Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 9

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000009A

00:22 Welcome back.
00:24 Thank you.
00:25 It's been too long.
00:29 Good to see your smiling faces again.
00:33 And Brother Rudy has agreed to lead us in prayer today.
00:36 Thank you.
00:39 Dear Father in heaven Lord,
00:41 we are so joyful to be here in Your presence.
00:45 You have done everything possible for us to be saved.
00:49 You've reached down and You've chosen us sinners
00:54 to represent You and represent Jesus to the world,
00:56 what a privilege it is.
00:58 We have no way of refusing Lord,
01:01 because You reach down
01:03 with such a strength, such power.
01:05 Christ has done everything possible for us
01:08 to be free from sin and to be saved right now
01:11 to have eternal life right here on earth.
01:14 We don't have to wait.
01:16 And we praise Your name, we praise Jesus' name
01:18 and praise the Holy Spirit,
01:20 and we praise for the indwelling presence
01:22 of the spirit in our lives,
01:24 so that Jesus can manifest His motives,
01:26 and His actions, and His purposes in our lives.
01:30 I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
01:31 Amen. Amen.
01:32 Thank you very much.
01:36 So if I remember correctly
01:38 I was in the middle of the story?
01:40 Yes.
01:42 And I'm going to review to make sure
01:44 we are all on the same page.
01:46 But I've been preaching vigorously in this church
01:49 for an hour on the righteousness of Jesus,
01:52 and I'm standing at the doors shaking hands
01:54 with the congregation and I see this couple
01:57 that I've known for at least 15 years,
02:00 that couple probably in their late 40s,
02:03 and I'm always happy to see them
02:05 and he came out and he was his usual self,
02:08 and his wife followed and she shook hands with me
02:10 and she had a face like thunder,
02:14 and without smiling at me
02:16 or anything she says, I hate him.
02:19 I said, well, thank you so much for sharing that with me.
02:23 It just made my day complete,
02:26 especially after I've just preached
02:27 on the righteousness of Jesus.
02:30 By the way I hope your hatred is not directed at God.
02:34 Oh, no she said and she turned
02:36 and pointed to her husband, him the snake.
02:42 And he's starting to wither on the vine,
02:45 and she said, changing time
02:48 would you have lunch with us today?
02:52 I said, you have no idea
02:53 what a joy that would be for me,
02:57 to have lunch with someone
02:58 who hates her husband as much as you do.
03:02 I can hardly wait to get there.
03:04 Oh, good she says,
03:06 she took it seriously failing to miss my humor.
03:10 She said, we'll keep a seat for you,
03:11 and tables were set up and a couch out,
03:13 it was a beautiful California day.
03:17 So I went through the line, got my plate of food,
03:19 they were already out there waiting for me.
03:22 He sat on one side of the table
03:23 and she sat on the other,
03:26 so I said to myself, wisdom would suggest
03:28 that I sit on her side,
03:29 unless she thinks the men are ganging up against her.
03:33 So I sat down on her side of the table
03:35 and she started in again.
03:37 I can't tell you how much I hate this man?
03:40 I said, I want to tell you something.
03:43 Listen very carefully because I'm the kind of person
03:46 who has to enjoy his meal.
03:49 If you say that one more time and I'm leaving this table,
03:53 I have many friends in this church,
03:55 I'm just gonna go to another table.
03:57 So my advice to you is and I went like this.
04:03 She sat there glaring at me.
04:05 I said by the way,
04:08 would you like to change your attitude
04:10 towards your husband in the next 60 seconds?
04:14 Oh, she said, we all know that's not possible.
04:17 Oh, I said, apparently you have the hearing
04:19 as well as the speaking problem,
04:22 I didn't ask you if would were possible,
04:25 I asked you if you would like to change your attitude
04:30 towards your husband in the next 60 seconds.
04:33 She said, it takes 60 repetitions,
04:35 you got to repeat in action 60 times
04:38 before you can make a change.
04:40 I said, you do have a hearing problem.
04:43 I'm gonna try one last time and I'm picking up my plate
04:47 and I'm getting ready to flee this table.
04:52 My advice to you is that you give me
04:53 either a yes or no answer this time.
04:57 Would like to change your attitude
05:00 towards your husband in the next 60 seconds?
