Participants: Lawrence Dorsey
Series Code: UR
Program Code: UR000011
00:05 Music...
00:10 Seagulls... 00:15 More music... 00:20 Scenes from history... 00:29 More scenes... 00:37 Some more scenes... 00:41 Modern scenes... 00:43 More modern scenes... 00:47 Turning the pages of Revelation. 00:53 Good evening Ambassador Family 01:00 and good evening to our Viewing Audience, 01:02 I'm Henoc Paulicin, 01:03 Pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church 01:06 We're located in Fort Lauderdale Florida area 01:10 in a city called Lauderdale Lakes. 01:12 For those who are not familiar with Florida, 01:17 we're right near Miami, Florida, about 20 or 30 minutes 01:21 and we're about 12 minutes from the Fort Lauderdale airport. 01:24 If you find yourself in the area, 01:27 we'd love to invite you to come and worship with us. 01:29 I believe that we are a friendly church 01:32 and we're a fast-growing church so come and worship with us. 01:36 This evening, I have with me, 01:38 another member of my ministerial staff 01:40 and I'd like to have him introduce himself. 01:42 Good evening, I'm Elder Levi Compton 01:45 from the land of Trinidad and Tobago. 01:48 I bring you greetings 01:50 in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 01:52 May you be blessed this afternoon. 01:55 Let us begin with a word of prayer, 01:59 for those who are visiting for the first time, 02:02 this Series is called, "Through the Eyes of John" 02:05 and the Speaker is none other than 02:07 Pastor Lawrence Steven Dorsey 02:09 from the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church 02:11 in Los Angeles, California, 02:13 well, let us invite the presence of the Lord, 02:16 please bow your heads. 02:17 "Our loving Father and our dear God, 02:19 we thank you for what you have done 02:22 and what you are about to do. 02:23 We pray for continued outpouring of your Spirit on this day. 02:28 When all is said and done, 02:30 let us see nothing and hear nothing but Jesus. 02:34 Hear us as we pray, 02:35 this we ask in Jesus' name, amen. " 02:39 Walking off stage... 02:45 Piano playing... 02:50 Jesus is the 02:55 sweetest name 03:01 I know... 03:06 and He's just the same... 03:12 as His Holy name. 03:20 And that's the reason 03:27 why I love Him so... 03:34 Ooooooh... 03:38 'Cause Jesus is the sweetest name... 03:45 my Jesus He's the sweetest name... 03:53 my Jesus... 03:56 He's the sweetest name 04:02 I know. 04:08 Playing piano... 04:12 More music... 04:16 Pause... 04:21 Pastor coming to stage. 04:25 Good evening everyone. 04:28 Audience: "Good Evening. " 04:30 Jesus is the sweetest name I know. 04:32 and Folks, it's a name that is above everything 04:36 and when you say that name 04:39 it's not only saying 04:42 the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords 04:44 but it is a name that invokes the adoring spirit of angels. 04:51 It's a name that is also used as an instant prayer, 04:57 somebody knows what I'm talking about. 04:59 Audience: "Amen. " 05:01 There is somethings that we face in life 05:03 and you can't say anything else but "Jesus. " 05:06 and sometimes you can't even say, "Jesus. " 05:10 You just think "Jesus" and that prayer is answered. 05:15 My favorite Bible writer says in the book, "Desire of Ages... " 05:20 when the saints of God call on the name of Jesus, 05:24 angels direct their attention to that person who is praying 05:29 and calling on that name and then they look back to see 05:33 how they are to be dispatched 05:36 to take care of the need of God's children. 05:38 So, tonight, let us all say, 05:41 "Jesus... the sweetest name we know. " 05:44 We're going to move quickly this evening, 05:48 we have a few individuals who have written in 05:51 and we have more that have written in 05:52 than we can announce 05:54 but we just want to say, "Hello" to these folks who are watching. 05:57 We have a Cynthia Carroll from Newark, Delaware, 06:02 and Folks, honestly, I never knew 06:04 there was a Newark, Delaware... 06:06 I've heard of Newark, New Jersey, 06:07 but Newark, Delaware, we're glad to have you watching. 06:12 We also have a William and Ruby McFoy from California, 06:16 a Victoria Stenson from Flushing, New York, 06:20 a Delanise, Denise, Denis, Connie and Michelle... 06:26 all from White Marsh, Baltimore 06:29 and lastly, we have tonight, 06:32 a Ray Peacock from North Carolina 06:35 who says he is enjoying these messages immensely. 06:39 So let us continue to pray for our at-home audience 06:43 and those who are watching online 06:44 that the Lord will give them even the same blessing 06:48 that we are receiving being here in person 06:51 at this beautiful church... 06:53 the Ambassador Seventh-day Adventist Church. 06:55 Tonight we have a message that is very solemn, 06:58 a message that we need to understand and know. 07:01 It's entitled, "Marked for Destruction" 07:06 Marked for Destruction... 07:09 "Loving Father, again, we come to you 07:12 asking you for wisdom and skill and for understanding, 07:18 in other words, Lord, we can't do this ourselves 07:22 so we approach your Holy Book 07:25 asking you to send divine help, Lord, 07:29 send your Holy Spirit that we might discern spiritual things. 07:32 Help us to speak clearly and distinctly 07:36 and Lord, we ask that the Bible might live 07:40 and bring to our minds and our understanding 07:43 the things which must shortly come to pass, 07:46 bless us to this end and when we finish, Lord, 07:50 let us rejoice in your mercy 07:52 is our prayer in Jesus' name, amen. " 07:55 Last night we looked at the message entitled, 07:58 "Heaven's Seal of Approval" 07:59 and we saw heaven's seal of approval, 08:01 we found that it was found in the heart of God's commandments 08:06 the fourth commandment to be exact 08:08 verses 8 through 11, 08:10 for in that commandment, Ladies and Gentlemen, 08:12 we saw the things that not only identified whose law 08:16 those commandments belong to 08:18 but it also has the name, the title and the territory 08:24 of our Creator, our God, and it shows us where He reigns 08:29 and Folks, God reigns everywhere. 