
Liberty: Before Kings

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lincoln Steed (Host), Pr. Ted Wilson


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000024

00:21 Religious liberty is certainly very important
00:24 for Seventh-day Adventists.
00:25 We have a prophetic understanding
00:27 that tells us that religious liberty,
00:29 practically speaking,
00:31 will one day be restricted even in the United States,
00:34 but prophetically, we understand
00:37 that God's effort to explain Himself to the world
00:39 is going to be restricted by cohesive religious laws.
00:44 Every year, the North American Division
00:46 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
00:47 designates a Religious Liberty Sabbath,
00:50 January 28 for 2012.
00:53 And as part of that emphasis,
00:55 the world president
00:56 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:57 Elder Ted Wilson,
00:59 has agreed to preach
01:01 a Religious Liberty Sabbath Sermon
01:03 to underscore the importance
01:05 of this foundational concept of Adventism.
01:10 The scene as told in chapter 18 of the Gospel of John
01:14 is spare and to the point,
01:16 Jesus had been taken in the Garden of Gethsemane
01:19 by an armed mob.
01:21 He'd been dragged before a rather irregular court
01:24 of the religious authorities.
01:26 Now they brought Him to the Praetorium,
01:28 the quarters of the occupying Roman soldiers
01:31 and of Pilate the governor.
01:34 Religious leaders would not enter
01:36 with a prisoner,
01:37 they sent Him in with their complaints,
01:40 "Judge Him by your law" they urged.
01:43 It was not a law
01:45 that they and most of their countrymen respected,
01:47 but they wanted it to condemn the man
01:50 they had come to hate.
01:53 Pilate sized up the man before him.
01:55 "Are you the King of Jews" he asked.
01:57 It was a conclusion
01:59 not warranted by the situation and the man's condition.
02:02 He may have heard something to that effect
02:04 from soldiers monitoring the many public gatherings
02:08 where Jesus taught.
02:09 The question was most likely a response to his wife's dream
02:14 that he was to spare this innocent man.
02:18 Jesus's reply was apparently dismissive
02:21 but actually searching
02:23 "Do you say this of your own accord
02:25 or did others say it to you?"
02:28 Pilate picked up on the implication
02:30 that he might be recognizing a spiritual authority
02:34 as those Jews who read the scriptures should have.
02:38 "Am I a Jew," he shot back,
02:40 "your own nation and the chief priests
02:42 have handed You over to me, what have You done?"
02:47 Now it's not possible for his use of words
02:50 to be read as a recognition of the spiritual heritage
02:54 that defined a Jew then.
02:56 And to hear him making him a distinction
02:59 between that identity and those people
03:01 who, with secular mindset,
03:03 allowed a few of the chief priests
03:06 to seize the popular teacher
03:08 who threatened their cherished authority.
03:12 Jesus's reply put everything into perspective
03:16 "My kingship is not of this world,"
03:19 He explained,
03:20 "if My kingship were of this world,
03:22 My servants would fight,
03:25 but My kingship is not from this world."
03:29 Three times repeated this emphasis and it is enough.
03:33 His kingdom was of a higher order.
03:36 Pilate now had to reconcile an awareness of
03:40 who the prisoner really was
03:42 with the pressing complications of his loyalty to Caesar
03:46 and the need to govern in Rome's interest.
03:51 Now in the years since then,
03:52 many have taken up the name of Jesus
03:54 and the cause of the kingdom,
03:57 many have remembered the example of their Lord
04:00 and His reminder that the kingdom of God
04:03 and the kingdoms of man are never to be confused.
04:08 Far too many through the years
04:10 have taken up the sword of Peter,
04:12 the sword that at Jesus's rebuke
04:14 fell forgotten to the night ground
04:17 at Gethsemane.
04:19 The years since have seen many wars of religion,
04:22 many violent acts in the name of truth
04:25 but all a denial of the kingdom.
04:28 The years since have seen millions tortured and martyred
04:31 for their faith
04:32 sometimes at the hands of those who imagined
04:36 that they were advancing the kingdom.
04:38 Too many have chosen
04:40 to disregard the words of the King
04:42 before the civil power.
04:44 Many Christians in the United States
04:45 see their republic as a Christian one.
04:49 They might mean well,
04:50 but they are forgetful of two things.
04:53 Firstly, those wise men many of great Christian faith
04:57 and some of them more secular bent
04:59 who set in place the structure of a then-new republic
05:04 did so with the full intension of separating church and state.
05:09 They thought so well of religion
05:11 that they wished to avoid entangling it with the state
05:16 as had long been done in the old world.
