
Pathway of Hope (Spokane preview)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg & Jill Morikone (Host), Dr. Chris Lewis, Dr. Lela Lewis, Jim Gilley


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000032A

00:34 Hello, we want to welcome you
00:36 to a very special half hour presentation.
00:39 You may notice that Greg and I are sitting on the Today's set,
00:41 but this is not a Today program.
00:44 And from the open, you might have noticed
00:46 and recognized that open
00:48 from when we were in San Antonio, Texas.
00:50 Just the couple months ago, the beginning of April,
00:53 3ABN brought you at home Your Best Pathway to Health,
00:58 and it was an incredible program,
00:59 wasn't it, Greg?
01:01 Absolutely.
01:02 You know, seeing that open again is just,
01:04 oh, man, that brings back great memories
01:06 of being there in San Antonio,
01:09 and what it was like...
01:10 and, boy, I tell you, it almost inspires me,
01:12 gives me some goosebumps to see that again
01:13 what God has done through people
01:16 that are willing to serve Him, and, boy,
01:18 what a tremendous experience we had there in San Antonio.
01:21 Like Jill said, we have a special half hour program.
01:23 we have some special video rolls.
01:26 Should we even say guest?
01:27 Maybe a special guest coming our way...
01:28 I'm not sure we can call him a guest.
01:30 No, I don't think so.
01:31 But you'll see what we mean in just a moment.
01:32 That's right.
01:34 And we have a special Skype interview
01:35 that we're going to roll in a few moments
01:37 with Dr Chris and Dr Lela Lewis.
01:38 So the reason we're coming to you tonight
01:40 is because they need volunteers.
01:44 Your Best Pathway to Health is going to Spokane,
01:47 August 3rd and 4th.
01:48 It will be right before the ASI convention
01:52 that 3ABN always broadcasts there.
01:54 And August 3rd and 4th,
01:56 they have many non-medical volunteers,
01:59 but there's a very special need for medical volunteers,
02:02 especially dentists and surgeons.
02:07 Yeah, absolutely.
02:08 You know, this is need too because you may say,
02:10 "Oh, well, why watch this program?
02:12 I'm not a dentist, I'm not a surgeon."
02:14 But there are many ways that you can help,
02:16 obviously, we are looking for those specifically,
02:18 but they have some volunteers that have come forward that,
02:21 you know, there are many places that you can volunteer,
02:23 but also financially I know that they're always looking
02:26 and/or willing to receive any donations
02:29 that you're able to send their way to.
02:31 And I was thinking if you are not a dentist,
02:34 or a surgeon, or you'll say,
02:35 "I'm not a medical person right now,"
02:37 but, you know, what you can do?
02:39 You can call your friend
02:40 who may be is a dentist or a surgeon.
02:42 You can contact your doctor, and say, "You know what?
02:46 Would you be willing to go and volunteer?"
02:49 You can contact to somebody that you know,
02:51 maybe it's a relative.
02:52 Everybody knows somebody,
02:53 we all have a circle of influence,
02:55 and we know somebody,
02:56 so we're going to put out that website later in program.
02:59 We want to mention that for you to go and to volunteer,
03:02 especially for Pathway to Health.
03:04 But going back to San Antonio, Greg,
03:06 it was an incredible experience
03:08 just to see what God did in that city.
03:12 And I know that we have a role that we want to look at.
03:16 It'll show you just a just a peek
03:18 if you were not able to see any of the broadcasts
03:20 from San Antonio.
03:21 It will show you just a peek of
03:22 what took place there in San Antonio.
03:28 We're looking here at the Alamodome.
03:30 Absolutely.
03:31 And what's neat, it was very organized,
03:33 you just saw there, briefly,
03:34 some of the colors of all the curtains.
03:35 Those were all areas like one was for dentistry,
03:38 one was for eye, etcetera.
03:40 They're very well organized.
03:41 You see the people waiting in line,
03:43 and people being checked in, registered.
03:45 Yes, absolutely.
03:47 They served, I believe, was it over 6,000 people?
03:50 Yes, 6,100-something, absolutely.
03:53 In just a few days time.
03:54 There you can see the colors as organized
03:55 as each one of those sections was a particular...
