Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000007B

02:36 Give us a cool scripture now that is pregnant with meaning.
02:41 Colossians 1:13, 14.
02:43 Oh, what a clear reference here to Colossians 1.
02:47 Those who have strength would to turn to this.
02:53 Colossians 1:13, 14.
02:56 If you would read it out for us please, Ken.
02:58 Thank you.
03:01 "He has delivered us from the power of darkness
03:04 and conveyed us
03:05 into the kingdom of the Son of His love,
03:07 in whom we have redemption through His blood,
03:10 the forgiveness of sins."
03:12 Amen. Amen. So...
03:14 So, we have both redemption and forgiveness.
03:16 We have redemption,
03:19 which means to be purchase back
03:22 and we have forgiveness of sins,
03:24 wow, excellent.
03:27 Beginning verse two points for one verse
03:31 that's excellent, thank you.
03:33 Who begin in Hebrews 2 as I suggested and okay,
03:39 Williams got his hand up here.
03:47 What verse are you in Hebrews 2?
03:49 Verse 14.
03:50 Okay, let's hear it please.
03:52 "Inasmuch then as the children
03:54 have partaken of flesh and blood,
03:56 He Himself likewise shared in the same,
03:58 that through death He might destroy him
04:00 who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
04:02 So, let's hear it in another version,
04:04 because the term destroy here
04:06 is not really as good as another term
04:08 because the devil is in fact not destroyed yet.
04:11 Hebrews 2. But there is a better--
04:13 Hebrews 2:14 who has that in--
04:16 Maddy has got her hand up, halleluiah.
04:20 "Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood,
04:24 He Himself likewise also partook of the same,
04:27 that through death He might render powerless him
04:30 who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
04:33 A better term, thank you.
04:34 That's the devil has been rendered...
04:37 Power less. Power less.
04:39 Do you believe it? Amen.
04:42 If you believe it, you will never ever get into a struggle
04:47 with the devil.
04:49 You'll let him know
04:52 that he has no power and authority over you,
04:54 because the atoning death of Jesus
04:57 has rendered him powerless.
05:02 Appreciate the amen's to that statement.
05:04 Amen. Amen.
05:05 Your enemy has been rendered powerless.
05:09 He has no authority over you.
05:12 Amen.
05:13 Think of the implications of this.
05:15 He is disarmed.
05:17 He is, he is more than disarmed.
05:19 He is rendered powerless. Amen.
05:22 Hey, Reese, we got your hand up there.
05:23 Moral is, he is changed, he is powerless.
05:26 Have you got another contribution for us?
05:28 Halleluiah.
05:30 Hebrews--
05:35 Romans 6:3.
05:37 Romans 6:3.
05:51 "Or do you not know
05:53 that all of us who have been baptized into Jesus Christ
05:57 have been baptized into His death."
06:02 So, we're being baptized in to His death which is His life.
06:07 So, we have-- well that's actually His death.
06:09 Yeah, technically His dead, but His death--
06:12 You mean baptized in to His...
06:14 Death. Death.
06:16 If we have verse 4 it adds more--
06:19 I know but it's, that's talking about His resurrection
06:22 and you move to a different.
06:26 Now pick out another verse in chapter 6
06:29 to go with the one you've got.
06:31 So, it becomes crystal clear to us what is happening.
06:36 We're still in chapter 6 of Romans.
06:39 Can you find another verse for us
06:41 to go with the one you've got?
06:45 Yeah, verse 6.
06:47 Okay, let's hear verse 6.
06:48 "Knowing this, that our old self
06:50 was crucified with Him,
06:52 in order that our body of sin might be done away with,
06:56 so that we would no longer be slaves to sin."
07:00 And read verse 8 as well, would you?
07:02 "Now if we have died with Christ,
07:06 we believe that we shall also live with Him."
07:10 So, what are we learning about the crucifixion of Jesus?
07:14 Freedom.
07:15 No don't put words in his mouth, please.
07:17 Freed us from sin.
07:19 Yes, but there's something else much more substantial.
07:23 It's coming through you, you just read it.
07:24 We live with Him.
07:26 Now, what are we learning about His death?
07:28 Okay.
07:31 I know you two are anxious to get in to His life,
07:33 but we're talking about His death at the moment.
