Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bil Liversidge


Series Code: VIJ

Program Code: VIJ000002

00:51 Unto Him who is able
00:58 To keep you from stumbling
01:04 And to present you
01:07 Faultless before the presence
01:12 Of His glory with exceeding joy
01:20 To God our Savior who is only wise
01:27 Be glory
01:29 And majesty
01:36 Dominion and power
01:39 both now and for ever
01:45 Amen
01:48 Amen
01:55 Dominion and power
01:59 Both now and for ever
02:04 Amen
02:09 Amen
02:22 Our loving Father in heaven,
02:26 we are overwhelmed by Your generosity of grace.
02:31 We confess our need,
02:34 we have nothing good in and of ourselves
02:37 to offer to you, Father.
02:39 We come because of our ungodliness
02:43 and our unworthiness is overwhelming us.
02:46 And we need all that You have to offer us
02:49 through the amazing grace
02:51 You placed upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
02:54 Continue to open our eyes tonight, Father,
02:56 make the word alive within us,
02:59 so we can live filled with hope and joy.
03:02 In Jesus precious name, amen.
03:08 So reviewing where we were previously,
03:12 we are looking at the four characteristics
03:14 of human beings in their natural state,
03:18 as the grace of God comes upon them.
03:22 And the two beautiful characteristics,
03:25 not beautiful in a positive sense
03:27 but beautiful because they came through with crystal clarity,
03:31 two characteristics have been merged,
03:34 helpless without strength and powerless
03:38 and the second one which blew us all away,
03:41 God's grace is poured out upon the ungodly.
03:46 And I challenged you all to raise up churches
03:51 that will be attractive and welcoming to sinners
03:55 despite how far or how deeply
03:58 they may have fallen into sin.
04:02 Your church and your community
04:05 should be a place of refuge where sinners can come
04:10 and find the grace of God freely available to them.
04:17 So we are picking up again tonight
04:18 with the third characteristic,
04:22 let's see coming to this group over the back over here please.
04:26 William and his partner there,
04:28 we are coming to you guys for the third characteristic.
04:31 Thank you.
04:32 What verse would you like to take us to?
04:34 Verse 8.
04:35 Thank you very much, read out the verse, would you?
04:38 "The God demonstrate his own love towards us,
04:41 in that while we were still sinners,
04:42 Christ died for us"
04:44 So the big word leaping out at you is?
04:46 Sinners.
04:47 Sinners, thank you very much, sinners.
04:50 Wow.
04:52 Look at these words as they line up,
04:55 helpless, ungodly, sinners.
05:00 Wow.
05:01 And there is a fourth one yet,
05:04 Cano, showed little movement there before so jump in please.
05:07 What verse would you like to take us into?
05:09 It's gonna be verse 10.
05:11 Okay.
05:13 "For if, when we were enemies,
05:15 we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son,
05:18 much more, having been reconciled,
05:20 we shall be saved by his life."
05:22 So enemies.
05:23 Enemies, enemies. Wow.
05:31 I hope you never forget these words.
05:38 Just a couple of months ago,
05:42 I was out jogging 6:30 in the morning
05:47 because I live in Palm Springs
05:50 where at 6:30 in the morning
05:52 it can be 90 degrees
05:55 and if you wait another hour it's gonna go over a 100.
05:59 And there's a very beautiful park nearby
06:01 where I live and it has exercise stops
06:03 all the way around it.
06:05 So it's one of my favorite areas to jog
06:07 and to walk and to exercise.
06:10 Anyway I usually going much wider than the park
06:13 and I'd been out for about a mile
06:15 and came back around through the park again
06:19 and I'm jogging through the park
06:20 and it's now nearly seven o'clock in the morning
06:24 and I notice a young man
06:25 sitting on a bench as I'm jogging by.
06:29 And so I just kind of wave like this as I'm jogging by
06:33 and he spoke to me and said, "Could we chat?"
06:39 This happens to me all the time.
06:42 I said once again Gods doing it,
06:44 I'm out for exercise,
06:45 He's got someone sitting here seven o'clock in the morning.
06:49 He has a guy-- young man sitting on a bench
06:52 in the middle of this beautiful park,
06:53 there's a lot of people out exercising
06:55 at that hour of the morning.
06:57 So this guy said, "Could we chat?"
07:01 I said, "Well, why not?"
07:05 So I jogged back to where he was,
07:07 and I sat down on the bench next to him
07:09 and he put out his hand
07:11 and introduced himself as David.
07:14 And I said I'm Bill.
07:17 I said so what would you like to chat about?
07:23 He said, "Well...
