Participants: John Lomacang
Series Code: USU
Program Code: USU000003A
00:01 You are about to board a train.
00:06 From which there is no exit, 00:09 until the ride is done. 00:14 But my question is, 00:17 "Are you ready?" 00:50 Hello, and welcome to Station 3. 00:53 I've been your conductor for the last two stations. 00:55 My name is John Lomacang 00:57 and the question is, "Are you ready?" 00:58 Yes. 01:00 We have journeyed to places 01:02 that you may not have gone before. 01:06 My promise is not to let you disembark from this train, 01:10 until the ride is done. 01:13 Now Station 3 is a station that you need to remain 01:17 in an attitude of prayer about 01:19 because the foundations laid to this point 01:22 is for the purpose of revealing what, 01:25 is that this final station in our three station journey. 01:29 At Station 3, station one recapping 01:32 was attack on the Mind of a Worship. 01:34 Everything we do affects our minds. 01:37 Station two recapping 01:39 was an attack on the Life of Worship, 01:42 what affects our minds affects our lives. 01:45 But what affects both of those avenues 01:47 is the attack on the God of Worship. 01:50 When you decide who your God is, 01:54 then your mind and your life is affected 01:56 by that direct decision. 01:58 At Station 3, we're going to discover 02:01 the entities, the movements, the players 02:05 that have all called us together 02:08 to surmount an attack on the God of worship. 02:11 We will also be confronted with the Impact On The Life. 02:18 There is a definite difference in our lives 02:22 when the God that we serve is not decided on 02:26 and let me say that another way. 02:28 Until we decide on which side we stand, 02:32 our lives are in, 02:33 what I may refer to as a holding pattern. 02:37 Let me differentiate what I mean, 02:38 there is no yellow line in Christianity. 02:40 You are either with the Lord or you are against the Lord, 02:44 your gathering with him or you are scattering abroad. 02:49 But when you decide to get out of the stance 02:52 and enter the field, the field of contest, 02:55 there is going to be an entire industry, 02:59 a coalition, an army, an organization committed 03:03 to keeping you from attaining your goal, 03:06 getting to the place that God always desired 03:08 for you to be. 03:09 So with Station 3, 03:11 we're gonna introduce you to all of those players 03:13 and the various ways 03:14 that they are attacking the God of worship. 03:18 But we'll begin with the experience of music, 03:22 how we are changed by the music that we hear. 03:27 Now I'll say this again, I said this morning, 03:29 I need to rephrase it a little differently, 03:31 I said that music bypasses our sub conscience. 03:34 What I meant was, music bypasses our conscious mind 03:38 and is directly deposited in our subconscious. 03:42 Music opens the doors and brings with it any feeling, 03:46 any emotion and any lyric 03:49 that is accompanied by the sound, 03:51 the beat of the instruments. 03:54 So I'm gonna begin with three videos, 03:55 I want to have you listen carefully 03:58 and what you're going to discover 04:00 in these three videos is, I'll let you hear them first 04:05 and we'll discover them together. 04:07 I'll talk over them 04:08 but I want you to listen carefully 04:10 and we'll have them piped up so that you can get the impact 04:12 and the effect of it. 04:14 Video one. 04:16 You've had a long day at work. 04:19 You are tired 04:22 and there's no place that you would rather be, 04:24 than walking along a beautiful beach 04:27 with the one you love, your family, 04:30 your significant other, 04:32 doesn't it denote a nice opportunity 04:34 to clear your mind and relax. 04:36 Amen somebody. Amen. 04:41 After a day like today, 04:43 we all need to be at that beach. 04:52 Okay, same beach, different music. 05:01 All of a sudden, the beach that we so desired, 05:06 seems like we stopped at the wrong beach. 05:12 The people that we came with, now we can't find them. 05:15 All of a sudden, our car won't start, 05:18 feeling kind of unsafe. 05:21 "Honey, what are we doing at this beach? 05:23 This should not be the place that we should be." 05:27 Same beach, different music. 05:30 Now, Terence, really, bring this one up for me. 05:35 Now we know for sure, we chose the wrong beach. 05:40 Our phones don't work. 05:42 We have one line left on our battery. 05:45 Nobody wants to answer the phone, we're yelling, 05:47 we can't find the people we came with. 05:50 What a terrible... 05:51 How did we get to this beach? 05:54 The feelings that come along with the music 05:57 tell you that you are at the wrong place. 05:59 This is not the place 06:01 that we should have stopped at today. 06:02 What do you think? 06:05 Am I telling the truth? 06:15 Notice how you felt different. 06:17 You felt different. 06:19 Each, the same video 06:23 but all it took was a few seconds 06:25 to change the way you felt. 06:29 You see, if you watch television with no sound, 06:32 it's a very boring instrument. 06:35 The pictures don't really have 06:37 that wonderful a message without the sound, 06:39 so in the entertainment world 06:42 they combine the obvious with the obscure. 06:47 The Obvious With The Obscure. 06:49 The obvious is what you see but the obscure 06:53 which is the key to communicating the message 06:55 is what you hear. 06:57 They get you enamored by what you see, 06:59 the obvious but what you miss is the obscure. 07:03 It's called, The Art of Deflection, 07:05 redirecting. 07:06 You're looking here 07:08 and they're picking your pocket here. 07:10 This art has been very well studied in marketing 07:14 and communication. 07:15 Sometimes you watch the Super Bowl. 07:18 Do you know my wife and I 07:19 worked in the advertising industry. 07:20 There are advertisers willing to pay half a million dollars 07:24 for 15 seconds on Super Bowl Sunday 07:26 and they spend their time, large marketing teams 07:30 and great intense meetings 07:32 on how could we get the most out of these next 15 seconds, 07:36 to get our products in the minds 07:37 and convince you that Coca-Cola 07:40 that's been around for 4000 years, 07:42 is really what you need to drink. 07:44 It really hasn't changed. 07:46 But they still say, it's the real thing. 07:49 The Obvious and the Obscure are combined together 07:52 to open the doors to the avenues of your mind 07:54 but this is how the Bible says it happens, 07:56 when your mind is not in God's hand, 07:57 here's what happens. 07:59 "Whose minds the God of this age has..." 08:02 What? "Blinded, who do not believe." 