Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00051B
00:01 Welcome back to the program,
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum 00:03 We're talking about... 00:05 Well, we're talking about finding truth. 00:08 We're talking about looking at evidence. 00:10 We're talking about searching 00:11 for what is right for us... Am I right? 00:13 Right, and you know, I was bringing up 00:15 sometimes people will ask a question, 00:18 and they'll want to take that answer 00:21 and apply it to large amounts of people. 00:23 And sometimes that will just be applied specifically 00:27 for you - because of your circumstances, 00:30 what you're going through and you can't generalize 00:32 that to a large number of people. 00:34 But we need a place to begin. 00:35 Yes, you need sort of a direction... 00:38 But, you know, like they ask me all the time, 00:40 "Should I do this?" 00:41 Well, it depends - it depends on lots of factors. 00:44 Well everyone's doing it! 00:46 Well that doesn't mean it's right for YOU! 00:49 So there's a little bit of relationship based on 00:52 individuals, based on looking at the big picture 00:54 for that person and sometimes I'm afraid that in this world 00:59 that we're going to generalize it and say, 01:01 "This is what the data says; this is what you get, 01:03 this is what you get, this is what you get. " 01:05 Your answer has already been given based on these studies. 01:10 When we look at the studies, then we find 01:12 the general information and the direction to go, 01:14 and then we adjust it for ourselves. 01:15 Remember, they are recommendations. 01:17 They're not absolutes, they're recommendations 01:20 and they're not absolutes. Okay, all right 01:21 heartwiseministries. org is the website 01:24 for you to send your questions in to this program, 01:27 and we've received a lot of them. 01:28 And, let's talk about these questions here, Dr. Marcum 01:32 The first one - "I have fibroids, what are they, 01:35 and are they dangerous?" 01:37 Okay... Sounds kind of strange. 01:38 Fibroids are connective tissue that gets in the uterus, 01:43 and those can be dangerous if they grow really big, 01:47 and they cause bleeding. 01:49 Fibroids can sometimes cause bleeding and in that case, 01:52 the woman would have to have a hysterectomy 01:54 if it causes bleeding. 01:55 But most fibroids, people don't even know they have, 01:58 and they aren't dangerous and we keep an eye on it by 02:01 a simple test called "ultrasound" to see if the 02:04 fibroid is getting any bigger. 02:06 Sort of like a small cyst in there. 02:07 As long as it's not squishing anything or causing any 02:10 problem, it's not a big problem. 02:11 So a lot of people say, "My doctor says I have a fibroid!" 02:14 And they get all concerned; lots of people have fibroids. 02:17 As long as you keep an eye on it, 02:19 it's usually not a big, major issue unless it starts to bleed. 02:23 Where do you usually have a fibroid, where are they? 02:24 In the uterus - that's the only one place it can happen. 02:27 Okay, question #2 from heartwiseministries. org 02:31 "I had breast cancer in situ" Yes, cancer that has not spread, 02:40 Okay... "Breast cancer in situ and the tumor is estrogen 02:43 and progesterone positive. " 02:44 "I have hot flashes, what should I do?" 02:49 Well first I would, you know... remember we had said 02:51 let's talk to your doctor; he knows all of the details 02:55 of your life much better, but in general, 02:58 some things that women can do, the estrogen receptor positive, 03:02 those are the ones that would NOT want to take 03:04 estrogen replacements because 03:06 that could actually feed the cancer. That makes sense. 03:08 Another thing that we want to do is extra fat tissue 03:13 ...that's where estrogen is converted peripherally, 03:16 so we want people that have had a history of breast cancer 03:19 to try to work as hard as they can to get as much 03:22 extra tissue off their body, especially the fat tissue. 03:25 That will also help their chance of doing well. 03:27 We also know that women that eat healthy, 03:30 eat lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains, 03:32 as well as an exercise program, get the weight off; 03:35 they do better with this type of cancer as well. 03:39 These are all some things that they can do to help. 03:41 We want to be positive. 03:43 Here's a question here and I hear some longing, 03:47 and some pleading in this voice. 03:49 "What are a woman's greatest health risk, 03:51 I am 86 and afraid of breaking a bone. " 03:55 Wow! And as you go through time, the greatest risk of 04:01 a woman is heart disease. 04:03 That's even greater than breast cancer. 04:05 But, as you get older, depending on your health history, 04:09 depending on your genetics, ... you know, certain things 04:11 might not run in your family... and I share her concern. 04:15 She is 86, maybe she hasn't had a heart problem... 