Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 11

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000011

00:22 Let's bow our heads together for prayer this morning.
00:25 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
00:28 that Your presence is with us right now in this room
00:31 and we are in our that You would give Your mind to us
00:36 that we really can think Your thoughts everyday
00:41 and You live in us and show us Your truth.
00:47 Please guide us into all truths
00:49 and be with us this day and always in Jesus name, amen.
00:54 Amen, amen. Thank you very much.
00:56 Well, we were talking about habit formation.
01:03 In Romans 6:13, 16, key verses here
01:10 were Paul using the continuous tense in Greek reminds us
01:14 that we ought not to continuously
01:18 present our bodies to sin
01:22 as instruments of unrighteousness
01:24 but that we should continuously present our bodies to God
01:31 as instruments of righteousness.
01:33 And I was explaining to you in the last session
01:37 how important it is to address old habits in our lives
01:42 because if you don't replace them
01:45 with better habits they will continue
01:48 to pull you back in to the same old pathways.
01:52 You may even become seriously discouraged.
01:56 I remember, I reached the point in my own Christian life
01:59 that I said this doesn't work.
02:01 Why am I still doing things that I don't want to be doing?
02:07 And it would have been such a relief
02:08 if anybody had been sufficiently educated
02:11 to have explained to me
02:13 that I'm doing things that I don't want to do.
02:15 I'm not even planning to do but there a trigger's out there
02:18 and they set me off
02:20 and the thought comes in my mind
02:22 and I find myself doing things.
02:25 So I cannot urge upon you the importance
02:29 of replacing existing habits with new patterns in our minds
02:34 that bring glory to God.
02:38 Now Jack, I wish you take a minute
02:40 and would you be willing to share with the room
02:43 what's you just raised with me a minute ago
02:45 when I was visiting if we can possibly extract
02:48 the microphone here will get to do this so.
02:51 I believe that I read this at some place
02:54 that Christ lost His omnipresence at the cross.
03:00 And I was saying He eluded to the fact
03:04 that we should be asking Him to help us with her mind
03:08 in all these other things and I was saying,
03:12 well, does it the Holy Spirit have to do that.
03:15 Christ partner in heaven has to do this for us
03:19 because I don't believe the father does this.
03:23 And that's my belief I kind of knew it this.
03:27 Man, this is a great question, man.
03:28 It's an excellent question.
03:30 And Jesus did accept certain limitations
03:33 when He took on humanity but the good news is
03:37 that the members of the trinity unlike us
03:41 they have a oneness about them.
03:45 Now if you look in John 17 for example,
03:51 John 17:21, John 17:21
03:57 this is the prayer of Jesus.
04:01 He prays for His disciples, His followers, He says that
04:04 "They all may be one, even as thou,
04:07 Father, art in me, and I in thee."
04:13 I hope you're hearing this.
04:15 The members of the Godhead appeared to be in each other
04:19 and even though the Holy Spirit is not mentioned here
04:22 we know that He is an equal member of the triune godhead.
04:27 So the members of the godhead
04:29 are actually in, they're spoken of, Jesus said
04:33 my Father is in Me, this of course
04:35 is the beautiful ministry of the Holy Spirit
04:38 that makes that possible.
04:40 And Jesus was in the Father.
04:43 So any time we hear about Jesus being in us
04:46 and I appreciate Jack opening this tour.
04:49 It's pointing to the Holy Spirit.
04:52 Amen.
04:53 Who makes it's like having Jesus in you
04:55 if the Holy Spirit is in you.
04:58 Compare John 16, flip back one chapter
05:03 we read this first yesterday but we'll read it again.
05:06 John 16:13, 14,
05:11 "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes,
05:13 he will guide you into all the truth.
05:17 He will not speak of Himself
05:18 but whatever He hears He will speak
05:21 and disclose to you what is to come."
05:23 And look at verse 14, "He shall glorify me,
05:29 He shall take of mine and disclose it to you."
05:36 The Holy Spirit's entire ministry
05:40 is to take the things of Jesus and make them available to us.
05:45 Amen. Amen.
05:47 This is how Jesus can be alive and well in each one of us
05:51 if you have the Holy Spirit in you
05:54 because they are one you have Christ in you.
