Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 5

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000005

00:22 Welcome back. Thank you.
00:26 As we continue our exciting journey into Romans Chapter 5
00:31 and the good great and wonderful news.
00:34 Amen.
00:35 Of what God has accomplished through the atoning death
00:39 and the magnificent life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
00:44 Let us bow our heads together.
00:46 We're going to call on Rene,
00:48 if you would lead us in prayer this morning
00:50 as we move back into God's word.
00:52 Thank you.
00:55 Our Lord, we praise You this moment for the privilege
01:00 we have, to study one of the most profound messages
01:06 that we find in the Bible.
01:09 How You saved each one of us
01:13 through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
01:15 Yes. Thank You, Lord.
01:17 Thank You for the whole ministry of Jesus Christ.
01:20 His life, death and resurrection.
01:24 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen, amen.
01:29 Jumping back into Romans 5:9 and 10,
01:35 we're now focused on the B statements.
01:39 Notice how carefully Paul words his position,
01:43 he's covered the death of Jesus,
01:46 he is now moving us into the life of Christ.
01:50 First of all we are saved from what?
01:54 Isn't that an interesting expression,
01:55 we are saved from wrath, through Him.
02:01 Pardon. From what we deserve.
02:04 From what we deserve, absolutely, absolutely,
02:07 from what we deserve.
02:09 And secondly, we are saved by His life.
02:16 He doesn't say it here but it's through him
02:19 which is basically saying the same thing
02:21 but we know because it's a parallelism,
02:25 we know it's a reference to the life of Christ.
02:30 Now, Lou, and I know the term life of Christ
02:33 is impacting you.
02:35 We're going to call on Lou to making
02:38 a little input at this time
02:39 when you hear the term the life of Christ,
02:42 what is it triggering in your fertile mind?
02:46 Your previous statement leads me to boldness in this matter,
02:49 I want to see exactly what you're thinking.
02:53 He is offering me His life to be lived in my simple flesh.
02:58 Wow. Amen.
03:00 And I'm just wow, yeah.
03:02 Say it again, you've got one response
03:05 all the way from Georgia,
03:08 where amens are more frequent though I have to admit.
03:11 But this is California, you've got to say things
03:13 three times here to get a response.
03:16 Let's hear it again.
03:17 That's a beautiful statement she's coming out with.
03:20 He is offering me His sinless life to be lived
03:24 through my sinful flesh and that is just wow.
03:29 One more time, the response is still mediocre.
03:32 This is a tough crowd here.
03:34 I'm gonna cry if I say it again 'cause it's just beautiful.
03:37 If you've got a tissue there, Marty, we can be ready.
03:41 He offers me His sinless life through my sinful flesh
03:46 and I can't think for greater gift.
03:48 It's a very profound insight that Lou Ann has come out with.
03:54 This is something that Jesus has done for us here
03:57 when we speak about His death but down here now,
04:01 we're talking about not something
04:04 that He'll do for us
04:05 but something He is willing to do in us.
04:11 And Lou Ann has hit the nail on the head,
04:14 she has not given the scripture though,
04:16 so we're in danger of perishing here.
04:18 So, Lou Ann, don't hand the mike to anyone else
04:22 because you're still on the line here.
04:25 Can you support your statement with a biblical declaration?
04:30 Is God offering us the privilege
04:33 of the very holy life of Jesus now to be lived within us?
04:38 Let's see what scripture she's about the come up with.
04:41 You've got one there, have you?
04:43 Lou Ann has not given a Macedonian cry yet
04:46 but she has been known to give them before.
04:50 Let's turn to Romans 8.
04:52 She is listening to those around her.
04:54 Let's see how much wisdom this has, okay.
04:59 Romans Chapter 8, okay.
05:01 Which verse you said do you think?
05:04 Four and five, that the righteousness of the Lord
05:07 might be fulfilled in us because He did that
05:10 and we don't walk after the flesh
05:12 but after the Spirit, for they that are after the flesh
05:15 do not mind the things of the flesh
05:16 but they that are after the Spirit
05:18 the things of the Spirit.
