Participants: Lawrence Dorsey
Series Code: UR
Program Code: UR000013
00:01 Music...
00:55 Good Evening Ambassador, 00:59 I'm Pastor Henoc Paulicin, 01:02 I'm the Pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church. 01:05 The Ambassador Church is located 01:08 in the lovely city of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, 01:11 very close to Fort Lauderdale Airport 01:14 and about 20 to 30 minutes away from Miami, Florida, 01:18 we are a friendly and growing church 01:20 and if you're in the area, 01:22 we'd love to invite you to come and worship with us. 01:25 I have with me today, one of the members of my Ministerial Staff 01:30 and let me let him introduce himself. 01:32 Good night, I am Elder Dwayne Spence, 01:34 one of the younger elders in the church 01:37 and we are having a fabulous time here 01:40 as Pastor Dorsey unfolds the Revelation 01:43 through the eyes of John. 01:45 If you are in the South Florida area, 01:47 we encourage you to come out and fellowship here 01:50 at our ten-acre campus. 01:51 The Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church has 01:53 some of the most friendly people and... 01:55 and to get the full experience that these meetings are giving 02:00 to the individuals that are here in the audience 02:02 and those at home... you need to be here to experience it. 02:05 It's truly a blessing. 02:07 The pastor has been expounding 02:09 or letting the Word of God expound upon current events 02:12 and we see as we watch the news... 02:15 it seems as if the very things that we are learning 02:18 night after night... are unfolding right before our eyes. 02:21 I just wanted to point out something that 02:25 is very important in the Book of Revelation 02:27 chapter 1 verse 3, where the Bible says, 02:30 "Blessed is he who reads 02:31 and those who hear the words of the prophecy, 02:35 and heed the things which are written, 02:38 for the time is near. " 02:40 Elder: "Amen. " 02:41 I think that Pastor Dorsey has chosen a great time 02:45 to expound on this Series, "Through the Eyes of John. " 02:49 Elder: Absolutely, it's a time... 02:51 not to be frightened by the things we see. 02:54 It's a time to know that God has given us an outline, 02:57 a guidebook to understand what's happening around us 03:01 and so no Christian should be afraid 03:03 and Pastor Dorsey... through the messages night to night 03:06 is reassuring us as the Word has said... 03:09 reassuring us that God is still in control 03:13 and has a destiny for each and every one of us. 03:16 Pastor: And for those who may be watching for the first time, 03:19 Pastor Lawrence Stephen Dorsey is a Speaker... Director 03:22 of Living Word Ministries 03:24 but before we begin, let us invite the presence of the Lord 03:28 and I'll ask Elder Spence to pray for us. 03:30 Elder: Shall we pray? 03:32 "Our kind and compassionate Father, 03:34 we come before your presence tonight 03:37 again with our Bibles in hands to open your words 03:41 and to see what the future holds 03:43 for each and every one of us. 03:44 Lord, the world is filled with doubt and fear... 03:48 there are people that are suffering 03:50 and don't know what's the source of the suffering, 03:53 there are people that are in despair... 03:55 despondency... 03:56 there are people that are suffering through depression 03:59 and Lord, as the Pastor opens the Word tonight, 04:02 we ask that your words would breathe peace into their lives, 04:06 that they will understand that you are still in control 04:09 and commanding their lives, 04:11 let those that are seated at their homes 04:14 get their Bibles in hand and open it up 04:17 and let you speak to their hearts, dear Father, 04:21 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. " 04:23 Walking off stage... 04:28 Piano playing... 04:33 O what a wonderful, wonderful day 04:38 Day I will never forget 04:42 After I wandered in darkness away 04:47 Jesus the Savior I met 04:52 O, what a tender compassionate Friend 04:57 He met the needs of my heart 05:01 Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling 05:06 He made all my darkness depart. 05:10 Heaven came down and glory filled my soul 05:19 When at the cross the Savior made me whole 05:27 My sins were washed away 05:32 And my night was turned to day 05:37 Heaven came down and glory filled my soul. 05:45 My sins were washed away 05:49 and my night was turned to day 05:54 Heaven came down 05:57 and glory filled my 06:01 soul... 06:06 Audience: "Amen... amen... " 06:08 Heaven came down and glory filled our souls 06:11 and Friends... glory is "translated peace" 06:15 when Jesus comes into your life. 06:17 Good Evening everyone 06:18 and I'm so glad to be here once again 06:21 to expound on the Word of God and to just share the fellowship 06:25 I know that the day that Jesus came into my life... 06:30 when I knew it was really Him... that it was real... 06:34 that it was not something someone told me about 06:37 but I had the opportunity to say like David, 06:41 "I tasted and I saw that God is good. " 06:44 It was a day that really, really changed my life 06:49 and I hope that you get to experience that 06:52 even as a result of these meetings 06:54 that the revival that you feel will be something 06:56 that will build your relationship 06:58 and make it stronger in our Lord Jesus Christ. 07:02 Now tonight we have a few individuals 07:04 who have again called in and we can't give all of them, 07:07 so we just take a few of the highlights 07:09 that come in every single evening. 07:12 We had a Marion Chee from Louisiana 07:14 and she said that she hadn't heard from anyone from Louisiana 07:19 and she just wanted us to know 07:20 that Louisiana was watching and listening. 07:24 Audience: "Amen. " 07:25 And I have a close piece of my heart in Louisiana, 07:28 I pastored for one year in the Monroe Tallulah District 07:32 in Louisiana and it was a wonderful time 07:36 with the saints down there. 