Women's Ordination: Equal but Different

What's Up with Women's Ordination

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: WOE

Program Code: WOE000002

00:15 Let us pray.
00:18 Once again, Father, we come into Your presence,
00:21 realizing that our ways are not Your ways,
00:25 realizing that our knowledge and wisdom is limited.
00:30 And therefore we come before You asking for Your wisdom.
00:35 That we might be able to understand,
00:37 what we're going to study?
00:39 And we me might be able comprehend,
00:41 how important it is in this stage
00:44 of the history of the Adventist church?
00:47 We ask Father, that You will be with us
00:50 through the ministration of Your holy angels.
00:52 You will give us clarity of thought
00:55 and you will give us tender hearts.
00:57 And we thank You for the promise of Your presence
01:00 because we ask it in the name of Jesus', amen.
01:06 The Bible provides an impressive list of prominent women
01:13 who played a significant role in the plan of salvation.
01:19 The Old Testament has an entire on a row of woman,
01:23 who were instrumental in bringing about things
01:27 that would lead to the coming of the Messiah to the world.
01:31 We think for example of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel,
01:36 Jacobi, Miriam, Ruth, Esther, Hannah,
01:42 Deborah, Huldah among others.
01:46 The New Testament is no exception.
01:49 There are numerable women in the New Testament
01:53 who also were instrumental in proclaiming the plan
01:58 of salvation and also preparing the world
02:01 for the arrival of the Messiah.
02:03 We think for example of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
02:07 Anna, Elizabeth, Mary and Martha the sisters of Lazarus.
02:12 Joanna, Salome, Dorcas, Lydia, Priscilla, Domorus, Phoebe.
02:20 The four daughters of Philips, Lois, Junias
02:23 and many, many others that are mentioned in the New Testament.
02:27 Women who played an important roles in the early church.
02:32 Who would dare say that scripture has nothing to say
02:38 about the role and importance of women
02:41 in the plan of salvation
02:43 and in the proclamation of the gospel?
02:46 The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
02:50 contains what I consider to be a must read article.
02:54 It's the article that bares the title Woman,
02:58 where a contrast is drawn between
03:01 the biblical concept of woman and the concept of woman
03:05 that was held in the countries
03:08 of the Middle East in biblical times.
03:11 I like to read a paragraph from this very good encyclopedia,
03:16 the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
03:19 where it speaks about the relationship between
03:22 the Hebrew concept of woman and the concept of woman
03:25 that was held by the surrounding nations.
03:28 This is how it reads.
03:30 "Under the Hebrew system the position of woman
03:35 was in marked contrast with her status
03:38 in surrounding heathen nations.
03:41 Her liberties were greater,
03:44 her employments more varied and important,
03:48 her social standing more respectful and commanding.
03:53 The divine law given on Sinai required children to honor
03:58 the mother equally with the father.
04:02 A similar esteem was accorded her in patriarchal times.
04:07 The ancient Hebrews never entirely lost
04:11 the light of their original revelation,
04:14 and, more than any other oriental race,
04:18 they held woman in high esteem, honor and affection."
04:24 Unfortunately in the times of Christ,
04:29 the Jews had been impacted and influenced
04:33 by the views of woman that were held by the surrounding nations.
04:38 The same encyclopedia states this about the concept
04:42 that was held by the Rabbis in the days of Christ.
04:46 "Under pagan culture and heathen darkness
04:51 woman was universally subject
04:54 to inferior and degrading conditions.
04:58 Every decline in her status in the Hebrew commonwealth
05:03 was due to the incursion of foreign influence."
05:08 You know, when you look for example
05:10 at the Sabbath in the gospels.
05:12 The Rabbinical Sabbath is not the biblical Sabbath.
05:17 And so the view that the Rabbis had of woman
05:20 was not the biblical view of woman.
05:23 The view of woman had been distorted in the days of Christ.
05:28 It was not the view that was upheld by scripture.
05:33 Now, we must ask the question.
05:36 Did God delegate to Adam at creation
05:41 the headship or leadership role in the marriage relationship?
05:47 Or was this headship or leadership role given to Adam
05:51 only after the fall of Adam and Eve into sin?
05:58 And a related question?
06:00 Did the headship or the leadership of Adam
06:04 and Man come to an end when Jesus died on the cross?
06:11 So we're going to attempt to answer
06:13 these very important questions.
06:16 Was Adam given the headship and leadership role before sin?
06:21 And after sin, did this headship or leadership role continue
06:28 or did it end at the cross when Jesus died?
06:33 Now, there is no doubt whatsoever.
06:35 When we examine the biblical testimony
06:38 that there is strong evidence that Adam and Eve
06:42 were created equal in status.
06:46 But it is also equally clear in the Bible
06:49 and in the Spirit of Prophecy that God gave Adam
06:53 the headship or the leadership role
06:56 in the marriage relationship.
06:58 Now once again I would like to read a statement that we find
07:01 in the International Bible Encyclopedia
07:05 where it speaks about how man could be equal
07:10 and man and woman could be equal
07:13 and yet fulfill different roles.
07:16 This is what the encyclopedia states.
07:19 "Priority of creation may indicate headship."
07:25 Because of course, Eve came after Adam.
07:29 She came from Adam.
07:31 So the article says "Priority of creation may indicate headship,
07:35 but not as theologians
07:38 have so uniformly affirmed, superiority.
07:42 Dependence indicates difference of function, not inferiority.
07:49 Human values are estimated
07:51 in terms of the mental and spiritual.
07:54 Man and woman are endowed for equality,
07:58 and are mutually interdependent."
