Participants: John Lomacang
Series Code: USU
Program Code: USU000002A
00:01 You are about to board a train.
00:06 From which there is no exit, 00:09 until the ride is done. 00:14 But my question is, 00:17 "Are you ready?" 00:50 Welcome to Station 2. 00:53 My name is John Lomacang. 00:54 I'll be your conductor for this journey also. 00:58 I just ask that you keep your seatbelts buckled 01:00 because the ride is going to be quite wild today. 01:03 Are you ready? Yes! 01:05 I said are you ready? 01:06 Yes! 01:08 Just to recap from yesterday, 01:12 station 2 is going to reveal to you 01:15 the Attack on the Life of Worship. 01:19 Every one of us has a life that we're called to live. 01:23 And that life is impacted by something as singular 01:27 and as powerful as worship. 01:29 As I said yesterday everyone worships something. 01:33 Someone once said, 01:35 if you want to find out what a person worships, 01:36 look at their check book. 01:38 Today I'd say look at your credit card statement. 01:41 But everyone worships something. 01:44 And just to recap for those who did not attend part 1, 01:48 the modern prophet of the occult movement is a man 01:51 by the name of Aleister Crowley. 01:54 No singular man has made 01:56 any greater impact on the music, 01:59 the entertainment industry in the world 02:01 not just in America 02:03 as this man Aleister Crowley. 02:05 He believed that he was chosen by Satan to marshal 02:09 and to construct an industry 02:12 that has taken on a different life long 02:14 after his death. 02:15 He died quite a while ago 02:18 but it was after his death 02:20 that the seeds that he planted began to come to fruition. 02:24 And today the music industry, your favorite artist, 02:28 whether they're Beyonce, Jay Z, Kanye West, Adele, 02:32 the list goes on and on, 02:33 they live by the philosophies of Aleister Crowley. 02:36 Going further back even the group, 02:38 the Beatles was one of the greatest followers, 02:41 one of the greatest disciples 02:43 to the philosophies of Aleister Crowley. 02:46 One of the reasons why he was so dedicated, 02:48 he said very carefully, 02:50 "I was not content to just believe in Satan, 02:55 I wanted to be his chief of staff." 02:57 Now process that for a brief moment. 03:02 The person that's closest to the president 03:04 is a part of the chief of staff, 03:06 not just the vice president, 03:08 that person carries, and walks, 03:10 and thinks, and talks, 03:11 and acts in harmony 03:13 with the most powerful man of the world, 03:15 the most powerful man of the country. 03:17 Aleister Crowley wanted to be the singular, 03:21 most powerful vessel 03:23 through which Satan's will can be accomplished 03:25 and he constructed a system that is so vast 03:30 and so interwoven, 03:31 it's like veins running under the ground, 03:34 you cannot see its point of origin. 03:37 But you can tell by the seeds that sprout in music 03:40 and videos, 03:41 and even the devices today that we purchase 03:44 that are in control of us 03:45 rather than us being in control of our devices. 03:48 You can see there's quite a bit 03:50 and these persons that construct 03:52 these instruments of control 03:55 often form their ideology 03:58 behind the philosophies of Aleister Crowley. 04:00 I did mention this yesterday 04:02 but I showed you the evolution of the God pan 04:06 on ancient God of romance and music 04:09 that was evolved so that it could become 04:11 attractive to children 04:13 in the simple God today that you can see 04:16 when you go to Disney world Peter Pan. 04:18 Aleister Crowley thought of ways 04:20 and he was a contemporary with the person 04:23 that brought about Disney World and Disney Land. 04:27 At station 2 we will also examine the Impact on the Life. 04:31 Everything we do, 04:33 no matter how large 04:34 or how simple it may be has an impact on our lives. 04:38 I was saying to someone yesterday, 04:40 there's no such thing as a little lie, 04:42 there's no such thing as a small detail. 04:45 Everything that we do has some kind of positive 04:49 or negative impact on our lives, 04:52 and surely Aleister Crowley understood that very well, 04:55 because the minutest details in his writings, 04:58 the books that he published, 05:00 the books that he co-authored. 05:02 For example the book Liber AL vel Legis. 05:04 I talked about that yesterday, 05:06 that book came into existence 05:07 because Aleister Crowley believed 05:10 as he honeymooned in Cairo, Egypt with his wife Rose. 05:13 Over his left shoulder, he described, 05:16 he saw as it were in the corner of his hotel room 05:19 a dark shadowy figure with a resonant. 05:22 He said, it was not a base voice, 05:24 it was somewhat of a tenor, 05:26 a melodious voice speaking over his ear. 05:29 One hour a day for three days in a row, 05:31 and he said he scribed, 05:33 he wrote down everything that 05:35 this spirit told him to write down 05:37 and he said that spirit was an Egyptian God 05:40 by the name of Horus. 05:42 And so the details that he included 05:44 in his publishings are very much 05:46 a part of what we do today. 05:49 We will also witness the battle between desire and the will, 05:53 between what? 05:54 Desire and the will. 05:56 Simply put, Paul the apostle said, 05:58 "What I want to do I don't do, 06:00 what I don't want to do, that's what I do." 06:02 In the philosophy of the occult world they say, 06:06 what you don't want to do is what you should do. 06:09 And what you should do is what you should not do. 06:11 And they say disconnect yourself 06:14 from the norms of society, 06:16 don't allow society to tell you what is right and wrong. 06:20 In reality in the occult world 06:21 wrong is only what you decide wrong really is. 06:26 So we'll discover that. 06:28 In the book ''Magick of Aleister Crowley, 06:30 there the reference is right on the bottom of the screen. 06:32 "Crowley believed that the 20th century 06:35 marked humanities entry to the Aeon of Horus, 06:40 a new era in which humans would take 06:43 increasing control of their destiny." 06:46 Have you heard that word use quite a bit? 06:48 Listen to that destiny, this destiny, 06:50 that destiny 06:51 and I don't want to mention names 06:53 that quite a bit of the modern preachers today, 06:55 if you listen to television. 06:56 They talk about working out your destiny. 07:00 Taking control of your destiny. 07:02 Going toward your destiny, 07:04 whether they have mega churches 07:05 or giga churches or whatever the case may be, 07:08 the word destiny has become a hot word 07:10 in modern Christianity. 07:12 Not character but destiny. 07:14 In other words, 07:16 what do you want to be pursue your destiny? 07:19 Aleister Crowley has also impacted many of the things 07:22 that happen in the Christian world. 07:24 The quote continues, "Thelema the religion, 07:27 he created revolves around the idea 07:31 that human beings each have their own True Will..." 07:36 What do you want to do? 07:37 "That they should discover and pursue 07:40 and that this exists in harmony, 07:42 he said, with the Cosmic Will that pervades 07:46 the universe." 07:48 In other words he says, 07:49 somewhere out in this great beyond, 07:52 there's a will, there's a cosmic energy. 07:55 Have you heard that word before? 07:56 They talk about energy. 