Participants: Eric Garloff
Series Code: V
Program Code: V000021
00:11 Hello, my name is Eric Garloff, and I'd like to welcome you,
00:14 and thank you for joining me here today. 00:16 If you're intrigued by the connection between diet and 00:18 spirituality, then you're going to love what God has in store 00:21 for you during this program. 00:23 When I first saw what you are about to see, I was thrilled, 00:27 and even today I continue to be thrilled by it, 00:29 because within this unique and inspiring message, I can see 00:33 God's great love, His mercy, and His desire for us to be with Him 00:38 throughout all of eternity. 00:39 I truly hope and pray that you'll be as blessed by this 00:43 message as I am. 00:44 The basic chart outline that you now see on your screen 00:47 was given many years ago by divine inspiration through a 00:51 gentleman by the name of Ralph Martin. 00:53 The image of this chart was impressed upon his mind as he 00:56 sought the Lord in prayer for an understanding of how to present 01:01 the health message from the Bible. 01:03 A copy of this chart was given to a man by the name of Garwin 01:06 Whitman, whom I then copied it from, and have since added 01:10 details to aid me in its presentation. 01:12 Garwin has used this chart in the past as he travels the 01:15 country teaching the messages of the sanctuary service. 01:18 If you'd like to see his seminar come to your church, 01:21 you can reach him at 01:26 I'd like to share with you the general overview of this chart, 01:31 and its meaning as it applies to diet and spirituality. 01:35 At the top you'll notice the chart spans from the time period 01:38 of Eden lost to Eden restored. 01:41 In other words, it spans the time period from the creation of 01:44 this world to Earth made new. 01:46 It's important for you to recognize the path of the black 01:50 line forming this chart. 01:51 That line indicates the general level of spirituality among 01:56 God's people. 01:57 As fascinating as the divine inspiration of this chart is, 02:01 even more fascinating is the fact that for every major change 02:04 in the level of spirituality which God's people have gone 02:07 through, there was also a marked corresponding change in the diet 02:11 which mankind was given to eat. 02:14 This will become clear to you as we progress through this study. 02:17 Beginning in the book of 02:21 we read... 02:49 Friends, no matter who you are, or what you may have done in the 02:52 past, it's so very important that you understand these first 02:56 few verses I've just read. 02:58 Its important because right from the first chapter of the Bible, 03:01 God wants you to understand that He is the one who created you, 03:05 and not only that, but He made you in His very own image, 03:09 and from the very beginning of creation, God's blessing has 03:13 been given to you, through the blessing that He pronounced 03:16 upon mankind at creation. 03:18 God desires the best for you that life has to offer. 03:46 It's very clear from reading this passage that the word meat 03:50 is used to mean food in general. 03:52 Its also clear the original diet God gave to mankind, 03:56 and to the animals, did not contain eating flesh foods. 04:00 Looking at our chart, we see the items which God gave mankind for 04:04 food in the beginning of creation. 04:06 They were... 04:09 This diet was God's original diet for Adam and Eve, 04:12 who were, by the way, created to live forever. 04:15 You could call it God's forever diet. 04:18 God placed Adam and Even in the middle of a beautiful garden, 04:21 which contained everything for their health and continued 04:24 prosperity. 04:25 That's when Satan stepped into the picture, 04:27 and convinced Eve to expand her diet by eating food which God 04:31 commanded should not be eaten. 04:33 Adam then followed in the same mistake. 04:36 Through these actions of disobedience, 04:39 they brought dire consequences upon themselves 04:42 and all of humanity that was to follow them throughout the ages. 04:46 It was through this act of disobedience that all mankind 04:50 would see death, but God's great love 04:53 for humanity would still shine brightly through the darkness 04:57 as He gave us the gift of His son, Jesus, to redeem us, 05:00 to make us one with Him again. 05:03 This was God's plan for our salvation. 05:06 As you look at the chart, please remember the black 05:08 line represents mankind's level of spirituality. 05:12 Please notice the change in relationship, 05:14 the change in their spiritual condition, 05:16 where the fall from their perfect state of creation, 05:19 as depicted on this chart by the downward black line. 05:23 This fall, caused by their disobedience to God, 05:27 caused a separation in their relationship with God, 05:29 as it does with us today. 