Victory in Jesus

VIJ Unclean Unclean -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000013

00:21 And God says oh, I want to minister to her.
00:24 I said, well, of course you do, go ahead.
00:27 That's what you do so well.
00:30 Oh, God says, don't play games with me.
00:33 You know that I neither instrument to work.
00:36 Then I said, well, I have noticed that.
00:39 I don't know why I do but I just to say okay,
00:41 I'm available here use me
00:43 but I go through this rigmarole.
00:48 And God says, well, you are pretty
00:49 close to the accident here.
00:51 I said, there's 50 people standing here,
00:55 you know I'm continuing to be stubborn.
00:56 I can't believe it why are You singling me out.
01:00 And God says, are you or are you not working for me?
01:04 I said, well, yes I'm.
01:06 Well, God says will be quite.
01:09 I'm planning to use you and that's it.
01:11 I said, okay, I have the message
01:13 what do You want me to do?
01:15 Then God says, go over there and pray for this woman.
01:18 I said in front of 50 people?
01:20 God says, yes.
01:22 God and put your armor and I said you can't put
01:25 your armor in the homeless woman.
01:27 If you've had any dealings with the homeless
01:29 you will now have skittish.
01:32 And as soon as I approached this woman
01:33 she backed her way from me.
01:34 I knew she would so God whisper in my ear
01:38 let her know that I've sent you.
01:41 So I said to this woman don't be afraid I'm a Christian
01:48 and I was standing over there by the pole
01:50 and God spoke to me and said go
01:53 and minister to this woman.
01:56 So I said, God has sent me
01:58 to minister to you right up at this very moment,
02:01 I hope that's okay.
02:04 She hesitated.
02:05 I said, well, I'd like to pray for you.
02:07 Right now I'm gonna put my arm around your shoulder
02:10 and say, that's okay,
02:11 and I'm gonna lift you up to God.
02:13 I could see the tear in the corner of her eye.
02:17 She said, please.
02:19 Just like that God knows exactly
02:21 what He is doing, doesn't He?
02:22 Why do I even question to her.
02:25 So I put my arm around her
02:26 she did not resist which amazed me
02:30 and I just lifted her up and God gave me
02:32 the most beautiful prayer for this woman,
02:35 the pain she was in.
02:36 How humiliating it must have been
02:38 to walk into a restaurant and to get carried out bodily.
02:44 And so God gave me a beautiful prayer
02:47 of compassion for this woman.
02:51 I finished prayer, she is weeping.
02:52 I can tell its had a profound impact upon her
02:57 and I finished praying.
02:59 Oh, by the way I meant to tell you something else.
03:01 I have a very poor sense of smell.
03:05 It saved me from great disasters in New Guinea.
03:10 But even I could tell that this woman
03:12 has not been near a shower for a long, long time.
03:17 Even my poor sense of smell could detect that.
03:20 I'm standing there with my arm around her
03:22 and the smell was incredible.
03:25 So I decided to flee as quickly as I could.
03:29 So I withdrew my hand from her shoulder
03:33 and before I could take a step towards my car
03:36 which was my refuge she spun around.
03:41 She is this close to me and she is facing me now
03:44 and before I could actually say a word
03:47 this woman bless her heart,
03:49 plants a big kiss right on my lips.
03:57 Yes...
04:00 I said to myself it's my destiny.
04:05 I'm being kissed by a homeless woman
04:09 and everything in me said--
04:16 And once again, you know, I can't believe
04:18 I've been such a slow learner in these matters.
04:22 Once again the rebuking
04:24 voice of God's spirit came to me.
04:26 I don't know how many times God has rebuked me
04:28 for something similar to this beginning with the leper.
04:32 You think I would have learnt this lesson
04:34 whole those years ago.
04:38 God incredible sense of humor kicked in
04:41 and God said to me what's wrong with you,
04:43 you are not that desirable.
04:47 I said, okay.
04:52 And before I could think it through
04:55 same thing with the leper God says to me
05:00 she is not kissing you...
05:07 she is kissing me.
05:08 Amen. Amen.
05:11 You just happened to be the vessel
05:16 that I'm choosing to use to manifest my love
05:19 and compassion to this woman.
05:22 And she is responding to me.
05:27 And once again I stand amazed
05:30 that the incredible compassion of God.