07:57 If you align yourself with the energy 08:00 that can enable you to accomplish. 08:02 We call so to speak in the Christian world, 08:05 energy. 08:06 We don't say energy, 08:07 we say we need the power of the Holy Spirit. 08:11 They need the power of evil spirits. 08:14 This angel that gets assigned to these artists, 08:17 these megastars to accomplish their design. 08:20 He calls that the cosmic will. 08:22 He says, "If you simply align yourself with the cosmic will, 08:24 the accomplishment of your will, 08:27 will be much easier." 08:29 He also incorporated symbolisms in the religion of Thelema. 08:33 This symbol that has been constructed by the O.T.O, 08:36 as a matter of fact 08:37 I just tell you this very quickly 08:39 to insert something for those of you 08:40 who were not here yesterday. 08:42 O.T.O means Ordo Templi Orientis 08:45 or the order of the temple of the east. 08:48 It's an international organization 08:50 that exists in every state, every country. 08:53 My wife and I traveled around the world. 08:54 We were in Australia 08:55 where they have a grand lodge in Australia, 08:57 many cities of Australia. 08:58 They've two grand lodges in the state of Missouri, 09:01 and the philosophies when I did the series back, 09:03 I think it was about 2010 or number of years ago. 09:07 I received a letter 09:09 from one of the grandmasters of the O.T.O 09:12 and he said to me, 09:13 "Everything you said about us is true." 09:16 Then he said, 09:18 "I'd like to get together with you to discuss it." 09:19 Now I'm from New York, 09:24 that sounds like a set up to me, 09:25 what do you say? 09:28 And in occultism they choose the day 09:30 that everything about numerology, 09:32 it all lines up with their cosmic numerology. 09:35 He chose the place, the day, the time, 09:37 even the restaurant 09:39 and by the way it was a vegetarian restaurant. 09:41 So some of you think that 09:42 being vegetarian is solely Adventist. 09:45 But in reality some of those people 09:47 that are in the occult world will bypass you 09:49 by far in the areas of how to eat 09:53 and how to take care of yourself. 09:54 So he figured if he chose the restaurant 09:56 that I frequented that it will be okay with me, 09:59 well, I'm going to tell you this, 10:00 "I not only did not respond but I never ate there again." 10:06 But this symbolism and you'll notice the dove, 10:09 the dove facing downward. 10:11 You'll see the triangle with the eye of Horus 10:13 and then the larger eye with rays, 10:15 sunrays symbolizing illumination. 10:19 And then the holy grail with the cross, 10:21 the red cross on the bottom 10:22 but this is a black and white image. 10:24 In the O.T.O world they believe that 10:26 the fall of Lucifer led 10:28 to the enlightenment of humanity. 10:31 They believe that when he fell, 10:33 that gave humanity an opportunity 10:35 to tie into the things that he had access to. 10:39 But the truth of the matter is Isaiah 14:12 says, 10:42 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, 10:45 son of the morning! 10:47 How art thou cut down to the ground, 10:49 which did what? 10:51 Weaken the nations." 10:52 The nations are not stronger 10:54 as a result of Lucifer and his fallen angles. 10:57 No longer called Lucifer, but the devil and Satan, 10:59 that roaring lion. 11:01 He lost that state, that place of light. 11:04 And so you've to be very careful today 11:06 when people talk about these philosophies, 11:08 they said someone died 11:10 and they went toward the light but the Bible says, 11:13 Satan appears as an angle of light. 11:17 So the light at the end of that tunnel is not a divine light 11:20 but a very Satanic light. 11:23 There are groups that have taken the side of Satan 11:25 in the music world, 11:27 in the rock world, the hip-hop world. 11:28 They all are on the same plane. 11:30 You see the key is, 11:32 Satan doesn't care about your kind of music, 11:34 he's an equal opportunity employer. 11:38 Somebody once said, "I'm not talking to God." 11:40 Well, I said to them, ''If you're not talking to God, 11:42 then who are you talking to?" 11:44 If you don't want God, 11:45 the devil will be glad to accept you. 11:47 So don't fool yourself in getting upset with God 11:50 because I will tell you 11:51 the alternative is really not that hopeful. 11:54 Now there are groups in the rock world 11:56 that have shown their solidarity 11:59 by making it very clear. 12:01 Look at some of these images here, 12:03 one of the group is Led-Zeppelin. 12:04 You'll notice that this image on the far left. 12:06 It has been designed 12:07 to indicate the fall of Lucifer, 12:10 the fall of Lucifer, 12:11 this fallen angel, genderless. 12:14 And the symbolisms at the bottom of that placard 12:16 are all Egyptian symbolisms. 12:18 All have specific meanings in the occult world. 12:22 Also the album cover on your right 12:24 ''Led Zeeppelin Stairway to Heaven.' 12:26 ' Many people don't know that 12:27 this is not stairway to heaven where God is. 12:31 But the Stairway to Heaven song 12:33 which sold multiple millions is simply a Satanic chant 12:38 when played in reverse. 12:40 Now I told you that in the occult world, 12:42 they believe that Christianity 12:43 and occult world are identical except 12:46 they've opposite goals, opposite direction. 12:49 You know, and the Bible talks about 12:50 the sheep are on the right and the goat are on the left. 12:55 Opposite, both in the same standing position 12:58 but opposite directions, 12:59 opposite goals, opposite philosophies. 13:02 Another album cover here 13:03 that you see put together by the Rolling Stone, 13:07 ''Sympathy for the Devil.' 13:09 ' They make it clear, 13:11 ''Sympathy for the Devil'' 13:12 so their aim in their music 13:14 and in their message is 13:15 to give the devil another hearing. 13:18 And who do you think he is? 13:19 Who do you think they're pleading his case to? 13:21 They're pleading his case to you. 13:23 They say you make up your mind 13:25 as to whether or not God was fair. 13:27 So when you listen to their music, 13:29 you're listening to their pleas. 13:31 What you've to keep in mind is they don't just write lyrics 13:33 because they felt this is a good lyric. 13:36 In the occult world there's a design 13:38 and a purpose behind everything they orchestrate, 13:40 everything they write, 13:42 in the very same way we're particular about 13:44 what we put in our sermons. 13:45 They're particular about what they put in their messages 13:48 because as I stated in presentation number one 13:51 or station 1, it's all about discipleship. 13:55 When the Bible says, 13:56 ''Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.' 13:58 ' That was the clarion call that Jesus made to the church. 14:02 But Satan doesn't have a church 14:04 but he does rob the clarion call from God 14:06 and he makes disciples that carries his message. 14:09 He has a prophet, Aleister Crowley 14:11 that proclaims his message. 14:13 In this next picture you'll see a placard 14:16 that is very occultic in its symbolism. 14:19 Now you can't see the details, 14:20 I'll break it down in just a moment. 14:22 But the O.T.O religious symbolism is very much 14:25 a part of their religious order. 14:28 They have their religious order. 