07:37 Then we had a Jeff Miller from Indiana, 07:40 he wrote and said he has enjoyed the meetings 07:43 and he is experiencing a revival within his own heart 07:49 and he said that he's been watching 07:50 every single one of them and God has been blessing him. 07:53 Then we heard from Australia, 07:56 Townsville, Queensland... 08:00 a Bob and Elaine 08:01 and they too are watching these meetings 08:04 and they are receiving a blessing from them. 08:06 Now, I got a little bad news from the Cayman Islands, 08:10 I saw that the transmitter was down... 08:13 the 3ABN transmitter was down 08:15 and that's what they were telling me 08:16 but I did receive a special greeting 08:21 from a Anna Kay... 08:23 Anna Kay from the Caymans, and we got that yesterday... 08:25 most of the mail that we get comes from either our e-mail 08:29 or it comes by call 08:31 but this is one where she took the time to write us 08:34 and we received it at our Post Office Box 08:36 and we want you to know, 08:38 Anna Kay, we received your very special blessing. 08:40 Folks, I am looking forward to the day 08:43 when we will be able to meet one another, 08:46 as we prepare to meet our Lord and Savior 08:49 and we go up in the clouds to meet Him in the air 08:52 and we will have all of eternity 08:54 to have an opportunity to greet one another 08:58 as we greet Jesus, our Lord and Savior. 09:00 Are you looking forward to that day? 09:02 Audience: "Amen. " 09:04 Well, tonight is a message 09:05 that will give us encouragement for that 09:07 for tonight the message is: 1,000 years of Peace. 09:11 One Thousand Years of Peace. 09:13 How many could use that? 09:15 if you could use that at home even raise your hand as we pray. 09:19 "Loving Father, we are thankful that you have promised us 09:22 a thousand years of peace plus eternity. 09:26 So even now, tonight Lord, 09:29 we ask that you will fill our hearts with your Spirit, 09:31 let angels be with us to keep the evil one away 09:35 and from any distractions... 09:37 from taking our minds from this blessed truth tonight 09:40 and let your Word even live... is our prayer 09:44 in Jesus' name. Amen. " 09:46 A thousand years of peace... 09:50 turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Revelation 09:55 chapter 20 09:57 and we will see in this chapter 10:01 a guaranteed 1,000 years of peace 10:05 that will be given to those 10:07 who have been redeemed from the earth. 10:09 Now Folks, just stop and think about it, 10:14 1,000 years free from pain, free from hurt, 10:18 free from disappointment, free from disillusionment, 10:24 free from doubt, 10:26 free from temptation, 10:28 free from sickness, free from death, 10:31 free from sin, 10:33 free from that devil 10:35 who has been harassing us night after night, 10:37 are you all awake in here tonight? 10:39 Audience: "Yes we are. " 10:40 Free from all of those things... 10:44 my heart longs for the day 10:48 and Folks, even when we have good days 10:50 those things turn out to be bitter sweet. 10:52 They're short-lived. 10:54 When we had those good times, 10:56 there's always something that comes up somewhere 11:00 that casts shadows on our peace and our happiness 11:04 but we have to look past the clouds of this life 11:07 and look with faith to the sunshine that will come 11:11 from a relationship with Jesus 11:13 that will last throughout eternity. 11:15 Audience: "Amen. " 11:17 Now, in our Bible, Ladies and Gentlemen, 11:19 we have to be careful that we understand what it says 11:23 because there are individuals who believe 11:25 that this thousand years of peace 11:27 or... this doctrine is called: The millennium 11:30 now that word "millennium" is not written in the Bible 11:33 but it means a thousand years 11:34 that this millennium is something 11:38 that will not take place before Jesus comes 11:41 because we have a lot of people that believe 11:45 that the world will be converted 11:47 and waiting for Christ when He comes 11:49 and they will have 1,000 years of peace... to get it right. 11:53 Now Folks, if that were true, 11:55 then all the signs of the times 11:58 that we have been reading about night after night... 12:00 there is something wrong with those signs 12:03 because those signs that are given to us by Jesus Himself 12:06 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21... 12:11 the signs from the Old Testament prophets... 12:13 the signs that we have seen in the book of Revelation... 12:17 they all tell us that the world will be in a horrible state 12:21 before the second coming of Christ. 12:24 When we look at 1st Thessalonians... 12:28 1st Thessalonians 5... chapter 5 verse 3 12:31 it tells us, "when they say peace and safety, 12:36 then sudden destruction shall come upon them. " 12:39 It is nothing more than a trick from the devil 12:43 to cause us to sit back and say, 12:45 "Everything is going to be okay... 12:48 that we have plenty of time... " 12:50 and Folks, I'm here to let us know tonight, 12:52 we don't have plenty of time... 12:55 we have time to get right with God 12:57 and get right with God now. 12:59 Pause... 13:01 I look at Isaiah 24... Isaiah 24... 13:06 and these Scriptures... 13:08 we looked at this the other night... 13:10 they stand out in my mind... 13:12 Isaiah 24 verse 1, 13:15 it says... 13:46 and that's... interest. 14:17 This is the condition of the world before the Lord comes 14:23 so when we look at this 1,000 years of peace, 14:27 we have to know that it has to be a specific timeframe 14:33 for us to know when we start counting 14:36 and again, the book of Revelation... 