Participants: Lawrence Dorsey
Series Code: UR
Program Code: UR000014
00:01 Music...
00:56 Good Evening Ambassador Family, 00:59 pause... 01:01 and Good Evening to all of our Friends and Viewers 01:04 who are watching throughout the world, 01:05 I'm Henoc Paulicin 01:07 the Pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church, 01:09 we are located in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. 01:13 This morning while I was doing my devotion, 01:16 I fell upon a text in the book of Matthew chapter 16 01:21 with Matthew's account of Jesus' commission to his disciples, 01:26 Matthew says, "Go into all the world 01:30 and preach to all Creation. " 01:32 We're doing just that here at the Ambassador Church. 01:36 Because of our partnership with 3ABN 01:39 and Living World Ministries... Living Word Ministries... 01:42 people throughout the world... 01:44 in fact all creation is able to hear the gospel 01:48 and you ought to say, "Amen" about that. 01:50 Audience: "Amen. " 01:51 It's funny... I was speaking to some friends 01:53 who don't even attend church in Far Rockaway... 01:56 where I used to live a long time ago, 01:58 and they've been watching... 02:00 I've spoken to friends throughout the world, 02:02 and so because of technology... 02:05 because of the blessing that God has given to 3ABN, 02:09 it has allowed us to reach homes 02:12 that would not be ordinarily reached. 02:14 Now once again, this evening we are privileged to have with us 02:19 Pastor Lawrence S. Dorsey who is the Speaker... Director 02:23 of the Living Word Ministries 02:24 and he has been preaching a Series entitled: 02:28 Through the Eyes of John: Unfolding the Book of Revelation 02:32 and have you been blessed thus far? 02:34 Audience: "Amen. " 02:35 We are looking forward to the blessings of God 02:38 speaking through His manservant 02:40 but let us call on the name of the Lord in prayer 02:43 before we hear from the man of God, 02:46 let's bow our heads, 02:48 "Our Father and our God, 02:49 we are so grateful for the privilege that you have given us 02:52 You have used us to reach the world, 02:56 and Father, we have no idea who will be saved 03:00 because of this and we might not know until we get to heaven 03:04 but we thank you for using us, we thank you for the privilege, 03:08 we pray that your Spirit may pour upon the man of God 03:12 and let Him speak boldly and when all is said and done, 03:16 may we all know that the Spirit of God has moved 03:20 and that God has spoken. 03:21 Hear us as we pray, 03:23 we ask you this in Jesus' name amen. " 03:26 Walking off stage... 03:30 Piano playing... 03:39 more piano... 03:44 Because of who You are, I give you glory 03:51 piano... 03:55 Because of who You are, I give You praise 04:03 Because of who You are, 04:08 I will lift my voice and say, 04:13 "Lord I worship You, because of who You are, 04:21 Lord I worship You... 04:26 because of who You are. " 04:31 Because of who You are, 04:36 I give You glory 04:39 piano... 04:41 Because of who You are, 04:45 I give You praise 04:50 Because of who You are, 04:54 I will lift my voice and say, 05:00 "Lord I worship You, 05:04 because of who You are 05:08 Lord I worship You, 05:12 because of who you are. " 05:17 Jehovah Jireh 05:22 My provider 05:26 Jehovah Nissi 05:30 Lord you reign in victory 05:36 Jehovah Shaloh 05:39 You're my prince of peace 05:45 And I worship you 05:47 Because of who You are 05:55 Because of who You are... 05:58 I'm going to give You glory 06:02 Because of who You are 06:08 I'll give You praise 06:12 Because of who You are 06:17 I will lift my voice and say, 06:22 "Lord I worship You 06:25 because of who You are. 06:31 Lord I worship You 06:34 because of who You are. " 06:42 Audience: "Amen. " 06:44 Can we all say, "Amen. " 06:47 Audience: "Amen. " 06:48 Because of who He is. 06:50 Thank you Michelle for that song... 06:52 a song of praise... and Folks, I can only say, 06:55 "He's everything to me" amen... 06:58 Audience: "Amen. " 06:59 He's everything we need and all that we can imagine 07:01 what a mighty God we serve. 07:04 Audience: "Amen. " 07:05 This evening, I just want to move quickly 07:07 because our message is a very detailed message... 07:10 and it will deal with the very judgment of God 07:12 but before that I just want to say 07:15 that there are some people that have called in 07:18 and we've had something very interesting happen 07:20 in one of the calls we received... or e-mails today... 07:23 we got a call from a Lyndell and her mother, 07:27 a Sister Paris from Atlanta 07:30 and she is a retired Bible Worker in Atlanta, Georgia 07:34 and she said that she's enjoying the meetings 07:36 and she wished that she was able to be here 07:39 and help in this Evangelistic endeavor 07:42 and we got a call from another Sister Paris 07:45 but her "Paris" is her first name 07:46 from Westmoreland, Jamaica 07:48 and she said that she's enjoying the message 07:52 and she said, "Pastor, I'm glad you're not yelling at me" 07:56 and I said, "Okay, Sis... " and she was a stately lady 08:00 and she says that, "I can hear well even though I'm up in age" 08:04 and I said, "Okay, thank you, thank you very much... " 08:06 and then we got a special e-mail 08:10 from a Doctor and Sister Morris from California 08:14 and we appreciate them, 08:15 but we got an e-mail from a Julio... 08:20 I'm just telling you his first name... from Belize... 08:22 and he told me this story, he said that 08:24 at the beginning of the year he made his resolution 08:29 to get things right with his family 08:31 coming home... 08:32 doing the things that he needed to do... 08:34 as a father... and a husband 08:36 and he stopped carousing with the gentlemen 08:38 that he used to be with... he stopped drinking... 