

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Benjamin Middleton, Ryan St. Hillaire


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000028

00:12 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
00:15 but mighty in God
00:17 for the pulling down of strongholds.
00:20 We do not wrestle against flesh and blood
00:23 but against principalities, against powers,
00:26 against the rulers of darkness of this age.
00:31 Do not be conformed to this world
00:33 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
00:38 Physical training is of some value
00:40 but Godliness has value for all things.
00:45 The Ephesians 6 tells that
00:47 we're in the middle of a huge war.
00:49 That enemy is subjected to you in His name.
00:52 You will be amazed at the power of truth in your life.
00:56 Warplans.
01:11 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation.
01:16 We've all heard, they said before,
01:18 but what does it really mean to be in Christ?
01:21 And what is this new creation,
01:24 this new identity that we're given?
01:27 In a war, if we don't know our identity,
01:30 what side we're on and what our role and rank is,
01:34 we won't know what to do or how to engage and fight.
01:40 The colors on a soldier uniform designate his side.
01:44 The insignia on a soldier's uniform designate his rank.
01:48 When a high ranking officer walks
01:50 into a room full of soldiers, guess what happens?
01:54 But we see this everyday.
01:56 Let's have a contest between a police officer
01:59 in a uniform verses a random dude on the street.
02:03 Both of them walk out into the street
02:06 and raise their hand in a stopping motion.
02:09 What happens?
02:10 People might stop
02:11 for the random dude on the street,
02:13 but mostly it depends on how random the random dude is.
02:17 Now wait, let's just say that the random dude
02:21 on the street actually is a police officer.
02:26 He could walk out on to the street to direct traffic
02:29 and people still might ignore him,
02:31 because he's not in uniform.
02:34 You see, he hasn't asserted his identity
02:37 as a police officer.
02:40 Our identity as Christians
02:42 is sort of like the officers uniform,
02:45 only what we wear is more than just a uniform.
02:49 It's a whole new creation
02:51 and it commands respect in a realm
02:54 that we can't see with the human eyes.
02:57 "Put on Christ," the bible says,
03:00 "for we are all sons of God,
03:03 through faith, in Christ Jesus."
03:05 This is our identity.
03:09 But how do we put on, or take an identity
03:12 that is a person.
03:15 Well, I can tell you what it doesn't mean.
03:18 There's a story in the Bible about
03:20 some not so lucky people who tried to put on Christ,
03:24 thinking it was just a uniform they could wear.
03:28 Unfortunately, in the spiritual realm,
03:31 a uniform doesn't command respect in itself.
03:36 In the book of Acts, some dudes called
03:38 the son's Sceva, tried to cast out demons,
03:42 saying, we exorcise you
03:44 by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.
03:48 Wait, the Jesus whom Paul preaches?
03:51 You mean the Jesus who said that
03:53 we are a part of His body?
03:55 The Jesus who said that we abide in Him and Him in us,
04:00 the Jesus who Paul talked about when he said
04:03 that I know longer live
04:05 but Jesus Christ now lives in me.
04:09 Guys, being the friend of a four star general
04:13 isn't gonna get you a single salute
04:16 when walk into a room
04:18 and it didn't help these guys out either.
04:21 We're told that the demons spoke through man
04:24 and said, Jesus, I know
04:27 and Paul, I know, but who are you?
04:31 And then it says that he leaped on them
04:34 and they ran out of the house, naked and wounded.
04:38 If you're a child of God with Christ dwelling in you,
04:42 the enemy is subjected to you in His name.
04:46 Jesus said to us, I give unto you,
04:50 power to tread upon serpents and scorpions
04:53 and over all the power of the enemy.
04:57 This is why it's so important for us
05:00 to claim and know our identity.
05:04 Now here's the catch, in the same way
05:06 that a soldier can't defect to his enemies camp
05:10 and keep his old uniform insignia
05:13 and objectives, a soldier of Christ
05:16 can't put on his new identity
05:19 if he insist on holding on to his old one.
05:25 So it is with us.
05:27 When we think about our identity,
05:29 we need to consider two things.
05:32 First of all, who and whose we are
05:36 and second of all, who and whose we are not.
05:40 And if we are Christ, then we are not our own
05:44 and we are definitely not the enemies.