03:58 like I like we mentioned, dental is taken care out there.
04:01 There's a dentist doing some work.
04:03 Absolutely.
04:05 You know, what's amazing there is that
04:06 they did some complicated things in dentistry.
04:08 It wasn't just looking at your teeth
04:10 and cleaning them,
04:11 they were actually extracting teeth.
04:16 Just incredible to see the level of organization,
04:18 the level of commitment.
04:21 You have to push out the gum out
04:23 so that the gum doesn't get sore.
04:27 Praise the Lord for gifted the dentists,
04:28 you know, and dental hygienists
04:30 and assistants coming in and doing their work.
04:33 Absolutely.
04:34 Yeah, and it actually went very smooth,
04:36 it was amazing that the people were lining up
04:37 at midnight or even earlier
04:39 to get in the next day.
04:41 But what a tremendous service was provided
04:44 for the people there, and what a...
04:46 I don't know, when I think of Christ
04:48 and what He did here on this earth,
04:49 he went around serving others.
04:52 Amen.
04:54 Give enough time,
04:55 give enough of their talent, their ability.
04:56 Yep.
04:58 And you think a lot of people do not have dental insurance,
05:00 they may have other insurance, but not dental,
05:02 and so all of these people were able to get worked on
05:06 on their teeth and their mouth at the really needed time.
05:09 Absolutely.
05:10 And there's Dr. Chris Lewis. That's right.
05:12 On the right, there on the green shirt,
05:13 he and his wife have been the leaders
05:15 of this great movement,
05:17 if you want to call it that.
05:19 Yeah, again, just some of the overhead shots of
05:21 what's taking place, they were busy,
05:23 I know the volunteers, the doctors, nurses,
05:25 everyone was tired, but no one was complaining.
05:28 No. That's right.
05:30 That smile says it all. It does, doesn't it?
05:32 Look at that little guy's face.
05:34 You know, they served young and old.
05:36 And like you said, it hit a real niche there
05:38 in the community of San Antonio.
05:41 And like we just mentioned, you know, I think about Christ
05:42 when He was here on this earth as we did,
05:44 He went around helping others.
05:46 And when you do that, meet somebody's need,
05:49 they're open and receptive to the gospel.
05:51 But I know we have other roll here
05:53 that we want to go to the Skype interview,
05:55 you want to fetch to that?
05:56 That's right. Absolutely.
05:58 This is with Dr. Chris and Dr. Lela Lewis.
06:01 But Pastor CA and Pastor Jim were able to sit down
06:05 just a few days ago,
06:07 they sat down here in these chairs,
06:09 and they did a Skype interview
06:11 with Dr. Chris and Dr. Lela Lewis.
06:13 And what they did is they just said,
06:14 "Okay, tell our viewers at home about the needs.
06:18 Tell how we can get involved in,"
06:20 especially I know
06:22 they need dentists, and they need surgeons,
06:24 but let's go to that right now and we'll have a listen.
06:29 CA, I know that you were as old as I were
06:33 with San Antonio
06:35 and what took way with Pathways?
06:38 You know, thinking back just a little bit ago,
06:42 the excitement, every time that sort of runs
06:45 through my head, you get excited all over again.
06:47 Oh, yeah. Because it was a first.
06:51 This whole initiative
06:52 that is started by doctors Chris and Lela Lewis,
06:54 and we put them at the head
06:56 because somebody's got to be the genesis of this...
06:57 Well, they are. And they are.
06:59 It was the first in Adventism, it was the first in medicine
07:03 slash Adventism that we bring the gospel,
07:08 the feet, the hands of the gospel to an entire town.
07:11 And every time we think about that,
07:12 it makes you smile and kind of be proud
07:13 to be a Seventh-day Adventist.
07:15 Well, they had done it in San Francisco and Okla,
07:17 and that was on a grand scale.
07:19 Yes.
07:20 But this was the Super Bowl. Yeah, it was.
07:21 I mean, it was unbelievable,
07:23 and this great big Alamodome,
07:27 and well-organized.
07:31 And actually this father George
07:33 is a just an unbelievable organizer.
07:36 Incredibly well.
