Participants: Eric Garloff
Series Code: V
Program Code: V000019
00:22 Never before have the skeletal remains of any animal created
00:25 such excitement and controversy as when the Ethiopian remains 00:29 of Lucy were moved to a museum in Houston, Texas for public 00:32 display. Hello, my name is Eric Garloff. 00:35 Lucy's appearance in Houston was scheduled to last from 00:38 August 31, 2007 to April 20, 2008. 00:42 Although Lucy's skeleton is missing approximately 60% of its 00:47 bones, the 40% which remains is expected to draw large numbers 00:50 of viewers. The artifacts are scheduled to 00:53 return to Ethiopia in 2013. Her 6 year tour outside of 00:57 Ethiopia is not only calculated to raise money but its also 01:01 calculated to tell her story. But is the story being told 01:04 by the exhibition the true story and by what means or measuring 01:09 stick do you use to determine if the story is true or false? 01:13 Do you blindly believe the evolutionary story simply 01:16 because it is printed in school textbooks? 01:19 Do you merely accept it as a fact because that's what you've 01:22 been taught? Or do you hold to the position 01:25 that since its been done in the name of science 01:28 that it must be true? 01:29 Do you think the proponents of evolution have ever tried to 01:33 make the evidence lean in favor of evolution by other than 01:37 honest means? What you're about to see are the 01:40 chapters of Lucy's story that won't be on exhibit. 01:43 And once you do, you'll have the real answers to many of these 01:47 questions. You'll also have the knowledge and understanding to 01:51 use your God given wisdom in knowing who Lucy really is. 01:56 But first let's take a moment to discuss what knowledge, wisdom, 01:59 and understanding are. How they differ from each other 02:02 and how they can be applied to the information which the 02:05 evolutionary theory is built upon. 02:08 First let's define the term knowledge. 02:10 Knowledge could be defined as the mere accumulation of 02:13 unrelated and unorganized facts, without the ability to apply 02:18 these facts to practical life. Understanding on the other hand 02:22 indicates the ability to evaluate and organize facts 02:26 which in turn provides the foundation for wisdom. 02:30 Once the knowledge base of facts is established and the 02:33 understanding of those facts takes place by properly studying 02:37 and examining the facts then wisdom comes into the picture 02:40 as the ability to make honest and practical use of those facts 02:45 which is what we're going to do in this program. 02:47 In the Bible's book of James chapter 1 and verse 5, we find 02:52 this statement which says, "If any of you lacks wisdom he 02:55 should ask God who gives generously to all without 02:58 finding fault and it will be given to him. " 03:01 So you see friends if you have knowledge and understanding, all 03:05 you need to do for wisdom is to ask God for it. 03:08 So I'm asking you to keep an open mind as we begin examining 03:13 the bones that have been unearthed and used to support 03:17 the evolutionary theory. Examine these facts you're about 03:20 to see, seek an understanding of the truth they hold and ask God 03:25 to give you wisdom in forming your conclusion. 03:28 Let's take a brief look at what science has learned regarding 03:31 the fossil remains of six discoveries which all held 03:33 high hopes for being the so- called missing link in mans 03:36 evolution. 03:37 As we begin I would like to make this statement: 03:47 Two things that would prove this theory. 03:54 In other words tangible evidence that would suggest that it is 03:58 possible to evolve from one type of species into another. 04:02 We're going to begin by examining the fossil records 04:04 of six discoveries from 1856 to 1974. 04:08 Each of these fossils were used to support the theory 04:11 of evolution. Once we have looked at these 04:14 fossils records, we will then look at the mechanism 04:17 for change. The six discoveries we're going 04:20 to look at are: 04:32 Much hope was placed on each of these discoveries as the missing 04:36 link in the line of human evolution. 04:39 But since each of these discoveries were made and 04:41 proclaimed to the world, they have all been discredited 04:44 and proven not to be the missing link. 04:47 Since the first five are pretty much common knowledge, 04:50 we will only briefly mention them. 04:52 However, since Lucy is still being heavily promoted as the 04:55 missing link, we will spend a little more time examining her. 04:59 Beginning with Neanderthal Man, here is the original artist 05:03 sketch or drawing made of Neanderthal Man. 05:06 Please notice the unique blend of human feet, upright body 05:09 hairy, ape-like appearance and ape-like face. 05:47 These findings all point to the Neanderthal's being fully human. 