Unfolding Revelation

The Last Grand Deception

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lawrence Dorsey


Series Code: UR

Program Code: UR000017

00:56 Good evening, Ambassador Family.
00:58 Good evening.
01:00 And good evening to our viewers throughout the world.
01:03 It was a little over three weeks ago,
01:06 that we began this journey,
01:08 looking Through the Eyes of John,
01:11 and we have not been disappointed.
01:15 The Spirit of God has blessed us,
01:17 souls have been saved, and God gets the glory.
01:20 Amen.
01:22 You're listening to the subject,
01:25 the theme of the series, Through the Eyes of John,
01:29 with Pastor Lawrence S. Dorsey, Sr.
01:32 who's the speaker evangelist for the Living Word Ministries.
01:36 And I have with me today
01:38 one of our elders in fact, our first elder
01:41 and I'll let him introduce himself tonight.
01:44 My name is John Spence,
01:46 I'm the senior elder
01:48 of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:52 which is located in 3245 West Oakland Park, Boulevard
01:57 in the city of Lauderdale Lakes.
02:00 We are located not too far from the airport and from I95.
02:04 And if you want to call us or come to visit with us
02:08 our zip code is
02:10 954-733-0607.
02:17 I'm sorry.
02:20 You know, our zip code is,
02:22 our area code in case is 33311.
02:29 Brethren, today we have a very precious time
02:33 leaning on the promises of God.
02:36 We enjoy ourself here in the house of God,
02:39 and pastor, today we baptized 12 precious souls.
02:43 Amen.
02:44 Actually since we began this series,
02:47 we baptized 32 people.
02:49 Amen.
02:50 Praise God, and if we go back a week before then,
02:54 we have a total of 38 new souls
02:56 that have joined us, God be the glory.
02:58 Amen.
03:00 And, you know, he said in the Book of Revelation 2:7,
03:04 you see, "He that hath ear, to hear let him hear
03:07 what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
03:10 To him that overcometh will I give
03:13 to eat of the tree of life,
03:15 which is in the midst of the paradise of God."
03:19 And we also have in Revelation 22,
03:24 "Behold, I come quickly."
03:26 Blessed is he who reads
03:29 and hears the word of the Book of Revelation.
03:32 And so you've been blessed,
03:34 we have been looking Through the Eyes of John.
03:37 And with every beginning there must be an end,
03:40 and we look forward to seeing
03:42 what God has to do someday, by and by.
03:45 But let us close with the word of prayer
03:47 and I'm gonna ask Elder Spence to close this out in prayer.
03:51 Loving Father, we just want to praise Your name.
03:54 We give thanks for this great opportunity
03:57 that we here at Ambassador Church
03:59 can expound Your words through the world.
04:02 Lord, we pray like those who is watching on internet
04:06 and on the television,
04:08 that they too will also give their hearts today,
04:12 knowing that Your coming is close at hand.
04:15 Father, cleanse us and make us worthy
04:17 to be called Your sons and Your daughters.
04:20 And at this time oh, God,
04:21 we present you evangelist Dorsey
04:23 as he present Your words, may his soul will be blessed
04:27 and Your kingdom will be filled with people.
04:31 Come quickly Lord Jesus, we pray in Your name, amen.
04:35 Amen.
08:30 Amen, praise God.
08:33 How Great Thou Art.
08:36 That was beautiful, Michelle.
08:38 And I won't tell people
08:40 that you're gonna play that song for me,
08:42 and I was gonna sing it, and you just got
08:43 so into the song so I couldn't sing.
08:47 Oh, my we've had a wonderful time here.
08:50 God has truly blessed us with His spirit,
08:54 His mercy and His kindness.
08:57 And, my friends, I believe
08:58 that Lord has done something for us
09:01 that we couldn't do for ourselves.
09:03 And He has brought us together as individuals,
09:08 and we have once again looked at the standard
09:10 and the standard is Christ Jesus.
09:13 And we have received what we needed
09:15 as we look through the Book of Revival,
09:18 that Book of Revelation,
09:19 you know it tells us in the Book of Daniel,
09:21 in the Book of Revelation, if they are steady,
09:23 it will bring revival and reformation in its wake.
09:28 And I believe that we are at that point even now.
09:31 So let us just be faithful and continue
09:34 to do what God has for us to do,
09:37 that we might be able to see Him face to face,
09:40 and tell Him how great indeed He is.
09:44 Amen.
09:45 We just have a few individuals
09:47 that we like to acknowledge tonight.
09:50 We have a Joanne Sheppard
09:51 and her sister from New Zealand,
09:54 and she called, she emailed us
09:56 at least twice in the last 18 hours,
10:00 and she has been very blessed by the meetings
10:03 that she has been watching online.
10:05 She said she is the only one in her town,
10:08 a little town of 350 people, the only one there and I said,
10:13 sis, you're not the only one,
10:15 we saw John tell us in John 1:10 that he was what,
10:20 in the spirit on the Lord's day,
10:22 he was by himself but not by himself.
10:25 For when we have Jesus, we know we have not only Him,
10:28 but we have the Father and the Holy Spirit with us.
10:31 And, Joanne, you just be faithful
10:33 and she wants us to pray for her family
10:35 and her young ones and we ask that the Lord will bless her
10:38 and give her the desires of her heart.
10:41 And then we had a call and an email from a Mary,
10:44 Marie Ackerson, Marie Ackerson and Marie,
10:47 we are praying for you.
10:49 You didn't say where you were from,
10:51 you also wanted to know how you could receive the DVDs.
10:54 And all of you who are watching at home
10:56 and those of you who are here, you can go to our website
10:59 livingwordministries.tv, livingwordministries.tv
11:04 and you can order or pre-order your DVDs
11:08 of these series at that time.