14:39 that book that is a revelation and an unveiling for us 14:43 shows this to us plainly and simply 14:45 and when we look at it tonight, Ladies and Gentlemen, 14:47 you'll see how all the other pieces of the Bible fit together 14:52 to make this one full doctrine 14:55 and this is what I've enjoyed 14:56 night after night... sharing with you. 14:58 Revelation chapter 20 beginning with verse 1... 15:20 now we can just stop here for a moment 15:22 and know that if the devil is chained up... locked up... 15:26 locked down... for a 1,000 years... 15:29 that's a lot of peace... somebody ought to say, "Amen. " 15:31 Audience: "Amen. " 15:32 If he is locked up, bound up, chained up, 15:37 we would have peace, 15:39 he couldn't annoy us, he couldn't tempt us, 15:42 he couldn't make us sick, 15:43 he couldn't try to do things that hurt us 15:46 and cause us to lose our friends and our families, 15:49 he wouldn't be able to have his pestilence and his famines 15:52 and all of these things that he has done to Planet Earth, 15:54 he would not be able to harass us 15:56 and harass the angels of God that are protecting us, 15:59 he would not have people lying and killing and murdering 16:02 and all of those things that he suggests that people do, 16:05 Ladies and Gentlemen, 16:06 there would be peace with the devil locked up. 16:09 Audience: "Amen. " 16:10 Pastor: "Amen. " Audience: "Amen. " 16:13 My Bible says that that day is coming. 16:16 It continues to read... 16:18 "And this angel cast him into the bottomless pit... 16:21 and shut him up and set a seal upon him... 16:25 that he should deceive the nations no more, 16:28 till the thousand years be fulfilled... 16:37 now we know the book of Revelation 16:41 is a book that is both literal and symbolic. 16:44 Pause... 16:46 I wish we could lock the devil up with chains in iron and steel 16:52 it would be nice if we could put him in that old prison, Alcatraz 16:58 way out in the water... in the bay... by himself 17:03 but Ladies and Gentlemen, he is a supernatural being 17:08 and we cannot do that. 17:10 When we look at this, we have to understand 17:14 that the Bible is its own expositor 17:16 and even though the devil has been on our case 17:19 and we know he is a busy little bee... 17:22 "B" for bad... come on now... 17:26 wake up Church... 17:27 even though he has been busy all of these years, 17:32 a day will come, Ladies and Gentlemen... 17:35 a day will come when he will be arrested by circumstances 17:42 and he will not be allowed to tempt and destroy 17:46 and cause havoc and chaos on our lives anymore. 17:51 He will be... as it were... arrested on the bottomless pit 17:57 which will be Planet Earth 18:00 after the second coming of Jesus Christ. 18:02 Audience: "Amen. " 18:04 You see, when we look at the starting point 18:06 of the 1,000 years of peace of the millennium 18:10 it will take place when Jesus Himself comes. 18:13 What we read in verses one through three 18:17 about an angel coming down and chaining him up 18:19 with this great chain in his hand and laid hold of him, 18:22 he will be chained by circumstances 18:26 and the Bible will explain it to us now. 18:29 Turn with me to 1st Thessalonians... 18:31 1st Thessalonians chapter 4, 18:33 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 beginning with verse 16. 18:38 Pause... 19:05 Ladies and Gentlemen, on the day that Jesus comes 19:10 and friends, that is a day we have been waiting for, 19:14 that saints of God who are sleeping in the graves 19:17 will come forth at the call of the Master 19:20 like we read... it says... 19:22 "The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout... 19:25 and with the voice of the archangel 19:27 and the trump of God 19:28 and the dead in Christ shall rise first. " 19:32 That tells us... it reinforces the fact 19:35 that the dead in Christ are not in heaven... 19:38 pause... 19:39 they are sleeping... 19:41 they are waiting... 19:43 they are waiting the call of the life-giver. 19:48 if when we die... we went straight to heaven, 19:51 there would be no need for Jesus to come back for the dead 19:55 He would just have to come back for the living. 19:58 Audience: Agreeing. 19:59 And if we knew 20:01 that the dead were already in heaven when they die 20:04 and all the trouble we go through down here... 20:07 it would be advantageous to us to say, 20:11 "Well, let's take a trip to heaven... " 20:14 by some mass suicide or Kool-Aid... 20:17 like somebody else says and has... or have done 20:21 because they were misguided, 20:23 we wouldn't be worried about sleeping, 20:25 we'd say, "Well look, I'm tired of here... 20:27 no mortgage and all of these things, 20:28 I don't have to deal with that... 20:30 well, I'm just going to go to heaven... " 20:31 Pause... 20:32 but my Bible tells me, Ladies and Gentlemen, 20:36 that the dead know not anything, 20:38 and we're looking at Ecclesiastes 9 verse 5 20:41 and it says that our love and our hate 20:43 and our envy, and all of those things... 20:45 they are put aside... 20:46 we have nothing to do with anything under the sun 20:48 when we're dead... we are sleeping... 20:50 that's what Jesus said. 20:52 Pause... 20:53 So we see that on that day 20:56 when the king of kings and Lord of Lord comes 20:58 with all of His majesty... with all of his power... 21:01 He is coming to awaken the sleeping dead 21:06 and to bring those who are alive and remain 21:11 to be caught up in the clouds with Him also 21:15 with those who he has brought up out of sleep. 21:19 I look at 1st Corinthians chapter 15 21:23 and again Folks, 21:24 I give you these texts over and over again 21:26 that it will become a part of you... 21:28 faith cometh by hearing and hearing... the Word of God, 21:31 and as we get in these last days, Ladies and Gentlemen, 21:34 you must have a faith in the Word of God 21:37 that will supersede what you may see with your eyes, 21:42 pause... 