
Building Blocks of Creation (Sapphire)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Eric Garloff


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000022

00:21 Hello. My name is Eric Garloff, a teacher
00:24 once asked her students to make a list of what
00:26 they thought were the seven wonders
00:28 of the world. They listed things like
00:30 Chichen Itza in Mexico, the Taj Mahal in India,
00:34 the Grand Canyon in the United States,
00:37 Petra in Jordan, the Roman Colosseum in Italy,
00:40 the Great Wall of China, and Machu Picchu in Peru.
00:45 When collecting the papers, however, the
00:47 teacher noticed that one student seemed to be
00:48 having some difficulty. When she questioned
00:51 the student. She said that she didn't know
00:52 which to pick because there were so many.
00:55 The teacher replied why don't you read to us
00:57 what you have so far and we will see if we can
01:00 help you with your list. Her seven wonders
01:02 were to see the beauty of creation, to hear the
01:06 sounds of nature, to feel the deepest emotions,
01:11 to touch and hold the baby, to taste the
01:14 sweetness of fruit, to love one another,
01:17 but the greatest wonder she said was God
01:19 sending his only son to die for us that we
01:22 might live with him. When she finished
01:24 the room was so quite, she could hear a pin drop.
01:28 She went on to say the most important
01:30 wonders in the world are not built by man nor
01:33 are they purchased with money.
01:35 The most important wonders are the
01:36 gifts of God. You know, friend this young girl
01:40 had it right, all the other students were
01:42 looking at what man had built or in the case of
01:45 the Grand Canyon a natural formation,
01:47 but this girl saw the greatest wonder
01:50 in the gift of Jesus, who came to this earth
01:52 in order to bring new life to mankind.
01:55 Let's go right into our topic now. Title,
01:57 Building Blocks of Creation. First,
02:00 we will take a look at some of the
02:01 definitions, which describe the basic
02:04 materials used by God in the creation of
02:06 matter in life. The atom is the smallest unit
02:10 of an element, which retains the chemical
02:13 properties of that element.
02:15 When two or more atoms combine in the
02:17 definite arrangement and/or held together
02:20 by chemical bonds they form Molecules.
02:23 When molecules combine in specific
02:25 bonded patterns they form Amino Acids.
02:29 When Amino Acids combine in specific
02:31 patterns they form proteins, which are
02:34 essential parts of organisms that
02:36 participate in every process within living cells.
02:41 Atoms once again are the basic unit of
02:43 matter. Atoms combine to form molecules.
02:45 Molecules combine to form Amino Acids
02:47 and Amino Acids combine to form proteins.
02:51 So, then you might ask yourself what's the
02:53 probability of a single protein forming all
02:55 by itself by random chance.
02:58 Before I answer that, I first like to share
03:00 with you what many consider to be the
03:02 point of impossibility within the realm
03:05 of probability. Concerning probability
03:08 many people consider anything beyond 10
03:11 to the 50th power as an impossibility that's
03:14 a 1 followed by 50 zero's. Let's take a
03:18 closure look at this number putting that
03:20 into perspective. Ten to the third power
03:23 is 1000, ten to the 6th power is 1 million,
03:27 ten to the 9th power is 1 billion, ten to the
03:29 12th power is 1 trillion, jumping down
03:32 now to the bottom of this chart you will
03:34 see that ten to the 48th power is 1
03:36 quindecillion. Therefore ten to the power
03:40 of 50 is 100 quindecillion.
03:43 Now, remember it takes atoms, molecules,
03:46 and amino acids in specific patterns to
03:48 form proteins. The law of probability for
03:52 the self formation of a single protein is 10
03:55 to the 191st power. This shows us how
03:58 utterly impossible it would be for proteins
04:00 to form by themselves. 10 to the 191st power
04:04 equals to 10 to the 50th power plus
04:06 another 141 zero's that's an awfully big
04:09 number, which demonstrates how
04:11 ridiculous it is to believe that proteins
04:13 could form by random chance.
04:15 The complexity of protein structures
04:17 indicates they had to have a creator.