08:05 Those who don't believe, 08:06 they're working on blinding your mind. 08:08 "Lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, 08:11 who is the image of God, should do..." 08:14 What? "Shine on them." 08:15 So the flashlight might be on 08:18 but they found a way to obscure the light 08:20 by putting something else 08:23 that may gain access to your attention. 08:25 So you have to be very careful 08:27 when the things that you expose yourself 08:29 to bring out high emotion. 08:31 There's nothing wrong with emotion, 08:33 that's not what I'm saying. 08:34 But emotion without truth is nothing but emotion, 08:38 and if you listen to many of the songs nowadays, 08:40 even lot of Christian songs. 08:42 "Can you feel the presence of God, 08:45 Can you feel it." 08:46 You know, feeling is so much of a determination 08:50 as to whether or not something is true 08:52 or acceptable. 08:53 Is not what does it say? 08:55 The Bible says, you have to listen 08:56 for that still small voice sometimes 08:59 because God is not in the lightning always 09:02 and not always in the thunder. 09:05 One of the things that we have to find out about today 09:06 at Station 3 is the Occult world. 09:09 What's the next word? Seduces Through Blindness. 09:14 Listen to the founder 09:15 of The Occult World, Aleister Crowley. 09:16 Listen to what he says 09:18 and this is what he has interwoven into the minds 09:19 and lives of all of those 09:21 that have adopted his philosophies. 09:22 He said, "One would go mad if one took the Bible seriously 09:29 but to take it seriously, one must be already mad." 09:33 That's his attitude toward the Bible. 09:36 He also said, "The key of Joy is..." 09:38 What? "Disobedience." 09:41 The very premise that was introduced 09:43 in the Garden of Eden was if you disobey God, 09:47 you really will find a lot of joy. 09:49 And Adam and Eve walked into that door 09:51 and it's been over open ever since. 09:53 That's why each of us is impacted in the ways 09:54 that we are. 09:56 They also communicate in various unusual ways, 09:58 that sometimes we may see but not really understand 10:02 what's behind it. 10:04 Exhibit A, Anton LaVey. 10:07 The founder of the Church of Satan, 10:10 you'll notice in the background on his wall, 10:12 he has the upside down star which is the pentagram. 10:15 When it's upright, it's the pentacle. 10:18 You may have seen what he's doing, 10:20 notice his hand is flashing the... 10:23 Such a two horn salute 10:26 and in the occult world it represents, 10:28 "The two horned god of occultism, the god 'Pan.'" 10:32 I'll talk about that. 10:33 That old ancient god, that greek god, the god Pan. 10:37 But you may see the symbol and wonder to yourself. 10:39 But what's the difference? 10:41 Here's a pendant with it, 10:42 here is a person that often flashes it. 10:44 Now what's amazing about these hand signs 10:47 is because of sign language, 10:50 some people communicate through sign language 10:52 and depending on the angle of the hand, 10:55 the message is different but for the most part, 10:57 one is to the front that represents 11:00 the two horn representation of Baphomet 11:03 and sometimes we see that 11:04 and we think it's innocuous, it's innocent. 11:07 We flash, "Hey, what's up? What's up?" 11:10 We do all that and we think is innocuous. 11:12 Well, it's not innocuous. 11:13 There's a reason they use those signs. 11:16 Listen to this very carefully. "This is not an 'idol.'" 11:19 That's the pendant with the two god horns, 11:21 representing also that two hand flash, 11:24 that two hand salute. 11:26 "It's a representation of harmony 11:28 between two polarities. 11:31 Baphomet points to the full moon, 11:34 a Full and Dark Moon. 11:35 The hand gestures express the perfect harmony 11:39 between what, two opposite polarities." 11:43 Get that, perfect harmony between two opposites, 11:46 follow carefully, 11:48 "The Dark Moon represents our actions 11:51 and 'Our Will to Action' towards our goals. 11:54 The Full Moon represents 11:56 the 'Fulfillment of those goals.'" 11:58 And I'm gonna disclose to you 11:59 something that you may or may not have known. 12:02 One is higher than the other. Which is higher? 12:04 The index or the pinky. 12:06 The index is higher. One. 12:13 The reality of my... 12:14 Of what my will, 12:16 is the understanding of my will. 12:18 Boom. 12:19 The accomplishment of my will, combined together. 12:23 I learned my will, I accomplished my will. 12:27 Now one of the things that I said to someone earlier, 12:29 when I had a chance to talk to some of you 12:32 is because these presentations are narrowed down to one hour. 12:37 It's not possible for me to cover nearly 400 slides 12:40 which I normally do, in a live untimed setting. 12:44 So I can't build the bridges as methodically as I'd like to 12:47 but there is a lot of bridge 12:49 between the suggestion and the reality. 12:53 In my first five presentations done about five years ago, 12:56 the bridges are built there. 12:58 So this is part two, The Unclean Spirits Unplugged. 13:01 But needless to say, look at some of the reasons 13:03 why these are flashed 13:04 in the world of the entertainment. 13:06 For example, let's start with Queen Bee. 13:09 That's what some people call her, 13:10 Queen Bee. 13:12 She's flashing over her left eye, 13:16 highlighting the left eye, 13:17 also with this closed circle and three fingers. 13:21 Now many people don't know what that represents 13:23 but that represents three sixes. 13:26 Six-six-six, simply flashing, 13:29 that's the way that the occult world 13:30 has established that to me. 13:32 It doesn't mean, "A Okay." 13:35 It means six-six-six. 13:39 You'll also notice on the pendant of her vest, 13:42 clearly depicted the horn of the goat. 13:46 Clearly indicating with her Sasha Fierce exterior, 13:51 who she has her allegiance to 13:54 and who is to be credited with her success. 13:57 Let's go on further. 14:00 "The O.T.O is in possession of one supreme secret." 14:03 You may have heard Oprah talk about the secret. 14:06 You may have heard of some in the Christian world 14:08 talk about the secret, if you learn the secret, 14:10 then you can be successful. 14:12 That goes all the way back to these positive thinkers. 14:15 I don't want to mention names 14:16 but preachers that are into this positive thinking message, 14:18 they are trying to reveal to you the secrets of success. 14:21 That's why most of preaching nowadays, 14:23 sounds just like counseling sessions. 14:25 How to become more successful? How to have stronger finances? 14:28 How to get your goal? How to get yours? 14:31 Positive thinking. 