Unfolding Revelation

Run For The Ark

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lawrence Dorsey


Series Code: UR

Program Code: UR000016

00:01 Music...
00:57 Good morning Ambassador Church.
00:58 "Good Morning... "
01:00 And Good Morning to all of our Viewers
01:02 who are watching worldwide.
01:04 I'm Henoc Paulicin,
01:05 the Pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:08 and we're located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
01:11 We're glad that for the last two weeks,
01:15 we have been able to share the gospel
01:18 throughout the world
01:19 with the partnership with 3ABN and Living Word Ministries
01:24 the Speaker and Director is Pastor Lawrence S. Dorsey.
01:29 This morning we continue our Series:
01:33 Through the Eyes of John: Unfolding the Book of Revelation
01:37 but I have with me today a special guest...
01:40 one of the representatives from the Florida Conference
01:43 and I'd like to invite him to introduce himself.
01:46 Good Morning Ambassador Church.
01:48 "Good Morning... "
01:50 Many of you already know me, my name is Pastor Victor Maddox.
01:53 I'm the Ministerial Field Secretary
01:56 for the Third District of the Florida Conference
01:58 and it is great to be here.
02:00 "Amen. "
02:02 I hear that you are having a fantastic time.
02:04 "Amen. "
02:05 And we just rejoice with you as we see
02:08 the mission of the Florida Conference being, um...
02:12 carried out here at the Ambassador Church.
02:17 One of the things that we want to see
02:18 and we impress this upon every church member
02:21 and every church administration
02:24 is the idea of winning souls for Jesus Christ.
02:28 "Amen. "
02:29 Our goal is to win souls for Jesus Christ
02:31 and introduce them to a system of discipleship
02:35 where they will become
02:37 fully disciple followers of Jesus Christ.
02:41 "Amen. "
02:42 And there is no other place in which that can take...
02:45 than take fruit... than in a congregation
02:48 like the Ambassador Church...
02:50 a Biblical Community which is comprised of people
02:54 who are looking for the soon-coming of Jesus Christ
02:58 and so, I want to praise the Lord
03:01 for what you are doing today
03:02 and it is my joy to be here with you
03:05 and as you continue to move forward...
03:08 reaching this Community for Jesus Christ,
03:10 my prayer is that He will come soon and very soon.
03:14 Let all God's people say, "Amen. "
03:16 "Amen. "
03:17 "And Amen. "
03:25 Piano...
03:30 Piano,
03:34 More piano...
03:37 some more piano...
03:44 more piano...
03:49 some more piano...
03:56 If I could write a letter
04:00 to all the other children of the world
04:06 I'd tell them that I love them
04:09 Jesus said of every boy and girl,
04:15 We'll simply love each other
04:18 then we think the world will understand
04:24 Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again.
04:33 We can have a world like this...
04:36 enough to know... our neighbors' names
04:41 and if they don't have enough to eat
04:45 we'll care enough to fill their need...
04:49 fill their need...
04:52 It doesn't matter at all
04:55 the color of your skin, my friend,
04:59 I say, "Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again. "
05:08 So why not love the children
05:12 from the world instead
05:18 A child will never make an atom bomb
05:21 and drop it on your head
05:25 'Cause if we love each other
05:29 maybe then the world will understand
05:34 Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again.
05:43 We can have a world
05:45 that cares enough to know our neighbors' names
05:52 and if they don't have enough to eat,
05:55 we'll care enough to fill their needs...
05:59 Fill their needs...
06:01 It doesn't matter at all
06:04 the color of your skin, my friend,
06:09 I say, "Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again. "
06:17 So why not love the children of the world instead?
06:26 A child will never make an atom bomb
06:30 and drop it on your head.
06:34 'Cause if we love each other
06:37 maybe then the world will understand
06:43 Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again.
06:51 We can have a world that cares enough
06:55 to know our neighbors' names
06:59 and if they don't have enough to eat
07:03 we'll care enough to fill their needs...
07:06 Fill their needs...
07:09 It doesn't matter at all
07:11 the color of your skin, my friend,
07:16 I say, "Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again... "
07:26 I say, "Love is the road
07:28 to the Garden of Eden once again. "
07:34 "Amen. "
07:38 Praise God, those words of the young people.
07:44 Love is the road to the Garden of Eden once again.
07:48 "Amen. "
07:50 How many of you want to once again be in the Garden of Eden?
07:52 "Amen. "
07:53 To be there, not only with Adam and Eve
07:56 but Jesus and the Father Himself,
07:59 we'll relocate to Planet Earth
08:02 as it tells in Revelation 20 and 21
08:04 and they will set up their thrones
08:07 and in the midst of that Holy City,
08:09 the New Jerusalem, we will see the Tree of Life
08:13 and we will be able to be with Jesus
08:16 and all the heavenly hosts and all the redeemed
08:20 from all time... in that home for the redeemed
08:24 by the love of Jesus Christ
08:26 let's give our young people another hearty, "Amen. "
08:28 "Amen. "
08:29 We appreciate them.
08:30 We want to get right into our message this morning
08:35 today, I believe that we must understand
08:45 that time is running out
08:47 and we must also understand that we have a part
08:53 in the last drama of earth's history...
08:56 pause...
08:58 and when we contemplate the message today
09:01 "Run for the Ark...
09:04 or can you afford to ignore God?"
09:09 I think that every one of us will have to make
09:14 a special decision this day.
09:17 Shall we pray?
09:19 "Loving Father, again we are thankful
09:22 for your love and mercy and majesty
09:24 we thank you that you love us with a love
09:29 that would not let us go,
09:30 even now we pray that you will flood...
