Participants: Lawrence Dorsey
Series Code: UR
Program Code: UR000012
00:01 Music...
00:09 Seagulls... 00:17 Music 00:22 Scenes from history... 00:28 More scenes from history... 00:37 Some more scenes... 00:42 Modern scenes... 00:46 Turning the pages of Revelation. 00:56 Good Evening to the Ambassador Church Family 00:59 and Good Evening to the Viewing Audience 01:02 watching on 3ABN. 01:03 I'm Henoc Paulicin, 01:05 the Pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church 01:08 and we are a growing and friendly church 01:11 located in the lovely city of Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. 01:14 For those who don't live in the area, 01:18 Lauderdale Lakes is about 20 to 30 minutes from Miami, Florida 01:21 and we're about 12 minutes from the Fort Lauderdale airport. 01:25 So if you're in the Miami, Florida area 01:28 or in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 01:30 we would love to invite you to come and worship with us. 01:35 Now, I've heard from so many friends from around the world 01:40 who have been watching and if you're watching... 01:43 I bring greetings to you from Kenya 01:46 and from Brazil and from Honduras 01:49 and all of the friends from Cayman Islands 01:51 that have contacted me. 01:53 But this evening I was looking at a text 01:56 in 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 19 which says that 02:01 "So we have the prophetic word made more sure 02:04 to which you do well to pay attention. " 02:08 We have been looking at the word of prophecy 02:12 as viewed through the eyes of John 02:14 and the Lord has sent us a dynamic speaker, 02:18 Pastor Lawrence Steven Dorsey who is the Speaker... Director 02:22 of Living Word Ministries 02:23 and so, as we've been blessed, 02:26 we know that the Lord will continue to bless us 02:29 as the Spirit falls upon His manservant 02:31 and as he preaches the Word of God. 02:33 But before we begin, 02:36 let us bow our heads and offer a word of prayer. 02:39 Pause... 02:40 Most gracious and heavenly Father, 02:43 we thank you for the man of God 02:45 that you have sent with the Word of God. 02:47 We thank you that night after night 02:50 we have seen that the Word of Prophecy 02:53 is something that we can count on 02:55 and Lord we look forward 02:57 to what you have to say to us this evening 03:00 speak to us... melt our hearts... 03:03 and may souls not only be blessed 03:05 but may souls be saved 03:08 because of what is being done here tonight, 03:09 hear us as we pray... this we ask in Jesus' name, amen. " 03:14 Walking off stage... 03:24 Piano playing... 03:31 Why should I feel 03:38 discouraged, 03:44 Why do the shadows come, 03:53 Why does my heart 03:59 feel lonely, 04:04 And long for heaven and home. 04:14 When Jesus is 04:19 my portion, 04:24 A constant friend 04:29 is He... 04:35 His eye is on 04:40 the sparrow, 04:45 And I know 04:50 He watches me. 04:55 His eye is on 05:01 the sparrow, 05:06 And I know 05:12 He watches me. 05:18 Whenever I am tempted, 05:27 And whenever clouds arise, 05:36 When hope gives way to sighing, 05:46 And doubt within me rise... 05:55 I draw closer 06:01 to Him, 06:05 With His care He sets me free, 06:15 His eye is on 06:21 the sparrow, 06:26 and I know he watches 06:31 me... 06:36 His eye is on 06:42 the sparrow, 06:46 and I know 06:50 He watches me. 06:58 I sing 07:01 because I'm happy, 07:09 I sing 07:11 because I'm free, 07:19 Oh... 07:21 His eye is on 07:26 the sparrow, 07:31 and I know He watches... 07:38 I know He watches... 07:45 I know 07:50 He watches 07:54 me... 08:02 Audience: "Amen... amen... " 08:04 Praise God... with all the thousands of species of birds 08:08 God's not too busy bird-watching to see all of us, 08:12 somebody ought to say, "amen. " 08:14 Audience: "Amen. " 08:15 His eye is on the sparrow 08:16 but we can count on Him watching over us 08:20 and friends I know that we go through our busy days 08:24 and all the things that we work on 08:26 and where we go... traveling... 08:28 by car, by bus, by plane, by boat, 08:31 whatever we do... 08:32 and it's good to know God sees us 08:35 and God protects us 08:37 and not only is He watching us, He sends angels to protect us 08:42 to make sure the enemy... the evil one and his host 08:47 cannot hurt us nor harm us 08:49 and I'm just thankful for that tonight 08:53 to know that God's care is always there. 08:56 Audience: "Amen. " 08:57 David says He never sleeps or slumbers... 09:00 He won't fall asleep on the job... 09:03 He always... always... 09:06 has us as the apple of His eye. 09:09 Tonight we have a few individuals who have called in 09:13 and I'm just so glad to 09:15 receive these different things every night... 09:17 I got an e-mail from someone in Los Angeles 09:21 that said that their husband was in Belize 09:24 a Ben Baptist... and as he was turning the channels, 09:29 he saw the services going on 09:32 and he stopped and he listened to them 09:34 and he said, "Wait a minute, 09:35 that's my pastor from Los Angeles who is in Belize" 09:39 and that was just a blessing to hear, 09:40 we got a call from... an e-mail from a Wade Curly 09:46 from Texas and he said the Lord is blessing us even in Texas 09:50 and we're just so happy to get these calls 09:54 from so many different places, 09:55 we have a Michael Baseley from Jamaica 09:58 who said he was watching every night 10:00 and he was enjoying it 10:01 and then we got a call from a gentleman in Wyoming 10:04 and he was telling me he was having a good time 10:07 but he forgot to leave his name so to the gentleman in Wyoming, 10:10 we want to say, "Hi" unto you also, 10:13 and then an Anna and Junice Hicks 10:16 are asking for special prayer 10:18 from the whole world audience... 10:21 something that's been on their hearts 10:22 and they said, "much prayer... much power" 10:24 and they can't get much more power in prayer 10:26 than asking all of us who are prayer warriors 10:29 to just pray for their needs. 