08:32 We saw this last night 08:34 and we know from what we have been studying 08:36 from the book of Revelation night after night 08:39 that when God has something that is genuine, 08:41 the devil... he's deluded, he's disillusioned... delusional 08:49 he tries to always set up a counterfeit. 08:52 So if we look at it, just from titles, 08:55 "Heaven's Seal of Approval" 08:57 and then "Marked for Destruction" 09:00 we find ourselves looking at something that is there 09:04 for us to understand and know 09:06 because it has to do with our eternal salvation. 09:11 Turn with me quickly to Revelation chapter 14, 09:14 Revelation 14, we're beginning in the same place, 09:18 Revelation 14 verse 6 09:20 and we've been through this text a few times 09:24 but we're going to see something even different 09:27 because we're going to go a little further 09:31 and as I said, this is the most solemn warning 09:34 that is in the Bible... 09:36 the most solemn warning... 09:38 the most sobering, a warning... if we don't heed it, 09:42 Ladies and Gentlemen, because it is in our time 09:46 we could find ourselves lost for eternity. 09:50 Revelation 14 verse 6... 10:16 And we have dug deep into this text on numerous nights 10:20 and we understand that fear of God is a reverence for Him, 10:24 it is an awe of Him because of who He is. 10:28 We understood, Ladies and Gentlemen, 10:31 that we give glory to Him by everything we do, 10:35 eat, drink, speak, 10:37 whatever we do, we do it to the glory of God. 10:40 We know the hour of His judgment is coming 10:42 and we have seen and we will see later on, 10:45 this very week, 10:47 that the judgment is something that has already begun 10:50 and we find ourselves living in the time... 10:53 the era of the seventh church, Laodicea 10:55 which name itself means, "the judging of the people. " 10:58 This judgment began in 1844 11:02 right after the things that we have seen 11:04 in chapter 6 of the book of Revelation 11:07 the signs in the sun and the moon and the stars 11:10 and it tells us, Ladies and Gentlemen, 11:13 that we are really in the last days 11:15 because all of the things that we have seen 11:17 in Matthew, Mark and Luke, 11:19 Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13... those signs of the times 11:25 all point to where we are even now 11:28 and then it says, "And worship Him 11:31 that made heaven and earth, the sea and fountains of waters" 11:34 and Ladies and Gentlemen, we said, 11:36 the great controversy, that we are in... 11:37 that we are a part of... 11:38 because we are here on Planet Earth 11:40 and because our Foreparents have sinned, 11:43 we are part of the great controversy 11:45 and the bottom line in the controversy 11:48 is the "worship factor" 11:50 whom shall we worship? 11:52 Shall we worship Jehovah God 11:55 or we worship the "created," Satan, himself? 11:59 And Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't understand it 12:02 but some people don't understand 12:04 that if you're not worshipping God 12:06 automatically you are worshipping the devil. 12:08 You might think you're worshipping yourself 12:11 but any thing... 12:13 any person you put before God 12:15 puts you on the same side as worshipping the evil one. 12:19 We look at this and we see and we've talked about it, 12:23 we saw in the message, "God's Forgotten Revelation" 12:27 where again, we saw the commandments of God... 12:29 the only portion of Scripture 12:31 that was written with God's own finger 12:34 Exodus chapter 31 verse 18 shows us that the commandments... 12:38 we're looking at Exodus 20 verses 3 through 17... 12:42 those commandments were written with God's own finger 12:47 given to us and handed down to us 12:50 that we might know it's true 12:52 and we might hold on to its principles 12:55 and in this first part of this message, 12:57 that is found in Revelation 14, it tells us to worship Him 13:02 who made heaven and earth and sea 13:04 and the fountains of waters... 13:06 a revelation to us to let us know 13:09 that we must worship our Creator 13:12 and when we look at those commandments 13:15 and we saw Exodus 20:8 through 11 13:19 that fourth commandment... 13:20 we saw that it is a call that is given to us 13:24 to come back and remember the memorial of creation 13:28 for that is what the seventh-day Sabbath is 13:31 a memorial of creation that was not given to the Jews 13:35 but was given to Adam and Eve in the very beginning... 13:40 in the Garden... I'm looking at Genesis 2 verses 1 through 3 13:44 in the very beginning before there was sin... 13:48 pause... 13:50 do you understand that? 13:51 There was worship with God before there was sin. 13:56 Some people think that church is something that's come around 13:58 and has evolved after sin... 14:00 there was worship on earth before sin. 14:04 Audience: "Amen. " 14:06 Before there were Jews, 14:07 if we look at the Bible, Ladies and Gentlemen, 14:10 we will see that there was worship in heaven 14:13 for thousand times ten thousands 14:15 and thousands and thousands of angels... 14:18 they worshipped Him. 14:19 Audience: "Amen. " 14:21 So when we look at this thing and we see that in the last days 14:25 this call that is going forth unto all the world 14:28 is a call for us to come back and worship Jesus our Creator 14:35 but it doesn't stop there, it says in verse 8, 14:38 "And there followed another angel saying... " 14:50 And Ladies and Gentlemen, we're not talking about 14:52 ancient Babylon... the city, 14:54 we're talking about all false systems of worship. 