
Center Of The Universe & The Great White Throne

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh (Host), David Gentry, Dr. Robert Gentry


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000016

00:32 It was early morning on July 16, 1945, at the Alamogordo proving
00:38 grounds near White Sands, New Mexico.
00:40 A select group of atomic scientists and U.S. military
00:44 personnel had gathered.
00:45 On a tower in the distance was a secret, untested nuclear device,
00:50 code named Trinity.
00:52 The countdown begins, and then the button was pushed...
00:59 In a flash of light the nuclear age came bursting on the scene.
01:03 American had won the race to unleash the destructive power of
01:07 the atom.
01:08 It was clear this power was awesome-too awesome
01:11 to remain untamed.
01:12 So began the quest of science to harness that power for peace,
01:17 while others feared it would lead to another war
01:20 more destructive than any since the beginning of time.
01:22 The beginning of time.
01:24 The beginning of time for man.
01:26 The beginning of time for the universe.
01:28 How did it all begin?
01:30 What keeps the awesome power of the atom in check until it
01:34 bursts forth in those uncontrolled nuclear reactions?
01:38 Scientists have deciphered the laws that govern them,
01:41 but who made the laws?
01:42 Who made the atoms?
01:44 And who made the earth, sun, moon, and stars?
01:48 Hi, I'm Don Mackintosh, and in this program we'll be exploring
01:52 the scientific mysteries of the universe, and the controversy
01:55 over how it came to be.
01:57 But first, on Christmas Eve in 1968, the Apollo 8 Astronauts,
02:03 Anders, Lovell, and Bormann, gave an impressive answer
02:06 to the question of who made the heavens and the earth,
02:09 when they relayed a special message back to Earth from their
02:12 orbit around the moon.
02:14 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
02:18 And the earth was without form, and void;
02:22 and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
02:25 And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
02:29 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
02:35 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided
02:40 the light from the darkness.
02:41 And God called the light Day, and the darkness
02:45 he called night.
02:46 And the evening and the morning were the first day.
02:50 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of
02:53 the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
02:57 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters
03:01 which were under the firmament from the waters which were above
03:04 the firmament; and it was so.
03:07 And God called the firmament Heaven.
03:09 and the evening and the morning were the second day.
03:13 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered
03:17 together unto one place, and let the dry land appear:
03:21 and it was so.
03:22 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering
03:27 together of the waters called He Seas:
03:29 and God saw that it was good.
03:32 And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night,
03:38 good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you-
03:43 all of you on this good Earth.
03:45 The world was stunned!
03:48 Like a voice from the heavens, it was reminded of the Creator's
03:52 claim in Genesis that He had done it all in six days.
03:56 But most modern scientists long ago rejected the six literal
04:00 days of creation in favor of Big Bang's theory of geologic,
04:05 and cosmic evolution over six long, geologic
04:09 and cosmic periods.
04:10 They claim it's one of science's greatest achievements
04:14 of all time.
04:15 But two U.S. scientists, Dr. Robert Gentry, and his son
04:19 and associate, Dr. David Gentry, now prepare to show why it's
04:23 actually scientists' greatest blunder, not it's
04:27 greatest achievement.
04:28 In particular, instead of the universe being the same
04:31 everywhere, which is Big Bang's key assumption,
04:34 they have discovered astronomical proof the universe
04:38 has a nearby center.
04:40 They believe this startling discovery may yet attract
04:43 the interest of people of all religious persuasions, and even
04:47 those who have none, for they believe it points to the Great
04:50 White Throne; the celestial dwelling place
04:53 of the God of Genesis, the same God who gave the literal seven
04:57 day creation commandment to Moses on Mount Sinai.
05:01 With this background Dr's. Robert and David Gentry
05:04 begin to unfold the exciting saga behind their discoveries.
05:11 The excitement really begins by recognizing that the Hubble
05:14 Space Telescope, and other NASA telescopes, have photographed
05:18 some truly amazing celestial objects within our universe.
05:23 This is a very long exposure of our galaxy as seen
05:26 in the night sky.
05:28 We see it here from inside, looking edge on through its disk
05:32 of billions of stars, interlaced with vast clouds of dust and gas
05:36 hundreds of thousands of light years in size.