10:31 Now one thing... or one concern that I'm finding 10:36 from a lot of people in the e-mails... 10:37 they're asking for directions 10:40 and instructions on how to receive the DVD's. 10:43 We're working on the DVDs of this Series 10:46 and when they're completed, 10:48 we'll be able to have them available to you. 10:51 You can find out when they will be ready if you go 10:55 to the Living Word Ministries website 10:57 that's: livingwordministries. tv 11:00 and the Executive Secretary of Living Word Ministries 11:05 Allison Dorsey Rosario... 11:07 she said you can even go on Facebook 11:10 now, I'm an old guy, I'm not that good on Facebook 11:12 but those of you who know how to do that, 11:15 just look up: living word ministry TV I guess 11:17 that's the same thing on that, 11:19 if not, I guess, she'll be giving me a call later. 11:22 At this time, we'll go into our message 11:26 entitled: The Seven Last Plagues. 11:30 The Seven Last Plagues... 11:32 "Loving Father, again, we come to you 11:34 as the author and finisher of our faith 11:37 we thank you for what you have done for us 11:40 and with us through these nights that we have come together 11:43 opening thy Word, 11:44 we thank you for the people who have expressed a desire 11:49 to know more about You through Your Word 11:52 and those who feel a void 11:54 that has been missing in their Bible Studies 11:57 that has been filled 11:58 as a result of these nights of working together... 12:01 opening thy Word... 12:02 Father, I know it's not me... it is you... 12:05 so please continue to hide me behind the cross of Calvary, 12:09 let your sweet Spirit speak to our hearts, 12:12 let angels be beside the hearts and minds of people 12:16 that as they study... they will have clarity and understanding 12:19 and you will shield them from the delusion 12:23 that the enemy would try to bring... or the deception 12:26 or even the distraction to take away from them hearing thy Word, 12:30 tonight, Lord, with this message, 12:33 please make it clear to individuals 12:36 who will not be fearful 12:37 of what's about to come upon the earth 12:39 is our prayer in Jesus' name, let the people say, 'amen. '" 12:45 The Seven Last Plagues, the Seven Last Plagues... 12:49 Ladies and Gentlemen, every time something happens 12:53 on the news that is mysterious or unexplained, 12:57 individuals think that it must be the beginning 13:02 of the seven last plagues. 13:03 I remember when the AIDS epidemic hit Planet Earth, 13:08 there were people saying 13:09 that AIDS was part of the seven last plagues. 13:13 When Bird Flu came... and then Swine Flu... 13:17 "it has to be the seven last plagues. " 13:21 When 5,000 red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky 13:27 in Arkansas, 13:29 and then a 1,000 turtle doves fell out of the sky in England, 13:35 when 40,000 crabs washed up on the beaches of Briton 13:40 over 100,000 fish in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland 13:45 just floated up... dead... 13:48 when we're seeing all of these things, 13:50 people get nervous and they start saying, 13:52 "It must be the beginning of the seven last plagues... 13:55 it must be the beginning of the seven last plagues... 13:57 God is dealing with us. " 14:00 Pause... 14:01 Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to know 14:03 that these things are disasters and they are plagues of sorts 14:07 but they are not the seven last plagues of Revelation 14:10 for when they are poured out, Ladies and Gentlemen, 14:13 we will know unmistakenly that they are coming from God. 14:20 If you would turn with me to the book of Revelation chapter 15 14:23 and we will begin with verse 1 14:25 and we've seen this text in different contexts... 14:29 in different contexts... night after night... 14:31 it says... 14:45 Now Folks, what makes these seven last plagues 14:48 different from anything that we have ever seen 14:51 on Planet Earth before 14:52 is the fact that the Bible tells us... 14:55 and the Bible is the Word of God... 14:57 the Bible tells us... 14:59 that these plagues are filled up... the wrath of God. 15:04 The word "wrath" Ladies and Gentlemen 15:07 means: anger... violet rage... 15:12 furor... 15:13 in other words, when the seven last plagues are poured out, 15:17 it tells us that God is filled up 15:23 or should I say, we, as a Planet... Planet Earth 15:27 have filled the cup of our iniquity 15:31 and sinners' prayers will be answered 15:35 for they have said to God, "Leave me alone... 15:39 I want no part of you, I want to do my own thing... " 15:43 and God will grant them their request of the prayer 15:47 that may not have come from their lips 15:49 but has come by their actions. 15:51 I look at this and I have to stop for a moment 15:56 and understand that it has to happen 15:59 but with it all... God is still a merciful God. 16:03 It's a merciful God... He's a merciful God... 16:07 he tells us the in the book of Lamentations 16:11 chapter 3 verse 22, 16:13 "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed. " 16:17 Pause... 16:19 If the devil had his way, Ladies and Gentlemen, 16:21 he would take us out immediately 16:24 before we had an understanding of Spiritual things... 16:27 before we could give our hearts to Christ... 16:29 before we could be hid behind the cross of Jesus Christ 16:33 he would have taken our lives from us. 16:36 He delights in war, he delights in destruction, 16:40 he delights in earthquakes, he delights in the things 16:43 where men, women, boys and girls... 16:44 are swept away in death before they have an opportunity 16:49 to take a stand for Jesus Christ. 