Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bill Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000004

00:22 And thank you for being here this morning,
00:24 as the word of God is once again opened
00:27 and we make an exciting journey into Romans Chapter 5.
00:34 Is there a more thrilling chapter in the New Testament
00:38 than a chapter that focuses on the death
00:42 and the life of Jesus Christ,
00:45 and all the benefits that brings to us.
00:48 Amen. Thank you.
00:51 We've even heard some amen this morning, a very good sign.
00:56 Let's bow our heads together this morning.
00:59 Would you hand the mike over to Ken,
01:01 we're gonna ask him to pray for us this morning, thank you.
01:07 Good morning, Father,
01:08 we gather this morning to meet with You
01:12 and to study Your word.
01:14 We praise Your name for the glorious day
01:16 that you have given to us,
01:18 and the glorious opportunities that we have to learn.
01:21 We asked that you have
01:22 Your Holy Spirit filled this room,
01:24 fill Pastor Liversidge with the words
01:27 You want him to speak today.
01:30 Let the words off the page and out of his mouth,
01:32 we love you Lord and we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
01:35 Amen. Amen.
01:36 Thank you very much. Let us review.
01:41 We're in Romans 5: 9-10.
01:48 We have our parallelism here, and in our last session
01:52 we noticed that verse 9 has an A and B statement
01:57 and verse 10 also has an A and B statement.
02:02 Don't you love the organized mind of the Apostle Paul?
02:07 In two verses he can summarize the entire plan of redemption.
02:14 Preach that all those amens,
02:16 it gives me courage here this morning.
02:18 In two verses Paul can summarize
02:23 the complete plan of redemption.
02:26 Amen.
02:27 If you hear these two verses, you will be set for life,
02:34 because the essential ingredients
02:37 of the plan of salvation will be in you.
02:41 And through you and in behalf of you,
02:44 because they're all centered in the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:49 Amen.
02:50 The thing I love about Paul's focus is,
02:54 he's totally Christ centered, this one thing I know,
03:02 Jesus Christ and him crucified.
03:05 Amen.
03:07 He doesn't wander off,
03:08 he gets to the point, it's all about Jesus.
03:13 And whether you're speaking of justification,
03:16 sanctification or glorification,
03:20 it's 100% the righteousness of Jesus.
03:25 Amen.
03:26 From beginning to end as we saw last night
03:29 there is not one shred
03:32 of human contribution in the whole process
03:36 because even the good deeds that we do
03:40 are actually an evidence of God in us.
03:43 Amen.
03:44 Both willing and doing of his good pleasure,
03:49 so I hope that you're alive audience in the spirit today.
03:55 Amen. Amen.
04:00 I guess, I shall live in hopes
04:01 at the moment of that manifesting itself
04:05 so in our last session we noticed
04:08 the A statement of verse 9
04:11 and the A statement of verse 10,
04:13 both focused on the atoning death of Jesus.
04:20 And Paul reminded us
04:23 that we have been justified by His blood,
04:26 and we have been reconciled through His death.
04:30 And the meaning of justification
04:33 came through loud and clear last evening.
04:38 Amen.
04:39 Let's take a hand on this morning,
04:40 who recalls the specific meaning of justification.
04:49 Okay, let's hear up here. Declared right now.
04:53 Oh, you did it last night too,
04:54 now I think about it, go ahead.
04:56 Declared righteous. Amen.
04:59 You can see that it's brought forth
05:00 an incredible response here this morning.
05:03 Let's have it repeat it again
05:05 incase there's life present here.
05:07 Declared righteous. Amen.
05:12 God has lifted your filthy garments from you
05:16 and allowed them to fall on one
05:19 who did not deserve to have them.
05:23 Jesus was willing to become sin for us.
05:29 Question here, 1 minute for the mike.
05:34 I've always looked at that word justified
05:37 and turned it to just as if I had never sinned.
05:40 That's the common expression of it, and it's okay.
05:42 Okay, well, from my simple mind I need,
05:45 I just-- that just fits me so well.
05:47 Okay, you can redo sit to that.