05:39 And this is a super nova, exhibiting what astronomers have
05:43 called The Glowing Eye.
05:47 Then we have NGC 49's cosmic blast.
05:53 And then the end of planetary nebula's surrounding the dying
05:58 sun-like star Mensal 3.
06:00 Another exploding star caused the Eskimo nebula.
06:05 It's about 5,000 light years from Earth, in the constellation
06:09 Gemini, a complex of mixed nebulosity surrounding the
06:13 triple star Rho Ophiuchus, and the yellow giant Antares.
06:19 And here's the amazing NGC 346 in the small magellatic cloud
06:25 Another exploding star 3,000 light years away in the
06:29 constellation Draco created the Cat's Eye nebula.
06:32 V838 Monocerotis is from a burst of light traveling outward
06:38 and illuminating shelves of gas and dust ejected from the
06:42 central star and has been likened to Van Gough's
06:45 Starry Night.
06:49 And here are the fabulously exotic pillars of creation
06:52 in the Eagle nebula.
06:54 They're actually spires of rarified gas and dust
06:58 hundreds of light-years long.
07:01 And here's a close-up of the beautiful Orion nebula
07:05 that we'll see more of later on.
07:07 These two closely spaced galaxies, nicknamed The Mice,
07:11 are 300,000,000 light-years away in the
07:14 constellation Coma Berenices.
07:17 The variety of shapes, and the sizes of galaxies,
07:20 is unbelievable.
07:22 Take, for example, the Bard Spiral NGC 1300,
07:28 and then the Star Burst Galaxy.
07:33 Here we have Hoag's object strange Ring Galaxy.
07:40 And here is the Antenna Galaxy showing the interaction of two
07:44 spiral galaxies.
07:45 Galaxies are so huge, and their distances so great,
07:50 that we can hardly comprehend their existence.
07:52 The beauty and majesty of all these celestial wonders
07:56 captures the imagination.
07:58 Take a look at the exquisite detail of these astronomically
08:01 huge lanes of gas and dust that form a belt around the
08:05 Sombrero Galaxy.
08:08 Surely all these galaxies are telling us something of
08:11 vast importance.
08:15 To see what it is, we turn to this special Hubble Space
08:18 Telescope photo that took 11 days, or 1 million seconds
08:21 to expose in 2003 as the telescope orbited the Earth.
08:25 It shows several thousand galaxies in a little speck of
08:28 space the size of a pinhead.
08:29 It's aptly named the Hubble Ultra Deep Field,
08:33 because it recorded galaxies more distant than any ever seen
08:36 before, and leads to the estimate that throughout the
08:39 cosmos there are over several hundred billion galaxies,
08:42 each with over 100 billion stars.
08:44 Many small green circles have been now been drawn on this
08:47 image, each one containing the most distant galaxies ever seen,
08:51 but when magnified we see that all of them are red.
08:54 Why?
08:55 We'll focus on this shortly.
08:57 For now we know that these distant galaxies must reach
09:00 almost to the edge of the visible universe.
09:02 And because we see about the same density of galaxies in
09:05 every direction that the telescope is pointed,
09:06 we say this is evidence that our universe does have a center,
09:10 which is astronomically nearby.
09:12 But this is just the opposite of what Hubble and other
09:15 astronomers concluded when interpreting his famous red
09:18 shift discovery.
09:19 So which is correct?
09:22 To find the answer we flash back in time to the early part of the
09:25 20th Century.
09:26 By then astronomers, like Edwin Hubble, knew that the Doppler
09:29 Effect could cause spectral line sifts due to the relative
09:32 motion of the source and observer.
09:33 A shift toward the blue end of the light spectrum, called a
09:36 blue shift, was interpreted as motion toward the Earth.
09:40 A shift toward the red end, called a red shift,
09:43 was interpreted as motion away from the Earth.
09:45 Here's a real astronomical illustration of
09:48 the Doppler Effect.
09:49 The gasses swirling around a distant galactic disk,
09:52 that are moving toward Earth, produce a blue shift.
09:55 Those moving away produce a red shift.