16:51 That is why it is so important for us 16:55 when we have an opportunity to make a commitment to Christ 17:00 to not put it off but to make that commitment 17:04 even though there are things going on in your life 17:07 that you know that are not right 17:09 but your heart's desire is to serve the Lord 17:11 and you don't know how to do what is right 17:14 but you just have to make that first step 17:17 and give yourself to Jesus and He will take you by the hand 17:21 and lead you all the way to Him. 17:26 We have this mentality that we say, 17:28 "I'm going to fix myself up 17:31 and then I'm going to come to Christ" 17:33 and then I'm going to go to church 17:36 and then I'm going to get baptized 17:38 and then I'm going to get my life in order. " 17:40 But Folks, you can't do that without Christ. 17:43 It's the Spirit of God in you that leads us to Him... 17:48 that's calling us to Him... 17:49 we can't do anything to clean ourselves up... ourselves, 17:55 it's impossible. 17:56 Audience: "Amen. " 17:57 We need something from outside to come inside... 18:01 to clean up inside... so it will show on the outside. 18:05 Audience: "Amen. " 18:06 You can't clean yourself up with a bucket of dirty water. 18:10 Audience: Agreeing. 18:11 Now don't get mad that I said, "a bucket of dirty water" 18:15 because when you look at the Bible, 18:17 the Bible says, Ladies and Gentlemen, 18:19 that all of our righteousness, not even our sin... 18:23 all of our righteousness is like filthy rags. 18:27 Audience: "Amen. " 18:28 And I'm not going to go into the "filthy rags," 18:29 you people heard that enough 18:31 so you know what I'm talking about 18:32 all of our righteousness is like filthy rags. 18:35 So what is our filthiness like? 18:37 We can't fix ourselves up and come to Christ. 18:40 We have to come to Christ and then He will fix us up. 18:44 Audience: "Amen. " 18:45 When your car is broken, you take it to the dealership 18:49 if you have the money 18:51 or... you take it to the shop to get it fixed. 18:56 Audience: "Amen. " 18:57 You don't fix it and then take it to the shop! 19:00 Audience: Agreeing. 19:01 So when it comes to us spiritually, 19:03 when we have to understand our needs... and Folks, 19:06 we have things that the Lord is trying to help us with... 19:09 some of us have some habits that... 19:10 we're in the church and we still have those habits, 19:13 people don't know about it but they're still there, 19:15 Folks, give it to Jesus. 19:17 Some of us are still drinking, 19:19 some of us are still smoking, 19:22 some of us are still watching things we shouldn't watch, 19:26 some of us are still in relationships 19:27 we need to get out of 19:28 and Folks, today, if you hear His voice, 19:31 say, "Lord Jesus, come into my life and help me... 19:34 I don't like doing these things 19:35 but I'm addicted to these things" 19:37 and Folks, that's what sin is. 19:38 Sin is addictive. 19:40 We don't do things we like, we do things we don't like, 19:45 we might cry about them later... 19:46 I used to have a friend who used to drink 19:51 and he would say... he was never going to drink 19:54 and he would say that when he was good and drunk. 19:56 Audience: Laughing. 19:58 And when he was crying while he was good and drunk 20:01 he would say... he was never going to drink again 20:04 and that would last him till the next day. 20:07 Audience: Laughing. 20:08 Until he met Jesus and he told Jesus, 20:14 "Jesus, you have to come in and take away my desire to drink 20:19 and don't let me be falsely telling myself 20:24 that I can do it by myself 20:27 because we can't Ladies and Gentlemen, 20:29 we can't do it by ourselves we need His divine help 20:32 but Folks, when we come down to this last thing... 20:35 we're talking about... these seven last plagues, 20:38 there comes a time when the Lord says, "Enough" 20:41 there comes a time when the Lord says, 20:45 "Okay, everyone has had enough opportunity... 20:48 enough time... during this thing called "life" 20:52 during our probation to make a choice for eternity 20:56 and Folks, that's the scary part 20:58 because if we are living in the last days 21:00 and the Lord is coming very soon, 21:02 then the time of our probation is getting shorter and shorter 21:06 and watch this... probation can end for us 21:10 while we are still alive. 21:12 Audience: "Amen. " 21:14 If you don't believe that, look at Judas... 21:18 his probation ended when he left the Upper Room 21:22 and went to betray Jesus, the Bible says... 21:25 "and when he went out it was night... " 21:28 it was night for his soul. 21:29 Probation ended for King Saul 21:33 when he was disobedient to the point 21:37 where he even allowed his... his... his... his relationship 21:41 with the prophet Samuel 21:43 and ripped the prophet's mantle 21:45 and his disobedience was there and it was open 21:50 and where this man who spoke and prophesied with the prophets 21:54 went to a place where he talked with a witch doctor 21:59 or an Opioid man... wherever you are... 22:03 you know what I'm talking about, 22:04 huh... he went there 22:07 to get information from someone who the Bible says... is dead. 22:15 Pause... 22:17 His probation was over and Folks, 22:20 when Jesus leaves us... 22:21 there's no length of how much evil we can do. 22:25 Audience: Agreeing. 22:27 So when we look at this thing here 22:28 and we see in Revelation 15, Revelation 15... verse 1, 22:32 it tells us that a time will come 22:35 where God's wrath... His anger, His violent rage... His fury 22:39 will be poured out on Planet Earth. 22:41 And Folks, you know when you read the book of Psalms... 22:44 Psalms... no, no, no, let's go to Proverbs chapter 1 22:49 it tells us in verse 24... Proverbs 1 verse 24... 22:54 it tells us... when this time comes... 22:58 Proverbs 1 verse 24 he says... 23:55 In other words... Folks, 23:57 whatever we sow, that's what we're going to reap. 23:59 Audience: "Amen. " 24:01 You and I don't know when God is going to say to us 24:04 individually... that's enough... 24:06 pause... 