Victory in Jesus

VIJ Unclean Unclean -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000012

00:23 The Lord is my shepherd
00:28 I shall not want
00:31 He makes me to lie down
00:35 In green pastures
00:38 He leads me beside the still waters
00:45 He restores my soul
00:49 He restores my life
00:53 He leads me in the path of righteousness
01:01 For His name's sake
01:11 The Lord is my shepherd
01:15 I shall not want
01:18 He makes me to lie down
01:22 In green pastures
01:26 He leads me beside the still waters
01:33 He restores my soul
01:36 Restores my life
01:40 He leads me in the path of righteousness
01:49 For His name's sake
01:57 Though if I walk through valley
02:01 of shadow of darkness
02:06 I will fear no evil
02:09 for You are with me
02:12 Your staff and Your rod
02:15 they comfort me
02:18 You prepare a table before me
02:24 In the presence of my enemies
02:31 You anoint my head with oil
02:38 And my cup run's over
02:52 Surely goodness and mercy
02:56 Shall follow me
03:00 All the days of my life
03:07 And I will dwell in the house,
03:11 in the house of the Lord
03:15 Forever Forever
03:23 Forever
03:33 Open your Bibles with me today,
03:37 to Mark Chapter 1.
03:40 Mark Chapter 1,
03:44 those of you who know me,
03:46 you know how hard it is for me
03:47 to not tell a story about New Guinea.
03:53 As you can't spend ten years of your life as missionary
03:57 without it making a significant impact upon you
04:03 and I have the privilege of being a student missionary,
04:07 for my first posting and the president called me
04:11 in and he said you know,
04:13 we heard that you are a rather adventurous person.
04:18 So who have you been speaking
04:19 to my mother or some body else?
04:22 He said, we just heard it.
04:25 I said, is it significant?
04:26 He said, yes.
04:27 We need an adventurous person.
04:30 I said for what?
04:32 He said, this is a short term assignment,
04:34 its three months.
04:36 I said, well, what is it?
04:39 He said, there's an island off the coast
04:41 several miles out,
04:43 and it's populated only with lepers.
04:49 You know, I knew that I was going
04:50 to be getting malaria,
04:51 but I had not thought about contracting leprosy.
04:57 I said, what is that had to do with me?
05:00 He said, well we need somebody
05:03 who would be willing to get a little closer
05:06 to the lepers than up till now.
05:11 I said, well, how close?
05:16 This close.
05:18 He said, it's easy to get someone
05:19 to go over there on the mission trip
05:21 once a week and preach a sermon
05:24 and jump on the ship and come back.
05:27 But we would like somebody
05:28 who is willing to mingle with the lepers.
05:32 I said again, how close sir,
05:35 we're talking about?
05:37 He said, well we actually given thought to the fact that,
05:41 there may be somebody bold enough
05:44 to actually give a leper a hug.
05:50 I said, what?
05:53 I said, I don't want to wake up one morning
05:54 and find a small patch of skin discolored on my arm here,
06:00 and to see my hands
06:01 and my face slowly get eaten away.
06:04 I have all the traditional fears
06:06 associated with leprosy.
06:08 In other words, I know nothing about it
06:10 but fearful of it.
06:13 He said, we have a physician waiting in the next room,
06:17 to alleviate all your fears.
06:19 I said, oh yeah, yeah.
06:22 So I went in and sat down
06:24 with the physician of very gracious man.
06:28 He said, so you have some questions?
06:30 I said, absolutely.
06:32 Am I in danger of contracting malaria?
06:36 I know nothing about it.
06:38 I'm sorry leprosy.
06:41 He said, well I can fairly well guarantee you,
06:44 that you will not get leprosy.
06:46 I said, well thank you very much.
06:49 Fairly well guarantee is not enough for me.
06:53 I need a much clearer assurance than that.
06:58 He said, well, he had a grin on his face he said,
07:02 it's a question of hygiene.
07:05 If you jump in a deep bath
07:08 and soap yourself all over
07:11 and go out there and he said,
07:12 if you wish hug a leper, hug a leper.
07:16 I said, I don't wish to hug a leper?
07:20 I'm being asked to consider hugging a leper.
07:24 He said, then come home
07:26 and jump back in a bath again,
07:28 and lather yourself all over again he said,
07:30 you will never get leprosy.
07:34 I said never as in never.
07:37 He said, you will never get leprosy.
07:39 Well, that's fine then, that's good enough for me.