14:32 One of those that was a master at that 14:34 was Norman Vincent Peale and Robert Schuller 14:37 came out of that school 14:38 and I don't want to mention other names 14:40 but this is a positive attitude, 14:42 had has its roots in this ideology 14:45 that there's a supreme secret. 14:47 "But the whole of its system is directed toward 14:50 communicating to its members, by..." 14:52 What? 14:53 "Progressively plain hints, 14:55 this all important instruction." 14:56 Let me make it clear. 14:58 If I walked into the mall and said, 14:59 "Do you remember what happened in 1844?" 15:05 What denomination will know what I'm talking about. 15:08 Seventh-day Adventists, would Pentecostals know? 15:11 Am I hiding what I said? 15:13 But I'm using a language that has been tuned 15:16 to the ears of those who understand 15:18 what it means. 15:19 They're progressive, they're plain, 15:21 they're in plain sight. 15:22 The occult is hidden in plain sight 15:25 until your eyes are trained as to what to see and hear, 15:29 it's hidden to you. 15:30 Give you some examples of how they communicate. 15:32 This is from the book Magic: 15:34 Liber ABA and there's reference at the bottom. 15:37 As I said earlier, there are five principles. 15:40 "Let him learn to..." 15:41 What? "Write Backwards. 15:43 Let him learn to, what? Walk Backwards. 15:46 Let him learn to listen to recordings Backwards." 15:49 Their hidden messages. 15:51 "Let him practice speaking Backwards 15:53 and Let him learn to..." 15:55 What? "Read Backwards." 15:57 I didn't understand the impact of that until, 15:59 after I did my first series, my sister-in-law called me, 16:02 she had her grandson watching Nickelodeon. 16:05 And he was watching Sponge Bob Square Pants. 16:08 This little innocuous, seemed to be innocent cartoon 16:11 and in the midst of the cartoon 16:13 Sponge Bob said to one of the other characters, 16:15 "Hey, let's walk backward. 16:18 Let's speak backward," 16:20 and then it went right back to the regular dialogue. 16:22 Just enough to plant that idea in the minds, 16:24 let's walk backward. 16:25 Let's speak backward 16:27 and then they have a lot of these cartoons 16:28 with characters that have just one eye, 16:31 priming them at a young age 16:33 to get used to this just one eye. 16:34 The Eye of Horus. 16:36 But when you think about walking backwards, 16:38 who do you think of? 16:40 Michael Jackson. 16:42 When Michael Jackson came out 16:43 and stepped onto the stage of his beginning, 16:46 his great move of success. 16:49 He not only did the moonwalk 16:51 in which the entire audience began to applaud him 16:55 but there was a reason 16:56 why he was applauded in the way he was. 16:59 Because he was giving clear indications to the industry. 17:02 I'm in, I'm on board. And so you'll see clearly. 17:06 And then he taped intentionally both fingers, 17:09 the index and the pinky, so that when it's flashed, 17:11 you can't miss it. 17:13 If it's not intended to be seen, 17:14 I won't put any tape around it. 17:16 He's not flashing because he's playing bongos 17:18 but he doesn't want you to miss it. 17:19 I'm in, I'm with you. 17:21 Let's go on further to show you 17:22 that this is not just Michael Jackson 17:24 but there are many in the industry. 17:25 Some people are very outlandish and loud like Lady Gaga, 17:29 she figured you couldn't see it. 17:31 So she made a hat with goat's horns. 17:35 We get the message, Lady Gaga. 17:39 Also you have those like Rihanna, 17:41 she has on the grim reapers outfit. 17:44 Each hand, you can't see this 17:45 but she has on an occult ring on every finger 17:48 and she's flashing with her sharply, 17:50 her sharpened fingernails, two red fingernails, 17:53 the two horn salute and there is Nikki Minaj also. 17:56 Many people don't pay attention to Nikki Minaj very much. 17:59 But Nikki Minaj also has an altar ego. 18:03 It's called, yeah, Roman Zolanski, 18:08 which was after Roman Polanski. 18:10 Do the homework and you'll find out 18:11 who Roman Polanski used to be or is. 18:14 Also you find it 18:15 in the acting world, Keifer Sutherland 18:17 and Courtney Love and her daughter. 18:19 You'll find it in the... 18:20 Whatever genre of music, Michael Buble and Snoop Dogg. 18:24 You'll find it in Adam Lambert, flashing the eye. 18:27 You'll find it, also Usher 18:29 used to be the trainer of this young man 18:31 who is now very, very famous right now. 18:34 Justin Bieber, he was his trainer. 18:36 You'll find Dwayne Johnson and Kid Rock. 18:39 They called him Rock and they call him Kid Rock. 18:41 Well the only rock I know is Jesus, what do you say? 18:44 Amen. Yeah. 18:45 So I don't give any man any Rock. 18:46 I even gave him a little R 18:49 because he doesn't require a large R. 18:53 But you also have other people like Joey Fatone, 18:56 who is in the group Insync, 18:57 he not only has the flashing of the hand 19:00 but he has the Eye of Horus, 19:01 the dripping from his left eye and then you have Fabulous, 19:06 who says, "Okay, I got it." 19:09 Just to name a few. 19:11 The Occult World also entices with godlike power. 19:15 Aleister Crowley wrote a book called, 19:17 777 And Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. 19:21 And all of his books are designed 19:23 to teach you the ceremonies, 19:24 how to implement these ceremonies, 19:26 how not only to understand what they mean, 19:29 it's in a language altogether different. 19:30 It's like picking up a book and reading Greek 19:32 and you're from America. 19:34 If you don't understand the philosophy behind it, 19:36 it'll go right over your head. 19:38 So not only are the principles there 19:39 but then they explain each principle in detail, 19:42 how to apply it to become successful. 19:45 Now this book 777, 19:46 the next time you get on a Boeing 777, 19:49 please don't think of Aleister Crowley. 19:51 That's not what I'm talking about. 19:53 We don't want to give you an isle behind every tree. 19:56 But let's go ahead and go back to one 19:58 that was extremely mega famous, Michael Jackson. 20:03 The history of Michael Jackson, 20:04 past, present and future were put in two books. 20:07 Book one and book two 20:08 and on the cover was a large statue 20:11 that many of you may have seen 20:12 but missed what was on the arm band, 20:14 I highlighted that 20:15 just so that you can clearly see it 20:17 in the upper right hand corner on the arm band, 777. 20:22 Now 777 in the occult world, has a number of meanings. 20:25 In the mythical world, "777 in mythology 20:28 represents the weapon of Zeus." 20:30 He was the one that was believed in the Greek world 20:32 to give you protection as well as he can easily destroy you. 20:37 "It means the 'Destroyer.' 20:39 It was worn by the Nazi to represent..." 