24:08 and Folks... when you think about it, 24:10 God is just and He's merciful, and he said that 24:12 and the Scriptures tell that and when we look at our lives 24:15 and we see how many chances we've had over and over again 24:17 and how many times we have broken the covenant with Christ 24:20 and we said... we wouldn't do that again 24:22 oh no, we'll never do it again 24:24 and we just go back out and do it again 24:26 to the point where sometimes our sinfulness 24:29 becomes an open rebellion and we do it and we say, 24:32 "I just did it. " 24:34 Pause... 24:36 The world... probation is going to end 24:40 just like for individuals... just like for cities... 24:43 how do you know... cities? 24:45 Well, Sodom and Gomorrah... their probation ended. 24:48 It's real... 24:50 I don't care what these people are saying out there 24:52 that some things aren't sin 24:54 and they're voting that it's not sin 24:56 because everybody's doing it 24:57 and they're making it a part of Society 24:59 and they want it to be accepted as a part of lifestyle, 25:02 Folks, we are not governed by the standard of this world, 25:05 we are held accountable of the Standard of God, 25:09 it is up to us to believe that and live by that 25:12 because He has the last say. 25:14 Audience: "Amen. " 25:16 The reason why the wrath of God 25:20 will be like something that has never been experienced before... 25:23 it will be because when it is poured out 25:27 the mercy of God will no longer be extended 25:32 to mankind as a whole... 25:34 for the saints of God... we will be protected 25:37 but for those who choose Satan as their lord and their leader 25:41 they will receive their just reward. 25:44 When you look at Daniel chapter 12... 25:47 please... Daniel 12 verse 1, 25:49 it says, "At that time shall Michael stand up, 25:54 the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: 25:59 and there shall be a time of trouble, 26:02 such as never was since there was a nation 26:05 even to that same time... " 26:07 Ladies and Gentlemen, 26:09 this timeframe here that is spoken of in the book of Daniel 26:14 is the sign for us to understand that when probation ends 26:19 and the seven last plagues begin to be poured out, 26:23 is when Jesus stands up says the words 26:27 of Revelation 22 verse 11, 26:29 "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: 26:34 he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: 26:39 he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: 26:44 and he that is holy, let him be holy still. " 26:48 In other words, when that proclamation goes out 26:51 from Jesus' lips... 26:52 when He stands up and He says that 26:55 in the most Holy Place in glory, 26:57 everybody's destiny will be fixed. 27:00 Pause... 27:02 If you're straight with God, 27:04 you're going to be straight till the end, 27:05 somebody ought to say, "Amen. " 27:06 Audience: "Amen. " 27:08 But when playing with God and you're out there on your own 27:10 that's the way you're going to be... 27:11 filthy... filthy... unjust... unjust... 27:13 righteous... righteous... Holy... Holy... 27:16 so if we don't know when it's coming... 27:19 there's nobody counting down the clock... 27:21 Ladies and Gentlemen, 27:22 if we don't know when it's coming, 27:24 it would behoove us to be ready... all the time. 27:28 Audience: "Amen. " 27:29 It would behoove us to be ready at night, 27:31 in the morning... at mid-day... and afternoon... 27:36 wherever we are... whatever we do... 27:38 we would be living to be ready. 27:41 Audience: "Amen. " 27:42 It could happen any time. 27:45 Pause... 27:46 I come back now to the book of Revelation 27:49 chapter 15 and we're going to move on now... 27:51 in chapter 15, the question is asked 27:54 as individuals are beholding this sight... 27:58 they are looking at the wrath of God 28:01 about to be poured out by these angels 28:03 and John gets a split screen and he sees a sea of glass 28:08 mingled with fire... 28:10 "and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, 28:12 and his image, and his mark, and over the number of his name, 28:14 stand on the sea of glass... " in other words... 28:15 as God is about to pour out His anger... 28:18 the scene switches for John to see 28:21 those individuals who are going to be victorious. 28:24 Folks, by faith you have to see yourself there, 28:28 by faith you have to see yourself there... 28:31 you and I must understand that we are living in the last days 28:36 and some of us... maybe all of us... 28:39 I don't know... many of us 28:41 will be able to go through this time of trouble 28:44 that's happening and will happen on Planet Earth, 28:47 right now, we're in the early time of trouble 28:50 but when probation ends it will be the time of trouble 28:53 and some of us are going to go through it 28:57 so we have to start preparing ourselves. 29:01 Folks, the devil's biggest trick that he is working on 29:04 with those individuals who have a knowledge of God, 29:08 is to tell them, "You don't have to get ready now, 29:11 you have plenty of time. " 29:13 And Folks, if you know me... if you were like me... 29:17 when I put something off... off... off... off... 29:21 pause... 29:23 if I get it completed, 29:24 it's not completed the way I wanted it done. 29:27 Come on now... 29:28 how many of you have procrastinated? 29:31 Pause... 29:32 Come on now, tell the truth... 29:34 come on, they're looking at all over the world, watching you 29:37 many of us are procrastinators. 29:39 We were planning to do something 29:41 we can do it tomorrow... tomorrow... tomorrow, tomorrow, 29:43 tomorrow... tomorrow, 29:44 well Folks, what if tomorrow doesn't come? 29:47 Audience: Agreeing. 29:48 When it comes to our salvation, 29:50 we have to get right with God today. 29:53 We have to say, "Lord, deal with this thing today. 