Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 7

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000007A

00:21 Welcome, welcome, I seem to be welcoming you a great deal.
00:27 But once more, but now you are very welcome.
00:30 Amen.
00:34 So let us bow our heads together as we get underway.
00:39 And we'll give the life for a fun,
00:41 let's see who's the fortunate recipient of the microphone.
00:46 Oh, yes, I can see you begging for as you got a hand up there,
00:50 praise the Lord.
00:51 Such willingness, you know, is most uncommon.
00:54 Carrie, head and lead us in prayer please.
00:57 Loving Father in heaven, thank You very much
01:00 for the opportunity to be here learning about
01:04 You and Your great love and Your great sacrifice,
01:08 we ask that You open our minds to receive the truths
01:15 that You have for us.
01:16 And thus each and everyone here
01:18 and everybody that will hear this beautiful message
01:21 in the name of Jesus' we pray, amen.
01:23 Amen. Thank you very much.
01:28 So here is your assignment.
01:29 It's time for an assignment,
01:32 because assignments bring great stimulation in the word
01:36 and give the Holy Spirit freedom
01:39 to do creative things in our minds.
01:41 So I'm wanting at least five more
01:45 benefits of the atoning death of Jesus.
01:51 Well, because of the shortness of time
01:53 we gonna limit you
01:54 just to the whole of the New Testament.
01:59 We're looking for five more-- listen very carefully,
02:04 listen carefully do not produce scripture
02:07 that fails to mention the death of Jesus.
02:13 It must have a word in it like offering, sacrifice,
02:17 blood, death, atonement, something to do
02:22 with the atoning death of Jesus.
02:24 I want at least five more of the great benefits.
02:28 This is an assignment with your team or your team person.
02:33 So in twos or threes what books of the Bible
02:37 will be very useful to you at the moment.
02:40 Hebrews would be especially good.
02:43 I suggest you begin in Chapter 2 of Hebrews,
02:46 a good place to begin.
02:48 Romans, of course always good.
02:50 Any others that could be useful?
02:53 John has got some beautiful things in it.
02:55 So move with the speed of lightning please.
02:59 We just need five more benefits.
03:01 We're gonna give three minutes for this assignment,
03:04 so you need to move with divine grace.


Revised 2015-03-05