Participants: Bill Liversidge
Series Code: VIJ
Program Code: VIJ000003
00:20 So let's bow our heads together
00:22 as we get underway this evening. 00:28 Father in heaven, we want much more tonight. 00:33 Amen. 00:34 We are not satisfied, Father, with our understanding, 00:39 and the depth of perception in the word of God. 00:43 We want much more. 00:45 We are hungry for everything that You have to offer us 00:48 through the death and resurrection of Jesus. 00:50 Amen. 00:52 Lead us into that tonight, Father, 00:54 and may we rejoice as we see 00:56 the benefits of His atoning death 00:59 and the magnificence of His Holy life 01:02 in Jesus' precious name. 01:04 Amen Amen. 01:07 Focus your attention on the A statements. 01:13 Verse 9, we are justified by His blood 01:17 and verse 10, we are reconciled to God 01:21 through the death of His son. 01:25 So there are two points in common 01:28 that we should now extract painlessly from you. 01:33 Two points in common, 01:35 coming to the back table back here, 01:38 Luanne and her disciples back there. 01:46 This is a group 01:47 that's so unaccustomed to me calling on them 01:50 that they sometimes go into cardiac arrest 01:53 when I point to them. 01:55 Where did-- did you clarify your-- 01:56 I'm asking you to identify for me something in common 02:02 between the A statement of verse 9 02:05 and the A statement of verse 10. 02:07 First of all the obvious thing 02:09 that they have in common please. 02:11 Marty has been given the mike. 02:17 Everyone pray fervently for this moment. 02:21 We justified by His blood 02:24 and reconciled through the death of His son. 02:27 The justification lays the ground work 02:30 for the reconciliation. 02:32 Oh, I thought she has made 02:34 an interesting observation here. 02:37 She is linking justification and reconciliation. 02:41 All right, we have two big words here. 02:45 I was thinking you going to bring out the other point first 02:47 because it was the simple 02:49 and basic connection but it's okay. 02:53 You hit the big gun first, 02:54 so let's have the little boomer now, 02:57 Luanne, what's the-- what's the other common link 03:02 between these two segments, the obvious link? 03:05 Well, in verse A we have His blood 03:08 and then it's clarified by His son in the other-- 03:12 Well, come on there, come on, make the parallel. 03:14 Oh, hallelujah. Death of His son. 03:16 Grace is falling upon us. Thank you, yes. 03:19 All right, so we have blood in one statement 03:24 and we have death in the other. 03:27 And it's clarified as to whose blood 03:29 and death this is referring to. 03:30 Excellent. Thank you very much. 03:33 So these two statements, 03:35 let's get some more room over here now. 03:39 I think you've all memorized those four points now. 03:44 So these two statements, the A statements 03:46 are focused on the atoning death of Jesus. 03:50 Amen. 03:51 And we all ready know, two of the incredible benefits 03:56 that arouse through the atoning death of Jesus. 03:59 Just for fun, identify the two again. 04:03 Justified-- 04:05 We are justified by His blood and reconciled by His death. 04:10 Thank you very much. 04:12 Okay, now this is a question, 04:14 and I'm not going to permit that table to answer, 04:18 they have done very well, but I'm going to throw 04:20 this question out a little wider, 04:22 the word justification is not commonly understood, 04:29 the root meaning of the word from the Greek. 04:34 Now you have a very learner look 04:36 on your face at the moment, 04:38 so that means you've got it, right? 04:40 I think so. He's got it. 04:41 Okay, so bring it out for the room tonight please, 04:44 the root meaning of the word justified from the Greek. 04:48 There's the mike there. Righteous. 04:52 All right, now, you know how many bases there are 04:55 in a game of baseball, right? 04:57 Four bases. 04:58 So you are on second base. All right. 05:00 We'd love you to hit a home run at this moment, 05:02 it would bring great joy. 05:04 Declare righteous. 