08:41 and he started reading his Bible 08:43 and he said that he had been reading his Bible 08:45 and he went through the gospels 08:48 and he had gotten to the book of Revelation 08:51 and he said he started reading it 08:52 and it was very hard for him 08:54 and he said that on one of the Sunday nights 08:57 when we first started, 08:59 he turned to the part when we were talking about the beast 09:02 and he started listening and he said 09:06 the questions that he had in his mind... 09:08 they started to become answered by the Word of God... 09:12 and comparing... and as he's been listening... 09:14 he said... to let me know... 09:16 to let you all know that he has made up his mind... 09:19 him and his family... are going to be baptized 09:22 into the church that keeps the Commandments of God 09:25 and has the testimony of Jesus Christ 09:27 and I'm just so thankful to hear testimonies like that... 09:31 now, I just want you to know 09:32 that there have been so many people asking about the CDs, 09:36 DVDs of the meetings... 09:38 if you go to the website, livingwordministries. tv 09:41 information should be up by the weekend, 09:44 where you will be able to find out the cost of these DVDs 09:48 and how you can receive them. 09:50 You can also follow us on Twitter... 09:52 I told you my daughter... 09:53 she's the one who is keeping us into the technology 09:56 and she says, "Dad, you have to answer these things... " 09:58 so she set me up with a Twitter... 09:59 so you can "Twitter" me, LivingWordTV... 10:03 now, I can work that and I can do a little bit with Facebook, 10:06 I'm doing well, she's helping me 10:08 and she's staying up on me, she said, 10:10 "Dad, if they don't think you're going to pay attention to it... 10:12 if they think it's me... 10:13 they're not going to call... so you have to answer it" 10:14 so I got new friends even today, 10:16 Lawrence Stephen Dorsey, that's the personal one 10:20 and you can come to the 10:21 LivingWordMinistries. TV on Facebook. 10:25 now, I hope I did well, Allison. 10:28 Audience: Laughing... 10:29 Tonight let us get to work with this message... 10:31 please... I hope you have pencil and paper 10:34 those of you at home... we want you to have your Bibles 10:36 and I want you to write these things down 10:38 so you can look them over to see what the judgment entails. 10:43 Shall we pray? "Loving Father, 10:45 again we are thankful for your love and mercy 10:47 Lord, we need your Holy Spirit every day 10:50 but even tonight, Lord, we ask for a double portion of it 10:54 for understanding and comprehension 10:56 and as we go through this divine message Lord... 11:00 a message that affects us personally, 11:02 we pray that it will not frighten us 11:05 but it will encourage us... it will empower us 11:07 it will enlighten us in heavenly things 11:09 that we might submit all unto you 11:12 our everything... that we might be saved 11:15 in Jesus' name, amen and amen. " 11:18 Turn quickly to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10, 11:25 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 10, 11:30 pause... 11:33 this text has brought the 11:38 essence of the judgment to thousands. 11:43 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 10... 12:09 I told you the story of this Hollywood individual who passed 12:14 and he said he wasn't sure if God was real or not 12:17 but to make sure 12:18 there was no judgment that he would have to be a part of... 12:21 instead of being buried in an original way, 12:23 he said he wanted to be cremated 12:26 and then he wanted his ashes spread out across the sea. 12:31 Pause... 12:32 He said, that way if there is a hell or something, he'd miss it. 12:37 Audience: Laughter... 12:39 Well, Folks, we can't get away from the Living God... 12:41 the Living God will bring us all back together 12:44 from wherever we are... at the appointed time. 12:47 I want us to clear up some confusion... 12:50 2nd Corinthians 5:10 says, 12:54 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ 12:58 that everyone may receive the things done in his body 13:01 according to that what he has done 13:05 whether it be good or bad. 13:07 We look at Matthew chapter 25, turn with me, 13:12 Matthew chapter 25 and we see in this chapter... 13:16 in this chapter, Matthew chapter 25... 13:19 verses 31 through 34, it says this... 14:06 We look at this and we hear these words 14:09 and it causes us somehow to get a different concept 14:15 of what we have been saying here every night 14:19 and here's where I'm going. 14:20 Each night we have looked at a portion of the judgment... 14:24 some things of the judgment and we have talked about them 14:27 and we said that the judgment is going on now. 14:30 The text that we looked at... 14:32 it's found in Revelation 14 verse 7. 14:36 "Fear God and give glory to Him 14:38 for the hour of His judgment is come. " 14:40 Not coming... is come. 14:42 We said that the church... and this is what the Bible says 14:46 that we are the church... the 7th church, Laodicea, 14:50 which means, "the judging of the people" 14:53 so when we look at this and we see that the judgment 14:57 in Revelation is saying, "has already come" or started... 15:01 and then when we read this text in 2nd Corinthians 15:04 and then we read what it says in Matthew 25 15:07 somehow we can get confused and think, 15:10 "Is the Bible contradicting itself?" 15:13 Well Friends, the Bible never contradicts itself. 15:16 Audience: "Amen. " 15:17 The Bible is its own expositor. 15:19 You have to understand the entire principle 15:23 of how this works out. 15:24 Now, when Paul says in 2nd Corinthians 15:28 that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, 15:32 and then when we look at Matthew 25 15:35 and it says... Jesus will sit on His throne 15:37 and He will separate them at His coming, 15:40 the goats from the sheep... 15:41 and I heard one person say, I don't know how deep this is 15:45 but he said that the reason the goats are the bad ones... 15:49 he said because the goats are always "butting. " 15:51 Audience: Laughter. 15:53 "I would do it but... " 15:55 "I can't do it but... " 15:57 "My life's so and so... but, but, but... " 16:00 we have excuses... well, anyway... 