21:44 because in the last days, there will be signs and wonders 21:48 spiritual wickedness in high places, 21:50 deceptions that will come to you 21:53 to take you away from your faith and to steal your crown 21:56 but you have to be able to stand on the Word of God 22:00 and the Word of God alone 22:02 and believe not what you see with your eyes 22:06 but what you know in your heart 22:08 that is based on this book. 22:09 Audience: "Amen. " 22:11 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 51... 23:21 So again, it tells us... the dead in Christ shall rise first. 23:25 We which are alive and remain will be changed 23:30 in the twinkling of an eye... 23:31 in other words, before you can blink you are changed. 23:34 Before you can think about it, it has happened 23:37 and it has to be that way, Ladies and Gentlemen, 23:41 it has to be that way for if we were not changed 23:44 in an instant... in the twinkling of an eye... 23:48 we would be destroyed by the very brightness of His coming. 23:53 Audience... 23:55 you see the wicked... 23:56 when He is coming in the clouds of glory... 23:58 when they see Him, they will melt where they are... 24:02 pause... 24:03 they will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming... 24:07 they cannot look at the King, 24:09 pause... 24:10 my Bible tells me in Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 24:14 that when He comes... behold He cometh with clouds 24:17 and every eye shall see Him 24:19 and they also which pierced Him, 24:22 there will be a special resurrection 24:25 for those individuals who crucified Jesus... 24:28 who spat on His face, 24:29 who lacerated His back with a cat of nail tails... 24:32 who lied on Him on those Councils... 24:35 who stood up and proclaimed themselves holy 24:37 when they were unholy and unjust 24:39 and those individuals who partook of that Kangaroo Court, 24:42 they will be able to come up and see Him coming live 24:46 in majesty and glory. 24:48 Audience: "Amen. " 24:50 And then they die again... have mercy... 24:52 I look at this and I'm beginning to see a picture here... 24:58 the dead in Christ are coming up from the grave... 25:01 and they're caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord. 25:04 The saints of God are translated in an instant... in a moment... 25:09 Planet Earth has been decimated by the very presence of Christ. 25:14 We saw it in Revelation chapter 6 25:17 beginning with verse 15, 25:19 "And the kings of the earth, 25:21 and the great men and the rich men, 25:23 and the chief captains, and the mighty men, 25:24 and every bondman, and every free man, 25:26 hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 25:28 And said to the mountains and rocks, 25:30 Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him 25:32 that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 25:37 For the great day of his wrath is come; 25:39 and who shall be able to stand? 25:41 In other words, Planet Earth will be destroyed 25:45 at the presence and power of the majesty of Christ. 25:49 The mountain chains will bow down... 25:51 islands will flee away... 25:55 I turn to 2nd Peter chapter 3, 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 10, 26:01 it says, "for the day of the Lord will come 26:04 as a thief in the night. " 26:06 Now let me just stop here for a moment, 26:07 this does not mean Jesus is coming in secret. 26:12 We've already seen Him coming with a loud voice, 26:17 pause... 26:18 with the trump of God... 26:20 and the commotion of seeing all of the dead from all time... 26:26 the righteous dead coming up from the grave 26:29 that is going to be a spectacular scene. 26:32 Audience: "Amen. " 26:34 Can you imagine what it would look like 26:36 when you pass all of these cemeteries 26:38 and you're passing all of these planes 26:41 and you see people coming up out of the ocean, 26:43 you see them coming up out of the grave, 26:45 how can that be a secret? 26:47 pause... 26:49 how could it be a secret when the sky... 26:52 the eastern horizon... will be filled with His majesty? 26:56 Pause... 26:57 Angels to the left and angels to the right... 26:59 and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords... 27:02 sitting in the middle... 27:03 no longer wearing a crown of thorns 27:06 but wearing His seven-fold crown as King of Kings 27:09 and Lord of Lords, how can that be secret? 27:13 Audience: "Amen. " 27:14 They will see Him. Audience: "Amen. " 27:16 Those who were slain or died 2,000 years ago, 27:20 awakened by the power of the life-giver 27:23 to see the one whom they had despised and ignored 27:27 and who had caused people to choose Barabbas 27:30 instead of choosing Jesus... which is choosing life... 27:33 pause... 27:35 when it says He's coming like a thief in the night, 27:39 that means, "unexpectedly" 27:42 you don't know when the thief is coming... 27:43 pause... 27:45 but you need to be prepared for Him. 27:48 It says here, 27:50 "but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night 27:53 in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise. " 27:56 Now the heavens passing away with a great noise... 27:59 how's that going to be "secret?" 28:01 Pause... 28:02 It continues to say, 28:05 "and the elements shall melt with fervent heat... " 28:09 noise... heat... not just regular heat... 28:17 fervent heat... in other words, 28:18 it's going to be mighty hot in the town that day. 28:20 Pause... 28:23 dead folks coming up... brand new... 28:26 I tell you, the news from the righteous being translated... 28:29 that's going to be enough noise because I don't know about you, 28:32 when I get those new hands and those new feet 28:34 and those new lungs and those new ears and those new eyes, 28:37 I'm going to be shouting with joy. 28:39 Audience: "Amen. " 28:40 I'm going to say, 28:42 "Lo, this is my God and I have waited for Him... " 28:44 Audience: "Amen. " 28:45 It's been my heart's desire, I'm so glad He's there... 