14:30 Now in the Bible, 14:32 there's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 14:36 That's why Christians should never pray 14:38 father and mother God. 14:41 There's no mother God. 14:43 That's an occult terminology. 14:46 They believe that their father god, 14:49 his name is Chaos, 14:51 their mother god, her name is Babalon. 14:56 They take that from Revelation Chapter 18, 14:58 Babalon, the woman 15:00 Babalon riding the scarlet colored beast, 15:03 and the child is Baphomet. 15:06 You've the father, the son, and the holy spirit, 15:09 and then they have the church, 15:10 so but they don't really have a church 15:13 as the Bible depicts a church 15:15 but they've established their own earthly kingdom. 15:18 But let me say this, their kingdom is not eternal. 15:23 But only God's kingdom is eternal. 15:25 Going in further, 15:26 you'll notice at the very top of this symbol, 15:28 you've the upside down triangle, 15:30 the all-seeing eye 15:31 and then the three letters O.T.O. 15:33 This has been designed to completely represent 15:35 the system of the O.T.O 15:37 constructed by Aleister Crowley. 15:39 You've his name Aleister Crowley 15:40 and then you have, 15:42 ''Do what thou wilt.' 15:43 ' Then you've magic 15:45 and mysticism on the two ribbons to the right 15:46 and then you have, 15:48 ''Love is the law, love under will, 15:50 there's no law beyond, do what thou wilt.' 15:53 ' That's their salutation. 15:55 As the Beatles will have a song all you need is love, love. 15:59 That's why when you preach the gospel, 16:00 you've got to be very careful. 16:03 Not to just be a... 16:04 I want this to sound correct because God is love, 16:07 can you say amen to that? 16:09 Amen! 16:10 But while God is love, 16:14 his message because it is love, 16:16 the Bible says, despise not the chastening of the father. 16:20 And so we think that 16:21 if we just talk about God loves you, 16:23 one of the things that I try to avoid as a preacher is 16:25 when people say, 16:27 ''God loves you just the way you are.' 16:29 ' I try to include 16:31 but he never leave you the way he finds you. 16:32 Amen! Right? 16:39 Because if you just say the first part 16:40 that's what the philosophy of the occult world. 16:42 He's loves you just the way you are. 16:43 I love you just the way. 16:48 You didn't see that, did you? 16:50 That's the occult symbolism. 16:52 Just the way you are. 16:54 If that's who you are, fine, 16:55 that's why today 16:57 we have this ridiculous philosophy 16:58 that has invaded the church. 17:00 I don't want to offend anybody. 17:01 Well, let me tell you, 17:03 I work for an organization that offends everybody. 17:06 Somebody once said to me, 17:08 "Are you staying out of trouble?" 17:09 I said, "No, why should I?" 17:11 The prophets were always in trouble. 17:14 Jesus was always in trouble, right. 17:18 The disciples were always in trouble. 17:21 All that live godly in Christ Jesus shall be in trouble. 17:24 Am I right? 17:26 But this entire symbolism, let me break this down. 17:28 I'm going to take the best use of my time. 17:30 There were two obelisks also included, 17:32 this the left one and the right one. 17:34 At the top you have... 17:35 I'll break this down, you have various symbolisms, 17:37 just look at that in detail. 17:39 The left obelisk at the top, 17:41 you've the letter A or the Greek letter for alpha. 17:45 Then you've a next symbol the pentacle, 17:47 which is a mystical symbol, 17:49 they believe they can use that to accomplish 17:51 what they call ceremonial magic. 17:54 Then you have the symbol for air and water, 17:56 and then at the very bottom you have 666 17:59 which is the symbol of the beast, 18:00 which is the divine symbol in the Bible. 18:03 But as I said yesterday, 18:04 Aleister Crowley was so rebellious as a child 18:07 that his mother named him 18:10 the beast 666. 18:15 I would say there was some problems in that relationship, 18:17 what do you say? 18:18 He loved and admired his father, 18:20 and when his father died, 18:22 it so destroyed his world 18:24 that he just lost all perspective 18:27 and pursued with intensity the occult world 18:30 and spiritualism. 18:31 Then you have on the left side of this obelisk, 18:33 the word Thelema, 18:35 that's the religion of the O.T.O, 18:36 the Golden Dawn one of the fraternities, 18:38 you've the Libra al Vel Legis, 18:40 the book of the law which is their holy bible. 18:43 Then you have Abrahadabra. 18:45 In a few moments I'll explain little bit more about that. 18:48 In the next column you have, that's the right column, 18:50 the left one was alpha and the right column was omega. 18:54 Who is the alpha and the omega? 18:55 God. 18:56 Christ is but they take these symbolisms 18:58 used in Christianity, and distort its meaning, 19:01 and apply it to darkness. 19:04 In the obelisk you've on the right side the omega symbol, 19:07 then you've the pentagram 19:08 which is the pentacle upside down. 19:10 When you follow that very carefully, 19:12 have you ever seen the picture of the five point man, 19:14 he kind of stands like a Greek symbol? 19:16 Well, they believe in the philosophy 19:18 of the occult world 19:20 that when it's upright, when the man's head is up, 19:22 that's the exaltation, the intellective man. 19:24 When he's turned upside down, 19:26 they refer to that as the fall of man 19:28 or the degradation of man's intellect. 19:31 In the very same way the pentacle, 19:33 when the star is pointing up 19:35 but when the pentagram is pointing down, 19:37 you can fit right into the center of that pentagram, 19:40 the perfect silhouette of the goat's head. 19:44 We'll talk about that in just a moment. 19:46 You also have the symbol of fire and then earth. 19:48 And at the very bottom the number 418 19:51 which is really a hidden 13, 19:52 I'll tell you about that in just a moment. 19:54 Some of the artists that you know very well 19:56 that include these symbolisms, 19:57 the young lady by the name of Kesha, 19:59 a very popular artist in the hip-hop, 20:02 in the music industry right behind her. 20:05 I tried to find an image that was, 20:08 shall I say, 20:10 that was good enough to show publicly, 20:13 that was modest. 20:15 It's hard to find modest things 20:17 when it comes to the music world. 20:18 Do you understand what I'm saying? 20:20 The little they wear, 20:21 the better they accomplish their purpose 20:23 because the whole idea is, 20:25 is not just to seduce but it's to distract. 20:28 To get you focused on 20:29 what you see rather than what you hear. 20:32 Because the mind, 20:34 when words are introduced into your mind 20:36 mixed with music, 20:37 words bypass the subconscious, they don't need permission. 20:42 Without music they need permission 20:44 because you're able to listen 20:45 and to decide whether or not he said the right thing 20:48 and whether or not I could allow it to come in. 20:50 But when words are mixed with music 20:52 they bypass the subconscious, 20:54 they unlock your memory door without your permission, 20:57 and they come in. 20:59 That's why you could be on the train 21:00 or in the restaurant 21:01 and they could play soft music on the background, 21:03 and before, you know, 21:04 you're driving home in your car, 21:05 and you find yourself singing that song, you say, 21:07 "Now where did I hear that song?" 21:10 That's why Satan has established it that 21:12 you cannot get away from his influence 21:15 no matter where you go. 21:16 Let me move on. 21:17 Then you have Beyonce in the right with a pentagram 21:19 in one of the performances she has. 21:22 Going on further here you have one, 21:25 the pentacle is pointing up, you've the spirit at the top, 21:27 air, water, earth, and fire. 21:29 But when you turn that around 21:30 you've earth, fire, air, water, 21:33 and the spirit below. 