Participants: Eric Garloff
Series Code: V
Program Code: V000020
00:11 Is evolution scientific?
00:12 This is the question we will weigh in the balance today. 00:15 Hello, my name is Eric Garloff. 00:18 As we begin, I'd like to first give credit to NASA 00:20 and the Hubble telescope for any of the genuine space images that 00:24 may appear within this presentation 00:26 without specific image credit. 00:28 In many of my slides I'll also be referring to an online 00:31 dictionary, encyclopedia of sorts which is known 00:34 as Wikipedia. 00:35 My lovely wife, Teresa and I, have been married for 20 years. 00:39 I thank God for her everyday. 00:41 We gave our hearts to the Lord Jesus and were baptized together 00:45 in 1991. 00:46 We've been serving him ever since. 00:48 Our ministry exists because we believe the Bible. 00:52 The B I B L E is our basic instructions bringing 00:57 life eternal. 00:58 We believe all scripture 01:00 is given by inspiration of God 01:02 and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction 01:06 for instruction in righteousness. 01:08 We believe it's important to sanctify the Lord God 01:11 in our hearts, and be ready always to give an answer 01:13 to every man that asks you a reason of the hope 01:16 that is in you with meekness and fear. 01:18 We believe in the beginning God created the heaven 01:22 and the earth. 01:24 Why should we care about the Evolution-Creation 01:26 debate anyway? 01:28 First of all, the credibility of the book of Genesis is at stake. 01:32 Secondly, the credibility of Jesus is at stake as he quoted 01:36 from Genesis. 01:37 Thirdly, the credibility of nearly every other book 01:40 in the Bible is at stake, as most of them refer to Genesis. 01:44 Evolution teaches that death brought man into the world, 01:48 but, the Bible teaches that man brought death 01:51 into the world. 01:52 The two teachings are directly opposite from each other. 02:13 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow 02:18 and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition 02:21 and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. 02:26 There are 3 main world views concerning, who we are, 02:30 and how we got here. 02:32 The creationist view says, God created man in his present form 02:36 at one time a little over six thousand years ago. 02:39 Theistic evolutionist view says man developed over 02:43 millions of years from less advanced forms of life 02:45 but God guided this process, including man's creation. 02:49 The naturalistic evolutionist view says man has developed 02:52 over millions of years from less advanced forms of life. 02:56 God had no part in the process. 02:58 When I speak about evolutionary views within this seminar, 03:01 I'm speaking about the combination of both 03:03 theistic evolution and naturalistic evolution, 03:06 as both, are contrary to the Bible. 03:26 Praise God for these seven hundred scientists. 03:29 and pray for more to know him as Creator of heaven and earth. 03:32 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son 03:36 that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, 03:39 but, have everlasting life. 03:44 enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate 03:47 and broad is the road that leads to destruction, 03:49 and many enter through it, but small is the gate 03:52 and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it. 04:08 According to a gallop poll, education is a factor 04:15 in what people believe... these groups believe in evolution. 04:56 Unless, your children are attending a school 04:58 operated by a church organization 05:00 teaching the creationist's view, then they're most likely 05:04 being taught evolution. 05:05 Science is defined as the systematic knowledge 05:09 of the physical or material world, 05:11 gained through observation and experimentation. 05:14 Wikipedia says about science, that it's knowledge must be 05:19 based on observable phenomenon, and capable 05:22 of being experimented for its validity by other researchers 05:26 working under the same conditions. 05:28 Therefore, if you can't observe it, and if you can't conduct 05:32 a valid experiment to prove it, then you can't claim it 05:35 to be true in the name of science. 05:37 This brings us back to our original question. 05:39 Is evolution scientific? 05:49 Life has evolved on earth? 05:51 Never has this been observed. 05:53 There's not been one single credible piece 05:55 of evidence to prove it. 05:57 Therefore, this statement can not be asserted as truth 05:59 in the name of science. 06:00 It can only be a theory. 06:03 The evolutionist's view and the creationist's view 06:06 are at odds with each other. 06:07 But, this is where common sense and weighing the facts 06:10 on the scales of blind justice will point out what's plausible. 