10:08 It was at Mount Wilson Observatory in the 1920's that
10:12 Hubble utilized its new 100 inch Reflector, the largest telescope
10:15 of that day, to discover that light arriving from distant
10:18 galaxies was red shifted in an orderly way.
10:21 In 1929 he published his findings.
10:24 The greater the red shift, the greater the distance a galaxy
10:28 was from the Earth.
10:29 This was a monumental discovery, as shown in this graphic,
10:32 that modern astronomy has confirmed.
10:34 It was also very puzzling.
10:36 Hubble, and other astronomers, had observed red shifts of
10:39 different galaxies, but didn't recognize the systematic trends.
10:43 Previously the universe was thought to be static
10:45 and unchanging.
10:46 Now it was shown to have an unexpected kind of order.
10:50 This animation illustrates how the red shift increases as a
10:54 galaxy moves further and further from the Earth.
10:56 The preeminent question was, and still is, what assumption should
11:01 be used to interpret Hubble's discovery?
11:08 Before discussing Hubble's assumptions, and the conclusions
11:11 he drew, we first determined the outcome if the Doppler
11:14 interpretation is used.
11:15 In that case, these graphics clearly show that galaxies both
11:20 far and near are receding from us, spreading out from us,
11:23 if you please, in an orderly manner.
11:26 The spiracle symmetry of the galactic recession from our
11:29 observation point is, again, extraordinary evidence
11:32 of the existence of a nearby center of the universe.
11:36 Why, then, didn't Hubble report this discovery
11:39 over 75 years ago?
11:41 The answer is in his 1937 book, The Observational Approach
11:46 to Cosmology.
11:49 On page 51 he stated,
11:59 On page 59 he spoke of ways,
12:04 which was also said to be
12:05 and on page 54 he emphasized
12:19 It's really obvious then that Hubble engaged himself
12:22 in the most extraordinary denial of fact in all the
12:25 history of science in his attempt to get rid of the center
12:28 and demand the universe be everywhere the same.
12:31 These three graphics show, however, this could not be
12:36 accomplished using the Doppler assumption.
12:38 If, for example, Observer 1 sees red shifts of galaxies moving
12:43 away from his position, and a distant observer, number 2,
12:47 sees red shifts of galaxies moving away from his position
12:50 then each would observe a universe full of blue shifting
12:55 galaxies mixed in uniformly with red shifted galaxies.
12:59 But this is not observed, so it's impossible to get rid
13:03 of the center using the Doppler interpretation of Hubble's
13:07 red shift discovery.
13:08 So how did Hubble and all of those astronomers since then
13:13 evade it as they did by adopting a new untested assumption about
13:18 a red shift called space time expansion?
13:21 As this illustration shows, space time expansion assumedly
13:26 causes light to be red-shifted as it travels across the
13:29 universe, independent of the Doppler effect.
13:32 It was postulated to cause galaxies to move apart and
13:36 wavelengths of light to expand as space itself expanded.
13:40 This idea was adopted over 70 years ago, but remained untested
13:45 until David and I did so and found proof it has always
13:49 been wrong.
13:50 The reason?
13:51 Light wavelength expansion means the loss of energy.
13:54 The total nonconservation of energy loss of all the light
13:58 particles in the universe, due to this imaginary process,
14:01 equals over 30 million times the mass of the universe.
14:05 Details of this are available on the internet report
14:18 Galaxy motion is also assumed to be magically affected somehow,
14:23 causing each galaxy to move away from every other galaxy,
14:27 as space itself expands, and in this way make it appear
14:31 the universe is everywhere the same.
14:34 But it's easy to show it's the greatest scientific blunder
14:38 of all time.
14:39 All we have to do is examine what three of the greatest
14:43 authorities on the big-bang say when trying to convince their
14:47 physics graduate students that it is genuine.
16:24 Here is the balloon double speak illustration that Misner,
16:29 Thorne, and Wheeler's book uses to intimidate their graduate
16:32 students to accept expansion.
16:34 But the simple example of galaxies projected on screens
16:39 at increasing distances from a projector reveals the fatal flaw
16:44 in their illustration.
