage
25:33 the masculine pronoun is used to described the 70 elders,
25:37 which means that the 70 elders
25:39 that were chosen by Jesus to go out and preach
25:43 were all males such as the 70 elders
25:46 that Moses had chosen in his day.
25:50 Ellen White confirms this in the following statement.
25:54 She says, "Calling the twelve about Him,
25:57 Jesus bade them go out two and two
26:01 through the towns and villages."
26:02 Now notice she is talking first of all about the apostles,
26:05 he send out the apostles two by two.
26:07 She continues saying, "None were sent forth alone,
26:12 but brother was associated with brother,
26:17 Moses doesn't say sister with sister.
26:20 It says, "Brother was associated with brother,
26:23 friend with friend.
26:25 Thus they could help and encourage each other,
26:28 counseling and praying together,
26:30 each one's strength
26:31 supplementing the other's weakness."
26:34 And then notice what she says,
26:36 "In the same manner
26:39 He afterward sent forth the seventy."
26:43 So what were the 70 according to Ellen White?
26:46 In the same manner as the 12 male apostles
26:49 brother and brother, he later sent out the 70,
26:54 the 70 were all males according to the Bible
26:58 and to the Spirit of Prophecy.
26:59 Now were the 70 ordained
27:03 for their position of leadership? Absolutely.
27:07 Signs of the Times, December 10 1894,
27:11 Ellen White says, "The seventy were to go forth
27:14 to do a work similar to that
27:17 which was being done by the twelve.
27:19 They were all endowed with supernatural endowments
27:23 as the seal of their heavenly calling."
27:25 And now comes the key portion.
27:27 "They were ordained to proclaim that
27:31 which Jesus at the beginning of his ministry
27:34 had bidden them to keep secret."
27:36 And the reason I read these statements is
27:38 because we have scholars in the Adventist church
27:40 who are denying that the 70
27:42 or even the apostles were ordained.
27:44 In this sense they are questioning
27:47 the authority of the Spirit of Prophecy
27:49 which is a very serious thing.
27:51 It's even more serious than saying that
27:53 these were not of the male gender
27:55 to question what we find in the Spirit of Prophecy.
27:59 Now, we all know that Judas committed suicide
28:04 and the apostles got together
28:08 and they decided to choose a successor
28:11 in place of Judas who had committed suicide.
28:16 Now let me ask you when the successor was chosen,
28:20 did they choose among one male and one female?
28:24 Absolutely not.
28:26 The replacement had to be of the male gender,
28:30 Acts 1:21, 22.
28:34 It says here and here Peter is speaking.
28:37 Therefore, of these men, the word is Andros,
28:42 which is man in the New Testament.
28:44 "Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us
28:49 all the time that the Lord Jesus
28:51 went in and out among us."
28:55 So who were the ones that were with the 12 all the time?
28:57 Men and women? No Men.
29:00 It continued saying,
29:01 "Beginning from the baptism of John,
29:04 to that day when he was taken up from us,
29:07 one of these, once again the word these has gender,
29:11 it's the masculine gender,
29:13 one of these in other words
29:15 those were men, must become
29:17 a witness with us of His resurrection.
29:21 In other words the successor had to be of the male gender
29:26 because he was going to be one of the founders
29:28 or one of the leaders of the Christian church.
29:31 Now, this would have been
29:33 a golden opportunity to be inclusive
29:36 and chose a woman to be one of the 12.
29:40 After all there were women who were present there
29:44 when the election took place.
29:46 Notice Acts 1:14 where we are told this very clearly.
29:51 Speaking about the apostles, it says,
29:53 "These all continued with one accord in prayer
29:56 and supplication, with the women,
29:59 and Mary the mother of Jesus,
30:02 and with his brothers."
30:04 And so women were present there as well.
30:07 But Peter said, we must choose
30:09 from among these men, the successor of the apostles.
30:13 Now wouldn't Mary had been a logical choice?
30:17 After all she brought Jesus into the world.
30:20 She played a tremendous role
30:22 in the formation of His character
30:24 and just like was required according to Peter,
30:27 she had been an eyewitness of Jesus
30:31 from the times of John the Baptist
30:33 until the resurrection and ascension of Christ.
30:36 What a golden opportunity
30:37 to include a woman among the 12.
30:40 But it was not that way
30:42 because God all throughout scripture
30:45 as we have noticed has chosen men
30:47 to be the spiritual leaders
30:50 in Israel and also in the church.