09:34 not only this Sanctuary but every place
09:37 where men, women, boys and girls are watching and listening.
09:41 Flood our very atmosphere with heavenly angels
09:45 and the power of the Holy Spirit,
09:48 and allow your will to be said and heard and done in our lives
09:54 and Father, hide me behind the cross of Calvary,
09:58 take this mortal tongue
10:00 and let it speak words of immortality,
10:02 touch our hearts, our minds, draw us to yourself,
10:08 save somebody today
10:10 is our prayer in Jesus' name, amen. "
10:14 Again, the message, "Run for the Ark...
10:18 or can you afford to ignore God?"
10:22 Pause...
10:24 A few years ago, I read an article in the New York Times,
10:29 it was a study that had been done by Zoologists
10:33 that studied primates in the rainforests
10:38 of Central America.
10:40 Pause...
10:41 These Zoologists had been studying
10:44 the language patterns of these primates
10:47 and they noticed three major things,
10:51 when the monkeys were up in the trees... monkeying around...
10:56 that's what monkeys do,
10:59 and a large bird of prey was seen on the horizon,
11:05 a certain sound would be made by one of the lead primates
11:11 and they would all with one accord
11:13 come down from the tops of the trees
11:15 and find themselves hid in the thick underbrush...
11:19 pause...
11:21 they also noticed that when these primates
11:25 were in the thick underbrush hunting for food
11:28 and just monkeying around again,
11:30 and if one of them spotted one of the huge snakes
11:35 that would love to have monkey stew,
11:38 the cry would go out
11:42 and all of the monkeys that were in the underbrush
11:44 would come out of the underbrush and come to a meadow or a field
11:48 or an open ground
11:50 where they could see what was transpiring around them
11:53 different from the second...
11:56 different from the first warning cry,
11:58 pause...
11:59 and then when they were in the open...
12:02 in the meadows... in the fields...
12:04 and one of them spotted one of the big cats lurking around,
12:10 another cry... a third cry would be given
12:14 and all of the monkeys would run not to the thick underbrush
12:18 but run to the trees and climb up as high as they could,
12:22 you see, those monkeys understood
12:26 they could not afford to ignore the warning.
12:32 The Zoologists took it a step further,
12:36 they recorded those certain sounds
12:40 and they played them through loudspeakers
12:44 so the primates could hear them
12:46 and when they played the different distinct sounds,
12:49 the monkeys reacted every single time
12:53 pause...
12:55 in a positive response to the warning that was given.
12:59 They could not afford to not listen... and lose their lives.
13:06 Oh Ladies and Gentlemen,
13:09 we are so much more intelligent than primates...
13:13 we have the ability to reason and understand
13:18 we can look at history and see the things that history...
13:24 and then, we can make decisions for our future,
13:28 Ladies and Gentlemen,
13:29 God has given us a mind... a brain...
13:32 to have a relationship with Him that when we hear His words...
13:37 that certain sound... we should listen and obey.
13:43 "Amen. "
13:44 But Ladies and Gentlemen,
13:46 it does not work that way with us.
13:48 we have been given the ability
13:53 to choose to serve God or to serve Him not...
13:58 and when we don't choose Jesus, disaster is what we will reap.
14:05 You see, my Bible tells me in Romans chapter 15 verse 4,
14:10 "Whatsoever things were written aforetime
14:13 were written for our learning
14:14 that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures...
14:19 that we might have hope. "
14:21 And when we look at the Word of God,
14:24 Ladies and Gentlemen,
14:25 and these things that have been given to us in this Book...
14:28 this book divinely inspired,
14:30 this book which has the accounts that were given to holy men
14:35 as they were moved by the inspiration of God
14:38 and filled with the Holy Spirit...
14:40 this book that was given by God
14:42 as it tells us in 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16
14:45 that it came from God and it's been inspired by God...
14:49 this book that contains the record of God's own handiwork
14:52 when we look at the Ten Commandments
14:55 as listed in Exodus 20:3 through 17
14:58 written by God's own finger, Exodus 31 verse 18,
15:02 this book that has been given to us,
15:05 Ladies and Gentlemen,
15:06 it should be the treasure of every human being
15:08 but by so many people, it's ignored.
15:12 So many people say it's fairy tales,
15:14 so many people say it's not true,
15:17 so many people say that it is something for us...
15:19 as a crutch to just lean on,
15:21 so many people disregard the precepts that are there
15:24 that are able to save us... save us eternally.
15:29 I look at this Book
15:31 and I see the historical accounts that are there for us
15:36 especially for us living in these last days,
15:39 and they have so many warnings, Ladies and Gentlemen,
15:42 to allow us to be able to meet the Lord in peace,
15:45 to be ready for that greatest day of all time,
15:48 to be able to say,
15:49 "Lo, this is our God and we have waited for Him... "
15:51 it's all in here.
15:53 My mind goes back to the days of Noah
16:00 and if you would turn with me to chapter 6 of the book of Genesis
16:05 we see it says in verse 1...
17:17 then Verse 8 gives us hope... Verse 8 says...
17:22 "And Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD."
17:27 "Amen. "
17:29 Oh, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a record for you and I
17:31 to know that God means what He says,
17:33 this is a historical account to let us know
17:36 that God will always give warnings
17:39 before He sends judgment,
17:40 this is a record to let us know
17:43 that we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.
