Participants: Bill Liversidge
Series Code: VIJ
Program Code: VIJ000008
00:21 Welcome. Thank you.
00:24 Good morning. 00:25 Great to see you here, enthusiastically ready, 00:29 to jump into another journey in the Word of God, today. 00:32 Amen. 00:34 Let us invite the, the presence and the blessing 00:37 of God among us, 00:38 and we're going to call on Grant 00:40 to lead us in prayer this morning. 00:41 Thank you. 00:44 Loving Father, we thank You for bringing us together, 00:49 once again, to open Your word and to listen to Your voice. 00:53 Thank You for the promise that You said, 00:55 where two or three will gather together 00:56 You will be among us and I want to thank You, Father, 00:59 that You have fulfilled the promise 01:01 during this weekend because we have seen 01:03 the sweetness of Your presence. 01:05 The unity of the body, Father. 01:07 The likeness of Jesus, and as we relate to one another, 01:12 Father, we ask that You will continue 01:14 to be present with us today, 01:16 and bless us with a deeper understanding of Your word, 01:19 in Jesus' precious name, amen. 01:21 Amen, amen, thank you very much. 01:27 Who has taken hold this morning, 01:32 with vigor, 01:35 the atoning, the benefits of the atoning death 01:39 of Jesus Christ? 01:41 Who has reminded themselves, this morning, 01:45 that in the sight of God, you are declared righteous? 01:51 Yeah. Amen. 01:52 Because incredibly, through His grace, 01:56 God has embraced Jesus in your place. 02:00 Amen. 02:02 So whatever happens to Jesus has happened to you. 02:06 You know, I meet people who are trying to get to heaven, 02:09 their whole life is spent trying to make it to heaven. 02:11 I'm not spending my life trying to get to heaven. 02:15 Amen. 02:16 Because according to Ephesians, 02:19 I am already seated there, in Him. 02:23 Amen. 02:24 If Jesus is in heaven, I, by faith, am in heaven. 02:30 Amen. 02:31 Getting there will just be the cream on the cake. 02:35 I'm there already, and I'm privileged 02:38 to be living according to the heavenly principles 02:42 while still on earth, isn't that exciting? 02:45 Yes. Exciting. 02:46 I hope you're in faith this morning. 02:48 The atoning death of Jesus 02:52 means that you are reconciled to God. 02:54 You're not a stranger, you're not a foreigner, 02:57 you're not outside of his family, 02:59 you are incorporated, 03:02 you are adopted into the family of God. 03:05 Yes. 03:06 Warts and all, you have been embraced by God, 03:10 who loves you unconditionally. 03:15 He's so generous, He's giving you the privileges 03:19 a child of God to begin with perfection, 03:22 not to end with it. 03:24 He's declaring you to be perfect forever, 03:28 through the atoning death of Jesus. 03:30 Imagine the consequences of that. 03:34 Wow, what a privilege that is. 03:36 While you are undergoing 03:38 the experience of sanctification, 03:41 while you're growing up into Jesus, 03:44 He's taken the stress away from you 03:47 of trying to become perfect. 03:49 Amen. 03:50 By declaring you to be so, right at the beginning 03:53 and for how long has He given you that privilege? 03:56 Forever. 03:57 Think of that. Forever. 03:59 I am perfect, forever, in the sight of God. 04:04 And people come up to me and say I'm trying to be perfect, 04:07 I say, well, I wish you luck. 04:09 Let me know when you reach there. 04:13 I have it already so that's a stress 04:15 that's removed from me. 04:17 I can actually enjoy the process 04:19 of growing up into Jesus. 04:21 Sometimes painful, sometimes challenging, 04:24 but an exciting growth process in our lives. 04:28 As God fulfills His promise and we become like Him. 04:33 Amen. 04:39 You have redemption. 04:42 Amen. Full and free. 04:44 You've been purchased back-- Your sins are forgiven. 04:48 Amen. 04:49 Your enemy has been rendered powerless, 04:53 you don't have to enter into any debates with him. 04:56 Amen. 04:59 I was in New Zealand, taking some seminars and I, 05:03 the elder and his wife of the church that I was in 05:05 walked up to me and they said, 05:07 Brother Liversidge, we have a problem. 05:10 I said, well, join the human race. 05:13 They said, but this is a serious problem, 05:15 it's our 21 year old son. 05:18 He has become a devil priest 05:22 and he has an altar to Satan in his bedroom 05:26 and we are not permitted into the bedroom. 