05:49 That God doesn't see any sin in me.
05:51 Yes. That's huge.
05:54 That is huge.
05:55 It's really a declaration
05:57 that's why we are using the word, declare,
06:00 because it's about to be followed
06:02 by the reality now within you.
06:06 That if you're willing to let God
06:07 declare you to be this,
06:10 He will now bring it about within you.
06:12 Remember last night, I quoted somebody
06:15 who'd been in the seminar
06:16 and said sanctification is the process,
06:20 where by God now makes us
06:23 into what he has already declared us to be.
06:26 But nothing wrong, your summary is fine,
06:29 it's quite appropriate, that God is looking at us
06:33 as though we had not even sinned.
06:34 That's the declaration of the righteous.
06:36 Same thing, yes, the same thing,
06:39 and I quite like the way you said it,
06:41 it makes it me even clearer, you know.
06:43 God is looking at us as though we had never sinned.
06:46 That's indeed true.
06:48 But the reasons behind that are crucial.
06:50 It's because Jesus became sin.
06:55 Whatever sin is done to you, fell on Jesus.
07:06 Anyone sitting here this morning
07:08 overwhelmed by that thought,
07:10 whatever sin has done to you,
07:13 Jesus permitted to fall upon Him.
07:17 He felt your judgment, He felt your condemnation,
07:22 He took your guilt,
07:25 He was even willing to die your eternal death.
07:31 This is love, this is love of the highest order,
07:35 all because he loved you
07:38 and he did not wish to spend eternity without you.
07:42 Amen.
07:43 He became sin, He who knew know sin,
07:48 became sin, so that we might become
07:53 the righteousness of God in him.
07:55 No wonder He thought He was forsaken.
08:02 Anyone actually praising God this morning?
08:07 But I want to hear a word of praise.
08:09 Anyone got a word of praise this morning?
08:12 Go ahead, Ann.
08:19 Father, this morning
08:20 I just so overwhelmed knowing the fact
08:26 how much You love me,
08:29 that You're just only declaring me righteous.
08:32 But You promised that You will make me righteous,
08:35 and I'm grateful for ever.
08:37 Amen, beautiful clear statement,
08:39 and I love the fact that she's always
08:41 so willing to praise God for this gift.
08:43 Thank you very much.
08:45 Well, and we have on more word of praise over here,
08:47 Grant, thank you very much.
08:55 Father, I praise You Lord,
08:58 because You make my salvation so personal in Jesus.
09:02 I find myself reflected in His sacrifice,
09:07 in His death, in His atonement for me
09:10 and through Him You declared me righteous.
09:14 And You are willing to cleanse my sin
09:19 and I'm humbled by the opportunity
09:23 that You give me, to bring glory to You
09:27 by revealing Jesus in our lives, in my life.
09:30 Amen.
09:31 And I pray that you will make it possible.
09:33 Amen.
09:34 For me to see Jesus, when He comes.
09:37 Beautiful statement.
09:38 Thank you for such beautiful praise this morning.
09:41 We have one more hand back there Grant, thank you.
09:45 We have two more hands.
09:48 Heavenly Father, I praise You,
09:50 because when I take this thought in,
09:53 it breaks my heart and it makes me want to weep,
09:56 and I don't want to hurt You ever, ever again.
09:59 I'm so motivated to love You and to follow You
10:03 because I don't want to cause You anymore pain.
10:05 You did enough for me.
10:07 You did enough for all of us. Praise you, Lord.
10:10 And He is offering even much more yet.
10:12 Amen.
10:13 Beautiful prayers. Thank you.
10:15 Randy had his hand up.
10:21 Father, we just want to praise You today
10:23 for giving up Your Son, to come to this earth
10:29 and die my death to sin,
10:33 and free me from guilt Father
10:35 and take the condemnation and lift it from us.
10:38 We just praise you for that Father
10:40 and give glory to You.
10:42 Thank you, Lord.
10:43 Amen. Amen.
10:46 Let's read together Romans 8 this morning,
10:51 Romans 8:1-3.