05:48 Paul says, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
05:52 and make no provision
05:54 for the flesh to fulfill its lusts."
05:58 The new creation, no longer identifies itself
06:02 with the prince of the power of the air.
06:05 This is why the creation is no just a new uniform.
06:12 So let's make this practical, there are three basics steps
06:16 that we need to put on our new identity.
06:19 They are Claim, Renounce and Live.
06:24 So first, we claim our new identity in Christ,
06:29 search out and believe His promises,
06:33 know that you are child of God,
06:36 justify, redeemed and forgiven.
06:40 Literally, search and learn about
06:43 and memorize who you are in Christ.
06:47 But don't wait until you understand everything
06:50 or feel any different to claim those promises.
06:54 The Bible says that while we were God's enemies,
06:57 we were reconciled to God, through the death of His son.
07:02 You can have your new identity right now.
07:07 Secondly, renounce your old identity,
07:11 don't try to do this as the first step.
07:14 You can't genuinely let go of your old identity
07:18 unless you first have a new one to take on.
07:21 Ask God to show you exactly what this means for you.
07:27 Command the enemy to release you
07:29 from your old way of life.
07:32 Let go of anything that involves the occult
07:35 any lies that you've lived or believed
07:38 and anything that has become more important to you than God.
07:43 Finally, live free, everyday,
07:46 by asking Christ to keep you in Him.
07:50 The war is not over, the enemy will always be
07:55 at your doorstep, to try and find a way
07:57 to entice you back into his camp.
08:01 Everyday, remind yourself
08:04 and the enemy that you are God's.
08:08 Literally, learn and memorize the verses
08:12 that remind you, who you are in Christ,
08:16 believe them, live them and learn to submit to them.
08:21 If you're ready to engage this tactic,
08:24 pray and read this prayer with me.
08:27 Lord Jesus, I accept my identity as a child of God,
08:34 and I claim the authority over all the power of the enemy.
08:40 Bring to my mind anything that does not honor You
08:45 and set me free from the powers that hold me there.
08:49 I believe that he who the Son sets free,
08:53 he is free indeed.
08:56 I ask these things in Your name Jesus,
09:00 because You promised that we can ask anything
09:04 in Your name and You will do it.
09:08 In Jesus name we pray, amen.
09:27 Our habits are like autopilot.
09:29 We are able to make decisions
09:31 and perform tasks without actually thinking about them.
09:34 This can be a most handy feature for our bodies
09:38 because it essentially allows the brains power
09:40 to be redirected to things that are more important.
09:44 Let me give you an example,
09:45 every morning in my senior year,
09:47 I would drive to the university.
09:49 It was about a 20 minute drive.
09:51 My mind wasn't thinking about driving,
09:53 I was thinking about my schedule,
09:55 my appointments, what classes I had,
09:57 when they started, when they ended,
09:59 what other things I might have to do through out the day.
10:01 Meanwhile, my body is performing
10:03 pretty complex tasks, turning left, turning right,
10:06 merging into traffic, speeding up, slowing down.
10:09 All of these things that are very important
10:11 but it's not requiring any brain power of mine.
10:14 Now who does that work?
10:15 This is how habits work. It's called autopilot.
10:18 You don't need to think about it,
10:20 you just do it, it's programmed in.
10:23 But how does autopilot get programmed in?
10:26 It's actually really simple, repeated, conscious action,
10:30 gradually becomes a habit.
10:31 Researches at MIT have found that repeated actions
10:35 create neural patterns in the basal ganglia.
10:38 It's the central core of the brain.
10:40 Each action causes a string of neurons to fire
10:43 and that data is saved into the brain.
10:45 So that the next time you are faced
10:47 with the same decision or a similar one,
10:50 the data of your past actions is retrieved
10:52 and this makes you more likely to repeat
10:55 the last action you performed.
10:59 Imagine you're in a big, wide, open field
11:01 and you want to get from one side to the other.
11:04 The field is filled with tall grass
11:06 and so you're gonna walk alone, trampling the grass down,
11:09 avoiding the thorns and avoiding the rocks
11:12 and get to the other side of the field.
11:14 Now what happens the next time you want to go to that field?
11:17 You take the same pathway that you started,
11:20 trampling down the grass
11:21 and there's not as much resistance.
11:23 Each time you come to the field,
11:24 you're gonna keep on traveling that same pathway.
