Participants: Bill Liversidge
Series Code: VIJ
Program Code: VIJ000006
00:21 Welcome back again. Amen.
00:26 And praise God for your perseverance. 00:29 Amen. 00:30 I'm tempted to say blessed are those 00:32 who endeavor unto the end. 00:35 The same shall be saved because this is an endurance 00:39 this weekend but by the grace of God, 00:42 we're more than halfway through this 00:44 exciting chapter of Romans Chapter 5. 00:49 And William has graciously consented 00:52 to lead us in prayer this afternoon. 00:55 Let's bow our heads together as we begin, please, thank you. 00:59 Dear Heavenly Father, 01:01 I thank You that You have brought us together 01:03 and gathered us here today to learn about Your word. 01:07 I pray that You would reveal everything 01:09 that You desire to show us about Your grace 01:14 and about what You have done for us. 01:18 I ask these things in Jesus' precious name, amen. 01:21 We're almost done with Romans 5:9 and 10. 01:26 We've got the A statements speaking of His atoning death. 01:31 We have the B statements now, 01:34 speaking of salvation through His life. 01:41 Here we have righteousness imputed or credited to us 01:46 and now we have righteousness imparted to us. 01:53 Amen. 01:54 I appreciate those rousing amens to such a statement. 01:58 That's the kind of statement 02:00 that normally could awaken the dead, 02:03 but it doesn't seem to be moving the living saints. 02:06 So let's repeat it again, shall we? 02:11 With the A statements we have the righteousness of Jesus 02:15 imputed or credited to us. 02:18 Amen. 02:19 And in the B statements 02:21 we now have the righteousness of Jesus imparted to us daily. 02:27 Amen. 02:29 God was faced with the dilemma. 02:32 He had taken the burden of sin away from sinners 02:35 by placing it on Jesus. 02:39 He lifted from us, I'm repeating it again, 02:41 our guilt, our condemnation, 02:46 our judgment, even our second death. 02:51 Amen. 02:52 He lifted all this from us and placed it on His own Son 02:57 who did not deserve it but willingly took it 03:02 and it crushed Him, it killed Him. 03:05 Amen. 03:07 And now, because we believe 03:10 that God was so generous and loving and kind towards us, 03:17 He still faced the problem of the power of sin in our lives. 03:22 How to break the power of sin? 03:25 It's one thing to be forgiven and declared righteous 03:29 but you still got people who are enslaved by sin. 03:33 How to break the power of God in the human heart? 03:37 This was the dilemma that God faced 03:40 and it had to be done righteously. 03:46 The power of sin in our lives, how to break it. 03:50 Because sin was not just a weight producing guilt 03:54 and condemnation on us, 03:56 sin was also a power in our very lives, 03:59 we were in slavery to sin, 04:03 so God came up with a remarkable solution, 04:07 the most effective way 04:09 to break the power of sin in the human heart was to... 04:18 Live in us. 04:20 Joyce, you've got to keep saying it here, 04:21 this is a tough crowd. 04:23 Jesus chose because of His death He can now live in us. 04:27 Amen. 04:28 Thank you very much, Joyce. 04:30 He is very clear on these issues. 04:33 Now that's a little late for that now. 04:35 Live in us, exactly. 04:38 God decided the only way to break the power of sin 04:42 within the human heart was to indwell sinful flesh. 04:49 And this moves us into the magnificent ministry 04:53 of which member of the Godhead. 04:56 This is the Holy Spirit's ministry. 04:59 Amen. 05:01 The beautiful thing about the ministry of the Holy Spirit, 05:05 let's read it in John Chapter 16. 05:09 The ministry of the Holy Spirit. 05:15 John 16:13 and 14. 05:20 The thing I like about the trine God is that 05:24 the members of the Godhead never elevate themselves. 05:29 You can always tell when God is indwelling a human being 05:33 because they never elevate themselves. 05:37 One of the chief characteristics 05:39 of the Godhead is that they always lift up 05:43 the other members of the Godhead. 05:47 When Jesus was on earth, He never spoke of Himself, 05:50 He pointed always to... His Father. 