07:37 You got 1,700 volunteers,
07:39 different professions, different vocations,
07:41 different areas of activity, different areas of expertise,
07:44 and everybody moving together,
07:47 moving and pulling in the same direction
07:48 for a really fabulous spiritual experience.
07:51 Right.
07:52 And a fabulous medical experience.
07:53 Right.
07:55 Now they're getting ready for Spokane.
07:57 Precisely.
07:58 Spokane is going to be a little different
07:59 'cause, you know, Spokane is not San Antonio.
08:02 And we're going to be there for ASI.
08:04 And just prior to ASI,
08:07 this big event is taking place,
08:08 already people are signing up.
08:10 Yes.
08:12 And so we're going to ask Dr. Chris and Dr. Lela
08:16 to join us by Skype right now.
08:19 And, doctors, how are you today?
08:23 We're great. How are you guys?
08:25 Good.
08:26 And we're just so happy to visit with you
08:29 and we're looking forward
08:30 not only seeing your general conference
08:32 'cause we hope you will come and see us
08:34 and be with us at our booth
08:36 but we also are looking forward
08:39 to joining you and being with you
08:42 while we are in Spokane.
08:45 So tell us a little bit about
08:47 what's going to happen in Spokane, would you?
08:50 Well, we're really excited again.
08:52 Spokane, like you mentioned,
08:53 is just going to be a little different
08:54 than San Antonio obviously city-wise, size-wise,
08:58 but the mayor's office of Spokane as well
09:01 has just absolutely ecstatic about what's offered.
09:04 They are completely supportive.
09:06 In fact, they've given us the fair grounds for usage,
09:09 and we're going to have many of the same services
09:12 that we had in San Antonio and the Bay area as well.
09:15 We are actually seeking to service 1,500 people
09:17 Lord willing per day,
09:19 so that's 3,000 people in 2 days.
09:21 Wow.
09:23 So what days will this be? Can you help us with that?
09:27 This is going to be Monday and Tuesday,
09:30 August 3 and 4,
09:32 just prior to ASI international annual convention.
09:35 All right.
09:36 Now tell us, doctors, the fairgrounds.
09:38 This is an indoor facility, an outdoor facility?
09:41 What are we looking at?
09:43 It's an indoor facility,
09:45 it's a little bit different shape,
09:47 it has three different buildings,
09:48 but they're all connected.
09:49 The nice thing about it is we'll actually be able to
09:52 make our food right there on site.
09:54 You know how we had the meals at lunchtime
09:56 and the people brought in meals
09:57 for both the patients and the volunteers.
09:59 They'll actually be able to make it onsite
10:01 and do a lot of stuff onsite as opposed to offsite.
10:04 Wow. Okay.
10:06 Well, we're obviously looking forward
10:09 to being there and being with you.
10:11 And now tell us
10:13 you've got about 600 people already signed up,
10:16 I understand.
10:17 We have 611 people as of this morning signed up.
10:21 We know we only had 500 people signed up in the Bay area.
10:25 Yeah.
10:26 And of course, we had 1,700 in San Antonio.
10:29 Our goal is to get closer to around 800 volunteers,
10:33 so if we keep up what we're doing,
10:35 by God's grace
10:36 and with all of 3ABN's support and help,
10:38 we can reach that goal.
10:40 Well, we usually need quite a few dentists.
10:43 How many dentists do you have and how many do you need?
10:47 That's just the thing, we do have the 611 volunteers.
10:51 We have a lot of lay people, a lot of non-medical people
10:54 which we're very excited about.
10:56 In fact, we could have used more of those in San Antonio.
10:57 Yeah, we needed a lot more
10:58 in San Antonio as you guys remember.
11:00 Yes.
11:01 But right now, we have about 24 dentists
11:04 and we'd like to have a lot more,
11:06 and we `also have about...
11:09 How many primary care providers do we have?
11:10 We have 40 physicians right now,
11:14 28 primary care providers,
11:17 but we only have one general surgeon
11:19 and one orthopedist.
11:21 So we really need the sub specialties as well.
11:23 Okay.
11:24 So you need some surgeons and...
11:28 Dentists, and optometrists, and ophthalmologists also.
11:31 Okay.
11:33 The eye care department in particular.