05:57 Amen. Amen.
05:58 I do hope that's crystal clear.
06:02 By the way, its 17 years of age
06:04 I encountered Christianity in Melbourne, Australia.
06:11 And a 75-year-old literature evangelist
06:14 came knocking on the door of our house.
06:18 And my mother was seriously ill at the time
06:20 and this woman is such a good talker,
06:25 she actually convinced me to later come in to the house.
06:29 And I tried that tell my mother was so sick
06:31 but this woman was in ministry not just selling books
06:36 and so she came in and minister to my mother.
06:40 And one of those things you can't argue with this
06:42 when God rises a person up and heals them
06:46 and restores them.
06:47 And my mother once she was restored
06:50 immediately they then praying for her older son that was me.
06:54 She would kneel down and pray for her wicked son William,
06:59 and I didn't feel like her wicked son.
07:02 I was caring for my brothers and sisters,
07:04 I was trying to look after my mother,
07:06 I was doing all the right things as a young man
07:10 and I didn't understand the term wicked.
07:13 But I knew that I have lots of habits in my life
07:15 that were not to the glory of God.
07:17 So my mother kept praying.
07:21 Anyway one morning,
07:22 I was taking the train to work down in to the city,
07:27 the heart of the city and in the providence of God
07:30 He sat me next to a young Methodist preacher,
07:34 a young man of God
07:38 and I started chatting with this guy
07:40 and I was explaining to him that I had some convictions
07:47 and that I was having difficulty
07:49 honoring these convictions.
07:52 And the biggest conviction that I was having a struggle was
07:56 I had listened to my mother
07:58 having a serious of Bible studies.
08:02 And one of those studies was
08:04 about the keeping of the Sabbath
08:08 and this was news to me.
08:10 I automatically assumed
08:12 that everyone went to church on the same day.
08:16 And I discovered that there are people
08:18 going to church on different days
08:21 and all of a sudden Friday night
08:23 became an important night and I remember saying
08:27 to this young pastor that's my dance night.
08:33 I go to the dance hall every Friday night.
08:36 It's party night. It's drinking night.
08:38 It's-- whatever going on night.
08:41 It's the big night all my friends are there.
08:44 I've been going there for years.
08:46 It's the biggest night of the week.
08:49 And I didn't have a lot of high points
08:51 in my life at this point.
08:54 So I said to this young Methodist minister
08:55 I don't know what to do because unfortunately
08:59 I overheard this Bible study and I became convicted
09:03 that I should be thinking about Sabbath.
09:07 This young man bless his heart he never questioned me
09:11 he made no effort to convince me
09:13 that I was wrong in my choice of day
09:16 which I thought was incredibly generous of him
09:19 because he can see that I was sincerely asking
09:22 and so instead of correcting me and pointing out that may be
09:27 I should have been thinking about some day.
09:29 And you know I love the fact that people can be come
09:32 respectful of one another's belief, don't you?
09:34 Amen. Amen.
09:35 And this because somebody is worshipping on a different day
09:38 that me or they thinking differently
09:40 that me doesn't mean I should sit in judgment
09:43 or even make myself appear to be
09:45 better or superior to them.
09:49 Every thing hinges on the conviction
09:51 you have from the Word of God.
09:54 And I was convicted about Friday night and Saturday.
09:58 So this young Methodist minister
10:00 never corrected me on the day bless his heart.
10:03 I didn't realize this till years later.
10:06 He read Romans 6:16 to me,
10:09 the verse we just read, quite so precious to me.
10:14 Look at it again and reminds us self of the words.
10:18 Romans 6:16.
10:26 Oh, Greg, would you read that for me
10:27 because that's missing here and--
10:30 "Do you not know that when you present yourselves
10:34 to someone as slaves for obedience,
10:38 you're slaves over the one whom you obey,
10:41 either of sin resulting in death
10:43 or of obedience resulting in righteousness."
10:45 Who has that in the King James Version?
10:48 Now the regular King James--
10:50 Eddie, have you got the regular King James?
10:52 Hang on, just pray for the microphone
10:54 that will appear.
10:58 Great, thank you.