10:56 My way of confirmation is to what we are learning,
10:59 Romans 8:1-3, you know this verse hopefully.
11:04 "There is therefore now no condemnation
11:10 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
11:15 for the law of the Spirit of life
11:18 and Christ Jesus has set you free
11:21 from the law of sin and death.
11:25 For what the law could not do
11:28 weak as it was through the flesh,
11:30 God did sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh
11:36 and as an offering for sin.
11:38 He condemned sin in the flesh."
11:42 Amen.
11:45 By the way and I'm taking a hand on this
11:47 in whose flesh did God condemned sin?
11:53 Grant? In the flesh of Jesus Christ.
11:55 It's the flesh of Jesus Christ.
11:58 You had one learned just like James the Baptist
12:01 in the wilderness here, you know.
12:02 Somewhat repeat it.
12:03 Repeat it, you got to say things
12:05 three times to get a response, Grant, you've proved that.
12:08 The sin was condemned in the flesh of Jesus Christ.
12:12 Amen.
12:13 There is life for you, praise God.
12:16 Thank you for such a clear statement.
12:18 Sin was condemned not in my flesh, in His flesh.
12:24 He is the one upon whom the condemnation fell.
12:30 And if you have entered into belief in regards to him,
12:33 the good news is you are not under condemnation.
12:37 Amen.
12:38 Now one big statement came out in our last session,
12:42 who recalls the first of three really big statements
12:46 coming through this weekend.
12:49 Who recalls it, I want to see a hand on this
12:51 a really big statement.
12:54 Ken, okay, came out last night.
12:57 If we remain in faith,
12:59 we're saved through Jesus everyday.
13:02 Oh, you haven't got it crystal clear.
13:04 It's a great tragedy to be on third base
13:07 and stuck there, come on, we need a home run.
13:09 This was the big statement of the evening last night.
13:14 Hand the mike over to the guy next,
13:16 this is a turn around for you too now
13:18 after last night, okay.
13:20 What has happened to Jesus,
13:21 God considers it happened to us.
13:25 Amen.
13:26 Thank you very much, Randy, if it's happened to Jesus,
13:31 God considers that it's happened to me.
13:37 If Jesus felt the condemnation of sin
13:43 and He fully atoned for it,
13:47 I have also felt the condemnation of sin
13:51 and fully atoned for it,
13:54 because God has accepted Jesus in my place.
13:59 Amen.
14:00 Here's the second statement of the weekend coming out
14:03 now, big statement coming out now,
14:06 really big statement.
14:09 This is a very important statement.
14:12 The whole time that you are growing up into Jesus,
14:19 you're daily learning to become like Him.
14:24 It's a life long process,
14:27 the whole time that you're learning
14:33 to become like Jesus throughout your entire life.
14:37 The good news is you should go through
14:40 this process of sanctification,
14:43 you're not condemned.
14:49 Amen. Amen.
14:54 And that's about it, I was gonna say
14:55 that's about as feeble a responses
14:57 I've heard in years.
14:58 I'm gonna repeat it.
14:59 We have one very strong amen at the end there.
15:02 Pray, you saved the day. I'm gonna repeat it again.
15:06 The whole time that you are learning
15:10 to grow up and become like Jesus.
15:13 It's a life long process, it's called sanctification.
15:19 Amen.
15:20 The whole time that we are going
15:23 through that process we are not condemned.
15:29 Amen
15:31 Because our condemnation has already fallen on Jesus.
15:37 Amen.
15:41 I hardly know a dozen people
15:43 that are acting in faith on this matter you know.
15:47 Did actually believe, you know,
15:49 what I'm seeing with people they make a mistake,
15:51 you know what they do?
15:53 They start whipping themselves.
15:55 Oh, I messed up. Oh, I let God down.
15:58 I let myself down. I let you down.
16:01 I'm a disaster. I've just messed up big time.
16:04 I've even lost everything and I say hey,
16:08 what did you do to earn it in the first place?
16:12 What did we learned last month? What was our condition?
16:16 When the grace of God came upon us,
16:18 we were helpless, what else?
16:22 Ungodly, sinners and enemies of God.