05:32 You know, what I said to myself as I looked up,
05:35 God has the whole universe to administrate,
05:39 probably millions of worlds that He is looking after
05:43 and He has the time to look down to our planet
05:48 to my hometown to the main street
05:51 at 8 o'clock at night and spot one woman.
05:57 What does that tell us?
06:00 In the whole universe God has the time
06:04 and the inclination to look down
06:07 and focus on one woman who is hurting
06:12 and to reveal Himself as a God of love
06:16 and compassion to this one hurting soul.
06:19 I'm humbled at the realization
06:24 that I'm being privileged to be an instrument
06:27 for revealing the compassion to God
06:29 to such a hurting human being.
06:31 Amen. Amen.
06:33 I repent immediately for being concerned about me
06:38 and I allowed her to kiss me.
06:42 Finally I had to push her away
06:43 to come up for birth
06:50 and I had to excuse myself
06:52 but before I did God said remember,
06:54 I've asked you to put your hand in your pocket
06:56 and give her enough money for the next two or three weeks
06:59 so she can eat for the next several weeks which I did.
07:04 I said to her, remember this is not me, this is God.
07:07 Amen. Amen.
07:09 And I walked away rejoicing,
07:13 ashamed of the fact that once again
07:14 I had allowed myself
07:16 to get involved virtual about God not me.
07:20 And my eyes had been opened again to the marvelous,
07:24 marvelous depth of the love of God
07:28 and the compassion that He has
07:29 for hurting human beings.
07:33 How is your faith this morning?
07:34 Amen.
07:36 Are you worshiping a God of compassion?
07:39 Are you letting Him love you?
07:44 Would you let Him get this close
07:45 but not this close?
07:48 What happens with our leper friend here this morning?
07:50 Let's look at...
07:55 for verse 41,
07:56 "Jesus has moved with compassion"
07:58 and now the big point of the sermon.
08:00 Every sermon has a big point
08:04 and this is the big point.
08:06 You know, what I like about Jesus He is radical.
08:09 I mean He's almost revolutionary.
08:12 He's constantly getting people to turn to Bible
08:15 I would say isn't he Jewish?
08:18 Wasn't He raised in a good Jewish home?
08:20 Didn't they teach Him anything?
08:24 Because Jesus has a penitent,
08:27 He has a habit of wanting to reach out
08:30 and touch unclean things.
08:32 Have you noticed it?
08:34 He is always doing it.
08:37 You got a little city called Nain
08:40 and a funeral procession coming out of the gates
08:42 and what does He do?
08:45 He walks over in front of all of pharoses
08:47 and the Jewish leaders and he touches the coffin.
08:52 Nobody in Judaism touch the coffin.
08:56 It took three or four days of ritual cleansing
09:01 to be made right again once you touch things
09:04 associated with the dead.
09:07 But Jesus didn't have any hesitation,
09:08 He just goes up and touches the coffin.
09:12 Then He was up the last supper,
09:16 He washed the feet of His disciples.
09:20 I wonder about that verse for years
09:21 where it says that Jesus took off His garments.
09:25 I finally allowed myself to ask the big question,
09:27 well, what's He standing there in
09:30 if He took off His garments and why did He take them off?
09:35 When it came to me it says He guarded himself
09:39 in a tell we say traditionally you know,
09:41 I had a shower this morning and then I was done I wiped,
09:44 I picked up a towel and dried myself
09:45 and I wrapped it around my middle.
09:48 Jesus did not walk into the last supper
09:50 wearing a towel around His middle.
09:54 My research showed me that in those days
09:56 the servants wore a special garment
10:00 made from very coarse cloth.
10:03 Jesus took off His own garments
10:05 because He's putting on the robe of a servant
10:11 and one end of this robe was longer
10:14 so they could drape it over their arm.
10:18 So that when Jesus wiped the feet of His disciples
10:23 the Bible says He wiped their feet
10:25 with the towel which He was wearing.
10:30 Jesus actually wiped the feet of His disciples
10:34 on the very garment that He is wearing.
10:38 Symbolically trying to show us what?
10:42 I see your head nodding there, Cindy,
10:43 what are you thinking?
10:45 He is taking our sin
10:48 and He is placing them on Himself.
10:50 Amen. Amen.
10:52 Would you call that an enthusiastic response.
10:54 Repeat it again. Repeat it again.
10:57 He is taking our sin
10:59 and He is placing them on Himself.
11:01 Amen. Amen.
11:02 Whenever-- thank you very much.