21:34 In the occult world they don't believe 21:37 in the form of the spirit's power from above. 21:39 But they believe 21:40 in the spirit's power from below. 21:43 Now when you think about air, water, fire, 21:46 what group comes to mind? 21:49 Okay, earth, wind and fire. 21:51 And how amazing it is 21:53 that both of these symbols are the stars, 21:55 upside down or right side up. 21:58 Earth, Wind and Fire, one of my favorite groups, 22:00 when I was at Oakwood, I remember this very well. 22:02 I went to Oakwood, and I took my music. 22:04 My room was right above the dean's office. 22:08 And I was blasting my Earth, Wind and Fire, 22:10 and he took my boom box until I left college. 22:16 But that music was grouping for particular reason, 22:18 look at all the occult symbolisms 22:20 included in Earth, Wind. 22:22 They were one of the top black groups 22:24 that bought into 22:26 the philosophies of Aleister Crowley, 22:27 and boy, 22:29 did they proliferated, they propagated it. 22:32 We love Earth, Wind and Fire 22:33 but we did not know, 22:35 amen somebody. Amen! 22:36 Look at the words, "You're a shining star, 22:39 no matter who you are shining bright to see 22:43 what you can truly be." 22:46 Where did that star come from? 22:47 Revelation 12:7 and 8, 22:49 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven 22:53 and threw them to the earth." 22:56 Stars are angels, 22:57 and I said yesterday angels on ministering spirits 23:00 for those who are saved, 23:02 but for those who are not saved 23:03 fallen angels are also ministering spirits 23:07 for those who are lost. 23:08 You see there's an unseen world, 23:10 the word occult means unseen or hidden or eclipsed. 23:13 In the occult world these forces are very real. 23:17 Do not downplay the impact 23:19 and the power in the world of darkness. 23:21 As a matter of fact, 23:23 Aleister Crowley wrote in his book 23:24 ''Liber al Vil Legis'' chapter 1 page or point 3, 23:26 he said, "Every man and every woman is a what? 23:30 Star." 23:31 So what does he put? 23:32 What does he push? 23:34 He also brought out this other star, 23:36 this is called the unicursal hexagram. 23:39 Now the hexagram has a number of points, 23:42 the unicursal hexagram 23:44 which is surrounded by the philosophies 23:45 and the mantras of the O.T.O world 23:49 Aleister Crowley believed 23:50 that if he could gain access 23:54 in a deeper way to the occult world, 23:56 that he could channel that deeper form 23:59 that more concentrated form of evil 24:01 through the occult world, 24:03 through the music industry and he succeeded in doing that. 24:05 Look at this next picture. 24:07 This is a group, a rock group, 24:09 look at in front of them, 24:10 they're singing with their microphone 24:12 behind the unicursal hexagram 24:14 and what we don't know is 24:15 when you go to these concerts 24:18 and these groups are, 24:19 they are channeling right to you without your permission. 24:23 They are channeling in your direction, 24:25 forces that are really under the control of spirits 24:29 far beyond your ability to prevent. 24:33 Because once you put yourself there, 24:36 you're subject to anything. 24:37 Reminds me once when I was sitting in the car with someone 24:40 showing you how you don't have to participate 24:42 to still be influenced. 24:44 I was sitting in the car once in North Carolina 24:46 many years ago South Carolina, 24:48 and I went to visit with some friends 24:50 with the family there 24:51 and I met some young people that said, 24:53 "Let's go for ride." 24:55 And when they pulled off the road, 24:56 they began smoking marijuana. 24:59 And they try to get me to smoke. 25:00 I said, "No, no, I'm not smoking marijuana." 25:03 But they had the windows closed. 25:16 I would like to say 25:17 I didn't inhale but I had to breathe. 25:21 Now here's my point. 25:23 You could be in the very environment 25:24 and all you had to do is inhale. 25:27 You don't have to participate. 25:29 You're just breathing the same air. 25:32 You might not say that you're Satanist 25:33 but when you're in the same atmosphere 25:35 you're breathing the same influences. 25:37 Don't fool yourself. 25:39 There's no level of, well, I'm not really that bad. 25:40 You're either way, 25:42 on your way to hell or you're not. 25:45 Didn't mean to say it that way but 25:46 that's the fact. 25:48 Also the eye of Horus, 25:50 here's Aleister Crowley with his ceremonial hat, 25:52 the pentacle on the Bible 25:54 and then his arms symbolizing the two horns, 25:57 and then also the all-seeing eye 25:58 with the eye of Horus, 26:00 and then the illumination that surrounds it. 26:02 Very significant in the religion of the O.T.O 26:06 but there's something that this symbolizes it. 26:08 This symbolizes the third eye. 26:10 The what eye? 26:11 The third eye. 26:13 In Hinduism it's the eye of clairvoyance, 26:14 meaning being able to understand 26:16 things that are not accessible to normal human reasoning. 26:19 In the freemasonry, it calls the all-seeing eye. 26:23 You see the masons 26:25 so influenced the politics of America 26:27 that FDR included that all-seeing eye 26:30 on the one dollar bill 26:31 during his presidency. 26:33 But in Egyptology it means the eye of Horus, 26:36 the most venerated God of the Egyptian world. 26:39 Now somebody might say is it the left eye or the right eye? 26:42 It really doesn't matter 26:44 because they cover one eye or the other. 26:46 In Egyptology the left eye indicates the moon god, 26:49 your allegiance to the god of the moon, 26:51 but the right eye the God of the sun. 26:53 Both have great significance. 26:54 Look at how it's played out. 26:56 The Bible says, 26:57 "Open my eyes, that I may see" what? 27:00 "Wondrous things from your law." 27:02 Let's take that to the next level. 27:04 The Bible also says in Mark 4:12, 27:07 "Seeing they may see and" what? 27:09 "Not perceive, and hearing they may hear and" what?" 27:12 Not understand, lest they should turn 27:15 and their sins be forgiven them." 27:17 As Satan said to Eve, 27:19 he says, "For God knows that in the day 27:23 you eat thereof, your eyes will be opened." 27:26 So they say if you disobey 27:30 and I'll show you some slides in a moment. 27:31 If you disobey God's direction, your eyes will be opened. 27:36 The word for eye in Hebrew is to broaden. 27:39 It doesn't mean just to open physically, 27:40 it means to make available to use something that 27:43 to this point you have not had. 27:45 In other words, 27:46 Satan did give Eve 27:47 more knowledge than God gave her, 27:50 but in reality many of you know 27:51 there are certain things that we should never know. 27:54 Am I right? 27:55 The Bible says, 27:57 the secret things belong to the Lord. 27:59 But the things that are here belong to us 28:01 and to our children. 