11:27 And eventually when there's nothing but dirt left,
11:30 you've got a complete pathway.
11:33 You know, the researchers have found that
11:35 not only does your brain store the information about
11:38 the pathway that you traveled
11:40 but it also stores the context of that action.
11:44 This means that even if you create a new habit
11:46 of doing something, if later on you're presented
11:48 with the same context that triggered your old habit,
11:52 you are more likely to return to your old course of action.
11:57 This context can be anything from a location,
12:00 to a group of people, a time of day,
12:03 the type of weather, the seasons or anything else
12:06 that was stored as that scene
12:09 that triggered the habit in your life.
12:12 You see, it's not just about our habits as we may think,
12:15 it's also about the contexts of those habits.
12:18 See the brain does not store this
12:20 as two separate piece of information,
12:22 they're stored together as one piece of data.
12:26 So we need to pay as much attention
12:28 to the things surrounding our habits like environments
12:31 and choices as we pay to the habits themselves,
12:34 if we're really going to change them.
12:35 Because these things are stored together.
12:38 We've just looked at the formation of habits.
12:41 Habits are like the terrain of the war,
12:44 in a war who ever controls the terrain,
12:47 gain's the advantages that that terrain has to offer.
12:51 The terrain can work for you or it can work against you.
12:55 How can it work against you?
12:57 Well, you know your bad habits, better than I do,
13:00 but let's just look at a few common ones.
13:02 When the devil gains hold of this terrain,
13:05 he sets up camp and we get into the habit
13:08 of being angry when things happen that we dislike.
13:11 We can fall into depression over things we don't control,
13:14 we find ourselves struggling with sexual temptation
13:17 and we cant' control our appetite or desires
13:20 what ever it is we want,
13:21 movies, music, video games or food.
13:24 We find ourselves helpless to resist,
13:27 no matter how hard we try to break free,
13:29 seems like that autopilot always kicks in.
13:32 And we always end up falling, where we want to stand.
13:37 Habits can work for us though
13:39 just as easily as they can work against us.
13:41 Let's look at some of the things that can happen,
13:43 when God controls the terrain.
13:45 You can get into the habit of praying all the time,
13:48 especially when a problem arises,
13:50 you can find yourself driven to study the Bible.
13:53 You can find yourself sharing with others,
13:56 without ever having to think about it.
13:58 And you can find yourself loving naturally,
14:00 no matter what happens.
14:03 Remember, that whoever controls this terrain
14:06 gains the advantages of autopilot.
14:09 Now let's make this practical, how can we make sure that
14:12 autopilot works for us and not against us?
14:15 How can we be sure that
14:17 God controls this terrain in our lives?
14:19 A key to remember, is that you won't find success
14:22 attempting to stop a habit.
14:25 Imagine with me that there is this little village
14:28 and this village has a problem because every time it rains,
14:31 the water washing down off the mountains
14:33 and destroys their village.
14:35 So what should they do?
14:36 Should they direct their energy
14:37 and trying to make it stop raining?
14:40 Oh, no, that would be foolish, the better thing to do
14:43 is to redirect that water somewhere else.
14:47 There are four simple steps
14:49 that you can take to change your habits.
14:52 First, find the habit cause,
14:54 if you find yourself habitually doing something,
14:57 ask yourself why are you doing it?
14:58 Search through your memory
15:00 and find the first time you did it.
15:01 And find out why you did it.
15:04 Next, find the context,
15:06 what are the triggers of the habit?
15:08 Is it being alone? Is it being in a crowd?
15:11 Could it be a person or certain type of people?
15:13 Is it your location?
15:15 Is it the time of day or night? Is it even stress related?
15:18 Find those contexts because that data is stored
15:21 right along with the programmed response.
15:24 Stay on the look out because this will be
15:26 your warning mechanism to let you know
15:28 when autopilot is going to kick in.
15:31 And this will allow you to strike first.
15:33 Now third, find a replacement for your habit,
15:36 you'll have exponentially greater success
15:39 if you don't try to stop a habit.
15:42 Find something to do instead,
15:43 find something that will engage that energy
15:46 that's programmed to be spent on autopilot.
15:49 And last, repeat the replacement.
15:52 Habits are formed by repeated, conscience actions.