20:42 Say it with me, "One who has power over another." 20:47 So when you see this in the music world 20:49 or the entertainment world, you see it in various ways. 20:51 You don't necessarily see three sevens. 20:53 But here's how it's represented 20:55 often by three lightning strikes. 20:57 In the occult world they call that a, 20:59 Diagrammatic Sevens, 21:00 the lightning coming down from heaven to the earth, 21:02 meaning the bringing down of the divinity of God. 21:06 The artists that are involved 21:07 in the bringing down of the divinity of God, 21:10 makes it clear 21:11 in how they use this diagrammatic seven. 21:13 Here an example, once again, Lady Gaga. 21:17 On one of her CD covers, 21:18 she has it right down the center. 21:20 I'm in, I'm clear and believe me, 21:21 if you listen to some of her music. 21:23 She has a song called, "Polka dots." 21:27 All you need to do is read about the science behind that, 21:31 that is diabolical in and of itself. 21:33 I won't spend the time on that now 21:34 but I've just piqued your interest 21:36 to give you something to do homework about. 21:37 Also over her right eye, 21:38 she has the diagrammatic sevens. 21:40 It goes on further, Marilyn Manson, 21:42 the Church of the Antichrist Superstar. 21:44 If you've missed the writings, 21:46 you'll think those are two holy angels 21:48 but as I said in the last two presentations, 21:49 angels are involved in both the worlds. 21:52 Fallen angels in the occult world 21:54 and ministering holy angels in the world of righteousness. 21:58 But they're bowing to the lightning bolt, 22:01 the diagrammatic seven 22:03 and there's the Marilyn Manson patch 22:05 which I don't suggest it, but you can buy it. 22:08 Also the group, the rock group, AC DC Antichrist Devil Child 22:12 and their CD cover called, "Back in Black" 22:14 and then my wife and I had an opportunity 22:15 to go down to Memphis, Tennessee 22:17 and we were blown away. 22:19 We found out the science behind the success, 22:21 the massive success of Elvis. 22:23 He was very much a part of the occult industry. 22:26 I hate to burst your bubble, older folk. 22:29 He did have blue suede shoes 22:30 but the condition of his heart was something different. 22:34 You can buy and this is just one of the pendants, 22:36 it was everywhere. 22:37 It was on his plane, it was in his... 22:38 Everything he owned. 22:40 You could buy shirts with the lightning strikes, 22:41 caps, pendants, pants, buttons, all throughout 22:45 and you ask yourself, "What is the purpose to that?" 22:47 Well, to show you that he was in an... 22:49 In the industry where worship is continuous. 22:51 Every year for his birthday, 22:55 in Memphis, Tennessee at Graceland, 22:57 there is like a following people still worshipping 23:00 the very thing he met, decades after he's gone. 23:05 What's the purpose? He's gone. 23:09 The dead know not anything. Another one, David Bowie. 23:14 In the past, David Bowie, he had two albums. 23:17 One about Latin and the other one, the Aladdin. 23:19 There he is, once again this is about the 80's. 23:22 He had the lightning strike on his face 23:23 and then right in the skull. 23:25 It's amazing how the lightning bolt, 23:27 he has it placed right in the skull 23:28 because they have power over your mind. 23:31 And if you don't think that, you try to take those iPods 23:34 and iPads from your children. 23:38 I spoke to two young ladies in Tampa, Florida, 23:41 I was in South Florida for a camp meeting 23:43 about a year and a half ago and they were asking me about, 23:46 "Well, how do you get out of that?" 23:47 I said, "Okay, do yourself a favor. 23:50 Don't listen to your iPad. 23:52 Don't go on the internet for one week." 23:54 She said, "I ain't doing that." 24:00 No, really. Really, there is an addiction. 24:04 There's an addiction. It's like a drug. 24:07 Now even going further, some people think 24:08 that it's safe to put their children 24:10 in front of the television, just watch... 24:11 Let them watch cartoons. 24:13 Well, let me introduce you, Nickelodeon. 24:16 I was shocked when I saw this, 24:17 this is an opening screen. 24:18 I was able to catch on the opening screen, 24:20 every symbolism of the occult is represented 24:24 in this opening splash of Nickelodeon television. 24:30 The triangles, the eyes, 24:32 the lightning strike is all there here 24:34 and if you don't know that, that's a part of that. 24:37 You sit your child in front of a television. 24:39 If you are not keen about what's going in their minds. 24:42 you will not know what'd affect their lives. 24:44 And then the young lady that's more contemporary, 24:48 Rihanna with her 777 tour. 24:51 These are two other posters. 24:52 One was a ticket, one was a post 24:53 to actually ascribing to the tour 24:55 that she was going to take throughout Europe. 24:56 777, coincidental, absolutely not. 25:00 If you understand the meaning behind it, 25:01 you understand the god of her great success. 25:04 Let me add this also. 25:07 These artists are flashy, intentionally 25:10 they continually recreate themselves. 25:12 It's one of the 48 Laws of Power. 25:15 There are certain things I can't tell you 25:16 and the reason I can't tell you 25:18 is because some of you are not at that place 25:19 that you are strong enough spiritually 25:22 to go out and do research that won't impact you. 25:24 If I made references to such things 25:26 that you should read, that I've done research with, 25:27 some of you'll go ahead and completely destroy your life. 25:30 But in that world, 25:31 they understand the philosophies, 25:33 they understand the laws 25:34 and I reiterate what I said on the first presentation. 25:38 In the Christian world, 25:40 when we do not transgress God's law, 25:43 we find success and blessings but in the occult world, 25:46 when we do transgress God's law, 25:48 they say refine, success and prosperity. 25:52 So they say do transgress it. 25:54 And God says, "Do not transgress it." 25:57 But in their books, their 48 laws, they say, 25:59 "If you do not transgress any of our laws, occult laws, 26:04 then you find success and you find untold power." 26:07 One of those who knows that very well is a man 26:09 by the name of Kanye West, 26:11 the shortest hip hop video ever made, 26:13 a minute and thirty eight seconds 26:15 and the entire focus of that video 26:16 was one single word and what's that word, "Power." 26:21 Now this is one of the stopgaps but you'll notice 26:23 that not only is there a cult symbolism 26:25 but a illuminati symbolism, 26:27 which is a whole another presentation. 26:30 Whole another presentation. 26:31 You find the two goats on the left and the right. 