14:58 You see, we see the book of Revelation, 15:01 is a book of literal things and a book of symbolic things. 15:05 When we talk about the church of the living God 15:07 or the people of God, we call them, "Spiritual Israel" 15:10 we call the Holy City, "New Jerusalem" 15:13 when you look at the other side, we see those individuals 15:16 who are not under the banner of Christ 15:19 and they are under the banner of Babylon... 15:22 that mystical, spiritual empire 15:26 that was in direct opposition to God. 15:29 So when we see these two entities there 15:33 and we see that one has a seal of approval 15:36 quite naturally there must be a mark for destruction. 15:42 We continue to read 15:44 and here it is, Ladies and Gentlemen, 15:46 the most solemn warning in the Bible... 16:25 remember... this is all about worship, 16:28 "who worship the beast and his image, 16:31 and whosoever receives the mark of his name. " 16:35 And Ladies and Gentlemen, 16:36 this makes it so clear and so easy to understand... 16:40 we are talking about a system that will be put in place 16:44 in direct opposition to the system of worship for God. 16:49 When we look at Matthew chapter 4 verse 8, 16:54 we saw the true colors of Satan, 16:56 he came to Jesus in the wilderness 16:59 and the bottom line is, 17:00 when he came down with his third and greatest temptation, 17:04 he wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him. 17:08 In the reply that came back from Jesus, 17:12 is the same reply that we must use... 17:16 we must go not only by the Word of God 17:19 but by the portion of the Bible, that portion... 17:22 not just inspired by Holy men 17:24 as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 17:26 as it tells us in 2nd Peter 1 verses 19 through 22 17:30 about how the Bible came about... 17:31 not only... "All Scripture given by God" 17:34 as it tells us in 2nd Timothy 3 verse 16, 17:37 that it is profitable for us for our reproof and correction 17:41 and instruction in righteousness... 17:43 no, it comes from the part of the Bible 17:45 that Jesus wrote Himself. 17:48 Pause... 17:50 The first commandment in Exodus 20 verse 3 is, 17:53 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. " 17:57 Audience: "Amen. " 17:59 So when we look at this decree... 18:02 when we look at this solemn, solemn, very sober warning 18:07 that is given to mankind, 18:08 we see that the Lord has placed this in here 18:12 with a visual to see that those who refuse to worship Him 18:17 and give homage to His enemy... 18:20 pause... 18:21 it says that they will be destroyed 18:23 in that same lake of fire as Satan himself 18:27 and Folks, you know and I know that the Bible has told us 18:30 in Matthew 25 verse 41 18:32 that hell was made for the devil and his angels, 18:34 it's not for us... 18:36 heaven has been made for us 18:38 glorious day for us 18:40 Jesus died for us 18:42 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son 18:45 that whosoever believeth in Him 18:47 should not perish but have everlasting life. " 18:50 We don't have to do anything but believe Him 18:53 and as you believe Him, 18:55 you give your entire body, mind and soul to Him 18:59 opening up your heart as He has said in Revelation chapter 3 19:03 and we let Him in and His Holy Spirit comes in us 19:07 and if we allow Him to... day by day... 19:10 He will renew our minds 19:12 by the transforming of our whole attitude and spirit 19:15 by the wonder and power of His Holy Spirit. 19:18 Audience: "Amen. " 19:20 It's not hard... we make it hard... 19:23 we say, "Lord come in" 19:25 but there's no room for Him to come in 19:27 because we are filled with "self" 19:30 we come here naturally selfish 19:32 it's about us... 19:34 when we sin... 19:37 we don't sin because we wanted to see Jesus go on the cross, 19:40 we're just trying to do something for ourselves. 19:43 That's vanity, Ladies and Gentlemen, 19:47 that's self-worship... 19:49 we make ourselves our own god... 19:53 as if we didn't have enough things to fight about... 19:56 pause... 19:58 I come back to the solemnity of this message, 20:01 we saw that there are four things that God cannot do, 20:05 the first thing He cannot do is: He cannot lie... 20:08 the second thing He cannot do: He cannot change His Law... 20:12 the third thing God cannot do: 20:14 He cannot justify an unrepentant sinner 20:17 but folks if you confess your sins, 20:20 He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins 20:22 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 20:25 The fourth thing God cannot do: 20:28 He cannot save a man or a woman, 20:31 a boy or girl... against your will, 20:34 He will not snatch anybody screaming and kicking to heaven. 20:39 Pause... 20:40 it's up to you... 20:42 it's up to me... 20:43 if we want to go, we will choose ye this day 20:48 whom we will serve... 20:51 pause... 20:52 I look at this message 20:54 and I see that God has always been good to us. 20:58 He tells us here that this is open for all to see and know 21:04 but when we look through the Bible 21:07 and we know that Revelation is a part of the Bible, 21:10 it is an intricate part of the Bible, 21:13 we see that there are texts that are written here 21:16 for us to know that in the last days 21:18 God will send forth a people to send a message of hope 21:23 to let the people know that things are changing 21:28 and time is running out and that we have to be ready. 21:33 He says in Isaiah 58 verse 1 "Cry aloud and spare not... 21:39 show my people their transgressions... 21:44 let them know what they're doing... 21:46 why I am angry... 