30:53 I like to read what Ellen White said
30:55 concerning the election of Matthias.
30:57 Notice what she says, "From these scriptures
31:02 we learn that the Lord has certain men
31:05 to fill certain positions.
31:08 God will teach His people to move carefully
31:11 and to make wise choice of men
31:14 who will not betray sacred trusts.
31:18 If in Christ's day the believers needed to be guarded
31:20 in their choice of men
31:23 for positions of responsibility."
31:25 I think she is trying to make
31:27 a statement here with the word men.
31:29 "If in Christ's day the believers
31:31 needed to be guarded in their choice of men
31:33 for positions of responsibility,
31:35 we who are living in this time certainly
31:37 need to move with great discretion.
31:40 We are to present every case before God
31:43 and in earnest prayer ask Him to choose for us.
31:48 And then the time came
31:50 when the apostles were so overloaded with work,
31:53 that it was necessary to name deacons.
31:57 And so what they did was they named deacons
32:00 and deaconesses all together in Acts 6, right? Wrong.
32:07 Seven deacons were elected
32:09 and they were all of which gender?
32:12 They were all of the male gender.
32:15 Notice how Ellen White explains
32:18 about the election of the seven deacons.
32:22 She says speaking about the overload of work
32:24 that the apostles had.
32:26 "Not one man, or even one set of men,
32:30 could continue to bear these burdens alone,
32:33 without imperiling the future prosperity of the church."
32:37 Who were the leaders of the church at this time?
32:39 She says, not one man, or even one set of men,
32:43 the men were the leaders in the church,
32:45 could continue to bare these burdens alone
32:47 with out imperiling
32:49 the future prosperity of the church.
32:52 She further states that the 12 male apostles
32:56 were the spiritual leaders
32:57 that had oversight of the church.
32:59 Now have you ever read in the New Testament
33:01 where the Apostle Paul speaks about ordaining bishops?
33:06 You know the word bishop means overseer,
33:10 that's what the word means in English, overseer.
33:13 Now I want you to notice what Ellen White calls
33:15 the 12 apostles in Acts of the Apostles, page 89.
33:20 She says, "The time had come,
33:22 the apostles stated, when the spiritual leaders
33:27 having the oversight of the church
33:30 that's the word bishop, overseer.
33:34 The time had come, the apostles stated,
33:36 when the spiritual leaders
33:38 having the oversight of the church
33:42 should be relieved from the task
33:43 of distributing to the poor and from similar burdens,
33:47 so that they might be free to carry forward
33:50 the work of preaching the gospel."
33:52 And so the solution to the work overload
33:55 was to elect deacons
33:58 who would perform the service tasks in the church.
34:02 And so 12 male apostles
34:06 suggested seven male deacons
34:10 from among the multitude of male disciples.
34:14 Now, I want you to notice
34:16 how a scripture presents this so clearly Acts 6:2, 3.
34:23 So you have 12 male apostles
34:25 that are electing seven male deacons
34:29 from among the multitude of male disciples.
34:33 Notice what we find in this text in Acts 6.
34:38 It says, "Then the twelve
34:40 summoned the multitude of the disciples
34:43 and said, 'It is not desirable
34:47 that we should leave the word of God and serve tables."
34:50 That expression serves tables
34:52 is not talking about being a waiter or a waitress,
34:55 it's talking about serving tables has to do with
34:58 at the administration of the church.
35:00 Remember Jesus overturned
35:01 the tables of the money changers.
35:03 They were the ones who handled the money,
35:05 and so it says, "It is not desirable
35:08 that we should leave the word of God
35:09 and serve tables. Now listen carefully.
35:12 He is speaking to the group of the disciples
35:14 that are gathered there.
35:16 "Therefore, brethren, not sisteren, brethren,
35:23 seek out from among you seven men of good reputation,
35:28 full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,
35:30 whom we may appoint over this business
35:33 but we will give ourselves continually to prayer
35:35 and to the ministry of the word."
35:37 Is that clear, the 12 apostles were male,
35:40 they chose seven male deacons
35:42 from among the multitude
35:44 of the male disciples that were present there.
35:48 Ellen White has some interesting statements
35:50 about the seven deacons.
35:52 She says in Acts of the Apostles,
35:53 page 89 regarding the advice
35:57 that was given to elect individuals
35:59 to help the apostles in their tasks,
36:01 she says, "This advice was followed,
36:04 and by prayer and the laying on of hands,
36:09 seven chosen men were solemnly set apart
36:13 for their duties as deacons."