05:21 So He fulfilled the law perfectly
05:24 and He offers that to be fulfilled in us.
05:27 All right, it's kind of hovering
05:28 on the edge of her statement.
05:31 It's not as clear as it could be.
05:33 Hand the mike over to the front.
05:35 That's what I was thinking. To the front pew here.
05:38 We'll just see if...
05:43 Ephesians 3:16, 17.
05:50 Ephesians 3, okay,
05:51 an interesting chapter to be into,
05:53 it's a beautiful chapter.
05:55 Especially talking about Christ in us.
05:58 And he's in Ephesians 3 beginning with verse 16.
06:03 Let's just all turn to that and see where it leads us.
06:06 Go ahead please.
06:08 Ephesians 3:16 and onward "That He would grant you,
06:12 according to the riches of His glory,
06:14 to be strengthened with power
06:16 through His Spirit in the inner man,
06:20 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
06:26 and that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
06:29 may be able to comprehend with all the saints
06:32 what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
06:39 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge,
06:46 that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God."
06:51 All right, just hold up there, huh?
06:53 How much of Himself is God offering us?
06:56 Fullness.
06:57 Can you believe this? His fullness.
07:00 God is offering us His fullness.
07:03 Amen.
07:05 When I first heard that, I repented, I said to God,
07:08 forgive me for being content
07:11 to receive a few drops of the Holy Spirit
07:15 who makes the life of Christ available within me.
07:20 I want a baptism of the Holy Spirit
07:23 not a few drops.
07:25 I want the fullness
07:27 of the character of Jesus within me.
07:30 Powerful passage, you could not have selected
07:33 a better passage in the New Testament.
07:36 For the Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith.
07:41 Amen.
07:43 Listen very carefully to this.
07:45 Anybody who embraces the atoning death of Jesus
07:52 is automatically privileged now to receive
07:56 the holy life of Jesus on a daily basis.
08:02 The mind of Jesus can be in you every single day.
08:08 And ultimately you will have the fullness of God in you.
08:12 Amen.
08:13 Now there's something very interesting in this passage
08:17 because over here, we're saved from something,
08:20 what are we saved from?
08:23 Wraths Wraths.
08:25 Because I'm about to go to Australia
08:27 I have to start saying "wroth" again.
08:30 We are saved from wroth. It sounds foreign to me now.
08:35 Saved from wroth through Him.
08:39 I want you to turn back to Romans 1:18.
08:44 Romans 1:18,
08:50 and compare the first time
08:52 that Paul uses the term wroth or wrath in Romans.
08:57 I want you to read Romans 1:18 and compare it with Romans 5:9.
09:04 We are saved from wrath through Him.
09:07 There's something in Romans 1:18
09:12 that is the key to understanding
09:15 what Paul has in mind when he says
09:17 you are saved from wrath through Him,
09:22 so here's the question I have for you.
09:24 This is something to be worked together
09:26 with your team of two or three.
09:30 Listen very carefully,
09:31 when God saves you from wrath,
09:36 what does He offer you?
09:41 That's the question.
09:43 When God saves you from wrath, what does He offer you?
09:49 And you'll need to study Romans 1:18
09:53 very carefully to be able to answer this question.
09:57 Go ahead, do not sit gazing up into heaven
10:01 or failing to communicate with your partner.
10:06 We're gonna break all the rules today.
10:08 We're going to give special permission for husbands
10:11 to actually speak with their wives today.
10:19 Hey, young lady.
10:22 What a pleasant surprise to see you, Cindy.
10:24 Thank you. Praise God.
10:27 Do you want to come over here? You can have a partner then.
10:31 We're sending Cindy over here
10:33 so you've got a partner here, okay?
10:54 Talk to your partner now.
10:56 The question is, when God saves you from wrath,
11:00 what does He offer you?
11:04 You need to read verse 18 very carefully.
15:03 Who is hearing Romans 1:18 with clarity?
15:09 Let's see the hands now.