11:11 Then I'm happy to announce tonight
11:13 that my Mom is able to watch the services,
11:15 she hasn't been doing well
11:17 and we have been praying for her.
11:18 And she is in White Marsh, Baltimore
11:20 with both of my sisters and my sisters' family,
11:24 my sister Michelle who's here from England
11:25 and my sister Denise who's there with her family
11:28 and she is able to watch the services tonight,
11:30 and I say "Mom, I love you."
11:33 And now, before we go,
11:36 oh, one more, almost forgot this one.
11:37 And I will be really in trouble if I haven't got this.
11:40 We have the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:44 in Los Angeles.
11:46 So many members have said, now Pastor you have talked
11:48 about people all over the world,
11:49 but we have been watching our pastor there too.
11:52 So Berean, we love you and we appreciate you
11:54 and we will be back, as our ex-governor used to say.
11:59 And then this last one for Lawrence and Nicole
12:03 and their new addition,
12:05 a special hi to them and I'm not sure,
12:09 sometimes I can't read my writing but then,
12:11 new additions name I believe it's Hunter,
12:13 so we pray for them
12:15 and that the Lord will bless them
12:17 and keep them.
12:18 Now tonight, we have a message
12:21 that if you forget all the rest of the messages,
12:24 you can't forget this one.
12:26 This one is entitled "The Last Grand Deception,
12:31 The Last Grand Deception."
12:34 Shall we pray?
12:35 Loving Father, again we are so thankful
12:38 that You have been so merciful to us.
12:40 I thank You Lord personally,
12:42 that You have used me for your names honor and glory,
12:45 and I recognize that there is no good thing in me.
12:49 So once again, dear Lord, I humbly ask for Your blessings
12:52 to fall upon not only this congregation,
12:54 but those who are listening
12:56 and those who will watch later on,
12:58 that Your sweet spirit might take us
13:00 to the very throne of God.
13:03 And that You'll open up our mind
13:04 and our understanding of spiritual things,
13:07 and that we might be fortify for not only the battle to come
13:11 but for the battle we are facing even now.
13:14 So take control of my mouth, my thoughts, my everything,
13:18 let it be for Your glory.
13:20 And when we leave this place, dear Lord,
13:22 we ask that You will bestow upon all of us a blessing,
13:26 a blessing that we don't even have room for,
13:30 but because You're so generous, we will be able to receive it,
13:33 is our prayer in Jesus' name, amen.
13:38 You would turn with me to the Book of Revelation,
13:42 turning to chapter 3.
13:46 We will find in it a passage that has been given to us
13:50 as a people, as a church, as individuals
13:55 living in the last days of earth's history.
13:59 We will find in it a special warning
14:03 and a special encouragement,
14:06 that comes to us from the hand of our Creator,
14:08 that comes to us from the hand of our Redeemer,
14:11 that comes to us from the King of kings
14:13 and Lord of lords to let us know
14:16 that He will be with us to the very end.
14:20 It's found in chapter 3, beginning with verse 10,
14:25 it reads, "Because thou hast kept
14:28 the word of my patience,
14:31 I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
14:37 which shall come upon all the world,
14:40 to try them that dwell upon the earth.
14:45 Behold I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast,
14:50 that no man take thy crown."
14:54 Ladies and gentlemen, even though this warning
14:59 and this assurance is given,
15:02 literally to the church of Philadelphia,
15:05 it is a message that is given to us
15:08 who are alive in the very last days.
15:12 It is the personal,
15:13 the personal promise from Jesus Himself
15:19 that He will keep us through the hour of temptation.
15:24 Friends, I don't know if you understand
15:26 what God is saying here.
15:30 He used the Prophet John to take these words
15:34 that he heard and saw
15:36 and put them in this special book
15:39 that is there for us in the last days,
15:41 and as it says in verse 3 of chapter 1,
15:43 for the time is at hand,
15:45 and it is there to give us reassurance church.
15:50 That no matter what happens on planet earth and, folks,
15:53 things are happening.
15:55 There is floods, there is wars, there is rumors of wars,
15:58 there is famines, there is pestilence,
16:00 there is earthquakes, there is tidal waves,
16:03 there is insurrection, there is wars,
16:06 there is civil war, there is genocides,
16:09 there are so many things happening.
16:13 And He says to you and He says to me,
16:15 He is giving us His personal, His personal assurance.
16:20 You know that song "Blessed assurance" it's real.
16:23 The personal assurance
16:26 that He is going to keep us through a specific temptation
16:32 and trial
16:33 that we will go through in the last days,
16:36 different from any other time in earth's history.
16:41 I look at that and I read it, and I begin to smile
16:45 because I know that there are four things God can't do.
16:49 Number one, He can't lie, so if God's said it,
16:53 ladies and gentlemen, it has to be.
16:55 A second thing, God can't do, He can't change His law.
16:58 It's there, it's edged in stone,
17:00 ladies and gentleman,
17:02 written with His own fingers, Exodus 31:18.
17:06 The next thing it tells us
17:07 that God cannot save an unrepentant sinner.
17:12 In other words no matter what we have done,
17:14 if we come to Him, if we confess our sins,
17:18 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
17:21 and then to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
17:24 but He, He can't save us against our will,
17:27 that's number four.
17:29 But when I look at this promise,
17:31 and I look at it and I see these words telling us
17:34 that in the last days
17:35 that He will keep us from a specific temptation.
17:38 I have to remember before I even get to that,
17:42 that God keeps us from all temptation.
17:47 You see folks, we in the last days
17:49 must understand
17:52 that not only are we gonna have to deal with the things
17:55 that we deal with, that we haven't heard it,
17:59 the things that we have cultivated,
18:02 the things that we have acquired taste for.
18:06 You know, sometimes I wish I never was in the world.
