Unfolding Revelation

The Overcomer's Reward

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lawrence Dorsey


Series Code: UR

Program Code: UR000006

00:57 I'd like to say good evening to the Ambassador Church family.
01:00 Greetings to our viewing audience.
01:04 I'm Henoc Pauliein, pastor of the Ambassador Seventh-day
01:07 Adventist Church. And we welcome you whether you are in Asia,
01:12 or Africa, or in the West Indies.
01:14 We want to thank you for being a part of this broadcast.
01:19 We have been talking about prophecy, and today I stumbled
01:24 upon some prophecies that were made by some
01:27 psychics about 2010.
01:31 One prophesied that there would be a war between Israel and Iran
01:37 and there'll be another successful terrorist attack
01:40 on the United States in 2010.
01:43 Now we know that didn't happen.
01:46 Another one said that there'd be an attempted assassination of
01:51 President Barack Obama in 2010.
01:53 That didn't happen.
01:56 Another one said that President Obama would have a
02:00 heart attack and die.
02:01 And the Vice President will have the unpopular,
02:05 and mistaken intention of declaring war on North Korea
02:09 only to discover that North Korea
02:12 has weapons of mass destruction.
02:15 And still another one said there will be a great rise in
02:21 skin cancer among children in the year 2010.
02:26 Now the truth is none of these things happened,
02:30 and the reason they did not happen is because there is a
02:34 difference between the prophecies of man,
02:38 and the prophecies of God. Amen!
02:40 The Bible lets us know in 2 Peter 1:20, 21, But know this
02:46 first for all that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of
02:51 one's own interpretation.
02:53 For no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will,
02:57 but man moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. Amen!
03:02 It is in this fashion that the speaker, Pastor Lawrence Dorsey,
03:06 is not speaking his own words, but he's preaching about
03:11 the prophetic Word as given to us by God. Amen!
03:15 And night after night we have learned that not only is the
03:19 prophetic Word given by God, but it is also true.
03:24 And so before we invite the speaker to come,
03:27 let us bow our heads and pray.
03:30 Our Father in heaven, once again we thank You for the beauty of
03:34 Your Word; that we can count on the veracity of Your Word.
03:39 We pray for the man of God that You have sent to us,
03:43 and we ask that You continue to pour upon him a double
03:47 portion of Your Spirit.
03:49 Hear us as we pray.
03:50 This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
04:14 When all my labors and trials are o'er,
04:21 and I am safe on that beautiful shore.
04:27 Just to be near the dear Lord I adore,
04:33 will through the ages be glory for me.
04:41 Oh that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me.
04:56 When, by His grace, I shall look on His face.
05:04 That will be glory, sweet glory for me.
05:16 Friends will be there I have loved long ago.
05:24 Joy like a river around me will flow.
05:30 Yet just a smile from my Savior, I know,
05:37 will through the ages be glory for me.
05:48 Oh that will be glory for me, glory for me, glory for me.
06:02 When by His grace I shall look on His face.
06:11 That will be glory, sweet glory for me. Amen!
06:34 It says, When by His grace, we shall see that face,
06:40 that will be glory for me.
06:42 And, ladies and gentlemen, it truly will be a glorious day
06:45 when we behold the face of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.
06:50 When you try to even imagine that day, sometimes there's
06:55 goose bumps that will pop up all over me,
06:58 and then other times tears fill my eyes when I think about
07:02 how good God has been to me, and how merciful He has been,
07:06 and how long-suffering He has been,
07:09 and how patient He has been waiting for me.
07:13 And to be able to see Him coming in the clouds of glory,
07:17 Oh my goodness friends, that will be glory for all of us.
07:22 Amen? Amen! I like the part where it says,
07:26 friends will be there, friends will be there,
07:29 individuals we have had contact with on planet Earth.
07:33 Those individuals who have gone through tribulation and trials
07:37 with us. Individuals who we've prayed with, and prayed for.
07:41 Oh yes, individuals who have been snatched back from
07:44 the enemy to the very loving Savior,
07:47 because of the Word of God.
07:48 And when we see these individuals in the kingdom,
07:52 and we know that our labors were not in vain,
07:55 Oh my my, what will it be?
07:59 It'll be glory for me.
08:01 Before we get started with our message tonight, I just want you
08:04 to know that we got some calls from not only Florida,
08:09 but we have received some calls, one lady called us
08:12 all the way from Trinidad, a sister Jean Leteren, she called.
08:17 And she said she's enjoying the meetings,
08:19 and she's having a good time.
08:20 And there was a surprise for me.
08:22 That was one of my first ushers when I pastored
08:27 the Lighthouse Tabernacle Church in Brooklyn, New York.
08:30 And there she was in Trinidad!
08:33 Then we received a call from an Anita Davidson.
08:36 She's in North Carolina.
08:38 And if you're watching, Sister Anita, we've prayed for you,
08:40 and we pray that things will be well.