21:48 let them see that they are going contrary to my will... " 21:53 I turned in the book of Hosea, Hosea chapter 4 verse 6, 21:58 I read this... "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" 22:03 now Folks, He is talking about His people. 22:05 He's not even dealing with the wicked. 22:08 You see we need to understand, Ladies and Gentlemen, 22:11 just because our names are on the church roll, 22:14 just because we are ten... Church... 22:15 just because we do some good things, 22:17 just because we pay some tithe, 22:19 just because we keep the Sabbath, 22:21 just because we have been giving some witness and preaching 22:24 and singing and done some things in His name, 22:26 that does not qualify you as a full servant of God. 22:30 Pause... 22:32 Do you have fruit Ladies and Gentlemen? 22:36 Not gifts... 22:37 devil had gifts... he could sing up a storm... 22:41 he had gifts... he was filled with wisdom... 22:45 he had gifts... he was beautiful... 22:48 pause... 22:50 but he didn't have the fruit that takes to get to glory. 22:55 Oh, he had fruit all right... but the wrong kind. 22:58 Pause... 22:59 And Ladies and Gentlemen, you and I know 23:02 that my Bible tells us in Matthew 7 verse 21 23:04 that the Lord will look at some people and say, 23:07 "I never knew you because you didn't have the fruit 23:10 you did not allow the Holy Spirit 23:13 to do His perfect work in us... " 23:15 we held on to our own spirit, attitude, motive, ambitions... 23:20 and with that we'll find ourselves lost. 23:23 Pause... 23:25 It's not about us, it's about Christ. 23:29 He says here in this warning in Hosea chapter 4 verse 6... 23:51 Now Folks, I want you to see something here, 23:53 I want you to see how the Bible is its own expositor 23:56 and how the theme of the Bible 23:59 is something that intertwines throughout the whole thing. 24:03 He says here, in verse 6, "I will also reject thee 24:08 and thou shalt be no priest to me. " 24:11 Pause... 24:13 Compare that to 1st Peter 2 verse 9. 24:18 "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal... " what? 24:25 what? "priesthood... " 24:28 we are to be priests of God, 24:32 not just the pastors and the evangelists... 24:34 every single Christian who has a relationship with Jesus Christ 24:39 is to be a member of the royal priesthood. 24:43 In other words, our lives are handling heavenly things, 24:46 we are ambassadors for Christ 24:49 the highest dignitary that can be sent from an Embassy, 24:52 we are representatives of heaven 24:55 and when we don't do our part, Ladies and Gentlemen, 24:58 our spirit, our attitude, our motive, our conversation, 25:01 our business transactions, 25:03 we are denying the fact that we are a holy priesthood. 25:08 He says that we are a peculiar people, a holy nation 25:13 that we should show forth the praises of Him 25:15 who has called us out of darkness 25:17 into His marvelous light. 25:19 Ladies and Gentlemen, when you look at that, 25:21 it is the same thing and we've looked at it before, 25:23 in Exodus 19 verses 5 and 6 25:26 and we don't have time to look at it now 25:28 but He said to them that they were a holy priesthood. 25:32 Pause... 25:35 But even though God proclaims that on us, 25:39 if we don't live up to His expectations 25:43 and what He can do for us, He will take it away 25:46 as He says here, He says, 25:48 "I also will reject thee that thou shalt be no priest to me 25:52 seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, 25:56 I also will forget thy children" 25:58 and when we look at the Christian world today, 26:01 many people have forgotten the very Law of God. 26:05 Pause... 26:07 We've forgotten it. 26:08 What we do when we say we are Christians... has to measure up 26:15 by the test of God's character 26:17 and the test of God's character is reflected in us, 26:21 Ladies and Gentlemen, 26:23 in how we worship Him 26:25 and how we relate to the very Law of God. 26:29 You see, the commandments... 26:30 the first four show our duty to God 26:32 and the last six show our duty to our fellowmen. 26:35 Pause... 26:37 You can't separate it. 26:38 You can't say, "I'm just going to deal with God. " 26:41 No, you have to deal with God 26:43 but you have to deal with your fellowmen too. 26:45 Pause... 26:46 When you go up to verse 1 of chapter 4, 26:49 it says, "Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: 26:51 for the LORD has a controversy 26:53 with the inhabitants of the land, 26:56 because there is no truth, no mercy, 26:58 no knowledge of God in the land... 27:01 by swearing, and lying, and killing... " 27:04 those are violations of the commandments... 27:08 "and stealing and committing adultery 27:11 they break out, and blood toucheth blood. 27:15 Therefore shall the land mourn, 27:18 and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, 27:21 with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; 27:25 yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. " 27:29 And friends, in Revelation 11 verse 18, the Lord says, 27:32 He will destroy those that will destroy the earth. 27:36 Pause... 27:37 Remember, I said, there are four things God cannot do, 27:41 the first thing is, He cannot lie... 27:43 whatever He has said, it will happen. 27:46 Pause... 27:47 I turn in my Bible to the book of Isaiah, 27:52 I come to Isaiah chapter 21, I want you to see that. 27:58 Pause... 28:00 Isaiah 24... 28:03 pause... 28:07 beginning with verse 3... 28:32 now watch this... why? 28:34 "because they have transgressed the laws... 28:36 pause... 