11:04 Whenever Jesus touches something unclean
11:08 He is symbolically transferring the dirt,
11:12 the sin, the grime
11:14 from whatever He is touching unto Himself.
11:18 It's a symbol of His atoning death
11:21 which takes all guilt and sin away from the sinner
11:26 and transfers it onto Jesus opening the door
11:31 for transformation of life healing,
11:34 even restoration of life to take place.
11:37 Amen. Amen.
11:38 What a splendid example Jesus continually set
11:43 that's why He always reaches out
11:45 and touches the unclean.
11:47 He is trying to teach His disciples
11:50 that sin will ultimately be transferred onto Himself.
11:56 What a God we have?
11:58 And what happens here,
12:01 He knows He's about to die,
12:03 He knows that all the sin
12:05 of this leper will be transferred onto Him
12:08 at the cross
12:09 so He reaches out symbolically
12:12 and dramatically shows the transference of sin
12:15 so that what might take place?
12:19 The healing, the restoration
12:22 of the leper can now take place.
12:26 Notice the words of Jesus at the end of verse 41.
12:33 The leper already said to Him if you are willing
12:35 and Jesus now uses those immortal words,
12:38 "I'm willing, be cleansed, be healed, be restored."
12:46 And if you are looking at the next verse,
12:47 verse 42 there's a great word there,
12:50 "Immediately" do you like that word?
12:53 Yes.
12:54 There's no messing around with Jesus,
12:56 He's touched the man, his sins are forgiven
12:59 by being transferred to Jesus.
13:01 He is about to die and take them to death.
13:06 Immediately now the door is open
13:10 for the leper to be healed, cleansed, restore.
13:16 Having hugged a leper
13:19 I can only imagine what this must mean.
13:23 When I started hugging lepers
13:24 I have to confess this story kept popping into my mind.
13:28 I begged God to give me the level of faith
13:31 that I could say what Jesus said to the lepers,
13:36 be healed, be restored,
13:41 be cleansed and immediately.
13:45 How is your faith here today?
13:46 Amen. Amen.
13:49 Any leper sitting here today?
13:52 Yes.
13:53 Anyone in need of cleansing today?
13:57 But I want you to notice I mean,
13:58 this is the great sense of humor
14:00 that Jesus has in verse 44.
14:04 It's almost hard for me to believe
14:07 that Jesus said this makes me laugh every time
14:09 I think about it because here's a guy
14:11 that's been a leper probably for most of his life
14:13 and Jesus has just healed him and he says to the God,
14:17 don't tell anybody.
14:22 If I was a leper I want to tell you
14:23 I would be shouting out to the mountain tops.
14:26 I'm healed, I'm restored,
14:30 I'm made whole.
14:33 Praise God. Amen.
14:36 Because Jesus didn't say it lightly
14:38 because He knew that His life was gonna
14:41 become much more complicated once the word went out.
14:45 And after this it was hard for him to appear in public
14:47 because the crowds were just so big.
14:50 So He started going to more remote areas after this.
14:54 But the leper could not hold himself back.
14:59 I think I'd be the same, wouldn't you?
15:01 Amen.
15:02 I would be wanting to shout out to the stars
15:05 that God has healed me in a most amazing
15:09 and miraculous manner.
15:11 Amen. Amen.
15:13 So I'm bringing this home to you today
15:17 because this is the message
15:18 that we need to have serious reflection upon.
15:24 I'm very serious when I ask is
15:26 there any leper sitting here
15:28 and some of you have already acknowledged that
15:32 because God is in the healing, restoring,
15:38 forgiving, loving, acceptance mode.
15:42 You know that, don't you?
15:44 There is no need to remain unhealed,
15:49 un-restored, lacking in wholeness in your life.
15:55 We are dealing with the life giver himself here.
16:00 It didn't matter to Jesus whether He is dealing
16:03 with a person who is considered
16:04 to be at the lowest level of society.
16:09 Jesus was simply available for the restoration
16:14 of the fullness of life to sinful humanity
16:19 and you simply want to say to Jesus by faith
16:22 and it doesn't matter I've already made this point
16:26 whether it's physical,
16:29 spiritual, mental,
16:34 social whatever aspect of your life
16:40 is out of balance
16:43 and you need healing and wholeness restored to you.
16:48 You're so weary, perhaps you are a slave to sin
16:52 and you have been struggling and you cannot break free.