05:30 I said, well, whose house is this? 05:33 Well, they said, technically it's our house 05:37 but we're intimidated by this son of ours. 05:40 Would you come and help us? I said, well, I just might. 05:45 Wednesday evening I'm free, 05:46 I could come round to your house. 05:48 Oh, would you? I said, yes. 05:50 So as they were leaving, I said to the elder, 05:53 by the way, uh, do you have a sledge hammer? 05:58 He says, why on earth would I need a sledge hammer? 06:02 I said, well, think about it 06:03 between now and Wednesday night. 06:06 And hopefully it will do one on you 06:08 by the time I arrive at your house. 06:10 I said, what time does your son get home from work? 06:13 He gets in at midnight. 06:15 So I said, well, I can be there about 8 o' clock. 06:17 They said, great. 06:19 So I went round to this house 06:20 in a suburb of Auckland, New Zealand 06:23 and knocked on the door and the elder came out 06:25 greeting me and he hold-- 06:26 he's holding a sledge hammer in one hand. 06:29 And he grinned at me, he said, and I know what to do with it, 06:32 I said, oh, hallelujah. 06:35 So we broke the lock off the bedroom door, 06:39 we went in and we took the altar, 06:42 and all of the magazines, 06:44 and every bit of paraphernalia associated with devil worship. 06:48 And we took it out of that house 06:50 and we burnt it in the backyard. 06:52 Amen. 06:54 I then took oil and we anointed all the doors 06:56 and windows of this house, oil being the beautiful symbol 06:59 of the Holy Spirit. 07:01 And I said to this couple, you're now living 07:03 in the safest house in the neighborhood. 07:07 It was 10 o'clock and now I thought 07:08 I need to go and get my beauty sleep. 07:12 They said, couldn't you wait till midnight? 07:16 I said no, and God's impressing me 07:18 that I had to leave so that their faith could kick in, 07:22 they couldn't do this on my faith. 07:24 So I left them, they were shaking 07:27 'cause their son's coming home at midnight. 07:30 The son came home, put his key in the door, 07:33 they hadn't gone to bed yet, they were terrified 07:36 of what was gonna happen. 07:38 He put his key in the door and he opened the door 07:40 and put his foot on the doorstep 07:42 and was met by an invisible force. 07:45 He could not actually go into the house, 07:48 'cause we know it was an angel standing there, 07:49 blocking the way. 07:51 And he started shouting out, he awakened the whole street, 07:54 what have you done to this house? 07:56 I can't come in here. 07:59 And he turned and fled to a buddy's house 08:01 to spend the night. 08:03 The next morning he called his parents and he said, 08:05 can I come home and get some clothes and things, 08:07 and they called me very quickly, 08:09 I said, oh, no, he can't come home, 08:14 he'll bring the demon back into your house. 08:17 Not until he's willing for you to administer to him 08:20 and cast out that which is in him. 08:22 Then he can come home. 08:24 I left, I came back to the United States. 08:28 They told me the story later. 08:30 A month later he called them up and he said, 08:32 okay, what is it you want to do with me? 08:35 They said, are you willing? He said, I am willing. 08:38 So their own faith activated and they rebuked 08:41 the demon that was in their own son. 08:45 I had the privilege of baptizing this young man 08:47 when I came back to New Zealand. 08:49 Amen. Praise God. 08:51 And I said to myself, 08:54 we have nothing to fear from the devil. 08:57 He is a defeated foe. Amen. 09:02 He's been rendered powerless. 09:04 I hope you're not arguing with him, 09:06 listening to any of his suggestions. 09:09 Consign him to where he needs to be. 09:13 Get thee behind me because you have nothing on me 09:17 because I am a child of God. 09:21 Romans 6:11, I consider myself to be, what? 09:26 Dead to sin and alive unto God. 09:30 Not because I'm feeling a little more holy today, 09:34 but because Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, 09:38 died my death, and rose again in my resurrection, 09:44 from the dead. 09:46 That's why by faith this morning, 09:48 I can consider myself to be dead to sin. 09:53 Got nothing to do with how I feel. 09:56 It has everything to do with how Jesus felt, 10:00 as a human being. 