Participants: John Lomacang
Series Code: USU
Program Code: USU000001A
00:01 You are about to board a train
00:06 from which there is no exit 00:09 until the ride is done. 00:14 But my question is, are you ready? 00:51 Good evening and welcome to Unclean Spirits Unplugged. 00:56 Can I get a good evening? 00:57 Good evening. 00:59 So good to see you that you're here tonight. 01:01 I will be your conductor for the rest of this journey. 01:05 Tonight we have all boarded a train as you heard 01:08 from which there is no exit, until the ride is done. 01:12 So let me ask you a question again, are you ready? 01:16 Ready. Yes! 01:19 At station one, we confront two forces. 01:24 The forces of light and the forces of darkness. 01:29 About five or six years ago 01:31 when I began to study about this topic, 01:34 the one problem that I had was what to leave out 01:38 and in this journey together, 01:40 during these next three presentations, 01:43 there are things that you're going to see that 01:45 you may have se en before. 01:48 But there are things that you're going to see and hear 01:49 that you have not heard or seen before. 01:53 But we're going to confront the real issues. 01:55 Now I'm going to tell you is this, 01:57 I'm not covering anything up, 01:59 I'm not going to shellac anything, 02:02 I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, 02:03 I'm going to be that requisite, is that what you want? 02:05 Yes! 02:06 Because we are living in the setting 02:08 of a world that is on the verge of 02:11 internal and external destruction, 02:13 so we have to confront the real issues. 02:17 At station one, we will be introduced 02:19 to the battle between good and evil. 02:22 One of the strange approaches in our world today is, 02:29 there is a denial that there is good and evil in our world. 02:33 It seems as though God 02:35 gets blamed for the good and the evil. 02:38 But in this presentation we will introduce both forces, 02:42 the forces of good and the forces of evil, 02:45 the forces of light and the forces of darkness, 02:48 nothing will be left to chance. 02:52 In this presentation also, we will unmask the industry 02:56 that created a prison for the mind. 03:01 I'm going to introduce you now to a video, 03:03 I want you to listen carefully, 03:04 your attention is on the screen. 03:13 The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us, 03:17 even now in this very room. 03:20 You can see it when you look out your window, 03:23 or when you turn on your television. 03:25 You can feel it when you go to work, 03:29 when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. 03:35 It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes 03:38 to blind you from the truth. 03:42 What truth? 03:47 That you are a slave, Neo. 03:50 Like everyone else, you were born into bondage... 03:53 born into a prison 03:54 that you cannot smell or taste or touch. 03:58 A prison for your mind. 04:12 After the third presentation you will understand 04:15 how true that is. 04:16 Every one of us is a prisoner of something. 04:20 We are either a prisoner of good 04:22 or we are a prisoner of evil. 04:25 We are serving light or we're serving darkness. 04:28 There is no yellow line in this world. 04:31 There is no place of neutrality. 04:33 There is no place that we can hide, 04:36 waiting to make our decision. 04:38 And the reason why this series is called Unclean Spirits 04:42 because the foundation is found in this text 04:45 in Revelation 16:13 and 14. 04:48 Tonight I would like to enlist your help 04:50 as I read this text together. 04:52 Are you ready? Here we go. 04:54 "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs 04:59 coming out of the mouth of the dragon, 05:01 out of the mouth of the beast, 05:04 and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 05:07 For they are the spirits of demons, performing signs, 05:12 which go out to the kings of the earth 05:15 and of the whole world, 05:17 to gather them to the battle of that great day 05:21 of God Almighty." 05:23 As we're sitting here tonight, 05:25 there is a final battle under construction tonight. 05:30 The stage has been worked on for 6,000 years. 05:34 And Satan who has been that cast out demon, 05:37 so many of us think that because we see him in red suits 05:41 or sometimes he's made the object of cartoons 05:44 or some kind of holiday like Halloween 05:48 or we say that the devil made me do it. 05:50 Sometimes we downplay his strategic ability. 05:54 We downplay the things that he can accomplish, 05:57 but in this series you will discover 05:59 as the text just said, 06:02 this world is under the control of two forces, 06:06 the spirit of God and the spirit of demons. 06:09 Now the good news is when Satan lost, 06:12 two-thirds of the angels remained with the Lord, 06:15 so only one-third is against us 06:19 which means there are twice as many on God side, 06:22 what do you say? 06:23 Amen. 06:25 But the reality of it is to deny that evil exist 06:27 is to become a victim of evil. 06:30 The reason why it's called Unclean Spirits Unplugged, 06:33 the main focus is the occult world 06:36 and the entertainment industry. 06:39 Now you might notice there are some changes 06:41 taking place in our society 06:42 that we are all often innocuous to. 06:45 There was a time when you had a television, 06:47 if it was nine inches that was huge. 06:50 And then came the 13 inch Sony Trinitron, 06:53 anybody old enough to remember that. 06:56 And then when the 20 inch came out, 06:58 we all became so animate and so excited at a television 07:02 that was 20 inches. 07:03 Now I can go even further back than that. 07:06 I remember when there was no color television, 07:08 give me sometime. 07:10 When you had to buy 07:12 your three color pieces of plastic 07:15 and put it over the television screen 07:19 to try to believe it's color. 07:21 Yes. 07:22 But those days are long gone. 07:24 Let me tell you the reason why? 07:27 The television can be an instrument for good 07:30 or an instrument for evil. 07:33 It can be the device that you control 07:35 or the device that controls you. 07:39 We don't call anything good or evil. 07:41 There was a time that pianos were considered evil. 07:44 Watch out. Watch out. 07:46 Pianos can be used for good or for evil. 07:49 There are no evil instruments. 07:52 It's what you do with those instruments. 07:54 But the very reality in our world today 07:58 is we are becoming a society more controlled by our devices 08:03 than we are controlling our devices. 08:06 That's why they call them smart phones 08:08 and I'm fearful that some of our phones 08:10 are smarter than we are. 08:14 All you need to have today to term a vacation 08:17 is leave your devices at home 08:19 and very few people are willing to separate themselves 08:23 from their devices which means, 08:25 that may be the reason why they call them cell phones. 