05:54 Jesus leaves, the Holy Spirit comes, 05:57 he doesn't speak of himself, he only speaks of... Jesus. 06:03 John 16:13 and 14. 06:07 Who is sitting there with a strong voice 06:09 and a good translation? 06:11 Such a rare combination. 06:13 Here we've got her over here, have you? 06:14 New King James. 06:15 Okay, the New King James is fine, thank you. 06:18 Reading John 16:13 and 14. Hallelujah. 06:22 "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, 06:25 He will guide you into all truth, 06:28 for He will not speak on His own authority, 06:30 but whatever He hears He will speak, 06:33 and He will tell you things to come. 06:35 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine 06:39 and declare it to you." 06:41 Oh, that's the New King James, 06:42 does anyone have the Old King James here? 06:46 Oh, Lou Ann, thank you, 06:47 if you'd read that also in the original King James, 06:50 thank you. 06:52 "How be it when he, the spirit of truth is come, 06:55 he will guide you into all truth, 06:57 for he shall not speak of himself, 07:00 but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, 07:03 and he will show you things to come. 07:06 He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine, 07:09 and shall show it unto you." 07:13 There's a very interesting little phrase there, 07:15 Lou Ann, did you pick it up? 07:17 I think it makes the King James Version 07:20 very strong on verse 13 especially. 07:22 What's the phrase that should be gripping you? 07:25 We can see it's gripping you to such a degree, 07:27 she is beginning to shake there, yeah. 07:30 Well, I like the part that He will guide you into all truth, 07:34 He will not speak of Himself. 07:36 Well, let's say that a little more emphatically 07:38 in light of the discussion we're having. 07:41 He doesn't ever speak of Himself. 07:44 The King James translates it there, 07:46 He does not speak of Himself. 07:49 I think it's stronger than the modern translations 07:52 where it'd say He does not speak on his own initiative. 07:55 He does not speak of Himself. 07:57 Well, what a surprise, 07:59 that Godhead never speak of themselves, 08:02 they all always lift up 08:03 the other members of the Godhead. 08:06 What a lesson for all of us, huh? 08:08 Amen. 08:09 Imagine if every church was to magnify this, wow. 08:13 So if Christ is in you, 08:16 you will never be lifting up yourself. 08:19 Amen. Amen. 08:24 I know, this is not that long ago 08:26 the Review and Herald, a well known church paper, 08:30 did an article on ministry groups in Washington DC, 08:35 where I lived for over 20 years 08:37 and had the privilege of raising up 08:39 all those ministry groups 08:41 in the downtown area of Washington 08:44 in government departments and major corporations. 08:46 Many of them continuing to this day. 08:49 And they were interviewing a world leader 08:51 who used to work in Washington 08:54 who had nothing to do with these ministry groups, 08:56 so they asked him the question. 08:58 So how did you get the vision to raise up 09:00 all these ministry groups in Washington DC? 09:04 Oh, he said it wasn't easy. 09:06 And I said to myself absolutely it was not easy. 09:11 And when I read the article, I went ooh... 09:15 And once again God rebuked me. 09:18 You know what God said to me? 09:19 So you raised up all those groups 09:22 just so you could receive the credit, is that it? 09:29 God said to me I thought you raised up all those groups 09:32 because you wanted to glorify Me. 09:34 Amen. 09:35 So once again I repented 09:38 and realized that I don't have any need, 09:41 God said let the credit go, you didn't do it for credit. 09:44 If he wishes to take the credit, so be it, 09:48 but don't let your nose get out of joint. 09:51 You have the reward of doing that 09:53 and seeing it develop to the glory of God, 09:55 that should be sufficient. 09:57 I don't know about you, 09:58 but I keep relearning these lessons 10:01 and I immediately let it go. 10:04 I let it go and realize that 10:06 once again of course God is right. 