18:11 Sometimes I wish I never experienced
18:14 some of the things that I have gone through in life,
18:16 because then the devil couldn't play
18:18 in back in your mind.
18:21 Sometimes young people, you wanna go out in the world
18:24 and explore what's going on out there,
18:25 so you might know,
18:27 you better off if you don't know.
18:28 Amen.
18:31 I used to do counseling for substance abuse,
18:36 and I remember I was in a meeting
18:38 with one of the people I was working with,
18:40 and I was working on a special project,
18:42 one on one project,
18:43 where we were dealing with those
18:44 who had been relapsing from cocaine.
18:48 And he said to me Mr. Dorsey, Mr. Dorsey,
18:51 you don't understand, when that thing is in you,
18:53 there are so many things that can trigger it
18:55 and make you want it again.
18:57 If I am sitting at a table in the diner,
19:00 and somebody spills some sugar or spills some salt,
19:04 my mind goes back to that first.
19:09 That's why we need Jesus.
19:12 That's why we need Him to take control of our mind
19:14 and then erase the things that are there,
19:16 re-grew our brains.
19:17 Are you listening to me?
19:19 To give us a new desire, to give us a new focus,
19:22 to take away those things that were bringing us down,
19:25 and totally erase them from our memory.
19:30 So we might be able to stand in Him
19:33 with the personal temptations that we go through.
19:37 Ladies and gentlemen, before we get to that,
19:41 that temptation that is there for everyone,
19:44 we have to get over those temptations
19:46 that are customized for ourselves.
19:51 Well, one thing I know,
19:55 that there is nothing too hard for the Lord.
19:58 And when you look at 1 Corinthians,
20:00 1 Corinthians 10, 1 Corinthians 10:13.
20:05 It says, "There hath no temptation taken you
20:08 but such as common to man, but God is faithful,
20:12 who will not suffer you to be tempted above
20:15 that you are able,
20:16 but will with the temptation also make a way to escape,
20:22 that you may be able to bear it."
20:24 In other words, there is nothing out there
20:26 that we can't handle with Jesus.
20:31 Nothing.
20:32 When I look throughout my Bible,
20:34 and I see how good God is, and I understand
20:37 that when I have temptations come to me,
20:40 if I am faithful to Him,
20:42 He will make a way for that temptation
20:46 to be able to be resisted.
20:49 I look at James 1, James 1:12, it says
20:54 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation
20:57 for when he is tried,
20:58 he shall receive the crown of life,
21:00 which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
21:02 Let no man say when he is tempted,
21:04 I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil,
21:07 neither tempteth he any man:
21:09 but every man or woman is tempted,
21:11 when he is drawn away after his own lust,
21:13 and enticed.
21:15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bring forth sin, and sin,
21:18 when it is finished, it brings forth death."
21:21 But ladies and gentlemen,
21:23 Jesus can take the desire for sin from us.
21:28 He'll break that passion, He'll break that appetite,
21:31 He'll break that hole
21:33 that has had us and locked us in.
21:36 If Jesus sets you free, my friends, we are free indeed.
21:40 Amen!
21:42 We have that promise,
21:45 a victory over personal sin in our lives.
21:51 You know, the Bible just has so much good stuff in it.
21:58 In Isaiah 26, I want you to see this.
22:02 Isaiah 26:3,
22:06 Isaiah 26:3 memorize it,
22:10 underline it in your Bible.
22:12 It says, "Thou wilt keep him or her in perfect peace,
22:18 whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee."
22:23 Trust ye in the Lord forever,
22:25 for the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.
22:29 Folks, we have strength in Jesus.
22:32 Amen. Praise the Lord.
22:34 You can't do it, I can't do it on our own.
22:38 Oh, we'll fall down face first every single time,
22:42 but when the devil comes to us
22:44 and we let Jesus open the door of our heart,
22:47 the devil has to flee.
22:48 Amen.
22:50 My Bible says, "Resist the devil,
22:52 and He will flee from thee,
22:54 He might come back again, and again, and again,
22:56 but if you have Jesus in the heart,
22:59 he can't come in."
23:01 Amen.
23:03 My Bible shows us these things for us
23:06 to understand just like Isaiah said,
23:10 that we have strength in Jehovah-Jireh,
23:13 we have strength in Jesus Christ, our Lord,
23:16 we have strength because of the promises
23:19 that are written in His book.
23:23 Friends, do you know who you are?
23:26 Do you understand that you are a son and daughter
23:30 of the Most High God?
23:31 Yes.
23:32 Do you realize
23:34 He has a personal relationship with you,
23:36 and He will not let anything overflow you or take you out,
23:40 He is there for you and for me.
23:43 Amen.
23:44 I look in Isaiah here again,
23:46 I'm reading chapter 41 verse 10, he says,
23:50 "Fear thou not, for I am with thee,
23:53 be not dismayed, for I am thy God,
23:55 I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee,
23:58 yea, I will uphold thee
24:00 with the right hand of my righteousness."
24:04 Folks, you and I need to understand
24:06 that we must apply these text to ourselves in a personal way.
24:12 You must know that is talking about you,
24:16 as if you are the only person on planet earth.
24:18 Folks, before we can even deal with the temptation,
24:21 that's gonna come specifically to us living in the last days,
24:24 we need to face up to the temptations
24:27 and sins in our life and give it to Jesus,
24:30 so we can get the victory over that,
24:32 so we are on solid ground.
24:33 So when a devil comes
24:35 with his wave of last day temptations,
24:38 his two point punch that he has for us,
24:41 we will be able to stand like the brave.
24:43 Amen.
24:47 Your mind has to be made up.
24:49 If you are not sure that you are safe,
24:52 if you are not sure if you're in a church,
24:54 if you are not sure that you have
24:56 a real relationship with Christ,
24:58 the devil is gonna sweep you away.