07:38 It's in verse 6 and it's also in verse 8, you just read it.
07:41 We were crucified with Him--
07:42 We were crucified with Him
07:45 and in verse 8 doesn't it say...
07:48 We died with Christ. We died with Christ.
07:53 So, the death of Jesus on Calvary
07:56 was our death to sin.
07:59 We actually died in Him at that moment.
08:03 It's a very profound thing to see that we died in Him.
08:08 Our death is not separate to His.
08:13 I know people who believe that the death of their old nature
08:16 is a struggle every day against the flesh.
08:20 The death of our old nature is a faith struggle
08:24 because it happens when we come to the cross
08:27 and we realize that in His death we died.
08:32 Amen. Amen.
08:34 We've already died to self in the death of Jesus.
08:39 That was my death to sin.
08:41 That's why verse 11 by the way
08:44 becomes such a power full verse.
08:46 Look at verse 11 in Romans 6.
08:50 "Even so" say's, Paul, what's the next word?
08:53 Reckon. Consider yourself--
08:55 The King James says reckon,
08:58 the modern translation say reckon.
09:02 Consider. Oh, I say consider.
09:05 Consider yourself to be what?
09:08 Dead. The Dead.
09:09 It doesn't say feel dead,
09:13 it doesn't say struggle against your self every day
09:17 and get some help from God, you might win the struggle.
09:20 It doesn't say that.
09:23 It says reckon or consider yourself to be?
09:27 Dead. Dead. Dead to sin and?
09:29 Alive.
09:30 Alive under God because, because...
09:36 We died with Him. We died with Him and we also?
09:39 Rose with Him. Rose with Him.
09:42 His death was our death to sin.
09:45 His resurrection was our being raised from life
09:50 as a slave to sins
09:51 and now a slave of righteousness. Amen, amen.
09:54 These things are ours in Christ.
09:58 Amen.
09:59 It's a faith step.
10:01 This is my favorite verse in Romans 6.
10:04 Finally and I give God glory over this.
10:06 So, I have programmed my mind to believe,
10:08 when my feet touch the ground,
10:10 I get out of the bed in the morning,
10:12 zap Romans 6:11 jumps into my mind now automatically,
10:17 thank you for that God.
10:18 Amen. Amen.
10:19 And I say to myself, wow.
10:22 I consider myself again for another day to be?
10:27 Dead. Dead to sins.
10:29 Got nothing to do with how I feel. Amen.
10:32 It has nothing to do with how well I'm doing.
10:35 Amen.
10:36 It has to do with how well Jesus did in human flesh.
10:41 Amen. Amen.
10:42 Consider yourself to be dead to sin and alive unto God.
10:48 Most people are loosing this battle
10:51 because they're failing to see that it's a faith struggle,
10:55 not a struggle against self.
10:58 That struggle has been won at the cross.
11:03 If you're coming to the cross
11:05 and claiming the benefits of the atoning death of Jesus,
11:09 you're already in Christ a victorious person.
11:13 Amen. Amen.
11:14 Because you've seized the struggle
11:16 and you've started believing
11:19 that God really did accept Jesus in your stead.
11:23 Amen.
11:25 How's your faith. Amen.
11:27 Are you acting by faith
11:29 or are you falling back into struggle with help from God?
11:33 I wish you luck, you'll dig the hole deeper and deeper.
11:35 I did it for years.
11:37 I begged God for years.
11:38 I prayed that self defeating prayer God,
11:41 help me not to do these same things
11:43 over and over again.
11:45 Finally God hit me over the head
11:47 with the giant sized cricket bat,
11:51 because my game is cricket not softball.
11:54 And God said to me, hey, I didn't ask you to be Christ,
12:00 I asked you to put on Christ. Amen.
12:03 He's already won this battle,
12:07 why are you continuing to fight
12:09 and then begging Him to help you to be strong enough.
12:12 There's only ever been one human being
12:14 who was strong enough to win this battle
12:17 and He's either in you or He is not. Amen.
12:20 If He is in you, you're walking by faith,
12:22 you consider your self to be dead to sin
12:28 and alive unto God.
12:30 What a huge step this is.


Revised 2015-03-05