28:02 So you don't have to know evil to appreciate good. 28:07 So be careful when you exalt people 28:09 that live too evil a life. 28:11 Sometimes people live all these diabolical lives 28:13 and we exalt them like they're some great saint 28:15 when they give their lives to Christ. 28:17 You don't have to be evil to be appreciated. 28:20 That's why the son that never left home 28:21 was said about the prodigal. 28:23 He said, I've never done that wrong. 28:25 I've been here all the time. 28:26 You didn't kill no fatty calf for me 28:28 and that was selfish on his part 28:30 'cause we should rejoice 28:31 when somebody come back to the Lord, amen. 28:32 Amen! 28:34 But to broaden the intellect 28:36 is to increase someone's understanding 28:38 in things that God never intended for them 28:40 to have access to. 28:42 Aleister Crowley, the Bible says, 28:45 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it 28:47 your eyes will be opened, 28:48 and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 28:52 When I was growing up in New York 28:53 they have the five percenters, 28:55 you know, they had this ideology that you're God. 28:57 You know what? 28:58 If I'm the God, 28:59 don't you think I should know it? 29:03 Did somebody tap God on the shoulder and said, 29:05 "Hey, by the way you're God" 29:08 I don't want to belittle by any means his sovereignty. 29:11 But if you're God, you don't need to be notified. 29:15 Let's look at the third eye 29:16 how it fits into to the music world. 29:18 Now just recently 29:20 this very accomplished artist passed away. 29:25 But part of the success of Prince was 29:26 he was involved in a very deep way 29:30 in the occult world. 29:31 You don't have that level of success 29:34 except you accepted the contract. 29:38 All these things I would give you 29:41 if you fall down and worship me. 29:45 His allegiance was to a different God, 29:47 a different audience and strangely enough 29:49 he was raised under Adventist influenced. 29:52 He went to church in California, 29:55 in Glendale, California. 29:57 His aunt was an Adventist. 29:59 See when you walk away from light, 30:01 you'll walk in to what? 30:02 Darkness. 30:04 And there's no depth that you cannot go to, 30:06 there's no depth that you stop at, 30:08 when you walk away from light. 30:09 You know why? 30:10 Because when you walk in the darkness, 30:12 you can't see where you're going. 30:14 His album, one of the albums that sold 30:16 multiple platinum copies, 30:18 the eye in the album cover, that's when he wrote, 30:21 I'm gonna to party like it's 1999. 30:23 That was that album cover. 30:25 But let's look at some of the other ones 30:26 that included these same philosophies. 30:28 Left Eye Lopes, Lisa Lopes, you know, 30:31 she lost her life and when you read 30:33 I think it was one of those very popular magazines 30:37 about the artist world. 30:39 They said that she was fighting her own personal demons. 30:42 And the demon won the battle. 30:43 One of her co-artist said 30:47 that they would hear her in her room arguing 30:48 and would often bang on the door and said, 30:50 "Who you're talking to?' 30:51 And she said, "No one" 30:53 and they'll close the door again 30:54 and this argument will continue, 30:55 you're hearing two voices 30:57 and there's no one but her in the room, visibly. 31:00 Also Aaliyah, 31:02 you know her at the prime of her success, 31:04 she lost her life. 31:05 Now there are lot of philosophies 31:07 as to how that happened 31:08 but that's not the purpose of this program, 31:09 but the point of the matter is 31:11 when you go down the road of darkness, 31:13 the wages of sin at one point or the other is, 31:16 you don't get access to the kingdom of darkness 31:18 without some price on your head. 31:21 Going on, Lady Gaga, there they are, 31:23 they're all symbolizing the eye. 31:25 The right eye is the god of the sun, 31:29 the left eye, the god of the moon. 31:30 They cover one or the other, 31:32 it doesn't really matter but you'll see this artist. 31:33 Let me go on here. 31:35 Another one, 31:36 George Michael and Ice Cube. 31:38 They make it very clear. They communicate. 31:39 Now by the way 31:41 if you didn't know what that meant? 31:42 You just simply think that's a great picture. 31:45 But in the occult world 31:46 they know exactly what they're communicating. 31:48 Christina Aguliera, not coincidental, 31:51 she didn't take a picture in the shade. 31:52 She made it very clear 31:54 and what is the title of the album, 31:55 Lift Me Up, the one to the right, 31:58 Lift Me Up is her album cover title. 32:00 You can't see it 32:01 but that's the title of her album, Lift Me Up. 32:03 And Jesus said, "Lift me up." 32:06 You have two other artists, Gabrielle and Lionel Richie, 32:09 super megastars. 32:11 The reason I'm bringing this to you 32:12 with such passion is this. 32:14 Our young folk, 32:17 sorry, let me change that. 32:18 Lot of our folk, 32:21 I used to think I was this age sensitive 32:23 but now I'm discovering 32:24 some of you old folk can't' change yet. 32:33 Do what you want to do. 32:36 Lionel Richie, 32:38 we gonna go even further back from that 32:40 but they all involved in this occult world 32:41 and their music is such a draw on us 32:43 because it was designed to have that kind of impact. 32:46 Also another young lady by the name of Belinda. 32:50 You know, in the Disney world 32:51 they always chose some girl 32:53 to take the place of the other girl. 32:54 For example, it was first Britney Spears, 32:56 then Christina Aguliera, then Belinda. 32:58 Now one day cycle through, they pick somebody else. 33:01 The one they picked 33:02 right after Belinda was Miley Cyrus. 33:04 They always pick some young innocent looking girl 33:07 for these young foolish empty headed kids to follow. 33:13 I want Hannah Montana's purse, 33:16 I want her shoes, 33:17 I want her pocket book, 33:19 I want her music, 33:21 and when she crosses over into demonism, 33:23 they follow her right over there, 33:25 like the Pied Piper of Hamelin. 33:28 Here's another couple of them, Estelle and Selena Gomez, 33:31 didn't matter right eye, left eye, 33:32 doesn't really matter. 33:34 Freak, yeah, you read there, 33:36 that's the kind of music you get 33:37 when you pick those things up, freak. 33:40 Also we have Shakira and Evanescence, 33:45 these groups they make it very clear. 33:47 Notice she has an Evanescence the album cover, 33:49 the thorns are there for a particular reason, 33:51 it's the belittling of the sacrifice of Jesus. 33:55 And Shakira, you know, 33:57 Shakira has only one goal in mind 33:58 that's to seduce every man that ever walked the planet. 34:02 Let's make it clear. Amen somebody. 34:04 Then you have these are the two artists 34:05 that you've heard about before. 34:07 This young lady that won American idol Jordan Sparks. 34:10 Notice her album cover title 'Battlefield' 34:13 and in this picture 34:14 she's displaying all three of the symbols of the O.T.O, 34:17 the triangle over her left eye, 34:20 the circle which is the letter o, 34:23 and then her right eye isn't covered. 34:25 All three symbols and the word Battlefield, 34:27 and in the occult world the battlefield is the mind, 34:31 is the mind. 34:32 Now she wasn't that good a singer, 34:33 I want to admit that. 34:35 There was a Christian young lady that sing well 34:36 but this Christian young lady 34:38 did not want to party in that kind of world. 