16:45 They show that expansion, if it ever existed,
16:49 would cause galaxies to expand in size as well as separate
16:54 from each other.
16:55 Here's another illustration proving the same point, namely
17:01 if expansion had ever existed galaxies would have expanded
17:05 into smithereens.
17:07 Obviously no galaxies would ever have formed in the first place.
17:12 But as we saw earlier, the universe is full of them,
17:16 more than a thousand, billion, trillion, each one silently
17:20 testifying that the space-time expansion hypothesis
17:23 has always been an imaginary effect, and hence that big-bang
17:27 has always been nothing more than a big fizzle,
17:30 just a figment of the imagination of those who vainly
17:33 tried to wipe the remembrance of God from His universe.
17:36 While the big-bang collapse is under it's own contradictions,
17:40 we now begin to understand the true significance
17:43 of Hubble's discovery.
17:44 There really is a nearby center of the universe, and this cosmic
17:49 center of the universe illustration shows how galaxies
17:51 diminish in size, and increase in red-shift as they move
17:56 further from the center.
17:58 So what is the significance of the center?
18:01 What does it all mean?
18:02 In Isaiah 40:21 the Bible speaks of God spreading out the
18:08 heavens, an obvious reference to the expansion of the universe
18:12 we've been discussing.
18:13 Also obvious is that their outward motion,
18:16 their spreading out, implies there is a point of origin,
18:20 a definite location from which they are spreading out from.
18:23 Which point could that be?
18:25 In Psalm 103:19 the Bible says, "Thy throne, Oh Lord,
18:31 is established in the heavens," which we also identify with the
18:36 location unto the Great White Throne described in Rev. 20:11.
18:40 It's just that simple.
18:42 In fact, this graphic briefly illustrates the new
18:45 cosmic model.
18:46 In contrast, visible galaxies receding from the nearby center
18:51 with our recently discovered outer shell of galaxies
18:55 that encloses the visible universe.
18:58 Light from the outer galaxies cannot be seen by telescopes
19:01 because vacuum gravity has shifted it down to become
19:05 the well-known cosmic microwave radiation.
19:09 My December 2004 article in Perspectives and Science and
19:13 Christian Faith identifies the galaxies in the visible universe
19:17 as originating in the Genesis creation, while those in the
19:22 outer shell are ascribed to a separate earlier creation.
19:25 This fits with Job 38:7 which shows that intelligent beings
19:30 existed prior to the Genesis creation.
19:33 With this background we will now see why the nearby throne has
19:38 special relevance to the Genesis six day creation.
19:42 To us the logical conclusion is that God deliberately created
19:47 the universe so as to reveal that His throne, the great
19:52 command center of the universe, is located so astronomically
19:56 nearby that it could be within our own Milky Way Galaxy.
19:59 On this basis, we here on planet Earth are definitely in a
20:05 privileged position in the universe.
20:07 It is reasonable that Earth should occupy a special place
20:10 in the cosmos because the Creator Himself lived here for
20:15 over 30 years.
20:16 We thus believe God is now using the heavens to confront humanity
20:22 with astronomical proof that He is the Creator of the heavens
20:26 and the Earth.
20:27 Moreover, this view exactly fits with our earlier scientific
20:31 discoveries of Earth's rapid creation and young age, as shown
20:36 on our earlier videos, titled Fingerprints of Creation,
20:40 and The Young Age of the Earth, and my book,
20:44 Creation's Tiny Mystery.
20:46 More information on these resources is available at:
20:55 The scientific community was informed of the downfall
21:00 of the big-bang, the discovery of the center of the universe,
21:03 and its identification with The Great White Throne,
21:06 plus many other features of the universe in this poster we
21:09 presented at the April 2005 American Physical Society
21:14 meeting in Tampa.
21:15 We have already discussed the meaning of a number
21:18 of its graphics.
21:19 It can be viewed in its entirety at this APS website:
21:27 Along with this, it's fascinating to think about what
21:30 we would find if we were to travel to the throne itself.
21:33 So let's take a trip there right now through the magic
21:37 of computer animation, and as we prepare to leave Earth's orbit
21:41 We see the night sky coming into view with its millions of city
21:45 lights far below.