10:02 How's your faith, this morning? 10:05 Could God have done any more for us? 10:08 He's cleansed our conscience, even forgiven us for our sins 10:12 of ignorance of which we have plenty. 10:16 God has made available to all his children, 10:20 and this is only, I've got 30, in my Bible 10:22 I have a list of 30 benefits of the atoning death of Jesus, 10:26 all ours by faith, as we look at the cross. 10:31 If you're not in the daily habit of coming to the cross, 10:35 and contemplating the atoning death of Jesus, 10:39 and lifting up your heart and just saying to God, 10:41 thank You, thank You, thank You. 10:44 I have all this, 10:49 how can I possibly be lost, 10:52 if God has given us so much. 10:57 That's why I keep asking you, 10:58 how's your faith, this morning? 11:01 I hope and pray you've got the habit established 11:03 of coming to the cross, everyday. 11:06 So when it comes to victory, the three steps to victory. 11:15 Summarizing a whole weekend now. 11:20 First step, is come through, 11:22 loud and clear. 11:27 Now give me more than one word now, let's not perish. 11:31 Do you want a mic-- 11:34 Sorry. 11:36 Come daily to the foot of the cross. 11:39 You can see that you got an astounding response 11:42 from this, I know exactly how you must feel. 11:45 Look up and check if God's on vacation today or not. 11:49 No, He's not. Oh, He's not, okay. 11:52 So let's hear it again. 11:53 Come daily to the cross. Amen. 11:58 Wow, come daily to the cross. I love the way Anne said that. 12:01 Come daily to the cross, I'll draw the cross there. 12:08 And claim the benefits... 12:17 of His atoning death. 12:28 I want you, quickly this morning, 12:30 to turn to the person sitting next to you 12:32 and claim one of the benefits of the atoning death of Jesus. 12:36 And then they will in turn claim one back to you, 12:38 don't sit gazing up into heaven now, 12:40 turn to the person or persons next to you 12:43 and claim one of the benefits of the atoning death of Jesus 12:48 and give God glory. 12:50 Come on, talk to one another now. 13:03 Amen. 13:53 Okay, let's have your attention, please. 13:56 Listen carefully, step number two, 14:03 it's come through already, 14:04 let's see how effective I have been. 14:07 Someone on this side now, who's got step number two? 14:10 We haven't developed it fully yet but it came out yesterday 14:13 and we're going to develop it in a few minutes. 14:17 Don't call out please. 14:20 This side, a forest of hands waving at me. 14:26 All right, I'll come back to the other side then, 14:28 we'll see what's happening over here. 14:30 Rudy? 14:32 The whole time that you're growing up into Jesus, 14:35 it's a whole life process. 14:39 Your good news is that, you are not condemned. 14:44 Powerful, but it's still a part of our first step. 14:47 But it's a beautiful part it, thank you for bringing that up. 14:50 Yes, the whole time you're growing up into Jesus 14:53 you are not condemned. 14:56 That's one of the biggest blessings 14:58 that God has given us. 14:59 But the second step which we did move into yesterday, Anne? 15:07 We're glad you're alive this morning, Anne, 15:08 the whole room-- 15:10 Thank you, praise God for that. 15:11 Put on the mind of Jesus. Thank you very much. 15:15 Put on the mind of Jesus. 15:18 Amen. Amen. 15:21 We have moved from the death of Jesus, 15:23 to the life of Jesus. 15:28 And according to Paul, he says that it's the mind of Jesus, 15:31 you know, the Holy Spirit doesn't come into our bodies, 15:35 he comes into our minds, 15:38 and we receive the mind of Christ. 15:43 And we act upon that and this is how we become like Jesus. 15:49 I hope you've experienced 15:51 the privilege of putting on the mind of Jesus. 15:55 Amen. 15:57 The ordinary events of your life 15:59 will begin to become extraordinary. 16:03 Amen. I like that. 16:05 Amen. 16:11 I don't do well with feeble audiences. 16:16 When you put on the mind of Jesus, 16:20 the ordinary things in your life will become extraordinary. 16:25 Amen. 16:26 I mean, the simple, ordinary things, 16:30 like the woman on the other side of my post office counter. 