17:47 I look at the myths that are out there,
17:52 these spaffling stories
17:54 that take the Word of God and confound them
17:57 there are individuals that interpret this part of Scripture
18:01 and say that Aliens are the ones
18:03 that came with the children of men,
18:05 it's not talking about that,
18:08 Ladies and Gentlemen,
18:10 when it talks about the sons and daughters of God
18:12 or the sons of God and the daughters of men,
18:14 they're talking about individuals
18:16 that served the living God
18:17 and those who married those individuals
18:21 who did not have a faith or belief in God...
18:24 when we look throughout our Bibles in Galatians chapter 7
18:28 of chapter 4 verse 7, it tells us
18:31 that first we were servants
18:33 but now we have become sons and daughters of God
18:36 because of the blood of Jesus Christ.
18:38 Pause...
18:40 It's letting us know that in that early time of history,
18:43 there were individuals who had a relationship with God,
18:46 who were serving Him with their full heart
18:49 but they compromised their relationship
18:51 and Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to understand
18:54 that you cannot compromise your relationship
18:56 just because somebody makes you feel good.
18:58 "Amen. "
19:00 Or because the way somebody looks.
19:03 A good friend of mine, Walter Rodseis says,
19:06 "God don't like ugly and He's not particular about pretty. "
19:10 Doesn't matter who you are or what you look like,
19:14 it's what's on the inside that counts.
19:18 A relationship with God.
19:20 You can't change anyone
19:23 and so many times
19:25 when people are unequally yoked
19:27 and they're married, they had these great plans
19:30 and I hate to say this
19:31 but most of the time it's the lady thinking...
19:33 she could change the man.
19:34 Ladies, you can't change a man only the Holy Ghost can
19:37 Brethren, you can't change a lady,
19:40 only the Holy Ghost can
19:42 and that is... only if that individual yields
19:46 to the voice and the power of the Holy Spirit
19:50 because again, we are all under this... this banner...
19:54 of making the choices for ourselves
19:57 so if that person truly desires to serve the Lord,
20:01 they will serve Him, but if not, Ladies and Gentlemen,
20:06 there is nothing you can do
20:07 pause...
20:09 and when you find yourself in that relationship...
20:12 that relationship where that person
20:14 has no love for the living God, has no respect for the Bible,
20:18 disregards His Sabbath,
20:21 your life that you thought was going to be so sweet...
20:26 it's going to be pure hell and Bible has told you that.
20:30 Spirit of Prophecy says
20:31 "the shadows will never leave your home... "
20:34 and as I've traveled around the world
20:36 and I speak to our young people,
20:38 so many young ladies have come to me
20:40 and said, "Pastor, wherever you go,
20:42 tell them... let them know that they need to wait and see
20:46 that this person is going to be true to God
20:50 because if they're true to God, then they'll be true to you. "
20:53 "Amen. "
20:54 We see that the compromise began to grow
20:58 and the sons of God and the daughters of men came together
21:01 and the wickedness on the earth became greater and greater
21:05 and it says in verse 5 that God saw
21:07 that the wickedness of man was great on the earth
21:09 and that every imagination of his thoughts and heart
21:12 were only evil continually.
21:14 For us to get an understanding of how evil that was,
21:17 Ladies and Gentlemen,
21:18 we have to look at the longevity of life.
21:22 Pause...
21:24 Now I'm not trying to embarrass anybody
21:26 but think of all the evil you know
21:28 and all the evil we have done even in our short lives
21:33 they say now that the days of a man are threescore and ten
21:36 but because of technology and medicine,
21:38 we're making it to 80... we're making it to 90...
21:41 we might not know we're there but we're still alive.
21:43 Audience laughing...
21:44 pause...
21:46 you went up the stairs... you don't know if you're going
21:50 don't stop... you don't know if you're going up or going down.
21:52 Laughter.
21:54 But these individuals lived for 800 and 900
21:58 and 700 and 600 years and can you imagine
22:02 how much knowledge they had mastered
22:04 and how much wickedness and how many devices...
22:07 some of the things we see on Planet Earth
22:08 that makes us gush and blush and we can't even comprehend it
22:13 can you imagine for 800 and 900 years
22:16 of practicing evil with those noble minds?
22:20 But God is merciful and He gave them a "somebody"
22:27 to bring them a message of hope.
22:31 "Amen. "
22:33 He gave them a period of probation...
22:35 just like you and I have a period of probation
22:38 and that timeframe was 120 years...
22:42 was given unto mankind
22:44 where Noah did exactly what God says,
22:47 Folks, we have to understand
22:48 that if we are truly God's people,
22:51 we have to obey what He says.
22:53 "Amen. "
22:55 We have to do what He says, we have to do it joyfully,
22:58 not begrudgingly but because we love Him,
23:01 because He loves us, because He saved us,
23:04 because He is working with us, because He has forgiven us,
23:07 because He is longsuffering, because He covers us,
23:11 because He's coming back for us.
23:13 "Amen. "
23:14 Folks, we have to understand
23:17 that He doesn't have to save any one of us,
23:19 He could have shut this whole thing down in the Garden of Eden
23:24 with Adam and Eve... when they broke the covenant,
23:27 when they disobeyed, when they listened to a snake
23:31 who hadn't done anything for them...
23:33 pause...
23:35 snake didn't do anything for them...
23:39 and Friends, how many times in our lives
23:43 do we allow people to cause doubt,
23:45 how many times in our lives
23:46 do we allow our emotions to let go of God's hands,
23:50 how many times in our lives... because we don't get our way,
23:53 we get angry at God when we should be angry with ourselves
23:57 and inadvertently,
24:00 we are allowing the snake to tell us to doubt God.
24:05 Pause...
24:06 He could have shut it down...
24:07 He could have sent thunder and lightening,
24:10 He could have just taken their breath away,
24:13 He could have just taken Adam and Eve,
24:16 and destroyed them because we broke the covenant
24:19 but what did He do?