10:09 He usually is, have you noticed that? 10:11 He has such wisdom. 10:14 So the Holy Spirit's ministry is to lift up Jesus, 10:19 to take the things of Jesus 10:21 and make them available to us, that is His ministry. 10:27 And now I want you to slip over to-- 10:30 oh, no, there's one thing left here, 10:31 then we can erase this. 10:34 There's two little words now 10:36 that compare the A statements with the B statements. 10:41 There are two words in the verses 10:43 that's repeated twice 10:45 that compares the A statements now with the B statements. 10:49 Who is picking it up? The two little words. 10:54 Much more. 10:55 Thank you very much, Ann. Much more. 10:58 Ann, read us the verse emphasizing those words, 11:00 would you? 11:03 Read both verses 11:05 placing the emphasis on the right syllable for us. 11:12 "Much more than having now been justified by His blood, 11:18 we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him, 11:24 for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God 11:30 through the death of His Son, 11:32 much more having been reconciled 11:36 we shall be saved by His life." 11:39 Thank you very much. 11:40 So I ask all of you this afternoon 11:43 much more than what? 11:47 The atoning death of Jesus. 11:48 Much more than the atoning death of Jesus Christ. 11:52 Amen. 11:53 And the resulting justification 11:55 and reconciliation there's something, 11:57 when I first read this I said no way. 12:00 What could be greater than the atoning death of Jesus? 12:05 And what is it? 12:07 The fact that we are saved by His life. 12:12 Jesus died so that we might live. 12:16 Amen. 12:18 He took the weight of sin 12:21 that we could learn to let him indwell us everyday 12:25 and bring His Holy and righteous life into ours. 12:29 Amen. 12:31 What a remarkable thing that is, 12:32 I'm gonna say it again this afternoon, 12:35 that the only people I know 12:38 that are really growing up into Jesus 12:41 and developing maturity 12:43 and wisdom and spiritual discernment 12:47 and becoming filled with love and joy and peace 12:51 are those individuals 12:53 who are coming to the cross every day. 12:57 Amen. 12:58 And they're looking at the incredible benefits 13:03 of the atoning death of Jesus 13:05 and they're lifting up their hearts 13:07 and they're saying to the Father, thank You. 13:13 Thank You for lifting this from me 13:15 and placing it on Jesus. 13:18 Amen. 13:19 Thank You for taking this or granting me this 13:22 just through His death 13:24 so our first assignment this afternoon, 13:28 I can now erase all this. 13:40 So our first assignment this afternoon, 13:43 we're going to compile a list of the amazing benefits, 13:49 of His atoning death. 13:56 Then I say we can pull out maybe ten of them 14:01 or even seven would be good. 14:03 Two of them have already emerged from verses 9 and 10, 14:07 one of the two benefits that have emerged already. 14:11 Reconciliation. Reconciliation. 14:15 Justification. And justification. 14:24 Both ours through the atoning death of Jesus, 14:27 we've got nothing to earn them, 14:31 nothing to deserve them, they are our by faith 14:36 as we look at the atoning death of Jesus 14:39 as a substitution for our own. 14:43 We have the privilege everyday of our lives 14:46 of being declared righteous. 14:51 Just to confirm that by the way, 14:53 slip over to Hebrews 10 for a moment 14:56 and look at an amazing verse, Hebrews 10. 15:03 Paul compacts so much into one small verse. 15:08 Hebrews Chapter 10, I'm looking at verse 14. 15:21 The verse begins, For by one offering, 15:24 a reference to what event, one offering... 15:29 the atoning death of Jesus, 15:31 by one offering He has... 15:37 I hope you're hearing it. 15:39 He has made perfect or perfected for how long? 15:43 Forever. Forever. 15:46 And now if you've got a really advanced version, 15:48 it will show the continuous tense in the next statement, 15:51 it's a continuous tense in Greek. 15:54 It's an action that continues on and on. 15:57 Who's reading a version that brings that tense out? 16:00 Most versions have missed it, have you got it there? 