05:19 Secondly, too many today have confused
05:22 the kingdom of God with the kingdom of man.
05:24 Revelation 13 gives us stark end time picture
05:29 of where this sort of confusion ends up.
05:32 It is the province of a satanic beast power
05:36 and compulsory worship.
05:39 Some may be impatient with any suggestion
05:42 that we are moving close to the end of prophetic time.
05:45 By the way,
05:47 I choose the words carefully
05:50 because the Bible never narrowly predicts
05:53 the end of the world,
05:55 it predicts a time for the end of the sin problem
05:58 and beginning of an eternity for those loyal to God
06:02 to live on a renewed earth
06:05 but there are those who look askance
06:08 at any suggestion we might have
06:11 at the approach of the climax of the great controversy,
06:15 as pioneer Adventist leader and author
06:18 Ellen White characterized it.
06:20 Such people have chosen to separate the myriad signs
06:24 that the present world order is failing on many fronts,
06:29 such people ignore the plainest of Bible prophecy
06:32 that points to our day, our world order
06:36 as the last before the great and terrible day of the Lord
06:40 as Malachi 4:5 puts it.
06:45 Early Seventh Day Adventist
06:46 made much reference to the prophecies of Daniel,
06:50 in particular,
06:52 they used an outline of world empires given in Daniel 2
06:57 to mark ours as the final era.
07:01 They were not the first to do so.
07:03 The prophecy was so particular
07:06 and taken together with another vision
07:09 that can be shown in Daniel 7
07:12 that we can then identify five world orders
07:16 including the present one.
07:19 Beyond that is the stone cut out
07:22 without man's hand,
07:24 which brings in the eternal kingdom of God.
07:27 Back in the religious civil war that engulfed England
07:31 in the mid-1600s,
07:33 factions of puritans saw in the image of Daniel 2
07:39 reason to think that
07:40 they were preparing the way for the coming kingdom.
07:43 These Fifth Monarchy Men, as they were known,
07:48 were of course wrong, and wrong not least
07:51 because they imagined that by force of arms
07:54 they were bringing in the kingdom.
07:58 The result was a short lived religious dictatorship.
08:02 "Not by swords' loud clashing
08:04 but by deeds of love and mercy,"
08:07 is how a well-known hymn puts it.
08:10 Who was this Daniel
08:11 who lived so long ago in Babylon?
08:14 And just where is Babylon?
08:16 Actually, we may have seen remnants
08:19 of once great Babylon on our television screens
08:22 in recent years as western forces overran Iraq.
08:27 The ruins of Babylon are about 60 miles south of Baghdad
08:31 in an area that saw heavy fighting.
08:34 Babylon has been in ruins for centuries.
08:38 Saddam Hussein once imagined himself
08:40 the restorer of the Chaldean majesty.
08:45 He began to rebuild with stones engraved with his name
08:49 alongside stones that extolled Nebuchadnezzar,
08:52 the great king who conquered Jerusalem
08:55 and took Daniel and many others
08:58 into a long captivity.
09:00 Today, the ruins are more complete
09:03 and enveloped in depleted uranium-poisoned dust,
09:08 a prediction of the Prophet Jeremiah
09:11 that Babylon would never be rebuilt
09:14 is sure than ever.
09:17 But back six centuries before Christ,
09:20 the city was the wonder of the world,
09:22 wondered out for its hanging gardens
09:25 and for the military might of the empire
09:27 ruled by Nebuchadnezzar.
09:29 No wonder the king came out on the roof of his royal palace
09:33 and said as recorded in Daniel 4:30
09:38 "Is not this great Babylon
09:40 which I have built by my mighty power?"
09:43 No wonder that the Lord sent him out
09:46 as a deranged beast into the fields
09:49 until reason returned
09:51 and he could acknowledge a higher king.
09:56 But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves.
09:59 Daniel was a young captive taken to the king's palace
10:02 to learn statecraft and no doubt act as a hostage
10:07 against any further insurrection in Israel.
10:10 We read about Daniel's resolve to remain faithful.
10:14 It brings to mind the song "Dare to be a Daniel"
10:18 that many of us sang as children,
10:20 "Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone,
10:23 dare to have a purpose firm,
10:26 dare to make it known."
10:30 After an initial test over food and the likely fact
10:33 that the king's food was dedicated to pagan idols,
10:37 Daniel took his place with the wise
10:40 or educated men of the kingdom.
10:43 Then in the second year of his reign,
10:44 the king had a dream that troubled him
10:48 even though he couldn't remember it.
10:51 He asked the wise men for its meaning.