24:20 He came and He made a way for He is the Lamb
24:23 that was slain from the foundation of the world.
24:26 "Amen. "
24:27 And He says unto us, "I'm trying to save you,
24:33 I'm trying to redeem you,
24:35 in your ignorance, I'm going to wink at it
24:38 and then when you knew and you still did what you did,
24:42 I still send my grace and my mercy and my pardon,
24:47 I send my unmerited favor to you again and again and again
24:52 my love and my compassion for you... it's new every morning
24:57 great is my faithfulness, let me save you.
25:01 "Amen. "
25:02 Can we afford to ignore God?
25:08 For 120 years... for 120 years Noah was obedient,
25:16 for 120 years, Noah worked on an ark that God told Him to build
25:24 can you imagine... can you imagine,
25:27 building a giant ship and there's no water around?
25:33 Pause...
25:34 hmmm... hmmm...
25:36 you see, faith is the substance of things hoped for,
25:39 the evidence of things not seen,
25:43 we have to understand that faith means believing God
25:47 when we can't see what God is talking about
25:49 but because God said it, just do it.
25:52 "Amen... amen... "
25:54 Noah is building this ship,
25:57 he's stopping whatever business he has been in
26:00 and he is building this ship on dry land
26:03 and while he is building... he's preaching.
26:06 "Amen. "
26:08 He's telling them, Folks, day in and day out
26:09 morning service... evening service...
26:12 all through the day... with each pounding of the hammer
26:15 on the ark...
26:17 it's saying something that God's servant Noah knows
26:20 something's happening... something's coming...
26:22 get ready, get ready, get ready.
26:25 "Amen. "
26:26 At first... at first it arrested the attention of people,
26:32 at first those lukewarm, compromising individuals
26:37 they thought that maybe Noah had something
26:40 but because judgment does not come
26:43 when you think it should come and Ladies and Gentlemen,
26:46 we find this in our own experience,
26:47 when we do something wrong, we're very nervous,
26:50 oh we're very nervous,
26:53 I remember the first night
26:54 after I had been baptized into the church
26:57 and I had been there a while
26:58 and then I started... you know, when you stop studying...
27:01 you stop reading... you start slipping backwards
27:03 and one of my friends called me and said,
27:06 "Dorsey, I want you to come with me to this party,
27:08 you haven't been with us in a long time,
27:10 you have to come to this party, it's going to be the best party
27:12 that we have had in a long time,
27:15 and I said, "Man, when is it, is it Saturday night?"
27:18 He said, "Man, you know we don't have our parties
27:21 on Saturday night, it's on Friday night. "
27:23 I said, "Man, I can't come it's Sabbath... "
27:26 He said, "Naw, come on man,
27:28 your wife will let you come on Friday night...
27:31 it's just one time...
27:32 you haven't been with the fellows in a long time,
27:34 come on out... "
27:35 So I went to my wife...
27:37 Audience laughing...
27:40 And said, "Honey, you think it's okay if I go to the party?"
27:42 And she just looked at me and she said,
27:44 "What does the 4th Commandment say?"
27:46 And she walked away... she was done with me.
27:49 I said, "Well, listen, I'm the man...
27:51 I can go out when I want to go out
27:53 and I haven't gone out, I've been doing all these things
27:57 this is just a night for me
27:58 I'm going to have some time out myself,
28:01 I'm going out with my friend, Marvin. "
28:04 And she didn't say nothing, she just looked at me,
28:06 closed the bedroom door and just went on inside.
28:08 I know now she was praying.
28:11 I got out... got in my car...
28:14 and started heading over to where the party was,
28:16 I didn't get five blocks away
28:19 when the truck that was in front of me swerved
28:21 and it hit the car that was on the side of me
28:23 missed me by this much and I said,
28:26 "Oh Lord Jesus, I know it's Friday night,
28:30 please... please get me back home safe. "
28:34 Laugher from audience.
28:36 You see how we play with God?
28:39 You see how we plead with God?
28:42 You see how foolish we are?
28:44 And Folks, I went on back home.
28:47 When I got back, boy, I was sweating everything,
28:49 and she looked at me and she said, "Hmmm... "
28:50 Laughter from audience.
28:52 But Folks, I want you to know that fear is not enough...
28:57 near-death experiences are not enough...
28:59 when we really want to do something
29:02 even though God sends warnings and reproof
29:04 and He shows us that He doesn't want us to do this,
29:07 we get bold because nothing happens to us
29:09 because He has protected us and it gets easier and easier
29:14 and easier to violate the commandments of God.
29:17 Audience agreeing.
29:19 And I found myself... no not right then
29:22 but after a while when nothing happened,
29:25 I found that if you did it in little increments,
29:28 it's a little easier.
29:30 You see, you get to the party before sunset...
29:33 hmmm... hmmm...
29:35 Ladies and Gentlemen,
29:38 God is not mocked...
29:42 what we sow, we shall surely reap.
29:48 I look in this sweet book and I see
29:54 in 2nd Peter... 2nd Peter... chapter 3...
29:59 that we have to obey the words of God
30:04 if we would truly find peace of mind
30:09 you see, He's already told us that in our time,
30:12 just like in Noah's time,
30:14 that people are going to be scoffers or unbelievers,
30:17 look at 2nd Peter chapter 3 beginning in verse 3,
30:21 It says...
30:50 Folks, that's there for us...
30:52 pause...
30:54 we need to understand that
30:56 it continues to read... verse 7...
31:20 In other words... time is not an issue with God.