25:00 Yes.
25:02 But if your mind's made up, if your heart is fixed,
25:08 if you know you're standing on the very promises of God,
25:13 in the face of the fire, in the face of the flood,
25:17 in the face of the lion's den, in the face of losing your job,
25:21 in the face of losing your home,
25:23 in the face of losing your family,
25:25 in the face of losing the one person
25:28 who you love with all your heart,
25:30 in the face of facing health issues
25:33 you can stand on God's promise.
25:36 Amen.
25:37 Hallelujah.
25:39 Praise the Lord.
25:41 It says, "Behold", verse 11,
25:43 "Behold, all they that were incensed
25:45 against thee shall be ashamed
25:47 and confounded, they shall be as nothing,
25:49 and they that strive with thee shall perish.
25:52 They shall seek them, thou shalt seek them,
25:55 and shalt not find them,
25:56 even them that contended with thee,
25:59 they that war against thee shall be as nothing,
26:02 and as a thing of nought.
26:03 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand,
26:06 saying unto thee, fear not.
26:08 I will help thee.
26:10 Fear not thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel.
26:14 I will help thee, saith the Lord,
26:16 thy redeemer the Holy One of Israel."
26:21 Now, folks, he's not just talking about people,
26:26 he's talking about that lying nasty devil.
26:29 Yes!
26:31 The devil hates us, he's on our case.
26:36 My Bible says, he's like a roaring lion
26:38 seeking whom he may devour.
26:41 We are fighting not against flesh and blood.
26:45 But we are talking about spiritual wickedness
26:47 in high places.
26:48 We are talking about the rulers of darkness
26:51 that have assessed themselves,
26:53 amassed themselves together against the children of God.
26:57 Revelation 12:17 tells us,
27:00 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
27:03 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
27:05 those that keep the commandments of God,
27:07 and have the faith of Jesus Christ."
27:09 It's talking about us living in the last days.
27:12 Yes. Amen.
27:14 My Bible wants us to understand,
27:17 ladies and gentlemen, that we belong to the King,
27:20 and that He is going to watch over us
27:22 and He is going to keep us.
27:24 In Isaiah 43:1 it says,
27:26 "But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob,
27:30 and he that formed thee, O Israel, fear not."
27:32 Now I have to stop here for a moment,
27:34 because I wanna connect some things with you.
27:38 In this chapter of Isaiah,
27:39 when he is saying how much the Lord loves us,
27:42 and how much He is with us,
27:43 "He" is referred to talking about God,
27:46 as the creator.
27:49 Listen to me, as the creator,
27:53 not only Jehovah, but the creator.
27:58 It sounds like language that I have heard before.
28:01 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
28:04 "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work."
28:08 Why? Why?
28:11 Because you are creator, made heaven and earth, the sea,
28:16 and fountains of waters.
28:17 And, ladies and gentlemen, when we look at Him,
28:19 as this creator and we see that He is the one
28:23 who is in the first part of the three angels' message,
28:26 fear God and give glory to Him,
28:27 for the hour of His judgment has come and worship Him,
28:30 who made heaven and earth and sea,
28:31 again that's the creator.
28:33 Amen.
28:35 I come back to Genesis,
28:37 and I am seeing the very beginning of it all,
28:39 I am looking at chapter 2,
28:41 I am looking at verses 1 through 3 and he says,
28:43 that in that beginning, in that first week,
28:46 ladies and gentlemen, thus the heaven and earth
28:48 were finishing all the host of them.
28:52 And He that Creator, the one who says us,
28:58 for us not to fear, it's the creator.
29:04 He's is the one that's coming back for us,
29:07 He's the one that's going to keep us,
29:10 and He is the one that is going to fight for us.
29:12 It says "When thou passest through the waters,
29:15 I will be with thee, and through the rivers,
29:17 they shall not overflow thee,
29:18 when thou walkest through the fire,
29:20 thou shalt not be burned,
29:22 neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
29:24 For I the Lord thy God,
29:26 the Holy One of Israel, thy Savior.
29:28 I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
29:33 Since thou wast precious in my sight,
29:35 thou hast been honorable, I have loved thee.
29:37 Therefore I will give men for thee,
29:39 and people for thy life.
29:41 Fear not: for I am with thee,
29:44 I will bring thy seed from the east,
29:46 and gather thee from the west.
29:48 I will say to the north, Give up, to the south,
29:50 Keep not back, bring my sons from far,
29:53 and bring my daughters from the ends of the earth,
29:55 even every one that is called by my name,
29:57 for I have created him for my glory,
30:00 I have formed him, yea, I have made him."
30:04 Amen.
30:06 Folks, you have to know who you are.
30:08 Amen.
30:10 We're children of the King. Amen.
30:12 Oh, yes, we might not always act like it.
30:15 We might not always speak like it,
30:18 we might not always worship like it,
30:21 but we're still children of the King.
30:23 Amen.
30:25 And He loves us with an everlasting love
30:26 and He wants us to understand who we are,
30:29 He wants us, ladies and gentlemen,
30:31 to have within us a humility that lets us know
30:36 that even though we are special people,
30:39 we realize that we are not special
30:41 because of our own attributes,
30:43 but because of the love of Jesus Christ.
30:46 You need to understand, like he says in 1 Peter 2:9,
30:50 that we are a chosen generation,
30:52 you need to understand that you are a royal priesthood,
30:56 you have to understand
30:57 that you are a holy nation to procure your people.
31:00 We must know that we must show forth,
31:02 the praises of him,
31:04 who has called us out of darkness
31:05 into his marvelous light.
31:07 But, folks, more than that, we must understand
31:10 that the brothers and sisters around us are been called
31:14 by that same special calling.