10:54 Of course, they had no way to answer the unknown dream.
10:57 And in a fit of despotic frustration,
11:00 the king ordered all the wise men to be killed,
11:04 and that included Daniel himself.
11:08 Coolly Daniel begged a little time
11:11 from the military leader who came to put him to death.
11:15 Likely, he said he would tell the meaning of the dream
11:18 on the morrow.
11:20 He clearly had faith in God to intervene,
11:23 then Daniel and his three friends
11:26 prayed earnestly to God for mercy.
11:29 It was followed by a dream and its meaning.
11:33 Significantly, Daniel's prayer of thanks
11:36 as recorded in Daniel 2:20, 21
11:41 contains these lines,
11:43 "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
11:47 to whom belong wisdom and might.
11:50 He changes times and seasons,
11:52 He removes kings and sets up kings."
11:56 Later in Daniel 7:25, an angel messenger
12:00 uses a similar turn of phrase
12:02 to describe the pretentions of an evil persecuting power
12:07 that is to dominate just before the everlasting kingdom of God.
12:13 That power
12:15 "shall speak words against the Most High
12:18 and shall think to change times and laws."
12:23 Now Daniel comes before the king
12:25 with the interpretation of the dream.
12:28 He must have been calm in the knowledge
12:31 that God was in this thing.
12:33 It was not really a test of Daniel,
12:36 but as he tells the king,
12:38 God's speaking to the king the very thoughts of his mind.
12:43 For us today, those of us living in the times
12:47 Daniel was shown so clearly so many centuries ago
12:52 there is that same likelihood
12:54 that we may have to give an account before authorities,
12:58 the kings of this age.
13:00 How do we prepare?
13:02 Must it differ in any way from Daniel's time?
13:06 Ellen White wrote perceptively on this in the year 1900,
13:11 recorded on pages 40 and 41
13:14 of "Counsels on Sabbath School Work."
13:17 "The servants of Christ," she advised,
13:19 "are to prepare no set speech to present
13:22 when brought to trial for their faith.
13:25 Their preparation is to be made day by day
13:29 in treasuring up in their hearts
13:31 the precious truths of God's word,
13:34 in feeding upon the teaching of Christ,
13:36 and through prayer strengthening their faith,
13:40 then, when brought into trial, the Holy Spirit
13:44 will bring to their remembrance the very truths
13:47 that will reach the hearts of those
13:49 who shall come to hear.
13:50 God will flash the knowledge
13:52 obtained by diligent searching of the Scriptures
13:55 into their memory
13:57 at the very time when it is needed."
14:02 How comforting and yet how very sobering.
14:06 God will bring to mind the words to say
14:09 but only if we have rehearsed them
14:13 and reviewed them in days of faithfulness.
14:16 For Daniel and his friends, the crisis of the moment
14:19 could not have been more severe.
14:21 They were under death decree.
14:23 They had no reason to doubt
14:25 that a king who held the life of all as his,
14:29 at anytime,
14:30 would hesitate to follow through
14:32 with the kill order.
14:34 There have been other times like that since,
14:37 many of God's faithful have gone to their deaths
14:41 rather than betray the trust of heaven,
14:44 and many times God as shown Himself
14:46 in a marked deliverance.
14:48 For us who may be living at a last great crisis,
14:52 there will again be a death decree.
14:56 Our faith will be severely tested
14:58 and God will, at the end, reveal His saving power
15:02 at the midnight hour.
15:05 Again writing on this theme,
15:07 Ellen White in a Review and Herald article
15:10 of June 15, 1897
15:13 reminds that
15:15 "From time to time
15:17 the Lord has made known His manner of working.
15:20 He is mindful of what is passing upon the earth.
15:24 And when a crisis has come,
15:26 He has revealed Himself and interposed
15:30 to hinder the working of Satan's plans.
15:32 He has often permitted matters with nations,
15:36 with families, and with individuals
15:39 to come to a crisis
15:41 that his interference might become marked.
15:45 Then he has let the fact be known
15:47 that there was a God in Israel
15:49 who would sustain and vindicate his people.
15:53 When the defiance of the law of Jehovah
15:55 shall be almost universal,
15:58 when His people shall be pressed in affliction
16:01 by their fellow men,
16:03 God will interpose.
16:06 The fervent prayers of His people will be answered,
16:09 for He loves to have His people seek Him with all their heart
16:13 and depend upon Him as their deliverer."
16:19 King Nebuchadnezzar was given many signs
16:21 that God is the watcher over the affairs of nations
16:26 and that there is only one King of kings.