08:42 And we appreciate you following us night after night.
08:45 She says she hasn't missed a meeting.
08:47 Then I got a call from a Kenneth in St. Kitts.
08:52 Kenneth, if you're there in St. Kitts, we say hello to you.
08:54 And he said he wants all of the messages from this series.
08:58 He's buying a big flat screen television,
09:02 and he's going to show them, and show these as an
09:04 evangelistic series there in St. Kitts.
09:07 So we're going to pray for your message,
09:09 and for the ministry that you are getting started with.
09:13 We have more, but we don't have time for them now,
09:15 but each night we'll give a little hello to those of you
09:18 who have been calling in, and sending our e-mails.
09:23 Tonight we have a subject that I think we really need
09:28 to pay attention to.
09:30 Each one we should pay attention to,
09:33 but this one is very personal.
09:36 It's entitled, The Overcomers Reward. Amen!
09:41 And those of you who are at home, we, too, want you to pay
09:45 strict attention to the Word of God.
09:47 Get your Bible, sit down, say a prayer, and ask God to bless us
09:53 all as we go into our study tonight, The Overcomers Reward.
09:58 Loving Father, please do for us what we cannot do.
10:03 Let Your sweet Word live again and draw us to You,
10:08 because without You we can do nothing.
10:10 We pray that as we come together that the Holy Spirit will rain
10:16 on us discernment, and enlightenment that we might be
10:19 empowered to live holy lives in Your name.
10:23 Than You, in Jesus' name, Amen.
10:27 I'd like for us to turn to the book of Revelation.
10:30 And again we're finding each night that the treasures
10:34 of Revelation are something that are there for us.
10:37 These special gems, these special treasures that are there
10:41 to enlighten us, and to help us on our way.
10:45 And I'm so glad we have chosen, because as the letters come in,
10:49 e- mails come in, and as the calls come in, the people are
10:52 pleased. And folks, we're glad that you're giving us
10:55 this feedback. But people are pleased that we are opening up
10:58 this book that for some people it was so veiled.
11:04 It was not understood, and it was not clear.
11:08 But they are saying that it's coming over clear,
11:10 and that's all we ask, in Jesus' name.
11:13 Now turn with me, please, to Revelation 15, Revelation 15,
11:18 beginning with verse 1.
11:20 Again, another marvelous sign.
12:12 Ladies and gentlemen, this is a spectacular scene,
12:16 a spectacular scene.
12:17 Here we see the saints of God, who have received victory in
12:24 this life standing, as it were, before God Himself,
12:29 and before the Son, having in their hands harps
12:34 to play beautiful music.
12:36 Ladies and gentlemen, you know I can't sing at all.
12:39 I can't sing. The only thing I can sing is a solo,
12:44 and that's so low, people that they can't hear it.
12:46 I make a joyful noise.
12:49 But when I get to heaven, I am so glad God has promised us
12:56 that we will be able to sing. Amen!
12:58 Every time you see me in heaven, by God's grace,
13:01 when I come up to you I'm going to sing.
13:02 I'm going to say, Hello!
13:05 How are you doing!
13:07 I've always desired to be able to sing.
13:10 I wish I could sing like C. A. Murray. Come on now!
13:12 We all know him. C. A. I know you're watching.
13:15 He can really sing.
13:17 And some people just have that natural gift.
13:19 But, like I said, I don't have it.
13:21 But when we get to heaven I will no longer make a joyful noise.
13:24 I will be able to sing with the best of them.
13:27 And it tells us that we will receive not only the golden
13:31 voices of heaven, but we will receive the empowerment
13:35 to play musical instruments.
13:37 And we will play and sing praises to the Lamb. Amen!
13:43 A spectacular scene to see it in heaven, see it here
13:50 in scripture, seeing ourselves there by faith.
13:54 But before we get there, we have to be overcomers.
13:58 Now I want us to go back to verse 1, verse 1.
14:02 It says, And I saw another sign in heaven,
14:15 Now folks, all through the book of Revelation we have seen this
14:18 number seven, and we spoke about it the other night.
14:20 We said that the number seven is the number of completion.
14:25 In Revelation we not only see seven angels, with the seven
14:30 last vials, with the seven last plagues, but we see them with
14:34 seven candlesticks, and seven stars, and seven seals,
14:37 and seven trumpets.
14:39 We saw seven eyes, and seven horns, and seven spirits before
14:43 the very throne of God.
14:44 And, ladies and gentlemen, when we look through the book of
14:47 Revelation, we also see that it mentions that there are seven
14:51 churches. And those seven churches were at one time
14:55 the literal churches that were in existence. but it is also
14:58 But it is also symbolic of the seven churches of all time.
15:02 And as we live today, ladies and gentlemen,
15:05 in these last days of Earth's history, we indeed,
15:09 are that seventh church, that last church called Laodicea.
15:13 Laodicea, whose name means, the judging of the people.