29:56 I don't need to get it fixed when I graduate... " 29:58 I heard one lady say to me one time, 30:00 "Well Pastor, I really don't want the Lord to come 30:02 because I want to get married first. " 30:03 Audience: Laughing... 30:05 I said, "Honey, you don't know what you're asking for, 30:07 you might think marriage is heaven 30:08 but some marriages are that other word. " 30:10 Audience: Laughter... 30:13 Get right with God now... 30:16 today... 30:18 so when we come to chapter 16 which shows us first hand 30:22 what these plagues are like, 30:24 I don't want you to be frightful of these things 30:26 because somebody's going to be saved... 30:28 someone's going to be protected, 30:30 someone's going to be covered by the blood of the Lamb, 30:33 we see that in chapter 15 when we look at the rest of that 30:37 but when we see these plagues poured out, 30:39 there are plagues that we will know unmistakenly 30:43 that they are not natural phenomena... 30:46 Verse 1 chapter 16... 30:59 Now one Bible writer said that the seven last plagues 31:02 are not universal. 31:04 In other words, they are not going to happen 31:07 every place at the same time 31:08 because if they did... Ladies and Gentlemen, 31:11 the earth would not be able to survive it 31:14 so it's going to take place 31:15 in different places around the world 31:17 but it will be of such magnitude 31:19 that all the world will be affected by it. 31:22 Now we see that even today 31:24 with some of the things that we're dealing with 31:25 in this time of mercy. 31:27 That last earthquake that took place in Haiti, 31:30 it's said that it caused the earth to wobble on its axis. 31:34 The one we had where the great tsunami came 31:38 on Christmas... I think that was 2004... was it? 31:43 I'm not sure what year 31:44 but it's said that earthquake also shook the earth on its axis 31:50 pause... 31:51 Folks, we're living in perilous times. 31:54 Pause... 31:55 But when these things start falling, 31:57 there will be no natural explanation for them, 32:02 we will know it is the power of God and it says... 32:18 Oh, Ladies and Gentlemen, in other words, 32:20 that first plague that is poured out, 32:22 it will be poured out on those individuals 32:24 who stood up and resisted the seal of the living God 32:29 and accepted the Mark of the Beast. 32:32 Now the last two nights, we looked at that subject 32:34 and we saw that the Seal of God 32:36 was found in the heart of the commandments of God. 32:38 Exodus 20 verses 8 through 11... 32:41 in that commandment... the fourth commandment... 32:43 the only one that starts out with the word, "Remember... " 32:47 and it's a long commandment 32:48 but if you can just remember the first word 32:50 and the last word, you're pretty good... 32:51 it says, "Remember it. " 32:53 Pause... 32:54 That commandment has His name, His title, His territory... 32:58 His name is: the Lord God... 33:00 His title: He's Creator... 33:01 His territory: 33:03 "is the heaven and earth and sea and the fountains of waters" 33:05 that commandment... the fourth commandment... 33:08 placed in the ten commandments, Exodus 20:3 through 17, 33:12 identities whose law that is 33:15 and when we see that fourth commandment, 33:18 once again highlighted... 33:20 we understand that this is a commandment that lets us know 33:24 that we are serving the God who gave us our planet 33:30 and it is a memorial of his work and our relationship with Him. 33:35 As it says in Ezekiel 20 verses 12 and verse 20, 33:39 it shows that He is our God 33:42 and He says that we are His people. 33:45 We see that it was something given to us 33:48 not as Jews as it were... but it was given to us 33:52 in a sinless world... Exodus... 33:54 I'm sorry... Genesis 2 verses 1 through 3 33:57 when Adam and Eve were in the garden with Jesus Himself, 34:00 before sin entered the world 34:02 and when we get to the earth made new... 34:05 Isaiah has told us, that gospel prophet... 34:07 in Isaiah 66 verse 23, 34:10 He says that from one new moon to another... 34:13 which means once a month... 34:15 and from each Sabbath to another... 34:18 that means... every week... 34:19 all flesh shall come together and worship God 34:22 and when we look at Revelation 21 and 22... 34:25 and we see that the throne of God 34:28 and the throne of Jesus 34:29 will be placed in the middle of the new Jerusalem, 34:32 the heavenly city... 34:33 and that will be the center of Planet Earth 34:36 third planet from the sun... 34:38 fifth largest in the Solar System... 34:40 this place will become paradise when it's made new in Christ. 34:45 Audience: "Amen. " 34:46 So we see that that is something that He has given to us 34:49 but then when we saw the Mark of the Beast 34:52 and we saw the beast power 34:53 and we understand that it's talking about the Papal Power, 34:57 we're talking about the Papacy, 34:58 we're talking about a power that ruled the world 35:02 and during its rule, 70 million Christians 35:06 were slain by Pagan Rome 35:08 and 70 million Christians were slain by Papal Rome 35:12 and we saw that that entity... that System of false worship... 35:16 we're not talking about people but we're talking about a System 35:20 that was set up in opposition to God 35:23 had the nerve to not only alter the commandments of God 35:28 but when you look at the Douay Bible 35:30 and you see the Ten Commandments 35:32 as in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 35:35 you will see that the second commandment... 35:38 the second commandment that forbids idol worship 35:41 is taken out and one of the other commandments... 35:44 it's split up... 35:45 pause... 35:47 you can't change what God has written with His own finger 35:52 for Exodus 31 verse 18 tells us that the commandments of God 35:57 were written by Jesus Himself 36:00 and when you look at those commandments 36:02 in the Catechism, 36:03 when it comes down to the commandment which is not fourth 36:06 in that Catechism but it's number three... 