05:05 All right, so it actually means declared righteous. 05:10 Thank you very much. 05:11 Justify means declared righteous. 05:24 Let that sink in tonight. Amen. 05:28 God has found a way 05:31 of declaring you to be righteous. 05:36 What's another? 05:37 What's a synonym for righteous by the way? 05:40 Just. 05:41 Another word for righteous? Godly. 05:44 All right, there is one more way 05:46 that probably says it even better. 05:48 Godly is a good word. 05:49 The word describing godliness is...? 05:53 Holiness. 05:54 Holiness. Thank you and holiness. 05:56 Yes, righteousness is holiness. 05:59 In fact I'm quoting a well known 06:01 Christian writer when I say that, 06:04 who wrote a beautiful little booklet 06:06 called Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings. 06:09 Righteousness is holiness, 06:11 likeness to God and God is love. 06:15 Isn't that a beautiful statement? 06:18 Righteousness is holiness, 06:20 likeness to God and God is love. 06:26 Amen. 06:28 God incredibly has found a way 06:32 of declaring us to be righteous, holy. 06:41 When we look in the mirror what do we see? 06:44 Holiness? No. 06:46 We see unholiness. 06:48 We see how far short of God's glory 06:50 we still have fallen. Amen. 06:53 But God has found a way so that every moment of our lives, 06:59 when He looks at us, He sees us as holy and righteous beings. 07:06 Amen. 07:08 This is a very important statement coming out tonight, 07:10 it's the first of three life changing principles 07:17 that I'm sharing with you this weekend. 07:19 This is the first one. 07:24 If you want to understand the significance 07:26 of the atoning death of Jesus, 07:29 remind yourselves that if it's happened to Jesus, 07:37 God considers that it's happened to you. 07:42 Amen. 07:44 If something has happened to Jesus, 07:50 God considers that it's happened to you. 07:57 If Jesus has overcome the devil, 08:01 you have overcome the devil. 08:04 Amen. 08:06 If Jesus has died to sin, 08:10 you have died to sin. 08:16 Amen. 08:17 If Jesus has lived a holy life, 08:22 in the sight of God you are living a holy life. 08:27 Amen. 08:28 The good news is that God has accepted Jesus in our stead. 08:35 Amen. 08:37 The resolution of the sin problem 08:40 has not fallen on the shoulders of sinful men and women. 08:45 It's been taken from us 08:47 and placed upon the shoulders of the Lord Jesus Christ. 08:51 That's the hardest bridge to cross. 08:56 Is to enter into belief in regards to the fact 08:59 that God has accepted Jesus as me. 09:07 So the average person who is still confused about salvation, 09:12 who still has no assurance of salvation, 09:16 who still struggles trying to do better but not succeeding 09:22 is the person who has failed to grasp the significance 09:27 of the atoning death of Jesus 09:29 that Jesus became sin for us. 09:37 2 Corinthians 5:21, 09:41 "Jesus became sin for us, so that we might become 09:47 the righteousness of God in Him." 09:50 Amen. 09:52 This is the greatest transaction in history. 09:56 My filthy garments were lifted from me and placed on Jesus. 10:03 It's unthinkable 10:06 and in exchange His beautiful robe, 10:11 it's a sinless robe, 10:13 was taken from Jesus and placed on me. 10:17 Amen. Amen. 10:20 So everyday of my life if I remain in belief, 10:25 because there is no such thing as once saved, 10:27 always saved, you all know that. 10:30 It's easy to fall away from faith and lose everything. 10:34 But everyday of our lives if we remain in faith 10:37 and we are in Jesus Christ, 10:41 God is considering us to be righteous. 10:46 Righteous. 10:49 I may not feel it but God says it and that settles it. 10:54 Amen. 10:56 I hope you're hearing this tonight. 10:58 God has declared you to be righteous 11:01 and the good news is somebody in the seminar recently 11:05 made a very profound statement, 11:07 they said sanctification is the process 11:10 whereby God makes you 11:12 into what He has already declared you to be. 11:17 What a beautiful statement that was. 11:19 Sanctification, the process whereby God makes you 11:24 into what He has already declared you to be. 11:27 What has He declared you to be? 11:29 Righteous. Righteous. 