15:15 Why is your hand withering, huh?
15:19 You are one of the first to put your hand up
15:22 and now it's withering.
15:23 I can't believe this.
15:26 Let's give her the microphone,
15:27 she deserves to have it before she loses her arm here.
15:31 Okay, what's the question is...
15:37 From Romans 1:18, listen very carefully.
15:43 When God saves us from wrath,
15:47 what is He offering us?
15:51 He is offering us...
15:52 First of all read the verse
15:54 so we know you're in the right place, huh?
15:56 Verse 18.
15:57 Use the mike up close, thank you.
15:59 Verse 18.
16:01 "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven
16:04 against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
16:10 who suppress the truth in unrighteousness
16:14 because what may be known of God is manifested in them,
16:18 for God has shown it to them."
16:20 So when God saves you from wrath,
16:25 what is He actually offering you?
16:28 He is offering you the truth about God,
16:32 about His godliness and righteousness.
16:36 All right, okay.
16:37 I think that in a nice round of that way,
16:40 she is saying it.
16:42 So God is actually offering you...
16:46 His righteousness and godliness.
16:50 You need to speak that out a little more evangelistically.
16:53 I think you'll get an incredible response
16:54 if they hear you.
16:56 Say it again please.
16:58 God is offering you His godliness and righteousness.
17:05 Oh, wow, and you got the best response of the day,
17:07 that's fantastic.
17:10 So when God saves you,
17:16 from his wrath,
17:19 which is directed against ungodliness
17:23 and unrighteousness,
17:24 He is obviously offering you godliness and righteousness.
17:30 Beautiful answer here. Praise the Lord this morning.
17:33 A very clear offering.
17:37 By the way the first use of the verb
17:40 associated with salvation
17:42 in the New Testament is Matthew 1:21.
17:47 "For you shall call His name Jesus
17:51 for He shall save His people
17:56 from their sins."
18:00 This is the first use of the verb for salvation.
18:04 Salvation is from ungodliness and unrighteousness.
18:09 Some people think salvation is making it to heaven.
18:15 It's not true.
18:17 Some people think salvation is
18:19 living on forever and ever and ever.
18:23 It's not true.
18:25 Salvation is deliverance from ungodliness
18:30 and unrighteousness and it's made possible,
18:34 we're coming back to Lou Ann's earlier statement,
18:36 I want to repeat it again now word for word,
18:38 Lou Ann, without changing one comma, please.
18:44 At her youthful age she's capable of doing this.
18:49 He offers me His sinless life
18:51 to live through my sinful flesh.
18:54 Amen. Yeah.
18:56 Once again you developed a mediocre response,
18:59 say it more emphatically please.
19:00 I don't' understand that because it's a greatest gift
19:03 He can give us and I can never say amen enough.
19:06 He offers me His life to be lived through my sinful flesh
19:10 and if that's not a miracle, I don't know what is
19:13 'cause that is just, that is just...
19:16 So read us that beautiful verse,
19:18 would you, in Philippians
19:20 where we're privileged to put on the mind of Jesus, please?
19:27 Oh, yes. Yes.
19:28 I'm giving her the privilege of digging this out.
19:32 I forgot to bring the spoon this morning.
19:38 Turn to Philippians Chapter 2. Speak into the mike please.
19:42 Philippians Chapter 2
19:44 and we'll be looking at verse 5.
19:46 Okay, let's hear it.
19:48 "Let this mind be in you,
19:50 which was also in Christ Jesus."
19:52 Maybe you should read on through 9
19:54 because it's such a beautiful passage.
19:56 Yes, thank you.
19:58 "Who, being in the form of God,
19:59 thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
20:02 But made himself of no reputation,
20:05 and took upon him the form of a servant,
20:07 and was made in the likeness of men.
20:09 And being found in fashion as a man,
20:12 he humbled himself,
20:13 and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross.
20:17 Wherefore God also has highly exalted him
20:20 and given him a name which is above every name."