36:09 all it says... "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day. " 36:12 Folks, if it said it just like that, 36:15 then it doesn't tell you what day... 36:18 and it doesn't tell you why. 36:20 It just says, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. " 36:24 Jesus, not only tells us what day... 36:28 but He tells us why... 36:30 because in it, He made heaven and earth and sea 36:32 and fountains of water. 36:34 And we said, this whole thing... 36:36 when we look at the Bible, this whole controversy 36:39 that is going on between Satan and Christ... 36:41 it's all about worship. 36:44 Worship that belongs to God... 36:47 Satan tries to hijack and bring it to himself 36:51 and when we looked at Revelation... 36:53 I want you to look at this, Revelation chapter 13, 36:55 looking at verse 2, 36:57 we see why the devil is doing what he does... 37:01 Revelation chapter 13, verse 2, it says, 37:04 "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, 37:07 and his feet as... the feet of a bear... 37:10 and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: 37:12 and the dragon gave him his power, 37:15 and his seat, and his great authority. 37:18 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; 37:20 and his deadly wound was was healed: 37:22 and all the world wondered after the beast. " 37:24 And verse 4... "And they worshipped the dragon 37:27 which gave power unto the beast" 37:29 you see, Satan is so deluded... he is so deluded 37:32 that he thinks... if we don't worship God 37:35 but we worship him in any of his form, 37:39 it goes to him. 37:40 Pause... 37:42 He is not going to make it to heaven 37:45 and he doesn't want us to go to heaven. 37:47 My Bible tells us that if we're guilty of one commandment, 37:50 we're guilty of all, Ladies and Gentlemen. 37:52 And I thank God there's grace 37:54 because we a have all broken all. 37:56 We've done it... 37:58 and sometimes some people say, 38:00 "Well, I never committed adultery. " 38:02 Yeah, but you have thought of it in your heart and in your mind. 38:04 Folks, that's why you have to be careful 38:06 of what you're watching on TV... hmmm... 38:09 it's in your heart and your mind... 38:11 I mean, I'm not going to go to hell for TV... 38:14 pause... 38:16 and now, listen to me... 38:17 I'm not saying, "throw out your TV" 38:19 but I'm just saying... 38:20 we have to be careful what we watch. 38:21 We have to be careful what we listen to... 38:25 pause... 38:28 music... 38:30 the music we listen to... 38:32 puts us in different frames of mind... 38:34 I remember before I knew the Lord, 38:37 and if I was getting ready to go out to a party, 38:39 I'd put on music to put me in "party mood. " 38:41 Am I telling the truth? 38:43 and when you're feeling down, 38:45 you put on music to even take you even downer... 38:47 that's why do they call it "the mood?" 38:48 Audience: Laugher... 38:50 huh... but when you need to be uplifted 38:52 you're singing those gospel songs 38:54 and you read those hymns and they bring it up 38:57 and they can uplift you. 38:58 Audience: "Amen. " 39:00 Music really moves us and Folks, who is in charge of music? 39:05 The enemy was in charge of music 39:07 so you have to know that 39:10 all music is not safe. 39:12 It might sound good... it might deal with it... 39:15 there is some music that just has you jumping 39:17 before you even know you're jumping 39:19 and guess what? Music doesn't leave you. 39:22 I mean, I can be walking in the store 39:25 shopping with my wife 39:28 and I get to push the cart sometimes 39:30 and I'm going through and a song will come on 39:33 and before I even hear the words of the song, 39:37 the words are right there... 39:38 like somebody just typed them up on my head 39:41 and guess what? Those words will come out 39:43 and the music and the beat without missing it... 39:47 pause... 39:49 because they're in us... 39:50 oh we should have the Holy Ghost in us like that, amen... 39:53 then we could bring it up like that 39:55 and we have to ask God to do it. 39:56 So, Folks, when we come back to this... 39:58 and I want you to see this, 39:59 I don't want you to be afraid of the seven last plagues, 40:03 I want you to be aware and it says, 40:04 "These individuals that stand up and resist the power of God... " 40:07 and Folks, you remember, the Bible told us 40:10 that those who receive the Mark of the Beast, 40:12 will receive it even in their forehead 40:14 which means they believed it 40:15 or in their hand, which means, they will do and comply 40:20 and worship the beast for the benefits of it 40:23 and they will be the first ones to receive that first plague. 40:27 "The second angel poured out his vial... " the record says, 40:31 "upon the sea... " 40:38 We're talking about the waterways of the world... 40:40 they will be corrupted by the stench of blood of a dead man. 40:46 Pause... 40:48 Folks, that's going to interfere with shipping... 40:51 pause... 40:52 that's going to interfere with our ecosystem. 40:55 Folks, if just the sea warming up is causing havoc, 41:01 what's going to happen when it turns to blood? 41:04 Pause... 41:06 The record goes on to say... 41:12 In other words, now, he's not talking about salt water 41:15 that covers two-thirds of the earth 41:17 but he's talking about the fresh water 41:18 and Folks, when you look at Planet Earth, 41:20 97 percent of the water on the earth is salt water, 41:22 3 percent of it is fresh water 41:24 with our lakes and our rivers 41:26 and Folks, out of that three percent, 41:28 two percent of that is frozen in the North and South Poles. 41:32 Pause... 41:34 The one percent that is left is the water we drink. 41:37 Pause... 41:39 And the Bible says, it will be turned to blood. 41:44 Now Folks, that sounds gross... 41:47 it sounds gross... 