36:16 In volume 7 of the Bible commentary,
36:18 pages 914 and 915
36:20 which is an Ellen White quotation.
36:22 Ellen White says this,
36:24 "May the Lord impress upon the minds
36:26 and hearts of all connected with the sacred work of God,
36:30 the importance of ascertaining
36:32 whether those who are to minister
36:35 as deacons and elders, listen carefully,
36:38 those who are going to minister as deacons
36:40 and elders are suitable men
36:44 to be entrusted with the flock of God."
36:46 Once again suitable what? Men.
36:48 I mean how much biblical evidence do you need.
36:52 Here is another statement, Review and Herald,
36:54 January 17 1893.
36:58 She says, "Those who are known to be
37:00 men of well-balanced minds,
37:02 who have the love and fear of God before them,
37:05 should be appointed as elders and deacons."
37:09 Who should be appointed as elders and deacons,
37:11 men and woman? No, men she says.
37:14 "And through the exercise
37:15 of the ability God has given them,
37:17 they may grow in grace and in the knowledge
37:19 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
37:22 They may plan wisely,
37:23 and educate the individual members of the church
37:26 to act their part in trading with their Lord's talents."
37:31 One final quotation on the deacons.
37:33 Volume 5 of Manuscript Releases, page 448,
37:37 Ellen White says, "There will come
37:39 into this work men of varied temperaments,
37:43 weak on some points.
37:45 Men chosen as elders of the church
37:48 or as deacons will be tempted on some points
37:51 but whatever the temptation may be,
37:54 they may conquer it."
37:56 Now some people bring up the case of Phoebe
37:59 was mentioned in Romans 16.
38:01 I wish we had an hour
38:02 to talk about the situation of Phoebe
38:05 because Phoebe is called a diakonos.
38:08 In other words, its the word that is translated deacon.
38:11 But the thing the word diakonos
38:15 can be translated servant or it can be translated deacon.
38:20 And so those who are in flavor of women's ordination,
38:22 they say she was a female deacon.
38:26 But there is no clear evidence
38:28 in the passage that she was a female deacon
38:31 in the strictest sense of the word
38:34 and there is absolutely no mention
38:36 whatsoever of setting apart through ordination.
38:39 There is not one case in all of the Bible
38:42 where a woman was ever ordained.
38:44 That ought to tell us a lot.
38:47 Now the Bible also speaks about the ordination
38:50 of Paul and Barnabas as apostles.
38:52 The word apostle means one who is sent.
38:55 Now they are not among the group of the 12
38:58 but they are apostles in the sense
38:59 that they are sent with a message.
39:02 Of course Paul and Barnabas
39:03 were both of the male gender
39:05 and they were set apart by the laying on of hands.
39:08 Once again ordination of men as leaders of the church.
39:12 Ellen White in Story of Redemption,
39:14 page 333 had this to say
39:17 about the ordination of Paul and Barnabas.
39:20 "Both Paul and Barnabas had been
39:22 laboring as ministers of Christ,
39:24 and God had abundantly blessed their efforts,
39:28 but neither of them had
39:30 previously been formally ordained
39:33 to the gospel ministry by prayer
39:36 and the laying on of hands.
39:38 They were now when the hands were laid on them,
39:41 they were now authorized by the church,
39:44 not only to teach the truth,
39:47 but to baptize, and to organize churches,
39:50 being invested with full ecclesiastical authority.
39:55 What is it the ordination gives individuals?
39:59 First of all it gives you the right to baptize.
40:01 It gives you the right to organize churches
40:04 and it gives you full ecclesiastical authority.
40:09 You are official spokesman of the church,
40:12 because you're are leaders and heads in the church.
40:16 Now, the Apostle Paul had a lot to say also about
40:21 who could be ordained as ministers,
40:25 as elders and as bishops.
40:28 The women's ordination lobby tries to make us think
40:32 that ordination in male headship
40:36 or leadership was an Old Testament phenomenon.
40:39 However the Apostle Paul begs to differ
40:43 because he tells us clearly
40:46 what the qualifications for office are
40:49 for the pastors, for the elders and for the bishops
40:53 or overseers of the church.
40:54 He clearly says that they must be
40:57 husbands of one wife.
40:59 Now I don't know what part of that you don't understand,
41:01 husbands of one wife.