16:03 Let's hear. 16:04 They that are sanctified. 16:05 Yes, but I'm not hearing the tense, 16:07 the tense is a continuous action. 16:10 Marty has arisen from the dead, let's rejoice here. 16:13 "For by one offering He has perfected for all time 16:17 those who are being sanctified." 16:20 Oh, hallelujah. The tense is picked up here. 16:23 What version is that? The NISV. 16:26 Oh, praise the Lord. 16:27 Those who are being sanctified 16:31 because sanctification is an ongoing process. 16:37 What about perfection? 16:43 What is the source of our perfection? 16:46 Grant wants a chance to jump in. 16:49 Perfection is an accomplished fact 16:50 and the source is in Jesus. 16:53 If you were pulling it out of the verse we would have hope. 16:56 Okay. 16:57 But I didn't hear the verse come into that, come on, 17:00 let it come from the word of God, let's recur it. 17:01 For by one offering he has perfected, 17:04 this is past tense, it's an accomplished fact, 17:07 for all time those are being sanctified. 17:14 So let me ask the question again. 17:19 Well, I'm gonna give you away the answer now if I ask it. 17:23 Let's hear your answer again. 17:25 For by one offering, referring to the offering, 17:29 the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, 17:31 He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. 17:35 So the death of Jesus on the cross has granted us... 17:40 Perfection. 17:41 Perfection, for how long? Forever. 17:44 Forever. 17:48 I'm so weary of meeting the perfectionists 17:52 who are trying so hard to become perfect 17:55 and they can never measure up. 17:58 And they become equally as judgmental on others. 18:02 In fact they love to meet other people 18:04 who were not doing as well as them. 18:07 It gives them a degree of satisfaction. 18:11 Christianity is the only religion 18:15 where you begin with perfection. 18:18 Amen. 18:20 You don't seek perfection. 18:24 It is yours on the basis of the atoning death of Jesus. 18:29 And for how long are you perfect? 18:31 Forever. 18:33 Some of you are not hearing this yet, 18:35 or you're refusing to be touched by it, 18:38 so let me repeat it again. 18:41 The atoning death of Jesus has guaranteed you 18:46 the privilege in the sight of God 18:49 of being perfect forever. 18:53 Amen. Forever. 18:56 By the way this is your privilege 18:59 while you are being... 19:01 Sanctified. Sanctified. 19:05 I hope you're hearing it. 19:06 It's only another way of saying justified, 19:10 you're perfect forever, 19:12 please do not spend your life trying to be perfect. 19:18 By all means seek to become mature. 19:22 Holy sanctified in the sight of God 19:26 but perfection is the term that really belongs to God. 19:30 We have fallen way short of His perfection. 19:34 Even at our highest level of development, 19:38 if we ought to, 19:39 if we were to compare ourselves with Jesus Christ, 19:41 we would recognize our own imperfections, 19:45 surely you've noticed that. 19:47 If you're expecting to feel perfect, I wish you luck. 19:52 This goes actually so well with the second big point 19:56 that you brought, 19:57 all time that we are growing into likeness of Jesus 20:00 that is process of sanctification 20:02 we are not condemned 20:04 and this is verse Hebrews 10:14 says... 20:05 It's the supporting text for that, Grant, 20:07 thank you very much. 20:09 Say that again a little more slowly and emphatically, 20:11 would you in your best evangelistic style? 20:14 Well. 20:16 Don't change any comma. 20:17 This verse Hebrews 10:14 is just going so well 20:21 in parallel supporting each other 20:23 the second big statement that came up at this seminar 20:26 saying that all time we are growing into the likeness, 20:29 growing up into the likeness of Jesus 20:32 that is sanctification process, 20:33 we are not condemned, that is because 20:36 we are being perfected, we are perfected forever 20:41 while we're in a process of being sanctified. 20:44 If I'm not spending my life trying to be perfect, 20:48 I'm claiming the privilege of being perfect forever 20:52 through the atoning death of Jesus. 