08:01 And so what this paragraph is saying is that
08:05 because Adam was prior to Eve,
08:08 he did had the headship role but that does not mean
08:11 that Adam was superior to Eve.
08:15 They were equal but they had different functions.
08:20 Now the Book of Genesis makes it very, very clear
08:23 that Adam and Eve were created equal in status
08:28 and in value before God.
08:30 Both of them were told in scripture
08:33 were created in the image of God.
08:36 Both of them were blessed by the Creator.
08:39 Both of them were given the command
08:41 to be fruitful and to multiply.
08:44 To both of them was given dominion.
08:48 And both of them are described with the generic word 'Man.'
08:53 Ellen White in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 47
08:58 makes it very clear
09:00 that Adam and Eve were created equal.
09:03 This is what she states.
09:05 "Eve was created from a rib taken from the side of Adam,
09:10 signifying that she was not to control him as the head,
09:15 nor to be trampled under his feet as an inferior,
09:19 but to stand by his side as an equal,
09:23 to be loved and protected by him."
09:27 So there is no doubt whatsoever that Adam and Eve
09:30 were created ontologically equal but the question is.
09:34 Does this mean that they had identical
09:37 or indistinguishable roles within that equality?
09:43 Where they created the same?
09:45 Or where they created different to fulfill different roles?
09:50 There is no doubt whatsoever
09:52 that the man was created to be the father.
09:55 And the woman was created to be the mother.
09:58 Both of them were created with
10:00 different physiological and psychological makeup.
10:04 Each to fulfill the role for which God created them.
10:10 Does a difference in roles mean
10:12 that the woman was inferior to the man?
10:15 Absolutely not.
10:16 A distinction in roles
10:18 does not imply superiority or inferiority.
10:24 The women's ordination lobby today
10:26 which is very, very powerful
10:29 and puts a lot of pressure on churches and on society
10:33 has given the impression
10:34 that female's submission to man within marriage is a bad thing.
10:42 That subjection of wives to their husbands gives them
10:46 an inferior and a demeaning status.
10:50 The idea seems to be that loving subjection of wives
10:55 to their husbands was instituted after the fall.
10:59 And lasted only until Jesus died at the cross.
11:03 And when Jesus died according to this view,
11:06 woman within marriage were emancipated from subordination
11:12 or subjection to their husbands.
11:15 But the question is this so.
11:18 Was the subjection or the submission of wives
11:21 to their husbands only a temporary arrangement
11:25 that was to last between the fall and the cross?
11:28 Or was this arrangement something
11:31 that God has established before sin
11:34 at the every beginning of human history?
11:38 There is significant evidence in scripture,
11:41 as well as in the Spirit of Prophecy
11:44 that man was given the headship or the leadership role
11:48 before sin and that this arrangement
11:51 was conformed also after sin.
11:56 Now, what I want to do in the next few minutes
11:59 that we have together is to present
12:02 all of the biblical testimony
12:04 that man was created to be the head and the leader
12:09 and the woman was created to be subject
12:13 to the authority of the husband.
12:16 Now I know that in this world that we live in today,
12:20 that sounds just not right because society has said, no,
12:25 you know, nobody is subject to anybody.
12:27 Every person is, does their own thing,
12:30 every person is an individual,
12:31 there is no such thing
12:33 as subjection of wives to husbands.
12:36 But the church does not go by what society dictates.
12:40 The church bases its beliefs and its practices
12:43 upon God's holy word,
12:45 upon the scriptures and upon the writings
12:48 that we have from the Spirit of Prophecy.
12:51 So let's take a look at the biblical evidence
12:54 that man and woman were created equal
12:57 and yet they had different functions
13:00 with the husband being the leader
13:03 and the wife being subject to the authority of the husband.
13:07 The Apostle Paul harkens back to the creation account.
13:13 And he explains that the woman is not allowed
13:16 to exercise authority over the man because as he says,
13:22 "Adam was created first and then Eve."
13:25 I want to read that text, it's found in 1 Timothy 2:12-13.
13:32 This is what the Apostle Paul says.
13:34 "I do not permit a woman to teach
13:37 or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.
13:42 For Adam was formed first, then Eve."
13:46 Now you notice here that Paul's argument
13:49 for the submission of the woman to the man
13:52 is not an issue of culture.
13:56 It's not an issue of something
13:58 that comes about as a result of the fall.
14:01 The Apostle Paul is arguing on the basis of the creation order.
14:06 He is saying, that the woman should be subject to the man.
14:10 And I believe that
14:11 he is especially talking about marriage
14:13 because man was created first and then woman.
14:18 This happened before sin came into the world.
14:21 It's part of God's original plan.
14:23 It transcends culture and it takes place before the fall.
14:29 Another indication that man was to exercise
14:32 the leadership or headship role
14:34 and the wife was to be subject to the authority
14:38 of the husband was the manner of Eve's creation.
14:43 Now we all know according to the Bible
14:46 that Eve was created from man.
14:51 The Apostle Paul picks up on this.
14:53 Notice 1 Corinthians 11:8 where the Apostle Paul argues
14:58 that the woman should be submissive
15:01 to the headship of the man.
15:03 And now I quote,
15:04 "because man did not come from woman
15:07 but woman came from man."
15:10 Notice once again that this has nothing to do with culture,
15:15 it has nothing to do with the fall.
15:17 Because the Apostle Paul is arguing
15:19 on the basis of the creation order
15:21 that took place before sin.
15:24 He says very clearly man did not come from woman
15:28 but woman came from man.
15:29 That took place before sin.
15:32 And so the Apostle Paul is taking what Genesis 2:21 says
15:36 about the manner of Eve's coming into existence.
15:40 And he is saying that shows that the wife or the woman
15:44 should be subject to her husband.