31:24 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise... "
31:36 Friends the only reason why Jesus hasn't come yet
31:39 because He's trying to save some of us.
31:41 "Amen. "
31:42 We're still playing church...
31:45 we still think we're Mr. Slick,
31:48 we think that we are the bee's knees and everything else,
31:52 a bag of chips and whatever else you want to add to it,
31:56 we still think we're God's gift to humanity...
31:59 God's gift to man... God's gift to women...
32:02 we still think that we can get away with it
32:04 and our big crocodile... our big smile...
32:07 will... and crocodile tears
32:09 will save us from the fires of hell
32:12 but you are deluding yourself if you believe that.
32:15 Audience agreeing...
32:17 It says in this same book, 2nd Peter... 2nd Peter...
32:21 Ladies and Gentlemen, in chapter 2 verse 4,
32:23 it says, "If God spared not the angels that sinned,
32:27 but cast them down to hell,
32:29 and delivered them into chains of darkness,
32:31 to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world,
32:35 but saved Noah the eighth person,
32:37 a preacher of righteousness,
32:39 bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
32:42 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes
32:45 condemned them with an overthrow,
32:48 making them an example unto those
32:51 that after should live ungodly. "
32:54 It is all there for us to see.
32:57 Now Folks, when you look at those people that were there,
33:03 that listened to Noah's preaching,
33:06 at first there was concern and they looked around
33:11 and nothing seemed to change
33:14 they reasoned among themselves
33:17 that the laws of nature were so fixed
33:21 that it couldn't rain...
33:24 "scientifically... " I can see them saying,
33:27 "scientifically we have proven"
33:28 and just like those foolish folks
33:30 that talk about the big bang theory or evolution
33:32 and they say, "Scientifically, the earth is not 6,000 years old
33:36 but it's millions and trillions of years old. "
33:38 Pause...
33:40 That thing just gets me...
33:42 I'll never forget when I was in High School
33:44 and we had to take that... I went to a public school...
33:47 and we had to do that test on evolution
33:50 and I wrote a note on it, I did it...
33:53 I didn't know I was going to be a preacher one day
33:55 but I did it, but I knew some things about the Bible,
33:57 I wasn't a Bible student
33:58 but I knew some things about the Bible
34:00 and I wrote on the regions...
34:02 remember some of you... it was like,
34:04 we had regions we had to take?
34:05 Pause...
34:06 And I wrote on it, "I gave you the answer that you wanted
34:10 but I don't believe any of it,
34:12 the earth was made in six days by the Lord. "
34:16 Audience laughing...
34:18 I didn't come from no monkey,
34:20 I came from John Samson Dorsey Junior... my daddy.
34:25 "Amen. "
34:27 And when you trace that thing back...
34:29 it's the same thing with each and every one of us,
34:32 we will find that we all come from Adam and Eve.
34:35 "Amen. "
34:37 Pause...
34:38 People don't believe it,
34:40 scientists said,
34:42 "It's impossible... it cannot rain. "
34:44 Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, it had never rained before then
34:48 but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
34:50 You turn in your Bible to Genesis chapter 2,
34:53 Genesis chapter 2, verse 6 and it says...
35:01 In other words... it was like a heavy dew
35:03 that came down every evening
35:05 and that heavy dew was enough to sustain the vegetation,
35:08 the fruit and everything else.
35:10 There was no need for rain at that time.
35:12 Pause...
35:14 They thought that they could limit the Omnipotent God
35:18 by His own rules...
35:20 the rules of nature...
35:22 oh my goodness... can't we see Jesus walking on the water
35:26 like it was plain... plain ground...
35:30 Ladies and Gentlemen, He can...
35:32 He can suspend the laws of nature when He wants to.
35:36 "Amen. "
35:38 He does what He wants... He is God...
35:40 His thoughts... Ladies and Gentlemen...
35:42 became audible and they matriculated into reality
35:46 for at the sound of His voice,
35:48 those words spoke thought into energy
35:51 and animated by the Holy Ghost
35:54 we are here now.
35:56 "Amen. "
35:57 They said... it was impossible for it to rain,
36:02 they said, "God is too merciful to destroy us"
36:06 and Folks, even today...
36:07 even today, people say that God is too good,
36:11 God is too good to destroy Planet Earth,
36:14 "He wouldn't do that...
36:17 He's a merciful God. "
36:19 Folks I want you to know God is a merciful God
36:21 but if you would turn with me to the book of Exodus,
36:24 Exodus chapter 34, it tells us, it lets us know
36:27 that God is merciful
36:29 but He will in no wise clear the guilty.
36:31 Exodus 34 verse 6,
36:33 "And the Lord passed by before Him, and proclaimed,
36:36 The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious
36:39 and longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,
36:41 Keeping mercy for thousands,
36:43 forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
36:46 and that will by no means clear the guilty... "
36:49 four things God can't do, He cannot lie,
36:53 come on, He cannot change His Law,
36:56 He cannot... Ladies and Gentlemen,
36:59 justify an unrepentant sinner
37:02 and He can't save a man... a woman... against their will.
37:06 If you don't want to go to heaven,
37:08 He's not going to drag you there kicking and screaming.
37:10 It has to be our choice,
37:13 He stands on the outside of our hearts
37:16 and He knocks... and He says,
37:18 "Open the door and I will come in.