26:34 Female at that and you find the four amulet of... 26:37 The head of horus right around his neck. 26:41 This video, when you'll follow it in slow motion, 26:44 it's actually done in slow motion 26:45 so that you don't miss any of the languages, 26:47 of any of the meaning of the language 26:49 but you have to understand much about the occult world 26:52 for this video to even make any impact 26:54 but it's called "Power." 26:56 Also a young lady by the name of Khloe Kardashian, 26:59 who I presume may have become a little jealous 27:02 with her sister Kim Kardashian, who had all the power 27:06 and so she decided to cross over 27:07 and dabble more deeply in the occult world 27:10 and what I like about this magazine cover 27:12 I say like, "Is she's really giving you the true picture 27:15 about what happens when you get into that world." 27:19 She's wearing what's known as, in the world of bondage, 27:22 The Bondage Art of Slavery. 27:26 When you are a slave, that's what you wear. 27:29 Just notice how her head is covered with this, 27:31 with this continued wrap and one eye is showing, 27:34 just her left eye. 27:36 And in small lettering under that, 27:38 where has Khloe on the cover. 27:39 I made, I made the caption very large. 27:41 It says, "I Now Have The Power." 27:45 I have it. I'm in that world now. 27:47 So in this world, 27:48 where this family is famous for doing nothing. 27:54 I'm still trying to figure out their talent. 27:57 You don't need talent. 27:59 All you need to be is a willing disciple 28:01 to communicate a message 28:04 that will lead people to emptiness. 28:06 You know, America is being dumbed down. 28:09 I mean, honestly, honestly Bridezilla, 28:12 think about Bridezilla, a bride that does nothing 28:15 but curses about her wedding. 28:18 Angry all the time, Bad Girls, Pretty Little Liars, 28:22 look at the shows on television 28:25 and people can't wait till next week, next episode, 28:27 the next episode and then you have to pray 28:30 for those that have been addicted by soap rop, 28:33 is that they've been following for 40 years, 28:38 ain't unclean about it. 28:40 But the whole point... 28:41 America is now under the attack of being dumbed down 28:44 and the media is a significant part of it. 28:48 For those who want television, that's the tool Satan uses. 28:50 Now television, television ain't all bad, 28:53 you have 3ABN. 28:55 Come on now, they taught you how to clap. 28:58 You have Dare to Dream. 28:59 You have, there are good things 29:00 that could become a portal of good 29:02 or a portal of evil. 29:03 Also in the occult world, they have been taught 29:06 how to pervert the name of Jehovah. 29:08 Now I said, Jehovah, intentionally. 29:11 I didn't just say, God, because they all say, god. 29:15 I thank god for this award I got tonight, 29:17 for shaking my hiney in front of public. 29:21 I thank god for this outfit that I'm barely wearing. 29:24 I thank god for the profanity on my explicit CD 29:27 that I just released. 29:29 I think God forgive me a reward for that. 29:31 Honestly, they say god, but the God, 29:35 you gotta understand who that god is, 29:38 you see they have their deity. 29:43 Let me make it clear. We have the Father. 29:45 We have the Son. We have the Holy Spirit. 29:47 They have a father, they call him, "Chaos, Chaos." 29:52 Wherever there is a lack of order... 29:54 Remember, Jesus says, 29:55 "God is not the author of confusion," 29:58 but they are the authors of confusion, so their God, 30:01 their chief god is Chaos. 30:03 Then they have a mother God, 30:04 that's why we should never pray, 30:05 God, mother god, 30:07 their mother god is Babalon B-A-B-A-L-O-N. 30:11 She's the second in command. 30:14 Third in command, is the son, ISIS, Horus, 30:19 give them whatever name, they call him "Bafflement". 30:22 That's their earthly deity which is the one, 30:25 the door through which much of this O.T.O system 30:28 has been based out of, Bafflement, this dual goat, 30:32 this dual gender goat and then at the very base of that, 30:35 they have Chaos, Babalon, 30:37 Bafflement and then bottom, the church, 30:39 they just call it, the church. 30:41 So if somebody says, "I go to church." 30:42 It doesn't mean anything. 30:44 Because in the occult world they have their churches 30:46 but you'll notice something, that most... 30:49 If not 99% of those in the occult world 30:52 cannot go to Christian churches. 30:54 They are the Buddhists or Christian Scientists 30:57 or Hindu or Shinto or some kind of strange 31:02 Eastern religion or Egypt, Egypt based religion. 31:07 Most are not Christians. 31:08 Now for those who were raised in Christian churches, 31:10 every now and then they revisit and, you know, 31:13 they all show up on the awards and sing, "Amazing Grace" 31:15 and we'll say now that's a Christian. 31:20 Singing "Amazing Grace" don't mean you're a Christian, 31:24 don't get seduced by that. 31:26 But some of us, you know, I may buy her CD 31:28 because she's just saying, "Amazing Grace" 31:30 on the Grammy Awards, I'll leave it right there. 31:36 They pervert the name of God. 31:38 Listen carefully, Exodus 3:13, 14. 31:41 "Then Moses said to God, 31:42 "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel 31:44 and say to them, 31:46 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you, 31:47 and they say to me, 'What is His name?' 31:49 What shall I say to them?'" 31:51 And Moses said... 31:52 And God said, "His name?" 31:54 And God said to Moses, "I am..." 31:56 Together, "I am who I am," and He said, 32:00 "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel..." 32:02 Together. "I AM has sent me to you." 32:06 How dare she. 32:11 I Am. 32:14 Beyonce's past, one of our past tours, 32:17 the I Am tour. 32:20 No, not God in I Am. I am, I am. 32:24 Queen B. 32:26 Look at this next video 32:28 to show you the power of her I Am. 32:30 I want you to see the power, the power behind this woman 32:34 who has been elevated beyond God like status. 32:37 Listen to this. 34:54 She hasn't even recorded. 34:57 She's not the I Am but they are I Am obsessed. 35:02 I just want to get some snap shots. 35:04 So you can remember, in every one of these clips 35:08 that I've ingested, she did not even perform. 35:12 She wasn't even on the stage yet, 35:14 they were just waiting for her to show up. 35:17 Tell me that there is not a spirit in control 35:20 of her audience. 35:22 Young man, people were being carried out. 35:26 But let me also, this happened with the Beatles, 35:29 happened with Michael Jackson, happened with Elvis. 35:34 Anybody who steps into that god like arena, 35:37 gets this kind of adulation and worship. 