08:28 What they actually mean is your jail cell phones. 08:33 Because most of the time, 08:35 your devices are really in control of you 08:38 rather than you being in control of your devices. 08:41 Yes, sir. 08:42 And these are not incidental plans, 08:45 these are plans put together by the industry of technology 08:48 and the industry of entertainment. 08:51 Right now as we sit here, 08:52 the industry of entertainment are making changes in America, 08:55 those of us that are in television 08:57 understand those changes. 08:58 They're buying what's called broadband sites 09:00 across the entire nation. 09:02 There was a time that 09:04 if you wanted to download a movie 09:05 that was about a gigabyte, 09:06 it would take you about maybe an hour or 45 minutes. 09:09 But they're working in such a way that you can 09:11 download a movie of that size in a matter of seconds. 09:16 The reason is simple, 09:17 America is addicted to its entertainment 09:22 and Satan is using that portal to cause every one of us 09:26 to be slaves to a system. 09:28 And by the way many of us are slaves involuntarily, 09:31 because we were born into a system of slavery 09:34 and these unclean spirits, these spirits of demons 09:38 that are working either visibly or invisibly 09:42 in the systems of electronics or television 09:46 or the music industry or the television industry 09:49 or the book industry or the iPads or the iPods, 09:54 is it coincidental that these things are called "I"? 09:58 When Satan really had "I" trouble, 10:01 that caused him to be excavated or put out of heaven, 10:06 evicted from heaven. 10:08 But do not forget that what we're going to talk about 10:11 over the next three presentations 10:13 is about the forces of evil 10:14 that are working to plan our demise, 10:17 and the only way that you can become a victim 10:21 is you remain willingly ignorant 10:24 of the things that are happening around you. 10:26 The entertainment industry wants our young people 10:29 to be so enamored by the things that come to their plate, 10:34 they remain ignorant of those things. 10:36 So let me encourage some of the parents. 10:39 If you give your child a smart device, 10:42 be smarter than the device you give to your children. 10:45 Listen to this very carefully. 10:47 In the book "Darkness Before Dawn" 10:49 one of my favorite authors wrote. 10:52 "Satan has long been preparing 10:55 for his final effort to deceive the world." 10:58 Now if I had 6000 years to work on a plan of deception, 11:02 I will study every human being that ever lived on this planet. 11:07 I would keep meticulous records, 11:10 I would get rid of what did not work 11:12 and I would work carefully to sharpen what did work. 11:16 And here's the point that I want to make. 11:18 If Satan was successful 11:20 in deceiving two perfect individuals, 11:24 how much more successful can he be 11:26 in deceiving those that are 6000 years 11:28 removed from perfection. 11:31 Continuing, 11:32 "Little by little he has prepared the way 11:35 for his masterpiece of deception 11:39 in the development of spiritualism." 11:42 Let me make a point. 11:43 That last scripture we read in Revelation 16 says, 11:46 the mouth of the dragon, the beast 11:48 and the false prophet. 11:50 In most of our seminars we spend time talking about 11:53 the beast and the false prophet. 11:56 Very little attention is given to Satan. 11:59 When we talk about Revelation, 12:01 we talk about the devil only as though he shows up 12:04 when he's bound for a thousand years 12:07 but he's anything but bound tonight. 12:10 I'll tell you, I don't want to go ahead of myself, 12:12 let me read the rest of the quotation. 12:14 It says, "He has not yet reached 12:17 the full accomplishment of his design..." 12:19 In other words he's not done yet, 12:21 but get this. 12:23 "But it will be reached..." 12:24 Together, "In the last remnant of time." 12:29 So tonight I don't talk about global warming, 12:32 I talk about global warning. 12:35 "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! 12:40 For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, 12:45 because he knows he has a..." what? 12:48 "Short time." 12:50 Don't downplay the significance of that. 12:55 Because I'm a pastor, I have to include 12:57 scriptural references in this presentation. 13:00 When Jesus rose, from that day to this, 13:04 Satan knew that he had a short time. 13:08 And so he went back to his "Lucifer files" 13:12 and revisited what worked on Adam and Eve 13:14 in the Garden of Eden. 13:15 And one of the first things he did, 13:18 that we have to be very mindful of today, 13:19 as he got Eve to doubt what God had really said. 13:24 He said to her, "Has God said." 13:27 Once we are ignorant about what God has said, 13:30 it opens the doors for Satan to make any suggestions 13:34 and we have no defense against what he says. 13:38 So if you want to really protect yourself 13:40 against what is being developed, 13:43 since he knows he has but a short time, 13:45 you have got to be more versed in what God's word says 13:49 than the lyrics of the song writers... 13:51 Come on now. 13:53 And the lines of your favorite sitcom, 13:56 and your favorite characters that are elevated in your mind, 14:00 those individuals that have become your focus of worship, 14:04 your focus of attention, the very proof of that 14:06 is you can be walking through the mall 14:09 and hear a song that you have heard before, 14:11 and on one beat, you can go from walking and talking 14:13 to your friends to, hey. 14:15 Right, right. 14:17 Because something within you, 14:19 there is something within you that in the matter of seconds 14:24 Satan has activated that seed that he has planted within you. 14:28 Jesus said, the prince of this world has come 14:30 and he has nothing in me. 14:32 So in order for us to remain as safe as God 14:35 has intended for us to be, we've got to allow good things. 14:39 What did I say? Good things. 14:41 Good things to be inserted. 14:43 Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus. 14:47 This first presentation 14:48 "Attack on the Mind of Worship", 14:50 it all begins in the mind. 14:53 As a man thinks so is he. 14:58 Let's look at the approach that worked in the garden, 15:01 the satanic approach. 15:02 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast 15:07 of the field which the Lord God had made." 15:11 Now he was subtle then 15:12 at the beginning of his rebellion 15:15 against God's government, that was just the beginning. 15:17 But he has had 6,000 years to sharpen his subtlety. 