15:18 So when we look at this it lets us know that we are living in
15:22 the last days, and it lets us know that
15:25 we are the last church.
15:26 Now in the book of Revelation chapter 3, the Lord God in His
15:31 mercy, and in His goodness, and in His desire to save us,
15:35 gives advice to all of the churches.
15:39 But when we look at Laodicea, we see that there is something
15:44 very particular for us to understand, that we must do
15:49 if we would be overcomers.
15:52 You see, before we go to Revelation 3, let's just pop
15:54 back to Revelation 15 for a moment, and look at verse 2.
15:58 It says that they were standing on the sea of glass.
16:01 And that is before the very throne of God.
16:03 And it says, As though it was mingled with fire.
16:06 And that's just because it's made of pure gold,
16:08 and it's reflecting the glory and majesty of Christ.
16:11 It said that they had gotten the victory over the beast,
16:19 And next week we will look at those different aspects of the
16:23 book of Revelation, and what they are, and what they mean.
16:26 But they are victorious.
16:28 Before they could get over those things, they had to get over
16:34 personal sin in their lives.
16:36 Before they could understand that they must be victorious,
16:42 they had to have a relationship with Jesus on an individual
16:47 basis. These individuals will come out of Babylon, as it were,
16:53 and come into the remnant church, which keeps the
16:56 commandments of God, and has the faith of Jesus Christ.
17:00 That last church, in this last day, Laodicea is God's church.
17:07 But there are some things that Laodicea has to do to be an
17:11 overcome herself.
17:13 In other words, individually we must overcome, but as a church
17:17 body in group, we have to overcome something also.
17:21 So when we turn to the book of Revelation 3, we see here the
17:27 advice that comes to Jesus, that we need to understand,
17:32 so we can overcome not only corporately, but as individuals
17:37 who are members of God's church, the remnant in the last days
17:40 to be victorious. It says, in verse 14, of chapter 3:
18:04 Friends, the God we serve, sees everything.
18:07 He knows everything about us.
18:09 It tells us in Proverbs 15:3 that the eyes of the Lord are
18:14 in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
18:17 He sees us. He sees us in the night.
18:20 He sees us in the day.
18:22 He sees us in the light.
18:24 He sees us in the darkness.
18:25 Not only does He see us, but, ladies and gentlemen,
18:28 He does not have to guess what's going through our mind.
18:32 He knows our minds.
18:34 He knows our thoughts.
18:35 He knows us better than we know ourselves.
18:39 He knows us down unto the bottom of our heart.
18:42 And, ladies and gentlemen, the book of Jeremiah tells us
18:45 that the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things,
18:48 and who can know it?
18:49 We don't even know it.
18:50 But it says the Lord Himself knows the heart.
18:54 So when He says this about us as a corporate church,
18:57 when He says that these are the characteristics that will be
19:00 prevalent in our experience, during this time,
19:03 we have to understand that God knows what He's talking about.
19:08 He continues here in verse 16, for it says, So then because
19:20 Now folks, that's not a good thing.
19:23 That's not a good thing.
19:25 To know that you are the Remnant.
19:28 To know that you are in the church, in a relationship with
19:34 Christ, and then upon examination of Christ,
19:39 He says to us, that we are lukewarm.
19:42 We're not on fire.
19:43 I wish you were on fire!
19:46 I wish that you were warm.
19:51 No, I wish that you were cold.
19:53 For if you are cold you need, you know you need to get warm.
19:59 I've been married for 39 years now, and there are some things
20:04 that, no matter how many years we're going to be married,
20:08 I think we're going to have this little controversy.
20:12 I like to sleep when it's cold.
20:15 She likes to sleep when it's hot.
20:18 So we play who gets to the control last?
20:23 I turn on the air conditioner and make it nice and cold,
20:26 and before I can fall asleep, or when I fall asleep,
20:29 I don't know because we saw last night that in sleep
20:33 you don't know anything.
20:34 It goes off! And then that heat comes back on.
20:39 So when I'm too hot, I know I have to get up and cut that air
20:42 on. And when it's too cold she knows she has to get up
20:46 and she has to do her part.
20:47 And it's a back and forth.
20:48 And folks, when it's not the air conditioning,
20:50 when you have the window open, it's the same thing.
20:52 I want it open, she wants it closed.
20:54 When it's too cold you look for that blanket. Hello!
20:57 When it's too hot you open that window.
21:01 But if you're just right, lukewarm,
21:04 you just stay there and sleep.
21:06 Well, when we look at this metaphor, when it compares
21:09 to us, when we talk about our spirituality, folks,
21:12 it's not good to be lukewarm with Jesus. Amen!
21:16 That means you have enough religion in you to get to the
21:20 church on Sabbath, but it's not enough to get you
21:23 there at prayer meetings. Hello!
21:24 Unless there's a crisis you just do what you need
21:29 to do to get by, and then you begin to lie to yourself
21:34 and say everything is okay with you.
21:37 We become more religious than spiritual.