16:29 We had nothing to give, nothing to offer God.
16:33 And He justified us in our ungodly condition.
16:38 Amen. This is grace.
16:42 Amen.
16:44 So before you start believing that you've lost everything,
16:49 consider how much you did to obtain it.
16:52 Amen.
16:53 'Cause you had nothing within yourself
16:56 to offer God, God knew that.
16:59 So He accepted Jesus in your place.
17:03 Let's be grateful for that for ever.
17:07 And he considered the righteousness of Jesus
17:09 now to be credited to us.
17:12 Wow! Amen.
17:13 This is grace. This is grace.
17:19 It took me years to realize this
17:20 that I've absolutely got nothing in me to offer God.
17:25 Marty, yes?
17:32 It hit me while we were looking at this characteristic,
17:40 that we are helplessly, ungodly,
17:42 we are helpless sinners,
17:45 and we are helplessly his enemies.
17:48 Beautiful.
17:49 He's an incredible God that would pursue us,
17:53 and see beyond what we could deliver.
17:56 Well.
17:57 Calling us precious in His sight.
17:59 Wow. Just because He loves us.
18:03 What a beautiful statement, Marty.
18:04 Incredible God. Praise God for this.
18:06 Amen.
18:07 This clear statement this morning.
18:09 Wow! I just get tingles
18:11 when I hear a statement like that.
18:13 I love the way you interpreted by putting the word helpless
18:16 before each of those things.
18:18 We are talking about a really generous God here.
18:22 Amen.
18:23 So why do we keep whipping ourselves,
18:26 punishing ourselves, because we made a mistake.
18:31 What should a child of God do if they mess up?
18:36 They should run to Him in repentance.
18:38 Amen.
18:39 And confession and feel his everlasting arms
18:43 around them, forgiving them,
18:44 restoring them and reminding them
18:47 you are still my child.
18:49 Amen.
18:51 I'm not kicking you out of home,
18:53 because you messed up
18:54 and I'm certainly not withdrawing from you
18:57 all the benefits of justification.
19:00 Amen.
19:01 Because you are not perfect,
19:03 trust me and I will grow you up into my likeness.
19:07 Amen.
19:08 So much so that when I shall appear,
19:11 you shall be like me, that's His promise.
19:15 I'm holding God to that promise,
19:17 I don't know about you.
19:18 I'm taking that promise seriously.
19:20 Ken, go ahead please.
19:23 I was also struck by the word enemies last night,
19:26 and to think of enemies, you know time of war
19:29 that means I'm fighting God, I was in battle with him,
19:34 and He still perceived me, He still loved me anyway
19:39 and He still grabs me
19:40 and He still says you're my son.
19:41 You know, stop fighting me
19:44 and his condemnation in judgment
19:49 that I should have on me has been forgiven already
19:52 through the death of Christ on the cross.
19:54 Amen. Amen.
19:55 Wow.
19:56 So the death of Christ is central
19:58 to every single action in our lives,
20:02 because either if we mess up
20:04 and we come to God in repentance
20:06 or we start questioning ourselves
20:08 and feel quite hopeless,
20:09 and I'm never gonna be good enough.
20:11 I hear people saying it all the time.
20:14 Everything hinges on a correct understanding of the cross.
20:18 So I appreciate the statement
20:20 coming through here this morning.
20:22 Luanne has a reason for such a new development here.
20:25 Thank you Luanne.
20:28 One of the aspects of our Father
20:30 that's really impacting me this morning is,
20:34 yes, his generosity but his capability.
20:39 So many time I intend
20:40 to be generous and that's my heart,
20:43 but I'm just not able to follow through.
20:45 Wow.
20:46 He can, and He does and He will and it's all wrapped up
20:52 like we we're seeing in the cross
20:54 and I just praise His name.
20:56 Amen.
20:57 What a beautiful statement Luanne.
20:58 Thank you very much. Well, Jose, yes.
21:07 Without strength I praise Him
21:08 'cause this morning I'm-- I had no strength,
21:13 He gave me the strength this morning.
21:14 Amen.