16:02 anyway... let me just move on... 16:03 so when I look at this, I have no contradiction 16:08 from the Bible at all because 16:10 when I continue to look through Scripture 16:13 and I see the things that are taking place 16:15 and I thank God that we have been able 16:17 to go through Scripture night after night, 16:19 line upon line... precept upon precept, 16:22 here a little... there a little... 16:23 we've been able to go through the Scriptures 16:25 and see the things of the Word 16:28 that gives us a clear understanding 16:31 of what is going to happen, 16:33 we see that when the Lord comes with a shout 16:36 and with the voice of the archangel, 16:38 it says, "the dead in Christ shall rise first 16:42 and we which are alive and remain 16:45 shall be caught up together with Him in the air 16:47 and so shall we ever be with the Lord. " 16:50 So what does this say? 16:52 This is saying that the separation will take place 16:57 when Christ comes because decisions have already been made 17:02 pause... 17:03 Ladies and Gentlemen, 17:06 it's so clear for us to understand it. 17:08 When Jesus comes with all of the angels of glory... 17:13 that's what it says in Matthew 17:16 and when He sits in that throne 17:18 and He takes us up from the earth 17:21 in an instant... in a twinkling of an eye, 17:24 the righteous will be changed, that's what we saw last night, 17:27 in 1st Corinthians chapter 15, beginning with verse 51. 17:31 Changed in an instant... in the twinkling of an eye. 17:34 We see that the Lord knows who belongs to Him. 17:40 The wicked will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming 17:46 so He knows who is righteous and He knows who is wicked. 17:51 pause... 17:52 why? because the judgment has already taken place... 17:58 the parts that we need to understand... 18:01 when we look at the message last night 18:04 now remember, all of these messages are connecting 18:07 and they build on each other on the foundation 18:09 that the Word of God is the standard of God... 18:11 when we look at the message last night 18:14 in the book of Revelation chapter 20, 18:17 A 1,000 Years of Peace... 18:19 we saw, in Revelation 20, go to it... 18:22 Revelation 20 verse 4 18:25 when the devil was bound by circumstances 18:28 why? because there were no good people to tempt... 18:31 they have gone to heaven 18:32 and there were no evil people to tempt... 18:34 because they've died out all over the earth... 18:37 pause... 18:39 and he has to sit there for a 1,000 years 18:41 in this temporary prison 18:43 because Planet Earth has been reduced to shambles 18:46 at the 2nd coming of Christ 18:48 and then the Bible tells us 18:50 what the righteous will be doing in heaven 18:53 and you look at chapter 20, book of Revelation, 18:56 verse 4 and it says... 19:25 Ladies and Gentlemen, we see the saints of God 19:28 are there in the City... in glory... with Jesus... 19:33 going over the record books 19:35 to see why those individuals who are lost are lost. 19:39 Pause... 19:41 Now Folks, I don't know about you, 19:42 but I don't want to be lost... number one, 19:45 and if I'm lost... God forbid, 19:48 I don't want everybody seeing what I did to make me lost, 19:51 are you with me? 19:53 Audience: Agreeing. 19:54 When I read in this same chapter, 19:56 chapter 20 of the book of Revelation, verse 11 it says, 20:00 "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, 20:03 whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; 20:06 and there was found no place for them. 20:08 And I saw the dead, small and great, 20:10 stand before God; and the books... " 20:12 with an "s" "were opened: 20:14 and another book was opened, which is the Book of Life: 20:16 and the dead were judged out of those things 20:19 which were written in the books, according to their works. " 20:22 Pause... 20:24 So what this is saying to us, Ladies and Gentlemen, 20:26 that there is an Investigative Judgment 20:30 that will take place that will determine 20:34 if we are saved or if we are lost... 20:37 if we are sheep or if we are "butting goats" 20:40 pause... 20:44 but again, there's something we have to understand 20:47 that we have stressed night after night, 20:50 we said... because the Bible said it 20:53 that judgment begins at the house of God first 20:56 so when we look at this for a minute, 20:59 when we look at what takes place in the future 21:02 during that millennium... a thousand-year period, 21:06 that's when the wicked will be judged... 21:08 or other words... we will concur with the judgment of Christ 21:12 on why they have been lost... 21:14 the judgment for the saints of God 21:17 happens beforehand 21:19 and we read... and you saw it... please turn to 1st Peter... 21:23 1st Peter chapter 4... 21:25 1st Peter chapter 4 and it tells us 21:29 in... I'm sorry, in verse 17 21:32 it says that judgment must being in the house of God, 21:37 pause... 21:39 it has to come there first. 21:41 1st Peter 4:17... it has to begin with the house of God 21:49 if it doesn't begin there Ladies and Gentlemen, 21:51 it doesn't happen. 21:53 We who are God's children are the individuals 21:57 who have to make a stand for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 22:03 to determine if we are truly His children 22:07 and by our lives, submitting to Him... 22:10 submitting to His Spirit... we are judged as individuals 22:16 who are able to stand in the very judgment of Christ. 22:21 Pause... 22:22 Now, how do you get into the judgment 22:28 as one of the righteous? 22:30 Pause... 22:32 My Friends, our names have to go in 22:35 to the Lamb's Book of Life. 22:37 Your name goes in the Lamb's Book of Life 22:41 when you decide to make Jesus your choice. 