35:42 And the devil said, "I'll give it to you 35:45 but you got to worship me." 35:47 All right, the occult world also orchestrated 35:49 The Road To Destruction. 35:51 Follow this very carefully, look at this clip. 35:54 I'm just a guy. 36:07 I am. I am. 36:09 I am wise. 36:11 I am. I am. 36:13 I am. I am free. 36:16 I am. I am. 36:17 I am. 36:19 I am present. 36:21 I am. I am. 36:22 I am. I am. 36:24 I am fierce. I am. 36:30 I am. Not God as I AM, I am. 36:33 I am wiser, I am present, 36:36 the omnipresence that I am present. 36:39 I am fierce but she's not the only one. 36:43 Let's go quickly through a couple of slides 36:44 that'll assure you. 36:46 Alicia Keys. Mariah Carey, I am. 36:51 Chrisette Michele, her album cover I am. 36:55 Christina Aguilera, I am. 36:58 Chipmunk, I am. Nos, I am. 37:04 Mary J. Blige, I am. Monrose, I am. 37:10 And this young man makes it very clear, Will-I-am. 37:14 Now get this, he's following his will. 37:16 He's saying, Will-I-am, and also 50 cents. 37:21 He's missing 50 cents. I am what I am. 37:26 And we have Puffy. P. Diddy Combs, 37:29 I am king 37:30 and Kelly Row Land, who not too long ago 37:32 joined this whole clandestine clan of success, 37:35 here I am, she shows up on the very same platform. 37:42 The occult world also distorts The Mission Of Jesus. 37:46 Look at this very carefully, the Bible says in Matthew 1:21, 37:50 "And she will bring forth a Son, 37:52 and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will..." 37:56 What? "Save His people from their sins." 38:00 How dare he? 38:03 Kanye West, Rolling Stone, the passion of Kanye West, 38:09 the passion of Kanye West 38:11 and one of his more recent projects, 38:13 the cross upside down. 38:15 They call that the Peter Cross and then the name, 38:18 Yeesus, suggesting what? 38:20 Jesus. 38:22 He's sitting there with his cohorts surrounding him 38:25 to distract you. 38:26 You see the women but you miss his message 38:28 and he's got a crown of thorns around his head. 38:31 Usurping the name 38:33 that belongs only to our Savior, 38:36 "I Am your Savior." 38:39 Let's continue. 38:42 "Then the next day, the next day John saw Jesus 38:44 coming toward him, and said, 'Behold!'" 38:46 Together. 38:47 "The Lamb of God who, what, 38:49 "Takes away the sin of the world!" 38:51 My wife and I were in a mall somewhere, 38:54 we don't even know where we are most of the time 38:57 and we saw a young man walking through the mall 38:59 and he had on his shirt, the Lamb of God 39:00 and we said finally, finally somebody not ashamed of Jesus. 39:10 When he walked past us, 39:12 this is what was on the back of his shirt. 39:13 The Lamb of God was on the front, 39:15 on the back was, "Walk With Me In Hell." 39:18 That was on the back of his shirt. 39:19 The Lamb of God, that was one of the... 39:22 So I had to go to the one, 39:23 a local stores in the mall. 39:25 It's got to be some group and I found this cover, 39:27 the Lamb of God 39:29 and at the bottom of that, Raff, 39:32 not the Lamb Christ Jesus but a... 39:38 I wouldn't even say a substitute, 39:41 a fictitious lamb. 39:42 That's what the occult world does, 39:44 it distorts the name and the mission of Jesus. 39:48 The occult world also usurps The Authority of God. 39:51 Now, you know, Aleister Crowley, 39:52 one of the mantras of the very first bible 39:55 he wrote, The Book of the Law, the mantra was, 39:58 "Do what thou wilt." 40:00 What was it? "Do what thou wilt." 40:02 Well, Jay Z. 40:04 his clothing line, "Do what thou wilt." 40:07 He's sitting with a hoodie on and right there inscribing his 40:09 "Do what thou wilt" 40:11 He has an entire clothing line 40:13 and the entire clothing line 40:15 is continually supportive of occult symbolism. 40:18 The Eye of Horus on his shirts, 40:20 there's so much I couldn't cover in the interest of time 40:23 but in the first series, it's also included there 40:25 but also look at this cover, 40:27 this is an advertisement for an event 40:29 that he had coming up. 40:30 DJ Storm presents Jayhovah, The God M.C. Jayhovah. 40:37 That's a term used in the world of the masons 40:39 or freemasons, 40:41 when you're at the top of freemasonry, 40:43 you are now assigned the name Jehovah. 40:47 That's when you're at the top, when you are a master. 40:50 That's why he came up with the CD cover. 40:52 JAY-Z The Hits collection, volume one 40:56 and on the other side of the CD, 40:58 the master of the craft. 41:00 He's flashing that very symbolism 41:02 used in the O.T.O world 41:03 to symbolize the triangle, the eye of horus, 41:06 when you get together in a concert hall, 41:09 you're not there to worship God, 41:10 you might think you're at a concert 41:11 but they know this is just another worship service 41:13 because in the mason world, in the illuminati world, 41:16 in the occult world, you see, we build physical real masons. 41:20 Historical masons built physical buildings 41:24 but speculative masons 41:25 don't build physical things at all. 41:27 They built allegorical buildings. 41:29 It's allegorical 41:31 because it's made a place or temple of worship. 41:34 Example, this is Jay-Z flashing the sign to his audience 41:39 and that's the entire audience 41:41 raising and returned homage to Jay-Z, 41:44 the triangle or the Eye of Horus. 41:47 An entire worship service, 41:48 they're not there just to enjoy music. 41:51 So they may think, but they're there to honor 41:53 and to unite in the same allegiance he has to a god 41:57 that's not the supreme God. 42:00 The occult world also Exalts The Unholy. 42:03 Wow! 42:05 I thought about that for a moment. 42:07 That Exalts The Unholy. 42:11 2 Thessalonians 2:4, we read these words, 42:15 "Who opposes 42:17 and exalts himself above all 42:23 that is called God or that is worshiped, 42:26 so that he sits as God in the temple of God, 42:32 showing himself that he is God." 42:37 You don't think they're gods. 42:39 You don't think they're gods, I've said this over and over 42:41 and I wanna make sure 42:42 that if you didn't see the first part 42:43 or the second part that I included in the third part. 42:45 If you don't think that they're gods, 42:47 just put in the newspaper, in a small little one inch ad 42:52 and then everybody will find it. 42:54 Beyonce is gonna give a free concert this week 42:57 at the football stadium in St. Louis. 42:59 Everybody will find it and it will be jam packed, free. 43:08 The occult world also misrepresents The New Birth. 43:12 There's a terminology used... 43:15 Biggie Smalls, remember Biggie Smalls, 43:18 young man who died, he was from Brooklyn, New York. 43:20 Didn't live too far away from where I was raised, 43:22 Biggie Smalls. 