06:14 The word evolution has many meanings, but only one of them 06:17 is scientific. 06:19 Only one of them can be observed and tested. 06:22 Let's look at 6 of these meanings for evolution. 06:26 First, is cosmic evolution: how time, space, and matter evolve, 06:32 which is the Big Bang Theory. 06:34 Second, stellar and planetary evolution: 06:36 the formation and life-cycle of the stars and planets. 06:40 Third, chemical evolution: how higher elements form 06:44 from the lower elements of hydrogen and helium. 06:46 Fourth, organic evolution: how life evolved. 06:50 Fifth, macro evolution: how one kind of animal 06:53 changes into another kind of an animal. 06:55 Sixth, micro evolution: variations within 06:58 the kinds of animals. 07:00 This is the only one which is scientific. 07:02 Once again, we are going to look at cosmic, stellar, chemical, 07:06 organic, macro, and micro evolution. 07:08 Let's first take a look at cosmic evolution. 08:10 Friends, I can explain how the universe began. 08:13 It's found in the very first verse of the Bible... 08:20 Doesn't it seem just a little ridiculous to believe 08:23 that all of the planets were squished down 08:25 into nearly nothing. 08:27 Did you know the Sun's diameter is greater than 100 times 08:30 that of the Earth? 08:31 If the sun was hollow you could place more than one million 08:34 earths inside of it. 08:36 Did you know that super giant stars are ten to seventy times 08:39 larger than the sun? 08:41 If it was hollow you could place ten million to seventy million 08:44 earths inside of just one super giant star. 08:48 Isn't it ridiculous to think all this could be squished down 08:50 into nothing? 08:51 Scientists estimate the number of stars they know about 08:54 to be seventy sextillion. 08:56 That's seven with twenty-two zeros after it or seven times 08:59 ten to the twenty second power. 09:01 With a population of nearly seven billion people on earth, 09:04 you can calculate that there are enough stars for every person 09:07 on earth to have ten trillion of them. 09:09 Doesn't it seem ridiculous to believe that seventy sextillion 09:13 stars are squished down into nearly nothing? 09:16 If everything were squished down into nothing, or nearly nothing, 09:20 and then it exploded into something. 09:27 ...seeing they all came from the same mass of material 09:29 before the explosion? 09:30 The sun is 98% hydrogen or helium. 09:34 So, why does Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars contain less than 09:38 one percent of hydrogen or helium, 09:40 if they all came from the same mass? 09:42 Let's now consider the law of 09:44 conservation of angular momentum. 09:46 When you have a spinning or rotating mass 09:49 this law of physics says that objects breaking away 09:53 or departing from that mass will do so with the same rotational 09:57 spin, unless acted upon by external torque. 10:00 Therefore, when the Big Bang occurred the material 10:04 from that small dense spinning object would all be spinning 10:07 in the same direction, unless an outside torque was applied 10:11 to change its rotation. 10:13 Did you know that Venus and Uranus spin backwards 10:16 from the rest of the planets? 10:18 Why do they do that? 10:19 Where did the external torque come from to make them 10:22 spin backwards? 10:24 Why do many of the moons within our solar system spin backwards? 10:28 Why do some moons even orbit the planets backwards? 10:36 The law of conservation of angular momentum says 10:39 they should all be spinning the same way, unless acted upon 10:42 by an external force. 10:44 It also says that the bodies of larger mass will spin faster. 10:48 Did you know that the sun has more than 99% 10:50 of the solar system's mass. 10:52 This means it should be spinning very fast compared to the rest 10:55 of the planets. 10:56 Instead the sun's rotation is very slow. 11:00 Why does the sun have 99% of the solar system's mass but only 11:04 2% of its angular momentum. 11:16 Friends, it's not obscure. 11:18 In the beginning God made it that way. 11:21 Now that may sound simplistic. 11:23 I believe God has done these unexplainable things to draw our 11:27 attention to him as the great Creator God that he is. 11:31 The composition of our solar system, the law of 11:35 conservation of angular momentum, and the ridiculous 11:38 notion that all matter in the universe was squished down 11:40 into nearly nothing, all points to the Big Bang Theory 11:44 as being merely a theory and not a fact. 12:12 Therefore, we strike cosmic evolution off our list 12:15 and we turn our attention now to stellar evolution. 12:18 If stellar evolution were true then we should have 12:22 ample evidence to prove it, especially since there are 12:25 seventy sextillion stars out there to examine. 12:28 It's said that a star is a massive ball of gas 12:30 pulled together by gravity. 