Ultimate Prescription


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00052B

00:01 As the song says... "Don't worry, be happy"
00:03 and that's why we're trying to do today.
00:05 We're trying to learn how to be happy,
00:07 and we have to realize we're 6,000 years from the
00:09 Hand of the Creator, but even under these circumstances,
00:12 there are ways that we can bring joy
00:14 and happiness into our life, and Dr. Marcum has outlined
00:17 7 beautiful ways of doing that.
00:19 Let's get to our questions now and see if we can apply
00:21 some of those principles to these questions here, okay?
00:23 I like giving people things that they can do that
00:26 that's positive! It makes you happy!
00:28 You know and when you go to the doctor,
00:30 and you give them a pill or a prescription or something
00:33 ...you know that's not as fun as saying,
00:37 "I'm giving you this to do to change your chemistry,
00:40 give it a try and report back to me"
00:42 So that makes me happy when I can give someone else
00:44 something they actually WANT to do and it can embrace
00:47 to change their chemistry. I like it
00:48 Okay, here's our first question from
00:50 heartwiseministries. org
00:51 "Is it possible to treat depression without medications?"
00:55 Just how powerful is happiness?
00:58 Yeah, the answer to that - it is possible to treat
01:01 depression without medications and there are some great doctors
01:04 and psychiatrists out there that have written lots of things
01:08 about this and a lot of people don't realize that medications
01:11 aren't as successful as people think they are.
01:14 Just because you're on a medication,
01:16 doesn't mean your depression is going to be cured.
01:18 So it's not that high of a percentage of people
01:21 that are actually helped by the medications.
01:23 But, they've done things like improving your brain chemistry,
01:27 exercise, proper nutrition, meaningful things...
01:32 There's something called cognitive therapy
01:34 where you're learning to think and train your brain to
01:38 do these things right.
01:40 There are some biblical counselors that are helping
01:42 along those lines.
01:43 All these things make it possible that in some people,
01:46 it is possible not to take medicines for depression.
01:49 Now some people, have it so bad, genetically, that they do
01:53 need medicines for depression.
01:55 Some people need more than one medicine for depression.
01:57 Some people need extra therapy for depression,
01:59 but in some people, it is possible.
02:01 And right now, when so many people are on antidepressants,
02:04 I have to wonder a little bit, well maybe they didn't try
02:06 some other things FIRST and they just jumped to the
02:09 medicine because that might have been
02:10 the easiest thing to do at the time.
02:12 But I think it is possible to be off medicines,
02:14 and I think that a lot of other people would agree with me.
02:17 Here's a question again... "I have migraines every week,
02:23 what can I do for help?"
02:25 Is happiness a migraine attacker?
02:28 Well, it's not going to hurt, but you know, again,
02:31 what causes migraines?
02:33 That's a vascular headache usually caused by a
02:36 spasm of a blood vessel.
02:37 Sometimes it runs in families, sometimes we have
02:41 triggers that turn it on.
02:42 Migraines have lots of triggers.
02:44 Sometimes that trigger might be caffeine, a certain food,
02:48 doing a certain thing, a lack of sleep.
02:50 Things that might help lower the risk of having migraines
02:53 that I found to be very useful, now this is pretty dramatic...
02:57 But go to drinking nothing but water;
03:00 go to a plant-based diet, get all the chemicals out of
03:04 your diet - ALL of it out;
03:06 get on a regular exercise program to improve your
03:10 vascular tone and see what happens.
03:14 And there are some great medicines we use if you do have
03:17 genetic migraines, but I've had a lot of people that
03:19 just do that and guess what?
03:21 VOILA! It was something they were eating;
03:23 it was some chemical that they had in their diet.
03:26 They were maybe not getting enough sleep.
03:27 Something tended to trigger their bad genetics
03:30 to trigger these migraines, but that's the way to start,
03:33 and if that doesn't work, there are some medicines
03:35 that can be added on to that.
03:36 Here's a question that sort of goes along with this...
03:39 "Certain foods make my GI tract very unhappy"
03:41 Here are foods attacking a different part of the body.
03:44 Do I need to see a specialist, if you have an unhappy GI tract?
03:49 Well, it's according - I'm telling people,
03:51 as a general rule, if you see blood coming out,
03:54 if there is blood coming out, if you've lost a lot of weight,
03:58 if you can't swallow in your GI tract,
04:01 or if you're having pain regularly in your GI tract,
04:04 you need to have someone evaluate that.
04:07 That could be something serious from a bleeding ulcer,
04:10 to a lot of other more serious things in the GI tract.