04:21 A quote from Evolution in Crisis 1985
04:23 page 289-291 by Michael Denson states
04:27 "the really significant finding that comes
04:28 to light from comparing the proteins,
04:30 amino acid sequences is that it is impossible
04:34 to arrange them in any sort of evolutionary
04:36 series. There was little doubt that if this
04:39 molecular evidence had been available a
04:41 century ago that the idea of organic
04:44 evolution might never have been
04:45 accepted". Atoms, molecules, amino acids,
04:49 and proteins are the building blocks of
04:52 God's creation. All these were created by
04:54 him and through him they combine to
04:57 produce life. For by him were all things
04:59 created that are in heaven and that are in
05:01 earth visible and invisible and by him all
05:05 things consist. Evolution has claimed that
05:08 because monkeys are similar to us that this
05:10 is somehow proof that we evolved from
05:12 them. However, similarity does not
05:14 relationship, if similarity did prove
05:17 relationship then please tell me. Since a
05:20 housefly and a tomato both have 12
05:22 chromosomes, what's their relationship?
05:24 Did the fly evolve from the tomato or did
05:27 the tomato evolve from the fly.
05:29 If similarity proves relationship.
05:31 Why does an opossum, a redwood tree,
05:34 and a kidney bean, each have 22 chromosomes?
05:37 What's their relationship?
05:39 Did the redwood tree evolve from the
05:41 opossum or that the opossum evolve from
05:43 the kidney bean. A dog and a chicken both
05:46 have 78 chromosomes, but that doesn't prove
05:48 they're related to each other. So, why do
05:51 evolutionists try to tell us that since the
05:54 chimpanzee has 48 chromosomes and
05:56 we have 46, that this somehow makes us
05:59 related? Similarity between species does
06:02 not prove relationship, but it can be used
06:05 to prove a common designer. By the way,
06:08 if evolution was true then it would stand to
06:11 reason that the less complex structures
06:13 would evolve first and the more complex
06:15 structure would evolve from the lower
06:17 forms of life. So, then why is the chimp
06:20 has more chromosomes than the human.
06:23 Talk about turning the tables on
06:25 evolutionary thinking. This would indicate
06:28 that humans develop first having 46
06:31 chromosomes and that the chimp having
06:33 48 chromosomes evolve from us.
06:37 In the October 2004 issue of Scientific
06:40 American, page 62, the following question
06:43 is asked: "If amphibians evolved before
06:47 mammals, why do some amphibians have
06:50 5 times more DNA then some mammals"?
06:54 The answer to this is very simple.
06:55 Macroevolution didn't take place.
06:58 There is no logical progressive continuity
07:00 in the evolution of protein structures or in
07:03 the evolution of chromosomes counts
07:05 or in the amount of DNA between species.
07:08 All living cells on the face of this planet
07:10 give testimony to a God of creation.
07:13 A God, who has perfectly designed this
07:15 vast world of life, which surrounds us
07:17 everyday. If you are not convinced by
07:20 that's simplistic answer then please
07:22 consider this. As more and more
07:24 researchers done, scientists are finding
07:27 that there are greater and greater
07:29 differences between man and chimpanzee
07:31 DNA sequences. When the DNA
07:33 sequences were first compared,
07:36 it was believed the similarity between man
07:38 and chimp was 98.4%, thus leaving a difference
07:41 between man and chimp of only 1.6% within
07:44 the DNA code. This does not prove evolution.
07:48 However, it does indicate that a common
07:51 designer may have used the similar
07:53 blueprint in his creation, but let's
07:56 look at how much difference 1.6% of
07:59 DNA sequencing can really mean.
08:01 Dr. Barney Maddox, a leading genetic
08:03 genome researcher said concerning these
08:05 genetic differences, "Now, the genetic
08:07 difference between human and his nearest
08:09 relative, the chimpanzee, is at least 1.6%.
08:13 That does not sound like much,
08:15 but calculated out, that is a gap of at least
08:18 48,000,000 nucleotides, and a change of
08:21 only 3 nucleotides is fatal to an animal;"
08:24 So, you see a 1.6% difference in the DNA
08:27 code equates the 48,000,000 differences
08:29 nucleotides. Nucleotides are molecules,
08:32 which comprise the structural units of
08:35 RNA and DNA that's a lot of changes
08:37 taking place won't you say? However,
08:40 it doesn't stop there Roy J. Britten of the
08:42 California Institute of Technology did a
08:45 comparison of human and chimp DNA
08:46 also and found more differences then
08:49 previously noted. Britten concluded that
08:51 humans and chimps only share about 95%
08:54 of the same DNA. Going from 1.6% to 5%
08:58 is more then a three-fold increase
09:00 in the differences between human and chimp DNA.