15:21 He has had 6,000 years to study your facial expressions, 15:26 your nuances, the way you feel when the word God is mentioned, 15:30 the way you react when the minister opens 15:32 the word to preach, 15:34 the way you respond in the midst of the sermon, 15:36 do you sleep or do you lean forward. 15:38 Do you come to church early or can you not wait to leave? 15:43 Do spiritual things excite you 15:45 or do spiritual things bore you? 15:47 I can guarantee you this, if I said that, 15:49 Beyonce was going to be here tonight. 15:53 That the evidence, 15:55 there's something within us that should not be within us. 15:58 But Satan has worked on how subtle he can be. 16:01 The subtlety is, if I had 6,000 years to move 16:04 a quarter from that point of the stage, 16:07 to that point of the stage, 16:10 it will look like it never moves. 16:12 If I can turn the light off in your house for 6,000 years 16:16 and rearrange your furniture and then 6,000 years 16:19 your other generations turn the light on, 16:22 they will think that that's the way the furniture 16:24 was arranged 6,000 years earlier. 16:26 That's what I'm talking about. 16:28 When the lights are turned off, 16:30 when our minds are not being furnished with light 16:33 and we're walking in darkness and feeding ourselves darkness, 16:37 it increases the impact of Satan's subtlety. 16:41 Now the Bible talks about him as a roaring lion, 16:44 a lion is a beautiful beast. 16:46 Sometimes we go to the zoo, 16:47 my wife and I have been to Africa. 16:49 We've seen these lions. 16:51 As you look at them they are beast to be admired, 16:53 but don't forget their innate nature. 16:56 Listen to what the Bible says. 16:58 "Be sober..." Be what? Sober. 17:00 Be sober, that means be awake, don't allow yourself. 17:03 You don't go to the jungle and sleep. 17:05 Consider yourself to be in the jungle. 17:07 All right. 17:09 "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary 17:13 the devil walks about like a..." 17:17 Roaring lion. 17:18 "Roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 17:22 Don't take it lightly. 17:24 He knows he has a short time, 17:26 this idea that he wants to devour us, 17:29 is the idea of the Kamikaze. 17:30 He knows he's going down 17:32 but nothing brings him greater joy 17:34 than to know that he can bring you down with him. 17:38 He was defeated against the Lord in heaven, 17:41 he lost the battle there. 17:43 In the Garden of Eden, he won round one 17:46 but Jesus stepped in and created a way to escape. 17:50 During the Old Testament, 17:52 every prophet that rose up to be a mouthpiece for God 17:57 in some ways in their lives they failed God. 18:00 But the Lord stepped in once again, 18:03 if any man sins he has an advocate with the Father. 18:05 And he once again thwarted the attempts 18:07 and the power of the enemy. 18:09 The children of Israel chosen 18:11 to take the message to the world. 18:13 They found themselves in rebellion and the wilderness 18:16 and once again defeated the purpose 18:17 that God intended for them to accomplish. 18:20 So Jesus came again and shows some disciples. 18:24 And these faulty men filled by the Spirit of God 18:29 were able to accomplish in 34 years 18:32 what Israel could not accomplish in 2,000, 18:34 or more specifically 1,500. 18:37 But they passed off the scene and not too long after that 18:40 we entered a time when the church 18:41 went through persecution. 18:43 And then the Dark Ages came 18:45 in which Satan as a roaring lion 18:48 seeking whom he may devour. 18:50 When the Protestant Reformation began during the Dark Ages, 18:53 he started a counterreformation which America is now slaves 18:57 to the counterreformation, in this very country 19:01 where religious freedom has offered us. 19:04 It's amazing as I travel the world, 19:06 where religious freedom is not as stable 19:09 as it is in America the churches are more full. 19:12 In places where they had darkness 19:13 for centuries or for decades, 19:15 they go to church and stay at church. 19:19 They thirst for the word, 19:22 they don't want the sermon to end. 19:24 But in America where the devil is walking around 19:27 like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, 19:30 he has done his job well to keep us asleep 19:35 in reference to his attempts. 19:37 Let's go on. 19:38 Look at the seductive power. 19:40 And this is something you have to keep in mind, 19:42 there is no entrance into the kingdom of darkness 19:46 without a price. 19:49 None of the stars, none of the music stars, 19:51 none of the entertainment stars, 19:53 none of the television stars, none of them 19:55 get to that level of megastar 19:58 without going through this proposition. 20:01 Listen to it. 20:02 This is the proposition that Satan extended to Jesus. 20:07 Listen to what the Bible says. 20:08 "Again..." 20:10 since the first one didn't work. 20:11 "Again, the devil took him up on an exceedingly..." 20:15 What? 20:16 "High mountain, 20:18 and showed him all the kingdoms of the world 20:23 and their glory." 20:25 As you read about that, as you study that further, 20:27 he showed Jesus from his day to the end of time. 20:31 He showed him the cities as they would become, 20:34 the fame as it would become, wealth as it would increase. 20:38 And he said, I'll give all this to you 20:39 but you can't give something, something that does not belong. 20:42 You can't give someone something 20:44 that doesn't belong to you. 20:45 Let's go on. 20:47 I'm laying the foundation, so stay with me. 20:49 "And he said to Him, 'All these things 20:51 I will give You, if you will..." 20:53 Do what? 20:55 "Fall down and worship me." 20:58 Now the entertainment industry, 21:00 the television industry, the music industry, megastars, 21:05 superstars, it is all about worship. 21:10 It's all about worship. 21:12 Everybody worships something. 21:15 We have all been created with a vacuum 21:18 to be filled in worship to someone. 21:21 Let me go on. 21:22 You cannot have access to the worldly kingdoms, 21:25 this is a picture of Las Vegas, I like to say Lost Vegas. 21:29 You can't have access to this kind of wealth 21:31 and power and fame, 21:32 unless you accept the proposition, 21:34 I'll give all this to you but the price is 21:37 you have to fall down and worship me. 21:39 You see it seems to be fun for now 21:42 but there is a way that seems right. 21:45 And in the end there is always the way of death, you... 21:47 there's nothing for free. 21:48 The devil gives you something 21:50 but he owns you in the very end. 21:52 Listen to what the Bible says. 21:53 I'm laying a foundation, stay with me. 21:56 Ephesians 6:12, "For we do not wrestle, 21:59 we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 22:02 but against principalities, against powers, 22:05 against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 22:09 against spiritual wickedness in..." 22:12 What? "High places." 