37:20 When I come in, I will bring peace,
37:22 when I come in, I will bring joy,
37:24 when I come in, I will bring love,
37:26 when I come in, I will bring temperance,
37:28 when I come in I will bring brotherly kindness,
37:31 when I come, I will bring Godliness,
37:33 I will bring these things to you if you let me in
37:36 but if you don't let me in, I will stay out here
37:39 and I will do all that I can to get your attention,
37:42 I will spread my hands wide like I did on Calvary's cross,
37:46 and you will see those arms,
37:48 those hands that were stretched out
37:50 and nailed to the cross for you,
37:52 I will let you look into my eyes... my eyes of love,
37:56 where I have watched you in your mother's womb
37:58 and traced you down through every day of your life,
38:01 the choice is yours, let me in. "
38:04 "Amen... "
38:07 And mankind has the option to let Him in
38:10 or to keep Him on the outside.
38:12 You see, the devil fools us and tells us...
38:14 we can let Jesus in at the last moment
38:16 and everything's going to be okay...
38:18 and he tries to suck up everything in this world,
38:20 but that is a lie...
38:21 He's a liar and the father of lies
38:24 and what He's trying to do is to cut you off
38:26 before you have an opportunity to make up your mind...
38:29 pause...
38:31 those individuals...
38:33 they were outside the ark
38:36 and the reason why I keep going there,
38:37 Ladies and Gentlemen, is because, you see,
38:39 the ark... and that whole scenario
38:41 it's... it's... it's nothing more
38:43 but a mirror of what's going to happen to us in the last days
38:47 if you turn to Luke chapter 17, Luke 17. it says in verse 26...
39:06 Ladies and Gentlemen, it's here for us to see
39:08 that we might through patience
39:10 and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.
39:12 It says in verse 28,
39:14 "Likewise also, as it was in the days of Lot;
39:17 they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
39:20 they planted they built:
39:21 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire
39:25 and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. "
39:27 Verse 30, "Even thus shall it be in the day
39:31 when the Son of man is revealed. "
39:33 Ladies and Gentlemen,
39:36 we are living in a world that is coming to its end,
39:39 we are on the track to destruction...
39:42 if Jesus doesn't come, if Jesus doesn't come...
39:45 if there were no God, we'd be in worse trouble
39:48 because there's no Savior to help us.
39:51 When we look at the world with all of its commotion,
39:54 when we look at the world with all of its pollution,
39:56 when we look at the world with man's inhumanity to man,
39:59 when we look at the world with man's heartlessness
40:02 and criminal minds,
40:04 when we look at the world with its cruelty
40:06 and we see the enslavement of individuals
40:09 the rich trying to get richer and the poor trying to get rich
40:12 and destroying the lives of men and women, boys and girls,
40:16 when we look at the evil and the violence that are in the world,
40:19 when we look at the sensual pleasure
40:21 that is accepted as normal life,
40:23 Ladies and Gentlemen, if there were no God...
40:25 then our children are going to be in for a worse society
40:29 that has ever existed.
40:31 Audience agreeing.
40:32 But there is a God...
40:34 "Amen... "
40:35 There is a God and He's coming
40:37 and He wants us to get ready
40:38 and Ladies and Gentlemen,
40:40 He's telling us that these signs are there for us to see
40:44 and understand to get ready to run for the ark of safety.
40:48 Pause...
40:49 Those individuals, those individuals...
40:53 they watch no one, they listen to no one,
40:56 and then they got bold,
40:58 at first, they were waiting for something to happen
40:59 and nothing happened
41:00 but he already knew that it was going to be a 120 years
41:03 he's preaching his heart out.
41:04 When you look at the genealogy of man,
41:08 you will know that at that time that some of those people
41:11 during that preaching... heard the preaching of Enoch,
41:14 they heard the preaching of Methuselah,
41:17 his name means,
41:19 "when he shall die, then it shall come"
41:21 and then the year that he died is when the flood came,
41:24 the signs were there, Noah preached for 120 years
41:30 and those individuals who helped them,
41:32 some of them who helped them died during that timeframe
41:34 and they were saved
41:35 but those individuals who did not get inside the ark
41:38 I can imagine how much they regretted not getting inside.
41:42 When I look at that,
41:45 I see that God gave a single manifestation
41:50 of His divine power,
41:51 I continue to read in the book of Genesis
41:55 and I see this one thing
41:58 and I'm not talking about these folks,
42:00 but I'm just looking at my own self
42:03 when I read this account of the ark
42:06 and the time that is like our time,
42:09 when I read about chapter 7 verse 1,
42:12 when the Lord said unto Noah,
42:13 "Come thou and all thy house into the ark;
42:15 for I have thee righteous before me in this generation.
42:19 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens,
42:22 the male and his female:
42:24 and beasts that are not clean by two,
42:26 the male and his female.
42:28 And of all the fowls of the air by sevens,
42:31 the male and the female;
42:33 to keep seed alive upon the face of the earth... "
42:35 and it says that all of a sudden...
42:38 pause...
42:40 when the ark was finished
42:44 and he had preached his heart out,
42:46 one more time, from the forests, from the fields,
42:51 from the sky...
42:53 I can imagine when Noah heard this declaration from God
42:56 saying that you have to take the clean beasts by pairs of seven
43:01 and the unclean by pairs of two...
43:03 and Folks, let me just stop here for a moment,
43:05 you see, they talked about Noah being particular
43:08 well Folks, in the last days,
43:10 we're supposed to be particular people.
43:11 "Amen. "
43:12 You can't go everywhere, you can't listen to everything,
43:16 you can't watch everything, you can't eat everything,
43:21 you can't drink everything,
43:23 we have to understand
43:25 that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost,
43:27 and there was a difference, Ladies and Gentlemen,
43:29 in Noah's time between clean and unclean.
43:32 "Amen. "
43:34 And when people say, they're serving the Lord
43:35 and they say they can eat everything,
43:37 that's not Biblical.