31:17 Amen.
31:18 And that means we must treat them
31:20 with respect and love.
31:22 Amen.
31:24 By this shall all men know you're my disciples,
31:28 if we have loved one for another,
31:31 we're not in competition with each other,
31:35 we're not in competition with each other,
31:39 we're not to fight with each other,
31:42 we're not to have animosity and no speaking to each other.
31:47 Even as I stand here, there are some churches,
31:49 there are some people
31:51 that as you celebrate it on the Sabbath,
31:53 there are some people you really didn't want to see.
31:58 And there were some folks you would say happy Sabbath too
32:00 only because you came face to face with them,
32:04 and that's the only conversation
32:06 you could have.
32:07 But, folks, that has to change, our hearts have to change,
32:11 if we can't love our brother, my friends,
32:14 the Bible declares we can't love our God,
32:17 because He says,
32:18 if you can't love the people who you'll see,
32:20 how can you love somebody you can't see?
32:23 Amen.
32:25 And if there were more love in our churches,
32:28 where there is one convert, ladies and gentlemen,
32:31 it tells us that there would be 100,
32:36 and when we get to that point
32:38 in our lives and in our ministry,
32:40 and in our churches,
32:41 we will see the people on the outside flocking in
32:46 to be among those people, who may not seen the best,
32:49 who may not have the prettiest churches,
32:52 but they will have a bond with heaven
32:54 that will be detected,
32:56 and by beholding we will become change,
32:59 and they will wanna be among those people
33:01 who are not only right doctrinally,
33:04 and by the Word of God,
33:05 but it has transformed their very character
33:09 into loving, caring people.
33:12 Amen.
33:15 There's gonna come a day, there's gonna come a day,
33:21 when we're ready, there's gonna come a day,
33:26 when the bride is ready
33:27 which means the church is ready.
33:30 I read it in the Book of Revelation, Revelation 19,
33:37 I'm reading verse 6,
33:40 "And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude,
33:43 and the voice of many waters,
33:44 and as the voice of mighty thunder
33:45 saying hallelujah,
33:47 for the Lord God omnipotent reigning.
33:50 Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to Him,
33:54 for the marriage of the land is come,
33:57 and his wife had made herself ready...
34:01 Amen.
34:02 And to her was granted,
34:04 that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white,
34:07 for the fine linen is the righteousness
34:09 of the saints, and "He said unto me,
34:11 write: blessed are they which are call
34:13 unto the marriage supper of the Lamb,
34:15 and he said unto to me,
34:16 these are the true sayings of God."
34:19 Ladies and gentlemen, the time is going to come
34:20 and it's the time that's in the near future
34:23 when everyone who is gonna be saved
34:26 has made up their mind to be saved.
34:28 Amen.
34:30 And God's gonna seal us
34:32 by the power of His Holy Spirit,
34:35 that's why he says in Ephesians 4:30,
34:37 "Grieve not the Holy Spirit,
34:40 whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption."
34:43 In other words, we have to give our hearts to the Lord,
34:46 don't fight against Him, don't pull against Him,
34:49 follow the warnings, understand the reproves,
34:53 do what we need to do,
34:54 that our souls will be free from guilt and sin and shame.
34:58 And it says the day will come,
35:00 when we have all done what we are going to do,
35:03 and that will be the day when the Lord says,
35:05 that's it.
35:06 Yes. Amen.
35:10 And those things that used to take you at will,
35:14 won't bother you anymore.
35:16 But folks I have to say this
35:18 and I don't want you to be nervous,
35:19 but I have to say this,
35:21 we need to get busy doing what we need to do
35:24 for ourselves personally,
35:25 because the devil is moving now
35:27 for he knows he has a short time,
35:29 and he's about to spill his two full punch,
35:33 his last grand deception on the world.
35:37 The first point
35:39 of his two full deception that he has,
35:43 it's the sacredness of Sunday, the sacredness of Sunday,
35:48 and there is no white, nice way to say it.
35:51 I just have to say it the way it is.
35:54 We set this whole battle, this whole controversy,
35:56 it's about worship.
35:58 And we saw that the seal of the living God
36:01 is the fourth commandment, in the heart of the Lord.
36:04 Isaiah 16, Isaiah 8:16 tells us,
36:08 bind up the testimony,
36:10 seal the law among my disciples.
36:13 And when you look at the law of God, Exodus 20:3-17,
36:18 the heart of the Lord is the fourth commandment.
36:21 It lets us see His name, it lets us see His title,
36:24 it shows us His territory.
36:27 If you remove the fourth commandment
36:29 from the law of God,
36:30 the only portion of scripture written by Him, Himself,
36:33 by Jesus Himself, Exodus 31:18,
36:37 if that is removed from the law,
36:39 you don't know whose law it is.
36:42 But when you place it in there, it lets us know that He is God,
36:46 and lets us know that He is the Creator,
36:48 and lets us know His territory, the heaven, the earth,
36:50 the sea and the fountains of waters.
36:53 And when we look at that, and we see that,
36:55 ladies and gentlemen,
36:56 and we know that the law of God could not be changed,
36:59 it's impossible for His law to be changed,
37:03 for law, ladies and gentlemen,
37:05 the law of God defines what sin is.
37:08 Sin is the transgression of the law.
37:11 The penalty of sin is death.
37:13 Roman 6:23,
37:14 "For the wages of sin is death."
37:16 But thanks be to God,
37:18 that grace came through Jesus Christ.
37:20 Amen.
37:21 We look at the law of God, when Jesus was here Himself
37:24 and if He had to leave a statement about it,
37:26 He would have told us
37:28 that the law was going to be changed.
37:29 And He would institute a new day, but, friends,
37:32 when we look at Matthew 5:17 it says,
37:36 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law,
37:38 or the prophets, I come not to destroy,
37:41 but to fulfil."