07:44 So the next weekend
07:45 we sailed over to the leper colony.
07:50 I got off the mission boat
07:53 and looked around to see who was accompanying me
07:56 and discovered I was all alone.
08:00 And the captain and crew were all lined up
08:02 on the deck waving goodbye to me.
08:05 They we are not coming.
08:07 And I walked across the island,
08:09 and in the distance I can see a thatched roofed village.
08:14 Some smoke coming up,
08:17 and that's a very typical site in New Guinea.
08:19 I said, okay.
08:20 So live in a village here, with little houses
08:23 and as I began to walk toward the village,
08:26 I noticed a movement,
08:29 a man was coming towards me from the village.
08:33 As I looked more clearly,
08:36 I noticed that his legs were just stumps.
08:42 About one foot up his leg that was all eaten away,
08:46 he had no crutches of any kind.
08:49 So he is coming on these little stumps towards me.
08:53 As he got closer, I noticed
08:55 that's his arms were stretched out like this.
08:59 And as I look more carefully,
09:02 the hands were missing up to about here.
09:06 Just stumps of raw flesh being eaten away.
09:10 And as he got really close,
09:14 I noticed the condition in New Guinea,
09:16 we call it grille.
09:18 It's the skin condition where the skin is flaking
09:21 all over the body like a snake skin.
09:26 It's horrible to look at.
09:29 So here's a man whose body is flaking
09:32 from top to bottom,
09:34 he has no feet and no hands
09:39 and he appears to be from what I can observe
09:43 unduly excite of about something.
09:47 And he is shouting out and fortunately for me
09:49 I had already learned Pidgin English.
09:52 So I could at least hear what he was saying.
09:59 He is saying, are you the man?
10:04 And every thing in me saying,
10:06 no, no, no, I'm not the man.
10:12 This is you are the one,
10:13 that the president talked about?
10:15 I said, what did he tell of?
10:20 And this guy keeps coming toward me,
10:23 just like a bulldozer approaching you.
10:26 I have a moment of great shame here
10:28 where I acknowledged to you that
10:30 I stood there like this at attention,
10:36 incapable of moving.
10:39 As this leper,
10:41 with the stumps of his arms out like this
10:43 came all the way up to me reached out those two stumps
10:50 and put them around me and I stood there like this,
10:55 incapable of moving.
10:57 I'm very shame to what happened then.
11:00 And he is so excited, he burst into tears,
11:06 and through his tears I hear him saying,
11:08 this is the first time
11:11 I have felt another human touch in 40 years.
11:17 And I am not touching him, he is touching me.
11:22 And I'm so embraced and I'm so ashamed,
11:25 but God was one step ahead of me as usual
11:28 He was endeavoring to educate me
11:31 and the Holy Spirit went knock, knock.
11:37 And I know that God is communicating with me.
11:41 And God says to me, what is wrong with you?
11:47 He is not hugging you
11:54 he is reaching out to Me.
11:59 You just happen to be My instrument
12:05 for him to reach Me through.
12:10 That God He has a remarkable sense of humor said to me,
12:14 listen up buddy, listen up.
12:19 How does thing in my life,
12:21 I've ever done up till that moment I am young man,
12:23 in my early 20's.
12:27 I managed to get my arms up free,
12:29 because he is holding me tight.
12:33 And with great caution I stretched out my arms
12:38 and I put them this flaking
12:42 piece of human flesh with no feet,
12:47 with no arms and he doubled his weeping,
12:51 as he felt my arms go around him.
12:56 And at that moment the joy of the Lord
12:59 flowed in to my soul
13:01 and I repented of the fact
13:03 that I could stand there like this
13:06 when the most needy of human beings
13:09 was approaching me, and all he needed was a hug,
13:14 to feel the warmth of human love and fellowship.
13:16 And so my repentance was deep.
13:20 It was tested shortly afterwards
13:22 when 150 lepers lined up for their hug.
13:28 I spent like a whole hour just hugging.
13:32 I couldn't wait to get back to the mission station
13:34 and jump in to the bath, and lather myself whole over.
13:39 But then each week it got easier,
13:42 and I began to realize that God in His infinite wisdom
13:49 even though Jesus thought it not robbery
13:51 to be equal with God
13:54 He took up on Himself the form of a servant
13:58 and became all things to all men,
14:02 and that I was privileged to walk in His foot steps.
14:06 I was privileged
14:07 to become all things to 150 lepers
14:11 who had never felt like human hug
14:13 most of them in their entire lives.