09:04 This means that there are then 150,000,000
09:07 differences in the nucleotides. As time
09:10 goes on, we may learn that the differences
09:11 are even greater than that. Now that we are
09:14 on the topic of DNA, let's look at DNA
09:16 replication. DNA replication produces
09:19 two identical DNA molecules, which have
09:22 been produced from a single, double
09:23 stranded DNA molecule known as the
09:26 double helix. The double helix is unwound
09:29 and each strand acts as a template.
09:31 Bases are matched to replicate the new
09:34 partner strands. Cellular proof-reading
09:36 and error-checking mechanisms ensure
09:39 near perfect fidelity for DNA replication.
09:43 Even with his over simplified explanation
09:45 of DNA replication. You can see the
09:47 tremendous need, where an intelligent
09:49 designer to create the system. Let's go a
09:53 step farther and see how God has
09:54 assembled these buildings blocks of
09:56 creation into a living cell. This is a picture
09:59 of a biological cell. Here you can see, its
10:02 enormous complexity starting from the left
10:05 and working our way clockwise. We can
10:07 see the Mitochondrion, the Centriole,
10:10 the Vacuole, the Cystosol, the Lysosome,
10:14 the Nucleolus, the Nucleus, the Ribosome,
10:17 the Vesicle, the Rough endoplasmic
10:20 reticulum, the Golgi apparatus,
10:23 the Cytoskeleton and finally the smooth
10:25 endoplasmic reticulum. The cell is a structural
10:29 and functional unit of all known living organisms.
10:32 It is the smallest unit of an organism that is
10:34 classified as living and is often called the
10:38 building block of life. Most bacteria
10:41 consist of a single cell. Humans are
10:44 multicellular having an estimated 100
10:46 trillion cells. Now, remember 10 to 50th
10:49 power is considered to be an impossibility,
10:52 yet the cell formation of the single protein
10:54 is calculated to be 10 to the 191st power.
10:58 And the self formation of a single cell
11:00 is calculated to be 10 to the power of
11:02 40,000. These possibilities of probability
11:06 should raise millions of red flags in the
11:07 evolutionary community. As they predict
11:10 the impossibility of the self formation of
11:12 cells. On their own each of these structures
11:15 within the cell are very complex. To get an
11:18 idea of what I mean, let's look at the cells
11:21 membrane. Here is a detail diagram of a
11:24 cells membrane. Once again we start at the
11:27 upper left side of the picture and we see
11:29 the Protein channel used to transport
11:32 protein through the cell membrane to its
11:34 right we see the Globular protein then the
11:38 Glycoprotein, then Carbohydrate, then the
11:42 Hydrophilic Heads and below those heads
11:44 are Hydrophilic Tails. The cells membrane
11:47 is constructed as a Phospholipid Bi-layer.
11:51 On the bottom side you also see the
11:52 Alpha-Helix protein followed by a Surface
11:55 protein, the Filaments of the Cytoskeleton
11:59 and Integral protein, a Peripheral protein,
12:02 the Glycolipid, and Cholesterol. Wow! No
12:06 wonder the statistical changes of a single
12:08 cell forming by itself are impossible.
12:11 In addition to this, there are approximately
12:13 210 known distinct human cell types!
12:16 There are 27 Exocrine secretion epithelial
12:19 cells, 3 Wet stratified barrier epithelial cells,
12:23 12 Keratinizing epithelial cells,
12:26 31 Hormone secreting cells, 4 Metabolism
12:29 and storage cells, 20 Epithelial cells lining
12:32 closed internal body cavities, 6 Kidney cells,
12:35 6 Ciliated cells with propulsive function,
12:38 19 Extracellular matrix secretion cells,
12:41 12 Contractile cells, 20 Blood and immune
12:44 system cells, 19 Sensory transducer cells,
12:48 3 Autonomic neuron cells, 12 Sense organ
12:52 and peripheral neuron cells,
12:54 4 Central nervous system neuron cells,
12:56 2 Lens cells, 2 Pigment cells,
12:58 5 Germ cells, and finally 3 Nurse cells.
13:01 If the odds for one single living cell
13:03 revolve by itself is 10 to the power 40,000
13:06 then I shattered to think what the odds
13:08 would be for 210 different types of cells to form
13:10 all by themselves. What do you think
13:13 and not only that, but to then have those
13:16 cells form themselves into the major
13:18 organs of the body and function as a living
13:20 system. Are you beginning to understand
13:22 how impossible it is for a life to evolve
13:24 from non-life? Just look at the level of
13:27 intelligence and complexity that has gone
13:28 into this very basic building block of life.