16:36 We're chatting away one day and she discovers 16:38 I've written a book, she said, I want to read it. 16:41 So I bring her down a book. 16:44 Now it's embarrassing to me because I go to a post office 16:47 that get's very long lines in it. 16:50 And the moment I walk into the post office, 16:52 if she's on duty, she puts up a sign, 16:55 "Not Available" and she waves me down. 16:58 And I walk down, sometimes in front of 50 people, 17:01 and they're all going, who's this guy? 17:05 What's he got? 17:06 How come he goes straight up to the counter? 17:09 And I lean over the counter and she says, 17:12 I want to discuss the latest chapter. 17:15 So for 5 minutes, I'm leaning over the post office counter 17:18 trying, you know, speaking in my usual quiet little voice, 17:22 you know? 17:23 And we have this discussion of the latest chapter 17:26 and she praises God, she's unashamed. 17:29 All right, she says, come in next week 17:30 I'll have another chapter ready by then. 17:33 And I walk out and I can hear all the people murmuring 17:36 about me, you know. 17:39 And this is just an ordinary thing, 17:40 to go to the post office 17:42 and yet I'm having this extraordinary ministry. 17:47 She's not only reading, she's hearing the word. 17:52 And I say to God, I want these experiences 17:54 every day of my life, every day of my life. 17:59 Amen. 18:01 And I've discovered the secret is to put on the mind of Jesus. 18:07 It's a dangerous thing for me to get on an aeroplane, 18:11 'cause if there's only one sinner on that plane 18:14 who's seeking the kingdom of God you know exactly 18:17 where they're going to be seated, don't you? 18:20 Time and time again, God sits them next to me. 18:24 And I turn to the person and I say you're sitting 18:26 on the safest seat on the aeroplane. 18:29 And they say, why? 18:31 I say, because you're sitting next to me. 18:34 And they say, well, what makes you so special? 18:38 Well, I have a squadron of angels flying with me. 18:41 Amen. 18:43 And they say to me, what do you do? 18:46 And I have my answer ready. 18:48 I say, I am in ministry, and I especially minister 18:52 to individuals that God sits next to me on aeorplanes. 18:59 And finally they say, who, me? 19:01 I say, yes, I can't wait to hear 19:05 why you are sitting next to me. 19:09 I say, you don't think you're sitting there 19:11 by accident, do you? 19:13 You're sitting there because God has planned for us 19:15 to be sitting together. 19:17 And over and over again people say, 19:19 you won't believe how I missed a plane here 19:23 and I missed another plane there 19:25 and they finally found a seat for me on this flight, 19:28 there's only one seat left. 19:30 I said, I understand fully, I expect nothing less. 19:33 God has planned this whole encounter, 19:37 so let's talk about the reasons now why we're sitting together. 19:41 And the most beautiful opportunities develop, 19:45 just sitting on aeroplanes. 19:46 'Cause I travel on planes like most people travel in a car, 19:49 you know. 19:51 So I need to have special ministry. 19:53 Sometimes I look up and say to God, 19:56 I'm a bit tired. 19:58 I wouldn't mind having a break today. 20:01 Keep the seat next to me vacant, please, if you can. 20:05 And He will respect that, occasionally He doesn't respect 20:08 and I know that even in my tiredness 20:11 I am to go ahead and to minister, in His behalf. 20:15 How's your faith this morning? 20:17 We need extraordinary encounters 20:19 every day of our life. 20:21 Now you know, I have a favorite author, 20:25 some of you are familiar with this author, 20:27 she's a 19th-century writer, her name is Ellen White 20:33 and she's a very prolific author, 20:36 a Christian author, has written many, many books, 20:41 articles and letters, but some of the greatest wisdom 20:45 I've ever read outside of the Bible, 20:48 I have read in her writings 20:49 and so I'm sharing this with you today, 20:51 because she wrote a little booklet, 20:54 like a hundred years ago called, "Genuine Conversion." 20:58 It's really a series of articles, and in this article 21:02 called, "Genuine Conversion," 21:05 which was published in a religious newspaper, 21:08 called, "The Review and Herald," on July 7, 1904, 21:13 think of that, over a hundred years ago, 21:16 she gave this magnificent little statement, 21:19 "the leaven of truth." 