20:24 I've got to go to 10,
20:26 "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
20:28 of things in heaven, things in earth,
20:31 things under the earth, every tongue should confess
20:34 that Jesus Christ is Lord,
20:36 to the glory of God the Father."
20:38 Amen. Amen, amen.
20:41 What a powerful statement, huh?
20:44 Lou Ann's earlier statement when she said that
20:48 Jesus is offering His sinless life
20:51 to indwell our sinful lives.
20:55 You know I wondered for years why Jesus made the remark
20:59 greater things than I have done,
21:02 you shall do, and I said no way.
21:06 But finally it has become clear to me,
21:10 it's become crystal clear
21:14 that Jesus in human flesh never participated in sin.
21:20 Amen.
21:22 And lived a holy life to the glory of His Father.
21:27 We who have participated in sin
21:31 shall now produce the same holy life
21:35 through Him indwelling us
21:37 and manifesting that life within us.
21:41 Amen.
21:42 Much more, greater than I have done you will do.
21:47 Jesus is now replicating Himself in sinful human flesh.
21:55 By the way this is the one development
21:58 that will silence the devil forever.
22:01 Amen.
22:02 Because every accusation he has made against God,
22:06 the injustice of God's laws, the impossibility of them
22:12 being kept in human flesh will now be disproved forever.
22:18 Because on this earth there will be
22:21 a people incredibly who look like Him.
22:25 Because it is Him. Amen.
22:28 This time manifesting Himself in the lives of those
22:32 who have participated in sin.
22:35 Amen.
22:37 How grateful to God ought we have to be, huh?
22:41 I hope to those of you that are listening
22:43 on our worldwide television audience are hearing the fact
22:47 that the struggle between good and evil
22:50 is much bigger than whether I get to heaven or not.
22:55 Amen.
22:56 This is a struggle about the very character of God Himself.
23:02 It's a controversy that has been raging for 6,000 years,
23:07 this struggle between good and evil
23:11 and it is to be resolved
23:13 when God finally has a people
23:16 on this earth who look like Him.
23:19 Amen.
23:20 Because the grace of God is making
23:23 the magnificent life of Jesus
23:27 available to every one of us despite the fact
23:30 that we have already participated in sin.
23:34 Thank you for opening this door, Lou Ann.
23:36 Praise God for this.
23:39 Any question arising? Rene, yes.
23:48 It's not really a question, I was touched by the passage
23:51 that was read in Philippians 2:5-11.
23:56 I would like just to read verse 13.
23:58 Okay, go ahead.
24:00 "For it is God who works in you both to will
24:04 and to do for His good pleasure."
24:06 Wow. Thank you for having that.
24:08 We should have included that
24:10 'cause it really says it all, doesn't it?
24:12 Amen. Wow, wow.
24:14 I'm so excited I can hardly quit
24:16 and it's appropriate for Ann
24:17 to have the final word here, go on.
24:21 Romans 1:19...
24:23 The microphone will miraculously
24:26 come to you if you pray hard enough.
24:29 Your own husband may bring it, there you go.
24:33 Romans 1:19.
24:37 "It's a great promise,
24:40 because that which is known about God,
24:44 which is righteousness and holiness
24:47 that we're just talking about, is evident within them, them,
24:53 his people for God made it evident to them."
24:59 It's a promise of God to have His people holy and righteous.
25:03 Wow. Wow. Amen.
25:05 Wow, this is warming up beautifully,
25:07 unfortunately once again at this crucial moment,
25:11 we have to stop and pick up in our next thrilling segment.
25:17 Amen.
25:19 Would you hand the mike over here to our brother here?
25:22 Would you lead us in prayer as we conclude?
25:24 Thank you very much, please.
25:28 Father in Heaven,
25:29 we are so thankful of what we've learned today.
25:33 We thank You for Jesus Christ for dying for our sins
25:38 and that we are able to get
25:40 that godliness and righteousness
25:44 because of the grace of God, as a gift of God to us.
25:48 In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
25:51 Amen, amen. Thank you very much.
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Revised 2015-02-26