04:14 If you just eat some food and it makes you feel bad,
04:17 then maybe you should experiment with eating healthier foods,
04:20 maybe you have a food allergy, a food that would trigger that.
04:23 Unfortunately, what I've seen is a lot of doctors
04:26 don't pay attention to nutrition.
04:29 What I like to do is, as soon as I make sure it's
04:32 nothing something terrible,
04:33 I say, "Well, let's do this FIRST, rather than
04:35 order a bunch of tests. "
04:38 "You know, you're not having bleeding,
04:39 you're not losing weight, you don't have an infection...
04:42 let's just try maybe switching some foods around,
04:44 maybe cutting back your dairy or cutting back
04:47 meat or cutting back this and see how you feel,
04:50 and if your body responds to that,
04:52 maybe nothing more needs to be done. "
04:54 So sometimes the food acts as an allergen
04:57 that stimulates the body to attack inside...
05:00 A lot of diseases we see that are like that.
05:03 We're talking about being happy here and here is
05:06 someone who is not happy at a certain time of the day.
05:10 "I am grumpy when I do not get sleep as well as
05:14 work too many hours at work"
05:16 In other words, you don't get enough sleep,
05:17 and you have too much work.
05:18 "I cannot quit my job" and then the question is...
05:22 "What energy drinks help?"
05:24 Is this a prime candidate for one of those little
05:27 5- hour energy drinks?
05:29 We talked about that energy drinks before.
05:32 The real solution is to find out why they don't feel good.
05:37 The energy drink is not the answer,
05:40 it's just treating a symptom.
05:42 The symptom is "I'm not feeling good"
05:44 Well, why am I not feeling good?
05:45 It sounds like this person is not getting enough rest.
05:49 So they're going to have to figure out how to rest more
05:52 in their lives and get it done.
05:55 Americans aren't resting anymore;
05:58 you know, we're staying up all night,
05:59 we're not taking our weekly rest,
06:00 we're not taking our nightly rest,
06:02 but when I encourage people to make it a priority,
06:05 and say, "Listen, I want you to dedicate yourself to having
06:08 a weekly rest, I want you to work harder
06:10 at resting at night"
06:11 "Do that for me for one week and see how you feel,
06:16 and if you start feeling better, having more energy,
06:18 ...almost everyone does, that gives you your real answer"
06:22 You don't need a quick fix that doesn't get at the problem.
06:25 You don't need a quick energy drink.
06:27 You need to get at the cause of the problem...
06:29 And that's what we have to do in medicine and in life,
06:32 we have to understand the causes,
06:33 not so much WHAT we do, but WHY we do the things;
06:37 what is the cause.
06:38 When we do that, we can truly find solutions.
06:41 Very good. That a great question I agree with you, absolutely!
06:43 This is from heartwiseministries. org
06:45 the website where you can bring
06:46 your questions in to this program.
06:48 Okay, here we go - oh yes... "I always feel happy
06:51 when I go out with friends and drink; however, I know this
06:55 is NOT good for me - will a drink or 2...
06:58 I'm assuming this is alcoholic beverage,
07:01 ...Will a drink or 2 be a problem for my health?"
07:03 Just a little bit? Yeah
07:04 It could be a problem for your health.
07:06 And I see a lot of people that go out in happiness
07:10 and, you know, they look for
07:12 all sorts of things that make them happy.
07:13 Will it be... you know, lots of different things are out there,
07:16 bad things, drugs, alcohol.
07:18 They look for things that bring them
07:20 temporary happiness but it doesn't really bring them
07:23 long-term happiness and I think that that's why
07:27 in my list of 7 things, I think people need to really
07:30 understand - Well, what does God define as happiness?
07:37 The world defines happiness different than
07:39 God defines happiness.
07:43 And the Lord, when He was here, He spent a lot of time
07:45 helping people, visiting with friends, loving on people.
07:49 You know, I'd like to think that He was happy in His service.
07:52 Serving our Master Creator, that should be the definition
07:55 of happiness! Shouldn't it? One of the definitions.
07:57 So I want to encourage this person to not do that
08:00 alcohol - you know, it could lead to a bad habit,
08:03 and go back and look for real, honest truth of happiness,
08:08 not what the world teaches is happy,
08:10 but what is the definition of true happiness.
08:12 All right, very good.
08:13 I like this question right here and I'm sure there are people
08:17 listening and watching who can identify with it.
08:20 "I was in the dumps and bought a boat" OKAY!
08:24 "Still feel no better; everything is okay at home;
08:28 I was started on medications for blood pressure a month ago,
08:32 could this be changing my moods?"
08:34 Now, are we talking about the boat
08:35 or the blood pressure medicine?