05:31 When this happened, the first physical death 05:34 occurred on planet Earth. 05:35 It was the death of an animal whose life was given to cover 05:39 the fallen pair's nakedness and shame with its own skin. 05:42 In other words, the blood of an innocent being was shed 05:45 on behalf of the guilty pair. 05:48 The sacrifice now became the symbol of what Jesus would do, 05:52 and has done on the cross of Calvary, as His innocent blood 05:56 was shed for the sins of the world. 05:58 His robe of righteousness would cover the guilt, the shame, 06:02 the nakedness, of all who would confess Him, 06:05 and accept Him as their savior. 06:07 ...calls Jesus the lamb slain 06:11 from the foundation of the world. 06:13 Now here's the importance of this chart. 06:15 As a change in man's spiritual condition took place, 06:18 God made a change in man's diet. 06:28 In other words, herbs or vegetables, 06:30 are now part of man's diet. 06:31 At this point, man has not been given permission to eat meat. 06:35 Now, you may be thinking, vegetables are great 06:38 for nutrition. 06:39 Why didn't God give them to Adam and Eve in the first place? 06:42 And why is it that now He's giving vegetables to be eaten 06:45 after sin entered into the world? 06:48 Those are good questions, and half of the answer is found in.. 06:54 ...These verses tell us that the tree of life was in the Garden 06:58 of Eden, and now that man sinned, God could not allow 07:01 Adam and Eve to remain in the Garden lest they would eat 07:04 of the Tree of Life and live forever. 07:06 So Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden. 07:09 The other half of the answer is found in... 07:14 ...which tells us, that the leaves from the Tree 07:17 of Life were for the healing of the nations. 07:19 You see, my friend, the Tree of Life contained 07:22 healing properties. 07:23 Since Adam and Even no longer had access to this tree, 07:27 God supplemented their diet with the herbs of the field. 07:30 It's interesting to note the context of this passage 07:33 which is in the book of Revelation. 07:35 It pictures the Tree of Life as now being in heaven. 07:38 This would mean, that at some point in time, 07:41 God had taken the Garden of Eden to heaven, 07:44 thus the reason for not being able to find the Garden of Eden 07:47 on Earth today. 07:48 As time progressed, man continued in his downward 07:52 path of sin. 07:53 So much so that God could no longer bear to see the depths 07:56 of degradation they sank to. 07:58 God decided to give man another chance by starting over. 08:01 It was then that God chose Noah, and his family, 08:04 to be the seed of the new beginning. 08:06 God called Noah to build an ark which would preserve the life of 08:10 each kind of animal that God created. 08:23 Many people have been taught that Noah only brought two 08:26 of every kind of animal into the ark. 08:28 The Bible is very clear, that of the clean beasts, 08:31 Noah was commanded to bring them by sevens. 08:34 When you think about it, this makes perfect sense, 08:37 because God knew He was going to give permission to eat flesh 08:40 after the flood was over. 08:42 If there were only two of every clean beast, 08:45 then as soon as one of them was killed for food, 08:48 they would cease to exist as a species and become extinct 08:51 because the last remaining animal would no longer 08:54 have a mate to propagate the species. 08:56 It was through this knowledge that they understood God's words 09:00 In Genesis 9:3-5 to be referring to the clean animals 09:05 which were given for food. 09:06 This passage says... 09:28 Not only did they understand the difference between the clean 09:31 and unclean animals, but they were also told by God 09:34 that when they did eat the clean animals that they were not 09:37 to eat the blood of those animals. 09:39 Once again, you can see here on the chart the change in diet 09:43 which took place after God cleansed the earth with a 09:46 worldwide flood. 09:47 It was a change which took place through the continual sins of 09:51 mankind, and thus the marked change in man's spiritual 09:55 condition and in his diet. 09:57 Animals that God did not give permission to eat 10:01 happened to be the ones which he created to clean up the earth. 10:04 You could say they are nature's garbage disposal system. 10:07 You can read about the clean and unclean animals in... 10:14 So, after the flood God gave permission to eat the meat 10:18 of the clean animals, but even among the clean animals man was 10:22 not given permission to eat their blood. 