
The Vision Continues

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Jim Gilley (Host), Bruce Fjarli, Mollie Steenson


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000030

00:10 You know the most exciting thing, Danny,
00:12 is how God continues to work in this ministry.
00:15 Absolutely, absolutely.
00:17 After almost 30 years, miracles still keep coming.
00:21 And you know, you told me recently that
00:24 there are bigger miracles today
00:25 than they were even 30 years ago.
00:27 It has to be. The needs are so much bigger.
00:29 Yeah.
00:31 We were starting, you know, infancy,
00:32 but whatever the need is, God supplies that need,
00:36 so whether it's small or whether it's big.
00:39 But He does it like I heard a preacher say one time,
00:42 we have Bruce Fjarli over here.
00:44 Bruce, I'll introduce you and Mollie Steenson.
00:46 I heard a preacher one time.
00:48 He was preaching and he said
00:49 they were building on huge addition
00:51 and he said,
00:52 "Folks, we have all the good news,
00:54 we got all the money we need."
00:56 And all the people were excited,
00:57 praising the Lord.
00:59 He said, "The bad news, it's still in your pockets"
01:01 And all of a sudden, they got quiet,
01:02 and he said "Boy, you got quiet now."
01:05 But no, the good news is God is in control,
01:08 but He allows us to help in the ministry.
01:13 It can be financially, maybe prayerfully,
01:15 so many ways that we can help.
01:17 Some can go and tell,
01:18 and others can support those who go and tell.
01:21 You know, Danny,
01:23 one of the things you've talked about is eating an elephant
01:25 which we only do as an illustration.
01:28 But one bite at a time. Yeah, yeah.
01:31 Sure.
01:32 And we began some projects about three years ago.
01:36 All of a sudden,
01:38 we had about 150 of our low-power stations
01:42 that were all having to be converted to digital.
01:46 Which is expensive.
01:47 About $50,000 a station average.
01:52 Now when you take 150 stations,
01:54 you just take 100 so that we only had to do 100.
01:57 That's five million dollars. I know.
01:59 We figured it's was going to take about
02:01 $7.5 million to do this.
02:05 We did not have that money.
02:09 I'll be honest with you.
02:10 I lay awake at night just wondering
02:12 how we're going to do this
02:14 'cause if we didn't do it within a certain time,
02:15 you lost them.
02:17 But you know,
02:18 God has provided that one station at a time
02:22 until we are almost finished with all those conversations.
02:27 Praise the Lord. Amen.
02:29 And we still have to operate it.
02:30 It takes us about $1.2 million every single month
02:35 from those who give $50 a month, $100 a month,
02:39 whatever they give to keep the lights on as we say,
02:42 which means literally keeping us on the air.
02:47 So what we do on some of these projects
02:50 has to be over and above, Danny,
02:52 what people normally give.
02:53 We don't just shift that which we give to a project
02:57 if we're giving $100 a month, then if we're doing a project,
03:00 we want to be a part of that, Bruce,
03:02 we have to do something over and above
03:04 what we are normally giving.
03:06 So we saw that take place, and we're praising God today.
03:09 Amen.
03:11 We're saying, "Lord, our faith is sometimes so small
03:14 but you are so gracious
03:16 that you have filled these needs."
03:19 Now there was another thing we needed to do
03:22 and that was to go tapeless.
03:24 Tapeless conversion.
03:25 Now that has firstly been completed.
03:27 All the money has been spent.
03:29 There's a little bit of the work
03:30 that's still being done
03:31 'cause it takes a little time so that project...
03:34 And that was an expensive, something like $2 million.
03:38 And so that has been done.
03:40 In addition, all of a sudden,
03:43 one day just before the end of the year,
03:45 a little over a year ago,
03:47 Moses calls me and he says we have an opportunity
03:51 to buy some high-definition cameras.
03:55 Now we are not high-definition yet,
03:57 but we had a chance to buy these cameras, Danny,
04:00 at an unbelievably low price.
04:04 And he said, "What should we do?
04:06 We've got to let them know within..."
04:07 And he just gave me like 20 minutes.
04:10 And we prayed and we said, "Let's do it,"
04:14 and we bought those cameras.
04:16 Now we're going to be moving,
04:19 and we'll tell you about that in a few moments,
04:21 towards high-definition.
04:22 What was one of the other projects, Mollie?
04:25 We needed to complete the control room
04:28 at our worship center.
04:29 All right.
04:30 And the other one was a storage building.
04:32 The storage building. These were five major projects.
04:36 And it was two or three years ago
04:38 at the board meeting that you went over these.
04:40 Five major projects that we have to complete.
04:43 Right.
04:44 And so we're looking back, this is a praise to God.
04:47 If we just thank God and you for your support
04:50 because that building is finished.
04:52 The storage building is done.
04:54 Beautiful building, completely climate-controlled,
04:57 beautiful storage situation,
05:00 we do all of our shipping out of there now,
05:02 and all of our inventory, and so forth.