41:03 He also says that they must be able
41:06 to rule their own house, rule he uses,
41:10 because if they cannot govern their own house
41:12 and their children,
41:13 how are they going to be able to govern
41:16 or rule over the house of God.
41:18 Let me ask you.
41:19 Is dean a leader or the head of your household
41:23 and being effective and spiritual,
41:25 a precondition for being that same type of leader
41:29 in the spiritual home which is the church?
41:32 Absolutely, there is no doubt about it
41:34 when you read scripture
41:36 and you will abide by what scripture has to say.
41:39 Allow me to read you a statement from Ellen White
41:43 in Acts of the Apostles, page 95
41:46 and I'm going to try and answer the question
41:48 once again was male leadership
41:51 or headship an Old Testament arrangement
41:54 that was superseded by an egalitarian model
41:58 in the New Testament times.
42:00 Listen to what Ellen White has to say.
42:02 She is speaking about the election of leaders
42:04 in the Old Testament and how that applies
42:07 to the election of leaders in New Testament times.
42:10 She says, "The same principles of piety
42:13 and justice that were to guide the rulers
42:18 among God's people in the time of Moses
42:20 and of David were also to be followed
42:24 by those given the oversight
42:26 of the newly organized church of God
42:29 in the gospel dispensation."
42:31 So are the conditions the same
42:33 in the New Testament church
42:34 as in the Old Testament church, absolutely.
42:37 She continues saying, "In the work of setting things
42:41 in order in all the churches,
42:43 and ordaining suitable men to act as officers."
42:48 who were suppose to act as officers?
42:50 Men, once again, "In the work of setting things
42:54 in order in all the churches,
42:56 and ordaining suitable men to act as officers,
43:00 listen carefully the apostles held
43:03 to the high standards of leadership
43:05 outlined in the Old Testament Scriptures."
43:09 What was the standard that the apostle followed?
43:11 The high standards that were found in the Old Testament.
43:14 So let me ask you.
43:15 Is the Old Testament the old covenant
43:17 is it doesn't apply to the election of leaders
43:19 in the New Testament? Absolutely not.
43:22 You would have to doubt in the gift of prophecy
43:25 given through the Lord servant.
43:27 Ellen White to say such a thing.
43:31 Now I like to read
43:32 volume 5 of the Testimonies, page 618
43:35 where Ellen White along with the Apostle Paul
43:38 makes it absolutely clear that being faithful
43:41 in the household in their literal home
43:44 is a precondition for being a leader in the church.
43:48 So if the man is to be the leader of the home,
43:52 if the man is to be the head of the home.
43:54 Must a man also be the leader
43:56 and the head of the church? Absolutely.
43:58 Notice this statement that we find in volume 5
44:01 of the Testimonies, page 618.
44:04 "The family of the one suggested
44:07 for office should be considered.
44:11 Are they in subjection?
44:14 Can the man rule his own house with honor?"
44:20 He's talking about the election to an office in the church,
44:22 but the question that is asked is.
44:25 Can the man rule his own house with honor?
44:28 "What character have his children?
44:31 Will they do honor to the father's influence?
44:35 If he, notice the gender again,
44:38 if he has no tact, wisdom,
44:41 or power of godliness at home
44:43 in managing his own family,
44:46 it is safe to conclude that the same defects
44:49 will be carried into the church,
44:52 and the same unsanctified management
44:54 will be seen there.
44:56 It will be far better to criticize the man
45:00 before he is put into office than afterward,
45:02 better to pray and counsel
45:04 before taking the decisive step
45:06 than to labor to correct
45:08 the consequences of a wrong move.
45:12 In another statement Ellen White
45:14 basically tells us the same thing.
45:17 This statement is found in Manuscript 42, 1903.
45:23 He, notice the gender again.
45:25 "He who is engaged
45:27 in the work of the gospel ministry
45:29 must be faithful in his family life.
45:33 It is as essential that as a father,
45:37 he should improve the talents
45:39 God has given him
45:40 for the purpose of making the home
45:42 a symbol of the heavenly family,
45:45 as that in the work of the ministry,
45:47 he should make use of his God given powers
45:50 to win souls for the church.
45:52 As the priest in the home,
45:55 and as the ambassador of Christ in the church,
45:59 he should exemplify in his life
46:01 the character of Christ.
46:03 He must be faithful in watching
46:05 for souls as one that must give an account.
46:08 In His service there must be seen
46:11 no carelessness and inattentive work.
46:13 God will not serve with the sins of men
46:17 who have not a clear sense of the sacred responsibility
46:20 involved in accepting a position as pastor of a church.