12:32 At some point the mass of gas becomes hot enough 12:35 and dense enough to begin nuclear fusion. 12:39 Through this process, a protostar is then formed. 12:42 The lifespan of a star varies according to its size and mass. 12:46 It begins as a protostar, from there it may become 12:50 a blue super-giant, a sun like star, a red dwarf, 12:53 or a brown dwarf. 12:55 As the star burns up it changes states. 12:58 What I question is the theory of how they formed, 13:01 and how long it takes for them to change or evolve through 13:04 their life cycle of decay. 13:06 Nobody has ever seen a star formed. 13:08 Scientists have seen emerging light from a distant galaxy 13:11 that they might believe to be a star forming, but this could be 13:14 nothing more than dust clouds clearing and allowing 13:17 the stars light to shine through and be seen. 13:19 They claim the formation of a star takes anywhere from 13:23 hundreds of thousands to millions of years. 13:25 The evolution of a star can take millions to billions of years. 13:36 but theory and observation don't seem to match up here. 13:39 The poet Aerates around 276 BC describes Sirius as red. 13:44 A roman philosopher and statesman, named Seneca, 13:47 who died in 65 AD, had also described Sirius as being 13:51 of a deeper red color than Mars. 13:53 In 150 AD, the astronomer Ptolemy described Sirius 13:57 as being reddish in color. 13:58 Today, Sirius is a white star. 14:01 This change took place in less than two thousand years. 14:04 It didn't take billions of years. 14:06 Think about this, in order to have seventy sextillion stars 14:10 form over the past 13.7 billion years, which is the age 14:14 now given to the universe, on the average from day 1 14:17 of the Big Bang 13.9 billion stars would need to form 14:20 every single day just to form the stars we know about. 14:24 Don't you think if 13.9 billion stars were forming everyday 14:28 that our scientists would be able to observe 14:30 and record these events. 14:31 Stars should be popping into existence and filling the sky 14:34 like exploding popcorn in a frying pan. 14:37 We've seen stars die, but no one has seen a star form. 14:41 On the average, one super nova takes place approximately 14:44 every twenty-five years. 14:54 Sirius's rapid change from a red giant to a white dwarf 14:58 and the huge lack of evidence for the self-formation of stars 15:01 leaves tremendously huge gaping holes 15:04 in the stellar evolution theory. 15:06 Without the ability to test or observe stellar formation 15:09 it remains only a theory with unproven assumptions. 15:13 Therefore, we strike stellar evolution from our list 15:16 and proceed to chemical evolution. 15:18 Chemical evolution is how higher elements form from 15:21 hydrogen and helium. 15:23 They claim the elements evolve through stellar fusion. 15:26 This process is known as nucleosynthesis. 15:29 According to Wikipedia, here's how it works. 15:32 The process of creating new atomic nuclei 15:35 from preexisting nucleons: being protons and neutrons, 15:39 was formed from the plasma of the Big Bang as it cooled 15:42 below ten million degrees. 15:48 Let's consider the following. 15:50 First of all, where did the elements of hydrogen 15:53 and helium come from in the first place? 15:55 They had to come from somewhere, so who made them? 15:58 If all the elements were made from hydrogen and helium 16:01 by stellar fusion? 16:02 Where did the star come from that made the elements? 16:06 You now have a circular argument. 16:08 Which came first the stars or the elements? 16:11 You need to have the elements in order to make the stars, 16:14 but you also need the stars in order to create stellar fusion, 16:18 to make the elements. 16:21 Which came first the chicken or the egg? 16:23 The answer is the chicken, because God created the animals. 16:27 With them he created their ability to procreate. 16:31 Just as God made the chicken fully mature with the ability 16:34 to lay the egg and procreate so he created a mature universe 16:39 along with all the elements found within it. 17:00 God determines the number of the stars and calls each by name. 17:06 The fact is that nucleosynthesis can't sustain itself past iron, 17:10 which is number 26 out of 118. 17:12 This is because fusing iron into heavier elements requires more 17:16 energy than which is released by the fusion reaction process, 17:20 thus, making the reaction unsustainable. 17:22 Therefore, chemical evolution remains a theory 17:25 and it can't be scientifically proven that all the elements 17:28 form from hydrogen and helium. 17:30 Now we strike chemical evolution off the list 17:33 and move on to organic evolution. 