14:16 And I want to tell you the healing was mine.
14:19 I was the one who experienced great healing
14:22 and they on the other hand were filled with great joy.
14:27 And the good news is,
14:28 I never got a little discoloration on my skin,
14:31 I was never at risk of contracting leprosy.
14:34 Isn't God gracious?
14:36 So imagine 2,000 years ago,
14:42 if you were a leper and everywhere you went
14:45 somebody was crying out unclean, unclean
14:51 and people scattered the moment you came near them.
14:57 No chance of a human hug back then.
15:00 You were on the lowest level of the totem pole,
15:03 when it came to cleanness in the community.
15:06 Everybody avoided you like the plague.
15:10 So in Mark chapter 1
15:13 beginning with verse 40,
15:18 it should not surprise you
15:21 that the encounter with the leper
15:23 begins with the incredible statement,
15:26 "a leper came to Him."
15:32 So, first point this morning,
15:35 and I'd like to remind you
15:39 that Jesus was seen by the lowest levels of society
15:47 and the most un-cleaned members of society.
15:51 Jesus was viewed as approachable.
15:56 Even a leper felt free
15:59 to come into the presence of Jesus
16:01 because by now it was understood
16:04 that Jesus was not in the condemning business.
16:08 He wasn't into the shunning business.
16:12 He wasn't into being horrified business.
16:16 Jesus was simply approachable, because He loved the unlovely
16:23 and He loved them unconditionally
16:26 and some how I felt drown to His presence.
16:32 By the way,
16:35 just in case there is a leper sitting here this morning
16:40 who may have brought into the, the foolish thought
16:45 that my un-cleanness is keeping God at a distance.
16:51 Please rethink that position as we go along
16:55 because I want to you know
16:56 that Jesus is just as approachable today
17:00 as He was 2,000 years ago.
17:03 And the deeper we more--
17:05 we have fallen in to the pit of sin,
17:07 the more approachable Jesus becomes
17:11 because He too has entered in to human flesh.
17:15 He understands the feelings that we wrestle with,
17:19 the temptations that overtake us,
17:22 He understands this.
17:25 And because He has overcome,
17:28 through the strength of His Father within Him,
17:30 He makes himself available to minister to all those
17:36 who have been overcome
17:38 by the frailties of human flesh.
17:41 How is your faith this morning?
17:43 Amen.
17:44 Well, let's see what happens here,
17:45 it gets quite exciting.
17:49 I think Jesus must have a great
17:50 sense of humor you know.
17:52 I have thought that for some time,
17:54 and not just because I have
17:55 a highly developed on myself.
18:00 My mother tells me that I laugh too much
18:03 especially when I'm preaching,
18:05 I'm to be more sober, I tried being sober,
18:08 but that just not me you know.
18:11 But look at verse 40...
18:17 my version I'm reading the New American Standard.
18:20 My version uses an interesting word here,
18:22 "A leper came to Him, beseeching Him."
18:26 Anyone have a different word to beseeching?
18:30 Imploring Him.
18:31 Anything different?
18:33 There is another version that says begging.
18:36 Some of you have that.
18:38 "So a leper came to Him, beseeching."
18:41 I still like beseeching to me
18:42 it has a bit of dynamic activity in it.
18:45 Beseeching, begging and imploring.
18:48 If I was a leper, I have decided
18:50 I would be beseeching Him to, wouldn't you?
18:52 Yes
18:54 Begging Him, but look at the words
18:55 that He uses.
18:57 This is where I think Jesus has great sense of humor,
18:59 because the leper says to Him,
19:02 "If You are willing"
19:07 I find it hard to believe Jesus kept a straight face
19:09 when the guy said to Him, man, why did Jesus come?
19:15 To heal the sick, to raise the dead,
19:18 to bind up the broken hearted,
19:20 if you are willing.
19:23 Of course, He is willing.
19:25 And the next verse, He ratifies it doesn't He?
19:29 Look at the end of verse 40, I mean the end of verse 41.
19:33 If you got a Red Letter Bible like I do,
19:35 you can see the words of Jesus there,
19:37 He says "I am willing, be cleansed."
19:41 I'm willing.
19:43 You don't have to ask me if I am willing.
19:44 I am willing.
19:47 I behooving this morning,
19:52 if you are sitting here this morning
19:53 and you are a leper
19:56 and you need healing physically,
20:00 emotionally, spiritually,
20:06 intellectually,
20:09 relationally it doesn't matter.