13:31 Genesis 1:26-27 says And God said,
13:35 Let us make man in our image, after our
13:37 likeness. So, God created man in his own
13:39 image, male and female He created them.
13:42 Unlike the skeletal structure of a home,
13:45 our skeletal system is a living growing part
13:47 of our body. The typical adult skeleton has
13:50 206 bones, each of which serves a specific
13:53 purpose. A skeleton provides "cages'' to
13:57 protect the delicate organs. It also gives
13:59 muscles something to attach to through the
14:02 tendons. It supports the bodies shape and
14:06 allows for motion. Another function
14:08 of the skeleton is to make red and white
14:10 blood cells. Marrow within the bone
14:12 produce these cells. The primary function
14:15 of our bones, however, is for locomotion.
14:18 Bones allow the muscles of the body to
14:20 move the limbs. The skull contains,
14:22 and protects the brain, along with special
14:25 sense organs for taste, smell, hearing,
14:27 vision, and balance. The skull is constructed
14:31 from 22 bones, 21 of which are fused or
14:34 locked together. The adult back bone
14:36 consist of 26 vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs
14:39 form a ribcage, which protects the heart,
14:42 lungs, major blood vessels, stomach and liver.
14:46 Let me ask you, could all of these intrically
14:49 connected bones have evolved without
14:50 God creating them. For the purpose in
14:53 which they serve. For by him, where all
14:56 things created that are in heaven and that
14:59 are in earth visible and invisible and by
15:01 him all things consist. Let's move on to the
15:05 eye, shall we. Matthew 6:22 says,
15:07 the eye is the lamp of the body. If your
15:09 eyes are good, your whole body will be
15:11 full of light. It says, eyes are organs that
15:14 detect light! They don't actually produce
15:17 the images we see! Light entering the eye
15:19 is refracted as it passes through the cornea,
15:21 it then passes through the Pupil controlled
15:25 by the Iris and is further refracted
15:27 by the Lens. The cornea and lens act
15:30 together as a compound lens to project an
15:32 inverted 2D image onto the retina.
15:34 The detected light signals are then sent
15:37 by the way of the optic nerve to the visual
15:39 area of the brain. The optic nerves from
15:42 both eyes meet, and cross at the optic
15:45 chiasm, at the base of the hypothalamus
15:47 of the brain. The information is then
15:50 combined and splits according to the
15:51 visual field. The visual system now has the
15:54 complex task of reconstructing a 3
15:57 dimensional world from a 2 dimensional
15:59 projection of that world. Together all
16:02 of these parts are necessary for us to see.
16:04 Could all of these parts evolve on their own
16:08 or are they the work of a loving creator God.
16:11 Malachi 2:10 says, Have we not all one
16:13 father? Has not one God created us?
16:17 Now we can consider the ear. Revelation 2:7 says,
16:21 He that has an ear, let him hear what the
16:23 Spirit says unto the churches; To him that
16:25 overcomes will I give to eat of the tree
16:27 of life, which is in the midst of the
16:29 paradise of God. As the eye does not
16:32 produce the image of our sight, likewise,
16:35 the ear does not produce the sound
16:37 of our hearing. It's the brain and central
16:39 nervous system that "hears".
16:40 The ear changes sound pressure waves
16:43 from the outside world into a signal
16:45 of nerve impulses send to the brain.
16:48 The sound waves are perceived by the brain
16:51 through the firing of nerve cells
16:53 in the auditory portion of the central
16:55 nervous system. The outer part of the ear
16:57 collects the sound that sound pressure
17:00 is amplified to the middle portion of the ear
17:03 and it passes from the medium of air
17:04 into the liquid medium. Here are the 3 bones
17:08 of the Middle ear, the Malleus, the Incus
17:10 and the Stapes. The Stapes being the
17:12 smallest bone in the human body.
17:14 These 3 bones working together transfer
17:17 the sound vibrations of the air
17:19 medium, via the ear drum, into the Inner ear liquid medium.
17:24 The liquid filled channels of the
17:26 inner ear contain a sensory epithelium,
17:29 which is studded with hair cells.
17:32 These microscopic hairs are structural
17:34 protein filaments, which project into the fluid
17:38 The hair cells release a chemical
17:40 neurotransmitter when stimulated.