17:35 Organic evolution is a theory which explains how life 17:39 might possibly have developed from non-life. 17:42 Wikipedia explains organic evolution as simple 17:45 chemical compounds which catalyze the creation 17:48 of copies of themselves in an environment rich 17:51 with the necessary building block compounds or elements. 17:54 As these reproduce they can be created with slightly different 17:59 structures randomly similar to biological mutations. 18:03 Eventually these replicators would produce protocells. 18:07 The first experiments to prove this theory 18:09 were made by Stanley L Miller in the 1950's. 18:13 However, the Miller experiments failed to produce 18:15 life of any kind. 18:17 The experiments used water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen. 18:21 The chemicals were all sealed inside of a sterile array 18:25 of glass tubes and flasks connected together in a loop 18:28 with one flask half full of liquid water and another flask 18:31 containing a pair of electrodes. 18:33 The liquid water was heated to induce evaporation. 18:36 Sparks were fired between the electrodes to simulate 18:39 lightning through the atmosphere and water vapor, 18:42 and then the atmosphere was cooled again 18:44 so that the water could condense and trickle back into the first 18:47 flask in a continuous cycle. 18:50 The test results failed to produce any nucleic acids, 18:53 being DNA or RNA, which are the most common nucleic acids 18:57 carrying genetic information and found in all living cells. 19:01 Of course, this was only one such experiment, but others 19:04 have tried similar experiments as well and none have created 19:08 life from non-life. 19:24 The ultimate end of the theory of organic evolution 19:27 is the evolution of modern humans. 19:29 Wikipedia tells us that the human race started somewhere 19:32 between 250 thousand and 400 thousand years ago. 19:36 Let's calculate what the earth's population should be 19:40 if mankind existed for 250 thousand years. 19:43 From the time of Noah's flood, when only 8 people were left 19:46 on the face of the earth it took approximately 4150 years 19:51 for Earth's population to reach one billion. 19:53 This happened around the year 1800 AD. 19:56 From there, it only took 130 more years to reach 19:59 two billion in 1930. 20:01 Thirty-two years later in 1962 we hit 3 billion. 20:04 15 years later in 1977 we had 4 billion people. 20:08 In 1999 we reached six billion, and it's estimated that 20:11 the world's population would reach 7 billion people during 20:15 the year 2008. 20:16 This means it would have only taken nine years for that last 20:19 billion people to be born. 20:36 Now let's apply math and extend 20:39 this out for a total of 250 thousand years. 20:42 When you do this, you'll quickly see that Earth's population 20:45 should be around 24 trillion. 20:48 That's 3,485 times the population 20:51 we see on the face of the earth today. 20:53 If the human race were 250 thousand years old, 20:56 you then must ask yourself where are all the people to prove it? 20:59 Let's also say that the Earth suffered a near genocidal event, 21:03 or series of events due to disease, violent crime, war, 21:07 famine, epidemic, natural disaster and so on. 21:11 Let's say that the results of these global events is the death 21:14 of 90% of Earth's population, which is 9 out of 10 people. 21:18 If 90% of the population were destroyed, there should still be 21:22 2.4 trillion people alive on planet earth today. 21:25 That's still 384 times our population of 7 billion. 21:29 Today, planet earth has approximately 67 people 21:32 per square mile of land. 21:34 If 90% of the expected population for a 250,000 21:38 year existence were wiped out, there should be over 25,700 21:43 people per square mile. 21:44 Where are they? 21:45 The earth's population does not support the idea 21:48 that the human race is 250,000 years old. 21:52 The trillions of people who should of existed 21:54 can't even be found in the fossil record. 21:56 The reason for this is because humanity is not 21:59 250,000 years old. 22:02 If you really want to know where life comes from and how long 22:05 the human race has been here on planet earth, 22:07 then become familiar with the Creator as found 22:09 in the Holy Bible. 22:46 Hebrews Chapter 1 says: 22:47 God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spoke in 22:51 times past unto the fathers by the prophets. 22:54 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son 22:58 Whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also 23:02 He made the worlds. 23:03 In Ephesians 3:9 makes it very clear 23:06 God created all things by Jesus Christ. 23:09 Friends, organic evolution is only a theory. 23:12 The complexity of the creation of life 23:14 lies in the hands of Jesus, the Son of God. 23:17 So organic evolution comes off the list, 23:20 as we turn our attention now to macro evolution. 