22:15 The mega moguls, the music moguls, 22:17 I won't give their names tonight, 22:18 because I don't want to be judgmental. 22:20 Because, I believe as long as you're living, 22:22 as long as you're breathing, 22:23 there is an opportunity to make a good decision. 22:27 Everyone has an opportunity, 22:28 no matter how famous you become to still repent. 22:31 Come on say, amen. Amen! 22:32 So I'm not going to mention names, 22:34 but there are people in places of exalted power, 22:39 principalities, powers, rulers 22:41 and they are marketing darkness, 22:43 and they are connected to a spiritual wickedness 22:46 that is higher than we can ever imagine. 22:50 Let me go further. 22:51 So I begin with the question. 22:53 How will Satan get his message to the world? 22:57 Well, how did Jesus say, 22:59 the message will be carried to the world. 23:01 Here's what He said. 23:03 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." 23:09 Now let me make it very clear. 23:13 Jesus said, he that is not with Me 23:15 is against Me. 23:17 He that is not gathering with me is scattering abroad. 23:21 Everyone worship something or someone, 23:24 and everyone is a disciple of someone. 23:27 So we're gonna talk about the disciples. 23:30 Beyonce, these are the... 23:31 I call these the magnificent seven, 23:33 maybe seven of the hottest artist, 23:36 and there are others, we'll talk about them. 23:38 But these are the disciples, the megastars, 23:41 the ones that seem untouchable, 23:44 the ones that young people thirst to be 23:47 in the presence of. 23:49 The ones that a young person will fight you to the hilt, 23:52 if you try to take away his or her iPod or iPad 23:55 or Android device when they're listening 23:57 or watching Beyonce, Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, 24:01 Adele, Taylor Swift and Nikki Minaj. 24:05 These are all disciples. 24:07 Each one of them has made a decision to market a gospel 24:12 that is not connected to God Almighty. 24:15 And the power that they demand and the attention that they get 24:20 is not coincidental, 24:22 but it's the power that they were promised, 24:23 all these things I will give you, 24:27 if you fall down and worship me, 24:29 I'm not going to sugarcoat it, I'm going to make it clear. 24:32 So if you admire these disciples, 24:35 then they are going to make disciples of you 24:37 to admire the God that they serve. 24:39 That's a simple fact. 24:42 And the addiction that we have, let me take myself out of that, 24:48 that some people have to these artists 24:51 is beyond human understanding. 24:55 Spiritual wickedness in high places, 24:58 forces of darkness rather than forces of light. 25:01 Now how did they become disciples? 25:03 Let me introduce you to the prophet 25:07 of the occult movement. 25:08 The modern prophet of the occult movement. 25:10 His name is Aleister Crowley. 25:13 Some people call him Aleister Crowley. 25:16 He is the single most influential prophet 25:19 of music and entertainment in modern times. 25:24 He is in the music and the lyrics. 25:28 He is in the signs that are used 25:30 that musicians and artists flash. 25:33 He's in their decision about what kind of art to use 25:37 on their CD covers. 25:39 Even their clothing design, 25:41 his writings are considered to communicate the message 25:46 that he has dedicated himself to proliferate. 25:49 No coincidence. 25:51 Let's find out more about him. 25:53 The word occult means, hidden or eclipsed 25:56 according to Merriam-Webster's dictionary. 25:59 That means, it's hidden but it's there. 26:02 Let me make it very clear. 26:03 There are spirits in this room tonight. 26:06 I would say they are good spirits. 26:09 And I want to be very candid with you, 26:11 because if you are not walking with God, 26:13 there are two kinds of spirits in here tonight. 26:21 And we cannot see either one. 26:23 There are good angels and there are evil angels. 26:26 Now listen carefully. 26:28 The Bible says, "The angels of the Lord encampeth 26:30 round about those that fear him, 26:32 and deliver them." 26:34 The Bible also says that, 26:35 "The angels are a ministering spirits, 26:38 sent forth to minister 26:40 to those who will become heirs of salvation." 26:43 Now let's go ahead and flip that, 26:45 because the occult world 26:47 doesn't only mean hidden and eclipse, 26:49 but the occult world 26:50 and the Christian world are identical. 26:53 The only difference is they are completely opposite. 26:56 The philosophies that are inserted 26:59 in the occult world 27:00 have all their beginnings in the Christian world. 27:04 Satan is not original, 27:05 he takes what God creates and reverses it. 27:10 What God does, He brings it to light. 27:12 What Satan does, he hides it. 27:15 What God does, it becomes clearer. 27:17 What Satan does, he eclipses it. 27:20 And so tonight we are involved in a hidden battle 27:22 but the forces are very, very real. 27:24 Let's learn more about this man named Aleister Crowley. 27:28 He was born as Alexander or Edward Alexander Crowley, 27:31 1875-1947 is when he lived. 27:36 As he became older, 27:38 as he grew he wanted a name that had a catch to it. 27:43 And in the entertainment industry, you know, 27:45 a lot of people have names that are catchy. 27:48 They choose those names 27:50 in the very same way that Aleister Crowley. 27:52 Matter of fact, he set the pace for how these names are chosen. 27:57 It's called spondee and a dactyl. 27:59 It has a catch to it, Aleister Crowley. 28:02 And I'll give you some examples during the presentation 28:03 on how these names are chosen. 28:05 But he was in a Christian family. 28:08 He was raised by a father who was a part time traveling 28:13 Plymouth Brethren preacher, that was not his full time job. 28:16 And everyday in their family, they would have family worship. 28:22 But for some reason, and I believe that 28:24 there had to be something in his family line, 28:27 because you know, they say 28:28 the apple does not fall far from the tree. 28:32 And if in your family line somewhere a door was open 28:35 that was never closed, 28:37 generations the Bible says in Exodus. 28:41 Thousands of generation after generation 28:43 evil can be passed on. 28:45 Generation after generation that can be passed. 28:47 So somewhere in his family line, 28:50 something was embedded in the life 28:52 and heart of Aleister Crowley. 28:54 When his mother would read the Bible 28:55 on a day by day basis, 28:57 this is according to the writings, 28:58 the memoirs that people have written 28:59 about Aleister's background. 29:01 They said for some strange reason 29:03 Aleister would always side 29:05 with the villains of the Bible. 