37:43 For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass,
37:47 one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,
37:51 till all be fulfilled."
37:54 Amen.
37:56 So it can't change.
37:58 And when we see this Sabbath
38:01 that comes from man's invention,
38:05 when we see this Sabbath,
38:07 that was instituted after, ladies and gentlemen,
38:10 after men had taken
38:14 so many different parts of the Bible
38:16 and added so many things to it.
38:18 When we see this law that comes with the,
38:21 a very authority of the papal power,
38:24 the beast power of Revelation 13,
38:27 not talking about people, but talking about a system.
38:30 When we see
38:31 that the first Roman emperor Constantine,
38:35 trying to bring together his hedonistic rights
38:38 and bringing together the compromising individuals
38:40 in the church,
38:42 and changing the day of his own evolution,
38:44 changing it, ladies and gentlemen,
38:45 even though it was predicted in the Bible where Daniel 7:25,
38:50 changing on the outside
38:51 and causing men to worship on the first day of the week,
38:55 we see that that is directly in opposition to God's will.
39:01 Amen. Yes.
39:04 And people today Christians after we have years,
39:08 ladies and gentlemen, years of persecution,
39:11 after we have over 70 million Christians,
39:14 who said by the Bible and the Bible only,
39:17 give up there lives
39:18 because they stood up against the tyranny of Rome,
39:20 because they stood up against things that were false
39:23 and that were not true according to the Word of God.
39:26 These individuals, ladies and gentlemen,
39:28 have stood firm and gave their lives
39:30 and then we have the nerve in our day
39:33 and our time to say it doesn't matter.
39:39 That's an insult to those who laid down their lives.
39:42 Yes.
39:43 That's an insult to those who gave up their children,
39:46 that's the insult of those who gave up their homes
39:49 and lived in a catacombs and lived in the mountains
39:51 and did whatever they had to do.
39:53 So they can worship God with a free spirit.
39:57 You see, ladies and gentlemen,
39:58 it was not the comforts of this world
40:00 that they desired.
40:02 Their minds were made up and they said that,
40:05 "Heaven is our home,
40:06 we're just pilgrims passing through here."
40:09 And if they had to live in the wilderness,
40:11 if they had to live in the desert,
40:13 if they had to live in the underground,
40:15 if they had to live in the catacombs,
40:17 if they had to face the lions, if they had to face the state,
40:20 if they had to face the chopping block,
40:23 they would do it for the goodness of God.
40:26 Amen.
40:28 And we have the nerve to say, it doesn't matter.
40:35 People say you can worship any day.
40:38 No.
40:39 Well, we have to worship any day,
40:42 but everyday is not the Sabbath day.
40:44 Amen.
40:46 When I read that commandment and we've talked about it,
40:48 and we saw it there, in Exodus 20,
40:50 ladies and gentlemen, 8-11,
40:52 it says plainly and clearly to us,
40:54 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
40:57 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work,
41:00 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
41:01 of the Lord thy God:
41:02 in it thou shalt not do any work,
41:04 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
41:05 nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
41:07 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
41:08 that is within thy gates:
41:10 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
41:12 the sea and all that is in them,
41:13 and rested the seventh day,
41:15 wherefore the Lord blessed
41:16 the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."
41:18 Amen.
41:20 When I look at the very first Sabbath
41:22 in Genesis 2,
41:24 it says in verse 1,
41:26 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,
41:27 and all the host of them.
41:28 And on the seventh day God ended his work
41:30 which he had made,
41:32 and he rested on the seventh day
41:33 from all his work which he had made.
41:34 And God blessed the seventh day,
41:36 and sanctified it."
41:38 Folks, all the other days He said they were good,
41:40 but when it came down to that seventh day,
41:42 He blessed it, He sanctified it.
41:45 Sanctified means to set it aside
41:47 for holy purpose.
41:49 Amen.
41:50 So I don't care how holy you keep
41:52 all of those other days,
41:54 we have to live holy every day.
41:56 Jesus says, "I'm holy, then you need to be holy."
41:59 But He is saying to you and I today,
42:01 ladies and gentlemen,
42:03 that the Sabbath day is the seventh day,
42:05 He blessed that day, He sanctified that day.
42:09 It was there in the world before sin,
42:12 it will be in the world made new.
42:13 Isaiah 66:23, and we have to keep it now
42:18 as we show our loyalty and our allegiance to Him,
42:22 when man's Sabbath is placed up in opposition to the God,
42:27 and we have to choose whom we will serve.
42:30 Amen.
42:33 I read it in my Bible and I see that it does make a difference,
42:37 that God has set it aside as a special day.
42:40 It says, He blessed it, it says, He sanctified it.
42:43 Folks, you continue to read in your Bibles,
42:46 turn with me to Isaiah 58, Isaiah 58
42:49 and we see something else about God's Sabbath.
42:52 It tells us that if we, verse 13,
42:55 "If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath,
42:58 from doing thy pleasure on my holy day,
43:00 and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord,
43:04 honorable, and shall honor him, not doing thy own ways,
43:08 nor finding thy own pleasure, nor speaking thy own words,
43:11 then he says, then shall thy delight
43:14 thy self in the Lord
43:15 and I will cause thee to ride
43:17 upon the high places of the earth
43:19 and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob,
43:21 thy father, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it."
43:24 Amen.
43:27 There's blessings in obedience.
43:30 Amen.
43:32 I turned in my Bible to Psalms 19.
43:34 Turn with me to Psalms 19,
43:36 and I read these words talking about God's law,
43:39 beginning with verse 7, he says,
43:40 "The law of the Lord is perfect,
43:42 converting the soul,
43:43 the testimony of the Lord is sure,
43:44 making wise the simple.