11:34 Yeah, I'm calling out to some of my good friends
11:36 Dr. Dwaine beats, you be sure to be with us,
11:40 I'll be looking for you in Spokane,
11:42 a good friend of mine, a great physician.
11:44 And I know that there are...
11:47 You've got about 24 dentists, but how many could you use?
11:52 We have space for 50 actually.
11:55 We could actually get up to 60, so we could definitely...
11:58 we can definitely use more dentists.
12:00 You can double the number of dentists
12:02 you have and use them.
12:03 Absolutely. Absolutely.
12:06 And our eye care professionals right now,
12:08 we have 5 optometrists and two ophthalmologists,
12:12 and we'd like to get that to ten,
12:14 at least 10 optometrists and maybe 5 ophthalmologists.
12:18 Okay.
12:19 Now did you not mention we were talking
12:21 that one of the local hospitals
12:23 is providing surgical suite for you this time also.
12:27 They've offered it,
12:28 which is a really interesting situation.
12:30 You know, we had CTMC, Central Texas Medical Center,
12:34 which is of course is an Adventist health hospital
12:36 there in San Antonio.
12:38 There aren't any real close Adventist health hospitals,
12:41 although while general,
12:42 we're excited about their participations
12:44 like three hours away, so it's too far.
12:47 But there is a local hospital that's offered that,
12:49 so we would love to increase our surgeons
12:51 and be able to offer that to the,
12:53 you know, surgical unit as well.
12:55 Uh-huh.
12:57 So we have a callout for dentists and surgeons,
13:00 in particular,
13:02 and anyone else who can provide care?
13:04 Right. Absolutely.
13:06 Sometimes it's difficult to get these dentists,
13:08 it's like pulling teeth to get these guys...
13:11 But when they come,
13:14 they're probably the busiest of everyone
13:17 for those with dental care
13:19 because there are so many places
13:20 that do not offer any kind of dental care
13:24 to those who don't have insurance coverage.
13:28 That's true.
13:29 And this is amazing
13:30 because we're not just talking about...
13:32 And there are some homeless people,
13:34 but we're talking about ordinary people
13:38 who just have minimal income,
13:41 barely able to keep food on the table,
13:43 and keep rent,
13:45 and they're just don't have the discretionary money
13:50 to go to a dentist
13:51 or go to have eye glasses,
13:53 and these are two areas that we're in need.
13:57 But, you know, Dr. Chris,
13:58 we watched you do a surgery
14:01 right in the Alamodome,
14:04 and I've got pictures of it.
14:06 I would show it here,
14:07 but I'm afraid that people couldn't handle it.
14:10 But you were doing surgery right there
14:14 and with nothing but just a curtain around,
14:16 you had fairly good light,
14:18 and you had a great assistant.
14:21 Your daughter was helping you, and but there was...
14:25 I wish people could actually see that footage,
14:27 and maybe if we get the courage, sometime,
14:30 well put a few seconds of it on.
14:32 But it was just really impressive to see...
14:38 How many surgeries did they do in the dome there?
14:41 We did... Go ahead.
14:42 About 300 procedures, not just by,
14:46 you know, the surgeons,
14:47 orthopedic surgery was operating.
14:49 Gynecology.
14:50 Gynecology, plastic surgery, dermatology, podiatry.
14:54 There were number of specialty areas
14:57 that were all working on people,
14:59 And, you know, it's been interesting,
15:02 we are still in touch with,
15:04 you know, some of the patients, you know, personally.
15:07 And the impact of the Alamodome experience,
15:11 there in Pathways San Antonio
15:13 is still carrying on with patients
15:16 who had surgical procedures as well as medical care.
15:18 I just got off the phone with Dr. Fiona Linda.
15:21 She's a urogynecologist, remember she is the one
15:23 that was doing the Cystoscopies and Hysteroscopies,
15:25 again, the scopes of the bladder
15:27 and the uterus in the Alamodome,
15:29 which is like unheard of.
15:31 Well, I just got off the phone with her just a little bit ago,
15:34 she's in Europe right now.
15:35 She's arranging with the reps for them
15:37 to bring the same equipment to Spokane
15:40 and to donate a bunch of surgical instruments,
15:43 so Lord willing, we could get more surgeons
15:45 and we can really beef up that really needed service.