11:30 You are justified in His sight, 11:33 so He will now begin a beautiful work within you 11:37 to make you righteous in His sight. 11:41 This is the grace of God. 11:43 By the way, there is nothing that sin has done 11:46 to the human race that God has not made probation for. 11:50 Praise God. Amen. 11:51 And the good news tonight is 11:52 at each step of the way it's 100%. 11:59 100% the righteousness of...? 12:03 Jesus. Jesus. 12:07 This is the righteousness of Jesus credited to you. 12:13 Amen. Amen. 12:16 Think of what's lifted from you in order to have that, 12:18 if God saying you as righteous, what has He lifted from you? 12:24 Guilt. What's that? 12:26 Lift up burden of sin and guilt. 12:29 Excellent, He's taken our guilt, He has. 12:33 He's taken our guilt and placed it on Jesus. 12:37 He's taken our condemnation and placed it on Jesus. 12:42 He's taken our judgment and let that fall on Jesus. 12:48 Amen 12:49 And incredibly He's taken our ultimate death. 12:55 I call it the second death, it's a biblical term. 12:59 Yes. Amen. 13:00 It's a death with eternal consequences. 13:04 God has taken our eternal death and let it fall on Jesus. 13:13 The only reason the grave could not hold Him was 13:15 because in Him was no sin. 13:18 Amen. 13:19 That's why He could break free from the grave. 13:23 Amen. 13:24 How's your faith tonight? 13:25 Amen. 13:26 How long has it been 13:28 since you have expressed gratitude to God 13:32 for the incredible gift of righteousness 13:37 that is yours through the atoning death of Jesus? 13:42 The privilege everyday of your life 13:45 of being declared righteous, 13:51 holy in the sight of God 13:55 and the freedom from guilt and condemnation, 14:00 judgment and even death. 14:05 I don't know about you but there is no death in my future. 14:08 Amen. 14:09 I might sleep, 14:11 but sleep is something you can be awaken from. 14:14 Amen. Amen. 14:15 There is no eternal death in my future 14:17 for the simple reason. 14:20 Who can finish that sentence for me tonight? 14:23 Jesus says that. 14:27 For make it a personal statement, 14:29 I will give you permission 14:30 to use the statement beginning with I. 14:33 There is no eternal death in my future because I-- 14:37 Because I've accepted Christ as my savior 14:40 and accepted His righteousness because He took my death. 14:44 You are very close, you are in the dust 14:46 and your fingers are reaching out to the home plate. 14:50 But it is Arizona 14:51 so you haven't reached it yet, you know. 14:55 Brandi, if you can hand the mike back there, 14:56 Randy is gonna join here on this. 15:00 Thank you. 15:02 Make it a personal statement, 15:03 I'm giving permission for somebody 15:05 to make a statement beginning with I, 15:07 I hardly ever do this. 15:10 There is no eternal death in my future 15:13 because my eternal death is fallen. 15:17 I said beginning with I. 15:18 Come on, keep it very personal now, 15:20 just personal. 15:21 My eternal death fall on Jesus. 15:23 I want an I in there, 15:24 you haven't got it in there yet. 15:27 My-- You still not doing it. 15:30 Hand the mike over if you can't do it. 15:33 Jim, can you do it? 15:37 I have no-- 15:38 There is no eternal death in my future because I-- 15:41 Because I have faith in Jesus who died and took it my sin 15:46 and my death and put it on Him. 15:48 All right, no one's hit a home run yet. 15:51 You all hovering around, you all in the dust together 15:54 and your fingers are stretched. 15:55 Do you want to have a shot at this? 15:56 Go ahead. 15:57 You look joyful enough, you sure to happen. 16:01 I have been declared righteous. 16:03 Come on, we're talking about-- 16:06 there is no eternal death in my future. 