08:37 Hmmmm, so it sounds like this fellow was in the mood,
08:41 so he bought a boat to make him feel better. Yeah
08:43 And in the process, I don't know which came first
08:46 with the boat, but yes, all the medications can have
08:49 side effects.
08:51 Well I guess if the boat didn't work,
08:53 he tried the medications, I guess.
08:54 I don't know, I don't know which came first on this fellow,
08:56 but you know what, it's possible any medication
08:59 could have a side effect.
09:00 But don't we do that, don't we say,
09:01 "I'm feeling bad, so I'm going to go buy something"
09:03 I'm going to get a new something into my life
09:05 that's going to make me feel good.
09:07 And when we don't feel good, we say,
09:08 "Oh my goodness, what is WRONG with me
09:10 that I have this nice, cool boat or car or iPhone
09:15 or widescreen TV, I don't feel any better.
09:18 I better go see the doctor for some medicines. "
09:19 Right, and that's when they go to the doctor for the medicines
09:23 ...That we say, "Listen, why don't you feel good?"
09:26 Make sure there's nothing, of course, physical wrong.
09:29 But maybe the brain is not feeling wrong,
09:31 maybe that person is not happy.
09:33 Maybe that person has something in their life that is unresolved
09:37 And that's when those things have to say,
09:39 Listen, well what can we do about those things?
09:41 How can those things be forgotten and forgiven?
09:45 What's the path on that type of treatment?
09:49 And that leads them back, I think, into that relationship
09:52 going back to the Bible, learning what God has to say
09:55 about it - that help, that forgiveness that comes.
09:58 It might help with meeting with the pastor or friend
10:01 or a doctor or someone that can
10:02 help them along this journey because not everyone
10:05 knows how to have a relationship with God.
10:08 Not everyone knows how to read the Bible.
10:10 Not everyone knows how to pray.
10:12 And these are things that we have to let people
10:15 know how to do these things.
10:17 So this fellow's happiness, I don't know exactly
10:20 what the problem was, Charles.
10:22 But the boat didn't take care of it.
10:24 No, the boat didn't take care of it,
10:25 but, you know, sometimes I don't have the answers for people,
10:28 and I have to say, "I'm sorry I don't know. "
10:31 But one thing that I always can do is I can pray to God
10:35 who knows everything and who can take care of problems,
10:38 so I can always offer a prayer and I'm going to offer
10:41 a prayer to this fellow as well. Absolutely!
10:43 Very important, I think that the message that comes through
10:46 by what you're saying today, Dr. Marcum,
10:48 is that happiness is NOT connected to things;
10:52 it's not connected to events and jobs and people,
10:57 it's connected to our relationship with God,
10:59 and how we identify with Him and how we can
11:02 spend time with Him in nature and in prayer, at church
11:06 and in worship - there's where happiness comes from!
11:08 We'll take a short break and when we come back,
11:10 we will pray to that Great Physician,
11:12 so stay right where you are.
11:27 We spoke earlier about this treatment for disease
11:31 as well as a way to prevent disease found in Proverbs...
11:34 "A merry heart does good like medicine"
11:37 I did dig up some research about the different
11:39 chemicals that increase when we're in a happy state,
11:43 and I gave you 7 ways that you can maybe try to be happier.
11:46 Most of you are probably doing all those and you probably
11:49 could send me some more ways to be happy,
11:51 and I want you to send them to our website that is
11:54 heartwiseministries. org
11:57 and I want you to share your ways with being happy
12:00 with many, many other people.
12:02 I think it's real important for our chemistries
12:05 that we think about being happy and that we
12:07 strive to be happy in our lives.
12:09 I want to pray for you at this time
12:11 that we might all find happiness and fulfillment.
12:15 Father in Heaven... We want to thank You
12:17 for bringing us together and I want to pray
12:18 for everyone that's watching today - that You give them
12:21 such happiness and joy in their lives and that You be
12:24 so close to them, Father.
12:26 Bring healing into their lives and help them to
12:29 take their light and shine all over the world and make
12:33 others happy and bring others closer to you...
12:35 is our humble prayer... Amen
12:38 Many of you wanted to know how to get a hold of me
12:41 you can go to our website that is...
12:42 heartwiseministries. org
12:45 You'll find some interesting things there.
12:47 There is a place you can pray for each other.
12:50 There are some interesting articles.
12:52 You can read some blogs.
12:53 We now even have a place where you can review
12:56 healthy restaurants for other people.
12:58 That's a way you can serve.
12:59 Thank you so much for joining us and I want each one of us
13:03 today to have the most happy day ever!


Revised 2014-12-17