15:48 The other thing I just got word of was mammography,
15:52 they wanted the local hospitals
15:53 that's going to be bringing a mammogram machine down,
15:56 and so we can start offering that to our patients as well.
16:00 Wow. You know, I remember a story.
16:03 I don't know if you have any follow up on it,
16:06 probably she's talked to you about it for a little later,
16:08 but do you remember the guy on the boat in the river,
16:13 the river boat guy.
16:14 He was going to have a hernia operation,
16:17 did that happen?
16:20 Yes, he had his hernia operation.
16:22 In fact, if you watch the video
16:27 that is coming out,
16:28 that Carlson and the others are working on,
16:30 that should be released any day now.
16:32 You will see a little bit of footage
16:34 in the operating room there in Central Texas Medical Center.
16:37 And that's one of the individuals did.
16:40 Like I was saying, we're still in contact with,
16:41 in fact...
16:43 I was just...
16:44 He just texted you today, didn't he?
16:48 Chris and he text back and forth,
16:50 he's like his personal doctor long-term.
16:55 You have an adoption there instead of a...
16:56 Yeah.
16:58 But, you know, it was just so amazing.
17:00 You guys made him right on the boat,
17:05 and he told about his need for surgery,
17:07 and he didn't have any insurance,
17:09 and he was working as the guide and the driver of the boat,
17:12 and then you are able to put him together,
17:14 and now the follow up, I think that's just fabulous.
17:17 I do too.
17:18 Let's listen to the follow-up, it gets even better, right?
17:21 Okay.
17:22 He is right now reading the Desire of Ages
17:25 and really enjoying it.
17:26 And he is going to try and make it on Friday night,
17:30 Lord willing, to Mark Finley's opening night there,
17:34 Friday night in San Antonio.
17:37 Yeah. Praise the lord.
17:38 And that's really something 'cause he's been working nights
17:42 driving the boat there,
17:44 so for him to get off and go, that's a miracle.
17:46 Praise the lord.
17:48 Let's pray he can get off,
17:49 he wants to get off and make it doing.
17:50 Yeah.
17:52 We are going to have some more exciting,
17:54 thrilling stories from Spokane
17:58 that we are going to be able to share.
17:59 And this is we will be partners with you
18:03 on each one of these as we possibly can.
18:06 It's with our people standing with us in support,
18:09 that enables us to do this
18:11 because I don't even want to tell you
18:15 how much it costs us
18:16 take our full crew and everybody
18:18 down to San Antonio for that one event.
18:20 We were there just for Pathways,
18:23 and this time,
18:25 we will tie it together with ASI,
18:27 it will cost as quite as much.
18:29 But it's worth every dime of it for our people
18:34 to know what's happening.
18:36 I believe that God is going to use this,
18:38 it's going to mushroom,
18:40 and it's going to take off around the world.
18:44 I'm hoping that we can get some high-profile physicians,
18:48 maybe some people that are in the news
18:51 right now, later on,
18:53 down the road,
18:54 get them involved with us
18:55 so that we are even able to get more public recognition
19:00 so that we could help more people.
19:02 Well, I think we got some time for about one more quick story
19:06 if you got another experience to share with us.
19:09 I'd just like to read something.
19:11 This is something that was written,
19:13 it wasn't written to me,
19:15 but he was okay with me sharing it.
19:18 This is an experience conveyed by one of the dentists
19:22 that attended in San Antonio.
19:24 There were so many stories from the volunteers,
19:27 one dentist said,
19:28 "I've been practicing dentistry for 35 years,
19:31 and I've never prayed with my patient,
19:33 and I'm going back to my practice
19:36 to make up for last time."
19:37 Well, this is one that's even more powerful.
19:40 This is written by dentist
19:42 surely after leaving San Antonio.
19:44 He writes, "What a week.
19:46 This was such a life-changing experience for me.
19:49 I feel like I have a different direction
19:51 in my life now."
19:53 And then he thanks the person that invited him to come.
19:55 He says, "Thank you and Barb
19:56 for letting me know of this ministry,
19:58 it has blessed me so much."
20:01 So that's one of the dentists that was there in San Antonio.