21:22 That's her way of describing the Holy Spirit, the leaven. 21:27 "The leaven of truth works secretly, 21:30 silently, steadily, to transform the soul. 21:37 The natural inclinations are softened and subdued." 21:43 And here's the part that I loved so much, 21:45 new... 21:51 new thoughts, 21:55 new feelings, 22:00 new motives are implanted. 22:07 When I first read that, because I've read biblically, 22:10 so many times about the new mind, 22:14 or being born again, 22:16 or putting on the mind of Jesus, 22:20 or receiving the Holy Spirit. 22:21 All these things are saying the same thing, 22:24 but here is a Christian author with incredible discernment, 22:31 who comes out in probably the most simple 22:33 and beautiful manner and basically explains 22:36 that when you receive the Holy Spirit, 22:39 when you put on the mind of Jesus, 22:41 when Christ comes into you through the Holy Spirit, 22:46 you receive new thoughts, 22:50 new feelings, 22:54 new motives. 22:55 Amen. 22:57 You receive the thoughts of Christ, 23:02 you receive the feelings of Jesus, 23:07 you receive his motives. 23:11 Amen. 23:13 And the most life-changing things take place 23:20 the moment you put on the mind of Christ. 23:26 Now I was preaching a sermon, and standing at the door, 23:32 shaking hands with the congregation 23:35 and a couple walked out of church 23:37 that I've known for like, 23:38 15 or 20 years, in their late 40s. 23:43 And the husband came out and he shook hands with me 23:46 and was totally normal and his wife came out 23:50 and she had a face like death. 23:53 Now I've just been preaching for an hour 23:55 on the righteousness of Jesus, and this woman 23:58 whom I've known all these years, 24:00 walks out and she says to me, I hate Him. 24:04 I said, well, thank you very much 24:06 for sharing that with me, 24:07 it's actually made my whole day complete. 24:10 What a fortunate fellow I am, 24:13 to be on the receiving end of your bitterness 24:16 as you walk out of church. 24:18 You know, I have a wicked sense of humor. 24:21 I said, by the way, who's the, him, here? 24:24 Who do you hate? I hope it's not Him. 24:27 Oh, no, she said and she turned and pointed towards 24:30 her husband, him, the snake. 24:37 She said, I hate him so much I really wouldn't mind 24:40 getting rid of him. 24:42 Then she said to me, would you join us for lunch? 24:51 The church was having a potluck and there were tables 24:53 set up in a courtyard. 24:55 Join us for lunch. 24:58 I hate cutting a story off in the middle, don't you? 25:01 So make sure you're present for the next thrilling episode, 25:05 'cause I'm gonna pick this story up again 25:08 and, it may be sooner than you think. 25:14 Let's bow our heads together. 25:16 Lou Anne, would you close in prayer for us today, 25:19 thank you very much. 25:20 Let's bow our heads together. 25:23 Father, thank You so very much 25:26 for exhibiting Your great love for us 25:28 through the death and the life of Your dear son. 25:32 And Father, we are so grateful that You offer us 25:36 these benefits, that You've bestowed upon Your son. 25:40 May we access them, minute by minute, 25:45 not just day by day, that You can be glorified. 25:49 Thank You so much, 25:50 in Jesus' precious and wonderful name, amen. 25:52 Amen. Amen. 25:55 Creative Media Ministries is a faith based ministry 25:58 dedicated to the sharing of the Good News of the Lord, 26:01 Jesus Christ. 26:02 We need your help to take this dynamic message 26:04 to the uttermost parts of the earth. 26:07 If God has touched your heart and the Word of God 26:09 has come to life like never before, 26:11 contributions can be sent to 26:13 Creative Media Ministries PO Box 9485, 26:17 Bakersfield, California, 93389. 26:21 Or, you can make your donation online 26:23 by visiting our website 26:25 at 26:30 To order the complete series of Victory in Jesus 26:32 and many others seminars in DVD or CD format 26:35 Contact us at 26:41 You can also call us at 888-744-0443 26:47 That's 888-744-0443 26:51 Or write to us at Creative Media Ministries 26:54 PO Box 9485, 26:57 Bakersfield, Calfornia, 93389. |
Revised 2015-03-12