29:07 When they would read that Cain killed Abel, 29:09 he would admire Cain, 29:11 for his willingness to destroy someone 29:14 that prevented him from succeeding. 29:17 And that very principle has been instituted, 29:20 follow me carefully, in the occult world, 29:23 in the entertainment industry. 29:25 If there is anyone that prevents you 29:28 from your success, get rid of them. 29:31 Amen. However you can. 29:33 And in the occult world, 29:34 there is no right or there is no wrong. 29:36 So Aleister Crowley rejected Christianity 29:39 and pursued what's called Western Esotericism. 29:43 Another spiritual word simply meaning, 29:45 understanding things that are beyond human natural reasoning. 29:49 For example, spiritual things, finish me with me, 29:52 are spiritually discerned. 29:54 You can't just pick up the Bible 29:56 and understand it because the Bible says, 29:59 "Unless one is born again he cannot see." 30:03 You'll find out in my third presentation, 30:05 how they take the phrase born again and they use that, 30:08 as now being able to have a site, 30:11 that they include in their music 30:13 and in their entertainment, 30:15 that they did not have before they gave themselves 30:18 to the forces of darkness. 30:20 Aleister was so rebellious, 30:21 his mother named him the Beast 666. 30:27 How is that for an affectionate family term? 30:31 Well, he took it seriously 30:32 because the books 30:34 that had been written about him, 30:35 one called "The Illustrated Beast", 30:37 the other one called "Aleister Crowley, 30:39 The Evil Beast". 30:40 He took that name seriously and began to embed it 30:44 in everything he did. 30:46 He was so evil, 30:47 that the country of France refused him entrance 30:51 and they named him 30:52 the most evil man that ever lived. 30:56 That's the man that, 30:57 that sets the pace for these music artists, 30:59 for these television artists, for these movie producers. 31:02 He was known as an occultist. 31:04 Meaning, someone who says there is a wisdom 31:07 and an understanding that I don't have access to 31:10 and I will dedicate myself to extra spiritual forces, 31:15 just to gain access to that knowledge. 31:17 He's also a mystic, short for mysteries. 31:20 There are mysteries in the dark world 31:23 that you can gain access to, 31:24 if you allow those spirits to come into your life. 31:27 Remember this, "Holy men of God spake 31:30 as they were moved 31:31 by the Spirit of God to write the Bible." 31:33 We'll find out something about how Aleister Crowley wrote. 31:37 He was also a ceremonial magician, not, not... 31:41 see it now and don't see it then, 31:43 but he used magic for evil purposes 31:47 to manipulate and to control those 31:49 around him. 31:50 He was also a person that was practicing bisexual. 31:53 That's why today in our world, 31:55 homosexuality and bisexuality is widely admired 31:59 because in the occult world there is no right or wrong, 32:02 you decide what's right and what's wrong. 32:05 He set the stage. 32:06 He was an illegal drug user. 32:08 But he didn't just used drugs, he studied how to create them, 32:13 so that when he used them on his victims, 32:16 he had maximum control for them to do 32:19 what he desired for them to do. 32:21 He was also a social critic, 32:23 he didn't criticize movies to say, 32:24 I give it a thumbs up or thumbs down, 32:26 but he criticized everything 32:28 that had to do with God and good. 32:30 He was put out of many universities 32:32 for criticizing his professors that sought to teach 32:34 about godly principles. 32:36 He was expelled from at least three or four universities 32:39 because he was so critical of everything that was good. 32:43 And let me tell you how he was able to do that. 32:45 Listen to his declaration. 32:47 Aleister Crowley is quoted as saying, 32:49 "I was not content to just believe in Satan, 32:54 I wanted to be his..." what? 32:56 "Chief of Staff." 32:58 Can you imagine what will happen if we said, 33:00 I'm not content to just believe in Jesus 33:02 but I want to be his chief of staff. 33:05 The influence will go far beyond our lifespan. 33:09 Going on, a quotation, 33:12 the quotation is quite long the reference, 33:14 but listen to the quotation. 33:16 "Most of Crowley's adult life was dedicated 33:18 to indulging in everything he believed God would hate, 33:23 performing sex magic, taking heroin, opium, hashish, 33:27 peyote and cocaine, invoking spirits, 33:31 and even once offered himself to the Russian authorities 33:36 to help destroy Christianity." 33:39 Let me make this other point. 33:40 He was so evil that even the Russian authorities 33:43 refused his assistance. 33:46 Now his crossover. 33:49 Aleister Crowley married a lady by the name of Rose. 33:52 And in 1904, they chose Egypt as a place 33:57 where they would have their honeymoon. 33:58 The reason why they chose Egypt, 34:02 and if you look at the entertainment world 34:03 you see Egyptian symbolism everywhere. 34:06 The reason why they chose Egypt is because up to this point, 34:09 he was already deep in studying spiritualism, Buddhism, 34:13 Hinduism, but Egyptology is the root of it all. 34:18 In Revelation 11, the Bible talks about a place 34:20 called Egypt and Sodom, in Revelation 11, 34:23 where our God, where our Lord was crucified. 34:26 So he went back to the oldest dynasty 34:28 where the deepest known form of evil 34:31 was practiced in Egypt. 34:33 While he was there on a nightly basis, 34:36 his wife would say to him. 34:39 Aleister, they're trying to contact you. 34:41 Listen to this quotation and so he finally responded. 34:45 "It was on the 8th of April, 1904, 34:47 that Crowley first heard a voice talking to him 34:51 over his left shoulder. 34:54 Aiwass claimed to be a messenger from the god, 34:57 Hoor-Paar-Kraat, meaning Horus, 35:00 the child of Isis and Osiris. 35:03 Crowley wrote down everything the voice told him 35:05 over the course of the next three days, 35:08 and subsequently titled it..." 35:10 That's the book. "Liber AL vel Legis." 35:14 Simply meaning, it's called "The Book of the Law." 35:20 This book is one of the most singular influential books 35:24 in the entertainment world today. 35:28 It's called the Bible, the book of the law. 35:31 Now get this carefully, 35:33 I'm gonna try to use my time wisely. 35:35 We are told 35:36 that sin is the transgression of the law. 35:38 We're told that, right? 35:41 They are told that you cannot succeed 35:47 unless you transgress the law. 35:50 Mercy. 35:51 That's God's law. 35:53 So they twist that around to be successful, 35:56 don't transgress this book but transgress God's book. 36:02 Liber AL vel Legis in the introduction, 36:05 "This book was dedicated in Cairo..." 36:07 That's Cairo, Egypt. 36:09 "Between noon and 1pm on three successive days, 36:12 April 8th, 9th and 10th in the year 1904. 