21:47 The sun blazes into view, along with the constellation of Orion,
21:53 and we begin to accelerate, passing our sun at ten times
21:57 the speed of light.
21:59 Years ago I suggested, in a scientific publication,
22:02 that the Orion nebula was the space corridor to the throne.
22:06 And now as we approach the stars making up the constellation,
22:10 each one a different distance from Earth, we're going over
22:14 one million times the speed of light.
22:19 As the stars of Orion pass behind us, the Orion nebula,
22:24 fifteen hundred light years away from Earth, looms larger and
22:28 larger as we begin our deceleration, this nebula is a
22:32 a vast cloud of rarified gasses and dust
22:35 one hundred light years across.
22:38 It is illuminated, and being boiled away, by this handful
22:43 of very bright, and very hot, blue-white giant stars
22:47 called the trapezium.
22:49 Hundreds of smaller, sun-like, stars form a cluster
22:53 around them.
22:58 As we pass through the cloud, and emerge on the other side,
23:02 we see heaven itself, and the throne of God, described
23:06 in Revelation 21:16 as being a glorious city 350 miles square.
23:13 Verses 19 and 20 tell us its foundation is made of 12 layers
23:18 of precious gemstones, and surrounded by a 250 foot high
23:22 wall containing 12 gates, 3 on each side.
23:26 As we enter through one of the huge pearl gates described in
23:30 verse 21, we see within the city, on top of its huge
23:35 mountain, spoken of in Isaiah 14:13 and Revelation 14:1,
23:40 the indescribably glorious and holy throne room of God pictured
23:44 in Revelation 4.
23:45 We reverently enter and approach closer to His throne,
23:50 and there before us, according to Hebrews 8:1-6
23:54 and Revelation 11:19, is the same fourth commandment
23:58 of the ten given to Moses on Mount Sinai, which tells us of
24:02 God creating the visible universe in six days,
24:06 and resting on the seventh-day Sabbath.
24:08 Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:18 that it has never been changed,
24:14 and that He is there now representing us before God.
24:27 The fact that God created the universe to especially point to
24:30 His throne, and His seventh-day creation commandment, tells us
24:35 it is just as valid now as when given in Eden.
24:38 It will be of spectacular importance as the end time
24:42 events continue to unfold before us.
24:44 How could it be otherwise when we see the first angel of the
24:48 three in Revelation 14 commanding, with a loud voice,
24:52 in verses 6 and 7, for everyone to worship Him that made heaven
24:56 and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters?
25:00 We believe the timing of this discovery, that the universe
25:03 really does have a nearby center, may mean God arranged
25:07 all this to come to world attention before the greatest
25:10 and most spectacular event of all time, the second coming
25:14 of Christ in the clouds of heaven.
25:18 As you can see, He is at the throne ministering as our great
25:22 high priest, as described in the book of Hebrews, but very soon
25:26 He will return.
25:27 Retracing our steps now, Jesus comes out of the Most Holy Place
25:56 The angels surround Him forming a vast cloud like the one
25:59 described in Acts 1 verse 9 that the disciples saw when Jesus was
26:03 was taken back to His throne at His ascension from earth
26:06 2,000 years ago.
26:19 And just like Revelation 1:7 says, as He enters the solar
26:22 system, every person on earth will be able to see Him
26:25 approach, at first like a dark storm cloud growing larger
26:29 and brighter until, according to Revelation 6:14, the atmosphere
26:34 rips apart, and suddenly there He is!
26:37 His brightness, like pure energy, consumes all who turned
26:41 against Him and rebelled.
26:42 Yet we who are waiting for Him, will He save
26:45 from that destruction.
26:51 That's what it's all about!
26:53 The Lord is trying to help us prepare for this great and
26:56 glorious event.
27:03 Lastly believing, as we do, that God intends to use the great
27:09 works of creation presented in this program, as well as the
27:12 saga behind these discoveries, to awaken a great many to a sure
27:16 realization that Christ's second coming is imminent,
27:20 we urge one and all to join us in a world-wide effort to spread
27:25 this good news so that it will go as fire in the stubble.
27:29 Thank you for watching, and may the God of creation bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17