21:15 Each day He gives us strength.
21:17 Many times we're tired, we're just,
21:22 it's just amazing how He gives me
21:24 the strength all of us and we just ask Him.
21:26 He's gonna give us His strength.
21:27 I feel different, I feel--
21:30 I just feel blessed, I feel--
21:33 it's a-- that word without strength--
21:35 Powerful statement, Jose. Yes, He gives us His strength.
21:38 Amen. He is our strength.
21:39 He is our strength.
21:41 He's all knowing, He's all powerful,
21:43 and He's all seen.
21:44 What praise we're hearing this morning, huh.
21:47 Thank you very much for that, wow.
21:48 Thank you.
21:50 The B statements, it came out last night
21:55 that we have moved
21:57 from the death of Jesus to His life.
22:03 We've moved beyond His death to his life.
22:08 Amen.
22:10 And there's something in the B statements
22:14 that is identified with the life of Jesus.
22:18 Even though most people believe
22:21 it should be associated with His death.
22:25 But according to Paul,
22:27 it is more correctly associated with his life.
22:33 Now who is picking up on this, this morning.
22:36 There's something in the B statements
22:40 that Paul identifies with the life of Jesus
22:44 even though the whole Christian world believes
22:48 that it should be associated with His death.
22:51 In fact, I even hear people saying it,
22:53 Jesus died to something but Paul is questioning that.
22:58 Let's see the hands that are up, okay,
23:00 here's a hand here this morning,
23:02 the mike is miraculously coming to you.
23:05 I think the Christian world is always been taught
23:07 that Jesus died to appease the wrath of His Father.
23:11 Come on, use the word
23:13 that everyone uses, Jesus died to...
23:16 Don't put words in her mouth, she is very eloquent.
23:19 Jesus died to pay for our sins.
23:24 She is living in a highly refined atmosphere, okay.
23:28 Who has the ordinary word here for me?
23:30 Come on, who's got the ordinary word?
23:32 The wrath to appease.
23:33 Okay, don't call out please,
23:35 that's the big no, no here, yes.
23:37 Saved.
23:39 So people like, commonly say Jesus died
23:42 to save me from my sins, not in my sins.
23:45 Oh, he just wants to preach the sermon on this,
23:47 now that's excellent man.
23:49 Give her back the mike again.
23:51 So what are you seeing in the B statements
23:54 what word is popping up,
23:57 I mean this is such a simple question
23:59 I feel like I'm offending your intelligence
24:02 by asking you this question.
24:04 What word is popping up in the B statements
24:07 that Paul associates with the life of Jesus
24:10 and not His death.
24:13 You've got the mike. This is a moment in the sun.
24:21 It's His living that saves us.
24:24 What word is popping up
24:26 that Paul associates with his life.
24:29 I must had not written it all down here.
24:31 It's on the board, here in front,
24:33 oh hallelujah.
24:34 Isn't God gracious?
24:35 Instead of saved by His death,
24:37 we're actually saved by His life, I say.
24:39 Thank you so much.
24:41 Paul says we are saved not by His death, but...
24:45 By His life. By His life.
24:48 Yes. Amen.
24:49 It's a great shame, we have to cut off at this minute
24:51 because the understanding of salvation
24:54 is now about to come through with crystal clarity.
25:00 Hand the microphone to Jose.
25:03 I'm gonna ask him to close in prayer
25:05 as we finish this session, thank you.
25:08 Heavenly Father, we want to thank You
25:09 for this Sabbath day.
25:11 Thank You for Your word and be with us
25:13 and open our eyes and minds and our hearts
25:16 and help us to be more loving to You
25:19 and to depend and to rely on You each day
25:22 and thank You so much
25:23 for the precious gift of Your Son
25:25 and what He has done.
25:27 He died for our sins and He gave up His life
25:30 and that's all because He loved us.
25:33 Nothing, nothing good in any of us,
25:35 it's only because of You, we are here today.
25:38 In Jesus' name, amen, thank you.
25:39 Amen. Amen.
25:41 Thank you very much.
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Revised 2015-02-12