04:19 so she does have a significant risk of breaking a bone. 04:23 And, I see people in my office every day that have weak bones, 04:27 and I tell them - I know it's hard, but you gotta get up 04:30 and keep moving and eat a healthy diet, 04:33 and you have to move all the body parts, 04:35 be very careful - don't be too proud to have a walker 04:39 that you carry with you, to hang on to something, 04:42 to make your house handicap-safe. 04:46 And it's easy for me to stress this because I literally see 04:49 people every week that are in their 80s and 90s 04:52 that fall down and break a bone, especially a hip, 04:55 and that can be devastating, the pain that goes with that. 04:58 So these little things can help but greatest risk, 05:02 in general, for women is heart disease. 05:05 That's the greatest chance of having a problem, 05:08 but yes, having a fall is another issue. 05:11 We see more and more people getting memory problems 05:14 as they get older - that's another problem 05:16 that we have to add in there. 05:17 So there are lots of different things that go into that, 05:21 and, you know, I want to give her some hope. 05:25 We're lucky that we have a God in heaven that's going to 05:28 take care of us and we just have to trust that 05:32 He's going to take care of us and we have to just do the 05:34 best we can with these health principles and be so careful. 05:38 If a person is usually fearful of breaking a bone, 05:41 that tells me that they are probably 05:42 a little bit unsteady on their feet, 05:44 and they have to be careful, 05:46 don't be too proud to have a walker. 05:48 So what can they do to strengthen their bones? 05:49 We've talked about this in other shows. 05:50 Walking, weightbearing; of course, eat a healthy diet, 05:54 but even people that do all of that, 05:57 still occasionally break bones... 05:59 And even though you do everything perfect, 06:01 sometimes the bones still get weak. 06:04 That's why being CAREFUL is so important! 06:07 Don't take chances, don't do things that might 06:10 make you wobbly or fall, because as we age, 06:13 our balance, our nerves in our feet, our nerves in our ear, 06:17 aren't as sharp, so we're more 06:18 likely to fall over the older we get. 06:22 So, I'm sorry to have to say this, lady... 06:23 but - no skydiving! 06:25 All right... "What are some foods with 06:27 omega-3 fatty acids?" 06:28 Why is this person asking about 06:30 what omega-3 can really do for you? 06:31 They have been in the news all over, the fatty acids, 06:35 because the healthy fats help thin out the blood 06:38 and they also help with inflammation... 06:41 And lots of people have inflammation, 06:43 and there are lots of people 06:44 out there selling all sorts of products. 06:47 But some simple things that I use in my diet 06:49 that you might want to try are things like... 06:51 walnuts, almonds, and flax; 06:55 things like that have omega-3 in it that are easily 06:59 brought in for digestion. 07:00 There are many other foods that have it in there. 07:03 You can look and go through the foods and see which ones 07:06 that you actually like to eat because that's important. 07:09 If you don't like to eat it, 07:10 you're probably not going to eat it. 07:11 ...But most people can do pretty good with flax 07:14 because they could have flax grounds, 07:16 and they can put it on top of different things. 07:18 Now ground flax - Yeah ground flax. 07:20 They can put it on oatmeal 07:22 or they can put it on their cereal. 07:24 And, it doesn't take a whole lot to get the amount of 07:26 omega-3's you need to help with inflammation, 07:28 that kind of thing... Do you know why you need to 07:31 grind flaxseeds? Do you know why? 07:32 No, tell me Charles. I'll tell you. 07:34 I learned this from Dr. Hans Diehl... 07:35 It's the same reason you need to chew nuts and chew your food. 07:39 That when you chew food, you actually are releasing 07:43 the omega-3 fatty acids. 07:45 If you just swallowed them whole, 07:47 your body doesn't release it, 07:48 the chewing does it. That makes sense! 07:51 And flaxseeds are too small to chew. Okay 07:53 So you have to have like a blender or something 07:56 that will grind them up into a powder. 07:58 Then you put that powder on top of your cereal. 07:59 You know, that is so practical for people out there. 08:03 I think that that will help some people out, thanks Charles. 08:05 So chew your food or if it's flaxseeds, 08:07 grind it in a coffee grinder and you're good to go. 08:11 It releases the fatty acids, the omega-3's 08:14 Okay... This is an important question here 08:17 because I'm sure that you get this a lot. 08:18 "What role does diet have in breast cancer?" 08:21 Yeah, we touched on this earlier. 08:24 Diet is very important because of the estrogen, 08:27 especially if they're estrogen tumor-positive, 08:30 and also for your general health. 08:32 We want people to be as healthy as they can 08:34 to make their immune system strong, 08:36 because if you have cancer in your body 08:39 from whatever caused it, whether it's genetics 08:41 or toxins, or a combination of things, 08:43 you want to have the strongest immune system that you can - 08:48 ...which includes not only eating good foods, 08:50 getting rest, being mentally strong, getting exercise, 08:56 it encompasses spiritual life. 08:58 Your spiritual life will help as well. 09:00 All of these aspects are things 09:01 that can help your immune systems, 09:03 and the immune system is so wonderful. 