22:45 When you say that He is your Savior... He is your God... 22:50 He is the One that you desire to cover you by His blood, 22:54 when you make a commitment to Him 22:57 as your Lord and Savior, 22:59 your name goes into the Lamb's Book of Life. 23:02 It is full, it is free, it is complete 23:05 but Ladies and Gentlemen, it depends on you... 23:08 it depends on me 23:10 if our names stay in the Lamb's Book of Life. 23:12 You see, there's no such thing as "once saved, always saved. " 23:17 Audience: "Amen. " 23:18 Now, I'm going to say that again because I know someone 23:20 didn't hear that and said, "What did he say?" 23:22 I said, there's no such thing as "one saved and always saved... " 23:28 Audience: Agreeing. 23:30 It's not like that, 23:31 I read my Bible and we need to clarify that 23:35 so somebody sees that and somebody doesn't say, 23:38 "Dorsey said that... " no, Dorsey didn't say that, 23:41 the Bible says that... through Ezekiel, 23:43 turn with me to the book of Ezekiel, 23:46 what book did I say? 23:47 Ezekiel chapter 20, it's chapter 20, 23:51 searching the Bible... 23:55 well, no, no, let's look at it from a different point, 23:59 let's go back and look at it from 18... 24:02 chapter 18... chapter 18 verse 20, it says, 24:07 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. 24:10 The son shall not bear the iniquity 24:13 of the father, 24:14 neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: 24:16 the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, 24:20 and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. 24:24 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins 24:26 that he has committed, 24:28 and keep all my statutes, 24:29 and do what is lawful and what is right, 24:32 he shall surely live, he shall not die. " 24:35 Folks we understand that, that is mercy... that is grace. 24:38 "All his transgressions that he has committed, 24:42 they shall not be mentioned unto him: 24:43 in his righteousness that he has done he shall live. " 24:48 Now watch this, verse 24, 24:50 "But when the righteous turn away from his righteousness, 24:54 and committeth iniquity, 24:56 and doeth according to all the 24:59 abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live?" 25:03 That's "once saved and always saved" 25:06 "I gave my heart to Jesus so I can do whatever I want to do 25:09 I can still keep drinking... smoking and running around... 25:13 I can still keep lying and all... 25:14 the grace of God is there, 25:16 He knows I'm willing but my flesh is weak... " 25:19 pause... 25:21 that's the goat... "but... but... but... " 25:23 the record says here, 25:25 "But when the righteous turn away from his righteousness 25:28 and committeth iniquity 25:29 and doeth according to all the abominations 25:31 that the wicked man does, shall he live? 25:34 All his righteousness that he hath done 25:37 shall not be mentioned: 25:39 in his trespass that he has trespassed 25:44 in his sin that he has sinned, 25:49 in them shall he or she die. " 25:51 Now that's plain... 25:53 so that tells me that my name... 25:56 if it goes in the Lamb's Book of Life... 25:58 and Ladies and Gentlemen, I pray, tell 26:00 that all of our names remain in the Lamb's Book of Life. 26:03 Revelation chapter 20 verse 12 says, 26:06 "And I saw the dead, small and great, 26:08 stand before God; and the books... " 26:10 with an "s" "were opened: 26:11 and another book was opened which is the Book of Life... " 26:20 Pause... 26:22 Daniel... Daniel, Ladies and Gentlemen 26:25 if you would turn with me in your Bibles to Daniel chapter 7, 26:29 Daniel chapter 7 verse 9... 26:31 Daniel had a view of this judgment 26:35 that is going on even now of the righteous. 26:39 Daniel chapter 7... you see, 26:43 God is not even dealing with the wicked now, 26:45 are you listening to me? 26:48 are you seeing it? 26:49 It says in Daniel chapter 7 9 through 11, 26:54 "And I beheld till the thrones were cast down, 26:56 and the Ancient of days did sit, 26:58 whose garment was white as snow, 27:00 and the hair of his head was like pure wool: 27:02 his throne was like the fiery flame, 27:04 and his wheels as burning fire. 27:06 A fiery stream issued 27:10 and came forth from before him, 27:12 ten thousand times ten thousand ministered unto him 27:15 and ten thousand stood before him: 27:17 the judgment was set, and the books were opened. " 27:21 The Investigative Judgment is going on now 27:27 and those from the beginning of time till now... 27:31 who have claimed to be Christ's children... 27:34 sons... daughters... 27:35 their names are in the book 27:37 and they are being compared to the other books of heaven 27:40 to see if their names or our names 27:44 stay in the Lamb's Book of Life. 27:47 Now I'm so thankful 27:49 that the Bible tells me what these other books are 27:52 so I will know. 27:53 Now, you know, I have done some work in Prison Ministry 27:57 early in my ministry 28:00 and there was one thing that I've seen... 28:02 I don't know of places... but in many places 28:05 that when you visit the folks inside... 28:09 and some got incarcerated... not all but some... 28:11 majority... everybody says it wasn't them. 28:13 Pause... 28:15 Everybody says, they're innocent it wasn't them... 28:17 and they're looking for somebody to plead their case and say... 28:19 and a lot of times we find out with new DNA testing 28:22 that... that's true, 28:23 there are people that really didn't do it... 28:25 and they're behind bars. 28:27 But the majority of people say, "it wasn't me... 28:29 it was somebody that looked like me... my cousin... " 28:31 one person told me a long time ago 28:33 that everybody has a twin... 28:34 "somebody that looks just like me... " 28:35 you know... that's fine... 28:37 but let me tell you something, 28:38 there will be no mix up with the judgment of God. 28:41 Audience: "Amen. " 28:43 When I read my Bible and I want you to see this, 28:45 when you turn to Psalm 139, it tells me 28:49 that there is a Book of Description 28:53 that lets us know that God won't get mixed up 28:57 and you get blamed for somebody else's sin. 29:00 Audience: Agreeing. 29:02 Even if you have a twin or a triplet... hello... 