21:42 And that's dangerous, ladies and gentlemen, because there
21:45 were no people as religious as the Pharisees,
21:53 and they rejected Christ.
21:55 So when I look at this message that is given to Laodicea,
22:00 that's given to us, we have to understand the principles of it.
22:03 It continues to say in this chapter, it says
22:08 because, verse 16:
22:31 Oh my friends, to hear that coming from Jesus,
22:34 that has to hurt! I heard one TV preacher say, when something
22:39 like that is read, say Ouch!
22:40 Well, we need to say Ouch! on that one!
22:42 Hum, it says, wretched, miserable, poor, blind,
22:49 and naked. But I thank God the Lord doesn't just tell us what's
22:53 wrong with us and leave us.
22:55 He tells us what we can do to get things right in our lives.
22:59 He says in verse 18:
23:13 And then He continues to read and say,...
23:23 And friends, the eye salve is the power of the Holy Spirit.
23:27 Now let's just go back for a moment.
23:30 In chapter 15 we see these seven angels having the seven last
23:38 plagues, for in them is filled up the wrath of God.
23:43 And folks, that word wrath means the anger, or violent rage,
23:48 or fury that is in God.
23:50 Ladies and gentlemen, God has been merciful to planet Earth.
23:53 Folks at home, He's been merciful to planet Earth.
24:00 When we see the things happening to planet Earth, that's not God.
24:04 That's the enemy. His wrath has not been poured out yet,
24:11 but it will. The record says that these angels are lining up.
24:17 They are waiting and they won't move until God says move.
24:20 But when He says it, that's going to be it.
24:23 Ladies and gentlemen, we need to understand that God is merciful,
24:29 that He loves us, and the time that we have here each day,
24:34 and each day, and each month, and each year that God gives
24:38 to us, it is because He is long suffering.
24:41 He's not willing that any should perish.
24:44 He is waiting for us to get our acts together.
24:48 If you would turn in your Bible, Old Testament now, to the book
24:53 of Lamentations found right behind Jeremiah.
24:57 It comes right behind Jeremiah.
24:59 The book of Lamentations.
25:00 It tells us in chapter 3, chapter 3, verse 22. It says:
25:19 He's faithful to us, ladies and gentlemen,
25:22 more faithful than we are to Him.
25:24 If you would turn in your Bible to the book of Exodus 34,
25:29 Exodus 34, ladies and gentlemen, you will see here that the Lord
25:35 Himself proclaimed Himself as merciful.
25:39 And He's not bragging.
25:40 He's just telling the truth.
25:42 Chapter 34, book of Exodus, beginning with verse 6.
26:21 In other words He's saying, I will be merciful to you.
26:24 I will forgive all sin.
26:27 And, ladies and gentlemen, we have here represented all three
26:31 classes of sin: iniquity, transgression, and sin.
26:35 Iniquity is that secret sin that you manifest in your heart,
26:39 and in your mind, and you do it on the sneaky side.
26:43 The down low side, as they say.
26:46 That's sin that you do in your mind that people can't prove it,
26:52 until they catch you: iniquities, secret sin.
26:57 We also see the word transgression,
27:01 which means open rebellion.
27:04 You know, there's some people when you get so bold in your sin
27:08 and you just don't care who sees it.
27:11 You just do what you want to do, knowing it displeases God.
27:14 But you weren't there, and you're going to
27:16 just live your life.
27:17 And then there's the word sin that means
27:21 falling short of the mark.
27:23 You've tried your best, and you just didn't make it.
27:26 And God, in His mercy, forgives iniquity, secret sin.
27:30 He forgives transgression, the boldness of sin.
27:34 And He forgives us when we fall short of the mark.
27:38 Oh what a merciful God we have!
27:40 But the bottom line is if you want that forgiveness
27:44 that can only come from God, ladies and gentlemen.
27:47 You have to ask for Him for that forgiveness.
27:51 You see, there's four things God can't do.
27:56 Four things He can't do.
27:57 And you have to understand it.
27:59 As mighty a God as we serve, there's four things
28:02 He can't do. The number one thing God can't do,
28:06 and you can write this text down and look at it later.
28:08 Titus 1:2, and Hebrews 6:18, and in Hebrews 6:18 He says
28:14 it's impossible for God to do this: God cannot lie.
28:18 He can't lie! It's impossible for Him to lie.
28:22 The Bible tells us that the devil is the father of lies.
28:26 But God cannot lie.
28:28 When we read, and we just read it, in Exodus 34:7,
28:36 the middle of that verse, He says, He will by no means
28:40 clear the guilty. Now what does that mean?
28:44 We've all sinned and come short of the glory of God,
28:48 which means we're all guilty.
28:50 So does that means that God won't forgive us?
28:54 The answer is no.
28:55 When we understand what we have done, when we understand
29:00 that sin is the transgression of the law.
29:02 When we understand that we have broken His commandments,
29:05 and we have done our own thing.