43:25 There's also a group called Bone Thugs and Harmony. 43:27 I'm gonna tell you this, Bone Thugs and Harmony. 43:30 Bone Thugs and Harmony 43:32 has bought into this occult philosophy, 43:33 because Bone Thugs and Harmony had an album cover, 43:36 their first CD cover, 43:37 the picture was taken in a cemetery. 43:39 What do you do when... 43:40 What's in a cemetery? People that are dead, right? 43:43 Well, after that CD, 43:45 they came up with another CD entitled, 43:46 "The Resurrection." 43:48 Death and what? Resurrection. 43:51 Then the next CD was entitled, "The New Birth" 43:55 and then the next one was entitled, "Eternal." 43:58 Now on this fourth CD, following those four lines, 44:01 on the CD entitled, "Eternal," 44:03 on the inside of the CD were lyrics 44:06 that were written backward. 44:08 Follow me carefully, 44:09 the lyrics were written backward. 44:11 Now in the occult world, 44:12 they know that they cannot put a spell on Christians. 44:14 They at least acknowledge 44:15 that our God is more supreme than theirs. 44:19 So to accomplish, you putting a spell on yourself, 44:21 how do you read something that's written backward? 44:24 You put it in a mirror 44:26 and you stand in front of the mirror 44:28 and you read it. 44:29 What you don't know in the occult world 44:30 is that's how you put a spell on yourself. 44:33 You say it, your own words, but the Bible said, 44:37 "By your words, shall you be justified, 44:39 by your words, shall you be condemned." 44:42 Life and death are in the power of the tongue. 44:46 They know that, so they use those principles 44:48 to get you to put a curse on yourself. 44:52 But listen to this young man, I gave you, 44:54 just a summary of his quotation, 44:55 it was about a four page quotation 44:56 but I brought down the essence of it. 44:58 A bible called, "The Gospel of Hip Hop" 45:00 written by KRS-One. 45:03 And here's what he says, 45:05 "It explores the spirituality of Hip-Hop," 45:09 Hip-hop is not just a style of music. 45:13 It's an entire religion, "The divinity of Hip-Hop. 45:18 I'm suggesting that in 100 years, 45:21 this book will be a new religion on earth. 45:25 I respect the Christianity, the Islam, 45:29 the Judaism but their time is up." 45:33 And if you don't think that the Hip-Hop world is impacting, 45:35 my wife and I were down in New Zealand, 45:37 we saw these innocent looking cute little young girls 45:40 and no smile. 45:42 See that's the whole thing, 45:44 the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy. 45:47 But what they do in the occult world is... 45:50 "How're you doing?" "Hi." 45:55 "So what's up?" "Hey, none. I'm cool." 45:58 "Hi." 46:00 They have to put an exterior of just emotionlessness. 46:05 I've got to give you this exterior 46:06 that I'm in charge. 46:08 No food of the Spirit there at all. 46:11 Let's go to the next, they exalt the unholy. 46:13 Look at this. 46:15 The book of the law that Aleister Crowley wrote, 46:18 listen to its present status, 46:20 "In May 2009 Thelema was recognized 46:23 by Her Majesty's Court in the U.K..." 46:26 That's the United Kingdom "As a religion,..." 46:29 It is now an official religion in the United Kingdom. 46:33 As it has both a holy book, 46:35 a book written by an evil departed, 46:37 an evil spirit called Iris. 46:41 This force of darkness from the law... 46:44 From the spirits of Egypt 46:46 "The Book of the Law and deity, 46:48 primarily for the purpose of the oath, Nuit, 46:51 as required in law." 46:53 So in U.K. 46:54 all you have to have is a deity and a holy book 46:57 and they passed the qualifications. 46:59 So this book, this spirit, this dark spirit written book 47:03 is now an official bible in the United Kingdom. 47:08 That's the reference right there 47:09 and this is as of January 2010. 47:12 The occult world also Numbs The Senses, 47:14 I'm gonna spend the next time that I have left 47:17 on a very important part of the program. 47:19 I've shared with you quite a bit 47:21 but I also want you not to leave here 47:23 without knowing what to do about it, right? 47:26 Amen. 47:28 If I said, "Your clothes are dirty?" 47:29 What do you do? 47:31 Okay, you got to find a way to fix it. 47:32 Just to, kind of, give you an intro into that, 47:33 I was sitting in the back 47:35 getting ready for the presentation 47:36 and unbeknownst to me, soap was just linking... 47:41 leaking down my back on my jacket, 47:43 so I'm standing here with a jacket saturated by soap 47:46 but you don't know that. 47:48 So what do I do? I had to do something about it. 47:50 You got to know your condition 47:52 and be willing to do something about it. 47:55 Dr. Archibald Hart 47:58 wrote a book entitled, "Thrilled to Death." 48:00 Everybody should read this book. 48:03 Pastors, you should read this. 48:04 Teachers, you should read this, 48:06 if you're dealing with people, you should read this. 48:08 And he describes a condition called, "Anhedonia," 48:12 and simply put by Merriam Webster dictionary, 48:14 "A psychological condition 48:16 characterized by inability to experience..." 48:21 What? "Normal pleasure." 48:23 Let me give you an example 48:25 before I go into the actual explanation in the slides. 48:27 My wife and I were in Africa and we went out into the... 48:32 Into the, you know, 48:34 the third world aspects of Africa, 48:36 Africa is very modern in many senses 48:38 but in some places very archaic. 48:40 And we saw some children, 48:42 they were so out of touch with reality, 48:44 that she gave one of them a piece of a stick of gum 48:46 and he didn't know what to do with it. 48:49 So she noticed he was about to swallow it. 48:51 She said, "No, no, no." 48:53 So she didn't give him, 48:54 so she gave him a lollipop instead, 48:55 he knew what to do with that. 48:57 She blew up a balloon. And they went crazy. 49:03 Do that same thing in America, 49:05 give a kid a balloon for Christmas. 49:11 I got you a Christmas gift, I got you a red balloon, 49:15 I've blown up for you. 49:19 You'll be nailed to the side of the house 49:23 with a sign on your forehead, 49:26 "I did not get what I wanted for Christmas." 49:32 Now the reason why that kid found joy in that balloon 49:35 is because that society does not have the resources 49:39 to waste on destroying that child's mind, 49:43 like we do in America. 49:45 Xbox, Play One, Play Two, Play Three, Play Four. 49:50 iPad, iPod, name it, whatever it is, 49:52 we are so disconnected from reality 49:55 that we are connected by our control devices. 49:57 And children, they're at the dinner table. 50:02 They're sitting next to each other. 