29:05 it says in Psalm 139, let's read quickly, it says, 29:09 "O LORD, thou hast searched me, 29:10 and known me... " that's verse 1, 29:12 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, 29:14 thou understandest my thought afar off. 29:17 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, 29:19 and are acquainted with all my ways. 29:21 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, 29:26 thou knowest it altogether. 29:27 Thou hast beset me behind and before, 29:30 and laid thine hand upon me. " 29:33 Pause... 29:34 "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me: it is high, 29:38 I cannot attain unto it. 29:39 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? 29:42 or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 29:44 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: 29:46 if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. 29:48 If I take the wings of the morning, 29:50 and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; 29:52 Even there shall thy hand lead me, 29:55 and thy right hand shall hold me. 29:58 if I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; 30:01 even in the night shall be light about me. 30:04 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; 30:07 but the night shineth as the day: 30:09 the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. " 30:12 Now let's go down to verse 15. 30:14 It says, "My substance was not hid from thee, 30:18 when I was made in secret, 30:20 and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. " 30:41 In other words, in heaven, there's a book 30:44 that has a description of us 30:46 that completely updates us as we go through life. 30:51 Audience: "Amen. " 30:52 So He knows what we look like, He won't get mixed up. 30:57 He knows that funny little walk, come on now, 31:01 He knows that funny little head, 31:03 come one now, He knows our funny little ears, 31:07 He knows all about us, He sees us. 31:10 My Bible tells me, Ladies and Gentlemen 31:12 in Matthew 10 verse 30, 31:14 that He knows how many hairs we have on our head. 31:17 The only way we don't know that is if we don't have it, 31:19 the only way we know is if we don't have any. 31:21 Pause... 31:22 Each time you brush your hair... hair comes out 31:24 and those books in heaven update exactly what we are about. 31:30 Audience: "Amen. " 31:31 God cares about us, He knows us. 31:34 That Book of Description is there, Ladies and Gentlemen, 31:38 you can't say it wasn't you. 31:40 You can't get away from the Living God. 31:44 Not only is there a Book of Description 31:48 Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a Book of Remembrance 31:52 and I thank God for the Book of Remembrance... 31:55 it's almost like a book of our good deeds 31:57 because... in the Book of Remembrance... 32:00 and I want you to turn with me to the Book of Malachi, 32:03 Malachi chapter 3... Malachi chapter 3, 32:06 in this Book of Remembrance, Ladies and Gentlemen, 32:09 verse 16... it tells us... 32:32 Verse 17 says... 32:34 "And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, 32:38 in that day when I make up my jewels; 32:40 and I will spare them, 32:42 as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. " 32:45 In other words, in that Book of Remembrance, 32:49 all the good things that we ever did in life are there. 32:53 Pause... 32:55 Now I have thought maybe somebody in the live audience 32:57 would say, "Amen. " 32:58 Audience: "Amen. " 33:00 All of the good things we ever did are there. 33:02 A famous Bible Commentator writes this 33:05 about this Book of Remembrance, 33:08 it says, "All the words of faith, 33:12 acts of love, deeds of righteousness, 33:16 every temptation that we have resisted, 33:19 every evil that we have overcome, 33:23 every word of tender pity expressed in faithfulness, 33:29 every act of sacrifice, 33:31 every suffering and sorrow endured for Christ's sake, 33:36 all of these are written in the Lamb's Book of Remembrance. 33:42 Audience: "Amen. " 33:43 David says in Psalm 56 verse 8, "Thou tellest my wanderings: 33:48 put thou my tears in thy bottle... " 33:51 and he is saying, 33:53 "are they not written in thy book?" 33:55 Nehemiah 13 verse 14, 33:57 God has a record of our faithfulness. 34:02 and Folks, that should make you feel good. 34:04 because Folks, 34:05 sometimes it doesn't feel as though anybody cares 34:08 that you're doing the right thing 34:10 and sometimes... even at church 34:11 it's as though you're out there by yourself. 34:14 you have all of this enthusiasm, 34:17 you're trying to do everything you can 34:18 for the Kingdom of God and the children of God... 34:21 they look at you and just say, "Oh hum... " 34:23 "What's wrong?" "Okay... " 34:26 because of the lukewarmness in the church. 34:29 Sometimes you plan a program 34:31 and you sacrifice your time and your money and you put it there 34:34 and you expect people to come and see it 34:35 and you would think that they would say 34:37 that this was the greatest thing that ever happened, 34:39 and nobody shows up but you and the family 34:41 and you want to give up... you can't quit... 34:45 don't give up Friends and don't quit 34:48 because in the Lamb's Book of Remembrance 34:52 your good deeds and your sacrifice... they're there 34:56 so we are not here to please people, 34:58 oh no, you can never please people, 35:01 we are here to please the Master. 35:04 Audience: "Amen. " 35:07 So keep adding on 35:09 to the Lamb's Book of Good Deeds Book of Remembrance 35:14 that He would count it to us as faithful righteousness. 35:20 Now not only is there a Book of Description, 35:26 there's also a Book of Remembrance 35:30 and there is also a Book of our Sins. 35:34 Now Friends, I know if we had illustrations here 35:39 and I had a book that had all of my good deeds, 35:43 it would probably be like this, come on now, 35:47 let's be honest, 35:49 when the Lord takes out everything 35:52 and just looks at our good deeds 35:55 and then if we had a book of all of our sins... 36:00 oh my! 36:02 we know that's a big book. 36:05 We see it in Isaiah 65... Isaiah 65 verses 6 and 7, 36:13 it says, "your sins are written before me" 36:17 Folks, don't you know that we're going to be judged 36:21 by our thoughts, our words and our deeds, 36:26 everything you think... everything you say... 36:30 everything we do... 36:33 will be taken account of in the judgment. 