09:05 Charles, our immune cells fight to the death. 09:08 Yes they do - literally! They fight to the death! 09:10 Cancer cells are takers. 09:12 They're not good cells, I don't like cancer cells. 09:15 But immune cells are good cells and we want to give them 09:17 all the help we can do to function well, 09:20 and a healthy diet really helps our immune system quite a bit. 09:24 I know I have lots of other questions in there too. 09:26 Yeah, as I listen to you talk here about these, 09:31 I see an element of fear in here. 09:34 I see people who are afraid of falling, 09:36 who are afraid of cancer, 09:38 who are afraid of the bumps and the nodules on their body, 09:42 they are fearful. 09:43 Should we be afraid, are we too afraid, 09:46 or how can we use fear as a good tool? 09:50 Well, you know, I want people to be concerned. 09:52 That's a better word - sometimes maybe we don't use 09:55 the right word; maybe the word is just concerned. 09:57 People are concerned about them because they haven't 10:00 felt this way before. 10:01 This is a new feeling or a new finding. 10:03 Some people are concerned, then some people ARE fearful. 10:07 When they are preoccupied by it, 10:10 and they are scared to death by it, that is not a good thing, 10:14 And some of the biblical principles 10:17 we talked over before include... 10:18 ...Reassurance - that's very important when people are scared 10:22 Programs like this can reassure you that this is something that 10:25 you can not worry about as much. 10:29 ...Love - Love casts out fear. 10:32 That relationship we have with each other and with God 10:34 that helps us deal with these things. 10:36 ...Worship - "Come unto me. " 10:39 As we do those things that are biblical, 10:41 and you know what, sometimes we still do those 10:43 things and we still could be scared of things, 10:45 but hopefully, it's just for a short period of time 10:47 until we can figure out- 10:49 NO, we don't need to be scared of that! 10:51 I'm just going to let that go! 10:52 So if you have fear, use it as a motivation to 10:54 try to get you INTO God's Word, into the scientific journals, 10:57 then onto the internet, use it as a motivation, 11:00 don't sit there and be consumed by it. 11:01 Yeah and a lot of the times, I do during the day, 11:04 is take care of people's concern. 11:07 Oh, I had chest pain. Oh, IT'S MY HEART, 11:11 IT'S MY HEART, IT'S MY HEART, I'M GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK 11:13 No, I prove to them... no, the evidence doesn't 11:16 point to a heart attack, I think it's something else, 11:18 and just when I tell that, that reassurance helps quite a bit, 11:22 and I do a lot of that during the daytime. 11:24 Well, we're going to take a short break here, 11:26 and when we come back, we're going to talk to the 11:28 Master Physician, The SOURCE of joy and happiness, 11:32 The Source of comfort, The Source of the ability for us 11:37 to deal with fear and bring hope into our lives. 11:40 Dr. Marcum will talk to Him with us in mind, 11:43 so stay right where you are. 11:59 You are unique and God loves you, 12:02 and I think you realize, from our discussion today, 12:05 that sometimes things in medicine can't applied to 12:08 everybody and you have to look at individuals 12:11 based on how they are, their individual health 12:14 characteristics and their needs as well. 12:17 I want to spend some time now praying for someone. 12:20 There might be someone out there that needs special prayer 12:23 for healing and on our website at heartwiseministries. org 12:27 we would like to invite you to come on there and write 12:30 your prayer requests. 12:31 If you write those down, we have groups of people 12:34 that will actually pray for you and you can look and see 12:36 how many people are praying for you. 12:38 Prayer is a very powerful tool. 12:40 It's a very powerful way that 12:42 God uses to communicate with Him. 12:44 So let's just bow our heads as we pray together. 12:47 Father in Heaven... We want to thank You 12:50 once again for being our God and Ultimate Physician. 12:54 We want to just ask You, if there is someone 12:56 out there, Father, that needs Your special touch today, 12:59 that needs You in a special way, 13:01 please be especially close to them, Father... 13:04 And as we live our lives, Father, 13:06 please help us to go out in service and find those 13:09 that are in need and to go out of our way, Father, 13:12 and serve them and help change their chemistry 13:15 in their lives is our humble prayer... Amen 13:20 Wow... is all I can say when I get to talk to God... wow! 13:25 You know, isn't it going to be great 13:28 to be in heaven when no one is sick... 13:29 we don't have to worry about all this stuff. 13:31 We don't even have to have all these discussions anymore. 13:33 We can eat GREAT food every day, play with the animals, 13:36 have lots of good laughs. 13:38 I'm looking forward to that day and, hopefully, 13:41 we're going to see each other there and say, 13:42 "Listen, you were one of the people we talked to in the past" 13:45 Thanks for joining us today on "Ultimate Prescription" 13:48 I'm Dr. James Marcum wishing you the best of health. |
Revised 2014-12-17