43:46 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart,
43:49 the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
43:51 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever,
43:54 the judgments of the Lord are true
43:55 and righteous altogether.
43:57 More to be desired are they than gold, yea,
44:00 than much fine gold, sweeter also than honey
44:03 and the honeycomb.
44:04 Moreover by them is thy servant warned,
44:07 and in keeping of them there is great reward."
44:10 Friends, Revelation 22:14 says,
44:14 "Blessed are they that do his commandments,
44:18 that they may have a right to the tree of life,
44:20 and enter in through the gates of the city."
44:22 Amen.
44:25 Don't get caught up in the hype.
44:28 Yes.
44:30 People are saying that it doesn't matter,
44:32 it does matter.
44:33 God said it, that settles it.
44:35 Amen.
44:38 If it didn't matter,
44:39 Jesus wouldn't have gone to the cross.
44:42 Amen.
44:44 And He went willingly,
44:46 for the joy that was set before Him.
44:49 What is that joy?
44:51 The joy of seeing you and I, obedient brothers and sisters,
44:55 obedient children, obedient individuals
44:59 who accepted His word,
45:00 and in the light of all that the world is doing,
45:04 we say, we will follow God and God alone.
45:07 Amen.
45:08 And that's the joy in His heart that gave Him
45:11 the ability to endure the shame of the cross.
45:16 The sanctity of Sunday is one, and, folks,
45:20 you look around and you keep watching,
45:22 you keep watching even now, they are talking about,
45:24 we need to get back to God, we need to get back to God,
45:27 and that is true.
45:29 But not the way man is talking about it,
45:31 where it is legislated.
45:33 You cannot force the conscience,
45:35 God doesn't force the conscience.
45:38 If you want to go to hell, He'll let you go.
45:41 But He is trying to save you,
45:43 but mankind it's going to come to the point,
45:46 where they force the conscience,
45:47 they're gonna close the stores on Sunday,
45:50 they're gonna close the malls,
45:52 they're gonna try to eliminate the spawning events,
45:54 you hear it, you see it.
45:55 They're gonna say it's for America,
45:57 bringing America together.
45:58 And it's gonna spread.
46:00 Folks, don't you know in Europe,
46:01 there is some places now where on Sundays
46:03 things are closed down.
46:07 It's coming.
46:08 Yes.
46:10 It will be reinforced by the second part
46:12 of the devil's trip.
46:13 The second part of the devil's trip
46:15 is one that we can set it really quick,
46:18 and that is the immortality of the soul.
46:21 When he says the dead are not dead.
46:23 You see, when you buy into the fact
46:25 that the dead are not dead,
46:27 then somebody from the dead can come back
46:28 and tell you anything.
46:31 They'll come back and tell you anything.
46:33 And yes, the fact that they are coming back
46:35 from the dead,
46:37 it give some creams, if you don't know better.
46:40 But when I read my Bible, ladies and gentlemen,
46:42 and, folks, we have to become Bible students
46:44 to be able to stand in these last days.
46:46 You have to have not only a knowledge of it,
46:48 but you have to know what you're reading is real.
46:51 You have to know what you're reading is true.
46:53 You have to know that God gave it to us
46:55 as a guideline to protect us.
46:57 It tells us in Ecclesiastes 9:5,
46:59 "For the living know that they shall die,
47:01 but the dead know not any thing,
47:03 neither have they any more a reward,
47:04 for the memory of them is forgotten.
47:06 Also their love, and their hatred,
47:08 and their envy, is now perished,
47:09 neither have they any more a portion
47:11 for ever in any thing that is done under the sun."
47:13 They can't come back.
47:15 Amen.
47:16 They can't, they're dead.
47:19 Jesus said, they're sleeping.
47:21 Yes, sir.
47:22 When the Lord, comes he says He will come with a shout,
47:24 and the voice of the archangel,
47:26 and the dead in Christ shall rise,
47:28 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 17.
47:33 And when we are aware who are alive,
47:36 shall be caught up and meet them in the air,
47:38 and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
47:40 When we look at Romans, when we look at Revelation 20
47:44 and we read verse 1 through 5,
47:46 we see that there will be a second resurrection,
47:49 a resurrection of the wicked,
47:51 who will come up at the end of the thousand years.
47:53 And they will receive their just reward,
47:55 but they are dead, they are not alive,
47:58 they are unconscious in that thing called sleep.
48:02 Amen.
48:04 Satan knows, ladies and gentlemen,
48:05 that if he can come to us in his super natural way
48:08 with super natural power, and pretend to be loved ones,
48:11 if he can come back and pretend to be the saints,
48:14 if he can come back and pretend to be Mary.
48:19 Do you know, in the last 100 years
48:21 there have been over 800 sightings of Mary?
48:28 And people look at these sightings
48:29 as something holy
48:31 and, folks, I'm not here knocking anyone's faith,
48:33 but I'm just letting you know,
48:34 you have to know that the Bible tells us
48:36 that the dead are dead.
48:37 It doesn't tell us anywhere in this book
48:39 that Mary has been promoted to anything more
48:42 than being that blessed virgin mother of Christ.
48:45 She is not there to intercede to the father for you.
48:49 That's Jesus' job.
48:51 Amen.
48:55 But when we don't know, and we see these miracles,
49:00 and Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:24,
49:03 they're gonna be miracles and wonders,
49:06 and people who are gonna come in his name,
49:08 and folks are gonna be confused,
49:10 because they don't know the Bible.
49:12 Yes.
49:13 And when the devil himself shall come
49:15 and prepare the way as if he is the Christ.
49:21 With his melodious voice, with his beautiful vision
49:26 and vestige, and when people see him,
49:29 and he says the things he says with his musical voice,
49:31 they will listen to him.