36:36 Now if you expect your name... if I expect my name... 36:40 to stay in the Lamb's Book of Life, 36:43 it's going to go through the Book of Description... 36:46 it's going to go through our good deeds 36:48 and then it's going to go to the Book of Sin. 36:50 If you will turn with me to Ecclesiastes... 36:54 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 it says this... 36:58 and Folks, you know, this is a very sobering text, 37:01 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 13 and 14 37:06 because as it reads... it shows everything. 37:11 It says, verse 13 chapter 12, Ecclesiastes... 37:16 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter... " 37:20 in other words... this is the bottom line. 37:23 "Fear God, and keep his commandments: 37:27 for this is the whole duty of man. " 37:29 And we talked about this fearing of God... 37:32 it's not to be afraid of Him... to be in awe of Him... 37:35 to give Him the reverence that is due His name, 37:39 to serve Him with a full life. 37:42 He says, "Let us hear the conclusion... " 37:44 the bottom line "of the whole matter, 37:47 fear God and keep His commandments. " 37:49 His Commandments are what? 37:51 The standard of the judgment. 37:52 His Commandments define what sin is 37:55 "for sin is a transgression of the Law" 37:58 and the Commandments of God, Ladies and Gentlemen... 38:01 it is also called "the royal law of liberty" 38:04 and if we break one, we're guilty of breaking all. 38:09 That's what the Word says. 38:10 Sin is defined as the transgression of the Law 38:14 and the penalty of sin, Ladies and Gentlemen, is death. 38:19 Isn't it saying that? 38:21 Romans 6 verse 23, that sin... 38:24 "the wages of sin is death... " 38:27 but we don't have to fear today 38:30 because of Jesus dying on Calvary's cross, 38:33 Ladies and Gentlemen, 38:35 Jesus paid it all 38:36 and that's why we have to understand as Christians 38:39 grace is there for us where we have broken the Law of God 38:43 but it does not mean for us to continue breaking the Law of God 38:48 it is high time to wake out of sleep 38:50 to confess our sins... to repent of our sins... 38:54 and to have not only revival... 38:57 that's new life that comes from Lord 38:59 but a reformation of our lives as long as God gives us life 39:04 to bring our lives in harmony with His will 39:07 by the renewing of our minds 39:09 through the power of the Holy Spirit. 39:12 Audience: "Amen. " 39:13 So when I look at this text in Ecclesiastes 12 39:18 verse 13 and 14, it says... 39:36 Now, that same Bible writer 39:39 that talked about the Book of Remembrance, says this, 39:42 "Opposite each name in the books of heaven 39:47 is entered with terrible exactness, 39:50 every wrong word... every selfish act... 39:56 every unfulfilled duty... 39:59 every secret sin... 40:02 with every awful dissembling" in other words, 40:06 the plans that you use to do what you did... 40:08 you know, the secret plans that you thought you were so slick 40:12 that nobody else knew about it but you, 40:15 I mean, you joined the choir... not to sing 40:18 but to get next to Bobby who belongs to Betty... 40:23 who is your best friend... oh oh... 40:27 I'm not talking about Jerry, I'm talking about life. 40:30 Hmmm... 40:32 Your plans... 40:34 your secret plan to get there, 40:37 or why you said that that person couldn't do the job 40:41 and you knew they couldn't do the job 40:43 and then... when your name came up 40:45 it was your plan to kill that person's character 40:47 so you could have the position. 40:49 Hmmm... 40:51 All of that... 40:53 all of that... 40:54 it continues to read, 40:56 "next to each name in heaven 41:00 in the books is entered with terrible exactness 41:05 heaven-sent warnings or reproof neglected... 41:09 when the Lord was telling you, you're doing something wrong... 41:12 Now Folks, you know and I know when the Lord tells us that. 41:15 You know it, that's why you get that look on your face. 41:18 Pause... 41:20 You can't sleep, you toss and turn... 41:22 when we have those storms like we had the other day... 41:25 last night... all that thunder and lightning... 41:26 you start remembering how to pray. 41:28 Audience: Laughter... 41:30 "I'm sorry Lord, help me, forgive me... " 41:33 come on now, you know I'm being realistic here, 41:36 heaven-sent warnings that we neglected... 41:41 wasted moments... 41:44 oh my friends, 41:46 this is something that is very, very important 41:48 for us to contemplate, 41:50 wasted moments... how much time do we waste? 41:53 We sit around and we just stay on the computer... 41:58 pause... 41:59 computers are good... nothing wrong with that... 42:03 but make sure you're doing something beneficial. 42:06 Hmmm... 42:08 Wasted moments... watching TV day and night... 42:12 and Folks, you know there's nothing wrong with TV 42:14 but you have to be temperate in all things... 42:17 I mean, there is no way your eyeballs can watch 400 channels 42:21 pause... 42:23 but they're there in front of you... 42:25 it's always something there to catch your attention. 42:29 We have to be disciplined, 42:31 we have to be intentional, 42:33 when you get up in the morning, 42:35 you have to take time and talk to the Lord 42:38 and spend time in prayer 42:40 and read the Word of God 42:41 to fortify you for the day. 42:43 Audience: "Amen. " 42:45 You can't say, 42:46 when you get home... you're going to study 42:48 and do that in the evening before you go to sleep... 42:50 that won't happen. 42:51 Either you come home and the food will be so good 42:55 that you fall asleep in the chair 42:57 or you turn on the TV just to watch the news 43:00 and you know the news... that's all... 24... 