10:25 Let me ask a question, when you get sick and go to the doctor 10:29 what's one of the first things the doctor will order in the 10:32 way of tests to see what is wrong with you? 10:34 If you said a blood test, you're right. 10:36 Why do you think the doctor orders a blood test? 10:39 It's because disease is carried in the blood. 10:42 God may have had multiple reasons for commanding us 10:46 not to eat the blood of animals, but surely one of those reasons 10:50 must have been the very fact that He didn't want man 10:53 to become infected with the diseases of those animals 10:56 which could be transmitted through the blood. 10:58 Not only was God concerned about us eating blood, but He was also 11:03 concerned about us eating animal fat. 11:05 In Leviticus 7:22-27 God speaks about both issues. 11:11 Listen to what they have to say. 11:13 And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying... 11:55 God must have had a good reason for giving these directions. 11:58 Do you think that since He created us, that He knows 12:03 what's best for us? 12:04 When you look around in today's world of medicine, 12:07 you'll soon find out that there are some very real concerns 12:11 surrounding the issue of disease being transmitted through 12:13 the blood, and even more concerns with the issues of 12:17 animal fat in our diet. 12:19 Looking at our chart again, it's interesting to note that mankind 12:23 has now been given three different diets. 12:27 We have the forever diet at creation consisting of fruits, 12:29 grains, and nuts. 12:31 Then the addition of herbs, or vegetables after sin 12:34 entered into the world. 12:35 And, finally, the addition of clean flesh foods, 12:39 or meat, after the time of the flood. 12:41 Now, if you were a scientist or dietitian, you might be asking 12:45 yourself, "What effects did these diets have upon the 12:48 lifespan of the people living during this time?" 12:50 That would certainly be an interesting question to ask. 12:53 And you'll find the answer is also very interesting. 12:56 If you were to add up the average lifespan of the nine 13:00 generations of people who lived before the time of the flood, 13:02 you would notice that their average lifespan was 912 years. 13:07 The Bible says in Gen. 5:5 that Adam lived to be 930 years old. 13:12 In verse 27 it says Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. 13:17 But then if you look at the average lifespan of the next ten 13:20 generations after the flood, which was when the clean 13:23 flesh foods were given to be eaten, you'll notice that the 13:26 average lifespan dramatically decreased to 317 years. 13:31 Then, the Bible records later in the book of Psalms 90:10 13:35 that man's average lifespan had decreased to 70 or 80 years. 13:40 That's about where we are today. 13:42 Now then, getting back to our chart's timeline... 13:45 The next great event, which demonstrates a change in 13:48 spirituality, and in diet, takes place at the time of the Exodus 13:53 from Egypt. 13:54 You'll remember that God's people were in captivity some 13:56 400 years, and then God delivered them from their 13:59 bondage and slavery to the Egyptians. 14:01 He brings them out of Egypt, and begins to prepare them to live 14:05 on a higher spiritual plain. 14:07 God gives them bread from heaven to eat and fresh water to drink. 14:11 He begins to educate them in being obedient to His word. 14:15 And, speaking to Moses, He said... 14:32 ...records God's people calling the bread manna. 14:34 They said it was like coriander seed. 14:37 It was white, and its taste was like wafers made with honey. 14:40 In the book of... we read that the people ground the manna in 14:46 mills and baked it in pans. 14:48 This must have been the best bread on earth, but sadly, 14:52 not everyone enjoyed eating God's bread from heaven. 14:58 records that there was a mixed multitude among the people. 15:02 They began to grumble and complain about the diet that God 15:05 provided them. 15:06 They cried out for the flesh foods that they left behind 15:09 in Egypt. 15:10 Then the Bible records God speaking to Moses in... 15:50 Can you imagine that? 15:51 God brings them out of slavery, places them on a path leading 15:55 them into a closer relationship with Him, He provides them the 15:59 best food to nourish their bodies and minds, 16:01 and they end up complaining to Him saying that they would 16:05 rather be in slavery, and eat the food of their desires, 16:08 rather than be free from slavery, and eat the heavenly 16:11 food God gave them. 16:12 Well, that's not the end of it because... 