41:50 pause... 41:52 it sounds frightening, 41:53 and I don't know about you 41:55 but when there's no water in the house, 41:57 that's when I'm thirsty. 41:58 Audience: Laughing. 41:59 How many of you know what I'm talking about... 42:01 at home... you know, when there's water in the house, 42:03 you don't want to drink it, you make yourself drink it 42:06 and Folks, you should drink water before you go to sleep, 42:08 I read somewhere that if you drink a bottle of water 42:10 before you go to sleep 42:12 it cuts your risk of heart attack by 50 percent. 42:16 That's what I heard, I don't know how true it is, 42:18 you could write in and tell me about that, Doctors, 42:20 but that's what they say, I drink it, just in case... 42:23 I'd rather be right... hello, I want to wake up... 42:25 Audience: Laughing... "Amen... " 42:28 But when you don't have water, that's when you want it. 42:32 The song says, 42:33 "You never miss your water till your well runs dry" 42:35 isn't that right? 42:36 Okay, so when you look at that, Ladies and Gentlemen 42:39 and you see it all turning blood 42:42 and, and, and... you see the thirst that it's going produce 42:45 on Planet Earth, 42:47 you have to remember as a child of God, 42:50 and the Bible again... Romans 15 verse 4... 42:52 "whatsoever things happened aforetime 42:53 were written for our learning, that we through patience 42:55 and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. " 42:57 When I go back to my Bible, and I read it in Exodus 7 43:00 and I read verses 19 through 25, 43:03 I see that this happened before... 43:05 that the Lord turned the water to blood 43:07 but the children of Israel had water 43:10 and the Egyptians had blood. 43:12 Audience: "Amen. " 43:13 Isaiah 33 verse 16 tells us... our bread and our water is sure. 43:21 In other words, don't worry about these material things, 43:23 God cares and will take care of us. 43:27 Audience: "Amen. " 43:28 The Record says, "And I heard the angels of the waters say, 43:30 Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, 43:32 and shall be, because thou hast judged thus. 43:34 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, 43:36 and thou hast given them blood to drink; 43:39 for they are worthy. 43:40 And I heard another out of the altar say, 43:43 Even so, Lord God Almighty, 43:45 true and righteous are thy judgments. 43:47 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun... 44:02 They couldn't... it was too late for them... 44:04 the Holy Spirit had left them... 44:06 Planet Earth is going to be a mess, Ladies and Gentlemen, 44:10 you think it's bad... no wonder Jesus said, 44:12 that these are just the beginning of sorrows, 44:14 it's going to get worse... 44:15 men with the pestilence upon them... 44:19 the waters, ocean and fresh... turning to blood 44:23 and now the sun burning mankind, and Folks, 44:27 we know that we have to be careful with the sun now 44:29 because of the Ozone Layer 44:30 with what we have done with pollution 44:32 has caused the rays to come through 44:34 and causing all types of cancers 44:36 but this will be more magnified 44:39 because they have called upon the sun god 44:41 and they have worshipped him 44:44 and they will receive their just reward. 44:55 All of a sudden now, there's no more sun... no more heat, 44:58 it's turned to this blackness 44:59 where they cannot see and, Ladies and Gentlemen... 45:02 the cold that comes with it... and men... it said... 45:04 "they blasphemed the God of heaven... 45:17 Now here's where some people really get mixed up... 45:19 it says... 45:28 Folks, all that it's talking about 45:29 the mouth of the dragon... 45:31 that's the devil and spiritualism... 45:33 the Mark of the Beast... that's Catholicism and the Papacy 45:36 we're not talking about people, we're talking about the System 45:40 and it says, "Out of the mouth of the False Prophet... " 45:42 it's talking about Apostate Protestantism 45:45 that first pulled out from Rome but then allowed the errors 45:50 to stay within her even in the light of the truth. 45:53 Pause... 45:55 And it says... 46:05 Ladies and Gentlemen, this three-fold union of evil 46:08 will come forward to attack the children of God... 46:12 to destroy them... to take their lives... 46:14 to fulfill what is written in Revelation 13 verse 15. 46:20 Turn with me, Revelation 13 verse 15... 46:23 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, 46:27 that the image of the beast should both speak, 46:30 and cause as many as would not worship the beast 46:33 that they should be killed. 46:35 And he causeth all, both small and great, 46:39 rich and poor, free and bond, 46:40 to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 46:43 And that no man might buy or sell 46:45 save he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, 46:50 or the number of his name. " 46:51 So we see these three forces will come together 46:55 to come up against the children of God. 46:58 It will be a universal... or a worldwide movement 47:02 to eradicate the saints of God from off the Planet Earth. 47:05 In other words, 47:07 they want to destroy us, they're going to say, 47:09 "We're the ones that have caused these problems" 47:11 because we would not receive the Mark of the Beast 47:13 but we have the Seal of the Living God 47:15 and it will be as though all of Society 47:17 is against the children of God and this scene... John saw... 47:21 and I can imagine his eyes were growing wide and he was 47:24 feeling a little nervous and his heart was beating faster 47:27 and then Jesus throws in this commercial 47:29 and that's what I love about my Jesus, 47:31 when we get stressed... a little nervous... 47:33 He always brings us the Word, 47:35 then, if you look at verse 15, it's like a commercial... 47:37 it said, "Behold, I come as a thief. " 47:39 Pause... 