15:47 You see, in the Bible origin and authority
15:52 are very closely related.
15:54 For example, Jesus is preeminent.
15:58 And the reason why He is preeminent
16:00 and above all creation
16:02 is because He is the source of creation.
16:06 For this reason in Colossians 1:15,
16:09 Jesus is called the head of the body.
16:13 Now, let's take another example a child.
16:17 Is a child required to render
16:20 obedience and respect to his parents?
16:23 Absolutely. Why?
16:25 Because the child derived
16:27 his or her existence from the parents.
16:32 And therefore, children should be
16:34 obedience and submissive to their parents.
16:37 Apostle Paul is arguing in the same manner.
16:40 That because the woman came from the man,
16:42 the man is the source of the woman,
16:45 the woman in the marriage relationship
16:48 should be subject to her husband.
16:51 Another indication that man was created to exercise authority
16:56 or the headship role is the fact that the Bible tells us
17:00 that Eve was made to be Adam's helper.
17:05 Now, the Apostle Paul again picks up on the creation order.
17:09 In 1 Corinthians 11:9, the Apostle Paul explains
17:14 what Moses meant when he spoke of Eve
17:18 as being created as a helper for man.
17:21 This is what the Apostle Paul says.
17:23 "Neither was man created for woman,
17:26 but woman was created for man."
17:30 Once again, the Apostle Paul is not arguing
17:33 on the basis of culture.
17:35 He is not arguing about something
17:38 that took place after the fall.
17:40 He is saying that this is part of the creation order.
17:45 Another indication that man was to exercise
17:49 the headship or the leadership role even before sin
17:54 is because the Bible tells us that Adam gave Eve a name.
17:59 Now, in scripture giving names is a sign of authority.
18:03 For example, you remember Nebuchadnezzar gave
18:06 the three Hebrew were these names.
18:09 He was exercising his authority.
18:12 We read in our first presentation
18:14 on this topic that the Father gave Jesus a name,
18:18 that is above every name.
18:20 The Father is exercising His authority
18:22 by giving Jesus a name.
18:24 And of course, Adam exercised his authority by--
18:28 over the animals by naming the animals.
18:32 Incidentally parents give names to their children.
18:35 This is an exercise of parental authority
18:39 because the children come from their parents.
18:44 So the fact that Adam names Eve is an indication
18:48 that Adam exercised authority or leadership or headship
18:52 and this took place once again before sin.
18:56 It has nothing to do with culture,
18:58 it has nothing to do with God arrangement after the fall.
19:02 "Even the before the creation of woman,
19:05 God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree."
19:09 He did not command Eve not to eat from the tree.
19:13 "There is no indication in the story
19:15 that God give this command to Eve."
19:18 The Genesis story seems to indicate
19:21 that Adam was expected to relay this information
19:26 to Eve, his wife.
19:27 That she was not supposed to eat from the tree.
19:30 One Adventist pro-ordination scholar has suggested
19:34 that the gender-specific requirement
19:37 that elders must be the husbands of one wife,
19:40 does not anymore disqualify woman from being elders.
19:44 Then the tenth Commandment excludes woman from obedience
19:48 because God commanded man not to covet
19:51 and not woman but such an argument is flawed.
19:55 Does the fact that the tenth Commandment
19:57 forbids a man to covet his neighbor's wife
20:01 mean that it is allowable for the wife
20:04 to covet another woman's husband
20:07 because it's not specifically mentioned there.
20:10 The idea is absurd.
20:12 You see, in biblical thought
20:14 when God gives a command to the husband,
20:17 he is expected to teach his entire family
20:21 to obey the commandment.
20:23 For example, God said this about Abraham
20:27 and this is found in Genesis 18:19.
20:30 "For I have known him,
20:33 in order that he may command his children
20:36 and his household after him,
20:39 that they keep the way of the Lord,
20:42 to do righteousness and justice,
20:44 that the Lord may bring to Abraham
20:46 what He has spoken to him."
20:48 Did you notice here that clearly it tells us
20:52 that God expected Abraham to command his children
20:56 and his household after Him?
20:58 God spoke to Abraham and then Abraham relayed
21:02 the information to his family.
21:05 Now, it's interesting to notice that before Adam and Eve sinned,
21:09 Ellen White tells us the following about the Sabbath.
21:12 And I quote.
21:14 "The Sabbath was committed to Adam,
21:17 the father and representative of the whole human family."
21:22 To whom did God commit the Sabbath?
21:24 She says very clearly,
21:26 "The Sabbath was committed to Adam,
21:28 the Father and representative of the whole human family."
21:31 Notice that it doesn't say
21:32 "that God committed the Sabbath to Adam and Eve."
21:35 The father and mother of the human race.
21:38 He committed it to Adam.
21:40 Does this fact mean that because God committed it
21:43 to Adam that Eve was not expected
21:46 to obey the Sabbath commandment.
21:48 To the contrary as the father and the representative
21:52 of the whole human family,
21:54 Adam was expected to teach his wife
21:58 and successive generations the meaning of the Sabbath
22:01 and the importance of its observance.
22:04 So just because the Bible doesn't tell us
22:08 that God commanded Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath,
22:12 He gives the Sabbath to Adam
22:13 according to the Spirit of Prophecy.
22:15 Doesn't mean that Eve was not required to keep the Sabbath.
22:19 And the same idea applies to the issue of ordination.
22:24 Another argument which the Apostle Paul
22:26 uses is a post-fall argument.
22:28 You see, after the fall the arrangement
22:31 was still that the wife should be subject to her husband.
22:35 Now the Apostle Paul not only gives pre-fall reasons
22:38 for this but he also gives post-fall reasons.