36:16 The author called himself Aiwass, 36:17 and claimed to be the minister of "Hoor-Paar-Kraat", 36:20 that is a messenger from the forces 36:24 ruling the earth at the present." 36:28 Spiritual wickedness in dark places. 36:32 Now what is Hoor-Paar-Kraat? 36:34 Hoor-Paar-Kraat, the name of the Egyptian god 36:36 is the same as Harpocrates, 36:39 the name of the Greek God, 36:41 both meaning The Infant Child Horus. 36:44 That is one of the most admired gods in Egyptology. 36:48 Aleister Crowley wrote that Hoor-Paar-Kraat 36:52 represent the highest form of self 36:55 or the Holy Guardian Angel. 36:57 We'll find out how diabolical that statement really is. 37:01 Listen to this. 37:03 How do you accomplish your will? 37:04 "It should never be forgotten for a single moment 37:08 that the central and essential work of the magician 37:11 is the attainment of the Knowledge 37:14 and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. 37:17 Once he has achieved this he must of course be left 37:22 entirely in the hands of that Angel, 37:26 who can be invariably and inevitably relied upon 37:30 to lead him to further greater steps, 37:34 crossing the Abyss 37:38 and attainment of the grade of Master of the Temple." 37:44 In other words, 37:45 when these artists get to the point of megastars, 37:48 they have crossed the abyss. 37:50 They are in a different world all together. 37:52 You see them in their human form 37:54 but you know when they cross the abyss, 37:56 they tell you what their name is 37:58 and they also tell you what their alter ego's name is. 38:01 Their Holy Guardian Angel that other higher form of self. 38:04 Let me move right along. 38:07 The transformation of power. 38:09 Notice what the Bible says and then we'll show you 38:10 how this works in the entertainment industry. 38:14 "But you shall receive..." 38:16 Together, 38:17 "Power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, 38:19 and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, 38:22 and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the..." what? 38:25 "End of the earth." 38:26 Wherever these artists travel around the world, 38:28 they're under power. 38:30 They have a power not the Holy Spirit's power, 38:32 they have a demonic power, 38:34 the Holy Guardian Angel' s power 38:35 and they openly admit it. 38:38 Listen to the words of Beyonce, one of your admired disciples. 38:44 "Many years ago, I named my alter ego Sasha 38:47 and it's something that stuck. 38:49 So when I was trying to decide the title of my album, 38:54 I realized it had two different sounds. 38:56 One represented who I really am 38:59 and one sounded like my alter ego, 39:01 so I decided to split it into two. 39:04 Because I feel like Sasha is a big treat for my fans. 39:08 It's definitely exciting 39:09 being able to have an excuse to be so over the top. 39:13 And I think, it definitely hear the difference. 39:17 I try to keep Sasha on the stage. 39:20 I absolutely keep Sasha on the stage 39:22 and now she has her last name, she Sasha Fierce. 39:26 When I performed Crazy in Love at the BET awards, 39:29 it was almost like my coming out. 39:31 Sasha is my alter ego. 39:32 When they meet me and they speak with me, 39:35 they're expecting Sasha. 39:39 I'm really kind of shy, and not really shy 39:42 but more reserved and nothing like Sasha. 39:46 She can do things that I cannot do 39:48 when I'm in rehearsal. 39:49 I mean, I can try but then it just doesn't happen. 39:52 I can sing notes and sing strong 39:55 and do all these things 39:56 that when I'm just by myself I can't do. 40:00 And I remember right before I performed, 40:03 I raise my hands up 40:05 and it was kind of the first time, 40:07 I felt something else come into me. 40:12 And I knew that was going to be my coming out night." 40:23 She said something came into her. 40:26 That's what the Lord says, 40:27 I will be with you and will be in you. 40:30 I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. 40:33 They openly admit that something comes upon them 40:35 and then they enter 40:37 into a different realm altogether, 40:38 that's why the very power that is in control of them 40:42 becomes in control of us, 40:44 when we partake of the very medicine 40:46 or the very product that they're pushing. 40:48 Whose will should we accomplish? 40:49 Here is what the Bible says. 40:51 "Father, if it is Your will, 40:52 take this cup way from me but nevertheless..." 40:55 Together, "Not my will, but Yours be done." 40:59 Another one, whose will should we pursue? 41:02 "And do not be conformed to..." What? 41:04 "This world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, 41:09 that you may prove what is that good 41:11 and acceptable and perfect will of God." 41:16 Aleister Crowley under the direction of 41:18 I was this evil spirit, began started a religion 41:22 called Thelema, simply the Greek word for "Will". 41:26 Now some of us have heard about that. 41:28 He joined the OTO in 1910, but at that particular point 41:32 he was not the head of it. 41:34 OTO simply means, Ordo Templi Orientis. 41:37 Or the Order of the Temple of the East. 41:41 In 1912, Aleister Crowley 41:44 was appointed head of the British OTO. 41:48 But today as we sit here, 41:49 the OTO is in every major city of our nation. 41:53 There are two chapters in the state of Missouri, 41:55 they're in New York City. 41:57 I travel around the world, 41:58 I will show you on another night the list. 42:00 Every city in the nation, 42:02 there is a branch of the OTO, the grand lodge. 42:04 And you'll notice this is the mantra 42:07 of the religion of Thelema, it is a religion. 42:11 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. 42:14 Love is the law, love under law, 42:17 there is no law beyond the Do what thou wilt." 42:21 You heard that song years ago by the Beatles, 42:24 "All we need is love, love." Let me move on. 42:28 In 1912, Aleister Crowley 42:31 adopted the magical name "Baphomet". 42:34 Now follow carefully, this is very interesting 42:36 because Baphomet, 42:38 let me show you a couple of pictures 42:39 of Baphomet here. 42:40 Baphomet is an ancient mystical God in Greek, 42:45 as well as in mysticism. 42:47 On the far left, 42:48 that's the tarot card of Baphomet. 42:51 At the feet of Baphomet, 42:52 you see a male and a female chained together. 42:55 That's not uniting man and woman, 42:58 that's a symbol of merging the sexes. 43:01 Then you find in Greek mythology 43:02 if you remember years ago, Hercules. 43:04 You had this beast that had two legs 43:07 running behind Hercules playing the flute. 43:09 That's also the god Pan, the God of romance and music. 