15:56 After you've found the cause and context,
15:58 what makes you do what you do and why you do it,
16:02 repeat the replacement each time the habit
16:04 is about to kick in.
16:06 Now don't get discourage when you fail,
16:08 find out why you failed,
16:10 and then redouble your efforts to succeed.
16:12 In as little as 30 days,
16:14 you can expect your new habits to take route.
16:18 Just remember to take it once step at a time,
16:20 one day at a time, one choice at a time.
16:24 When it comes to this terrain, the battle will be intense.
16:29 The enemy knows the advantages that he's going to lose
16:32 and he'd rather not lose them, but God is your ally.
16:35 Turn to Him for strength, you can't do this alone
16:39 but your ally has far more experience
16:41 and He can ensure your victory.
16:43 So be on guard, be alert, the war still rages on.
16:48 So plan wisely.
17:03 In the beginning, the world was perfect.
17:06 Now it's not so perfect.
17:09 We know that there was the fall of Satan.
17:12 But what concerns us now is the fall of man.
17:16 How did we become fallen?
17:20 In a war, understanding our
17:23 as well as the enemies disposition,
17:25 that is how and why we got here,
17:29 can help us to renew our loyalties
17:31 and inspire us with purpose.
17:35 In the beginning, Satan told three lies
17:39 but he started within an insinuation
17:42 of the restrictiveness of God,
17:45 a gross misrepresentation of God's character.
17:49 However, it was only a suggestion.
17:52 Has God really said that you shall not eat
17:55 of any of the trees of the garden?
17:58 By stretching the requirement of God
18:00 to something ridiculous, he created in-roads
18:04 to engage Eve in a discussion she was not expecting.
18:09 This was the enemies' perfect intro.
18:13 It's like someone going to a McDonald's employee
18:17 and saying, so I hear you guys kill
18:21 over a million people every year, from heart disease.
18:25 However, this statement isn't true.
18:28 While heart disease actually is the number
18:31 one cause of death for Americans,
18:33 there's actually no direct link between McDonalds and death.
18:38 But now this dude is thinking about the relationship
18:43 between death and McDonald's food.
18:46 There is also no direct link
18:48 between God and restrictiveness,
18:51 yet the devils statement, whether true or not,
18:55 produces a thought never present before.
19:00 It's called inception.
19:03 Normally you wouldn't think about it.
19:06 Now you can stop an incepted idea,
19:09 if you immediately trace the idea back to the source
19:13 and recognize where it came from
19:15 but if you don't, it becomes your very own thoughts.
19:21 Remember what the serpents said,
19:23 has God really said that you should not eat
19:27 of any of the trees in the garden?
19:30 If Eve gave that comment even a second thought,
19:33 boom, inception.
19:37 There is a possibility that God is restrictive, consider it.
19:43 But check this out.
19:44 Eve had to engage in conversation
19:47 with the enemy for him to plant that idea.
19:51 And here's the killer,
19:52 interaction leads to influence,
19:56 whether we recognize that there are lies there or not.
19:59 You see, the serpent didn't start off
20:01 with a full bred lie right away, he planted seed.
20:07 So let's recap on what's happening here,
20:09 there was this tree right, this tree was called
20:13 the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
20:17 If you think about it, even today,
20:19 evil is never really a pure bred evil.
20:23 It's usually mixed up with something
20:25 that's mostly good.
20:27 So this girl walks up to the tree of the knowledge
20:30 of good in evil and she stands there,
20:33 looking and listening.
20:35 And the longer she stands there,
20:37 the more she begins lusting over the knowledge of evil.
20:42 She starts desiring a new experience,
20:46 an experience outside of what God gave her.
20:50 As though this experience could somehow offer
20:53 some sort of fulfillment.
20:55 Guys, this tree is not where the answers or at.
21:01 Being following means we have a disposition
21:04 to lust over the knowledge of evil.
21:08 But the knowledge of evil can never fulfill
21:11 the desires of our heart.
21:13 God tells us, through the prophet Jeremiah,
21:16 my people have committed two sins.
21:19 They have forsaken me, the spring of living water
21:23 and they have dug their own cisterns,
21:26 broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
21:30 So let's make this practical, we need to choose to recognize
21:34 that sin is something that starts in the mind,
21:38 as a thought or a feeling.