16:57 Perhaps you are weary of being double minded
17:00 and you have moments on a mountain top
17:02 and then you find yourself in a valley
17:05 and you are wondering when you will be done with this
17:09 and you can actually on a daily basis praise God
17:12 and give Him glory.
17:16 If there's anyone sitting here today
17:19 who in anyway is identifying with the leper
17:23 and the Holy Spirit is touching you at this moment
17:25 and saying to you, hey, that's you buddy.
17:29 I want you on your feet this morning.
17:33 This is not a board call now,
17:34 be very careful responding to this.
17:36 It's an individual matter.
17:39 Wow, I had no idea
17:41 I was visiting another leper colony today.
17:48 I love your spirit.
17:53 Is there anyone on their feet
17:57 who is boldly acting upon their faith as the leper did?
18:03 He came to Jesus and boldly
18:07 and simply said Lord, if You are willing
18:10 You can heal me.
18:12 Amen.
18:13 And Jesus responded I'm willing be healed.
18:19 You can walk out of this room today a healed, restored,
18:24 made whole individual by the grace of God.
18:28 Is there anyone bold enough today to act on their faith
18:31 and to publicly declare to God
18:35 if You are willing You can heal me?
18:38 Anyone here who has that kind of faith?
18:41 Go ahead please.
18:43 Heavenly Father, thank You reminding to us
18:47 that You are God of compassion.
18:51 Thank You that Your Holy Spirit
18:55 makes clear to my heart
18:57 that I'm indeed a leper in need of Your healing.
19:01 Amen. Amen.
19:03 Thank you, Lord, for Your promise to heal me
19:06 from all that sin has done
19:09 and now I can go in my life rejoicing
19:13 in having relationship with You everyday.
19:17 It's a faith statement. Praise God.
19:19 Amen.
19:20 Anyone else responding by faith?
19:22 Over here please, yes.
19:28 Heavenly Father, I confess to You
19:32 my fearful spirit and God I believe
19:37 that You have compassion on me.
19:39 You know how I struggled with this my whole life.
19:43 I confess to you Father, the health issues
19:46 that I deal with my whole life.
19:48 I know You can heal me.
19:50 God, you are gonna be glorified in my life,
19:53 I want to be fit vessel for You,
19:55 I want to represent You
19:56 and I thank You for Your compassion
19:59 in making that happen, I'm being set free.
20:02 Amen. Beautiful statement.
20:04 Thank you very much.
20:05 God is hearing and answering this morning.
20:08 Who else is acting on their faith here today?
20:10 Maddy has her hand up.
20:11 Okay, thank you.
20:22 Father God, Lord Jesus...
20:30 it's overwhelming...
20:34 that You would choose to make me clean.
20:36 Amen. Amen.
20:40 So I ask You please to make me clean.
20:45 Cleanse me of my selfishness, my lack of compassion,
20:51 my lack of faith in You.
20:54 And thank You for the promise that You will
21:00 and I'm indeed clean by Your grace.
21:04 Amen.
21:05 Beautiful things happening here this morning.
21:08 Anybody else moving boldly into faith?
21:11 Please over here.
21:19 Father in heaven, thank You for touching me
21:26 and for cleansing my condition of leprosy.
21:34 Amen.
21:36 Thank You for being willing to approach me
21:38 and to come close to me.
21:42 God, may I open myself to You fully
21:44 and may I welcome Your embrace.
21:47 Thank you, Lord. I pray in Jesus name, amen.
21:49 Amen. Amen. Wow.
21:53 There's still time if anyone else is convicted
21:56 to enter boldly into faith.
21:58 Okay, we got two hands down the front here.
22:00 Thank you. Go ahead.
22:05 Dear Father in heaven,
22:08 I know You are willing to heal me and able
22:14 and so right now as You tossing Your word
22:17 that we should confess our sins one to another
22:21 and Lord, I have overworked and now I have pains
22:28 and just in chapter 3 You also talk about this man
22:34 that had a withered hand I have pain in my hands
22:39 and I just ask that You bring healing
22:44 and Lord, emotionally also there are so many
22:51 dark clouds in my home and its getting tiring.
22:58 I have leprosy of just negativity
23:05 and I pray that You would please heal me
23:11 and my loved ones of depression
23:15 and I know You can.
23:19 Yes. He is willing.
23:22 Yes.
23:23 You are willing. Amen.
23:25 And so come into my home to my family.
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Revised 2015-01-08