07:27 I'm in crises."
07:30 I said, "Okay."
07:31 This is a crises situation.
07:34 People in crises are generally quite receptive, aren't they?
07:39 I said okay, so do you want to talk about it?
07:41 He said, "Well, yes."
07:43 He said, "I picked you out as a Christian."
07:51 I said, "Well, was at the way I was jogging?"
07:54 I know it's a little peculiar.
07:59 He laughed, he said no, something just prompted me
08:03 to believe that you are a Christian.
08:06 I said well, we know
08:07 who does that kind of prompting.
08:09 I said that's God at work in you.
08:12 So obviously, I said I would like to confirm
08:14 what I'm hearing you say
08:16 that this is not an accidental encounter.
08:20 It's seven o'clock in the morning,
08:21 I've been out for an hour already,
08:24 and I'm jogging through the park
08:26 and you ask me to, if I'd like to have a chat.
08:30 This is and encounter designed by God himself.
08:33 Amen.
08:34 And I've had lots of these encounters over.
08:36 The reason I praise God for them.
08:38 They do appear to be in increasing however,
08:41 which is good.
08:43 So I said let's chat. Tell me about yourself.
08:47 And he said I'm frightened to tell you about myself
08:49 because if I do you'll probably get up and want to leave.
08:53 I said well, I've got news for you.
08:55 All we like sheep have gone astray
09:02 I wouldn't like my past to be with nothing
09:04 the sky at the moment, I'll be honest with you.
09:08 So I'm the kind of person that can talk about anything.
09:14 And by the grace of God I'm not judgmental.
09:17 In fact, I may even have something
09:19 to offer you, who knows.
09:22 So please share with me.
09:25 So the whole sad story.
09:29 This guy is not as young
09:30 as I thought he was, he's in his mid 30's.
09:34 I thought he is probably in his mid 20's
09:36 as he's a very youthful looking guy.
09:40 So he unfolded a story from the age of 8 to 14,
09:47 he was seriously sexually abused
09:51 and we've all read the stories of these kind of events.
09:56 And he shared the pain of this experience with me.
10:02 And he said, it affected my sexual orientation.
10:08 I said of course it did.
10:11 He said so for the last 15, 20 years
10:14 I've been practicing homosexual.
10:17 I said, okay.
10:19 He said, the interesting thing is that
10:22 I'm not really all that comfortable.
10:26 He won a huge lawsuit by the way
10:29 against this priest in the church
10:31 that he represented a huge lawsuit
10:34 which is all gone and he is now pennyless,
10:40 homeless and needs to go into drug rehab
10:45 which ones before he has attempted to do
10:48 but did not succeed.
10:50 So I'm computing this whole thing
10:55 and he looked at me with so much pain in his face
11:00 and he said is there anything that can be done
11:03 for somebody as bad as me?
11:09 I said well, interestingly enough
11:11 there's a great deal that can be done
11:13 for somebody just like you
11:15 because God specializes
11:18 in pouring His grace out upon people just like you.
11:23 And because you've not hidden from me your true condition
11:28 I'm now prepare to offer you all that God can offer you
11:33 and I said once apart of time
11:35 I would have offered you celibacy
11:38 which I'm sure is such an attractive option
11:41 to a young man like you,
11:43 but I've got good news for you.
11:46 I have moved into a deeper understanding
11:49 of the grace of God myself.
11:50 He said, I know what you're gonna offer me
11:53 and he said it's exactly what I'm looking for,
11:56 that I didn't realize it was even possible.
11:59 I said, so you are a prophet now.
12:01 You know what I'm gonna say and we had a laugh about this,
12:05 this is a lovely young man.
12:08 He said you are about to offer me
12:10 the privilege of total restoration.
12:16 I said, I was in deed.
12:18 And he said I want you to know that I'm hungry
12:22 to spend the rest of my life as a heterosexual.
12:26 I would like to get married, I would like to have children,
12:29 I would like become a normal functioning young man.
12:35 All of this in a park.
12:38 We knelt down together in the park,
12:40 I put my arm around his shoulder
12:43 and I lifted this young man up to God in prayer.
12:49 He said, when can we get started?
12:52 I said well, the first thing
12:53 you've got to do is got to get into a drug rehab.
12:57 I can't work with you
12:59 if that's something that is unaddressed.
13:02 I said, I can put you in a motel
13:04 for a few days only long enough
13:07 for you to make arrangements
13:09 to get into the drug rehab program the one in riverside
13:13 that I'm recommending takes three months.