11:02 "Know ye not, that to whom
11:04 ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
11:07 his servants ye are to whom ye obey,
11:10 whether of sin unto death,
11:11 or of obedience unto righteousness?"
11:14 Notice the word coming through in the King James.
11:16 I prefer this word to whom you? Obey.
11:20 Now read it one more time, Eddie.
11:21 Listen carefully to it so we can pick it up.
11:26 "Know ye not, that to whom
11:28 ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
11:33 his servants ye are to whom ye obey."
11:36 Very good.
11:37 "Whether of sin unto death,
11:38 or of obedience unto righteousness?"
11:40 He placed the emphasis on the right syllable
11:43 that time.
11:45 The word is "Yield"
11:47 and this young minister said to me
11:49 the secret is don't struggle against this.
11:53 Don't ask God to make you strong enough
11:55 not to go in to the dance hall on Friday night.
12:00 Yield, does it I don't understand, yield.
12:03 He said well, the modern word is surrender.
12:05 I said, I still don't get it.
12:08 He said, go out and find a tree
12:10 or some quite place and just look up
12:14 and this is where I got the phrase from
12:16 and say to God I give you permission
12:20 right now to bring the mind of Jesus in to me.
12:25 Amen.
12:27 I give Jesus permission to make that the decision
12:31 whether I go in to the dance hall or not.
12:33 I said, what's that I gonna do?
12:34 He said, just try it and see what happens.
12:38 So, Friday I took the train back to where I lived.
12:42 I got off the train and I walk through the gate.
12:45 You know I could have turned in any of several directions
12:48 but I always turn left on Friday night
12:50 because it took me down pass the dance hall.
12:54 So I turned left and I'm walking down on
12:56 I can hear the music half a mile away
12:58 and I'm walking down-- I'm getting in the groove
13:01 as I'm walking along I can just feel myself
13:03 I'm ready for this, you know.
13:06 And I got to the gate of the dance hall
13:08 and I hesitated for a minute but I went in.
13:12 And there's a huge tree in the front yard
13:15 that still live, by the way.
13:18 Anyway I hesitated and the young woman
13:20 came out of the dance hall,
13:21 a good friend of mine and she saw me.
13:24 Bill, Bill, we've been waiting for you.
13:27 And she came down and she took hold of me by my hand
13:30 and started leading me up in to the dance hall.
13:34 You probably been in a situation like this
13:36 but every thing in me said, no, no, no
13:38 I don't want to go into the little dance hall
13:40 but my legs were saying yes, yes, yes.
13:43 And I walked right up to the door of the dance hall
13:48 and the Holy Spirit went zap.
13:50 Amen.
13:51 And Romans 6:16 jumped into my mind,
13:56 it was the King James Version
13:58 "To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
14:03 his servants ye are whether of sin unto death
14:07 or God unto righteousness?"
14:11 And I hesitated and I realized that God was prompting me
14:15 to yield for the first time in my life
14:18 that I had ever experienced yielding.
14:21 So I said to this girl, hey, I can't come in at the moment
14:24 go in without me I'll join you shortly.
14:27 I knew, I shouldn't say that but it got me off the hook
14:30 and I turned around and I went back
14:32 and I stood on to this big tree for the first time in my life
14:36 because I'd never prayed.
14:38 I looked up and I said to God
14:40 you know, I don't know much about You.
14:42 We've this very casual conversation
14:45 but the young preacher told me to yield.
14:49 And even though I don't comprehended fully
14:52 I'm giving You permission right now
14:56 to bring the mind of Jesus in to me
14:59 and I give Him permission to make the decision
15:01 whether I go in to the dance hall or not
15:03 because there's drinking
15:04 and all kinds of activities going on in the dance hall.
15:10 And something happened.
15:14 Miraculously, I knew within myself
15:18 that I was not going in to the dance hall.
15:21 My mind just went click. Amen.
15:24 Did I have to go in turn around and walk away
15:28 but of course the enemy didn't want
15:29 to let me off the hook that quickly.
15:31 A dozen of my friends come and,
15:32 what are you doing talking to a tree, you know?
15:36 This is secular Australia remember,
15:38 you didn't pray not openly.
15:41 I was so embarrassed.
15:42 They said, what are you doing? They came and stood around me.