22:41 Now notice what he had to say in 1 Timothy 2:14-15.
22:49 Here he says, "That he does not allow the woman
22:53 to exercise authority over the man,
22:56 for Adam was formed first then Eve."
23:00 And then he explains this.
23:02 "And Adam was not deceived,
23:04 but the woman being deceived fell into transgression."
23:09 So the Apostle Paul is now giving
23:11 an additional post-fall reason,
23:13 why woman do not exercise authority over a man?
23:18 Because the woman was enticed into sin
23:21 and then she became the temptress of man.
23:24 Samuele Bacchiocchi said something very interesting
23:29 about this idea of the woman being the one
23:33 who brought sin into the world.
23:35 I would like to read this, it's found in Prove All Things
23:40 which is a book that deals with issues
23:42 relating to women's ordination, pages 83 and 84.
23:46 Notice here what he says?
23:48 "Adam willingly let his wife take the lead.
23:54 She usurped Adam's headship and instead of being his helper
23:59 to live as God intended she led him into sin.
24:04 Adam failed to exercise his spiritual leadership
24:08 by protecting Eve from the serpent's deception,
24:12 and, on her part, Eve failed to respect her submissive role
24:18 by standing by her husband side.
24:21 The great fault of Adam in the Fall
24:23 was his failure to exercise his role of spiritual leadership.
24:28 Instead of leading his wife into obedience to God's command,
24:33 he allowed his wife to lead him into disobedience."
24:37 Isn't that a remarkable statement?
24:40 In other words he was supposed to lead his wife into obedience.
24:44 And he relinquished his role as the head and the leader
24:47 and he listened to her voice and thus fell into sin.
24:52 Now it's interesting to notice
24:54 also that after Adam and Eve sinned,
24:56 God required an accounting from Adam
25:01 before he required an accounting from Eve.
25:04 You would expect God to hold Eve accountable
25:07 because she sinned first but it was not so.
25:10 Noteworthy is that fact that God said to Adam
25:14 and now I read from Genesis 3:16.
25:16 Listen carefully.
25:18 He is saying to Adam,
25:19 "Because you have heeded the voice of your wife
25:22 and have eaten from the tree of which
25:24 I commanded you saying, 'You shall not eat of it.'"
25:28 Are you catching the nuance of this verse?
25:30 God is saying to Adam, you heard the voice of your wife.
25:34 When you should have made sure
25:35 that your wife heard your voice.
25:38 So in other words you listen to her command
25:42 instead of listening to My command
25:44 and relaying that command to her.
25:48 The insinuation seems to be that Adam should have obeyed God
25:52 and Eve should in turn have followed
25:55 the voice of her husband.
25:56 Instead Adam relinquished his leadership role to his wife
26:02 by obeying her voice, which led him into transgression.
26:07 Now this idea is further bolstered
26:11 by God's words to Eve after her transgression.
26:14 Now, after Eve transgressed, this is what God said to Eve.
26:18 This is in Genesis 3:16 it says,
26:24 "Your desire shall be for your husband.
26:28 And he shall rule over you."
26:31 Now the question that I would like to ask
26:33 about this statement that God gave to Eve
26:38 is whether this arrangement was a reconfirmation
26:42 of a reality that existed before sin
26:45 or whether this was a divine sentence pronounced by God
26:48 upon the woman after sin?
26:51 In other words, was it a reconfirmation
26:53 of an arrangement that existed before
26:55 or was it a pronouncement of a divine sentence
26:59 something negative pronounced
27:01 upon Eve after the transgression?
27:04 In other words, was this a less than ideal arrangement
27:08 than what existed before sin?
27:11 I believe the answer to this question
27:13 is found in another verse that we find in Genesis 4:7.
27:19 In Genesis 4:7 the same two words are used
27:23 that we found in Genesis 3:16.
27:26 One is the word desire and the other is the word rule.
27:31 Once again Genesis 3:16 says,
27:33 "Your desire shall be for your husband
27:37 and he shall rule over you."
27:40 Now all Bible versions that I consulted on Genesis 4:7.
27:46 And I'm going to read from the NIV as an example.
27:49 Presents the idea that sin is like an animal
27:54 that is crouching and ready to attack.
27:57 In other words the idea is that sin is wants to attacks you,
28:02 sins desire for you.
28:04 But you should rule over sin.
28:06 Listen to the way that the NIV presents this.
28:09 It's our God is hear speaking to Cain.
28:13 "If you that, that is Cain do what is right,
28:16 will you not be accepted?
28:18 But if you do not do what is right,
28:21 sin is crouching at your door.
28:25 It desires to have you, but you must master it."
28:30 Are you seeing what God-- According to this translation
28:32 what God is saying to Cain?
28:34 What God is saying to Cain is, sin has the desire to catch you,
28:39 but you should rule over sin.
28:42 In other words the NIV as well as other version
28:45 actually personify sin as a crouching animal,
28:49 desiring to dominate Cain.
28:51 But Cain is instructed to rule over sin.
28:55 Now Ellen White begs to differ in this interpretation.
29:00 Her explanation is more contextual
29:03 and makes more sense than what all of the translations provide.
29:09 I like to read Ellen White's comment on this.
29:13 It's found in Bible Echo, April 8, 1912.
29:18 It's interesting how Ellen White not always went along
29:22 with the translations and the commentators.
29:24 Sometimes she presented things that were unique.
29:27 Now listen to the explanation that she gives.
29:31 "Abel's offering has been accepted
29:34 but this was because he had done in particular
29:37 as God required him to do.
29:40 If Cain would correct his error,
29:43 he would not be deprived of his birthright.