05:05 So that has been done.
05:07 Now we're halfway through what needs to be done
05:11 on converting the worship center control room.
05:15 We need...
05:17 That's about a million-dollar project.
05:18 We need about $500,000 more to finish that.
05:23 We have some of the equipment, Danny.
05:24 We have a board.
05:29 It's high-definition.
05:31 I mean it is state of the art.
05:34 It's actually too big to put in the truck they said,
05:37 but it's just right for the control room there.
05:41 And then we've got several other components
05:43 that we're going to do.
05:45 Yeah, those were cameras. We have the cameras.
05:47 We need some more lenses for those cameras,
05:50 High-Def lenses.
05:51 So that's about another half a million dollars
05:53 that we need to finish up that control room.
05:57 Now when we do production now, and I'm talking too much,
06:01 Danny, so bump in here.
06:03 Go ahead.
06:04 But when we do a production now,
06:06 we have to bring our truck up and hook it up there
06:10 in order to do production in the worship center
06:14 or to tape into the Kids Time programs
06:17 or anything that happens in the Kids studio there.
06:21 We want to be able to take and do taping there
06:26 while the truck is on the road
06:28 because right now we can't, right?
06:30 Absolutely.
06:32 And so how can we raise
06:35 the expectations of our people
06:39 so that we can actually meet those demands, Danny.
06:44 Well, I think going to the Lord and prayer,
06:46 getting on our knees,
06:47 we had a prayer here before we start,
06:49 and just asking you to do the same thing.
06:52 You pray and ask the Holy Spirit
06:53 what He would have you to do.
06:55 And some of you say,
06:56 "You know, I can't do anything."
06:57 Well, then don't do anything.
06:59 I'm sure that God has got you doing something somewhere.
07:02 So wherever the Holy Spirit is impressing you...
07:05 But some of you maybe just like us.
07:07 3ABN's been around for almost 30 years
07:09 so we just take it for granted.
07:11 SIU University has been down here
07:13 ever since I've been a kid.
07:15 Southern Illinois,
07:16 I don't think about supporting it
07:17 'cause it's always going to be there,
07:19 when I'm dead and gone, it'll be there.
07:20 But 3ABN's not that way because we're not part of the,
07:24 you know, physically the Adventist Church
07:27 or legally we're an independent self-supporting ministry.
07:31 So the only way we survive is by those
07:34 the Lord impresses to donate.
07:36 So this is something we're no longer...
07:38 We're not considered an institution
07:40 after 25 years are here,
07:42 people think you're an institution,
07:44 whatever you call it, but we still have needs.
07:46 But we've always said from the beginning,
07:48 we never want to beg for funds.
07:50 We won't borrow money, beg for money,
07:52 we don't want to do those things.
07:54 And so the Lord has always blessed,
07:56 but He's done it through His people.
07:59 And so today, we're here.
08:00 I wanted to talk to Bruce for just a minute.
08:02 Bruce Fjarli, you and, of course,
08:04 your dad was on the board for years,
08:05 your family, your mother, Joy,
08:06 and they had been great supporters,
08:08 and you've been on the board for some years.
08:11 And I thought I'd maybe ask you,
08:12 your family has supported financially, not only 3ABN,
08:15 but building churches
08:17 around the world with Maranatha.
08:19 And about from a giving aspect,
08:21 tell us what it does for your own life
08:24 when you give and support the Lord's work.
08:26 I never miss the money I gave to 3ABN.
08:29 Wow.
08:30 I never miss the money I gave to the Lord's work.
08:34 And the reason we like to give to 3ABN and the Maranatha
08:39 is because it's the best bang for the buck that we can find.
08:43 Wow.
08:44 You guys don't run a flamboyant ship here.
08:47 You're not making foolish things happen,
08:52 and squandering the money around.
08:54 You find projects that need to be done
08:57 to further the gospel around the world.
08:59 And we like watching that and helping with that.
09:03 And I would encourage the people at home
09:06 to continue to give to 3ABN
09:08 because they're not under the umbrella
09:10 of a large organization,
09:12 it's a self-supporting ministry,
09:14 and we're the ones that get the blessing for helping 3ABN.
09:18 God says, "Lay up your treasures in heaven,
09:21 not here on earth,
09:23 where moth and rust can corrode and they go away."
09:28 We don't need the money.
09:30 God needs our giving spirit to help with this ministry.
09:34 It's great we're going HD.
09:36 That'll give us the opportunities
09:37 to get on the cable stations.
09:40 And I would, again, encourage everyone to give,
09:44 and remember, it's a continual thing,
09:47 it's not just a onetime offering.
09:48 But it's a great place to do something for Jesus,
09:52 do something for your salvation,
09:54 not that you can buy it,
09:56 but He will bless you
09:58 abundantly more than you can ever ask or think.