05:05 She hesitated and she went--
05:09 I said good.
05:11 Put your hand here, she put her hand on the table,
05:15 I said to him put your hand on top of this,
05:17 and I put my hand on top of his,
05:21 I said I'm gonna ask a very unusual request of God,
05:27 I'm gonna ask God's permission to accept the prayer
05:31 that I'm about to pray and you will repeat after me,
05:35 I'm going to ask God to accept this prayer
05:37 as coming from you.
05:41 So I went ahead and asked God to receive this prayer
05:44 as coming from her, and I said to her,
05:47 I want you to repeat only what I say,
05:49 don't add anything or subtract anything,
05:51 do you agree?
05:52 She said mm-mmm.
05:56 so I began to pray and I said, God forgive me,
06:01 I just sat in a sermon where Jesus Christ
06:06 has been lifted up before me,
06:07 His life, death and resurrection,
06:12 and I've been unable to hear it
06:15 because of the bitterness and hatred that's in my heart.
06:20 Please forgive me
06:22 for missing out on the message of Jesus
06:25 and the love of God, she prayed the prayer.
06:29 I said, I'm trying to move back into faith at the moment,
06:32 I'm coming to the cross,
06:35 and even now I feel so dirty and unclean,
06:38 I'm looking at Jesus hanging there
06:41 and I realize it's me...
06:46 please declare me to be righteous.
06:49 I don't feel righteous,
06:52 I know, I'm not but by faith I'm claming the privilege,
06:58 I believe that I'm dead to sin
07:01 because Jesus Christ died substituting Himself for me.
07:06 Amen.
07:07 She prayed the prayer,
07:09 and I said at this very moment as I move into faith,
07:13 I claim the privilege of having the mind
07:16 of Jesus coming to me.
07:17 Amen.
07:18 So that the next words I speak to my husband
07:22 will be the words of Jesus.
07:24 Amen.
07:25 The next thoughts I have towards my husband
07:28 will be the thoughts of Jesus.
07:30 Amen.
07:31 I give you permission to do this.
07:33 Amen. Amen.
07:36 We finished praying, she prayed the whole prayer.
07:39 The hands were taken back
07:41 and we just sat there grinning at each other.
07:44 Well, as a good friends,
07:48 and I will never forget this as long as I live,
07:50 she reached her hand across the table
07:55 and she took hold of her husband's hand.
07:58 This is 60 seconds is going by,
08:02 and she looked at her husband
08:03 and she said, honey, I forgive you.
08:09 This was the words of Jesus.
08:12 She said not only--
08:13 and I have no idea what happened between them,
08:15 I never asked, she said, not only do I forgive you
08:18 she said with the grin on her face she said,
08:21 you know, I still love you very much.
08:24 And he was an appropriate male
08:26 and he melted and he grinned at me
08:30 and he said, would you excuse us
08:31 we need to go for a walk together.
08:33 And they walked off hand in hand
08:35 and came back an hour later
08:36 and finished the weekend seminar with us.
08:40 And I look at this and I say, well.
08:42 Amen.
08:43 Sixty seconds.
08:45 Yes.
08:46 With the mind of Jesus in you
08:49 and you've gone from bitterness
08:52 and hatred to forgiveness and love.
08:56 Amen.
08:57 I want to tell you that is a miracle.
09:01 Amen. Amen.
09:02 That is a miracle of God's grace
09:05 when that happens.
09:06 And I began to realize that I have missed
09:09 so many opportunities in life
09:11 because I have failed to take the time to ask
09:16 for the mind of Jesus
09:18 to replace my crazy thoughts with His thoughts.
09:23 You know, what I'm learning about Jesus.
09:24 He's not selfish.
09:27 He's not even self centered.
09:31 He is willing to sacrifice so that others may feel good.
09:36 And that others may be restored.
09:38 Amen. And be made whole again.
09:41 I'm getting a whole new appreciation
09:44 of what it means to have Christ in you.
09:46 It means that you're giving Him access to your mind.
09:51 You can even start thinking His thoughts
09:54 and the good news is,
09:56 you can start feeling His feelings,
09:58 is that good news or what?
09:59 Yes. Yes.
10:01 You may have bad feeling towards somebody,
10:03 but He doesn't.