21:41 But their thoughts and feelings
21:42 that originated with the father of lies,
21:46 these thoughts and feelings
21:48 develop into a desire for the knowledge of evil.
21:52 The more we contemplate them, the stronger they become.
21:56 We are already fallen
21:58 and it will seem as though are very minds will lie to us.
22:03 We're told in Genesis 3,
22:05 that Eve is saw the tree was good for food,
22:09 that it was pleasant to the eyes
22:11 and a tree desirable to make one lie.
22:14 And then, she took of its fruit and ate,
22:18 she also gave to her husband with her and he ate.
22:22 But how many of those things were actually true?
22:26 It may have been pleasant to the eyes
22:28 and it may have given her some nutrition
22:31 but did it make her any wiser to sin against God?
22:37 You see, the devil caused Eve to fall,
22:40 through her appetite
22:42 and he does the same thing to us, today.
22:47 We see something that promises joy
22:49 and in our minds we think, dude, my lust is all over that.
22:55 But after we get it, if we really think about it,
22:59 did that thing make us a better person?
23:02 Did it bring us any closer to God?
23:05 Did it benefit us in any way
23:07 that will have eternal consequences?
23:11 Sin has not benefited this world one bit.
23:17 Unfortunately, as the fallen, that's exactly where our hearts
23:21 and our minds are set.
23:24 But we can stand,
23:26 we can stand by asking God to help us to recognize
23:30 and to reject any thoughts that contradict His character.
23:36 Don't reason with these thoughts,
23:38 just turn away from the tree.
23:41 Set your eyes on Christ and keep them there.
23:45 Simply trust His word, that what He says
23:48 and what He's already given us, is best.
23:52 No improvements or modifications are necessary.
23:57 "May God himself, the God of peace,
24:00 sanctify you through and through.
24:03 May your whole spirit, soul and body
24:07 be kept blameless at the coming of our lord Jesus Christ."
24:28 You cannot walk in a straight line,
24:31 it's actually been scientifically proven.
24:33 A group of scientist got together
24:34 and did a series of experiments to determine
24:37 whether or not people are capable
24:38 of walking in straight lines.
24:40 Guess what they found out?
24:42 We can't.
24:44 They took a group of test subjects
24:45 and they blindfolded each one of them individually
24:48 and told them all they had to do
24:50 was walking a straight line for about an hour.
24:53 Let's see what happens.
24:54 The first guy goes off kind of straight
24:57 and starts to deviate, wander around in circles.
25:00 The second person does something very similar,
25:03 they tired even a third person from a different location
25:06 and the third person got just as lost as the rest.
25:09 Nobody could stay in a straight line.
25:13 So what's the problem?
25:15 Does it have something to do
25:16 with being right handed or left handed
25:19 or may be one leg short than the other leg?
25:21 No, none of those.
25:22 Actually the answer is very simple,
25:24 we cannot walk straight
25:26 unless we have an external reference point.
25:29 We need something external to tell where we are,
25:32 we need something like sunlight
25:34 or may be the stars or the mountain or some trees
25:37 to let us know where we are.
25:38 Without these external guides,
25:40 we're doomed to wander around in circles.
25:44 People have been testing this for at least 60 years
25:46 and they always come to the same conclusion.
25:49 They've tested people walking, they've had people swimming,
25:52 even have people blind folded driving
25:55 and they always go around in circles.
25:58 The conclusion remains the same,
26:00 without some kind of light or some kind of landmark
26:03 or even some kind of compass,
26:05 we always wander around in circles.
26:08 We need something that doesn't move or change,
26:12 we need a truth.
26:15 And now just like we wander around in this physical world
26:18 if we don't a guide,
26:20 the same thing is true in the spiritual world.
26:23 Ephesian 6 tells us that
26:25 we're in the middle of our huge war
26:27 against the powers of darkness
26:29 and it tells us the first thing that we need to make sure that
26:31 we have is the belt of truth.
26:35 Now what is the truth?
26:36 Jesus said in John 17,
26:39 "Sanctify them through your truth,
26:42 your word is truth."
26:45 Hebrew 4:12 says
26:47 "For the word of God is alive and active.
26:50 Sharper than any double-edged sword,
26:53 it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
26:57 joint and marrow.
26:58 It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
27:03 Now the word "judges" here is translated
27:05 from the Greek word "kritikos", this means that the word
27:08 is able to critically evaluate our thoughts and feelings.
