
What's In Your Hand? Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Bruce & Tammy Chance


Series Code: V

Program Code: V000009A

00:10 Hi, my name is Tammy Chance and this is my husband Bruce.
00:14 We want to thank you for joining us today.
00:17 Hi, and welcome to, What's In Your Hand?
00:20 We have some very exciting information to share with you
00:23 about how to help support the ministry of 3ABN,
00:27 as we continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
00:30 This program What's In Your Hand? was inspired
00:34 by the counsel, given to Moses by God, written in Exodus.
00:38 Tammy, why don't you tell us the amazing story
00:41 of how the Gift Center came about.
00:43 I would love to do that.
00:44 I think a lot of people have asked us that question,
00:47 so, I'd be happy to explain it.
00:49 My brother Danny, back in 2002 was doing a 3ABN Today Live.
00:55 He was talking to viewers around the world who were expressing
01:00 their desire to support 3ABN,
01:02 but they didn't have any money to donate.
01:05 They still wanted to help in some kind of way
01:08 to do something for the Lord through 3ABN's ministry.
01:12 Danny spoke of the charge that God gave Moses in Exodus 4:2.
01:18 Read it along with me, "And the Lord said unto him,
01:21 "What is that you have in your hand?"
01:23 And he said, "A rod. "
01:25 It was the rod in Moses hand that God used as a symbol
01:29 of His power to carry out God's bidding.
01:32 So it is with us today.
01:34 Then Danny said, "What do you have in your hand?"
01:38 You know, that is exactly what happened too.
01:41 Many of you went forward by faith,
01:43 and used what was in your hand.
01:45 From that moment on, thanks to your generous giving,
01:48 the 3ABN Gift Center has grown tremendously.
01:51 Oh, it's unbelievable how much that it's grown
01:54 after what Danny said about what's in your hand,
01:57 the response was awesome.
02:00 We received not just an increase in our monetary gifts,
02:04 but we also began receiving gold, silver, diamonds,
02:10 rare and valuable collectibles of all kinds.
02:13 We received antiques, coins, cars, boats, land, motor homes,
02:19 the list just goes on and on.
02:21 Once your generous gifts started pouring in
02:25 we could see the possibilities were endless.
02:27 Absolutely! We felt it necessary to have this program
02:32 to help guide you.
02:34 There are some gifts that we need to talk about
02:37 that we are not able to accept.
02:40 What are we not able to accept? Let's be a little more specific.
02:44 Well, we get a lot of costume jewelry that we don't have
02:50 much of a market for.
02:52 Old books, stamps, while there are some rare stamps
02:57 that are worth quite a bit of money, the majority
03:01 of them are not, and the time that it takes is not feasible.
03:06 Now on the costume jewelry, does that not bring much money?
03:12 Is that what you are saying?
03:13 The time and the effort that it takes doesn't make sense.
03:19 That's what this program is all about.
03:21 One hundred percent of the proceeds go back
03:24 into the good works of 3ABN, therefore it must make sense.
03:30 Another thing that I know, is we have gotten in
03:32 so many old records, which I thought in the beginning
03:37 that they were valuable too,
03:39 especially the ones that were from the 40's and 50's.
03:41 It turns out there is really not much of a market at all, again
03:47 for all the time and paperwork it takes for these things.
03:50 Those items just wouldn't be worth the effort.
03:53 We've learned quite a bit in the last few years, haven't we.
03:57 Oh, absolutely.
03:58 I know before I started working with a lot of these items
04:03 I wouldn't have had any idea
04:06 what was fair market value and what was not.
04:09 We need to touch on what fair market value is.
04:12 Well, what is that? Is it the same as an appraisal?
04:16 Many items that are sent in through the donation department,
04:21 are sent with appraisals, especially with jewelry.
04:25 I really want to touch on that because it was so confusing.
04:28 It was confusing to me at the time too.
04:30 These appraisals are for fire and theft,
04:36 so you can turn them in for insurance claims.
04:40 Replacement value?
04:42 Yes, replacement value is what I'm trying to say.