29:47 Abel, listen carefully,
29:49 Abel would not only love him as his brother,
29:54 but as the younger, would be subject to him." Interesting.
30:00 Once again, "Abel would not only love him as his brother."
30:05 In other words, his desire would be for his brother.
30:08 "But as the younger he would be subject to him."
30:12 Now, you might be wondering whether Ellen White
30:14 is commenting on Genesis 4:7.
30:16 She finishes the quotation by saying,
30:18 "Thus the Lord declared to Cain,
30:21 "Unto thee shall be his desire, that is Abel's desire,
30:26 and thou shalt rule over him,
30:28 that is over Abel because you are older."
30:32 Are you understanding me?
30:34 And so you have this same idea that the reason
30:37 why the man was to exercise leadership or authority
30:41 over the woman was because
30:43 the woman was younger than the man.
30:46 Now you find here that after sin you have the same arrangement.
30:50 God is saying in other words to Cain listen.
30:53 If you do what is right,
30:57 Abel's desire is going to be for you.
30:59 His love is going to be for you.
31:01 And he is going to allow you to rule over him
31:04 because you are older and he is what?
31:07 And he is younger.
31:09 What a beautiful explanation of the text.
31:13 By the way as I mentioned before
31:14 this lends support to Paul's statement
31:18 that before the fall Adam was to rule over his wife
31:22 because he was created first and then Eve.
31:26 In other words, he was older and she was younger.
31:29 On the other hand Eve was to lovingly submit to her husband
31:34 because he was older and she was younger.
31:36 Thus the older, younger issue comes into view
31:40 both before and after sin.
31:43 And provides one rational for female submission.
31:48 Notably, this story of Cain and Abel
31:51 transpired long before the patriarchal period.
31:55 Because some people argue, some scholars say,
31:57 well, you know, in the time of the patriarchs
31:59 you have the wife subjective to the husband
32:01 but we don't live in patriarchal times anymore.
32:04 But you have this idea already in prepatriarchal times,
32:07 in early human history.
32:10 So this story transpired long before the patriarchal period.
32:14 Since, the very beginning of history
32:16 the younger son was to be ruled by the older son.
32:20 And Adam, who was created first
32:22 was to rule over his wife, who was created second.
32:26 As stated before, this does not mean
32:29 that the woman was ontologically inferior to man.
32:33 Just as Abel was not ontologically inferior to Cain.
32:37 Was Abel inferior to Cain?
32:40 Was he equal to Cain in status?
32:42 Was he equal as a child of God?
32:44 Was he equal in value?
32:46 Of course, he was, but he owed respect to Cain
32:50 because Cain was his older brother.
32:53 That is if Cain did what was right.
32:56 Another evidence that man was to exercise authority
33:00 over a woman specifically in marriage
33:03 is because even after sin Adam once again named his wife.
33:09 In Genesis 3:20 we find this statement.
33:13 "Adam named his wife Eve,
33:17 because she would become the mother of all living."
33:22 So once again you have man naming the woman before sin
33:26 and you have man naming Eve
33:29 after the entrance of sin as well.
33:32 Another evidence that man was to exercise
33:36 the headship role is found in 1 Corinthians 11:3,
33:42 where the Apostle Paul says clearly.
33:45 "God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man
33:50 and the man is the head of the woman."
33:53 Now, how could a text be clearer than this one?
33:56 Once again, God is the head Christ.
33:59 Does Christ have a problem with that?
34:01 No. And then it says, Christ is the head of the man.
34:05 Should the man have any problem with that?
34:08 No. The man is the head of woman.
34:11 Should the woman have any problem with that?
34:13 No. Probably, a better translation would be,
34:17 that the husband is the head of the wife
34:19 because it's referring primarily to the marriage relationship.
34:24 Now you notice that the Apostle Paul doesn't say here
34:27 that man was the head of the woman
34:30 until Jesus died on the cross.
34:32 This is being written long after the cross.
34:34 And Paul is saying here that man is the head of the woman
34:39 when he wrote the book of 1 Corinthians.
34:43 Now some women's ordination lobbyist
34:46 and I never ceased to be amazed at how those
34:48 who are in favor of women's ordinations
34:50 will twist the scriptures and meanings of words
34:54 to square with their belief.
34:56 Some women's ordination lobbyist
34:58 have attempted to soften or even eliminate the idea
35:03 that the husband is the head of the wife.
35:05 By arguing that the word head doesn't really mean head,
35:09 it means source or origin.
35:12 Let me give an example. Perhaps some extreme example.
35:15 But it shows how the scriptures many times
35:18 are twisted to fit a preconceived motion.
35:21 Somebody sent me paper that was written by a seminary student
35:25 and this seminary student said
35:26 the word head doesn't mean head, it means completion.
35:30 And this is how she explained the meaning of the word head.
35:35 And I'm reading where it says,
35:38 that the man is the head of the woman,
35:40 from the writings of the Apostle Paul.
35:42 She says, "As Christ is the enabler,
35:47 (the one who brings the completion),
35:49 she puts in parenthesis of the church.
35:52 So the husband is to enable that is to bring to completion
35:56 all that his wife is meant to be."
36:00 Now the interesting thing is,
36:01 this is very novel private interpretation.
36:04 It's what people call eisegesis.
36:07 It's reading into the text what is not there.
36:10 The fact is the Bible tells us that the woman
36:13 was created to enable the man,
36:15 not the man to enable the woman.
36:18 By the way, not a single Bible version translates it that way.
36:22 And not a single lexicon that I consulted
36:25 which is a dictionary has any inkling
36:29 that this means completion or it means to enable.
36:33 It is a private interpretation.