16:30 After the meaning of the dream was told to him by Daniel,
16:34 the king fell on his face and said,
16:38 "Truly, your God is God of gods
16:42 and Lord of kings."
16:45 Then he thought to build a 60cubit high image
16:48 like that he saw in the dream
16:50 and require all the leading men of the kingdom to worship it,
16:54 actually now become Him.
16:58 You see, Daniel's three friends refused,
17:01 and the king had them thrown into the fire.
17:05 And in the fire with them
17:07 the king saw one like a God.
17:11 When they stepped out unscathed,
17:13 the king again extolled the God of heaven,
17:17 but in the huge misunderstanding
17:19 of the ways of God,
17:20 he threatened to tear limb from limb
17:23 and destroy the houses
17:24 of any who refused to acknowledge this God.
17:28 And going back to the early illusion
17:31 to his time as a beast in the field,
17:33 he was indeed deprived of his reason
17:36 after he and typical pride
17:38 ascribed all his success to himself.
17:43 But at the end of his insanity,
17:45 he again recognized the God of heaven.
17:48 "All His works are right
17:50 and His ways are just,
17:53 and those who walk in pride
17:55 He is able to debase."
17:58 There is no other ruler described in the Bible
18:01 with a greater number of
18:03 revelations and corrections from God.
18:06 It is possible to read Daniel and have anything
18:10 like the medieval concept of the divine right of kings.
18:13 It is impossible, after reading Daniel
18:16 to think that God's people
18:18 should ever obey laws that deny Him
18:21 just because authorities are bold enough to pass them.
18:25 Yes, indeed,
18:27 we are required to be
18:28 exemplary citizens of a civil society,
18:32 recognizing, as Paul pointed out
18:34 in Romans 13,
18:36 that the civil authorities fill a void of authority
18:40 that is legitimate and agreeable to God
18:43 but any man, government, or king that asks us
18:47 to compromise on our obligation to God,
18:51 is asking too much
18:53 and any authority that aspires to speak in the place of God
18:56 has overstepped its bounds
19:00 and any civil power that imagines to use force
19:04 to compel to even worship God
19:07 has overstepped and shown it does not understand
19:10 both its place and our God.
19:14 There are many countries today
19:15 that have severe laws restricting religious practice
19:19 or compel to a particular religious view point.
19:24 We must pray for those faithful ones
19:26 who live in such places.
19:27 We should also pray that the authorities in those areas
19:31 would be moved by God to restraint.
19:34 And even in countries with present freedom,
19:37 we should pray for it to continue
19:39 and be on guard for improper application
19:43 of the right to worship.
19:45 It is a fact of history
19:47 that even in the United States of America,
19:50 a national Sunday law
19:52 once looked likely to pass legislation.
19:55 In 1888, a senator introduced a bill
19:58 which had broad support in the religious community,
20:02 one bold argument from religious liberty leaders
20:05 like centennial editor Alonzo Jones stood in the way.
20:09 That and the restraining hand of the Lord
20:12 who answered the prayers for relief.
20:16 The law read in part
20:18 "a bill to secure to the people enjoyment
20:21 of the first day of the week,
20:23 commonly known as the Lord's Day,
20:25 as a day of rest, and to promote its observance.
20:29 Be it enacted by the senate and House of representatives
20:33 of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
20:36 that no person, or corporation,
20:39 or the agent, servant,
20:40 or employee of any person or corporation shall perform
20:44 or authorize to be performed any secular work,
20:48 labor or business on the first day of the week,
20:51 commonly known as the Lord's Day."
20:55 That was correctly called a national Sunday law.
20:59 Such an openly Sunday law might not pass today
21:03 but efforts continue and the latest,
21:06 a Sunday family rest day
21:08 recently advanced in the European Union
21:11 with the full support of the major Churches
21:13 is showing up in the United States,
21:16 most particularly in North Dakota
21:19 where spokespersons for one major church
21:22 made bold statements
21:23 that the intent is to promote Sunday sacredness.
21:28 Times and seasons are still subject to change,
21:32 it seems.
21:33 After Nebuchadnezzar, his son Belshazzar,
21:36 ruled in Babylon.
21:37 At a party, for a 1,000 of his lords,
21:39 the king sent for the sacred vessels
21:42 looted from the temple in Jerusalem.
21:45 This was more than a profane party joke.
21:48 His father had respected other faiths
21:50 and extolled the God of heaven.
21:52 Now the son crossed the line
21:54 between civil and religious power
21:56 and imagined that
21:58 he could use these vessels to extol other gods,
22:01 the gods of gold and silver,
22:03 bronze, iron, wood and stone,
22:05 in other words strange gods,
22:07 idols fashioned from what men thought valuable.