04:43 That's true. They are not a fair market value price.
04:47 A fair market value price is what an item goes for.
04:51 There is somewhat of a science behind it.
04:54 Although, there is such a huge mark up in jewelry
04:58 when people buy it at the local jewelry shop.
05:03 It is just unbelievable how much of a mark up there is.
05:06 So if I went and I bought a diamond ring
05:10 and say I paid ten thousand dollars for it.
05:14 When I go to sell that 10,15, or 20 years down the road.
05:18 You mean I haven't made a good investment?
05:20 I'm just the messenger here. Don't kill the messenger.
05:26 No, you have not.
05:29 It will not hold it's value.
05:31 I know many people have been told that.
05:33 It's just simply not true.
05:35 So, if I have paid ten thousand dollars for a diamond ring?
05:39 Just off the cuff give me an estimate of fair market value.
05:45 What could we really take that ring and sell it for?
05:48 You're putting me on the spot now.
05:49 I know, but just a rough estimate. Just rough.
05:52 Well, a rough estimate, mind you it's a rough estimate,
05:57 probably a fourth to a third of what the person gave for it.
06:02 Depending on where they bought that jewelry
06:05 and the location and the part of the country they bought it.
06:08 That's just a general rule of thumb.
06:12 Ok, so maybe a third, something of that? Of appraisal value?
06:20 A fourth to a third.
06:21 A fourth to a third of the appraisal value.
06:23 We want our viewers to know that.
06:26 Before you send something in you can be aware of these things.
06:32 You can call and talk to us about it before you send it.
06:35 It's quite a shock to have paid ten thousand dollars for a ring,
06:40 and you think as time goes on it's an investment.
06:44 That you are going to get more out of it
06:46 ten, twenty, thirty years down the road, and find out
06:49 that it's worth just a small portion of what you paid for it.
06:54 Is that right?
06:55 Yes, and I'd like to mention to the viewers.
06:57 Hey, we're on the same team.
06:58 We want to get the most we can out of all these items.
07:03 We pray over every item that comes in.
07:05 We research and we want to get the most we can for every item.
07:11 We also have to be realistic,
07:13 of what the current market value price is.
07:17 What about baseball cards? Is there a market for that,
07:20 or basketball cards, any kind or sports cards?
07:23 Baseball for instance, we get a lot of baseball cards.
07:28 You know that.
07:29 Basically, there are exceptions to almost anything you say.
07:34 Unless it's a rookie card of a well-known player,
07:38 69 and older are what they call vintage cards.
07:43 Those cards will maybe bring a premium,
07:46 depending on what they are and the condition they're in.
07:48 If they are not torn, frayed, or bent.
07:51 The condition is very important, as well as with coins.
07:54 So really it's only just special cards
07:58 that are worth any value at all.
08:01 That's correct.
08:03 You get a box of complete set cards let's say there's
08:07 600 in that complete set.
08:10 There will be maybe 2 or 3 cards in there
08:12 that are really worth picking out.
08:14 The rest of them are basically just worth a few cents.
08:18 They are not worth the time and effort to go through those.
08:22 Now, I've heard you mention something called tokens.
08:26 What is that? Sometimes we get tokens that are of little value.
08:30 What is a token?
08:32 A token is a just memorial for whatever they are trying
08:39 to represent, I guess you could say.
08:41 There are all kinds of tokens.
08:42 There is not a token book that I'm aware of,
08:46 nor any dealers that I've been around.
08:48 A token is only worth what that person thinks it is worth.
08:53 It's kind of like a keepsake.
08:57 So monetary value is kind of out the window most of the time.
09:01 There is no rule, rhyme or reason to what it is worth
09:05 that I'm aware of.
09:06 I know that some of these things that we are naming,
09:12 it's not that we are ungrateful in anyway.
09:15 We so appreciate that you might want to have these things
09:18 to donate to 3ABN.
09:19 It's just that as Bruce said we want to be realistic
09:23 about what we can turn into money to put back
09:25 into this ministry to keep it going.