16:16 ...says that while the flesh was still between their teeth, 16:19 before it was ever chewed, the wrath of the Lord was kindled 16:22 against the people, and the Lord smote the people with a very 16:26 great plague. 16:27 The psalmist wrote about this time period, and once again we 16:31 see that the change in the overall spiritual condition of 16:33 God's people, along with the change in diet, takes place. 16:54 So the people got their meat, but many of them died from the 16:58 plague, and instead of being spiritually full they were 17:00 spiritually starving. 17:02 How is it with you, my friend? 17:04 Would you rather go God's way and be full of His spirit, 17:08 or would you rather go your way and be void of His spirit? 17:11 I pray that all who hear my voice will choose the path to 17:15 God, and receive His Holy Spirit into their hearts. 17:18 It's for this very reason that Jesus came here, doing for man 17:22 what man could not do for himself. 17:24 Jesus stretched out His hands, covering everyone from Adam 17:28 in the Garden of Eden, to the last child who will be born 17:31 on the face of this earth, providing redemption for all who 17:34 accept His life and sacrifice on the cross. 17:37 Throughout the ages Jesus has bridged the gap between Eden 17:41 lost and Eden restored, making salvation available to all. 17:45 Listen to how John 3:16 puts it: 17:56 What a powerful and comforting verse this is. 17:58 The Apostle Paul writes in the book of Colossians 1:9 that it's 18:03 his desire for the followers of Jesus to be filled with the 18:07 knowledge of God's will, with all wisdom and spiritual 18:10 understanding. 18:11 Not only does God want us to be filled with knowledge, wisdom, 18:14 and spiritual understanding, but He also 18:16 desires us to be in good health. 18:18 He wants to do for us now, what He did for His people during 18:23 the exodus from Egypt. 18:24 He wants to place us on a higher spiritual plain. 18:27 The Apostle John wrote in... 18:38 Paul speaking in... 19:03 He says in... 19:19 So you see, my friend, the writers of the New Testament 19:22 show us clearly that it's God's desire for us to be in good 19:26 physical and spiritual health. 19:27 In the early 1840's, and over the years which followed, 19:31 God raised up a group of believers, who would preach 19:34 to the world, messages of Jesus' priestly ministry in the 19:37 heavenly sanctuary, His soon return, or second coming, 19:40 and also health reform, giving to God's people the opportunity 19:45 to minister, in tangible ways, the love of Jesus to those in 19:49 in poor physical health. 19:50 Here's another New Testament passage, which shows us God's 19:54 desire for us to learn the lessons given to His people 19:57 during the exodus, thus confirming His plan to bring us 20:00 to a higher spiritual plain as He had hoped to do for them. 20:49 Yes, it's very clear that what happened to God's people in 20:52 the Old Testament is to be an example for us today. 20:55 The implication here is that just as God was drawing His 20:59 children to be closer with Him, both spiritually and physically 21:02 during the exodus, so He is now calling us to be closer to Him, 21:06 as indicated by the upward black line. 21:09 The marvelous thing about this is that God said when we're 21:13 tempted, He'll provide a way of escape for us to choose, 21:16 that we don't fall into the temptation as His people did 21:19 so many years ago. 21:20 In Isaiah 11:11 the Bible records how God's hand was set 21:26 towards His people to recover them from Egypt, but it also 21:30 says something pertaining to us at this time as well. 21:33 Let's look at Isaiah 11:11. It says... 21:47 Did you catch that? 21:48 The Lord says He will set His hand a second time to recover 21:52 the remnant of His people. 21:53 Now that's exciting! 21:54 Let's use what happened during the time of the exodus 21:58 as our example and not make the same mistakes they made, 22:02 but rather listen to God's voice with an open mind, 22:05 and a pure heart, preparing ourselves for His soon return. 22:12 says, "Don't you know you that you are the temple of God, 22:15 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 22:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, 22:21 for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. " 22:24 Yes, God really does want us to take care of our bodies, 22:28 because our bodies are meant to be the dwelling place of His 22:31 Holy Spirit. 22:32 He not only wants to live within us spiritually, but He also 22:36 wants to live with us physically. 