47:41 they're all lined up around us, 47:42 "Behold I come as a thief, blessed is he that watcheth, 47:45 and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, 47:48 and they see his shame. " 47:50 In other words, just hold on... 47:53 Audience: "Amen... amen. " 48:37 Friends, when you do the mathematics, 48:39 that hail stone... each one... a weight of a talent, 48:43 it's approximately 66 pounds. 48:46 Pause... 48:48 Ice falling from heaven... 66 pounds... 48:51 causing destruction... 48:54 causing wrath... 48:56 causing the wrath of God to be poured out on mankind 49:00 but guess what? 49:02 My Bible tells me, He knows how to keep us... 49:05 turn to Psalm 91... look at this thing... 49:08 the Bible is its own expositor... 49:10 and each part of it tells us about different parts of it 49:12 and they are all interwoven, watch this... 49:14 you may not have ever seen this before, 49:16 but this will let you know 49:18 that God will keep us through the plagues 49:20 it says in verse 1, 49:22 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High 49:24 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 49:27 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: 49:31 my God; in whom I will trust. 49:33 Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, 49:37 and from the noisome pestilence. " 49:40 Sounds like the first plague... 49:42 "He shall cover thee with his feathers, 49:45 and under his wings shalt thou trust: 49:48 his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. " 49:51 Because we've kept the truth in our hearts, 49:54 we won't receive the plagues. 49:55 Audience: "Amen. " 49:57 He says, "Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night" 50:00 that's the darkness... 50:01 "nor for the arrow that flieth by day... " 50:04 that's them lining up against us... 50:06 "nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; 50:09 nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. " 50:13 That sounds like the fourth plague... 50:15 when the sun is burning folks up, 50:16 verse 7... "A thousand shall fall at thy side, 50:20 and ten thousand at thy right hand; 50:23 but it shall not come nigh thee. " 50:25 When they are coming after us and those hailstones come, 50:29 we will see them being destroyed... 50:31 but He will keep His people... 50:33 because God is God alone... 50:35 Audience loudly: "Amen... amen... amen... " 50:37 "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold 50:39 and see the reward of the wicked. " 50:41 In other words, we'll be like we're watching a movie... 50:43 something's just going on all around us... and He says, 50:46 "Because thou has made the LORD, which is my refuge, 50:48 even the most High, thy habitation; 50:51 There shall no evil... " verse 10... 51:01 Audience: "Amen, amen, amen. " 51:03 Don't you worry about those plagues, 51:06 just make sure you're right with God. 51:09 Audience: "Amen. " 51:10 And He'll keep you... because that's the kind of God He is. 51:14 Piano playing... 51:19 I trust in God 51:23 wherever I may be... 51:28 Upon the land... 51:34 or on the rolling sea, 51:41 For come what may, 51:47 from day to day... 51:52 my heavenly Father 51:59 watches over me... 52:08 I trust in God 52:12 I know He cares for me 52:17 on mountain bleak 52:23 or on the rolling sea 52:29 Though billows roll 52:35 He keeps my soul... 52:40 my Heavenly Father 52:45 watches over 52:50 me... 52:54 The valley may be dark, 53:00 the shadows deep 53:05 but oh my Shepherd 53:10 guards His lonely sheep 53:17 and through the gloom 53:23 He leads me home 53:29 my Heavenly Father watches over 53:38 me... 53:42 I trust in God 53:47 I know He cares for me 53:53 on mountain bleak 53:57 or on the rolling sea... 54:04 though billows roll 54:10 He keeps my soul... 54:16 my heavenly Father 54:21 watches over 54:26 me... 54:29 Audience: "Amen. " 54:34 Friends, our Heavenly Father... He watches over us. 54:38 The eyes of the Lord are in every place 54:41 beholding the evil and the good 54:44 Proverbs 15 verse 3, 54:46 but folks, He's not watching over us to destroy us, 54:51 He's watching over us to save us. 54:54 Audience: "Amen. " 54:56 And tonight in light of this message, 54:58 I want you to make a commitment to the King 55:02 first of all, I want us to admit 55:06 that we need His watch care, 55:08 do you need His watch care? 55:10 just raise your hand... we need Him... 55:11 and then secondly... 55:15 I want us to ask Him, say, 55:18 "Lord, keep us because we cannot keep ourselves 55:22 in this great controversy called life... " 55:25 if that's your desire just raise your hand... 55:27 you can't keep yourself... and you want Him there... 55:29 and now I want to be a little more specific... 55:33 pause... 55:34 I want us to ask the Lord, 55:37 if we are going to live through these seven last plagues... 55:42 pause... 55:43 that we would be more aware of our surroundings 55:46 and where we are in our spiritual things... 55:48 and we need His help to keep us 55:52 during these hours of probation 55:55 if that's your desire... just stand to your feet... 55:58 even at home... 55:59 say, "Lord, I need you to help me 56:02 through these hours of probation 56:05 that I might be ready... " 56:07 now some of you who are at home, 56:10 you've been hearing these things for the very first time, 56:14 and you want to know more about the truth of the Living God, 56:18 Folks, if you have internet, you can just go on: 56:21 www. sda. org 56:24 and you can navigate through that 56:27 and find a Seventh-day Adventist Church 56:30 around you... wherever you are... 56:33 whatever country... 56:34 because God has blessed us for that. 56:37 Tonight, we stand to our feet 56:41 because we want Jesus to have control of our lives, 56:43 let us live up to the light that we have 56:50 that He can bless us 56:53 with the blessings He has for us... 56:56 that is our prayer. Good night. |
Revised 2017-04-04