05:51 Also, the analysis of the Neanderthal DNA fail to 05:56 demonstrate any significant difference in DNA from 05:59 modern humans. So, what conclusions can we come 06:02 to about the Neanderthal Man? We can conclude they were an 06:06 isolated population of people living in a cold, harsh climate. 06:10 They were artisans in that they used jewelry, played musical 06:14 instruments, and made paintings. Their skeletons show: 06:27 Now let's look at the facts concerning the 06:29 bones of Java Man: 07:19 The conclusion about Java Man is that human and ape-like fossils 07:23 were found together and used to promote 07:26 an intermediate transition. The thigh bone and the skull cap 07:29 do not belong to the same creature. 07:32 Now, we turn our attention to Piltdown Man. 07:34 The facts about the bones of Piltdown Man contain an 07:37 interesting story. Piltdown Man's story is similar 07:40 to Java Man in that bones from two different sources were used 07:44 to promote this find. However, Piltdown Man was taken 07:47 a step farther. Piltdown Man was an 07:50 intentional deception. That's right! 07:52 The bones fragments were from two sources were 07:54 fabricated or modified to fit into one skull and intentionally 07:58 promoted as the missing link. 08:42 The conclusion of Piltdown Man is that men deliberately 08:45 combined the bones of different creatures in a deliberate hoax 08:49 to fool the scientific community and mislead the world. 08:53 Now, we will consider the facts about the bones of 08:56 Nebraska Man. This one is going to be very 08:58 quick because all that was found in Nebraska Man was a tooth. 09:02 The fossil evidence for this tooth was discovered in 1922. 09:22 The tooth was not the tooth of a man or of an ape, but rather the 09:25 the tooth belonged to a pig. That's right! 09:27 It belonged to a pig! But until it was uncovered it 09:31 was used to support evolution. Are you beginning to see 09:34 a pattern here? Are you beginning to see 09:36 what's happening? Fossils are discovered and great 09:40 claims are made to support evolution, papers are written, 09:43 pictures are taken, artist's sketches are drawn, books are 09:48 published, and everyone is told that evolution is true. 09:51 Then, after a passage of time when the evidence is fully 09:55 examined, it's discovered that the great claims had 09:58 no merit whatsoever. Yet evolutionists still cling to 10:02 their theory, which today they say is a fact. 10:05 But they still have no legitimate evidence to prove 10:08 or support their claims. Anyway, let's move on to our 10:12 next set of facts about the bones of Ramapithecus. 10:14 The lower jaw of what we know today as Ramapithecus was 10:18 found in 1930. Yet from this jaw 10:20 artistic license was exercised. And you can see here what they 10:24 drew from only a jaw. You will notice that this 10:27 ape-like creature is drawn as a biped or an upright walker, 10:32 slightly hunched over as if he was half man and half ape. 10:48 Hominids means belonging to the family of humans. 10:51 In other words in 1977 Time magazine was saying that if 10:56 Ramapithicus is not part of the human family, there is nothing 10:59 else which has been discovered to fill the role of being the 11:02 missing link. 11:29 The Columbia Encyclopedia sixth edition 2001 states: 11:34 The complete jaw discovered in 1976 was clearly non-hominid 11:39 and Ramapithecus is now regarded to be an ancestor 11:42 of the Orangutan. The conclusion about 11:45 Ramapithecus is that artist license was used in drawing 11:48 Ramapithecus to look like an upright walker, to look as if he 11:53 was evolving. But Ramapithecus is the ancestor 11:56 of the Orangutan - not a member of the human family. 11:59 Perhaps our most interesting study on the facts about the 12:02 bones will be with Lucy. Lucy is an Australopithecine. 12:06 In Latin australos means of the south. 12:09 The Greek word pithecus means ape. 12:11 The claim is made that the Australopithecines are a group 12:15 of extinct hominids closely related to humans. 12:18 Most of them are around 4- 4.5 feet tall. 13:03 In other words artistic license was once again used to make 13:07 the Australopithecines appear to be evolving. 13:11 In reality Lucy had no similarity in appearance 13:14 to humans. She had long arms identical 13:17 to Chimpanzees. The jaw and upper leg bone 13:20 are similar to a Chimpanzee. Her brain was 65% smaller than 13:24 the human brain. The Australopithecines had large 13:27 back muscles for tree dwelling, hands similar to a Pigmy Chimp, 13:32 and their feet were long and curved for hanging on to 13:35 tree limbs. 