20:04 And that's the kind of experiences
20:07 that many of the volunteers were conveying that they had.
20:10 One person said
20:11 this has changed my life forever,
20:13 one person said,
20:14 "This has made me a different person."
20:16 And I'm just thankful for what God is doing
20:19 through this ministry,
20:21 and I'm thankful for what 3ABN is doing
20:23 to help us let people know about this ministry.
20:25 And the neat thing about that is that they can...
20:28 what we are going to do in Spokane
20:30 is people are going to learn,
20:31 how they cannot just do it at the big events
20:33 'cause we all want to work together
20:35 and do these big events,
20:36 but when we go home, we can continue this as well.
20:40 And so we are going to be launching that,
20:42 and we are so excited to,
20:43 again, be partnering with you, 3ABN.
20:45 We love working with you.
20:47 Well, thank you, and we hope
20:49 we can get that information across
20:53 to some of the local churches so that they can start
20:56 to do this new program you're talking about
20:59 that Elder Wilson has inspired you to do
21:02 where we pull it down to down
21:04 where it can be done also by a local church.
21:07 Just one quick question before we go on this event,
21:10 now we called the San Antonio, Minnesota,
21:12 the Cadillac of the Super Bowl, you had a lot of volunteers,
21:17 you've acquired other people
21:19 who did not have necessarily medical training
21:23 or expertise to offer,
21:24 but they just wanted to be a part
21:26 to do whatever they could, to lift, to carry, to wash,
21:28 to sweep, to build up, tear down.
21:31 Are you still looking for those kinds of people also?
21:34 And are those kinds of ancillary things
21:35 still necessary to the overall,
21:38 you know, scheme of what we are trying to do?
21:40 Absolutely, absolutely.
21:41 We could use hundreds more
21:44 of those kinds of non-medical people
21:45 because their services are absolutely vital.
21:48 Without them, there would be no event.
21:50 All right.
21:51 So we can definitely use them all.
21:53 All right, so then your contact,
21:54 where would you give your contact information?
21:56 And here's how they can contact you.
21:58 Yes.
22:00 If they will go to www.PathwayToHealth,
22:05 all one word,,
22:08 www.Pathway
22:12 All right. Very good.
22:14 And we need all kinds of volunteers
22:17 but especially dentists and surgeons,
22:20 but anyone can be used by God
22:25 as a volunteer in Spokane.
22:28 Thank you so much for joining us.
22:29 Thank you. Thank you, guys.
22:32 We'll see you.
22:35 Well, a fantastic roll right here
22:36 a great Skype there with Pastor Jim and Pastor CA
22:39 and the doctors Chris and Lela Lewis,
22:41 you know, when there they put out there
22:43 what their need is
22:45 and what an opportunity we all have,
22:46 I'm not a doctor or a nurse, but we can pray.
22:49 And if not, we can also support financially as well,
22:51 I know that's always a blessing.
22:52 But what tremendous work these two doctors are doing.
22:57 And I don't even know
22:58 if the sacrifice is the right word,
22:59 but it's a burning desire in their heart to help others,
23:02 and it just comes through when you meet them,
23:03 just on fire, go getter type of people
23:06 and just doing a great work for the Lord.
23:08 Now we have a guest, but I don't think guest
23:09 is the right term 'cause he's actually our boss,
23:12 we have the president...
23:13 He is our boss.
23:14 And you just saw him on the Skype interview.
23:16 That's right.
23:17 Yeah, and we have Elder Gilley with us.
23:18 We are glad that you are here with us, Elder Gilley.
23:20 This is weird because it feels like
23:21 you should be here and we should be there.
23:23 I'm very comfortable here. But the Lord is our boss.
23:27 He is the only one who is our boss,
23:30 and the rest of us, we're team, we work together as a team.
23:34 And we have different positions,
23:37 but every position on the team is extremely important.
23:40 I got a call from Dr. Chris just this week
23:44 after we shot the program originally last week,
23:47 and he was excited,
23:49 we've had a tremendous response.
23:51 But they still need general volunteers,
23:54 they can use them, but more specifically,
23:57 they still have a great need for dentists and surgeons.
24:02 So if you fall into that category,
24:05 please get in touch with them.