43:39 Pause...
43:40 They said, "Well, the Lord had this vision
43:42 and He gave it to His messenger
43:45 and His messenger said that he could eat anything
43:47 because the Lord was telling him... "
43:49 He was talking about Cornelius... a person.
43:52 Audience agreeing.
43:53 He was saying, "God showed me not to call any man 'unclean'"
43:58 He wasn't talking about food,
43:59 way back there in the beginning before there was a Jew,
44:03 before there was a kosher deli, Ladies and Gentlemen,
44:06 there was a difference between clean and unclean.
44:09 "Amen. "
44:11 Can you imagine the scene,
44:13 can you imagine the scene, Brothers and Sisters...
44:16 all of a sudden, you see the sky darkened
44:20 by birds coming in pairs of seven clean...
44:24 and pairs of two unclean... flying into the ark,
44:27 just coming on in... coming through the door
44:31 and coming through the window,
44:33 can you imagine the scene?
44:35 Pause...
44:37 And then they hear some rumbling and grumbling...
44:40 and they look on the edge from the forest...
44:42 and here, everyone of God's creatures clean and unclean...
44:47 clean by pairs of seven, unclean by pairs of two,
44:51 coming into the ark, just lining up
44:54 in perfect order,
44:55 lions and tigers and bears.
44:57 Oh my...
45:00 Audience laughing...
45:02 lambs and chipmunks and squirrels,
45:04 all of these creatures...
45:06 God's creatures... made by His own hand...
45:09 lining up and going into their place... into their spot
45:13 led by angels, Ladies and Gentlemen,
45:15 led by angels, it is there to let us know
45:19 that God has His hand on this planet,
45:22 even if we don't think His hand is on this planet
45:24 and that's the same God that we serve today,
45:27 Ladies and Gentlemen, so you have to stand firm,
45:30 you have to be particular, you have to be peculiar,
45:33 you have to be obedient,
45:35 you have to trust Him even when you can't see Him,
45:38 you have to do what He has asked us to do,
45:41 He says, "If you love me, keep my commandments. "
45:46 "Amen... amen... "
45:48 And they come into the ark... and friends,
45:53 how all those animals came at that particular time?
45:57 It is only a divine act.
46:00 "Amen. "
46:01 Pause...
46:03 Now if there was ever a day
46:04 that I would have changed my mind if I were there...
46:06 I would have been, "what?" I wouldn't even pack...
46:10 I'd say, "Let me get inside that ark
46:14 because something's about to happen in here... "
46:16 I mean, something's going to happen.
46:18 Audience agreeing.
46:20 The servant of the Lord said
46:22 that when they first looked at that,
46:25 their hearts began to flutter and they looked at that
46:28 and they said,
46:29 "Maybe something is about to happen...
46:31 maybe Noah's on to something... "
46:33 But then in the stillness
46:35 when the conviction and power of the Holy Spirit
46:37 was trying to work on peoples' minds...
46:39 somebody said, "Look at Noah's zoo... his zoo"
46:44 and they started making fun of it,
46:48 and they said,
46:50 "Oh, Noah boy, you're really going to have something...
46:52 you don't have any room for people
46:54 but that place is sure going to stink...
46:56 all these animals in there... "
46:58 and they begin to laugh it off...
47:00 and because... they would not accept that power
47:04 that the living God had been trying to come into their hearts
47:08 to help them change their minds,
47:10 to help them get inside the ark,
47:13 they just stood back and watched.
47:15 Pause...
47:17 Friends, Genesis 6 verse 3 says,
47:20 "My spirit will not always strive with man... "
47:24 in our time, Ladies and Gentlemen,
47:27 He says, "Fear God and give glory to Him;
47:29 for the hour of His judgment is come. " Revelation 14 verse 7
47:33 "and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea,
47:36 and fountains of waters... "
47:38 that is our cry... that is our call...
47:40 that is our desire to let men, women, boys and girls know
47:44 that we must come back and worship the true God,
47:47 our Creator... to receive the Seal of the Living God
47:50 which is the fourth commandment
47:51 that has His name, His title and His territory
47:54 and when we understand that and we live it,
47:56 when we say, "If you love me, keep my commandments"
47:59 and we say, "Lord I will do it, not in my own strength
48:01 but in the power of the Holy Spirit,
48:03 and then when we see, Ephesians 4 verse 30 telling us
48:06 to grieve not the Holy Spirit,
48:08 whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption...
48:11 we see ourselves locking in on the very ark of our lives
48:17 hid in Jesus today.
48:20 "Amen. "
48:22 Pause...
48:24 And then the Bible tells me the angel closed the door.
48:28 Hmmm...
48:29 They all came in... him and his family...
48:32 they came in...
48:34 they went inside and the Lord closed the door...
48:37 He sent an angel to close the door,
48:39 he couldn't do it himself, it was too heavy for him
48:43 and then the strangest thing happened,
48:47 for seven days... nothing happened.
48:51 See that number seven again,
48:54 complete probation...
48:56 probation for the world... 120 years...
48:59 probation for Noah... he had seven days to think about it,
49:03 to see if he really believed what God said.
49:06 I can imagine, when he first went in,
49:08 he was waiting for something to happen,
49:10 nothing happened on the first day,
49:12 nothing happened on the second day,
49:14 nothing happened on the third day... fourth day...
49:17 fifth day... sixth day... nothing happened...
49:19 seventh day... nothing happened.
49:20 "Oh Noah,
49:22 if you could have looked down the corridors of time,
49:24 you would see and know that God does things in seven,
49:26 that's His completion... "
49:27 I see the children of Israel walking around...