7... 43:04 and then by the time you get to your Bible... 43:09 you open it up... you say, 43:11 "I'm not going to let the devil get me... " 43:13 dozing off... 43:17 and the devil is like, "Sleep little baby... sleep... " 43:21 and there you are... head on the pillow... gone... 43:25 good intentions but Friends, you know what it says 43:29 about the road that is paved for that place... 43:32 is paved with good intentions. 43:35 You and I have to be intentional in our salvation, 43:38 we have to be intentional in our devotion, 43:41 we have to be intentional on how we spend our time. 43:45 There's a time for relaxing and there's a time for friends 43:49 and there's a time for the internet... 43:50 there's a time for TV 43:52 but Folks, make sure the hardest part of our time... 43:56 or the best part of our time... 43:57 it's given to God that we are fortified 44:00 and let us take these things that are around us 44:03 and use them in a positive manner 44:06 to uplift the Kingdom of God. 44:08 Audience: "Amen. " 44:09 The record says, "Wasted moments... 44:16 unimproved opportunities... " man... 44:19 there are folks that should have been out here night after night, 44:22 pause... 44:24 that's all I'm going to say. 44:26 Pause... 44:29 There's so much we can do but we don't do. 44:32 Pause... 44:33 We think when everything is going okay 44:36 that we don't really need the Lord 44:39 but when the crises comes... then we get religious. 44:41 Pause... 44:43 We think when the Lord is blessing us, 44:46 that it's automatic... and we lose that spiritual hold we have 44:51 and become presumptuous. 44:53 David said, Ladies and Gentlemen, 44:57 "Lord keep me back from presumptuous sin" 45:00 we must ever remember that we need Him every single hour... 45:04 every single day... 45:05 Audience: "Amen. " 45:07 Pause... 45:08 When your blessings start drying up, 45:11 then you remember the Lord. 45:12 Pause... 45:14 But anyway, I'm going to leave that alone, 45:15 I'm going to move right along... 45:17 it says, "Unimproved opportunities... " 45:21 the influence exerted for good or for evil, 45:25 with its far-reaching effects. 45:27 Now Folks, out of all of these things, 45:29 that really frightens me because you know what? 45:31 there are things that we say and do 45:33 that influence people's lives 45:35 and I have asked the Lord, over and over again, 45:37 that if I have influenced people for my wickedness... in my life 45:42 during my days here on Planet Earth, 45:44 please stop that chain of influence for evil 45:48 and reverse it. 45:50 Pause... 45:51 Folks, our attitude... an unkind word... 45:55 a temper outburst... 45:59 a revert back to the natural man or woman 46:02 can send somebody on a path 46:04 that they might not come back to Christ, 46:06 pause... 46:08 saying something impure... 46:11 unholy advances... 46:15 pause... 46:17 turn people away for life. 46:20 Pause... 46:22 Be careful what we say, be careful what we do, 46:28 be careful what we think. 46:30 My Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 4 verse 5 46:35 that we will be judged by the the thoughts of our hearts. 46:38 Friends, Jesus knows what's going on 46:40 in your heart and your mind, you can't hide from Him. 46:43 Audience: "Amen. " 46:45 More than that, Ladies and Gentlemen, 46:48 it says, our words... our very words... 46:52 we will once again face... 46:54 you got to see this. 46:57 Matthew chapter 12... turn quickly... 47:00 Matthew chapter 12 verses 36 and 37, 47:03 it says it here, so plainly and simply... 47:06 and Folks, you know what? 47:07 the devil has so many different ways for us to mess up words. 47:10 It used to be... you would just talk to people 47:13 and you could mess up 47:15 but now you can tell them on the phone, 47:18 you can text them, 47:20 you can tweet them... oh... oh... 47:23 you can do all kinds of ways, look what it says here, 47:26 it says, "But I say unto you, 47:28 That every idle word that men shall speak, 47:30 they shall give account thereof 47:32 in the day of judgment. " 47:34 Folks, we can't even remember all of our words 47:36 whispering sweet nothings... 47:40 is going to turn into something someday. 47:42 Pause... 47:44 Listen to me, read it, 47:46 it says, "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, 47:50 and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. " 47:52 Talking about people. 47:54 Oh my goodness, 47:55 oh I know somebody is getting angry with me but that's okay, 47:58 you have all the rest of your life to get glad, 48:00 talking about the saints of God, 48:02 conspiring and whispering... doing the things we do... 48:06 talking about individuals 48:07 who are less fortunate than ourselves, 48:09 God's ears hear that 48:11 and the avenging angel of God will take it out when He comes 48:15 pause... 48:17 and more than that, Ladies and Gentlemen, 48:19 we all have angels that are with us... recording angels... 48:24 taking down every single thing we say. 48:27 pause... 48:30 People say, "Really Pastor, 48:32 there's an angel writing down everything I say?" 48:36 Well, turn with me to Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 4, 48:41 it says, "When thou vowest a vow unto God, 48:44 defer not to pay it; 48:45 for he hath no pleasure in fools: 48:47 pay that which thou hast vowed. 48:49 Better it is that you shouldn't vow, 48:51 than thou shouldest vow and not pay. 48:54 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; 48:58 neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: 49:02 wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, 49:04 and destroy the work of thine hands?" 49:06 In other words... whatever you're saying... 49:09 the angel is writing it down 49:10 and Folks, he's not making any mistakes. 49:13 Pause... 49:15 It's a solemn thing when it comes to the judgment. 