50:03 Did you get that text? 50:05 Why don't you just talk to her? 50:07 Did you get the text? 50:09 Just say something, stop texting back 50:10 and just turn to look at each other. 50:12 How amazing it is. 50:15 How amazing it is, we call it social media 50:19 and we're more unsocial than ever before, 50:22 we don't talk any more, families don't talk. 50:27 And when you send your kids to their room, 50:29 that's exactly what they want. 50:32 Send me, please, 50:33 send me to my room, so I could text. 50:36 I don't need to hear your... 50:38 Just send me, please, send me to my room. 50:40 Let me break something. Send me to my room for a week. 50:47 Let me break it down, 50:50 the process of Anhedonia, stage one. 50:53 "At the start of a child's life, 50:56 enjoyment has free access to the pleasure center." 51:00 Let me use an example, 51:01 I was being raised in a large church 51:03 in New York City. 51:04 I remember the first time 51:06 I heard a piece of candy being opened. 51:10 You know, that peppermint candy 51:13 and the kid don't know what that sound is 51:14 but once you put that piece of peppermint on their tongue, 51:17 they record that sound with that taste. 51:20 Next week, that kid's like six months old. 51:28 That sound means, candy's on the way. 51:32 Am I telling the truth? 51:33 I mean, some of you know what I'm talking about. 51:35 They associate the sound with the pleasure. 51:38 Come on now, the sound with the pleasure. 51:42 But when they're young, 51:44 since they have not experienced anything before, 51:47 there's a lot of threshold. 51:48 It's free access, 51:50 so they don't need much stimulus to get pleasure. 51:54 Give me a balloon, I'm happy. 51:56 Give me a pair of sneakers, I'm good for Christmas. 51:59 So parents now... 52:00 Kids nowadays say to parents, "I got a list of things 52:02 I want for Christmas and you better get it." 52:06 Have you seen the... 52:07 Have you seen the KaOs and Toys "R" Us 52:11 around Christmas. 52:12 Wal-Mart. Okay, that's the first stage. 52:17 Second stage, "Over stimulation starts to raise the barrier 52:23 to the pleasure center, due to dopamine flooding." 52:27 Dopamine is the precursor to the need for adrenaline. 52:30 So when the... 52:32 So notice, the stimulus had to increase 52:35 because it needs more stimulus 52:37 to get over the rising threshold. 52:40 That's barring me from experiencing simple things. 52:44 So I don't just want that, I need this. 52:49 Let me make it even clearer. 52:50 So you're singing, "More love to thee O Christ," 52:56 I need, come on, Jesus. 52:59 Come on, Jesus. Go, Jesus. Go, Jesus. 53:05 And if we don't have it as hard as the music of the world 53:08 or as kicking as the music... 53:13 And the choir's... 53:18 If we ain't doing that, we ain't having church 53:21 but who said that? 53:23 The world said that. 53:25 See I didn't forget 53:26 but I use it only for the right reason. 53:28 The world said that, I came out of that world. 53:31 I was a Disk Jockey, I was in the clubs on Broadway. 53:34 I was in the World Trade Center 53:35 scratching before they even gave it the term. 53:37 Rapping before they called it that. 53:39 Sugar Hill Gang, Hip-Hop, hit a bit of Hip-Hop. 53:42 I mean, I was doing all that stuff. 53:43 I could do it but I don't need to do that. 53:47 I use my voice for Jesus now, all right. 53:54 So because we are on drugs all week, 53:59 we come to Church on Sabbath morning 54:01 and the preacher better give us the drug we want, 54:03 or else we're gonna go to a... 54:05 That church or that church. 54:07 So our preacher can no longer tell us what we need to hear, 54:11 he better give us what we want 54:13 or else we're going someplace else. 54:15 And rather than saying that church, 54:17 that message, really challenged me to live holy, 54:20 they say, "We had church today, y'all." 54:23 "What he talked about?" 54:24 "I don't know but it was kicking. 54:26 It was off the hook." 54:30 Am I telling the truth? Yes. 54:32 That's how it is, so we got to go 54:34 to these mega churches and giga churches 54:35 and all they're doing is like, throwing down. 54:37 They got some serious instruments 54:38 but the Bible didn't say sing the Word. 54:40 It said, preach the Word. 54:42 No, nothing wrong with music, I'm a musician. 54:44 We are music ministers, there's nothing wrong 54:47 but when they are combined for Godly purposes, 54:50 they will accomplish Godly purposes. 54:53 Let's go to the final stage. 54:55 Stage three, stage three, Stimulus has to increase 55:00 because they are now suffering from full blown Anhedonia, 55:04 translated unboard. 55:08 "Mom, do I gotta go to prayer meeting? 55:10 It's so boring. 55:13 Do I gotta go to Sabbath school? 55:14 It's so boring. 55:17 Ain't no spirit in them at all." 55:20 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. 55:22 And when you're dead spiritually, 55:25 you need to be born again. 55:26 Come and help me out somebody. 55:28 So you know what? 55:29 So at this stage, the music is loud. 55:30 You can't hear, you can't think, 55:32 your ears are bleeding when you leave church. 55:35 You haven't heard what the preacher said 55:36 because all your focus on, is the music. 55:38 So he better bring it, brang it, 55:40 full blown Anhedonia 55:42 because you're number one goal is pleasure. 55:45 So this is the drug. We gotta have it. 55:47 We gotta have it. 55:48 Our churches are losing its focus. 55:55 If we don't get back to the focus, 55:57 we're gonna become just a center of pleasure. 56:00 Not a center of salvation. 56:03 People are coming because they felt the Spirit. 56:05 They didn't hear the truth. 56:08 They are converted to the feeling, 56:10 so the preacher even got to act up, 56:11 "Come on, y'all. Get in there. Come on, talk to me somebody." 56:15 I can do that but that don't mean nothing, 56:17 that don't mean, that'll mean nothing, 56:22 I could do that but what... 56:24 What did I say? 56:25 I'm just getting on your emotion 56:27 and when the message can't catch you, 56:28 they go into... 56:31 Full blown Anhedonia, drug houses, halfway houses. 56:35 Listen to this but it's not a surprise to God, 56:39 "But this know that in the last days, 56:42 perilous times will come: 56:44 For men will be lovers of themselves, 56:47 lovers of money... 56:50 Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." 56:55 My 22nd appeal at the end of Station 3, 56:58 I could say so much more but time is not in my court. 57:02 You've got to start challenging yourself 57:04 to get ready for eternity. 57:07 It's about pleasure. 57:08 At the right hand of God, 57:09 there are pleasures for evermore. 57:12 Serve the Lord in Spirit and in truth. 57:15 God bless. |
Revised 2016-10-17