20:13 What's your specific area of need is,
20:18 the message this morning is crystal clear.
20:21 Jesus is saying to you and to me this morning
20:26 "I am willing." Praise the Lord.
20:30 I am willing.
20:33 It ain't need to hold back with Jesus today.
20:36 He is willing, just as He was 2,000 years ago
20:41 when approached by what many considered to be
20:45 the most unclean member of the society,
20:48 think of that, the most unclean.
20:51 In fact, many of the Jews believed
20:53 that it was sin in this man's life
20:55 or in his parent's life
20:57 that had caused him to be like this.
20:59 Who has sin this man or his father
21:02 that he is in this terrible condition?
21:04 That was Jewish thinking
21:07 so that made him feel even worse.
21:09 It was bad enough to deal
21:11 with the fact that he was a leper,
21:13 better than the fact that everyone in the community
21:16 thought he was also a big sinner to abate.
21:20 Thought about kicking the dog while he is down,
21:23 that's the way it was.
21:26 Let's see what happened here.
21:30 I'm in verse 41,
21:33 one of my favorite aspects of the character of God
21:36 as manifested in His son Jesus Christ.
21:41 "Moved with" Jesus,
21:45 was "moved with compassion."
21:52 You're hearing that today?
21:53 Yes.
21:56 I have a very personal question to ask you all today.
22:00 Are you letting God love you?
22:04 Amen. Amen.
22:06 Are you permitting
22:09 the incredible compassion of Jesus
22:13 for suffering sinful humanity?
22:17 Are you letting His love
22:19 and compassion wash over you?
22:26 What you have little wows up.
22:29 I know people who come to God,
22:31 it's kind of a stop that I like it.
22:34 I need this, but don't get too close to me.
22:37 I learned to keep everyone at a distance,
22:39 because it's too painful to let people get too close.
22:45 You don't need to do that with the Jesus,
22:47 because He knows exactly how you feel.
22:52 He wants us to let our barriers down
22:56 so that His love and compassion
22:59 can wash through our entire beings
23:03 and whatever part of us needs healing and restoring,
23:10 He will bring it about.
23:14 I told you the story
23:15 of the young homosexual last night.
23:19 I have never heard such a sad story
23:21 of abuse in my entire life.
23:24 I was weeping myself as he told me the story.
23:30 And God said to me it's good for you weep,
23:32 but remember its Jesus that you need present him with.
23:37 Because it's Jesus
23:39 who is the master of compassion,
23:41 He is touched
23:43 by the feelings of our infirmities.
23:47 That's biblical, isn't it?
23:49 We have a high priest who is touched
23:52 with the very feelings of our infirmities.
23:54 I am gonna say it again, are you letting Jesus love you?
24:02 I live in Palm Springs, California,
24:06 and recently I was having dinner
24:08 in a restaurant on the Main Street.
24:11 That was evening,
24:12 I parked my car on the Main Street,
24:15 winter is our busy season there
24:16 we triple our population in winter.
24:20 So it was starting to get busier.
24:23 I went in to the restaurant, I had a good dinner,
24:25 I came out and see my car parked out there
24:27 and I am heading towards it
24:29 and I hear a commotion behind me.
24:32 I look around and to my great surprise
24:34 I see a homeless woman.
24:37 I'm not great at calculating women ages,
24:41 but I said to myself,
24:42 "This women looks to me to be like you know,
24:44 50's may be even approaching 60."
24:50 And I was surprised that she was as old
24:51 as she was and she obviously homeless.
24:54 She had a brown paper bag,
24:57 she had gone into the very restaurant
24:59 that I had just come out of
25:01 and she had obviously been asking for food
25:03 or food scraps or whatever.
25:06 And two of the waiters has had picked her up borderly,
25:09 they lifted her up
25:10 and carried her out of the restaurant
25:12 and placed her down on the sidewalk.
25:16 And people in Palm Springs
25:17 this is such a uncommon development,
25:19 people gathered to watch.
25:21 Its like 50 people just gathered on the street.
25:25 So I stood there I'm leaning up against the telephone pole
25:27 and I just stood there watching this whole situation.
25:33 And the Holy Sprit as he frequently does to me
25:35 came to my mind and said knock, knock.
25:40 I said well, what's up?
25:42 I know what's up.
25:44 I know God really wants to do.
25:46 And God, I have communications regularly,
25:51 and God says well, I want to minister to her.
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Revised 2015-01-08