27:13 The truth tells us whether or not
27:16 what we are feeling or whether or not
27:18 what we are thinking is in harmony
27:20 with what God has said.
27:22 The truth of what God said
27:24 must supersede our own ability to perceive our reality.
27:29 And you know, there's a story that
27:30 perfectly illustrates this, the children of Israel
27:32 are headed for the Promise Land
27:34 and they end up down by the red sea.
27:36 Just take a look at it.
27:38 As you remember, red sea is in front of them,
27:40 cliffs on two sides and Pharoah's army
27:42 coming up behind them to destroy them.
27:45 But God works a miracle and He sends a wall of fire
27:49 between Pharoah's army and children of Israel
27:51 and then He parts the red sea, so that the children of Israel
27:55 can cross through on dry ground.
27:59 Now what can we learned form this?
28:02 One major thing that we need to realize,
28:04 is that we cannot rely on our senses,
28:07 our feelings and our logic.
28:09 The truth is that God's Word does not change
28:13 and so we need to rely upon His word
28:16 rather than our ability to perceive.
28:19 The truth is that nature will turn out of its course
28:23 before God's word would ever become untrue.
28:26 Now let's make this practical,
28:28 we know that the truth is a very valuable ammunition
28:30 or weapon to have in this war, but how useful is it?
28:34 And how do we use it?
28:35 The truth is that it's a very special weapon
28:38 because our enemy is not only a liar
28:41 but he's the father of lies.
28:43 Jesus said that knowing the truth would set us free.
28:47 So when we know the truth, we're able to see the lies
28:49 for what they are and not be deceived by them.
28:52 But knowing the truth is not enough,
28:54 we need to know how to use the truth.
28:58 Let's look at four things that we can do to use
29:00 this weapon in our next battle.
29:02 Now we know that the Word of God is truth,
29:04 so the first thing you can do is start reading
29:07 the Word of God.
29:09 Search for passages that relate directly
29:12 to the struggle you face.
29:14 For me I know, I struggled a lot
29:15 with trusting God supply my needs,
29:17 so I can look in my Bible concordance,
29:19 or I can look on my Bible on my phone
29:22 or even on appliable on a website
29:24 to find verses that relate directly
29:26 to what I'm struggling with, verses like,
29:29 my God shall supply all of your needs
29:31 according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
29:36 Next, memorize the truth about your struggle.
29:40 Find those verses and start memorizing them.
29:42 Internalize them so that when you're facing a struggle
29:46 you can call them to mind easily.
29:48 I could start memorizing verses from Psalm 107,
29:51 which talks about how much we can depend on God,
29:54 no matter how desperate our situations may be.
29:58 Third, immerse yourself in the truth,
30:01 the first two points have looked at
30:03 how we can know the truth from the Word of God.
30:06 Immerse of yourself in the Word of God
30:08 and also find other reinforcements of the truth,
30:11 listen to songs with lyrics that remind you
30:14 of the truth about your struggle,
30:16 read stories and biographies of people
30:19 who have struggled with what you struggle with
30:21 and find out how they got their victory,
30:23 and share with people
30:24 who can be an encouragement to you.
30:26 In short, make your environment one
30:29 that reminds you about the truth
30:31 regarding your struggle.
30:33 Finally, claim the truth when you face a struggle.
30:37 Our first three points are focused on
30:38 getting the truth into your mind,
30:41 once it's in there, use it.
30:43 Whenever you go into that battle with the enemy,
30:45 pull the truth out, use it, depend on it
30:48 and you will find victory.
30:51 All of these things are imperative,
30:54 if you don't know the truth, you can't use the truth
30:57 and these things may sound kind of simple
30:59 but if you actually do them, you will be amazed
31:02 at the power of truth in your life.
31:05 Again, search for passages
31:07 that directly relate to your struggle.
31:10 Memorize the truth about your struggle,
31:13 immerse yourself in the truth and claim the truth,
31:17 when you faced the struggle and you will find victory.
31:22 Whenever we are faced with situations
31:24 and we don't know whether to side with our logic
31:27 or our feeling or our senses,
31:30 remember, the truth of God Word is the only reliable source,
31:34 so rely upon the truth, the war isn't over.
31:38 So plan wisely.


Revised 2015-05-06