20:54 By the grace of God. 20:55 I'm seeking to become mature and Christ like in my life 21:00 but the word perfection is not in my vocabulary 21:04 because it's mine by faith already, 21:07 through the death of Jesus. 21:09 How's your faith this afternoon? 21:10 Amen. 21:11 Do we have a generous God or what? 21:14 Amen. 21:16 By the way the morning sacrifice 21:19 which was the sacrifice for sin 21:21 in the camp of Israel was offered... 21:27 at the sanctuary on the morning 21:31 of the Day of Atonement. 21:34 Right up until the morning of the Day of Atonement 21:38 which in Israel was the Day of Judgment 21:42 was a cutting of time. 21:46 What does that tell us? 21:49 That the morning sacrifice was still available right up 21:53 until the very morning of the Day of Atonement, 21:56 he's actually hearing that, 21:57 what is the implication of this, Ken? 22:00 Hang on, take the mike please before Grant grabs it, okay. 22:05 Even at the very last minute right before Jesus comes, 22:11 people can still be saved. 22:12 We could make a mistake, that's what it means, 22:15 we could make a mistake 22:17 and still have a sacrifice for sin 22:21 right up until the close of probation. 22:25 There's always the possibility 22:27 that God's children could mess up. 22:30 I'm reminded of that old saying 22:32 it's the set of the sail and not the gale 22:37 that determines the path you take. 22:39 One of my favorite scriptures in the Old Testament, 22:42 I'm gonna read it to you today as we conclude this session. 22:46 Psalms 103. 22:52 Those how have strength should turn to this, Psalms 103... 23:08 11 to 14, beautiful words here. 23:13 "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, 23:17 so great is His loving kindness toward those who fear Him. 23:22 As far as the east is from the west, 23:25 so far has He removed our transgressions from us. 23:30 Like as a father pitieth his children, 23:34 so the Lord pitieth those who fear Him. 23:38 For He knows our frame, He remembers we are... 23:44 Dust. Just dust." 23:46 This is a gracious God. Amen. 23:51 There is still a sacrifice for sin 23:55 right up until the closing of probation's door. 23:59 Amen. 24:00 I hope that tells you that God is recognizing our frame. 24:05 He knows we're only dust. 24:07 We're not opening the door 24:08 for continuing in habits of sin here, 24:11 but I'm simply showing you that the possibility of messing up 24:15 even at the last moments of time, 24:18 are fully understood and prepared for by God. 25:14 Dear kind loving Father, thank You again 25:16 for this opportunity that we've had to just come, 25:19 spend time in Your word and dig out the truths 25:21 that are there and waiting for us. 25:23 I pray that, Father, that You just continue to be with us 25:27 and may Your spirit dwell in us, dear Father, 25:30 so we can live the way that You want us to live 25:33 and not having to worry about being perfect 25:36 because perfection is always in You. 25:38 Thank You again for the message and be with us this evening. 25:42 I pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen, amen. 25:44 Thank you very much, wow. 25:47 Creative Media ministries is a faith based ministry 25:50 dedicated to the sharing of the good news 25:52 of the Lord Jesus Christ. 25:54 We need your help to take this dynamic message 25:56 to the uttermost parts of the earth. 25:58 If God has touched your heart and the Word of God 26:00 has come to life like never before, 26:03 contributions can be sent to Creative Media Ministries, 26:06 PO Box 9485, Bakersfield, California, 93389 26:12 or you can make your donation online 26:15 by visiting our website 26:17 at www.creativemediaministries .org. 26:21 To order the complete series of Victory in Jesus 26:24 and many other seminars in DVD or CD format, 26:27 contact us at www.creativemedia 26:33 You can also call us at 888-744-0443. 26:38 That's 888-744-0443 26:43 or write to us at Creative Media Ministries, 26:46 PO Box 9485, Bakersfield, California, 93389. |
Revised 2015-02-26