36:36 Incidentally, in all other texts where the Apostle Paul
36:39 uses the word head which is the Greek word Kephale,
36:42 it means authority or it means headship.
36:46 You can check for example, Ephesians 1:22,
36:49 Ephesians 5;23-24, Galatians 118 also 2:10,
36:55 1 Peter 2:7 and there are other texts
36:58 that clearly show that the word head means exactly that, head.
37:04 Once again I say that Bible words
37:06 should not be treated like Play-Doh
37:09 that could be molded to take the shape
37:11 that the interpreter wishes them to have.
37:14 Now interestingly enough the Apostle Paul
37:17 sometimes uses the word head or kephale
37:20 with another Greek word which is the Greek word hupostasso
37:24 which is translated submit.
37:26 Head and submit are used very frequently
37:29 by Paul together in passages.
37:32 Let me give you one example.
37:34 Ephesians 5:22-24,
37:38 Ephesians 5:22-24.
37:41 "Wives submit, that's the word hupostasso
37:46 to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
37:50 For the husband is the head of the wife."
37:52 That's the word kephale, is the head of the wife,
37:55 a also Christ is the head or the kephale of the church,
38:00 and He is the Savior of the body.
38:02 Therefore, just as the church is subject,
38:05 that's the same word hupotosso to Christ,
38:08 so let the wise be subject, hupotosso
38:12 to their own husbands in everything."
38:15 Now I looked up the meaning of the word hupostasso
38:18 which is the word submit in Greek lexicons.
38:21 And this is the definition.
38:23 It means to be subject, to subordinate or to put under.
38:29 The Jewish Bible commentary makes a good point
38:33 and I'd like to read what the Jewish Bible commentary says.
38:37 "If Jesus does not find
38:39 the headship of the father demeaning
38:42 and if the man does not consider the headship of Jesus demeaning,
38:46 then wives should not find the headships
38:49 of their husbands demeaning either."
38:53 The fundamental problem folks is that in this sinful world,
38:57 we consider subjection as a negative thing.
39:01 We consider that those who submit or subject themselves
39:04 to the authority of another are inferior.
39:09 If this were the case as we mentioned in our first study,
39:13 the subjection of Jesus to His Father
39:15 would means that Jesus is inferior to His Father.
39:19 But we're told in scripture
39:21 that Jesus will subjected himself to His father
39:24 even after sin is eradicated from the universe.
39:28 You see, in scripture subjection
39:30 is presented in a positive light.
39:33 To submit to the divine order is sublimed,
39:37 to refuse to submit to the divine order is rebellion.
39:42 And of course, that's how sin originated.
39:46 Now in other ways and why we can see clearly
39:49 that God established an order of the woman
39:53 being subject to the man is the fact
39:56 that even though Eve committed the first sin.
40:00 The Bible tells us that God held Adam accountable
40:04 for the entrance of sin into the world.
40:08 You know, when you go to Romans 5:12-21
40:12 Jesus is spoken as the second Eve, right?
40:18 What is Jesus spoken of?
40:20 As the second Adam.
40:21 Now wouldn't Jesus be the second Eve,
40:24 if Eve sinned first.
40:25 It must be that God held account Adam accountable for sin
40:30 because Adam was at the head of the human race.
40:33 There is no other explanation that can be used for this
40:37 because Christ is the second Adam.
40:40 Jesus is at the head of the human race
40:43 as the second Adam as Adam
40:45 was at the head of the human race at the very beginning.
40:49 Now there is one more point that I would like to make
40:52 and that is that scripture informs us that a height,
40:59 physical height matters
41:01 and the Spirit of Prophecy confirms this point.
41:04 Now let me ask you how tall was Eve in her relationship to Adam?
41:11 Well, in Signs of the Times, January 9, 1879,
41:16 we're told something about the height of Eve
41:19 as compared to Adam.
41:20 We're talking about physical height now.
41:23 This is what Ellen White explains.
41:26 Eve was not quite as tall as Adam.
41:30 Her head reached a little above his shoulders."
41:35 Now you'll say, are you saying that height
41:36 makes the difference when it comes to authority?
41:39 It's exactly what I'm saying.
41:41 And you'll say, well, how do you know that?
41:44 Let me just give you some examples
41:47 from the Spirit of Prophecy about how this issue of height
41:53 has to do with authority and has to do with headship.
41:58 Now, do you know that Ellen White in her writings says
42:01 that angels have different heights.
42:05 She speaks of tall commanding angels
42:08 being a the top of the chain of command
42:12 having authority over physically shorter angels.
42:15 You say is that possible?
42:17 Let me read you some statements.
42:19 In volume 1 of Spirit of Prophecy page 23,
42:23 Ellen White is speaking about when Lucifer
42:25 prepared to war against Christ.
42:28 She says, "The angels were marshaled in companies,
42:33 each division with a higher commanding angel at their head."
42:41 Interesting. Here is another interesting statement.
42:44 This is concerning when Jesus was arrested
42:47 in the Garden of Gethsemane, the mob came to arrest Him.
42:52 And in Early Writings 168, Ellen White explains,
42:56 "Many companies of holy angels,
42:58 each with a tall commanding angel at their head,
43:03 were sent to witness the scene."
43:06 And Ellen White tells us as God's people
43:08 are crying out for deliverance at the end of time.
43:12 During the time of Jacobs's trouble,
43:14 the angels whizzed to deliver God's people.
43:18 But she explains, "But a tall,
43:20 commanding angle suffered them not.
43:23 He said, "The will of God is not yet fulfilled.
43:27 They must drink of the cup.
43:29 They must be baptized with the baptism."
43:31 And Ellen White explains at the height
43:34 that Jesus is head over shoulders above
43:37 even the commanding angels because of His position.