28:48 I'm going to do a little dance. 28:49 And then we're going to take off in the air. 28:53 Pause... 28:55 That can't be done in secret, Ladies and Gentlemen. 28:58 I continue to read this and I get excited 29:01 of what's going to happen and it says, 29:04 "And the elements shall melt with fervent heat, 29:07 and the earth also and the works that are therein 29:09 shall be burned up. " 29:11 In other words there will be fires going everywhere 29:13 "Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, 29:16 what manner of persons ought you to be 29:19 in all conversation and godliness, 29:21 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, 29:26 wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, 29:29 and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" 29:34 So Planet Earth will be destroyed. 29:37 It will be shaken down to its very foundation, 29:41 the saints of God, Ladies and Gentlemen, 29:44 we will be translated... we will be resurrected... 29:50 we will be uplifted in that cloud with the Messiah... 29:55 with Deliverer... with the Savior... 30:00 with the Son of God. 30:02 Audience: "Amen. " 30:04 And so shall we ever be with the Lord. 30:07 Audience: "Praise the Lord. " 30:09 That's what we're waiting for. 30:10 Now, when we look at that and we understand that, 30:14 Ladies and Gentlemen, it lets us know 30:17 how Satan is going to be arrested... 30:20 he is arrested by circumstances... 30:23 because there is no one there to tempt and harass. 30:27 Audience: "Amen. " 30:28 He has no allegiance except his own fallen angels 30:32 and they will be confined to Planet Earth 30:35 to stay there and await their punishment. 30:39 Pause... 30:40 Now Folks, you need to understand something... 30:44 we need to be busy with what we're supposed to do 30:47 because the devil is busy with what he has to do. 30:50 Pause... 30:52 you look in your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter 12, 30:55 Revelation chapter 12 and read the words of verse 12, 30:59 it says... 31:18 Friends, we looked at that word "wrath" yesterday... 31:22 that means rage... that means unrestrained violence 31:26 that means harm... that means fury... 31:29 pause... 31:31 the devil knows he has a short time... 31:33 we think we have all the time in the world, 31:37 we think the church can't go on without us, 31:40 we think that we're so good 31:43 that Jesus would really be in trouble 31:46 if we're not there in heaven. 31:48 Pause... 31:49 We think too much of ourselves, Ladies and Gentlemen, 31:53 heaven would go along without us, 31:56 but because His love for us is so great... 32:00 because His love for us goes so deep, 32:04 because His love for us was really shown, 32:08 by dying on the cross of Calvary, 32:10 He says that we are His and He will not let us go. 32:14 Audience: "Amen. " 32:16 We have to understand that this dragon... 32:20 this devil... this Satan... 32:21 he knows he has a short time left 32:24 and he is doing all that he can do, 32:26 Ladies and Gentlemen, to get us inside of His grasp, 32:30 to get us inside of his trap, to get us inside of his world, 32:35 my Bible tells us to be sober and vigilant 32:38 because our adversary... that's our enemy... 32:41 the devil... is as a roaring lion 32:45 seeking whom he can devour. 32:47 He's not playing with us. 32:49 Pause... 32:51 If he could take our lives 32:52 before we get a commitment with Jesus Christ, 32:54 he would be quite happy. 32:56 Pause... 32:57 If he could let you come into the church 32:59 and have you half in and half out... by your mindset... 33:02 see, he doesn't care when you read your Bible, 33:05 he doesn't care when you come to church, 33:07 he doesn't care if you pray... 33:09 it has not soaked in 33:11 and you have not allowed the Holy Spirit 33:13 to have complete control, 33:14 he'll let the Lord come into your heart and your life 33:17 and he will try to plant his own seeds there 33:21 that if you have two percent of him... he has you. 33:25 Audience: "That's true. " 33:27 There's a little book that's given away... 33:29 it's called: Steps to Christ 33:31 and it says, "One sin persistently cherished 33:35 will nullify all the power of the gospel. " 33:39 We have to give everything to Jesus... 33:42 all to Jesus I surrender all to Him I truly give... 33:47 you have to give Him everything. 33:49 Audience: "Amen. " 33:50 He says, "If you love me, 33:52 you have to give me all your heart and all your soul 33:54 and all your mind... " 33:55 He wants it all so He can protect us 33:57 because, Ladies and Gentlemen, 33:59 if we allow sin to have reign in our body, 34:02 no matter how small it is, if we continue to hold on to it, 34:05 it will nullify all the power of the gospel 34:08 and if you don't believe that, just look at Satan... 34:12 on how covetousness and envy ended up in jealousy 34:15 and hatred and murder... 34:17 Audience: Agreeing. 34:19 Those things begin to grow and expound inside of you 34:25 and that's why you have to come to Jesus... not just once 34:28 but you have to come to Jesus every day. 34:30 Audience: Agreeing. 34:32 And that's why you have to pray all through the day. 34:34 My Bible says to pray without ceasing... 34:37 it doesn't mean you have to walk around with King James English 34:41 all your day... but you have to have 34:44 the very atmosphere of heaven around you. 34:47 In other words, you are living in the sphere of heaven... 34:52 you understand that heaven sees you and heaven cares about you 34:55 and heaven is there to help you 34:57 you must go through your day 34:59 as if you are in the very presence of God, 35:01 because we are... 35:03 Audience: "Amen... amen... " 35:04 pause... 35:06 not because we're afraid but because we need help. 35:10 Pause... 