43:13 Now most of us today would say, 43:14 we have absolutely nothing to do with that 43:16 but if your children have watched television before 43:19 or if you've been to Disney World before, 43:21 the god Pan has been transformed 43:23 after the modern order of things. 43:25 Here is the modern version of the god Pan, Peter Pan. 43:31 You follow Peter Pan back, 43:32 it will take you right back to mysticism 43:34 and occultism and esotericism. 43:36 But he begins, he comes and he introduces to children, 43:39 the god of music and romance. 43:42 One of the strongest disciples of Aleister Crowley 43:45 was the Beatles. 43:47 I'm a follower, I have many Apple products 43:49 and I remember on November 16th, 2010, 43:52 on the Apple website, 43:53 they finally unveiled a dedication, 43:56 they called that the anthology of the Beatles, 43:58 they were introducing all of the Beatles music 44:00 to a new generation 44:02 because they said the Beatles have a message 44:04 that this new generation needs to learn about. 44:08 The Beatles included 44:09 in much of their music, words, and lyrics 44:13 that shows clearly, 44:15 and you see these symbols that they're flashing. 44:17 You find the three finger symbol and the circle, 44:20 I'll tell you what that's all about. 44:22 Then you find the two horn symbol 44:23 and the yellow submarine. 44:25 You'll find out what that means 44:27 and why they flash those symbols. 44:29 But listen to this very carefully. 44:31 The Beatles songs "Helter Skelter", 44:34 the song that the young man that shot John Lennon, 44:39 he declared when he was flying to New York City, 44:42 he listened to this song over and over and over, 44:45 to get his mind ready to take the life of John Lennon. 44:50 He felt that that was his mission. 44:52 Let me tell you again. 44:54 Satan will give you the life that he says he promises, 44:57 but your life belongs to him. 45:00 The wages of sin...? Is death. 45:03 He doesn't give you that fame for nothing. 45:05 Lady Madonna the worship of this female deity, 45:09 imagine a world without sin, a world without borders, 45:13 a world without responsibility. 45:15 And the lyrics in the song is 45:16 "I hope one day you'll join us and the world will be as one." 45:22 Some of you that are old will remember that, 45:24 I'll get to you young people tomorrow night 45:25 or later on in the program, I didn't forget you, 45:28 I'm laying some validation. 45:29 And the other song "Let it Be." 45:31 Listen to the lyrics of that, 45:33 showing the influence of Lady Madonna. 45:35 When I find myself in times of trouble 45:37 who comes not God but Mother Mary comes to me. 45:40 Speaking words of wisdom..." 45:42 Where did Eve find herself? 45:43 At the tree of wisdom and knowledge 45:44 and of good and evil. 45:46 Saying, "Let it be 45:47 and in my hour of darkness, she is standing..." 45:50 That's that apparition, right in front... 45:52 they're telling the truth. 45:53 This is the kind of experiences they have in their world. 45:56 "Speaking words of wisdom..." Saying what? 45:58 "Let it be." 46:00 When they produced their album "Sergeant Pepper" 46:04 they hit the statuesque of Aleister Crowley 46:06 in the group. 46:08 And here in the top left hand corner 46:10 of their album cover 46:11 is a picture dedicated to the very one 46:15 that they admired tremendously, Aleister Crowley. 46:19 Now let me say something 46:20 before I go to the very next slide, 46:22 and let me pause and refocus you 46:23 for a brief moment. 46:25 Now I don't want the understanding 46:27 of what I'm talking about to get lost 46:29 in these little bits of detail, 46:31 because what we are facing tonight, 46:35 what our world is under the attack 46:36 of our young people. 46:39 What's being filtered into their minds, 46:41 is not just music from The Beatles 46:44 or from Kanye West or from Jay Z or Beyonce 46:46 or whomever the artist might be, 46:48 but in the lyrics, in the philosophy, 46:50 in the study of the beat, 46:52 it's all designed to pull you away. 46:57 Not only away from God 46:58 but to get you ready to be on a satanic side 47:02 when that final battle between good and evil begins to happen. 47:08 When that final battle hits the stage, 47:11 Satan wants the young and the restless, 47:15 the young and the unaware, the young and the intoxicated 47:20 to be on his side and only then, 47:22 when those things that are hidden now 47:24 are clearly seen only 47:25 then will you understand the lament 47:27 of those who wish, they made the right decision. 47:31 Look at another artist. 47:33 Now for those of you that have been around a while, 47:36 listen to me very carefully. 47:37 Barry Manilow a song entitled "I write the songs." 47:42 He was hesitant about recording this song 47:44 but I want you to see clearly when you look at the lyrics, 47:47 who's behind the lyrics of this song. 47:50 Beautiful love song, I used to sing this song. 47:53 I like the way it sounds. 47:55 But listen to the lyrics. 47:57 "I've been alive forever, 47:59 and I wrote the very first song. 48:02 I put the words and the melodies together, 48:04 I am music, and I write the songs. 48:09 Second verse, "My home lies deep within you, 48:14 and I've got my own place in your soul. 48:17 Now, when I look out through your eyes, 48:20 I'm young again, even though I'm very old. 48:25 Oh, my music makes you dance, 48:28 give you spirit to take a chance, 48:30 and I wrote some rock 'n' roll so you can move. 48:34 Music fills your heart, Well, 48:37 that's a real fine place to start. 48:41 It's from me, it's for you, it's for you, it's from me, 48:46 it's a worldwide..." 48:48 Come on. "Symphony" 48:50 What we don't understand is as we sit here tonight, 48:54 there's a worldwide symphony going on. 48:57 Satan is getting you, let me say, can I be clear. 49:01 Can I be straight? 49:02 Satan has you singing your death song 49:06 and you don't know it. 49:08 He has you becoming enamored by the very instrument 49:12 that will in the end result in your loss. 49:16 And I don't really think anybody listens to the music 49:18 that is in the world today or watches the program 49:21 will becomes enamored by the entertainment to say, 49:23 you know what, I really want to be lost, 49:25 but I think we dabble in these things 49:27 thinking that at any moment, 49:29 we can free ourselves from its power, from its bond. 49:33 But sin is like a jail cell, I heard this in the movie 49:35 "The War Room" I believe it was. 49:37 Or one of these Christian movies 49:39 I never forget the terminology I heard a lady said, 49:42 "Sin is like a jail cell, that has an open door, 49:47 that you walk in and out of the jail 49:49 as many times as you want to until one day, 49:52 you want to walk out and the doors are shut." 49:56 What we don't know tonight 49:57 and I'm going to blow the roof off tomorrow. 