43:42 So the fact that Eve was created
43:45 shorter than Adam has significance.
43:48 Now we wouldn't apply that today
43:50 because in the course of sin height makes no difference,
43:54 but if man had not sinned,
43:56 this arrangement would have continued
43:59 as Adam and Eve procreated.
44:02 Now I'd like to also share with you Ellen White's testimony,
44:05 is this clear up to what we studied so far?
44:08 Are there sufficient evidences in scriptures
44:10 for what we were studying?
44:11 I believe that there is an abundance of evidence.
44:13 Now let's take a look at a few things
44:16 that Ellen White has to tell us
44:18 about female submission and male headship.
44:24 And let's find out if this arrangement
44:25 ended at the cross or whether it's still exists
44:29 in the family relationship today.
44:31 And then we are going to study also
44:33 whether this arrangement spills over into the church as well.
44:38 I'd like to read from Counsels to the Church,
44:41 pages 145 and 146.
44:45 Here Ellen White explains,
44:47 "The Lord has constituted the husband,
44:50 the head of the wife to be her protector."
44:54 So did these arrangements come to an end at the cross?
44:58 Of course not, Ellen White is writing this
45:00 2000 years after the cross.
45:02 And she is saying, "The Lord has constituted the husband,
45:05 the head of the wife to be her protector;
45:09 he is the house-band of the family,
45:12 binding the members together,
45:14 even as Christ is the head of the church
45:17 and the Savior of the mystical body.
45:19 Let every husband who claims to love God
45:23 carefully study the requirements of God in his position.
45:28 Christ's authority is exercised in wisdom
45:32 in all kindness and gentleness."
45:34 Now did you hear that how Jesus exercises His authority,
45:37 how does He do it?
45:38 With an iron fist trampling on people. No.
45:42 Christ authority is exercising wisdom
45:44 in all kindness and gentleness.
45:47 "So let the husband exercise his power
45:51 and imitate the great head of the church.
45:54 So it applies to Christ,
45:56 applies also in the relationship of husbands to wives.
46:01 But at the same time Ellen White
46:04 warned husbands not to overdo it.
46:07 And not to brag about their position of authority.
46:11 In the book Acts of the Apostles,
46:13 page 360 Ellen White had this to say.
46:17 "It is no evidence of manliness in the husband for him
46:22 to dwell constantly upon his position as head of the family."
46:27 See Ellen White has a balancing statement.
46:30 She says just because he is the head,
46:31 it doesn't mean that he is always saying,
46:33 hey probably needed, I'm the head,
46:35 don't you forget it. I'm the one who decides.
46:37 No, Ellen White says we don't do that.
46:39 And so once again she says
46:41 "It is no evidence of manliness in the husband for him
46:44 to dwell constantly upon his position as head of the family.
46:48 It does not increase respect for him
46:51 to hear him quoting Scripture
46:53 to sustain his claims to authority.
46:56 It will not make him more manly to require his wife
47:00 the mother of his children to act upon his plans
47:04 as if they were infallible."
47:07 So Ellen White makes it very clear that
47:09 just because the man is the head,
47:11 it doesn't mean that he becomes a dictator.
47:13 She says in wisdom, in all kindness and in gentleness.
47:19 And folks, if the husband love the wife
47:23 and was willing to give himself for her,
47:26 the wife would have absolutely no problem
47:28 submitting to the respectful authority of the husband.
47:33 Now what is the role of husbands and wives?
47:37 I like to read from the Seventh-day Adventist
47:39 Bible commentary, volume 1 page 1082.
47:46 Here Ellen White explains clearly the position
47:49 that God created Adam to occupy.
47:52 This is what she says. "Adam was crowned king in Eden."
47:58 What was Adam's position?
47:59 King, notice it doesn't say God made Adam and Eve kings.
48:04 It says, "Adam was crowned king in Eden to him not to them.
48:10 To him was given dominion over every living thing
48:14 that God had created.
48:16 The Lord blessed Adam and Eve with intelligence
48:18 such as he not given to any other creature.
48:21 He made Adam the rightful sovereign
48:25 over all the works of His hands."
48:29 In another statement in Counsels to Teachers, page 33,
48:33 Ellen White explains, "Under God,
48:36 Adam was to stand at the head of the earthly family,
48:40 to maintain the principles of the heavenly family.
48:43 This would have brought peace and happiness."
48:47 Now somebody might be thinking.
48:49 Well, Pastor Bohr, what Ellen White says
48:51 is at odds with scripture.
48:54 Because Ellen White says that God crowned Adam king in Eden
48:58 and he made Adam the rightful servant
49:01 and he gave Adam dominion
49:03 but the Bible says that God also gave Eve dominion.
49:07 So how do you explain that it says
49:09 that God placed Adam as king and gave Adam dominion
49:13 when the Bible says that God gave Eve dominion as well?
49:17 The answer is that they were both given dominion
49:22 but they each had their legitimate steer of dominion.
49:27 You see, in ancient nations there was a king
49:31 and there was queen.
49:33 Both of them ruled together.
49:35 But where did the buck stop.
49:38 The buck stopped with the king.
49:40 Now, an analogous situation can be seen in the relationship
49:45 between the God the Father and Jesus Christ.
49:48 When probation closes, listen carefully
49:51 when probation closes, we are told in the Bible
49:54 that the kingdoms of the world will belong
49:56 to both the Father and Son.
49:59 That's Revelation 11:15, "The kingdoms of the world
50:03 had become the kingdom of God and of his Christ."
50:07 And yet we've already noticed in our previous study
50:10 that in eternity, the Father is going to be the head of Christ
50:15 and Jesus is going to be subject to the authority of His Father.