34:41 So they chose somebody that could be an influence. 34:44 Another young lady that you've seen before Miley Cyrus, 34:48 there she is, 34:49 do I need to say anything about Miley Cyrus? 34:53 Just don't listen to her music. 34:54 Katy Perry, you'll find out 34:56 little bit more about her in a moment. 34:57 But is she hiding the reality of her allegiance? 35:00 No, she's making it very clear. 35:02 It's over my left eye. 35:04 And the music that they produce today 35:08 and I'm going to say this also. 35:09 You know, sometimes 35:11 you're perusing through the radio station, 35:12 you kind of stopping at channels 35:13 and you are surfing, you're scanning. 35:16 And sometimes you'll hear a song 35:17 that you heard many years ago. 35:19 And you kind of listen to it for like ten seconds 35:22 which turns into 30 seconds, 35:24 which turns into a minute, 35:26 and before you know it, you will... 35:32 Watch this. 35:35 In Job Chapter 17 the Bible says, 35:37 "If a tree is cut down yet at the scent of water 35:40 it could sprout again 35:42 as long as its routes remain in the ground." 35:45 Some people cut down their tree of the life they live 35:48 but they left the roots in the ground. 35:53 And the Satan comes along and waters it. 35:56 And it begins to sprout again. 35:59 That's why the Bible... 36:00 Did you hear that? 36:02 Some people have built their own trees 36:04 of the life they lived 36:06 and they cut it down and brag that 36:07 I don't have that tree anymore. 36:09 But you leave the roots in the ground. 36:12 And the evidence of that is all the devil has to do is 36:14 just one drop of water on your roots 36:17 and your past begins to sprout again. 36:20 That's why the Bible says in Malachi 36:21 when God destroys evil, 36:23 he's leaving neither root nor branch. 36:29 So don't boast about the tree you don't have, 36:30 get rid of the roots. 36:32 Come on, help me out. 36:33 All right. 36:35 Marilyn Manson, the priest, 36:37 the high priest of the church of Satan. 36:39 Long before the cross became a Christian symbol, 36:42 it was the highest symbol in the occult world. 36:45 When you see these music artists wear crosses, 36:47 some people say they're Christians. 36:49 You guys got to be wiser than that. 36:51 A cross does not make you a Christian. 36:54 The Bible didn't say wear the cross, it said what? 36:57 Bear the cross. 36:58 You got to die to self. 37:00 Not have a cross around your neck. 37:02 Some people see a cross and say, 37:03 well, her music is good, 37:05 she got Christian influences. 37:08 No, don't get fooled by that. 37:10 Influence and life are all together different. 37:14 Two young men here also 37:15 Justin Timberlake and Chris Brown, 37:17 need I say more? 37:19 And we'll talk about the symbol that Justin Timberlake 37:21 and look at the title of his album cover, magic. 37:24 They know where they're getting their sources. 37:26 These people are not famous by coincidence. 37:28 Some of them can't sing a lyric, 37:30 I'll be honest with you. 37:32 But you don't have to sing to be successful. 37:35 I mean, Willie Nelson for example, help me out. 37:41 And many of these artists can't sing a lyric 37:43 but they surround themselves with 500 dancers, 37:45 499 who got none on. 37:49 Excuse me, don't have anything on. 37:52 And all the lights, camera, action, 37:54 I always say take all that stuff away 37:56 and see how good they could sing. 37:58 It's to distract you from what is being said 38:02 because your eyes are busy by what you see. 38:06 Okay, couple of others, Taylor Swift, 38:10 rose swiftly to the top and there's Rihanna, 38:14 she's making it very clear. 38:15 Lot of people are enamored by 38:16 Taylor Swift's apparent veneer of purity. 38:19 Don't get fooled. 38:22 I could give you poison in a beautiful glass. 38:25 I don't have to give it to you in a dirty glass. 38:28 It's poison nevertheless. 38:29 Don't get fooled by the veneer. 38:32 Don't get fooled, 38:34 arsenic is tasteless and odorless, 38:37 but the end result is the same. 38:39 All right. 38:41 Two other artists, Celine Dion and Adele. 38:42 Don't lose your lunch. 38:45 Not Celine, 38:50 do you think that you can have access 38:52 to the city of sin, 38:55 Las Vegas and be sold out every night 38:57 for three years in a row 38:59 without having a contract with the devil 39:02 who is the god of the city of city. 39:04 Didn't matter what kind of music, 39:06 as long as I play music and you follow it. 39:08 If you get on, what do you like, 39:11 rock, hip-hop, country, 39:13 whatever, you name it, 39:15 whatever you like as long as... 39:17 And get this, 39:18 we often argue about 39:19 what kind of music is appropriate 39:21 but listen to this, 39:22 this is what the Lord gave to me. 39:24 I was sharing with Dr. Yvonne Lewis yesterday. 39:25 I was sitting in the park in Orlando, Florida, 39:28 about little more than a year ago 39:29 and I was listening to a C.D. Brooks sermon 39:31 as my wife was shopping in Walmart. 39:33 And I said and Lord dropped this dime in my head, 39:36 what is acceptable music? 39:38 And here's the powerful thought he gave to me. 39:41 The reason why the three Hebrews 39:42 did not bow down in the courts of Babylon, 39:45 now they used the harp, 39:47 they used the psaltery, they used the flute, 39:49 all these cute little instruments, 39:51 didn't have a base, didn't have no hard drum set. 39:54 They used these nice string instruments. 39:56 The reason why they did not bow down, 39:58 here's the key to acceptable music. 40:01 Music that lead you to worship at the wrong altar. 40:07 It was not the instruments that you use 40:09 but the altar that they were told to bow down at. 40:16 Now let me make it clear. 40:18 Some of you folk 40:20 that are going to church on the wrong day 40:21 to get your praise on, 40:22 you're at the wrong altar. 40:29 And the devil uses music. 40:32 Some of us listen to the same artist. 40:33 We say because it's being recorded, 40:36 I can't use any of their samples 40:38 but I could say this, 40:39 you know, do you want a revolution? 40:44 Okay, 40:47 I could say it but I can't play it. 40:49 When Yolanda Adams began one of her albums okay, 40:52 get up know 'cause it's time to dance. 40:54 You know, the music listen to it, 40:58 does that music lead you to the altar of God, 41:01 or does it lead you to an altar 41:03 that reminds you of the altar you abandoned. 41:07 When music lead you to the wrong altar, 41:09 it is not acceptable to God. 41:13 Adele said this about 41:15 the admiration of one of these disciples 41:16 of the occult world. 41:18 She says, "I'm not late," 41:19 this is on Instagram don't look at it now. 41:21 I got this up on Instagram 41:23 just two days ago, Adele's page. 41:25 "I'm not late on this I've just been speechless. 41:28 Beyonce is the most inspiring person 41:31 I've ever had the pleasure of worshipping. 41:34 Thank God, small god, for Beyonce X." 41:38 They know it all now. 41:40 You are idolizing these folk and they worship the wrong god. 41:43 The reason why the Hebrews refused to bow down 41:46 is they were in the courts of the wrong god. 41:49 And some of us are bowing down by listening to that music, 41:52 by supporting it, 41:53 by loading it on our iPads and iPods, 41:55 by going to their concerts, 41:59 and we plan on going to heaven. 