49:59 If you want to miss any night, 50:01 you should have missed tonight, 50:03 but you cannot afford to miss tomorrow 50:06 and the presentations. 50:07 I'm literally going to fry the egg 50:10 and serve it to you. 50:11 But what I'm telling you clearly 50:13 is this industry tonight, the producers, the writers, 50:18 the artists of admiration, the untouchables, 50:21 the one in whose presence we love to be, 50:24 the one whose music is a very much a part 50:27 of our heartbeat, the songs we sing that we prefer 50:32 than the songs that we like when we come to church. 50:35 And let me also go further 50:36 and I'll tell you about this in my third presentation. 50:39 The church is also going through a transformation 50:42 that's directly affected by this industry. 50:45 Amen. 50:46 You might wonder why our music is more hey, 50:52 go Jesus, go Jesus. 50:55 Mercy. 50:57 You might wonder, how Jesus became my homie? 51:00 Mercy. How Jesus is my boy? 51:03 How did it become lowered to such a place. 51:06 The church is inoculated 51:11 by the very same spirit. 51:14 That's why in Sabbath morning, 51:16 when the drum ain't included, we say it's boring. 51:19 Mercy. 51:20 When it's not a part of the kind of worship we want 51:23 and what is happened in our churches, 51:24 is our ministers are almost being forced 51:27 to be our drug pushers, 51:29 rather than preachers of righteousness. 51:33 And we go like junkies from one church to the other 51:36 looking for our drug. 51:38 And when we find it, we say, we had church. 51:41 But challenge you, 51:42 I'm going to challenge you this entire presentation. 51:45 I'm not just going to give you information, 51:46 I'm going to challenge you because really the only thing 51:49 that we are concerned about is when the music is done, 51:53 as Philip Craig and Dean says, 51:55 when the music plays and all are swept away 51:58 and I simply come. 52:01 Is it all about worship, 52:02 I'm coming back to a heart of worship, a mind of worship. 52:05 So let me continue as I wind up this night. 52:09 The man that wrote this song, his name is Bruce Johnston. 52:13 And he said, Johnson stated, "That for him, the 'I'..." 52:18 You know, I write the songs. 52:19 "In the song is God, 52:21 and that songs come from the spirit of creativity 52:24 in all of us." 52:26 He said the "I" is God 52:27 but does God make rock and roll that you can move? 52:32 Come on now. 52:34 Does God having us dropping it on Sabbath morning? 52:37 Come on now. 52:42 Does God want to start a revolution? 52:45 Christianity is the main focus of this industry. 52:50 They have correlates together. 52:52 Aleister Crowley's declaration is as well as KRS One, 52:58 as well as Jay Z, as well as, the list goes on and on. 53:02 I'll show it to you tomorrow in the two presentation. 53:05 Their declaration is given 10 to 15 years, 53:08 there will be no more Christianity, 53:10 but let me tell you this, let me tell you this, 53:13 upon this rock... 53:21 Not upon this rock 'n' roll, but upon this rock. 53:25 Jesus is the rock that will not roll. 53:29 And the gates of hell, 53:30 no matter how structured they are 53:32 will not prevail against it. 53:34 So I want to encourage you tomorrow, 53:36 if you see a stranger on the street say, 53:38 you need to come with me. 53:39 If you never met 'em, they will be glad to be here. 53:42 I've traveled all over the world 53:43 and almost every time I've done this, 53:45 the place has been jam packed. 53:46 We got to work like we want people 53:48 to hear this message before it's too late. 53:50 Let me wind up in these last few slides. 53:53 Aleister Crowley is an embodiment 53:56 of this scripture in 2 Timothy 3:13. 53:59 Listen to what it says, "But evil men..." 54:03 Aleister Crowley, the evil beast. 54:04 "But evil men and seducers 54:08 shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and..." 54:13 What else? 54:15 "..being deceived." 54:16 They're not just deceiving you, they're deceiving themselves. 54:20 Because Aleister Crowley died, he died almost penniless, 54:23 poor and nearly out of his mind. 54:27 But his legacy has gone on to encapsulate a world 54:31 as though it's the most valuable diamond 54:33 ever delivered to humanity. 54:35 Look at this. 54:37 What did Lucifer declare? 54:38 "For you have said in your heart: 54:41 "I will ascend into heaven, 54:42 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, 54:45 I will sit also on the mount of the congregation 54:47 on the farthest sides of the north, 54:50 I will ascend above the heights of the cloud, together, 54:52 I will be like the Most High? 54:55 Like the Most High 54:56 but he will not be the Most High. 54:59 See, we're on the side of the Most High. 55:00 He wants to be like the Most High. 55:03 What did Satan promise Eve? 55:05 "For God knows that in the day you eat of it 55:08 your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, 55:12 knowing good and evil." 55:14 Eve's eyes were opened 55:16 but she saw what she never were she saw. 55:19 She experienced what we wish she never experienced. 55:22 So looking back, one thing I can promise you is this. 55:26 Your eyes will be opened when this series is done. 55:30 There will be no, I don't understand. 55:33 There will be no, it's not clear to me. 55:36 You see the real issue is, they're offering you 55:39 an allegiance with gods from beneath. 55:42 They're offering an allegiance with gods that promise you 55:45 temporal success and prosperity 55:47 and you will get all the fame and fortune you want, 55:50 but that's not eternal life. 55:53 What is eternal life? 55:54 "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, 55:59 the only true God, 56:02 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." 56:08 Listen to this closing quotation, 56:09 it is powerful 56:11 and it's designed to wake us up. 56:14 "As we near the close of time, there will be greater 56:18 and still greater external parade 56:19 of heathen power, 56:21 heathen deities will manifest their signal power, 56:25 and will exhibit themselves before the cities of the world, 56:29 and get this, 56:30 and this delineation has already begun 56:35 to be fulfilled." 56:36 We're gonna talk about your famous artist. 56:39 We're gonna unmask them for who they are. 56:42 We're gonna show you the power behind them. 56:44 And their plans for your life whether young or old, 56:47 whether rich or poor, whether black or white, 56:49 sin has no discrimination. 56:52 You cannot claim that I am preterist 56:55 because the devil 56:56 is an equal opportunity employer 56:58 when he wants to destroy you. 57:00 Tomorrow morning, the battle, 57:04 the attack on the life of worship, 57:06 tomorrow afternoon the attack on the God of worship. 57:10 Do not miss it. Be there. |
Revised 2017-02-21