46:25 He who fails to be a faithful,
46:27 discerning shepherd in the home,
46:29 will surely fail of being a faithful shepherd of the flock
46:33 of God in the church."
46:35 Now, I'm in lost for words to say
46:38 how Ellen White could have been
46:40 much clearer than this.
46:42 Let me read you one more statement,
46:44 volume 1 of the Testimonies, page 547.
46:49 Here Ellen White says,
46:51 "A father must not be as a child,
46:55 moved merely by impulse.
46:58 He is bound to his family by sacred, holy ties.
47:05 Every member of the family centers in the father.
47:09 His name, "house-band," is the definition of husband.
47:15 He is the lawmaker,
47:17 illustrating in his own manly bearing the sterner virtues,
47:22 energy, integrity, honesty, and practical usefulness.
47:27 The father is in one sense the priest of the household,
47:32 laying upon the altar of God
47:34 the morning and evening sacrifice,
47:36 while the wife and children unite in prayer and praise.
47:42 Now, another interesting detail
47:44 that we find is concerning the New Jerusalem.
47:49 You know when you read
47:50 the description of the New Jerusalem,
47:53 you are surprised because it appears to be
47:56 a male oriented city.
47:59 Now you say what do you,
48:00 what do you mean a male oriented city?
48:03 Well, in Revelation 21:12
48:10 we find that the gates of the city
48:14 have the names of the 12 sons of Jacob
48:19 and we are told in Revelation 21:14
48:23 that the foundations of the walls of the city
48:26 have the names of the 12 apostles of the lamb.
48:31 And so people would say, how is it that this city
48:35 has only the names of males contained on it.
48:38 Folks, the reason is,
48:40 they are the founders of the Old Testament
48:42 and the New Testament church.
48:44 All Israel, all the leaders in Israel
48:47 that come after the sons of Jacob,
48:49 all of the leaders in the church
48:51 that come as a result of the work of the 12 apostles
48:54 are included in the original 12.
48:57 In other words the men are the households
49:00 that come from them are included in the number 12
49:04 because that is the foundational number.
49:06 Are you understanding what I'm saying.
49:09 Now listen in conclusion
49:13 there is not a single explicit example in the Bible
49:18 of a woman ever being ordained
49:20 to any office in Old Testament Israel
49:24 or in the New Testament church.
49:26 Ordination was always
49:28 something that was reserved for men.
49:31 The burden of proof in this matter
49:34 is in the hands of those who favor
49:36 the ordination of women. Doesn't it?
49:40 You have to be able to prove
49:41 your case by going to scripture
49:44 and showing that there is a case
49:46 at least one in scripture
49:48 where a woman was ordained to be an elder
49:51 or a leader in the church.
49:53 With the overwhelming evidence
49:56 that has been presented today,
49:59 some women's ordination advocates have given up
50:02 on examining the biblical evidence.
50:04 Do you know that there are some women's ordination
50:06 advocates that say we just can't go
50:08 by what the Bible says.
50:09 What we have to do is culture demands it
50:11 and therefore we have to do it.
50:13 We have to ordain women
50:14 because that's what culture dictates.
50:16 They have given up on studying the Bible
50:18 because there are no arguments from the Bible.
50:21 Certain texts can be twisted and turned a certain way
50:24 but when you study them carefully,
50:26 you will notice that they are not same
50:28 what the preachers are saying that they are saying.
50:32 So these individuals, they simply state
50:34 that the Bible was culturally conditioned
50:38 in a male dominated society,
50:41 but that modern man has emancipated woman
50:45 from the bonds of ancient patriarchal culture.
50:49 Ironically listen carefully,
50:52 those who pronounce Paul and Peter
50:54 as slaves of culture,
50:57 and has been male chauvinist
51:00 are actually allowing themselves
51:03 to be slaves of culture, like culture telling them
51:06 that they should ordained woman
51:07 as leaders in the church.
51:09 In other words they are guilty
51:11 of what they are accusing Peter and Paul of doing.
51:15 Now I want to read inclosing
51:17 just a couple of statements
51:19 about the important role of the mother.
51:22 You know motherhood has been
51:25 negatively spoken of in the media.
51:28 You know, some women say,
51:29 well, what do you think I should do?
51:31 Go and bake some cookies.
51:33 When I could be a professional
51:34 and I can have a doctorate
51:35 and I can go out and work in the public sector.