29:06 When we understand that we've been born in sin,
29:09 and shapen in iniquity, and we reach out to Him as our Savior,
29:15 forgiveness comes to us.
29:18 So as you sit there tonight, don't worry about your past,
29:21 what you have done.
29:22 No matter what you have done, the loving God in heaven,
29:26 He can forgive you even though you have been proclaimed guilty
29:32 by your own mind, and by your own actions.
29:35 The blood of Jesus Christ will suffice.
29:39 You can say Amen to that. Amen!
29:42 But when you don't accept the sacrifice of Christ,
29:46 when you don't allow Him to save you,
29:50 and He's done everything He can to save you,
29:53 you place yourself in a position where you will find yourself
29:58 among those who will be in that great host that will number
30:02 as the sands of the sea, that will end up in that hell fire,
30:06 we talked about the other night, with Satan and his angels.
30:10 And we have to understand that Matthew 25:41 tells us that hell
30:15 was made for the devil and his angels, not us. Amen!
30:20 It's impossible for God to lie. He can't do it.
30:25 2. He cannot change His law.
30:28 He can't change His law!
30:30 Ladies and gentlemen, if God could change His law,
30:33 there was no need for Jesus to die on Calvary. Amen!
30:37 You see, the Bible tells us in 1 John 3:4 that sin is the
30:41 transgression of the law.
30:42 When you look at Romans 6:23 it says,
30:47 the wages of sin is death.
30:50 So if there were an opportunity for the law to be changed
30:56 then things could have been
30:58 worked out where the Son of God didn't have to pay the penalty
31:02 for sin, and die for your life and my life.
31:05 But because the law could not change, as it tells us in
31:12 Psalms 84:34, My covenant will I not break,
31:19 He can't change His law.
31:21 Malachi 3:6 says, I am the Lord, I change not.
31:25 He can't change His law!
31:28 So that means we who have broken the law,
31:32 need someone to be a Savior for us,
31:36 to pay the price for our sin.
31:39 And Jesus was that Lamb of God.
31:41 And we looked at that on the second night.
31:43 He is that Lamb of God, slain from the foundation
31:46 of the world, which means it was a covenant that He had intact
31:50 with His Father, that if man sinned, and He knew
31:54 man would sin, He made a provision for us
31:57 to reconcile us back to Himself and to God.
32:00 And when Jesus came here, ladies and gentlemen,
32:03 He came here on a threefold mission:
32:06 1. A mission of revelation to show what the Father is like.
32:10 He came here on a mission of salvation.
32:13 He said He came to seek that which was lost,
32:16 and to give them life; a life much abundantly.
32:19 And the third reason He came here, ladies and gentlemen:
32:22 to reconcile us back to God.
32:25 Don't you know, ladies and gentlemen, don't you know
32:27 that He could have come here and revealed the character
32:30 of God to let us know that God is love?
32:32 He came here to bring salvation.
32:34 And, yes, He died on the cross for us.
32:37 And, folks, He could have left it like that and went back
32:40 to heaven, and never really had to deal with us because the sin
32:44 problem was solved.
32:45 But He didn't do that.
32:47 He went a step further.
32:49 He reconciled us back to God.
32:51 And the word reconciliation means to restore things
32:55 like they were before. Amen!
32:58 And before man had face to face communion with God.
33:03 And, folks, we saw the other night when we looked at the
33:06 message, glimpses of glory.
33:08 Heaven is a real place.
33:09 We saw that the Father and the Son will move Their throne
33:14 in the third heaven, which is paradise;
33:17 where the river of life is, and where the tree of life is.
33:21 They're going to move it here at the end of the millennium,
33:24 those thousand years.
33:25 He's going to move it here on planet Earth,
33:29 as this Earth is made new.
33:31 And He will tabernacle, He will live here with us.
33:34 And this place will be paradise. Amen!
33:40 Isn't the Bible wonderful?
33:42 We don't have to speculate about our future.
33:45 We don't have to speculate about what's going to happen.
33:47 We don't have to be fearful of the future, because we have
33:51 a God that holds our future in His hands.
33:55 And it allows you to go to sleep at night.
33:58 You can put your head on your pillow and know that even if
34:02 you don't wake up; if a tornado comes through, if an earthquake
34:06 comes through, if a stray bullet comes through,
34:09 if somebody comes in and robs the house, and slays you in your
34:13 bed, or if there's a fire, if you never wake up
34:15 just by natural causes.
34:18 Now I'm not trying to make anyone afraid
34:19 before you go to sleep, but what I'm saying is if you go to sleep
34:24 in Jesus, the next voice you'll hear will be His voice.
34:29 And He will tell us, Come up from that grave!
34:32 What a merciful God!
34:35 So He cannot change His law.
34:38 When He was here in person, in the flesh,
34:41 ladies and gentlemen, and I want you to just see this,
34:43 and take the time to see this, because sometimes there's
34:46 some confusion in this.