28:39 they've changed the ordinances 28:40 and they've broken the everlasting covenant. " 28:46 Oh, Ladies and Gentlemen, 28:47 we are fooling ourselves 28:49 when we think that we don't have to pay attention 28:52 to the law of God... 28:53 we are fooling ourselves when we tell people 28:55 that all you have to do is just have faith and grace of God 28:59 will cover everything 29:00 and that means you can do whatever you were doing 29:03 before you had a knowledge of God. 29:04 Pause... 29:06 When you come to Christ, Ladies and Gentlemen, 29:10 you become a new creature 29:12 old things pass away 29:15 all things become new... 29:17 it has to be some changes. 29:19 Pause... 29:21 He says, we have to repent of our sins, Ladies and Gentlemen, 29:24 that means... feel sorry for them... 29:27 that means we have to have revival in our lives 29:31 and if you just have revival that's not going to work 29:34 because there are times... 29:36 and you know and I know where you feel revival 29:38 and you come to church... you hear a song... 29:40 you hear a sermon... 29:41 someone hands in some literature 29:42 or you're just thinking about your relationship with Christ 29:45 and you feel that revival... that desire for a new life... 29:49 a new change... a new start... 29:50 and you desire it in your heart 29:52 but if that revival does not move you to the point 29:55 of reformation... a reforming of your life... 29:58 a change in your life... 29:59 you're going to slip back to a worse condition 30:02 than you were in before. 30:04 Pause... 30:06 So when we look at this thing, Ladies and Gentlemen, 30:09 and we come down to the very essence of it, 30:13 it's all about worship... 30:16 pause... 30:18 not religion... 30:20 but the spiritual side of worship 30:25 and that means what motivates us to do it. 30:29 Now Folks, if you go back and you remember 30:32 in chapter 14 of the book of Revelation 30:35 and you see this loud angel speaking and saying 30:38 "If any man worship the beast and his image, 30:40 and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. " 30:44 It's different from God's seal of approval. 30:46 God's seal of approval was something that was given to us 30:50 in our foreheads... 30:52 and if you read Revelation chapter 7 verses 1 through 3, 30:55 you see where that sealing is taking place 30:57 and it's being taking place now in this early time of trouble 31:01 it's happening to people now 31:03 as they see it, they hold it, they believe it, 31:05 they internalize it, 31:06 they're being sealed with God's Seal of Approval. 31:09 Pause... 31:10 They believe it... 31:12 with the Mark of the Beast, Ladies and Gentlemen, 31:15 there are some people who will believe a lie. 31:19 Now God is not going to send them to eternal fire 31:22 to be totally destroyed and consumed 31:25 because they believed a lie, 31:27 they will go to hell 31:30 because they refuse to believe the truth. 31:32 We've just seen that in Hosea. 31:35 "My people are destroyed because... " what? 31:38 "of lack of knowledge" 31:40 they refused to obey it, they refused to believe it. 31:42 Sometimes, Ladies and Gentlemen, 31:44 we believe what we want to believe 31:46 because it's convenient. 31:48 I've been in many different churches 31:50 and there are people that will come up to me 31:51 and ask me different things 31:53 because they're looking for something different 31:55 from what their own pastor told them. 31:57 Pause... 31:58 They don't really care what I think... 32:00 unless I have something that's in line with them. 32:04 But I say, "Don't listen to what I think 32:07 or what even I say or what I preach, 32:09 you got to go by the Word of God 32:11 because that is the standard for Christians. " 32:13 Audience: "Amen. " 32:15 So there are individuals 32:17 who are going to receive the Mark of Beast, 32:19 because of what they have believed 32:21 and there are others who will not believe 32:23 what is said and what the principles of the beast are 32:26 but because of the benefits they will receive 32:30 Ladies and Gentlemen, 32:31 because of the benefit that they will receive 32:34 in the last-day crisis 32:35 and we're building up that night after night 32:37 Ladies and Gentlemen, there are people 32:39 who will be just like those 32:41 who came to Jesus for the fish and the loaves. 32:45 Pause... 32:46 They could care less if He was the Messiah 32:49 they were hungry... they wanted to eat 32:52 and guess what? 32:53 the God that we serve doesn't mind if you come to Him 32:56 just for the bread and loaves 32:58 but He wants you to look little further, 33:00 He wants you to look a little deeper 33:02 because when you behold Him, you become changed 33:04 and when you listen to Him, you become changed 33:06 and when you watch Him, you become changed 33:09 and if you worship Him, you will indeed be changed. 33:12 Audience: "Amen. " 33:13 I look at this and I say unto myself 33:17 this solemn warning that is there... 33:20 it is not left to Hollywood to tell us who the beast is. 33:24 Pause... 33:26 It's not left up to individuals 33:29 who don't have an understanding and a relationship with Christ 33:32 to let us know who the beast is. 33:35 We have to go back to this book, 33:36 it has to be in here... it was written for us in our time 33:40 this is our time. 33:41 Pause... 33:43 So I turn back... 33:45 I turn back, Ladies and Gentlemen, 33:48 for us to understand 33:49 I turn back to the book of Revelation 33:51 and I turn to chapter 13 33:54 and I begin to understand these things, 33:56 now Folks, I want you to know, 33:57 the very first time I opened up the book of Revelation 33:59 and I turned to somewhere in this book 34:01 and I started reading about all of these things 34:03 that I'm about to read to you, it frightened me to death. 34:07 It says, listen, verse 1... 34:29 that was enough for me, I shut that book down 34:33 and said, "No, no, no, no, no... 34:38 I don't want to know... " 34:39 and we live near the beach too. 34:41 Audience: Laugher. 