24:07 And you can talk to them,
24:08 there are a lot of different questions,
24:10 I don't know,
24:11 I mentioned something about surgeries,
24:12 so what about liability, they can answer that.
24:14 Yeah, that's good. There is coverage.
24:16 I'm not going to try to explain it.
24:18 They will explain it to you, so you contact them.
24:22 But you're in good hands if you are a surgeon.
24:24 And by the way,
24:25 I mentioned when we were talking to CA
24:27 that I had footage
24:29 which I have got three different sets,
24:31 I got four actually sets on my iPhone
24:34 a footage from that surgery that I witnessed,
24:38 it took place right on the floor,
24:40 right behind the curtains.
24:42 You said it would make us squeamish.
24:43 And there are dozens of surgeries going on.
24:44 But you said in the Skype, it would make us squeamish,
24:46 so does this going to make me squeamish?
24:48 In the one that I had would. Okay.
24:51 It made me feel that way,
24:53 but I have a different segment of another one.
24:56 That kind of gives you the feel of it,
25:00 it shows you what's happening in the surgical basis.
25:03 So that is you with your iPhone.
25:04 I'm behind the doctor.
25:06 You can see my good friend CA Murray,
25:08 he's filming on the other side,
25:10 that camera he has
25:11 works not only as a still camera
25:13 but also a movie camera or video.
25:16 You can see that he's got the curtains around him.
25:18 That's right.
25:19 And I think you just got a glimpse of the surgery
25:24 taking place in that room.
25:26 I wanted to do that so that you can kind of get the feel,
25:31 this is almost like doing a surgery
25:33 out on the field of battle almost.
25:35 Yes.
25:37 I had one surgeon tell me, "I love this," he said,
25:41 "I don't have to do
25:42 all the stuff I do at the hospital,
25:44 all the paper work I have to do.
25:46 I don't have to do all that.
25:48 I just walk into that room,
25:50 and boom, I do a surgery."
25:53 Now this is where the minor surgeries are done.
25:55 Absolutely.
25:57 There in the dome,
25:58 or in the auditorium as it will be in Spokane.
26:02 The major surgeries, they have a hospital set up.
26:08 They had used Adventist health system
26:10 in San Antonio up the road a little away.
26:14 And there they have another hospital set up
26:18 there in Spokane where they do
26:20 the real major surgery type things.
26:22 But this is exciting. It really is.
26:24 It is. It's very exciting.
26:25 We want to make sure we put up that website
26:28 so that you can contact, at home.
26:30 If you're interested,
26:31 if you are a surgeon especially or a dentist,
26:34 or if you know someone who is,
26:36 or if would like to be a general volunteer,
26:38 you go to... it's on the screen now,
26:44 There's a red arrow at the top of the website,
26:46 you click on that, it immediately takes you in
26:49 where you can start entering in your information
26:51 and you can sign up, and that is exciting
26:54 'cause to me, Greg, when we do this, it's health,
26:57 but it's connecting the medical message,
27:00 the health message with the gospel,
27:03 and they are doing follow-up meetings as well
27:05 in San Antonio, aren't they, right now?
27:07 Absolutely.
27:08 Mark Finley, Elder Mark Finley,
27:10 and they've had a tremendous response
27:12 because of Pathway to Health coming to the meetings,
27:15 and so that's neat because not only
27:17 were they helped physically but spiritually,
27:19 an ultimately, that's what our goal is.
27:21 And so praise the Lord for that.
27:22 They are doing follow-up to the Pathway health event
27:25 and doing the evangelism as well,
27:27 which is just awesome to see.
27:28 Amen.
27:30 Well, this is a short program, it was just half an hour.
27:32 We wanted to bring to you the need to volunteer,
27:36 the need to let your friends know
27:39 about this upcoming, exciting event
27:41 in Spokane, Washington.
27:43 It's August 3 and 4,
27:46 mark your calendars, go sign up.
27:48 You will be changed.
27:49 It is a life-changing incredible opportunity.
27:53 Our time is gone.
27:54 Until we see you next time,
27:56 know that we love you that we pray for you
27:58 and we covet your prayers as well.
28:00 Bye-bye.


Revised 2019-01-28