15:46 I said, look it's I wasn't ready
15:48 to witness to anybody.
15:50 I said, I can't stay tonight and I fled, I fled.
15:56 Three weeks later I went back into the dance hall,
16:02 I was so depressed.
16:04 And I thought because didn't understand habit formation
16:09 and I was in the state of mild depression
16:12 and the Holy Spirit said to me
16:14 this is God at His best speaking to my mind
16:18 God said to me, its the first time
16:19 I heard God in my own mind
16:22 God said to me, did you have to turn left?
16:29 I said what? Well, could you turn right?
16:35 I said, well, I could and both rows would have
16:38 let the home.
16:40 He said, well, I suggest you start turning right.
16:44 And so I quit walking pass the dance hall
16:48 and I started turning right.
16:50 So three years ago my older son Simon who is a pastor,
16:53 he and I were in Melbourne together he said dad,
16:55 let's take a train out the way you used to live.
16:58 I said okay.
17:00 I thought he was interested in saying where I used to live.
17:04 So we took the train out
17:05 we got off the train and he said to me
17:06 and I know he got great joy out of this he said dad,
17:09 empty your mind of all preconceived ideas.
17:12 I said oh, yeah, yeah. He's testing thee.
17:16 He said now walk through that gate
17:18 and turn automatically the way that you turned.
17:23 Don't think about it.
17:24 Don't make a conscious decision.
17:26 Walk through the gate and just turn in the direction
17:30 you feel inclined to turn.
17:34 He's watching me and I walked through the gate
17:36 which way did I turn?
17:37 Right. Right.
17:40 Oh, come on. Come on.
17:42 No, right. Well, the--
17:43 Oh, hallelujahs she's growing rapidly, yes.
17:46 I automatically turned right. Amen.
17:50 And I said to my son at the time
17:51 you know I've actually forgotten the streets.
17:54 I must have turned right so many times
17:57 that it became the habit and in the process
18:02 the old habit lost its power and authority over me.
18:05 Amen. Amen.
18:06 The new habit had replaced the old.
18:09 I said, I have to go back
18:10 and work out the streets all over again
18:13 and now to go left because I was in the habit
18:16 for several years of turning right.
18:18 Praise the Lord. Amen.
18:20 What a-- I didn't understand
18:21 the principle fully like I do know
18:24 but I want to encourage you here today
18:28 that even though you're coming to the cross everyday
18:31 and you're putting on the mind of Jesus
18:34 you must intelligently act upon sound biblical principles.
18:39 Amen. Amen.
18:40 And as you act upon them
18:42 on a regular and consistent basis
18:45 they will replace the old habits in your lives
18:50 and you'll find yourself automatically
18:53 doing by nature the very things
18:58 that are in the mind of God which is now in you.
19:02 Thank you for that.
19:03 I'll bishop that out, would you?
19:05 The new nature. It's the new nature.
19:08 It's the new nature in you. Amen.
19:12 And I can't resist to showing this little statement
19:14 from my favorite author with you
19:17 because I happened to have
19:18 it's stuck in my Bible along side
19:21 Romans Chapter 12.
19:25 This lady who is a very prolific Christian writer
19:28 of the 19th century by the name of Ellen White.
19:33 Right one of the most beautiful commentaries
19:35 on the life of Jesus
19:37 and regardless of your denominational preferences
19:41 I strongly urge you to check out the book
19:45 called "The Desire of Ages."
19:48 It's the most beautiful commentary
19:51 on the life of Jesus
19:53 you will ever read outside of the Scriptures,
19:56 I'm very serious.
19:58 And it will not upset your denominational connections
20:02 because it's simply a beautiful commentary on the life of Jesus
20:06 it will strengthen you in your own church
20:09 affiliations at this moment.
20:11 And on page 668, listen carefully to the words
20:17 its just a little statement, "If we consent,
20:23 He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims,
20:29 so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will,"
20:35 I hope you hearing it and here's the important
20:37 part of Ellen White triggered this in me
20:39 when she said what she just said,
20:42 "that when obeying Him we shall be
20:47 but carrying out our own impulses."
20:50 Amen. Amen.