10:05 He may be seeing them
10:06 from a whole new perspective to you.
10:10 Amen. He is a gracious God.
10:11 Amen.
10:13 So open your Bibles to Romans 12,
10:18 Romans 12.
10:43 Romans 12:2.
10:51 It's a well known verse by the way.
10:55 "Do not be conformed to this world."
11:00 I'm not-- I love Phillips' translation,
11:03 I know it's not a regular translation,
11:04 it's a paraphrased but it reads so beautifully here.
11:09 "Do not let the world around you
11:11 squeeze you into its mould."
11:15 I love that, I love that.
11:17 And the regular version say,
11:19 "Don't be conformed to this world."
11:21 it doesn't quite have the same vitality, does it?
11:24 As "Don't let the world around you
11:26 squeeze you into its own mould."
11:29 "Don't be conformed to this world, but be..."
11:33 Transformed.
11:35 Here is the human mind.
11:39 And Paul's urging is be transformed by what?
11:45 "By the renewing."
11:46 "By the renewing of..."
11:48 "Your mind."
11:49 "Renewing of your mind."
12:00 Wow.
12:05 Lot of interest in health and exercise today,
12:07 you can actually have a beautiful body,
12:09 you can develop it to the ultimate,
12:11 but if the mind is not renewed along with it,
12:16 you've become like the ancient Greeks,
12:18 who've treasured a perfect body
12:22 in a highly developed mind but not necessarily a mind
12:26 that was Christ centered or God filled.
12:30 By the way the word transformed,
12:34 great word, it's the same word in English,
12:36 we borrowed it from the Greek.
12:39 Who knows what word it is?
12:42 It's the word--
12:43 thank you, Mike, it's the word metamorphosis,
12:47 the same word that's used from the caterpillar,
12:52 is in the cocoon and emerges sometime
12:56 later as a beautiful butterfly stretches
12:58 his wings and flies away.
13:00 That's the word metamorphosis,
13:03 same in English as it is in Greek.
13:12 So Paul is actually saying be metamorphosed,
13:18 be so transformed that you won't even be recognized
13:22 as the original creature.
13:24 Amen. Praise the Lord.
13:26 You will be transformed from a grub into a moth.
13:30 May be one with beautiful color in its wings
13:34 and you will fly away.
13:36 Now, you know Paul is an interesting writer.
13:40 Whenever he writes,
13:43 he always links his thoughts together
13:46 and he has a favorite conjunction in Greek,
13:50 it actually reads in order that,
13:54 in order that.
14:00 In English unfortunately we lose a lot of the emphases,
14:04 we shorten it.
14:06 And my version says simply just that.
14:13 Some versions say so that,
14:17 if we're being strictly biblical to the original text,
14:22 our Bibles would read in order that much more emphatic,
14:28 so let's make sure we're hearing at this morning,
14:32 be transformed, be metamorphosed
14:35 by the renewing of your mind.
14:36 And we already know that is the work
14:39 of the Holy Spirit bringing the mind of Jesus into us.
14:45 By the way this is an incarnation divinity
14:51 is fusing with humanity.
14:54 And I got very good news for you this morning,
14:58 when the divine mind fuses
15:01 with the sinful human mind,
15:04 guess which one prevails?
15:08 You know the answer to that, don't you?
15:11 Not even the most carnal mind
15:13 can withstand the presence of divinity within it.
15:17 Your mind will be so transformed,
15:19 you'll be amazed that's your own thoughts
15:22 and your own feelings.
15:24 This is God's grace now.
15:27 This is how God breaks the power of sin in our lives
15:30 through our thinking.
15:31 Amen.
15:33 And I've discovered that the mind of Jesus
15:35 is so radically different from my mind, it's a delight
15:38 to put it on and see how He's thinking again today.
15:43 And every time I look at someone or something I realize
15:46 that Jesus is seeing it differently from me.
15:50 And that of course to act upon that becomes quite exciting.
15:55 So be transformed by the renewing
15:57 of your mind in order that--
16:02 still in the same verse,
16:03 you may what word kicks in now?
16:07 For some versions say prove,
16:10 mine says know, anyone have a different word?
16:16 There are other words
16:17 but may be we don't have a variety
16:19 of translations here today.
16:23 You may prove, you may know, what?