49:33 But, ladies and gentlemen,
49:34 you have to know when the Lord comes,
49:35 that he is not gonna land on planet earth.
49:38 He's gonna be in the air, and every eye shall see Him.
49:40 He won't be in isolated places,
49:42 He will not be doing
49:44 miracles here and miracles there,
49:45 He will not contradict His word,
49:47 because that word is Him.
49:49 Amen.
49:51 My Bible tells us, ladies and gentlemen,
49:53 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
49:57 that the devil himself
49:58 will take on the garb of an angel of light
50:03 and people will flock to him,
50:09 and believe him for the very miracles
50:13 that he will do in their sight,
50:16 according to Revelation 13:13.
50:20 Oh, my friends,
50:22 this is the devil's last deception,
50:24 this is the devil's last delusion,
50:28 and we have to be prepared for it.
50:31 Amen.
50:32 We can only be prepared
50:35 if we allow the power of the Bible,
50:40 and the power of the Holy Spirit
50:43 to be number one in our lives.
50:45 Yes. Amen.
50:46 We have to have a faith to know,
50:49 that what God says, what He says,
50:51 He means what He says, and He's gonna do what He says.
50:55 We have to have a desire to study the Word of God.
50:58 And not for
50:59 a scholastic understanding of it,
51:03 but we must approach the Bible with a humility,
51:07 with a prayerful spirit, and ask His Spirit to fill us
51:13 and give us understanding and discernment.
51:16 So we must be able to stand.
51:19 Ladies and gentlemen,
51:20 you're gonna have to stand on your own faith,
51:23 listen to me.
51:24 Not what mama did, and what daddy did,
51:27 and grandma did,
51:28 you're gonna have to stand on your own relationship
51:31 with Christ.
51:33 And, friends, too many of us are, are spiritually retarded.
51:38 That's right.
51:39 Because we don't do and study the way we should,
51:42 but, folks, in this day that we are living in,
51:45 it's time to get right with God,
51:46 it's time to study the Word of God,
51:48 it's time to let go the things that are holding us back.
51:51 Amen.
51:53 It's time to get strong for the battle
51:56 that is just ahead of us today.
52:00 Oh, my friends, I come back to Revelation 3,
52:05 "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
52:07 I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
52:10 which shall come upon all the world."
52:12 Folks, that's gonna be the last day test.
52:16 The Sabbath is gonna be the last day test.
52:19 There has always been a test somewhere.
52:22 In the Garden of Eden,
52:23 it was a tree to obey or not to obey.
52:28 In that little place where Cain and Abel where,
52:31 to obey or not to obey.
52:34 The children of Israel put the blood on the door post,
52:39 to obey or not to obey.
52:42 Jesus Christ coming to the priests,
52:44 and the scribes, and the Sadducees
52:46 to believe He is what He said He is,
52:48 and what the Bible says He is, the test was given to them.
52:53 And to the church that say we love Him.
52:55 The test is not only to keep Jesus,
52:59 but to keep His law,
53:02 and obey His Sabbath.
53:05 And we must go all the way with Jesus,
53:07 you can't just come so much.
53:09 If you didn't know, it would have been different,
53:12 in our ignorance he would have winked at us.
53:15 But now you know,
53:17 'cause we told you every single night,
53:21 we've told you from the Word of God,
53:23 not my words but His words.
53:26 And as we embrace His word,
53:29 and He will fortify us with His Spirit,
53:33 we will be ready to face that test.
53:38 Friends, I don't know about you,
53:41 but I want to be able to stand and say,
53:44 "Lo, this is my God, and I have waited for Him
53:49 and He will save us."
53:53 And when we find ourselves being caught up in the clouds,
53:57 going up with Jesus,
54:00 we will be able to stand side by side
54:04 through eternity with the master.
54:07 Amen.
54:12 Side by side we stand
54:18 Waiting God's command
54:24 Worshiping the saving
54:30 King...
54:35 Living by His grace
54:41 And moving out in faith
54:47 Jesus himself
54:52 Will see us through
54:57 Why don't you meet me
55:01 Oh, in heaven
55:04 We'll join hands together
55:10 Meet me at the savior's
55:16 Side
55:21 I'll meet you in heaven
55:26 We'll sing songs together
55:34 Brothers and sisters
55:38 I'll be there
55:41 Friends, are you gonna be there?
55:43 Are you gonna be in that grand number
55:46 that no man can count.
55:49 Are you gonna be in that grand congregation
55:53 that Jesus Himself will escort through the opening in Orion?
55:59 Are you gonna be in that number that will be filled
56:01 with the light and joy and rapture?
56:04 When we see the holy city on the horizon
56:08 and as we get closer and closer and closer
56:11 and the Father opens the gates and says,
56:13 "Welcome home, children."
56:15 And we begin to file in from every gate
56:18 that God has assigned us to.
56:21 Are you gonna be there, ladies and gentlemen?
56:23 Is it your heart's desire, can you see yourself there?
56:28 If you can stand on your feet with me,
56:31 and those of you who are at home,
56:33 you too stand where you are, if it's able.
56:36 And remember that our help cometh from on high,
56:40 our help cometh from our God,
56:42 He loves you with an everlasting love
56:44 and if you want to be there with Him,
56:47 He will make sure of it,
56:49 because He died on Calvary to save us.
56:52 Be thou faithful unto death,
56:54 and He shall give us a crown to life.
56:57 Amen.
56:58 God bless you and God keep you.
57:31 To contact Pastor Lawrence Dorsey,
57:33 at Living Word Ministries,
57:35 write to PO Box 9997, Glendale, California 91226.
57:42 Or go to his website at livingwordministries.tv.
57:46 You can also contact him through email
57:49 at livingwordtv@cs.com,
57:53 or call him 626-354-6728.


Revised 2017-05-22