20:55 You'll grow to the point that when you obey Jesus
21:00 she will just be doing naturally now the things
21:04 that are in your own mind.
21:06 Amen.
21:07 That's powerful
21:09 because you've gotten into the habit.
21:12 The mind of Jesus has now become one with your mind.
21:16 You're doing now by nature
21:19 the very will of God Himself in you.
21:23 Isn't not remarkable? Amen.
21:25 It's absolutely remarkable.
21:28 The seriously advanced concept coming through here today.
21:33 So as we wrap things up here three powerful steps,
21:40 three powerful steps
21:42 that lead to victory in the life of the believer.
21:46 We got to take a couple of minutes
21:48 as we conclude now just in case the word has touched you
21:53 at some special level this weekend.
21:57 I am gonna give you a couple of minutes to feedback to me.
22:00 What is touched you from the Word of God
22:02 specifically this weekend?
22:05 I'm gonna take a couple of extra minutes here
22:07 this morning on top of our regular time
22:10 so that we'll have time to answer this.
22:12 Who's responding to that?
22:13 What has touched you especially
22:16 during our seminar on Victory in Jesus
22:19 that you'd like to share and give praise to God for?
22:22 Ruddy, yes?
22:24 To me what's critical or so powerful
22:29 is the fact that God is willing to transform me
22:34 and He gives me the methodology
22:36 the means to achieve that by surrendering,
22:40 by coming to the cross this
22:43 that the three steps that you aligned
22:46 and He actually dwells in me
22:50 and takes over my nature,
22:56 so where He dominates and I can fulfill His paln.
23:00 Beautiful.
23:01 Because He gives me His motives,
23:03 His desires and His plan.
23:06 We could say you worked the whole in shall either.
23:09 Yes. It's powerful.
23:10 Praise the Lord, man. Praise the Lord.
23:11 That's powerful. Amen.
23:12 It's powerful, it's powerful, powerful.
23:13 Yeah, yes. Kane, yes?
23:19 I've been struck this weekend
23:21 that in spite of my natural tendency
23:24 is to be an enemy of God,
23:26 He's gracious and forgiving and kind and loving
23:31 and He will come into my mind
23:35 when I ask Him to and I invite Him to
23:37 and as I become more impressed with His word
23:40 and understand it better my thoughts
23:43 would become His thoughts
23:44 or His thoughts will become my thoughts.
23:46 Okay, powerful statement there, thank you.
23:49 Who else is responding?
23:50 Okay, down the front here, thank you.
23:53 Let me know when the three minutes is up please.
23:56 Well, I got to admit I cheated a little bit
23:58 because I get your book and I read it twice.
24:01 That's music to my ears.
24:03 And I followed this pattern and I have had my mind
24:08 actually change by God and issues resolved
24:13 that were just impossible resolved.
24:15 I mean, this works God is so faithful.
24:19 I mean, I just love Him.
24:21 I'll just fall more and more in love with Him
24:23 because you see how much He loves you.
24:25 As He changes you. Beautiful.
24:27 And it's all about Him.
24:28 Powerful testimony. Praise God.
24:31 Come on who else is sitting there
24:33 praising God something's gripped you this weekend.
24:36 I am actually thrilled
24:38 that I can trust God enough to change me
24:42 but I am even more thrilled realizing
24:48 that people around me are changed.
24:52 That gives me such a goose bumps
24:54 that God has His people on this place.
24:57 Amen. Amen.
24:58 Beautiful testimony and thank you.
25:01 All good things must come to an end
25:02 and thank you for being such great participants
25:05 in the word for entire weekend
25:08 which will show on television for many weeks to come.
25:11 Let's stand together as we conclude.
25:13 We gonna call Almighty
25:14 the close in prayer for us please.
25:22 So the God in gratitude and humility,
25:30 we thank You for the great gift of Jesus for the fact
25:35 that you pursue us so much
25:38 that You want to dwell within us,
25:41 transforming us into Your likeness.
25:45 Lord, thank you so much.
25:48 To You be the honor and the glory always, amen.
25:52 Amen. Amen.
25:54 Creative Media Ministries is a faith based ministry
25:57 dedicated to the sharing of the good news
25:59 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Revised 2015-01-01