13:37 Scientists study and examine three areas to determine if 13:40 Lucy walked upright. They were: 14:00 Moving on to the pelvis: 14:02 You can see here that there is a huge difference between the 14:05 Chimp and Human pelvises. The shape of the pelvis can be 14:09 used to determine if a creature is capable of bipedal motion 14:12 or walking upright. 14:47 This brings us to the legs and feet of Lucy. 14:49 Notice how she is portrayed in the same St. Louis zoo as having 14:52 altogether human looking feet and legs. 15:17 Professor Betsy Shurman, evolutionist expert, admits that 15:22 the statute's feet probably are not accurate. 15:25 But when asked whether the statue should be changed 15:27 she says, "Absolutely not!" In other words, it's OK to 15:31 promote deception if it strengthens the theory. 16:22 Now we are going to look at the problem that the evolutionists 16:24 had when it came time to dating Lucy's remains. 16:27 We first start with fossil #1470: 18:16 Do you recall the earlier statement I made which said 18:18 If the evolution of humans from an ape like ancestor is true, 18:21 there should be two proof evidences? 18:23 The first is the fossil record, which we have now seen does not 18:27 support the claims of evolution. The other proof evidence is the 18:30 mechanism for change. Let's look at this now. 18:33 Is there a mechanism for change that could cause a Lucy-like 18:37 creature to evolve into a human? The theory is that: 19:03 One of our questions is, Can natural selection cause one 19:08 kind of species to become a new kind? 19:11 The answer is, no, it can not. Natural selection only works 19:15 with existing information. Natural selection does just what 19:19 the name implies - it selects. It does not create 19:22 new information. Natural selection is the ability 19:26 to adapt to the environment. Or shall we say it is the 19:29 survival of the fittest? Variation within a species is 19:33 not evolution. For example, compare these: 19:56 Let's talk about mutations as a mechanism for change. 20:00 Please follow along with me on this flow chart beginning in the 20:03 upper left hand corner. 20:39 If the beneficial mutation does not add information - then 20:43 once again evolution does not take place. 20:47 In 1989 four PhD's - 3 from the field of biology and 1 from the 20:52 field of zoology - wrote The Biology of Animal Parasites. 20:55 In that book on page 516 we find this statement: 21:20 In other words, natural selection cannot determine 21:22 if a life form needs an eye to see with or an ear to hear with, 21:27 a nose to smell with, a mouth to eat with, etc. 22:05 Warner Git the director at the German Federal Institute of 22:09 Physics and Technology stated: There is no known law of nature, 22:12 no known process, and no known sequence of events 22:16 which can cause information to originate by itself in matter. 22:20 Once again I would like to make this statement. 22:22 If the evolution of humans from an ape-like ancestor is 22:25 true, there should be two proof evidences. 22:28 One is the fossil record. We have seen that the theory of 22:31 evolution has no fossil records to support itself. 22:33 The second proof evidence is the mechanism for change. 22:36 We have read the statements of various experts that such a 22:41 mechanism does not exist. Natural selection can only 22:44 select. It only works on 22:47 existing information. It cannot create or add new 22:49 information. We have also seen that 22:51 genetic variation within the species is not evolution. 22:55 So perhaps you are saying to yourself that you believe in 22:59 evolution for a long time. But now you realize it's a hoax. 23:03 And you ask yourself, where does that leave me? 23:06 Well, my friend, it leaves you at the beginning of the 23:09 pathway to truth. It leaves you with the only 23:12 other plausible reason for our existence. 23:14 It leaves you facing the fact that there is a God in heaven, 23:18 a God who has created this earth, everything in it, and 23:21 the whole universe around it. A God who loves you no matter 23:24 what you may have believed in the past, a God who is willing 23:28 to forgive you for anything and everything you may have done 23:31 or said, in order to make a way for you to spend 23:35 all eternity with Him. Yes, friend, the peace 23:38 and happiness that your heart longs for can be found in 23:42 Jesus Christ, the Son of God who has come to this earth, 23:45 giving His life for your sins and for mine. 23:48 By way of asking you a couple of questions, I'd like to share 23:51 with you a little more about the great love and 23:53 awesome power of Jesus. 23:55 If you have an evolutionary outlook on life, ask yourself 23:58 the questions of why? and where? 