34:43 Pause... 34:45 Whoa... it's too much for me. 34:48 Then when you understand the Bible is its own expositor... 34:51 and when you understand that parts of the book are symbolic 34:54 and some of the book is literal, 34:55 and when you understand that, 34:57 the Bible identifies these things Himself 34:59 that we might understand it, 35:00 you see a totally different picture of what this is saying. 35:06 We come back now and when we read 35:08 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea... " 35:09 Ladies and Gentlemen, when you read Revelation 35:12 and you understand that the Bible is its own expositor 35:15 and you read verses like Revelation 17 verse 15, 35:19 it tells us that "sea" represents a populated land 35:24 with people... with tongues... 35:26 and nations and kindreds... 35:28 it continues to say, 35:30 "And I saw a beast rise out of the sea, 35:33 having seven heads and ten horns, 35:36 and upon the horns ten crowns, 35:38 and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 35:40 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard... " 35:52 when I look at those other beasts, 35:53 I don't know who they are at this point 35:55 but when I see the dragon, I know that's that old devil. 35:58 So that's some trouble there. 36:02 The Bible is its own expositor 36:05 so when I study my Bible 36:07 and I go back to the book of Daniel 36:09 for you see, the book of Daniel 36:11 has so many things that are there 36:13 that fulfill us... an understanding... 36:16 that fulfill for us an understanding 36:18 of other portions of the Scriptures 36:21 for the prophecies in Daniel give us the key 36:25 to the prophecies of Revelation. 36:27 Pause... 36:29 So when I turn to Daniel chapter 7 and I begin to read, 36:31 and reading verse 1, it says... 36:50 and we saw last night that winds are symbolic of trouble. 36:53 "And the four great beasts came up from the sea, 36:57 diverse... " or different from one another. 37:00 Now we know that the sea is populated lands. 37:02 "The first was like a lion... " hmmm, I've heard that before... 37:06 "and had eagle's wings... " 37:17 "And behold another beast, a second, like unto a bear... " 37:20 hmmm... sounds like Revelation... 37:22 "and it raised itself up on one side, 37:24 and it had three ribs in its mouth... 37:26 and in between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, 37:30 Arise devour much flesh. " 38:22 Now Folks, I know if it was left to us, 38:25 we could all come up with a super interpretation of that. 38:29 I mean... that's a lot... 38:30 and people have done that and Hollywood has done that 38:33 and theologians have done that 38:35 but the Bible is its own expositor. 38:39 Audience: "Amen. " 38:40 When we continue in the same chapter... 38:42 and you don't have to go far to find the answer 38:45 when you continue in the same chapter, 38:48 you move to verse 15 and we read thusly. 38:57 I guess it was... that's almost like a nightmare Daniel... 38:59 "And I came near unto one of them... " 39:12 Thank God it's plain... 39:13 "These great beasts which are four... are four kings... " 40:04 Verse 21... 40:21 And then verse 23, here it is... it says... 41:01 Oh Ladies and Gentlemen... this is saying so much. 41:05 When you look at the four major kingdoms 41:09 that are written in the Bible, 41:12 you'll see even from Daniel's other prophecies 41:16 with Nebuchadnezzar that those four kingdoms, 41:20 number one was Babylon, 41:21 the second one was Medo-Persia, the next one was Greece, 41:27 and then the fourth one was Rome 41:30 Rome's trademark... the thing that gave her the power 41:34 to conquer the entire world, Ladies and Gentlemen, 41:38 was the power of her army. 41:41 The iron of her army gave her the edge 41:46 against the Greeks who had brass 41:48 but the Romans had iron 41:50 and because of the power of her army, 41:54 the whole world belonged to Rome. 41:56 You've heard the saying, "All roads lead to Rome. " 42:01 We look at Roman 2 dispensation, 42:06 we see Rome as a persecutor of God's people 42:10 as Pagan Rome 42:12 where 70 million were destroyed and martyred 42:15 because of their faith in Jesus Christ 42:17 and then Rome... when it became Papal Rome, 42:22 we see another 70 million lives that were taken, 42:26 Ladies and Gentlemen, because they refused to adhere 42:30 to the doctrines of Rome that they saw 42:33 were in direct opposition to the doctrines of God's Bible 42:38 and Ladies and Gentlemen, when you look at history 42:40 that timeframe, Ladies and Gentlemen, 42:42 is called the Dark Ages 42:45 because mankind tried to shelter and shield 42:49 the very life of God to the masses. 42:52 Pause... 42:54 During that timeframe, Ladies and Gentlemen 42:57 when Rome as at her height, 42:59 she fought against the very people of God 43:03 and as the Scripture says, Ladies and Gentlemen, 43:05 we see in verse 25... and it said 43:08 that this one person... or this one horn 43:11 that would be different from the others 43:13 and would subdue three kings, 43:16 he shall speak great words against the most High, 43:19 and shall wear out the saints of the most High, 43:21 and think to change times and laws: 43:24 and they shall be given unto his hands 43:26 until a time and times and the dividing of time. " 43:28 We see that this timeframe, Ladies and Gentlemen 43:31 is when the Papal power was at its zenith 43:37 from 538 until 1798 the Papal power ruled 43:43 with more authority and power than kings on the earth. 43:48 Now, let me just say this. 43:50 I am not here and it's not my desire 43:54 to talk about anyone's belief or faith 43:58 I am not here for that 44:00 but I am here to raise up the standard 44:05 and lift up the trumpet that people will know the truth 44:10 as it is in the Bible. 