17:43 Sound waves moving through the fluid
17:45 push against the filaments, if the
17:48 filaments bend over enough it causes the
17:50 hair cells to fire. In this way sound waves
17:53 are transformed into nerve impulses.
17:57 There is a drawing from Gray's Anatomy
17:59 that shows the Nerve Fibers on the lower
18:01 left along with the inner ear and outer hair cells.
18:07 The finally tuned delicately balanced ear
18:09 with it's intricate system of hair cell
18:11 neurotransmitters speaks loudly to our
18:14 hearing that the ear could have only come
18:17 from the hand of an intelligent designer.
18:20 For by him were all things created that are
18:23 in heaven and that are in earth.
18:24 Visible and invisible and by him all things
18:28 consist. Now, let's look at the respiratory
18:31 system. Genesis 2:7 says, And the LORD
18:34 God formed man of the dust of the ground,
18:36 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
18:38 life; and man became a living soul."
18:42 When God breathe into Adam's nostrils,
18:44 the breath of life that breath entered into
18:47 the lungs in order to oxygenate the blood.
18:50 The principle function of the lungs are to
18:52 transport oxygen from the atmosphere into
18:55 the bloodstream and to release carbon dioxide
18:58 from the bloodstream back into the atmosphere.
19:02 The drawing and expulsion of air
19:04 is driven by muscular action.
19:06 The diaphragm in addition to the internal
19:09 intercostal muscles drives ventilation by
19:12 periodically altering the intrathoracic
19:14 volume and pressure By increasing
19:16 volume and thus decreasing pressure,
19:19 air flows into the airways down a pressure
19:22 gradient. By reducing volume and increasing
19:25 pressure, the reverse occurs.
19:28 The exchange of gases is performed in the
19:30 mosaic of specialized cells that form
19:32 millions of tiny, thin-walled air sacs
19:35 called alveoli. A network of capillaries allows
19:38 transportation of the blood over the
19:40 surface of the alveoli. Oxygen from the air
19:44 inside the alveoli diffuses into the bloodstream
19:47 and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood
19:50 to the alveoli. This is a complex system friends
19:55 A system such as this couldn't have only
19:57 have come from the hand of an intelligent
20:00 designer. Isaiah 42:5 records God as the one.
20:03 who gives breathe onto the people upon
20:06 the earth and Spirit to them that walked
20:08 there in. Moving to the heart now,
20:11 Deuteronomy 4:39 says, Know therefore
20:14 this day, and consider it in your heart,
20:16 that the LORD he is God in heaven above,
20:18 and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
20:22 The heart is a muscular organ responsible
20:24 for pumping blood through the blood
20:26 vessels by repeated rhythmic contractions.
20:29 The average human heart beating at
20:31 72 beats per minute will beat approximately
20:33 2.5 billion times during a 66-year lifetime.
20:37 The human embryonic heart begins beating
20:39 around 21 days after conception.
20:42 It is unknown how blood in the human
20:44 embryo circulates for the first 21 days in
20:48 the absence of the functioning heart.
20:50 Friends, this is simply another of God's
20:52 awesome miracles. For 21 days,
20:54 he sustains us without a function in heart.
20:57 In Jeremiah 1:5 God said, "Before I
21:00 formed you in the belly, I knew you."
21:03 The function of the right side of the heart
21:05 is to collect deoxygenated blood
21:08 in the right atrium and pump it via the
21:11 right ventricle into the lungs.
21:14 Here carbon dioxide can be dropped off
21:16 and oxygen picked up, this is known as
21:19 gas exchange, which happens through the
21:22 passive process of diffusion. The left side
21:25 collects oxygenated blood from the lungs
21:27 into the left atrium. From there the blood
21:30 moves to the left ventricle, which pumps
21:33 it out to the body. Each day the average
21:36 heart beats 100,000 times and pumps
21:39 about 2000 gallons of blood.
21:42 That's 730,000 gallons per year!
21:45 Over a 75 year lifespan, that's 54.7 Million
21:48 gallons! The Exxon Valdez was 987 feet
21:52 long, 166 feet wide and 88 feet deep.
21:56 It was near capacity when its tragic
21:58 Alaskan accident occurred. It was
22:00 carrying approximately 53 million gallons
22:03 of crude at that time. That's approximately
22:05 how much blood the average human heart
22:07 pumps during its lifetime. There are
22:09 two types of fluids moving through the
22:11 circulatory system, blood and lymph.