16:30 Read it to me, now who has got it?
16:32 Go ahead, read it up.
16:36 "That you may prove what the will of God is,
16:41 that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
16:49 Thank you very much, Anne.
16:50 What the will of God is?
16:58 I'm very fascinated by the means
17:00 that people use to find the will of God.
17:05 I have a friend who gets his messages from God
17:08 by reading the number plate on the car
17:10 in front of him on the highway.
17:16 I think it's the craziest thing I've ever heard.
17:19 He called me up recently,
17:21 he's in the middle of Washington DC.
17:24 Hello, here, he says you got to help me,
17:26 I said what's up?
17:28 I was at the car in front of me it has this number plate,
17:32 I'm wondering what message
17:34 God is sending me through that symbol,
17:35 keep, read me the number plate
17:37 I'm very good at interpreting these metals,
17:39 I'm trying to keep a straight faith,
17:41 this is a highly educated man,
17:43 I can't believe he is doing this,
17:45 and a professed believer.
17:48 He says, well...
17:51 it's the last part of the number plate
17:53 that it ends in 666.
17:57 He said, what do you think of that?
18:01 I said what it's saying to me
18:02 is that you are about to have a really beastly day.
18:10 Because he took it seriously,
18:12 why do you think that's what it--
18:13 what it means?
18:14 I said absolutely, absolutely.
18:17 And I just hang up the phone, I can't-- couldn't believe
18:20 I'm having this conversation
18:22 with such an educated mind as his
18:25 and yet he's going to get his messages
18:27 about God's will for the day.
18:29 Okay, I have another friend who reads street signs
18:33 and gets the messages from street signs.
18:36 I have other friends believe it or not
18:38 who read their horoscopes.
18:40 Oh, wow.
18:41 And they try and get the will of God
18:44 from a horoscope, and then you can write things
18:46 that will fit nearly everybody,
18:48 if you're broad enough and general enough,
18:51 anyone can write a column like that
18:52 and it's gonna hit you some way and I get all excited
18:56 because a part of it matches them perfectly.
18:59 God's revealing his will through a horoscope.
19:04 How many of you walked down Venice Beach?
19:08 Whenever I get friends from Australia,
19:10 they always want to go and walk down Venice Beach,
19:13 so we are strolling down,
19:14 I got some Australian relatives with me,
19:16 we're strolling starling down Venice Beach,
19:19 and there's about a dozen umbrellas
19:22 and these umbrellas have all the fortunetellers
19:24 sitting underneath them, they're reading tarot cards
19:27 and they have crystal balls and I'm just strolling along
19:31 and this woman who has been sitting
19:32 under the umbrella and she got no customers
19:35 so she jumps up and rushes out
19:38 and grabs hold of my hand like this,
19:40 in front my friends and she goes...
19:47 She said, I know what gonna happen to you,
19:49 this week, oh, it's so terrible,
19:53 I'm enjoying this moment immensely,
19:57 so I let her go on,
19:59 I said you know, I have the same gift.
20:05 I actually know what's going to happen to me
20:07 in the next 60 seconds, she said what?
20:12 I said, I'm gonna flee from you.
20:20 And I pulled my hand away and walked away,
20:24 I'll never forget that.
20:28 I can see what's coming into your life this week.
20:33 I hope you not having to do those kinds of things.
20:36 Well, that's lot of conviction coming through this morning.
20:42 The word of God is crystal clear.
20:47 Be transformed through the renewing of your mind.
20:53 In order that you may prove
20:56 or know the will of God,
21:00 that which is good and pure and perfect.
21:05 You got two minutes to turn to your partner
21:08 and identify exactly where you will look for
21:14 and find your understanding of the will of God.
21:18 Two minutes do not write, put your pens down and turn
21:21 and actually communicate
21:23 with the person sitting next to you.
21:26 Where will you seek for and find the will of God?
21:29 And I want you to listen carefully.
21:31 Shh!
21:33 I want you to pull the answer out of this too.
21:37 Stay in the verse and pull the answer out of there.
21:40 If your partner is absolutely refusing to talk with you,
21:43 quickly jump up and change tables,
21:46 so you can have a good experience.
21:53 Where will you seek for and find the will of God?
21:57 That's the question.


Revised 2015-03-19