09:28 You have been so wonderful to send valuable items.
09:32 I want to make mention to Margaret in Ohio,
09:36 very special lady I talked to on the phone.
09:39 She sent us an eight-piece setting of china.
09:43 I had a long chat with her.
09:46 She really impressed me with her sincerity and love for 3ABN.
09:52 She said, "I'm alone and I have 3ABN on 24 hours a day. "
09:57 And she said, "If it wasn't for 3ABN," now this really got me,
10:02 "If it wasn't for 3ABN my life would be so different. "
10:06 She said, "I would be so alone,
10:09 and not have the hope that I have today because of 3ABN."
10:14 We know that is strictly the Lord's blessings
10:16 here on us at 3ABN and what the Lord can do.
10:20 We're not capable of doing anything.
10:22 I want to say a special hello to Margaret in Ohio,
10:25 and thank you for the china,
10:27 and thank you for your encouraging words.
10:30 If someone would like to send us something
10:33 how should they go about it?
10:35 Should they call us first before they send it?
10:37 It depends on what kind of item they would be sending.
10:43 A great idea is to call us and let us know what you have.
10:48 We can discuss if it is something that is marketable,
10:53 that won't just sit on the shelf and collect dust,
10:55 that we can put back into the Lord's work.
10:58 That is a very good idea,
11:00 especially with a lot of items.
11:02 People have questions about these items also.
11:04 It's a good opportunity to be able to talk about these items.
11:07 We mentioned what we didn't have a market for.
11:11 Maybe we should mention what we do have a market for.
11:14 Absolutely! We don't have enough time to thank all of the people
11:20 that sent all these gracious donations at this time.
11:23 There are so many people.
11:25 Some of the items that we've gotten and do very well with
11:28 is of course coins.
11:31 You know I do all of the coins and the jewelry.
11:34 Jewelry is a great asset.
11:35 Even though there is a great mark up in the retail price.
11:39 Again, we are talking "real jewelry" not costume.
11:44 Real jewelry does well.
11:46 The gold, silver, bullion type stuff does very well.
11:53 Collectible dolls do very well.
11:56 Some of the old homemade quilts people love those quilts. I do.
12:03 Oh, I do to.
12:04 We get a lot of handmade items afghans, baby blankets,
12:09 and things like that.
12:10 These are useful and we can sell them.
12:13 As far as the time that goes into making these things
12:17 there is no way to give payment for all the work that it takes.
12:22 We can sell those things a lot of handcrafted doilies
12:27 and things like that we do well with especially
12:30 when we have our camp meeting sales.
12:32 We do well with those things.
12:34 I want to mention one other item that you've done
12:36 quite well with that maybe you've forgotten.
12:38 The Hummels, and some of the collectible figurines do well.
12:40 Absolutely, Hummels do well.
12:43 It doesn't matter if it is Hummel dolls or figurines.
12:48 Precious Moments are not something that brings
12:51 a lot of money, but we have a lot of them.
12:54 Every little bit adds up.
12:56 I even got a large Hummel figurine that I
13:01 had never seen before.
13:03 I got three of those in and they did well.
13:05 I'd like to jump back to the coins for just a minute.
13:09 I have so many questions on the coins, especially the silver.
13:13 Up to 1964 and including 1964, silver coins were 90% silver.
13:22 We can get a silver bullion price out of those coins
13:25 no matter what kind of condition they are in.
13:27 So, it's before and including 1964.
13:31 That's correct.
13:32 Ok. I'd like to give you our website now.
13:36 If you would go to
13:42 go to the stores category, scroll down
13:45 and there is a direct link to our Three Angels' Gift Shop.
13:50 You can go there and find us on the web.
13:53 We have multiple items on there most of the time.
13:56 Sometimes we get a little low.
13:59 For the most part, you can find what you need on there.
14:02 We put many different items on.
14:04 We put Hummels, quilts, and coins.
14:07 Many, many different things are on the website.
14:10 Until next time, "What do you have in your hand?"


Revised 2016-07-12