42:02 Hope he doesn't come while you're at a concert. 42:09 Listen to what they do. 42:10 Listen to why we idolize them. 42:12 Get this carefully, 42:13 "Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, 42:17 and worshiped and served the creature 42:20 rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever." 42:23 By this, by idolizing, we're serving, 42:25 we're worshipping creatures, 42:28 and we're ignoring the worship of the Creator. 42:30 I said this last night, 42:31 if we advertise that Beyonce was going to be here, 42:36 overflow, 42:38 closed-circuit television two, channel seven, 42:41 I witness it. 42:42 But I don't care but you're here. 42:44 Amen. 42:45 Amen. 42:47 Don't look for righteous things to be admired 42:49 in an unrighteous world. 42:51 If you're of the world, 42:53 the world will love you but we're not of the world. 42:57 The price of fame is to sell your soul. 42:59 As you listen to this next video, 43:00 you'd hear this very carefully how artist in their own words 43:03 testify to the price of their fame, 43:05 listen carefully. 43:09 When I was 15, 43:12 because I grew up in, you know, a household 43:15 where all I ever did was listen to gospel music, 43:17 and my parents are both traveling ministers, 43:19 and so I kind of sang about 43:23 what was going on in my life at 15, 43:25 and that's how I got introduced to the music industry. 43:28 I swear, I wanted to be like the Amy Grant of music, 43:31 but it didn't work out, 43:33 so I sold my soul to the devil. 43:35 I sold my soul to the devil." 43:44 I sold my soul to the devil. 43:47 I know it's a crappy deal. 43:49 At least it came with a few toys 43:51 like a happy meal. 44:00 If your ultimate goal is to be famous, 44:02 then you're going to do a lot to get there like, 44:05 sign your name in blood in a contract with the devil. 44:08 Like you're going to end up on a one way street 44:11 and it's going nowhere, like that's just the truth. 44:13 I've seen so many people like forsake their moral code 44:18 and their value system just for a little bit of fame 44:20 and it's not worth it at the end of the day. 44:22 It's really not worth it. 44:31 The devil said, 44:32 "All these things I will give you 44:35 if you fall down together and worship me." 44:38 Now we talked about the music industry. 44:40 Let's talk about another venue 44:42 that also has a tremendous draw 44:44 in society today. 44:45 One that cannot be overestimated. 44:48 Have you heard of J.K. Rowling? 44:50 This lady was practically on welfare in Great Britain. 44:54 Now she's wealthier than the Queen of England, 44:57 wealthier than... 44:59 When she wrote the book Harry Potter 45:01 and the Order of Phoenix, 45:05 she wrote a 93 page summary, 45:07 93 words in her summary. 45:09 And Aleister Crowley published a book called the Book of Lies 45:14 and it only had 93 pages. 45:16 Look at this, 45:18 "A 93 word storycard from Rowling, 45:22 which referred to the book Harry Potter 45:24 and the Order of Phoenix, which by the way is a order, 45:28 a ceremonial order 45:31 that Aleister Crowley constructed 45:32 for the religion of Thelema. 45:34 She wrote that 93 words summary 45:37 and it sold in 2002 for $53,000, 45:41 a piece of paper with 93 words on it. 45:44 It was bought by a person in the occult world 45:46 because it symbolized 45:47 a connection to the very same god 45:50 that Aleister Crowley had a connection 45:51 to the god of the end world. 45:53 But how they come to 93? 45:54 Look at this, the math is simple. 45:57 The word Thelema 45:59 in the Greek is simply the word will. 46:01 When you add the Greek lettering, 46:03 each of them has a numerical value, 46:04 theta 9, epsilon 5, 46:08 lambda 30, eta 8, 46:10 mu 40, and alpha 1. 46:12 When you add that up together it spells not only, 46:14 then it comes not only to the number 93 46:17 but the Greek word, 46:18 there it is in Greek which means the will. 46:20 This is the secret coding that they have, 46:23 they have numbers that you can't catch. 46:25 But when you look deeper into it, 46:28 and follow that rabbit down the hole, 46:29 you'll discover, wait a minute, 46:31 what does Aleister Crowley 46:32 and J.K. Rowling have in common? 46:34 They follow the same system that brings success, 46:37 but in the end it is death. 46:39 Let's go on further. 46:41 In these columns the O.T.O religious symbolisms, 46:43 I want to bring out two words and two numbers that you 46:47 probably would know about. 46:48 Well, one number and one word, 46:50 highlighted in red to the left is Abrahadabra 46:53 and to the right is the number 418. 46:55 Let's dive into this very quickly. 46:57 In Greek numerology, 46:59 Aiwass, that's the way it's spelled in Greek. 47:02 When you add the Greek numerology to that 47:04 in Greek it adds up to 418, but let's even go further. 47:08 Using a Qabalistic numerology of gematria 47:12 that's in the occult world 47:14 they use various systems of numerology. 47:17 The word Abrahadabra 47:19 equals 418. 47:24 But when you add four, plus one, plus eight, 47:27 you come up with a number what? 47:29 Thirteen, a very significant number, 47:32 have you heard of Friday, the 13th? 47:34 Okay, very significant in the occult world. 47:37 But let's go even further. 47:39 The word Abrahadabra, 47:42 by the way it's spelled with only five letters. 47:44 A, b, d, h, r. 47:46 Now we say abracadabra. 47:49 It's often used when you know little kids in their cartoons, 47:51 in their games. 47:53 But what many people many don't know was 47:54 Abrahadabra is the highest form of an occult chant 47:58 to summon spirits to your aid. 48:02 So while you're using this word in a flippant way, 48:05 you might well just say, "Satan, I need your help. 48:07 Come as quickly as you can. 48:08 Bring all your evil spirits with you." 48:10 But to make it seem innocent, they quoted. 48:13 So you have no idea of its real intent. 48:17 Let's look at the wand for a moment, 48:18 I can't cover all five 48:19 because of the interest of time 48:21 but let's look at the wand for a moment. 48:24 Abrahadabra, you find Harry Potter, 48:27 this is the cover of the DVD the Order of Phoenix. 48:32 You find also in the philosophy of Aleister Crowley O.T.O 48:37 the religious symbol, this is the religious symbol, 48:40 the Star of David, but on the center of that, 48:43 the pentacle which inverted also as the pentagram. 48:46 That's also a religious symbol, 48:48 they believe when you combine the two, 48:50 you've doubled the force of evil, 48:52 Abrahadabra. 48:54 Let's go further. 48:55 The Order of Phoenix, 48:56 in the movie the Order of Phoenix, 48:58 I haven't seen it. 48:59 You've a character called Avada Kadavra. 49:03 When they say that word, 49:06 when Harry Potter was pursued 49:09 and he was pursued by Avada Kadavra, 49:12 the reason why he was protected is 49:14 because he had a particular instrument. 49:16 But Avada Kadavra is a killing curse 49:20 which causes instant painless death 49:23 to whomever the curse hits. 49:26 And they say in the occult world 49:27 there is no counter curse 49:29 or method of blocking this spell. 