16:08 And there is no eternal death in my future 16:09 because I've been declared righteous by the-- 16:11 But you've joined all those in the dust. 16:14 Over there, you wanting to have a shot at this? 16:17 The mike is doing the whole table here. 16:20 There is no eternal death in my future because I-- 16:23 I have been declared righteous. 16:25 Oh, had you joined hands with the Annaba here 16:27 and jumped off the same bridge. 16:30 Okay, let's go to the back row 16:31 and grant and see if there's any life back here? 16:34 Begin with Allison, 16:36 that's an excellent idea, yes. 16:42 Listen. 16:43 I have been declared righteous by God. 16:46 There is no eternal death in my future because I-- 16:49 Because I have been declared righteous by God. 16:53 You're joining a crowd in the dust. 16:56 Williams got it, he's gonna hold on to 16:59 till we need this young man to be able to speak. 17:02 There is no eternal death in my future 17:05 because I died through Christ. 17:07 Amen. 17:08 Well, you could bring the word eternal in there perhaps. 17:11 Let's have it repeat it one more time. 17:13 There is no eternal death in my future 17:15 because I died eternally through Christ. 17:16 Wow! 17:18 Amen. Praise God. 17:19 Amen. It's a faith statement. 17:21 There is no eternal death in my future 17:23 because I have already died that in Christ. 17:26 Thank you very much. 17:28 Excellent statement coming through. 17:30 Should be a big amen to that this evening. 17:32 Amen. 17:33 He saw it, He saw the issue there. 17:35 Wow! 17:36 Isn't God gracious there? 17:39 How important it is to clarify these matters. 17:42 Is there anyone sitting here tonight who is saying wow? 17:45 My guilt, my condemnation, my judgment, 17:49 even my second death has all fallen on Jesus. 17:54 Amen. 17:56 If it's happened to Jesus, 17:59 God considers that it's happened to me. 18:04 This is the strongest bridge to cross. 18:07 It's the bridge regarding the eternal death of Jesus. 18:12 If you cross this bridge, 18:13 everything else will fall into place 18:15 in your understanding of salvation. 18:18 Amen. 18:19 Is there one person sitting here tonight 18:21 who can actually praise God, 18:23 I mean verbalize their praise right at the moment, 18:27 because you're seeing the significance 18:29 of the atoning death of Jesus. 18:31 One person, you can go ahead. 18:35 The mike will miraculously reach you. 18:39 Thank you. 18:40 Lord, I praise Your name 18:42 because You took my eternal death and put it on Jesus. 18:45 Wow, you couldn't get a clearer statement than that, could you? 18:48 Thank you very much. 18:49 Very succinct, I love that and to the point, 18:53 brief and yet it's all in there. 18:55 Anyone else actually praising up there? 18:57 And I love to hear praise. 19:03 Oh, Ann has arisen. 19:07 Thank you Ann. 19:11 Thank you, Father, that I'm declared righteous 19:16 that I stand before You as I have never seemed 19:20 and it's not me who is living, it's Christ in me 19:23 and I praise You for Your invitation. 19:25 Thank you, Ann, very much. 19:28 Wow! 19:29 How is your faith tonight? 19:34 Hang on, let's see. 19:35 Bring the mike over here. 19:36 Let's hear the statement from the wilds of Arizona. 19:40 Well, now I know why you are always asking 19:43 how is your faith now? 19:45 Because if our faith is in Christ we are righteous, 19:50 it's Him in us and so we can declare ourselves righteous 19:56 because we know it's Christ in us. 19:58 So when you say how is your faith, 19:59 you're walking by faith of the righteousness of Christ. 20:02 And we haven't even reached the point 20:04 of Christ in our sheet, have we? 20:05 Wow! I want my faith to behold. 20:09 This is what Jesus has done for us. 20:12 Amen. 20:14 All of this is something He has done for us. 20:16 That He has done for us. 20:17 We are about to make a transition 20:21 into what He will do in us which you are describing. 