34:47 But we have seen it here night after night, that the Bible
34:51 tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that all scripture comes from
34:57 inspiration of God, and it's profitable for doctrine.
35:01 And when I look at Matthew 5: 17 it reads thusly:
35:34 Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah!
35:37 The law of God will continue to last, ladies and gentlemen,
35:43 because it's the royal law of liberty, as James says,
35:47 and it is a picture of the character of God.
35:53 It shows our love for Him, and our love for one another.
35:57 Because Jesus has told us, ladies and gentlemen,
36:00 if you love Him, we must also love our fellow man.
36:05 And these are the things on which the whole law
36:10 is based, or weighed on.
36:12 So I look at these four things that I have to understand
36:15 in my relationship with Jesus.
36:17 He cannot lie. He cannot change His law.
36:20 He cannot justify a unrepentant sinner.
36:24 Now folks, I know tonight is a little different,
36:29 and I don't know what you have been expecting here
36:32 night after night.
36:35 I'm not here to take the book of Revelation, chapter by chapter,
36:40 and break it down.
36:41 That is good, but that's not what we're doing in this series.
36:45 We are looking at the book of Revelation and how it relates
36:50 to us with the rest of the Bible, so we can see that it is
36:55 a part of the Bible, and that all of the doctrines
37:00 of the Bible: justification by faith, righteousness by faith,
37:05 the judgment, the second coming, the signs of the times,
37:10 all of them are interwoven in this same book.
37:14 And it also lets us know how we have to live
37:21 to please a loving Savior. Amen!
37:26 So when we come here night after night, it's not just
37:29 looking at these things in the book of Revelation,
37:33 verse by verse. That's not in this series.
37:36 We are trying to see how we can make the book of Revelation
37:41 understandable to all, and how we can live a practical
37:46 Christian life in these last days, where we really need
37:51 to understand these things.
37:53 So when we see this third thing that God can't do:
37:58 He cannot justify an unrepentant sinner.
38:02 When we read about the wrath of God, like we looked at
38:05 in Revelation 15.
38:07 And it says, these angels, verse 1, having the seven last
38:10 plagues; for in them is filled the wrath of God.
38:13 That's His anger. That's His violent rage
38:15 That's His fury. When those seven last plagues are looked at
38:19 next week when we look at that message.
38:21 And Revelation 16, there are some people who will question
38:25 the love and mercy of God.
38:26 Folks God has been loving and merciful to us. Amen!
38:31 There comes a time when enough is enough. Amen!
38:35 Genesis 6:3, He tells us, My Spirit shall not always strive
38:41 with man. There comes a time when we have to either accept
38:47 Him as our Lord and Savior, and see the evil of our ways,
38:51 or accept the punishment for what He has told us,
38:56 and tried to tell us will happen if we continue to live
39:02 a life contrary to His will.
39:04 That's it, that's plain, and that's simple.
39:08 And He cannot, He cannot justify an unrepentant sinner.
39:13 Because, ladies and gentlemen, He gave His only begotten Son,
39:17 His only begotten Son!
39:22 Would you give your son for someone who didn't love you?
39:28 Would you give your son for people who ignored you?
39:35 Would you give your son to people who worked with your
39:40 son's enemy? I don't think we would.
39:44 But God commended His love towards us
39:48 when we were yet sinners, when we didn't know Him,
39:53 when we had no relationship with Him,
39:55 when we were caught in the very grasp of Satan.
39:58 Some of us unwillingly, and some willingly.
40:02 But still He extends a hand of love.
40:07 But still He reaches out and He draws us to Him.
40:11 Still He goes to the hill of Golgotha, ladies and gentlemen,
40:16 to Calvary, that He might save some man, some woman,
40:20 some boy, some girl from the torment of dying
40:24 and not being in the very presence of God.
40:27 He has done it, ladies and gentlemen, that whosoever
40:31 will can have salvation. Amen!
40:35 That goes for all of us here.
40:37 That goes for all of us watching at home or on the internet.
40:40 He died for us personally.
40:43 And one Bible writer said that if only one of us had fallen,
40:48 He would have still come to die to pay the price for our lives.
40:57 So when we look at this, He cannot justify the unrepentant
41:01 sinner because this unrepentant sinner didn't respect
41:04 the sacrifice. Folks, I hate to say it, but it's the truth.
41:08 They get what they deserve!
41:10 My Bible tells me that we must repent of our sin.
41:20 You see, He can't save or justify the unrepentant sinner.
41:25 And, 4. it tells us He can't save a man against his will.
41:29 In other words, He's not going to come down here, as much as He
41:34 loves us, and drag us to heaven. Amen!
41:37 There's some folks who would be miserable in heaven.
41:40 That's true! And it will be merciful unto them to be able
41:47 to die and not exist anymore, because their character has
41:52 been molded unto their father, Satan himself.
41:55 They would be miserable in the very presence of God.
41:59 Have you ever noticed this?
42:02 Have you ever noticed this when you're not right with God?