49:31 In other words if your life is not protected 49:33 by the Lord, 49:34 you cannot wrestle against flesh and blood. 49:36 You are completely unequipped. 49:38 Don't go down that road, but let's go further. 49:40 That's why the Lord says, "Give no regard to" what? 49:43 "Mediums or familiar spirits. 49:45 Do not seek after them, to be" what? 49:47 "Defined by them, I'm the Lord your God." 49:50 Leviticus 19:31 49:53 But now let's look at this at a deeper level. 49:55 In the book, in the DVD, 49:58 Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, 50:00 this young man is holding up the instrument 50:02 that protected Harry Potter 50:04 from any influence from Avada Kadavra. 50:07 As long as he had the wand, he was okay. 50:10 But the wand was not just any wand, 50:12 it had to be made out of wood from a Holly tree. 50:20 Hollywood. 50:24 Symbolism once again Holly, they've reverse it, 50:27 holly, wood, holly. 50:30 Bring it back together Hollywood. 50:34 The reason why that word 50:36 Hollywood is above the hills of Hollywood 50:38 is because Satan is declaring this is my kingdom. 50:42 This is my kingdom. 50:44 Wood from a Holly tree. 50:45 Some people say it wards off evil. 50:48 Some people say it brings evil. 50:50 Anything connected to evil is a double edged sword. 50:55 Let's go on. 50:56 The occult world also destroys your character 50:58 and gives you fame in exchange. 51:01 Look at the examples, exhibit number one. 51:04 This is Rihanna when she got into the music industry. 51:09 This is Rihanna after 51:12 she got into the music industry. 51:15 Clearly, your life goes downhill very quickly. 51:18 This is Miley Cyrus 51:20 when she was Hannah Montana but her alter ego kicked in. 51:24 She got a name, Dactyl and a Spondee 51:28 went back to her name and her first album 51:31 when she hit 18 was called Can't Be Tamed. 51:34 Her father Billy Ray Cyrus said 51:37 that his family nearly was destroyed 51:40 by Miley Cyrus determination 51:42 to become instantly rebellious 51:44 and Miley Cyrus' aim in her own words 51:46 is to replace Beyonce. 51:48 She said, "One day I'll be more famous than Beyonce." 51:51 When she was interviewed on a talk show she says, 51:53 "Many people think that I've lost my mind but she says, 51:55 my insanity and my persona is intentional. 52:02 I know what I'm doing. 52:03 It's a plan." 52:05 This is Beyonce 52:06 when she got into the music industry. 52:08 I can find any number of pictures to show you 52:10 what she has become. 52:11 She goes from innocent, and cute, and pretty 52:14 to fierce 52:16 because she does have an alter ego. 52:18 Clearly we all know that. 52:20 We also find that 52:23 one of the influences of Aleister Crowley 52:24 was the fact that he is not only the evil beast 52:27 as denoted by his mother 52:29 but he took that title carefully 52:31 and applied that in every art he produced 52:33 to influence the entire world in whatever genre you are in. 52:37 But there's a significant impact 52:39 that's happening on our world today 52:40 that I don't want you to miss. 52:42 And by the way let me just say before I go to the next slide. 52:45 I don't preach things or teach things 52:48 that are politically correct. 52:51 I've given up that fight. 52:53 I don't care about politics. 52:57 All right. 52:58 So what I'm going to share with you next is 53:00 not politically correct but it's religiously expedient. 53:05 It is necessary for us to know why we are going through, 53:08 what we're going through today. 53:09 What's happening in our world today is not coincidental 53:12 but it is orchestrated. 53:15 Now look at this symbol. 53:16 This symbol is something you haven't seen before. 53:19 But it is the symbol of that was created by the occult world 53:22 that's been adopted by the homosexual world. 53:26 Listen to Aleister Crowley's approach, 53:28 he was a bisexual. 53:29 Listen to Aleister Crowley's approach, 53:30 there is a reference, Sutin 2000, page 128. 53:34 "Crowley argued that gay and bisexual people 53:37 should not suppress their sexual orientation..." 53:41 Give them access to whatever bathroom they want. 53:44 "Commenting that a person 53:46 must not be ashamed or afraid of being homosexual. 53:50 If he happens to be so at heart, 53:53 he must not attempt 53:56 to violate his own true nature." 54:00 Whose nature? 54:02 "His own true nature because of public opinion, 54:06 or get this medieval morality, or religious prejudice 54:13 which would wish he were otherwise." 54:16 Now I said earlier and I'm going to say this as, 54:20 there are many of us that may have a family member 54:23 that practices lifestyle. 54:25 Every one of us has those issues, 54:28 we all understand that. 54:30 In every family, in every family, 54:32 there's somebody in that family somewhere. 54:36 I'm not exempt. 54:39 While we proclaim the love of God, 54:44 we do not condone the sin. 54:49 But you don't isolate it making people 54:51 that are in that lifestyle feel that, 54:52 that is the only sin 54:54 that people are going to be condemned for 54:56 because sin is sin. 54:59 But in America 55:03 this one issue is saying to the Christian church, 55:07 you are losing your power faster than you think. 55:10 And let me also give you a caution. 55:12 When you begin to align yourself 55:14 with government agencies in the world, 55:17 you'll lose your ability to say 55:20 who you can or cannot hire. 55:23 Who you can or cannot have teach your children. 55:26 So be careful with the allegiances 55:27 you make with the world because once you do that, 55:30 you lose your power to be selective. 55:34 Be careful. 55:36 Come out from among them and be what? 55:37 Separate. 55:39 Now as I wind up, 55:40 I want to make this very clear. 55:41 This industry is all about choice, 55:43 it's all about what? 55:45 You got to make a choice. 55:47 To not make a choice is to make a choice. 55:49 To not decide to do right is to decide to do evil. 55:52 To not decide to undo something is to decide 55:55 to allow it to just go on. 55:57 That's why as Joshua challenged the children of Israel 56:01 before they crossed over into the Jordan, he said, 56:04 "If it seems evil to you to server the Lord, together, 56:07 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, 56:10 whether the gods which your fathers served 56:13 that were on the other side of the River, 56:16 or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. 56:19 But as for, together, 56:21 as for me and my house, 56:22 " what are we going to do? 56:24 "We're going to serve the Lord." 56:26 Aleister Crowley said, 56:29 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." 56:31 Libre al Vel Legis. 56:33 Jesus said, "Not My will, but yours be done." 56:37 Today young folk, 56:38 everybody, whatever category you're in, 56:39 whatever walk of life, 56:41 whatever financial status you're in, 56:42 wherever you may be, you've got to make a decision, 56:44 if eternity is your focus and your goal, 56:47 you've got to decide 56:48 whether your will or God's will is the most important. 56:53 All the gods of this world are going to pass away. 56:56 But as we've discovered at station 2 today, 56:58 there's only one God 56:59 whose kingdom shall never be destroyed. 57:03 Make your decision to serve the only wise and true God, 57:07 Jesus Christ. 57:08 God bless you. |
Revised 2016-10-17