50:19 And so how is it possible that both of them
50:21 are going to takeover the dominion and the kingdom
50:24 and yet one of them is subject to the other.
50:26 It must be that they exercise different roles.
50:30 Are you following me or not.
50:31 So the question is.
50:33 What is the wife's realm of dominion
50:35 and what is the husband's realm of dominion?
50:38 What are their roles or functions in dominion?
50:43 Ellen White in a very interesting statement have this
50:48 to say, speaking about the mother, she says,
50:51 "The mother may preside in her family as queen in her domain,
50:59 her household being her kingdom."
51:03 Isn't that interesting?
51:05 So as the woman given dominion too?
51:08 What was the realm of her dominion?
51:10 Her household.
51:12 And let me ask you, what was her role,
51:15 her role was to be what. The mother in the household.
51:20 You know, it's more than interesting
51:23 to notice this statement
51:25 that I just read with in its broader context.
51:28 This statement where Ellen White states
51:30 the mother may preside in her family as queen in her domain,
51:34 her household being her kingdom.
51:36 Actually, it's from an article that she wrote
51:39 which is titled proper education.
51:43 You know, as I read this article in the moment
51:45 I'm going to share with you a few paragraphs
51:48 from this article that she wrote.
51:50 I couldn't help but think that many women
51:53 who would read this today
51:54 would find Ellen White's remarks outdated
51:58 and downright archaic and prehistoric.
52:01 They would also undoubtedly disagree
52:04 with Ellen White's definition of women's rights.
52:07 Because she uses that expression women's rights time and again.
52:11 But upon serious reflection Ellen White's description
52:15 of the role of the wife fits perfectly
52:18 with God's original plan for the human family.
52:21 Allow me to read you paragraph as we draw this to a close
52:25 and we'll pickup on this in our next lecture.
52:28 She says this, "I have observed a great deficiency
52:33 in so called educated ladies."
52:37 Ha, she continues saying,
52:40 "They may have graduated with honors
52:43 but are shamefully deficient in the practical duties of life.
52:48 They are destitute of the qualifications necessary
52:51 for the proper regulation and happiness of the family."
52:56 Is that the domain, the kingdom? Absolutely.
52:59 She continues saying, "They may talk of woman's
53:03 elevated sphere and of her rights,
53:07 while they themselves sink far below the true sphere of woman.
53:13 God designed that woman should become intelligent
53:15 in the most essential duties of life.
53:18 But very many in the scale of knowledge and efficiency
53:21 are even below their hired servants.
53:25 It is the right of every daughter of Eve in our land
53:28 to be thoroughly educated in household duties,
53:32 having a knowledge of all the branches
53:34 of practical life in domestic labor.
53:37 She may preside in her family."
53:39 Here is the statement in its context,
53:41 "She may preside in her family as queen in her domain,
53:46 her household being her kingdom.
53:49 She should be fully competent to direct her servants."
53:53 She says "It is a woman's right to be qualified
53:56 to direct the expanding minds of her children.
53:59 It is her right to have understanding of her own
54:03 and her children's organisms that she may know
54:06 how to treat her children, and save them
54:08 from the poisons of doctor's drugs.
54:11 She may adore her gracious creator
54:13 as she contemplates how beautifully
54:15 and simply nature carries on her work
54:17 when she is not interfered with.
54:20 She may have an intelligent nurse
54:21 and a physician of her own dear children
54:24 instead of leaving their precious lives
54:27 in the hands of stranger physicians
54:29 to be drugged to death.
54:31 It is the woman's right to know
54:33 how to regulate her own habits and those of her children,
54:37 in diet and dress, in exercise and in domestic duties,
54:41 and employment in the open air
54:43 in relations to life and health."
54:46 This is an important domain, this is important kingdom,
54:49 the world would not be as messed up
54:50 as it is if the roles had been respected.
54:53 She continue saying, "Many mothers do not take
54:57 half the interest in the constitutional
55:00 wants of their children that the intelligent farmer
55:03 shows to the brutes around him.
55:07 It is a woman's right to look after
55:10 the interest of her husband."
55:11 All have mercy now. She's into meddling.
55:15 "It is woman's right to look after the interest
55:17 of her husband to have a care for his wardrobe
55:21 and to seek to make him happy. It is her right."
55:26 Does she say it is her right quite a bit or absolutely.
55:30 "It is her right to improve her mind and manners,
55:33 to be social, cheerful and happy,
55:36 shedding sunshine in her family,
55:39 and making it a little heaven.
55:41 And she may have an interest for more than me and mind.
55:46 She should consider that society has claims upon her."
55:51 What a powerful statement about the role of the woman.
55:55 Does the woman have dominion?
55:58 You better believe she does. Does she have a kingdom?
56:01 Yes, she does have a kingdom
56:03 with which no one should interfere.
56:07 You see Ellen White held that the duties of the mother
56:12 are so important and I quote that they're most sacred,
56:17 more holy than those of men.
56:21 But she also says that men and women
56:24 husbands, and wives have distinctive duties
56:28 and they have each their own post of doing.
56:33 The problem is that in the world today folks,
56:35 the media have demeaned motherhood.
56:39 It has demeaned the domain of the mother
56:42 and the home caring for the children.
56:45 Women today want to be so called professionals
56:49 and as a result the children have no education,
56:53 they have no care in society as a result falls apart.
56:58 I know that this is not politically correct
57:00 but it's the truth.
57:02 The reason why the world is in such a mess
57:06 is because the roles of husbands and wives have been lost.
57:12 And the only way in which things can improve is
57:15 if we recover the legitimate roles
57:18 that are to be filled by husbands and by wives.


Revised 2014-12-17