23:25 Friend, God is preparing to take His people home. 23:29 Won't you choose to be among them? 23:31 It's those people who are making the necessary preparations now 23:35 that will go through the time of trouble, when the seven last 23:38 plagues are poured out upon the world. 23:39 Please allow me to ask you some questions that only you 23:43 can answer. 23:44 What is your relationship like with God? 23:47 Are you on the upward path, preparing yourself for the 23:50 return of Jesus? 23:52 Are you spending regular time in reading God's word, and applying 23:56 His principles to your life? 23:57 Are you making the necessary changes in your life to do those 24:01 things God wants you to do, and to forsake all things that you 24:06 know are not in God's plan for your life? 24:08 Are there any bad, or destructive habits in your life 24:11 that you need to gain victory over? 24:14 It's my prayer that you'll give serious consideration 24:17 to the Bible verses I've shared here with you. 24:19 That you'll understand the connections between mind, body, 24:23 and spirituality. 24:25 Jesus said in Matt. 7:7-8, "Ask and it will be given to you, 24:30 seek, and you will find, knock and the door will be 24:34 opened to you. 24:35 For everyone who asks receives. 24:37 He who seeks finds. 24:39 And to him who knocks, the door will be opened. " 24:41 Isn't that exciting news? 24:43 This passage, basically, is saying, that whenever you need 24:46 help, you can go to the Lord and tell Him about it. 24:49 You can rest your problems in His capable hands, and He will 24:53 guide you through your problem. 24:55 Now, I know from experience, that sometimes when I do this, 24:59 that it doesn't feel like God is guiding me, but I've also 25:02 noticed that during those times I've had a superficial 25:06 relationship with God. 25:07 I wasn't earnestly seeking Him in Bible study and prayer. 25:11 My relationship with God had dwindled and faded away. 25:15 I've come to learn that my perception of His nonresponse, 25:19 in many ways, is the strongest response that He could give me, 25:22 if He truly loves me. 25:24 This is His call for me to get back into the Bible, 25:27 and earnestly pray for His guidance. 25:29 Giving one's life over to God is in essence saying, "God I'm no 25:33 longer CEO of my life. 25:35 You're in charge. 25:36 And in order for me to perform my daily tasks, I'll meet with 25:40 you every day, and talk to you about the things which really 25:43 matter in life. 25:44 Friend, if you develop a relationship like this with God, 25:47 your faith will grow beyond measure, and you'll receive 25:50 peace of mind, and spiritual strength to carry you through 25:53 each and every day. 25:55 Once the earth is created new... 26:23 Both of these passages say nothing will be hurt 26:25 or destroyed. 26:26 This being the case, means there will be no killing of animals 26:29 for food. 26:31 In other words, there will be no eating of flesh foods in heaven 26:35 or on the earth made new. 26:37 Man will once again be returned to God's forever diet, the diet 26:42 which God gave when He created man in the beginning. 26:45 If you're thinking it might be a good idea to change your diet 26:49 now, then I would encourage you to begin slowly 26:52 and intelligently. 26:53 Educate yourself in the vegetarian lifestyle, and remain 26:57 as close to real plant food as possible. 26:59 Replace one meat dish each week with a healthy non-meat 27:03 selection and before you know it, you'll have eliminated 27:07 the high fat, high cholesterol, low fiber, meat foods 27:10 from your diet. 27:12 Begin expanding your culinary tastes by eating a wide variety 27:16 of fruits, nuts, grains, herbs, and vegetables, prepared 27:19 in a tasteful manner, and after awhile you'll see the wisdom 27:22 in God's desire for you to live a healthy lifestyle. 27:25 As this program comes to an end, I'd like to share with you one 27:29 more scripture text. 27:31 It's found in the book of Rev. 22:1-2 and it reads... 27:56 Doesn't that sound wonderful, friend? 27:58 Can you picture yourself drinking water from a pure river 28:02 called the Water of Life? 28:04 Can you imagine yourself eating twelve different kinds of fruit 28:08 from just one tree called the Tree of Life, which has leaves 28:13 containing the necessary properties which bring abundant 28:16 health to all who partake of them? 28:18 I pray that you can picture yourself doing these things, 28:21 and when Jesus returns to take you home with Him, I'll meet you 28:25 by the Tree of Life, next to the flowing waters of the River 28:28 of Life, all created for our pleasure by the Creator of Life. 28:33 May God bless you and your loved ones. |
Revised 2014-12-17