35:11 When we think we can do it ourselves, 35:14 Ladies and Gentlemen, that's when we have the problem. 35:16 My Bible says, "Take heed lest you fall... " 35:21 and when we understand 35:23 that we need the help of Jesus Christ in our lives... 35:27 then we put ourselves in a position 35:29 where he can help us and influence us 35:31 and we can be victorious. 35:33 It tells us in Revelation chapter 12 verse 11, 35:36 it says, "And they overcame him 35:39 by the blood of the Lamb 35:41 and by the word of their testimony; 35:43 and they loved not their lives unto the death. " 35:46 In other words, it's because of the blood of Jesus Christ... 35:48 it's nothing you can do to save yourself. 35:51 Pause... 35:52 Now Folks, I know we have a problem with this sometimes 35:57 because some of us think we're so good... 35:58 but all of our righteousness is like filthy rags. 36:03 some of us modify our behavior... 36:06 we change our diet... those things we ought to do... 36:09 all that we know to do good to give us an edge, we should do 36:14 but don't count it as righteousness. 36:16 Audience: "Amen. " 36:17 Pause... 36:19 Jesus is Lord... and we are saved by His grace 36:27 extended to us everyday... it's new every morning... 36:32 and Folks, you have to keep praying all through the day. 36:37 Audience: "Amen. " 36:39 Pause... 36:40 He says we are saved by the blood of the Lamb, 36:43 we're saved by the word of their testimony, 36:45 "and they love not their lives unto the death. " 36:47 In other words, 36:49 we don't do what we want to do... the natural man... 36:51 we do what God expects us to do by faith. 36:55 Pause... 36:57 There are some days... 36:58 there are some days 36:59 when you will not feel like doing the right thing... 37:02 there are some days like that. 37:04 There are some days... me... as a preacher... 37:07 I don't feel like doing what I need to do. 37:10 But Folks, guess what? I want to be saved 37:13 and I want God's smile upon me 37:17 and I can't let things that bother me in this life... 37:20 I have to understand that in this life, Jesus says, 37:23 in the world... you're going to have tribulation 37:26 in the world, 37:27 things are not going to always go the way you want. 37:29 In the world, folks are going to get on your very last nerve 37:32 and they will step on it with spiked shoes... 37:35 pause... 37:36 but you cannot retaliate. 37:38 In the world you will have tribulation, 37:42 Ladies and Gentlemen, 37:43 in the world you're going to have disappointments, 37:45 in the world, you're going to be disillusioned, 37:48 in the world, you're going to have betrayal... 37:50 in the world, you're going to have heartbreak... 37:52 in the world, you're going to have sickness 37:54 and in the world, you're going to lose loved ones, 37:56 in the world, you're going to go through a lot 37:59 where you think that God is not there 38:01 but the darker it is, Ladies and Gentlemen, 38:04 you have to know that Jesus is closest to you. 38:07 Audience: "Amen. " 38:08 By faith you have to look at it, by faith you have to see it, 38:12 by faith you see yourself 38:14 living in the very atmosphere of heaven 38:17 and you bring this text to mind 38:19 to give you courage and strength 38:21 and it gives you the power to go on 38:24 you know that all things work together for good 38:27 for those who love the Lord 38:29 who are called according to His purpose... 38:32 in other words, no matter how bad it is, 38:34 don't give up... your blessing is just on the edge. 38:38 Audience: "Amen. " 38:39 Pause... 38:41 My Bible tells me that the devil... he's busy, 38:44 and he hates us and he knows he has a short time 38:48 but we have to know that we have a short time 38:51 and we must fortify ourselves with His Word. 38:54 Pause... 38:55 I come back to this 1,000 years of peace 38:59 and I see now... the dead in Christ had gone up, 39:02 those individuals who have been alive or translated... 39:08 and they've gone up. 39:10 The earth is decimated at the second coming of Christ. 39:14 My Bible tells us that there are two resurrections. 39:19 It continues in... let's go to Daniel... first 39:23 Daniel chapter 12... Daniel chapter 12 and you know, 39:26 I love the Bible because it all says the same thing 39:30 and Folks, when you let the Bible be its own expositor, 39:33 it lets us know that it is a smooth transition 39:36 and you can count on it and Daniel chapter 12... 39:40 Daniel 12 verse 1... it says, 39:42 "And at that time shall Michael stand up, 39:44 the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people 39:47 and there shall be a time of trouble, 39:49 such as never was since there was a nation 39:51 even to that same time: 39:52 and at that time thy people shall be delivered, 39:55 every one that shall be found written in the book. " 39:57 And Folks, that's not the Yellow Pages, 39:59 that's the Lamb's book of life. 40:00 And then it says... 40:16 In other words, two separate resurrections. 40:20 When I turn to the book of John, what book did I say? 40:23 John chapter 5, Jesus makes it so clear 40:27 so we would understand it... beginning with verse 25. 41:18 So when we look at this 41:20 and we come back now to Revelation chapter 20, 41:23 Revelation chapter 20... let's continue to see what happens 41:27 after the devil is arrested. 41:29 What we will be doing in heaven for those 1,000 years... 41:32 it said in verse 4... 41:57 So you want to know the agenda 42:00 for the first 1,000 years in heaven? 42:04 It's right here... look at Revelation... 42:08 it's not a sealed book... 42:09 it's there for you and me to know 42:12 what we're going to see and what we're going to do. 42:14 Audience: "Amen. " 42:15 If you notice, the controversy is not over yet. 42:19 Pause... 42:20 Jesus comes which starts the millennium... 42:23 it starts the clock... 