13:16 It's residential, they're strict
13:20 but if you are willing to go through the program
13:24 I will be willing to meet you on the day that you get out,
13:27 and we will begin growing you up
13:29 into the fullness of the grace of God
13:31 and all that God wishes you to become.
13:36 So the good news is he finished the drug rehab,
13:39 he's living in what--
13:40 I think they call it a sober house
13:44 or a transition house.
13:46 He gets drug tested every morning
13:48 if there is even a slightest traced he is kicked out.
13:51 And he's just been asked to be the person
13:53 in charge of this residence.
13:55 He's become so responsible
13:57 and that offers him free rent every month
13:59 which is a great blessing.
14:02 So we've just had a fourth Bible study together.
14:06 Amen.
14:07 I wish I could just play you on the phone here
14:10 some of the messages and voicemails
14:12 that I'm getting from this young man everyday of my life.
14:15 Praise God. Amen.
14:17 He is lifting up his heart on the phone to me.
14:19 I hear the voice oh, Bill, if you can only know
14:23 how grateful I'm to God today,
14:27 for the fact that I'm forgiven.
14:29 I've got in-- I've had in take vows of celibacy.
14:33 He's becoming cleaned up again.
14:35 And every time I see him which is once a week,
14:38 he says to me how soon am I gonna be totally restored?
14:43 I said, it's coming by the grace of God
14:45 as you continue to grow in the knowledge of Jesus,
14:49 you will be totally restored.
14:51 I believe you're gonna be a normal functioning young man
14:55 to the glory of God.
14:56 And I'm just saying wow, wow.
14:59 And if you could have seen this kid
15:01 fall down on his knees and weep like a baby
15:05 when he realized that that's what I was offering him
15:08 through the grace of God.
15:10 I hope you're not limiting Gods grace
15:12 to any sinner, are you?
15:14 There was a time in the first 20 years
15:16 of my ministry that I would have just offered him
15:19 celibacy for the rest of his life.
15:24 I'm now offering sinners total rehabilitation.
15:29 Total restoration...
15:31 the fullness of becoming a new creature in Christ.
15:37 How's your faith this evening?
15:38 Amen.
15:40 And in order to get him there,
15:42 which points do you think I had to help him see?
15:45 All four of them.
15:47 We got our first study together
15:50 and he dug these four points out of Romans 5
15:54 and we are sitting in my living room together
15:56 and God gave me a question
15:57 that I've used once before many years ago
16:00 I used the same question on him as I have used previously.
16:05 I said this is the condition of individuals
16:09 upon who the grace of God is poured out.
16:13 And I said to this young man
16:16 do you qualify to receive the grace of God?
16:23 He said, I qualify in all four areas.
16:28 I said well, there's one more thing
16:30 you need to know about,
16:33 when Jesus was hanging on the cross.
16:37 He was heard to cry out,
16:39 "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
16:44 I said, why did Jesus feel forsaken?
16:49 The Bible said He had no sin
16:52 but here He is hanging on the cross
16:55 and He feels forsaken.
16:59 I said it's because He changed His name.
17:03 There was another name written on His forehead.
17:06 I'm gonna see if I can spell it out for you,
17:08 D-A-V-I-D.
17:16 He said, that's me. I said, yes and me.
17:20 Jesus changed His name to David
17:25 and when His own Father looked at Him,
17:28 He didn't see Jesus, He saw David.
17:34 And the Bible says that Jesus became sin for us.
17:39 So the God gave me this beautiful Christian
17:41 by this young man.
17:44 If God looked down on His own son
17:46 and saw the name David written on His forehead,
17:49 what must God have seen hanging on the cross
17:55 in the person of Jesus?
17:58 He shook his head.
17:59 I said make it personal now,
18:01 the name David is here what must God have seen?
18:06 He finally blurted it out.
18:09 He said God would have had to have seen...
18:14 a 35 year old practicing homosexual,
18:20 drug addict, the weakest of the weak.
18:24 I said that's exactly what God saw,
18:28 and God said let him die.
18:32 The good news tonight is when Jesus died,
18:38 that was your death
18:41 to sin taking place in Him.
18:47 Amen. Amen.
18:51 I'm gonna repeat that again in case you missed it.
18:54 When Jesus died,
18:58 He had your name and my name upon Him.
19:03 Whatever sin has done to you was placed on Jesus.
19:10 When He died you died to sin.
19:17 I hardly know a dozen people
19:19 that are appreciating this everyday of their lives.
19:22 The atoning death of Jesus
19:25 is one of the most misunderstood
19:27 and under appreciated events in history.