20:27 Praise His name. 20:28 From my experience, I'm gonna say this boldly tonight, 20:31 that the only people I know 20:34 who are enjoying the process of growing up into Jesus 20:39 and becoming mature in Christ 20:42 are those who are coming to the cross everyday 20:47 and seeing with appreciation and gratitude, 20:51 how much God permitted to fall on Jesus, 20:58 to be lifted from us and placed on Him. 21:02 And there are so few people of my acquaintance, 21:05 who are coming to the cross everyday 21:07 and lifting up their hearts and simply saying thank you. 21:10 And this young man, 20 years of practicing homosexual, 21:15 he is doing it every morning. 21:17 Amen. 21:18 He calls me up at like 6 or 7 o'clock every morning, 21:21 he says, I just spend an hour at walking 21:23 and I've been thanking God for the atoning death of Jesus 21:28 and I said to myself, 21:29 wow, God's gonna restore this guy fully. 21:32 He has entered into a beautiful walk with God 21:36 and he's focused on the beautiful death of Jesus 21:39 and he so grateful in his heart. 21:43 How is your gratitude tonight? 21:45 Are you really experiencing gratitude 21:50 for what God has accomplished for you 21:53 through the atoning death of Jesus? 21:55 So let's slip now to the last-- the B verses. 22:00 These verses have something in common, don't they? 22:05 Something in common now. 22:08 Let's see, where should I land for this one. 22:11 Let's come down the front here, 22:13 but we'll leave Joyce out of the equation. 22:17 What do you notice in common between the two B statements, 22:22 there something that's very obvious? 22:32 He handed that over very quickly, isn't he? 22:34 You can speak up. 22:37 Wotty, do you notice anything in common 22:38 between these two statements? 22:41 We're saved from, because we're saved by. 22:45 So the word that's in common is? 22:48 Saved. Well, hallelujah. 22:50 Okay, we got the word saved, that's a common thing. 22:55 Okay, now just hand the mike back behind you, 23:00 yes, over here, let's give these two another shot here. 23:04 There is another thing in common 23:06 between these statements, what is it? 23:13 It may not be as clear as this, 23:15 we have blood and death here, but it is implied. 23:19 Saved in His life. 23:21 We've got saved already that's come out, 23:23 so the other common element, let's keep it clear now. 23:30 The wrath through Him. 23:33 Be very careful now, there is a common element, 23:35 one on each side, 23:36 your partner synch or swims with you here, 23:40 keep that in mind. 23:52 Oh, Him in his life. 23:54 All right. Thank you, Ezek. 23:56 So we got His life here and we've got through Him here. 24:01 Excellent work and that needs to be developed 24:04 and unfortunately it will be developed 24:07 in our next thrilling episode. 24:11 Let's bow our heads together this evening as we conclude. 24:16 Oh, you've got the mike so why don't you go head 24:18 and just pray for us as we conclude. 24:20 Thank you very much. 24:23 Lord we are grateful, grateful, 24:26 thankful for what You did for us. 24:29 Amen. 24:30 That you saved us from ourselves, 24:33 from Your wrath, 24:36 from the consequences of the sin that we-- 24:38 that we deserved but You took it upon Yourself. 24:42 Thank you Lord so much for loving us in this way, amen. 24:46 Amen. Amen. 25:55 Creative Media Ministries is a faith based ministry 25:58 dedicated to the sharing of the good news 26:00 of the Lord Jesus Christ. 26:02 We need your help to take this dynamic message 26:04 to the uttermost parts of the earth. 26:06 If God has touched you heart 26:08 and the Word of God has come to life like never before, 26:11 contributions can be sent to: 26:13 Creative Media Ministries, PO Box 9485, 26:17 Bakersfield, California, 93389 26:21 or you can make your donation online 26:23 by visiting our website at: 26:25 www.creativemedia 26:30 To order the complete series of Victory in Jesus 26:32 and many other seminars in DVD or CD format, contact us at: 26:37 www.creativemedia 26:41 You can also call us at: 888-744-0443. 26:47 That's 888-744-0443. 26:51 Or write to us at: Creative Media Ministries, 26:54 PO Box 9485, Bakersfield, California, 93389. |
Revised 2015-02-05