24:03 Basically the evolutionary answer is that you are here by 24:07 accident or by chance. And after you die you become 24:10 fertilizer for the soil. That is up until the time we 24:14 began making fancy caskets to lay our bodies in, 24:17 at which point your body does not even serve the purpose 24:19 of fertilizing the ground anymore. 24:21 On the other hand, when you look 24:23 at life through the teaching of the Bible, you see a completely 24:26 different picture. You see a loving God 24:29 who created you to be by His side through out all eternity. 24:33 Unfortunately, because we have committed sins in our life, 24:36 the blessing of being with God throughout all eternity can only 24:40 come true through the sacrifice which Jesus has made by 24:43 dying on the cross nearly 2,000 years ago on behalf of our sins. 24:48 It's only through the perfect sacrifice of God Himself that 24:51 man's sins could be forgiven. Oh, sure, we can forgive others 24:54 when they harm us or do wrong to us, but when we do something 24:57 wrong to someone else we not only need to seek their 25:00 forgiveness, but we also need to seek the forgiveness of God 25:03 who created that person in His own image. 25:06 The good news is this. The Bible says in 1 John 1:9 25:20 Unrighteousness is wrong doing. Being forgiven from all your 25:24 wrong doing has got to be the greatest news you've heard 25:26 in a long time. Many people today go around in 25:30 life with a terrible burden on their back. 25:32 It's a burden of guilt that bears down on them. 25:35 It can cause them to bring ill health upon themselves. 25:38 This is where God's gift of forgiveness steps in. 25:41 When He forgives us, we no longer need to carry that burden 25:45 of guilt around which zaps our strength and vital energies. 25:49 Think about it, Jesus the Son of God died that you might live. 26:08 What an awesome sacrifice He made for your life and mine. 26:11 He came to this earth, suffered, and died the death we deserve 26:17 that we might go to heaven and receive the life which 26:20 He deserves. You may not be aware of this 26:23 but Jesus didn't stay in the grave and that's a good thing 26:26 It's awfully hard to follow a god that's dead. 26:28 1 Corinthians 15:6 says that more than 500 people saw Jesus 26:32 after He was resurrected from the dead. 26:34 That's right. Jesus was only dead in the 26:36 grave for three days. Then He came back to life 26:39 as the Bible predicted He would. And today He lives in heaven. 26:42 He guides us and watches over us and at the same time 26:46 He is preparing us a place in His kingdom. 26:49 Jesus said in the book of John 14:2-3 27:08 Friend, don't you want Jesus to guide you through life? 27:11 Will you accept the peace, happiness, and forgiveness 27:14 that's found in accepting Him? If so, He's willing to hear from 27:19 you even now. Simply talk to Jesus 27:21 as you would talk to a friend. Tell Him that you accept 27:24 His sacrifice on behalf of your sins. 27:26 Ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him to show you how 27:29 to receive all the wonderful things I've mentioned here 27:32 by believing on Him and following His plan 27:35 for your life. 27:36 I encourage you to learn more about Jesus and turn your 27:38 thinking towards a heavenly Creator - One who wants the 27:41 the best of everything for you throughout all eternity. 27:44 In the new international version of the Bible, the book of 27:47 Jeremiah 29:11 28:00 If you don't have a Bible please pick one up for yourself 28:03 at the local book store. I would recommend getting 28:05 the New King James Version 28:06 Open it and begin reading the section called 28:09 the New Testament. Allow God to speak to your heart 28:12 as you read it and ask Him to give you knowledge, 28:15 wisdom, and understanding. In fact I'd like to give you a 28:19 challenge - and here it is: If you make a committed decision 28:23 to give Jesus a try, you will see a major difference in the 28:26 quality and purpose of your life. 28:28 You will learn things that you will never knew before. 28:31 And you will understand things that you never 28:33 understood before. You will be wiser and healthier 28:35 than you've ever been. 28:37 So you ask, "What do you have to do in order to 28:40 receive all these blessings?" Friend, simply follow Jesus 28:44 and follow His teachings. In order for you to know what 28:47 they are, I'm asking you to read a few chapters 28:50 in the Bible every day. As you do, put into practice 28:53 the things which you learn and ask God to work out His 28:56 will in your life. 1 John 1:12 says: 29:08 May God bless you and your loved ones. |
Revised 2014-12-17