19:32 We are going to start looking now
19:34 at the atoning death of Jesus
19:37 and we're going to the magnificent love
19:41 and generosity of God in permitting His own son,
19:46 who was holy and righteous and without sin
19:51 permitting Him to take upon himself,
19:55 everything that sin had done to you and to me.
20:01 And this young man saw it just like that,
20:05 and he fell down on his knees and I couldn't stop the tears.
20:09 He said, I had no idea that God loved me that much,
20:13 that He would actually replace me on the cross.
20:15 I said that's exactly what He did.
20:18 Jesus felt forsaken not because He had sins of His own
20:23 but because He was been treated as you deserved.
20:29 So that ultimately you might me treated as He deserved.
20:34 The beauty of the cross is the most compelling truth
20:38 that we can ever come to groups with.
20:40 How's your faith today?
20:43 I would like to praise God tonight,
20:45 because finally I'm offering sinners
20:48 the fullness of all that God has done
20:50 for them, in them and through them.
20:53 So we're about to launch now
20:55 into a magnificent passage of scripture.
20:58 Its only two verses,
21:00 but they are the most incredible life changing verses
21:05 that you could ever jump into.
21:07 The same chapter Romans 5,
21:10 but we are now going to focus on verses 9 and 10.
21:22 In theological circles verses 9 is a parallelism.
21:27 Paul uses this technique frequently,
21:32 in verse 9, verse 9.
21:38 We have two statements by Paul again
21:41 to call them an A and a B statement.
21:45 And in verse 10,
21:48 he also has two statements an A and the B statement.
21:53 And when you compare the A statements
21:56 they give you the whole picture
21:58 of what it is that he is presenting,
22:00 and when you compare the B statements
22:02 in the two verses,
22:04 you get a totally different picture
22:06 coming towards a very exciting way
22:09 that Paul has over writing.
22:12 So your assignment tonight,
22:15 is to open your Bibles now to Romans 5: 9, 10
22:20 and I want you to go ahead and fill in for me
22:23 the two statements in verse 9
22:26 and the two statements from verse 10,
22:30 and then we're going to compare them
22:33 and see what great truths
22:35 Paul wants to draw out of this parallelism.
22:39 So go ahead with your partner.
22:41 This is the communal project now.
22:43 Please talk to your partners.
22:46 Don't go into vision don't act independently,
22:49 communicate with one another.
22:55 If you write anything down without sharing
22:58 and we're gonna call you to repentance.
23:20 All right, let's have your attention please.
23:24 Let's get the first statements from verse 9.
23:30 Let's see, who will I-- yes over here, okay.
23:35 Two very philosophical looking people here,
23:39 okay, first of all the A statement from verse 9.
23:43 "Much more then, having now been justified by His blood."
23:48 Okay, so having now been justified
23:52 by His blood and give me the B statement as well now.
23:58 "And then having being reconciled,
24:00 we shall be saved by his life.
24:02 Justified by His blood we shall be saved
24:04 from wrath through Him."
24:06 Okay, now we've got to--
24:07 thank you, save from wrath through Him.
24:13 Now we have it, thank you very much.
24:16 Okay, excellent.
24:23 Excellent.
24:24 So we've got an A and a B statement in verse 9.
24:28 Let's jump over now to verse 10.
24:32 Verse 10, let's see down the front here verse 10,
24:37 give me the A statement first of all
24:39 from verse 10, thank you.
24:44 "For if, we were enemies,
24:48 we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son."
24:53 Okay, we will reconcile to God through the death of his son.
24:58 Okay, now the B statement.
25:00 "Much more, having been reconciled,
25:02 we shall be saved by His life."
25:05 Saved by His life.
25:08 Excellent work here. Thank you very much.
25:12 Now we are on the verge of a great discovery here
25:16 and unfortunately, we're gonna have to wait
25:18 to the next thrilling episode
25:21 to hear what discoveries are taking place here.
25:25 But Lue Ann and Larson this evening
25:28 has graciously volunteered to lead us in prayer.
25:32 So the microphone will miraculously
25:35 come to you, Lue Ann.
25:36 Here it comes right now.
25:38 Let's bow our heads together please, thank you.
25:41 Heavenly Father, thank You so very much
25:44 for opening Your word to us this evening.
25:46 And Father, we are so grateful
25:49 for what You've offered each one of us
25:51 the fantastic gift of Your Son.
25:55 Creative media ministry is the faith based ministry
25:58 dedicated to the sharing of the good news
26:00 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
26:02 We need your help to take this dynamic message
26:04 to the uttermost parts of the earth.
26:06 If God has touched your heart
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Revised 2015-02-05