49:30 somebody tell me...
49:31 walking around the walls of Jericho,
49:33 seven days... come on now...
49:34 and on the seventh day,
49:36 they walked around the seventh time,
49:37 and they had seven priests with seven trumpets
49:40 and when they blew the trumpet, the walls came tumbling down.
49:44 I see Naaman in that dirty water of the Jordan
49:47 and he went down one time... two times...
49:50 three times... four times...
49:51 the fifth time... he said I got to go home,
49:53 I don't need all of this,
49:55 and they said, "Namaan hold on...
49:56 and just obey the Lord, do exactly what He said. "
49:59 He went down the sixth time
50:01 still thinking something was going to happen,
50:04 but nothing happened until he came on down the seventh time,
50:07 and the song says, when he came up...
50:10 he came up shouting... perfect healing...
50:12 I see Elijah on Mount Carmel and he's praying for the rain
50:17 and the first time... second time... third time...
50:19 still no rain... fourth time... fifth time...
50:21 even though the Lord had answered His prayer immediately
50:24 when fire came down and consumed the sacrifice
50:27 but Ladies and Gentlemen, the servant of the Lord said
50:30 that if it could have come immediately
50:31 when Elijah began to pray,
50:34 it would have been to him as though he had done it
50:37 and the Lord knows... we need to linger and pray with Him
50:40 and then when he prayed the seventh time
50:43 rain came down...
50:44 "Amen. "
50:46 And thus the heaven and earth were finished
50:49 and all the host of them and on the seventh day,
50:54 God completed the work, God made everything
50:59 and God had the celebration.
51:02 Ladies and Gentlemen,
51:04 it says over and over in the Spirit of Prophecy,
51:06 that at the end of the 6,000 years
51:09 the controversy between Christ and Satan will be over
51:12 and Friends, if you look at human history, Biblically...
51:16 years something has happened.
51:19 The first 2,000 years have the flood,
51:23 the second 2,000 years have the cross,
51:27 and Folks, we are now living at that age
51:30 of the last 2,000 years
51:33 and we're looking forward to the King.
51:35 "Amen... "
51:37 Noah is inside the ark, his family is inside the ark,
51:44 the animals are getting a little antsy
51:47 but they know that something's happening and they are there,
51:50 the lion doesn't reach over and snatch up a chicken,
51:53 there's none of that...
51:55 they're all there...
51:58 they're all under the power of the Holy Spirit.
52:00 "Amen. "
52:01 Noah is tested, will he stay in or will he get out?
52:04 Had he been deluded as they said... was he fanatical?
52:08 No, Noah knew that we have to wait on the Lord
52:11 and church, we need to know it here today
52:14 that we have to wait on the Lord,
52:16 He might not come when you want Him
52:18 but He comes when you need Him,
52:20 when we give Him that authority
52:23 to give us what we need when we want it,
52:26 it might not come in on time
52:28 but it will come... right on time,
52:30 Ladies and Gentlemen,
52:32 Noah's there now...
52:34 it's the 8th day... the golden glory of the sun does not appear
52:40 on the eastern horizon,
52:42 something is very, very wrong,
52:45 instead of the brightness of the sun,
52:49 there is a new phenomenon in the sky...
52:53 dark heavy clouds that are getting blacker by the moment
52:58 are covering everything...
53:01 in the background there is the sound of muttering thunder...
53:08 this strange new sound that they had never heard,
53:13 men's hearts... who had been partying
53:16 for seven days around the ark saying,
53:18 "Noah, where is your flood... where is your flood,
53:20 where's your rain... where's your praying...
53:22 where is your God?"
53:23 They are all hushed now... they are looking around in terror
53:26 and then the power of lightening splits the sky,
53:30 it hits their idols and knocks down some trees
53:34 and they all scream in terror.
53:36 Pause...
53:39 But there is more to come
53:40 and then the heavens open up
53:44 and rain...
53:47 rain drops begin to fall...
53:52 they begin to come down harder and harder and the wind...
53:57 Ladies and Gentlemen, begins to whirl and twirl...
54:00 and blow... and lightening is striking and destroying
54:03 and thunder is booming and men, women everywhere
54:07 see the rivers starting to overflood...
54:10 and the rain is coming down
54:12 and over the cry of beast and man screaming...
54:15 you hear someone say, "Run for the ark... "
54:18 but it's too late... my Friends...
54:23 it's too late... too late for salvation...
54:29 I look at this...
54:32 and I see the formula
54:35 that too many of us are following...
54:39 that we can just wait and then all of a sudden
54:43 turn on to be Christians in our own strength.
54:48 That cannot happen, my Friends,
54:51 now is the time... now is the day...
54:56 this is the opportunity
54:58 that God has given and extended to us
55:02 to get right with God
55:05 because His Son, Jesus, is soon to come.
55:09 Are you ready to meet Him?
55:15 The theme of the Bible
55:21 is Jesus...
55:27 and how He died to save men,
55:37 The plan of Salvation
55:42 assures us
55:47 He's coming back again...
55:55 Are you ready
56:01 for Jesus to come?
56:06 Are you faithful in all that you do?
56:15 Have you fought a good fight?
56:21 Have you stood for the right?
56:28 Have others seen Jesus in you?
56:35 Are you ready for Jesus to stand for your faith?
56:39 Pastor: If you're not ready, it's time to get ready
56:43 and you can be ready by just giving Him your heart.
56:47 He loves you... He loves me...
56:50 He died to save us...
56:53 let Him have His way in our lives...
56:55 and we'll be saved.
56:58 God bless you.


Revised 2017-05-03