23:29 In the ten countries with the highest cat populations 23:33 there are an estimated 203 million cats. 23:35 Yet with all these cats nobody has ever seen a cat, give birth 23:39 to a dog or any other kind of animal for that matter. 23:42 Cats give birth to cats, and it happens that way every time. 23:46 In the 10 countries with the highest dog populations, 23:49 there are an estimated 172 million dogs. 23:52 Yet with all these dogs nobody has ever seen a dog, 23:56 give birth to a monkey or any other kind of animal. 24:00 Dogs give birth to dogs, and it happens that way every time. 24:05 Birds make birds, every time. Horses make horses, every time. 24:09 Evolutionists don't have one single, credible 24:12 transitional life form, either living or in the fossil record 24:16 to support the theory of macro evolution. 24:19 Evolutionists imply that macro evolution exists simply because 24:24 micro evolution exists. 24:26 But the one, does not in any way 24:28 support the existence of the other. 24:30 With nearly 7 billion humans on planet earth,... 24:38 With billions upon billions of animals in the world 24:41 when has anyone ever seen one kind of animal give birth 24:45 to a completely different kind of animal? 24:47 In the history of the whole world, it's never happened. 24:50 There has never been a genetic mutation that added information 24:54 to the gene pool and produced a positive change in morphology 24:58 which formed a new kind of animal. 25:01 Macro evolution is only a theory. 25:03 Under close examination, the many claims of having found 25:07 transitional life forms have fallen apart. 25:10 Therefore, macro evolution is taken from our list and 25:14 we now look at the only form of evolution which is scientific. 25:17 We now look at micro evolution. 25:20 Micro evolution is how small changes are made within the 25:23 same kind of animal. 25:25 These changes have brought forth the variations 25:27 we see today in the animal kingdom. 25:29 These changes come about through the information that is already 25:33 within the genetic code of each animal. 25:35 Various genes are turned on or off to produce the variations 25:40 we see within each kind of animal. 25:42 These genes control what the animal will look like, 25:45 but they never change one kind of animal 25:48 into another kind of animal. 25:49 That would require genetic information which is not 25:52 in the animal's gene pool. 25:54 Micro-evolution produces dogs with long legs or short legs. 25:59 It gives us dogs with short hair or dogs with long hair. 26:02 It produces horses built for strength or built for speed. 26:07 It gives us birds with the ability to hunt by day 26:11 or birds with the ability to hunt by night. 26:14 There is no doubt that micro-evolution exists. 26:17 It can be both tested, and observed. 26:20 Micro-evolution is God's way of granting the animals 26:24 their ability to change or adapt to their environments. 26:27 All this is due to the animal's coded genetic variation. 26:31 Genetic variation is a gift from God, or else 26:33 all the animals and all the humans would look the same. 26:36 Wouldn't that be a boring world! 26:38 Micro-evolution is what Darwin observed. 26:42 From this he based his theory of macro-evolution. 26:45 In doing so, he ventured out of the realm of true science. 26:57 In the few minutes remaining I'd like to speak to every Christian 27:00 that's listening to the sound of my voice. 27:03 Many people scoff at the Bible, but it's message is true 27:06 from beginning to end. 27:07 The scoffers simply don't know Jesus. 27:10 That's why we must share Jesus with them. 27:13 Show them his love and salvation. 27:16 Jesus said, If you believe in Moses you would believe in me, 27:20 for he wrote about me, but if you don't believe what he wrote. 27:23 How will you believe what I say? 27:25 It's thought by many scholars that Moses wrote the first five 27:28 books of the Bible, Genesis being one of those five. 27:32 Therefore, Jesus is saying that we should believe Genesis. 27:35 People aren't being taught the great truths of God, or else 27:39 they would see his great love, his compassion, forgiveness 27:43 and creative power. 27:55 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise... 27:59 as some understand slowness. 28:01 He is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish, 28:05 but everyone to come to repentance. 28:07 The Lord is giving us time to reach these individuals 28:10 who don't believe in him. 28:12 What are you doing with the time God is giving you? 28:17 this little dash. 28:19 It's the dash that separates the date of your birth, 28:22 with the date of your death. 28:23 That's all the time your given in this life. 28:26 I encourage you to use your dash, to use your time for God. 28:31 May God bless you and your loved ones. |
Revised 2014-12-17