51:38 Now don't get me wrong.
51:39 I have no problem with women
51:41 working in the public sector
51:43 but your first ministry or mission
51:46 if you are married is your husband
51:48 and your family, your children.
51:52 Notice how Ellen White upheld
51:54 the position of the mother and spoke about the relationship
51:59 between the mother and the husband or the father.
52:04 She says this, this is found
52:06 in Councils to the Church, page 143.
52:10 "Woman should fill the position
52:13 which God originally designed for her
52:17 as her husband's equal."
52:18 Does Ellen White saying that
52:20 wife is equal to the husband, yes?
52:22 There is no doubt that woman is not inferior,
52:24 the wife is no inferior.
52:26 Men and woman are equal
52:27 but they have different functions.
52:30 They have different roles that did not end at the cross,
52:34 that did not come in when sin came into the world.
52:37 It's according to God's original creation order.
52:41 Woman should fill the position
52:43 which God originally designed for her,
52:45 as her husband's equal.
52:46 She continues saying, "The world needs mothers,
52:51 who are mothers, not merely in name
52:54 but in every sense of the word.
52:57 We may safely say
52:59 that the distinctive duties of woman,
53:03 does the woman have distinctive duties? Yes.
53:05 She says, we may safely say that
53:08 the distinctive duties of woman
53:11 are more sacred, more holy, than those of man.
53:15 Now that's putting women on a very high level.
53:18 She says, let woman realize the sacredness of her work
53:23 and in the strength and fear of God
53:25 take up her life mission.
53:28 Let her educate her children for usefulness in this world
53:33 and for a home in the better world.
53:36 She continues saying, the wife and mother
53:39 should not sacrifice her strength
53:41 and allow her powers to lie dormant,
53:44 leaning wholly upon her husband.
53:46 In other words she should have certain independence.
53:49 She continues saying,
53:50 her individuality cannot be merged in his.
53:54 She should feel that she is her husband's equal.
53:58 Now notice how is going to qualify that.
54:02 She should feel that she is her husband's equal
54:05 to stand by his side,
54:08 she faithful at her post of duty and he at his.
54:14 Do they each have their own post of duty?
54:17 Is it right for the man to occupy
54:18 the woman's post of duty
54:20 or the woman occupy the man's post of duty.
54:22 No, they each had their distinctive duty
54:26 according to the Spirit of Prophecy.
54:27 And when we confuse this,
54:29 the result is the disaster of modern society.
54:33 She continues saying, speaking about the mother.
54:35 Her work in the education of her children
54:38 is in every respect as elevating
54:42 and ennobling as any post of duty
54:46 he may be called to fill,
54:49 even if it is to be the chief magistrate of a nation.
54:53 In other words, the role of the mother
54:55 is as high or higher
54:58 than being the chief magistrate of a nation.
55:01 May be I have time to read
55:03 just may be one more quotation
55:05 Councils to the Church, 143, 144.
55:08 This is one of my favorites. Listen to this.
55:11 "If married men go into the work,
55:13 she is speaking about going into preaching,
55:15 into the gospel work, leaving their wives
55:18 to care for the children at home,
55:21 the wife and mother is doing fully as great
55:25 and important a work as the husband and father.
55:30 Although one is in the missionary field,
55:35 the other is a home missionary,
55:37 whose cares and anxieties
55:41 and burdens frequently far exceed
55:44 those of the husband and father.
55:46 Her work is a solemn and important one,
55:50 the husband in the open missionary field
55:54 may receive the honors of men,
55:56 while the home toiler may receive
55:59 no earthly credit for her labor.
56:03 Now listen carefully.
56:04 But if she works for the best interest of her family,
56:08 seeking to fashion their characters
56:10 after the divine model,
56:12 the recording angel writes her name
56:15 as one of the greatest missionaries in the world.
56:19 God does not see things
56:21 as man's finite vision views them.
56:26 Wow, what a high view
56:29 Ellen White had of the role of women.
56:31 She says even more secret than the role of men.
56:35 But women were not chosen to be
56:37 the leaders of the home or of the church.
56:41 We might express at this way.
56:44 The man was chosen to be
56:46 the chief executive officer of the corporation
56:51 and the woman or the wife was chosen to be
56:54 the COO or the chief operating officer.
56:58 In other words they both have a role to fulfill
57:02 and when they fulfill the role
57:03 for which God called them,
57:06 the result is the best for the home,
57:09 the church and for society.


Revised 2014-12-17