22:14 The blood, heart, and blood vessels form
22:17 the cardiovascular system. The lymph, lymph nodes,
22:20 and lymph vessels form the lymphatic system.
22:24 The circulatory system moves nutrients, gases,
22:27 and wastes to and from cells, it helps fight
22:31 disease and help stabilize body
22:33 temperature and PH. An average adult
22:36 contains 5-6 quarts of blood, which consists
22:38 the plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells,
22:41 and platelets. The heart and circulatory system
22:44 are so awesome. It simply had to be the
22:48 work of an intelligent designer. For by him
22:50 where all things created that are in heaven
22:53 and that are in earth visible and invisible.
22:55 And by him all things consist.
22:58 Now, consider the digestive system.
22:59 Ecclesiastes 3:13 says, That everyone may
23:02 eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all
23:05 of his toil, this is the gift of God.
23:08 Digestion is the process of the body,
23:10 which breaks down chemicals into smaller
23:12 components that can be absorbed by the blood.
23:16 Mechanical and chemical digestion
23:18 begins in the mouth, where food is chewed
23:21 and mixed with saliva to breakdown the starches.
23:24 The stomach continues to breakdown the food
23:26 mechanically and chemically through the
23:29 churning of the stomach and mixing
23:30 of enzymes. Absorption occurs in the stomach
23:34 and in the gastrointestinal tract.
23:37 The process finishes with excretion to
23:40 eliminate waste. Not only has God designed this
23:43 complicated system to extract nutrients that
23:46 our bodies may live and grow, but he has also
23:48 done it in such a way thus pleasing to our
23:51 taste buds. Revelation 4:11 says, Thou art
23:54 worthy, O Lord, to receive glory
23:56 and honor and power: for thou hast created
23:58 all things, and for thy pleasure they are
24:01 and were created. Now, we would like to
24:04 take a look at the brain. Romans 12:2 says,
24:06 Be not conformed to this world: but be
24:09 transformed by the renewing of your mind,
24:11 that you may prove what is that good, and
24:14 acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
24:16 The brain is the most complex biological
24:18 structure known to man. Our brain controls
24:20 behavior either by activating muscles or
24:23 by causing secretion of chemicals such as
24:25 hormones. It controls all the functions
24:28 within our body. The brain contains
24:31 roughly 100 billion neurons, each linked
24:34 with up to 10,000 synaptic connections.
24:38 These neurons communicate with one another
24:40 through protoplasmic fibers called axons.
24:43 Axons carry signal pulses called action
24:46 potentials to distant parts of the brain
24:48 or body. Axons target the action potential
24:52 signals to specific recipient cells.
24:55 The operations of individual neurons
24:58 and synapses are now understood in
25:00 considerable detail, but the way they
25:02 cooperate in groups of millions has been
25:05 very difficult to decipher. Methods of
25:08 observation such as the EEG recording
25:11 and functional brain imaging tell us that
25:13 the brain operations are highly organized,
25:16 but these methods don't have high enough
25:18 resolution to reveal the activity of
25:20 individual neurons, doesn't it seems strange
25:23 that the very core of mans thinking was
25:26 created by God. But, yet many will do
25:29 everything that they can not to recognize
25:30 his existence and his creative power.
25:33 Romans 1:20 says, For the invisible things
25:37 of him from the creation of the world
25:39 are clearly seen, being understood by the
25:42 things which are made, even his eternal power
25:45 and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
25:49 Yes, God wants us to examine the things
25:52 he has made and in so doing we will learn
25:54 more about him and his creative power.
25:58 As we near to the close of this program,
25:59 we would like to take a moment and share
26:01 with you this spiritual contemplation.
26:05 Your body is a living temple of God.
26:08 He wants to live in you and walk with you.
26:11 God is our spiritual father and we are his
26:14 sons and daughters. Seeing we have these
26:17 promises, let's purify ourselves from
26:20 everything that contaminates our body
26:22 and spirit doing this for God, who made us
26:26 and gave his life for us.
26:30 Thank you Teresa for sharing that thought
26:32 with us. Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are
26:35 his workmanship created in Christ Jesus
26:38 onto good works, which God had before
26:40 ordained that we should walk in them.
26:43 Friends our time is just about up. So,
26:46 I would like to encourage you to look
26:47 to Jesus not only as your creator, but also
26:50 as your savior. I would like to encourage
26:53 you to walk in good works and share Jesus
26:56 with others. May God bless you
26:58 and you're loved ones.


Revised 2014-12-17