10:00 All right. Praise the Lord. That's right.
10:02 Mollie, so you've been here how many years?
10:04 20 some odd?
10:06 Well, I'm in my 20th year now.
10:07 Okay.
10:09 And the things that are happening today,
10:10 are they more exciting than in the beginning?
10:13 You know, Danny, they are more exciting,
10:15 and I was talking with someone about this the other day.
10:18 The way it seems like we measure the miracles
10:20 around here are the finances because that's measurable.
10:24 You can determine that by looking at
10:26 what comes in and what goes out
10:28 and what the need is.
10:30 But that's not the greatest miracle of this ministry
10:33 and I know that you all know that,
10:34 the greatest miracles are the letters that we get,
10:38 and the emails that we receive, and the phone calls we receive
10:41 were souls that have come out of darkness and into light.
10:44 People have made Jesus Christ the Lord of their life.
10:46 They've come into new truth that have picked them up
10:49 and just catapulted them closer to the Kingdom of God,
10:53 into the heart of God.
10:55 And we know those are the true miracles.
10:57 That's the whole purpose for this ministry
10:59 to exist in the first place.
11:02 So we don't want it to sound like
11:03 we're looking at miracles with the finances
11:06 but someone said the...
11:08 I was talking with Shawn Boonstra
11:10 on the phone just a few minutes ago,
11:12 and he said, you know,
11:13 people say that we shouldn't maybe charge
11:16 for the CDs and DVDs and that sort of things,
11:19 the gospel ought to be free,
11:20 and he said the gospel message is free.
11:23 But, boy, it takes a lot of money
11:25 to get that gospel message up and out.
11:27 So we don't want to measure our miracles that way.
11:30 That is just a measuring stick that we have
11:33 that we can use to see how God provides.
11:37 Absolutely.
11:38 And to me, you've already said it,
11:40 but it's about the souls that are coming to the Lord.
11:43 And we don't go...
11:45 For instance, we don't want to go High-Def.
11:47 I didn't want to go high-definition, did you?
11:49 We don't really want to do these things,
11:51 but in order to keep up and, in fact, by law,
11:54 our stations, we had to...
11:56 When we upgrade, you know, we have to do that.
12:00 But nowadays, not only if you don't have to...
12:03 It's not just because we have to
12:05 but to keep up when people turn on a channel,
12:07 Bruce, and they can barely see us
12:09 versus some other channel on High-Def,
12:11 guess what they are going to watch.
12:12 Yeah.
12:14 So it's all something that we do.
12:15 But growth, in everything, every period of our life,
12:17 there's growth, whether it's spiritual growth,
12:20 and hopefully from physical growth
12:21 when we're growing up, mental growth,
12:23 all of these things, and it's the same way
12:25 when you start a little baby.
12:26 This is a baby.
12:28 And God has birthed it.
12:29 And as it grows, it continues to grow.
12:31 We're going to go through changes.
12:32 We're going to continue to go,
12:34 and God blesses every bit of that.
12:36 But the end result is there's not more buildings.
12:39 We don't want to build a bigger building,
12:41 you know, who wants to build a bigger building?
12:43 Well, we needed to because why?
12:45 To fulfill your orders from the call center,
12:47 that when you're ordering the products
12:49 that are going out to be witnessing tools,
12:51 evangelistic tools around the world,
12:54 we got to have a place to store those and move them.
12:56 Hopefully, they don't sit long.
12:58 But it's all of that is just growth.
13:00 And that's a praise report, that's a two hander.
13:02 So when we come to you, we're not discouraged,
13:05 and, boy, we need a million dollars,
13:07 you know, to do all of this, Jim,
13:09 we're excited about it.
13:11 Praise God.
13:12 When there's a need God, where God guides, He provides.
13:15 And He's going to do that absolutely,
13:17 no doubt in our minds.
13:19 Oh, yes.
13:20 But we want to give you the opportunity
13:21 because you ask us about it,
13:23 "How's things going on at 3ABN?"
13:24 Everywhere I travel, "How's things going?
13:27 How are you doing financially?"
13:28 Well, we're here, that's why
13:30 we can do these kind of programs,
13:31 and we have a few minutes here to talk to you about it.
13:33 So we want to thank you for your love and your prayers
13:36 and financial support of 3ABN.
13:39 This is going into our 30th year,
13:40 maybe some of you, if you've never given anything,
13:43 maybe you want to give $30 a month for one year,
13:45 we're not going to make you sign a pledge
13:47 or do any of that.
13:48 We just want to thank you in advance
13:50 for what you do for the cause of God.
13:52 Amen. You know, Danny, I'm excited.
13:54 We already have $200,000 gift,
13:57 and towards this million dollars
13:59 that needs to be raised.
14:01 We'll be talking to you more about it.
14:03 So please be praying about what you can do
14:06 to be a part of sending the gospel
14:09 around the world.
14:11 Amen.


Revised 2019-01-28