44:12 I am not talking about individual people 44:16 who are giving their heart and worshipping God 44:20 to the best of their ability, all that they know 44:25 I'm not saying that the Catholic Church... 44:29 the people in its Church 44:32 are wicked people serving the devil... 44:34 I'm not saying that, 44:36 but the System... the System that has been set up 44:43 in direct opposition to God in Rome 44:48 and men, women, boys and girls need to know the truth 44:53 and the Bible says the truth shall set you free. 44:57 It will set you free from sin, 45:02 it will set you free from superstition 45:05 it will set you free from error 45:07 and it will set you free from false doctrines. 45:10 That's why the Reformers did what they did, 45:14 that's why the cry went out, 45:15 that's why we see people saying, 45:17 "the Bible and the Bible only" 45:19 because that is the only standard, 45:21 Ladies and Gentlemen that we must have 45:24 in our relationship with God, if it's not in the book, 45:27 if it's not there, Ladies and Gentlemen, 45:30 it's because there's no light in it. 45:32 All we need for our salvation is there 45:35 and my Bible tells you and it tells me 45:37 that those of us who receive... 45:39 those of us who receive the Mark of the Beast 45:42 will receive the greatest condemnation 45:45 from God Himself. 45:47 Pause... 45:48 When we look at those ten horns that were there 45:52 it shows the ten kingdoms that are now modern Europe. 45:59 We see that these things are historical 46:03 and when we look at history we understand 46:08 that they're happening now. 46:09 I look at this message and I understand this now, 46:13 it's much clearer to me. 46:14 It tells me that I as God's child 46:17 must hold up the standard and do what He has said to do 46:21 because He said it. 46:22 I listened to God not because I agree with Him 46:26 but because He said it. 46:27 You know, they used to have a bumper sticker... 46:30 sticker... that said, "God said it, 46:32 I believe it and that settles it. " 46:35 I always had a problem with that bumper sticker. 46:39 "God said it... and that settles it. " 46:43 It doesn't matter if I believe it or not... 46:45 that's on me... 46:46 "God said it, that settles it... " 46:48 Ladies and Gentlemen, 46:49 and if God said it, then, that settles it. 46:52 It tells us here, a warning, Ladies and Gentlemen, 46:55 it tells us in this warning, 46:56 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, 46:58 and shall wear out the saints of the most High, 47:00 and think to change times and laws: 47:01 and he they shall be given unto his hand 47:03 until a time and a dividing of time. " 47:05 And Ladies and Gentlemen, that timeframe from 538 to 1798 47:09 is when its Papal Power had its zenith, 47:11 Ladies and Gentlemen, when Constantine, 47:13 the first Roman Emperor 47:15 to embrace Christianity in the 4th century 47:18 trying to bring together heathenism and Christianity 47:22 to reunite the people that they would work together 47:25 and because of ambitious priests 47:29 and power-hungry church districts 47:33 they agreed together to accept Sunday, 47:38 the first day of the week as the day of worship. 47:41 Pause... 47:43 Now Folks, I know people get upset and they get angry 47:46 and they really don't believe it 47:47 but Folks, you have to understand 47:49 four things God cannot do, He can't lie, 47:51 He can't change His Law, He can't change... 47:53 and He can't save an unrepentant sinner 47:55 and He can't save a man against his will. 47:57 When we look at the Law of God, it can't change... it can't... 48:03 it's the same as His character. 48:07 If the Law of God could have been changed, 48:08 Ladies and Gentlemen, then Jesus didn't have to die 48:11 and he could have made a way for us 48:12 that we could have been saved without Him going to the cross. 48:16 "But the wages of sin is death" Romans 6 verse 23 48:18 and Jesus paid the cost. 48:21 Pause... 48:23 He says to us, Ladies and Gentlemen, 48:25 He says to us plainly and clearly, 48:28 "In vain they do worship me 48:31 teaching for doctrines the commandments of man. " 48:35 I'm looking at Matthew 15 verses 8 and 9. 48:38 Pause... 48:40 So when I look at this thing and I see these words 48:42 written in Daniel and I go back to the book of Revelation 48:47 and I see the same thing 48:48 when I come back to verse 3 of chapter 13, 48:51 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; 48:53 and his deadly wound was healed: 48:55 and all the world wondered after the beast. 48:57 And they worshipped the dragon 48:59 which gave power unto the beast: 49:00 and they worshipped the beast, saying, 49:02 Who is like unto the beast? 49:03 and who is able to make war with him?" 49:05 Folks the Bible says that if we are worshipping the beast, 49:08 we are truly worshipping the devil 49:11 for he is the one that has set up a false system of worship. 49:17 Even though there are many people 49:19 who are worshipping to the best of their ability 49:22 it's not counted to them as wickedness, 49:26 God knows every single heart, He sees them, 49:29 He sees their sincerity 49:30 and He accounts it to them as righteousness... when He says, 49:34 "In the time of their ignorance, he winked at it" 49:37 but in this day when this loud cry is going to all the earth, 49:41 He is bringing all men, women and boys, 49:43 all men, women and children to a realization 49:49 that we have to make the change because this is our test. 49:53 Pause... 49:55 When we look at the Papal Power, 49:57 the Papal Power does not deny 50:00 that they even changed the commandments of God. 50:03 And the 4th commandment about worship. 