42:24 the dead in Christ rise up from the grave, 42:28 the saints of God who are living 42:31 are translating in the twinkling of an eye. 42:34 The earth is shaken down to its very core. 42:37 Satan is bound by circumstances, there's nobody there to tempt... 42:44 no one to harass, no one to seduce into sin, 42:48 he is there for 1,000 years to sit around 42:51 and think about what he has to think about... 42:54 his destruction... 42:57 When I was a kid, 42:59 my dad and my mom... when they chastised us, 43:06 they did it with love. 43:10 My dad was one... 43:13 and I know he's watching so I'm being very careful, 43:16 Dad was one that... he would talk to us... 43:21 he'd say, "You know, you shouldn't do that... " 43:24 and we'd go on and sometimes in talking 43:27 we'd be able to get out of it and you know... we'd reason... 43:29 but my mom... she was instant judgment sometimes 43:33 she'd just... you know... Moms... they don't play... 43:36 that was Mom's word, "I don't play... " 43:39 but when there were some things we did 43:42 that my mother was like... 43:44 she was too through... too done... 43:45 she wouldn't even bother us, 43:48 she would have that private conversation with my dad 43:50 and they would have that conversation 43:53 and then he would give me the look and he'd say, 43:55 "Well, you just go upstairs and you just wait. " 43:57 Pause... 43:58 Now Folks, I would rather the instant judgment... 44:02 than when I had to sit up there and wait. 44:07 I'd sit up there in my room... me and my brother, 44:11 knowing we did it wrong, we did something, 44:12 we know we deserve it 44:14 and we'd sit in there... we'd sit... and oh 44:15 we wish it was a time... "time out" 44:17 like you kids got today... 44:18 you didn't get that... 44:20 and we'd sit in there 44:22 and every time you would hear them move downstairs, 44:25 every time you hear the steps creak, 44:29 every time your heart... it's just going... 44:31 it's going... it's going... it's gone... 44:35 Folks, can you imagine... can you imagine... 44:38 we can imagine... 44:40 the devil knows God is real... 44:43 he's seen His majesty for how many years... 44:47 we don't even understand... or how long 44:50 that that controversy in heaven before it became open warfare 44:54 that it talks about in Revelation 12:7 and 8, 44:56 before it got to that... 44:58 we don't know how many eons passed... 45:00 pause... 45:02 we don't know... he knows the power of God, 45:06 he knows he has fought against Him, 45:08 he knows he was instrumental 45:11 in having His Son nailed to the cross, 45:14 pause... 45:15 he's been busy with his plots and his plans all this time 45:20 but now, he is asked to just sit no he's not asked... 45:24 he's told to just sit and wait till a 1,000 years... 45:27 he knows what's going to happen. 45:29 Audience: "Amen. " 45:30 He has said he would be like the most High God 45:36 and that he would sit on the throne of the congregation 45:38 and that everyone would look up to him 45:40 and Ladies and Gentlemen, 45:41 the Lord has given him... watch this... 45:43 the Lord has given him 1,000 years 45:46 to do what he did in six days... somebody ought to say, "Amen. " 45:49 Audience: "Amen. " 45:50 In six days the Lord made the whole world brand new 45:53 out of the abyss, He made it to what it is 45:55 and the devil will have a 1,000 years 45:57 to see if he can make one flower but he can't. 46:00 Audience: "Amen. " 46:01 He can make artificial turf 46:03 but he can't make one blade of grass 46:08 because he is not a Creator. 46:11 Ladies and Gentlemen, 46:13 the record says that we will judge the wicked... 46:17 you see, the judgment for the righteous is going on now 46:19 and we're going to deal with that tomorrow evening, 46:22 1st Peter 4 verse 17 says, 46:24 "The judgment must begin at the house of God... " 46:26 and that's why the saints are the saints... 46:28 and the saints are resurrected and the saints are translated 46:31 but the wicked will be dealt with 46:33 and we will see, Ladies and Gentlemen, 46:35 and when I say, "we" I'm talking about the faithful, 46:37 we will see why they are lost. 46:40 Pause... 46:41 Look at it... 46:43 "And I saw the thrones, and they that sat upon them, 46:44 and judgment was given unto them: 46:46 and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded 46:48 for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, 46:50 and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, 46:53 nor received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; 46:55 and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 47:14 And when the thousand years... verse 7... were expired... 47:17 Satan shall be loosened out of his prison... " why? 47:20 Because the Lord will wake up the wicked. 47:23 Audience: Agreeing. 47:25 The wicked are not going to come up from their graves 47:27 like we came up... brand new and perfect... 47:29 they're going to come up the same way they went down 47:33 with the ravages of sin and disease and sickness, 47:37 they're going to come up with minds that are demented... 47:40 they're not brand new like our minds will be brand new 47:43 to understand the mysteries of eternity 47:46 and to be able to behold the glory of God 47:48 it says that they shall come up and it says... 47:55 God and Magog... and Ladies and Gentlemen, 47:56 and that just symbolic of all the Systems of evil... 47:59 "to gather them together to battle: 48:01 the number of whom is as the sand of the sea... " 48:04 And Ladies and Gentlemen, Satan will get all of the wicked 48:07 who have joined him in this rebellion 48:11 and they will form this one massive army... 48:14 that same army, Ladies and Gentlemen, 48:17 continuing that battle of Armageddon 48:20 that stopped last night what we saw in Revelation 16 48:24 when the hailstones came down from heaven 48:27 and destroyed them 48:29 before the second coming of Christ 48:32 and they will come together in this massive army 48:36 and my Bible tells me that the new Jerusalem... 