42:06 When you're not right with God, how you really
42:13 don't want to be in church?
42:15 Don't really want to be around the saints.
42:19 Can't really pray.
42:23 Run from your Bible.
42:26 When lightening and thunder starts up you get real nervous.
42:35 Come on now! How do I know?
42:37 I've been there! I know!
42:40 I know when my life was not right with God,
42:43 and when I would hear a gospel song, it would make me burst out
42:46 in tears, because I knew where I need to be, and I wasn't there.
42:50 And I felt the void of not being with God.
42:52 But, ladies and gentlemen, when you feel that,
42:54 I want you to know that that is when God is closest to you.
42:59 And He's calling you, wooing you, whispering in your ear
43:02 and saying, Come home! Amen!
43:05 When you don't feel anything, then you have a problem,
43:10 because the Holy Spirit is not calling you.
43:13 But if you feel Him whispering to you, even right now,
43:16 even in this sanctuary, even in your home, even by internet,
43:21 if you feel an apprehension, as these words pour from my lips,
43:25 it is not Dorsey, it's the Holy Spirit.
43:28 And He is saying, Come back to Me!
43:30 Come to Me. Give Me your life.
43:32 Give Me your burdens.
43:34 Give Me, give Me. All that you need I have it!
43:38 Come to Me! Amen, praise the Lord!
43:42 That's what this is about.
43:44 It's not about me standing here preaching.
43:47 It's not about people singing to show how good they can sing.
43:51 It's not about us showing the beauty of this church.
43:54 It's to warn somebody: some mother, some father, some uncle,
43:58 some auntie, some granny, some husband, some wife,
44:01 to let them know. Some child who feels alone.
44:05 Some orphans, somebody that God cares about you. Amen!
44:11 But if you don't want to go, my friend...
44:14 And folks, you know what? God understands it sometimes
44:17 where we have been so hurt in this world,
44:20 and we've been so disappointed, even by some of the lukewarm
44:23 church members, and we turn our backs on God when we have
44:28 these broken relationships with the church.
44:31 You have to look above that folks.
44:33 The people might have done what they've done, but God's Son
44:37 Jesus, hasn't done anything wrong.
44:40 I say this over and over again.
44:44 People get angry and say they don't want to go back to church,
44:48 because there's hypocrites in the church.
44:49 Well, there's hypocrites at work. Hello!
44:54 And you still go to work because you need a check. Come on! Amen!
44:59 There's hypocrites in school.
45:00 You have to go to school.
45:02 You need that degree. Hello!
45:04 Some of you, not all, now I'm not throwing stones,
45:08 but you go to the club.
45:10 And the club is full of hypocrites.
45:13 Especially the Christians who are in there.
45:15 Hello! No I'm not going, no I'm going to leave that alone.
45:16 But you go there, and you have a good time week after week.
45:22 And when you get out of there, your conscience
45:24 is, it's bothering you.
45:26 But the hypocrites are there!
45:27 So don't exclude your presence from the church.
45:32 The Bible tells us not forsaking the assembling of ourselves
45:36 together, especially as we see this last day coming,
45:39 ladies and gentlemen.
45:40 At least inside the church there is something there that can
45:45 help you and the hypocrites. Amen!
45:49 The Holy Spirit is there, and He's working on hearts,
45:54 and He's knocking on their doors, and He is holding them,
45:57 and He is asking them to let Him in so He can save us.
46:02 You know, there's some portions of scripture that when I read
46:09 them it amazes me.
46:12 And this scripture is one of them.
46:15 It's found in Isaiah, Isaiah 1, Isaiah 1:18, 19.
46:25 You see, as mighty as our God is, He is so humble,
46:36 and so loving. I mean, why does He want us?
46:44 Church, what does He want with us?
46:49 Excuse me, what does He want with us?
46:57 The days of our years are threescore and ten.
47:02 If we make it past that, that's fine.
47:05 But do we remember who we are?
47:07 We come here with bad attitudes.
47:12 We come here selfish, envious, lying.
47:17 I mean you take a little baby, and you put them in the room,
47:20 and you say, Don't touch those cookies.
47:22 And you go out of the room, and the first thing that baby
47:25 does, excuse me, he runs over there,
47:28 and he picks up those cookies.
47:30 And if they're chocolate chip cookies, or chocolate carob
47:33 cookies, whatever you want to say, and he eats them.
47:37 And the cookies are all over their face.
47:39 And you come into the room, and you say,
47:41 Did you touch those cookies?
47:42 And that baby will just shake his head no,
47:46 cookie in hand, cookies on the mouth.
47:49 What does He want with us?
47:53 We can't be trusted too well.
47:56 How many times have we failed Him?
47:59 Even mature adults like us who say we're going to serve
48:02 the Lord with all our heart, every day, on and on.
48:05 And our experience is one of up and down.
48:09 Siding with the enemy, letting creeping compromise
48:13 come into our lives, but still He loves us.
48:17 He gave His life for us.