22:11 A supernatural hand wrote words of doom on the palace wall.
22:17 It fell to Daniel
22:18 summoned at the word of the queen mother
22:21 to tell their meaning.
22:23 Judgment was coming.
22:25 The king was to pass...
22:28 The kingdom was to pass
22:30 to the invading Medes and Persians.
22:33 It's not hard to see a terrible parallel here
22:36 to king of Saul of Israel years earlier.
22:41 He had dared to offer the sacrifice on the altar,
22:44 bypassing the role of the priest.
22:46 "For this, said Prophet Samuel,
22:48 "your kingdom is torn from you."
22:52 Both in pagan, Babylon and theocratic Israel,
22:57 a civil ruler was presumed
23:00 to mix the sacred and the profane
23:03 to directly assume
23:04 the prerogatives of the priest hood,
23:06 incurred the wrath of God.
23:09 As we remember and celebrate Religious Liberty Day,
23:14 let us be thankful
23:16 that in United States there is still respect
23:19 for the First Amendment mandated
23:22 that separation of church and state
23:25 should be in existence.
23:26 Let us pray always that our civil leaders
23:29 will remember that the Lord Jesus Christ
23:33 spoke of a kingdom not of this world.
23:37 There is indeed a real separation
23:39 between church and the state
23:40 that will become even more prominent
23:43 in a time of testing.
23:46 In a special testimony to the BattleCreek Church
23:49 in 1882,
23:51 Ellen White underscored the distinction
23:53 that Jesus was leading to in His comment to Pilate
23:58 "As we near the close of time
24:01 the demarcation between the children of light
24:05 and the children of darkness
24:07 will be more and more decided," she wrote.
24:11 "They will be more and more at variance.
24:14 This difference is expressed in the words of Christ,
24:17 'born again,' created anew in Christ,
24:20 dead to the world, and alive unto God.
24:23 These are the walls of separation
24:25 that divide the heavenly from the earthly
24:27 and describe the difference between
24:30 those who belong to the world
24:32 and those who are chosen out of it,
24:35 who are elect,
24:37 precious in the sight of God."
24:42 Thank you, Elder Wilson.
24:43 It's inspiring to hear again
24:46 of the biblical example
24:48 not just of kings like Nebuchadnezzar,
24:50 but heroes of faith like Daniel.
24:53 As we enter this new phase of world history,
24:56 a revolutionary era I call it,
24:59 all of us must be aware of the importance of religion
25:02 and the importance of religious freedom.
25:05 So many places around the world
25:07 we see that people's faith is restricted.
25:09 In so many places we see that
25:11 a radical form of one type or another religion
25:15 is prepared to restrict the faith of others.
25:17 It's worth remembering
25:19 that those that study these things
25:21 have pointed out recently
25:22 that as many as 70% of the world's population
25:26 are restricted in some important way
25:29 in their practice of religion, often restricted
25:32 in even changing their religious identity.
25:35 I'd encourage all of you
25:37 who are watching and listening to this program
25:39 to examine your support for religious liberty.
25:42 This is an opportunity certainly in North America
25:45 to not only pray for want we are doing,
25:47 to pray for continued religious freedom in the practice of
25:51 many people of faith throughout the world
25:53 but to give your means
25:54 to enable the distribution of materials
25:57 that speak about what,
25:58 as Ellen White said in the sermon
26:00 that Elder Wilson preached,
26:02 the true wall of separation
26:06 between the godly and the ungodly
26:08 is a knowledge of Christ and a living of His life.
26:13 That's what we are defending
26:14 when we defend religious freedom,
26:17 there's so much to do,
26:18 there are so many people, leaders
26:21 from the president of the United States
26:22 to presidents and prime ministers
26:24 in another countries
26:26 to the legislators to the mayors
26:29 to your neighbor who need to hear
26:33 that there is a meaning to what is happening today.
26:35 This is like Nebuchadnezzar's dream for many people,
26:38 the headlines are as confusing as that image was
26:42 in Nebuchadnezzar's midnight dream
26:45 and not till we as agents of the Lord,
26:48 as agents like Daniel was
26:50 to King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon,
26:52 not till we explain it to them,
26:55 put it in a prophetic context, in the context of faith,
26:58 will they know what this means
27:00 because you and I have been designated charge by the Lord
27:04 to be His emissaries,
27:06 to be His proponents
27:08 of this absolute religious freedom principle,
27:11 the principle from our heart.


Revised 2019-01-28