48:40 the city of God... it will come down... 48:42 it says in verse 8... 48:44 "And they went up on the breadth of the earth, 48:47 and compassed the camp of the saints about, 48:49 and the beloved city: and fire came down from God 48:53 out of heaven, and devoured them. " 48:55 In other words, 48:57 as the Lord brings the Holy City down with us in it... 49:00 praise God... we are inside the City... 49:04 golden streets and golden mansions... 49:08 looking through those jasper walls 49:12 remember the messages, Folks, 49:13 all of these things are connected. 49:16 We're on the inside... looking out... 49:19 and they're on the outside... looking in... 49:23 and as the Holy City comes down, 49:26 they are looking with wonder and amazement 49:28 at the glory and grandeur of the redeemed, 49:31 seeing those individuals whom they really killed, 49:33 seeing those individuals they had persecuted, 49:35 seeing those individuals whom they had slain in this world... 49:38 Ladies and Gentlemen, 49:39 I'm talking about the wicked of all time 49:42 and the righteous of all time looking eyeball to eyeball. 49:47 Pause... 49:49 The saints are inside the city 49:52 they're looking at the scene 49:55 wicked... the number... as the sands of the sea... 50:01 surrounding the very city of God 50:05 angels are no longer... 50:06 these wicked angels are no longer invisible, 50:10 they are plain so everyone can see... 50:12 Satan is at the helm of them and they're saying, 50:15 "Take the city... take the city" 50:17 pause... 50:19 the shimmering gates of the city are closed, 50:22 the saints of God are watching... 50:25 and then, Ladies and Gentlemen, Jesus Christ Himself... 50:30 appears in the sky above... 50:32 Ladies and Gentlemen, above the blessed city of God. 50:35 The wicked... when they look at Him... 50:39 Ladies and Gentlemen, it tells me in the book: 50:41 "The Great Controversy" and in "Early Writings" 50:43 it says that when they look at Jesus, 50:45 they get a full remembrance of every sin they ever committed. 50:50 They look at Him in wonder and awe... 50:54 and they know they have made the wrong choice 50:57 but it's too late... too late... too late for salvation... 51:00 they made up their minds a 1,000 years too late... 51:04 pause... 51:06 Satan gives a cry, 51:09 he says, "Attack the city... " 51:13 and nobody moves... 51:16 nobody moves, Ladies and Gentlemen, 51:19 because they understand that it is hopeless 51:22 and he himself realizes that this is the end of the road 51:25 and my Bible tells me... "he too will bend the knee 51:29 and his tongue shall confess that God is love. " 51:32 But again, it's too late, too late, 51:36 too late for salvation... 51:37 and then his envy and his jealousy and his hatred of God, 51:42 it will come up once again... 51:46 and he will stand up in defiance 51:49 and my Bible tells me, you read it, you've seen it, 51:53 it says it right there... 51:54 "and fire shall reign down from heaven... 51:58 and devour him... and his host... 52:02 and every man, woman, boy and girl 52:05 that made the devil their choice. " 52:09 Oh my friends, we will behold that scene 52:12 and it will be also where we will be grateful 52:17 that we surrendered all to Jesus Christ 52:20 and when that fire purifies the earth, 52:24 God will make it brand new again 52:27 and my friends, when He makes it brand new again, 52:31 that will be glory for me. 52:35 Audience: "Amen. " 52:38 Piano playing... 52:40 Marvelous message we bring, 52:48 Glorious heralds we sing, 52:56 Wonderful words of the King, 53:03 Jesus is coming again! 53:11 Coming again, 53:18 Coming again... 53:23 May be morning, 53:27 may be noon, 53:31 May be evening, 53:35 and may be soon! 53:40 Coming again, 53:45 Coming again... 53:51 O what a wonderful day it will be... 53:59 Jesus is coming again. 54:05 The King is coming, 54:11 This King is coming! 54:17 I just heard the trumpet sounding, 54:22 And now His face I see, 54:28 The King is coming, 54:34 O the King... He is coming, 54:40 Praise God, 54:43 He is coming for me! 54:52 Praise God, 54:54 He is coming for me! 55:00 Audience: "Amen. " 55:05 My friends, I want to be ready for that day. 55:07 Audience: "Amen. " 55:08 And Folks, you can't get ready the day of our flight... 55:12 we have to put in reservations... 55:15 and the reservations... you don't need a credit card 55:19 because Jesus paid it all. 55:21 The reservation is a willing heart... a willing spirit, 55:25 a mind that says, 55:27 "I need you Jesus to let your mind be in me 55:31 that I might be able to do all things, 55:35 I need your will, 55:36 I need your Spirit 55:38 I need you to keep me moment by moment 55:41 because without you I can't make it 55:44 and when we have that type of spirit, 55:47 Ladies and Gentlemen, our reservation is made... 55:49 our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life 55:52 and He will guide us and protect us and keep us 55:55 that we would never fail. 55:57 Friends, today if you're at home 56:01 and your heart has been touched by this message 56:03 and you want to be ready 56:05 I want you to just ask the Lord right now 56:09 in the quietness of your home, in the quietness of your mind, 56:12 and those of you who are here live, 56:14 say, "Lord Jesus, please let me be ready, 56:21 help me to be ready, 56:25 make sure that I'm ready 56:28 and as we contemplate 56:31 on our readiness 56:32 and do the things that we need to do, 56:34 Jesus... in His love for us... 56:38 will fulfill the desires of our heart 56:41 and we will be ready. 56:45 Tonight, keep looking up... 56:48 the King is coming... 56:50 and He's coming soon. 56:52 God bless you. 56:54 Audience: "Amen. " |
Revised 2017-04-11