48:20 It says He came unto His own, His own peculiar people,
48:25 and His people knew Him not.
48:29 His own! But He still loves us!
48:32 He calls us the apple of His eye.
48:36 He says we're His darling.
48:38 And I love that word darling.
48:40 You know that darling means you're the only one.
48:43 And I guess we are, nobody else messed up.
48:46 But He saved us! Halleluiah!
48:50 I look at this and I get excited to know that He loves me with
48:57 the love that will not let me go.
48:59 He says in Acts 2:38 for us to repent and be ye baptized.
49:06 Repent means to be sorry for our sins, folks.
49:12 The problem is we say we want to be in heaven.
49:16 We want to be with God.
49:17 And we modify our outward behavior, but we still have a
49:22 lot going on in our minds.
49:25 We have to truly repent.
49:29 Real repentance brings us to the point of not only revival in our
49:35 life, which means a new life, and any man who is in Christ,
49:39 must have a new life, but the revival has to move forward
49:43 with a reformation.
49:44 In other words, we have to see structured changes.
49:48 We have to be intentional in our Christian walk.
49:52 In other words, you can't keep doing the things you were doing,
49:56 and say you want to serve the Lord.
49:58 You have to ask Him to come into your heart,
50:00 and to come into your life, and to change you by His divine
50:03 power, by that Holy Spirit.
50:05 And as you hear the Lord speaking to your voice,
50:09 and speaking to your heart, and speaking to your mind,
50:12 you will know the things that He shows you in your life,
50:16 that you will gladly give to Him.
50:19 And when you talk about the things you used to do,
50:22 you won't have this big smile and glee.
50:25 Haven't you ever talk to someone and they started telling you,
50:29 Well, I've been in the church for seventy years.
50:31 But I used to dance, and I used to drink, and I used to do all
50:36 of that, and they start talking about those things,
50:39 and they get a supernatural glow.
50:41 Something's wrong!
50:44 Folks, we need to be sorry for the things that we did
50:49 that caused our Jesus to go to the cross of Calvary. Amen!
50:53 Think about the worst thing you have done in your life
50:57 right now. Those of you who are over here, and those of you
50:59 who are at home, think about the worst thing you have done
51:02 in your life, that you wouldn't want to be made public,
51:06 and how you would never want anyone to mention those things
51:10 to you. Just think about that for a second.
51:16 Somebody's even getting tense thinking about it.
51:19 Well, that's the way we need to be about all sin in our lives.
51:25 That it's cut off. That it's over.
51:27 That it won't come back.
51:29 And, ladies and gentlemen, when we let Jesus into our hearts,
51:32 when we allow Him to transform us by the renewing of our minds,
51:36 His Holy Spirit will make us brand new in Him,
51:40 and it's something that we all can experience.
51:43 But we must be willing to give it all to Jesus. Amen!
51:47 Oh my friends, we must fight the good fight of faith.
51:51 We have to endure to the end.
51:54 We must keep the faith.
51:56 We must allow the spirit of Laodicea,
52:01 the spirit of lukewarmess, to be removed from our lives.
52:07 And we must allow the power of the Holy Spirit to come into
52:13 our lives, and to make the changes.
52:15 He says, and I go back to Revelation 3:17.
52:19 He says, Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased
52:22 with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that
52:25 thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind,
52:27 and naked: I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire,
52:32 that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest
52:36 be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
52:40 and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see.
52:44 And then He says, As many as I love,
52:48 I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
52:52 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
52:57 If any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in
53:01 to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.
53:05 And then verse 21, it says: To him that overcometh will I
53:10 grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame,
53:17 and am set down with My Father in His throne.
53:22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
53:29 unto the churches.
53:31 Let the Spirit of God come in to the door of your heart.
53:46 All to Jesus I surrender.
53:58 All to Him I freely give.
54:11 I will ever love and trust Him.
54:24 In His presence daily live.
54:37 I surrender all. I surrender all.
55:02 All to Thee, my blessed Savior, I surrender, I surrender,
55:28 I surrender all. Amen!
55:43 Friends tonight God has given us another opportunity to say
55:50 we surrender our lives unto Him.
55:53 And even right now wherever you are,
55:56 in this sanctuary, in your home, if you would close your eyes
56:00 and just open your heart unto the Savior as we pray,
56:06 Loving Father, tonight in light of the message that we've heard,
56:12 as it expounds Your love, and Your long-suffering towards us,
56:17 we say collectively, Lord we surrender all unto You.
56:23 Come into our lives and save us, for we cannot save ourselves.
56:30 This we ask in Jesus' name.
56:33 Let the people say, Amen. Amen!
56:36 My friends, continue to study.
56:39 Continue to be intentional.
56:42 Strive to enter in through the straight gate.
56:46 And when we have endured, we will hear the voice of our
56:53 Master saying, Well done, thou good and faithful servants.
56:59 Goodnight!


Revised 2014-12-17