49:19 Now I understand why in 1st Peter 4 verse 17, 49:25 when we read that text, in 1st Peter 4, 49:28 it tells us, Ladies and Gentlemen, 49:30 verse 18, "If the righteous scarcely be saved... " 49:33 in other words, if the righteous are just going to make it 49:36 hmmm... if the righteous are just going to make it... 49:41 those are the individuals that know the Lord... 49:43 who are serving Him... 49:45 who are doing what He expects from them... 49:47 if the righteous are scarcely saved... 49:49 it says again in 1st Peter 4 verse 17... 50:02 If the righteous have to go through all of that... 50:05 to keep our names in the Lamb's Book of Life, 50:09 and Folks, I don't know about you 50:11 but each time I read that message 50:12 and I go over that message 50:14 and I finish with that Book of Sin, 50:16 I'm not feeling too good about "me" 50:19 thought, words and deeds, 50:23 there's something that we're going to get judged for 50:26 that we didn't do 50:28 just because we didn't have an opportunity to do it 50:30 but we sure had it in our heart to do. 50:33 Pause... 50:34 what does that mean? 50:38 now Folks, it only means one thing... 50:40 we need a Savior... 50:42 Audience: "Amen. " 50:43 We need some help... 50:45 we need a lawyer in this judgment that is going on now, 50:49 and Ladies and Gentlemen, 50:50 I'm so thankful that my Bible tells me clearly and simply 50:53 to give me hope that there is a Savior... 50:56 His name is Jesus... and 1st John 2 verse 1 tells us 51:00 "if any man sins, he has an advocate with the Father. " 51:04 Audience: "Amen. " 51:06 Picture the scene, Ladies and Gentlemen, 51:08 we're in that Court Room setting 51:11 and Folks, the reason why we can come before God 51:13 in the judgment... 51:14 because we will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. 51:17 It is an Investigative Judgment that is going on now. 51:20 It will continue... when probation ends... 51:25 when everyone's case is decided... 51:27 that's where Revelation 22 verse 11 says, 51:29 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: 51:32 he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: 51:34 he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: 51:36 he that is holy, let him be holy still. " 51:38 That's when He stands up and says that 51:41 and everybody's case is set. 51:43 Pause... 51:44 So the Investigative Judgment is going on now, 51:47 the proclamation part of the judgment 51:49 will be when He says that 51:50 and the execution of the judgment will come in two parts. 51:54 The first part will come 51:55 when the righteous are redeemed from Planet Earth 51:57 at the second coming of Christ 51:58 and the wicked will be destroyed at the end of the millennium. 52:02 Audience: "Amen. " 52:04 We're in the classroom or we're in the Court Room, 52:07 pause... 52:08 the name comes up... 52:10 pause... 52:11 we are hit with the sins of our lives. 52:16 We've stolen and we've lied and we've wasted time 52:19 and we've done this and we've done that 52:21 and it goes all through our names... 52:23 everything we have done 52:25 and Folks, the devil has 52:26 a record of everything he has helped us do 52:29 pause... 52:30 and everyone in the Court Room is looking... 52:33 the angels are looking... 52:34 and Jesus is there and the Father is there 52:37 and Satan is there... 52:38 and this dramatic scene that we're using as an illustration, 52:41 I'm not saying it goes like this but this is the gist of it. 52:44 Pause... 52:45 And then, everybody looks to Jesus... 52:49 and then Jesus stands up... and He stands up and he says, 52:54 "Everything that has been said about this person is true... 53:00 it's true... 53:03 but Father, I have never lied 53:06 and I have never committed adultery 53:08 and I have never stolen and I have never been jealous 53:11 and I never... and I have never... 53:12 and I have never, and I have never... " 53:14 and He goes through the list and He says, 53:16 I declare by the blood that paid this on Calvary, 53:20 He is pardoned... 53:21 Audience: "Amen... amen... " 53:24 And a roar goes out among the angels 53:26 and their smiles are upon their faces 53:28 and that name stays in the Lamb's Book of Life. 53:32 Audience: "Amen. " 53:34 Then what happens if you don't have Jesus? 53:37 What happens if you don't know Him? 53:39 What happens if you have neglected Him time and time 53:42 and time and time and time again? 53:44 You're going to be in that Court Room on your own, 53:47 He cannot lie, He cannot change His law, 53:51 He cannot justify an unrepentant sinner, 53:56 and He can't save a man... a woman... against his will 54:00 but if you'll let Him, He'll cover you with His life. 54:04 Audience: "Amen. " 54:08 Deep are the wounds 54:14 transgression has made, 54:20 Red are the stains, 54:26 my soul is afraid, 54:31 O to be covered, 54:38 Jesus, with Thee, 54:44 Safe from the law that 54:50 now covers me! 54:55 Cover with His life, 55:01 whiter than snow, 55:07 Fullness of His life 55:13 then shall I know, 55:19 My life of scarlet, 55:25 my sin and woe, 55:31 Cover with His life, 55:36 whiter than snow. 55:42 Friends, do you see the need today 55:44 that had Jesus as your personal Savior? 55:47 Do you see the need 55:51 to make your calling and election sure? 55:53 Do you see the need 55:56 of making sure you have worship every morning 55:59 and that you fortify yourself with the Word of God? 56:03 Do you see the need 56:07 of allowing Him to come into your life 56:10 and take control of your temper 56:13 and all of the negative aspects of your heart? 56:17 Friends, if you want Jesus to come in and be your Advocate, 56:23 your Lord, your Savior, your God... 56:25 I want you to just say it in your heart right now... 56:28 wherever you are by raising your hand upward 56:31 and say, "Lord Jesus, come into my heart 56:35 be my Advocate, be my Savior, 56:40 be my God... 56:42 when you come to my name, 56:45 let my name stay in your Book..." 56:48 that is our prayer tonight... 56:52 let God's people say, "Amen and amen. " 56:58 Audience: "Amen. " |
Revised 2017-04-19