50:08 Listen to this, and I have a few of these... 50:12 it says, "The observance of Sunday by the Protestants 50:16 is a homage they pay, in spite of themselves, 50:19 to the authority of the Catholic Church. " 50:22 That's from the book, 50:24 "Plain talk on Protestants" page 213. 50:27 It says, "How prove ye that the church hath power 50:30 to command feast and holy days?" 50:32 Answer: "By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday 50:37 which Protestants allow of 50:39 and therefore they fondly contradict themselves 50:42 by keeping Sunday strictly and breaking most other feasts 50:46 commanded by the same church. " 50:48 "How do you prove that?" 50:50 "Because by keeping Sunday 50:52 they acknowledge the Church's power 50:54 to ordain feasts and to command them under sin. " 50:58 Pause. 51:00 "The Catholic Church for over 1,000 years 51:03 before the existence of a Protestant 51:05 by virtue of her divine mission 51:07 changed the day from Saturday to Sunday... " 51:11 that's from the Catholic Mirror September 1893. 51:15 Now Folks, here is the most interesting statement 51:18 that they make themselves. 51:50 from Question Box, The Editor 1915, page 179. 51:58 Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm not here to slander anyone, 52:01 I am not here to make fun of anyone's religion 52:05 but I am here to tell the truth. 52:07 It says in verse 6 of chapter 13 of Revelation 52:10 "And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, 52:13 to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, 52:15 and them that dwell in heaven. " 52:17 Ladies and Gentlemen, again, I'm not talking about a person 52:20 but I'm talking about a System, when we see the Papal Power 52:23 he says he has the power to forgive sins. 52:25 There was a time that he had... a power that he was given 52:28 to give indulgences... in other words, 52:31 you can pay enough money into the church 52:33 where people can be moved from purgatory to heaven, 52:37 or forgiveness of sin, 52:39 now that would have been nice if it worked 52:40 but it's not true. 52:41 Idol worship... 52:43 the 2nd commandment tells us Ladies and Gentlemen, 52:45 that we should not bow down ourselves to any graven image 52:48 and Ladies and Gentlemen, 52:49 again, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings 52:51 but I'm telling the truth... 52:52 if the Bible says that... then we don't need a plastic Jesus, 52:55 we don't need a gold Jesus, we don't need a porcelain Jesus, 52:59 we don't need any kind of crucifixion... 53:02 all we need is Christ the Living God. 53:05 We see our Bible telling us 53:07 that we should not have a part in Spiritualism 53:10 but when you pray to dead people... 53:13 when the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 9:5 53:15 that the dead are dead, Ladies and Gentlemen, 53:18 we cannot send prayers to Mary 53:21 to talk to the Father in our behalf 53:24 that's not in the Scriptures. 53:26 Audience: "Amen. " 53:28 Pause... 53:29 we have to know the truth and the truth will set us free. 53:33 Audience: "Amen. " 53:35 Jesus says... that in the time of our ignorance, 53:39 He will wink at it 53:40 and when you look throughout the rest of this Bible 53:44 and when you read the rest of chapter 13, 53:46 it says in verse 15, 53:48 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast" 53:50 and we'll talk about that a little later 53:52 "the image of the beast 53:53 that the beast should both speak, 53:54 and cause that as many as would not worship 53:56 the image of the beast should be killed 53:58 and he causeth all, both small and great, 54:00 rich and power, free and bond, to receive a mark 54:02 on their right hand, or in their foreheads... " 54:05 Ladies and Gentlemen, there's going to come a time 54:06 when we will be forced 54:07 to worship on the first day of the week 54:10 or receive the penalties of the land, 54:12 and Folks, all you have to do 54:13 is look around on your history 54:15 and look around on our own laws in some of our States 54:19 in this Country... "Sunday Blue Laws... " 54:22 where people are coming together 54:24 and saying that we need to get back to God, 54:26 we need to have a relationship with God, 54:28 we need to stop having sports events on Sunday, 54:31 we need to close down the Malls, 54:33 everybody needs to come back and worship together on Sunday 54:38 the first day of the week 54:40 and Friends, when religion is legislated... 54:44 when man is in charge of what you worship and how you worship, 54:50 there's persecution coming and that's what the Bible says, 54:55 we have to move by the dictates of our spirit, 55:00 our relationship with God and the knowledge of His Word 55:04 to stand firm with Jesus and follow His example 55:11 to the very end. 55:13 Audience: "Amen. " 55:16 Piano playing... 55:19 I will follow thee my Savior, 55:26 wheresoe'er my lot may be. 55:33 Where thou goest I will follow; 55:40 By Thy grace I'll follow Thee. 55:48 I will follow Thee, my Savior, 55:56 Thou didst shed Thy blood for me; 56:03 And though all men should forsake Thee; 56:11 By Thy grace 56:15 I'll follow Thee. 56:19 Friends, understand this clearly, 56:21 no one has the Mark of the Beast now 56:24 but when it becomes a national law, 56:27 and the country that says, "In God we trust... " 56:30 says that we have to worship this way, 56:34 then... there will be a problem. 56:36 Tonight I say unto you, "Choose Jesus... 56:39 make Him your Lord, make Him your God, 56:42 we can all receive the Seal of God's Approval now 56:46 and we will be able to be exempt 56:48 from the Mark of Destruction later. 56:51 God loves you, God cares about you 56:54 and He's coming back again for us very soon, 56:57 let us be ready. |
Revised 2017-04-03