Ultimate Prescription

Where's the Truth?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00050B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with Dr. James Marcum
00:04 We're talking about "truth" today and the "search for truth"
00:06 And one of the most important ways that we can find truth
00:10 is to ask questions.
00:11 If we ask questions to enough people in enough environments,
00:15 we're going to find truth in there.
00:16 And I look for consistency - when I ask a lot of people
00:19 the same question, I look for a common thread there.
00:22 When I ask you - I need to talk to T. Colin Campbell,
00:25 and Esselstyne and Dr. Hans Diehl,
00:28 I find a lot of agreement and when I find that agreement,
00:30 I say, "Ah, I'm onto something here, this may be the truth,"
00:33 and I keep looking and, of course, I use the Bible
00:35 as the foundation truth and it
00:38 as to agree with what the Bible says too.
00:39 And this is such a big topic and the big point
00:42 that I want everyone to have is when you have
00:44 a health concern, when you have a health problem,
00:48 when you go to the doctor,
00:50 include the "Ultimate Physician"
00:52 that relationship with God, go to the Bible,
00:56 see what God has to say, talk to Him,
00:58 learn about Him, find Him,
00:59 include Him in every treatment plan.
01:02 Now, how this looks for individual people
01:04 might be a little bit different. That's true
01:06 God might work in your life a little bit different
01:08 than He works in my life...
01:10 But the important point is, in this world,
01:13 if we look at what we talked about earlier,
01:15 how Google and Calico are coming up with this new
01:19 solution to the healthcare system.
01:21 You look at the Kevin Trudeaus of the world that are out there
01:23 trying to sell snake oils...
01:25 Well, I want each one of us to try to find that truth,
01:29 that truth that comes and I think in the direction
01:31 we're heading with looking at the Ultimate Prescription,
01:35 being that relationship with God
01:37 through the ways we've talked about,
01:39 I think that's a great place to start in finding truth.
01:42 Absolutely! Okay, we're going to start with some questions from
01:46 heartwiseministries. org
01:47 I invite you to send your questions in
01:49 to that web address because we need to know what
01:52 you want to know and that determines what we say
01:55 and how we structure programs
01:57 right here on Ultimate Prescription at
01:59 heartwiseministries. org
02:01 Okay, question #1, this is a good one!
02:03 "I hear so many conflicting ideas on nutrition,
02:07 oh boy, is that true or not,
02:08 ...where do you go for information?"
02:10 Where do YOU go for information?
02:11 Well you know, Charles, years ago when I was trying
02:15 to figure out that medicine wasn't exactly
02:17 what I thought it would be...
02:19 Okay, I took care of this gentleman,
02:21 he was in a bone marrow unit, and he had stayed there for
02:24 quite a long period of time and despite all modern medicine
02:27 had to do, he passed away...
02:29 And in that time, I didn't have the skill or I didn't talk
02:35 to him about a relationship, getting to know God,
02:39 all those things that I would do now.
02:42 I just wasn't comfortable and I didn't do it,
02:44 and I let an opportunity slip by...
02:47 And at that time, I realized that all the medical textbooks
02:50 in the world and all the learned people, this was great,
02:54 but for me, it wasn't where I was finding the answers.
02:58 So I went back to my Bible and at that time,
03:01 I started studying the Bible and looking in the Bible
03:04 for answers.
03:05 And so what I would do in a question like this is
03:08 you want to know about nutrition,
03:09 well, what does the Bible teach about nutrition?
03:12 At the creation, they talked about fruits, vegetables,
03:16 nuts and grains to eat.
03:17 That was what the perfect plan was.
03:19 That was the environment that God placed man in.
03:22 And, I was reading on and later in Daniel...
03:24 and they put this in the Bible,
03:26 and they put this story about Daniel and his friends.
03:29 They didn't eat the king's food, they ate pulse and water,
03:32 and after a short period of time, they were a lot smarter!
03:36 So that just tells me... well that's something that's
03:38 very important about doing what God has planned for us.
03:41 Something important and also
03:43 what their parents taught them was important.
03:45 Then later on, I looked in the Bible about the Israelites,
03:48 remember, they were out in the middle of nowhere
03:51 and they needed something to eat
03:52 and God gave them manna to eat.
03:55 And I'm sure it was very nutritious,
03:57 they weren't dying, they were doing pretty well.
03:59 I'm sure it probably tasted pretty good,
04:01 but after a short period of time,
04:02 everyone started complaining...
04:03 What did they want? "Give us some birds to eat"
04:06 So they started eating the birds and they got sick.
04:09 So that's one place I would start and I would also look at
04:13 ...well what's going on today?
04:14 Are we getting healthy or are we getting sicker?
04:17 So when I look at this, I also realize that this is a
04:20 big question... Where do you learn about nutrition?
04:22 Well people that did randomize studies like T. Colin Campbell,
04:26 unbiased studies, where they are not trying to sell a product
04:29 I think that's a good place to look.
04:31 There are things on the internet where people can learn about
04:34 different types of foods and how to eat healthy.
04:36 But I'll tell ya, it's getting harder and harder
04:39 with the chemicals, the way they grow foods,
04:42 and I'm afraid that people are out there, Charles,
04:45 and when they start thinking about their health,
04:47 they get fearful and they get paranoid about something...
04:52 "Oh, I can't have this or I can't have that"
04:53 Well you know, that's another thing that
04:55 God is going to help us sort through that.
04:57 If we diligently look for answers in the right places,
05:01 He is going to help us through and it's a very tough world
05:04 to get through nowadays.
05:05 You know, I walk into the stores and I see all the packages
05:08 and the preservatives, and the more you KNOW,
05:10 that's more of a responsibility too.
05:13 But you have to trust God to help you move through that,
05:17 and to help you balance out all these things...
05:20 And I can pretty much find something wrong with ANYTHING
05:23 if I look hard enough.
05:25 But that's not how I choose to live my life.
05:28 I want to choose to live my life in service to other people,
05:32 doing the best I can, letting God help me along
05:36 each step, each day of the way,
05:38 and that's how I want to live my life.
05:40 I don't want to live my life scared about everything I eat,
05:43 even though I think it's important.
05:44 I don't want to live my life worried about toxins,
05:47 environmental - though it is important,
05:49 I want God to take care of me, to send His angels
05:52 like He has promised to take care of me,
05:54 and give me that peace to live life.
05:56 So this question, that's where I'd start on this question.
06:01 Question #2... Here is a series of questions,
06:04 actually true or false questions and I will just run through
06:07 these and you can give us a true or false,
06:08 and a short explanation of why you made that answer.
06:11 True or false - looking for truth here...
06:13 True or false - You can have a heart attack
06:16 with a normal EKG.
06:18 That is a true statement, especially if it's in a small
06:20 artery or if the heart attack hasn't fully developed.
06:24 It may not show up on the EKG... That's correct
06:26 You can have a heart attack with a normal EKG. All right
06:29 True or false - A stress test tells you that
06:32 you have blockages.
06:33 That's a false statement - you could have lots of blockages
06:36 that the stress test does not pick up.
06:38 You could have 50-60% blockage in all the arteries,
06:41 and a stress test would not necessarily pick up that.
06:44 Sometimes you can have major blockages
06:46 and a stress test will not pick up that.
06:48 So no test that I've ever seen is 100%.
06:52 All right, I've always wanted to ask a doctor this question...
06:55 An apple a day keeps the doctor away - True or false?
06:58 True - Apples have chemicals called flavonoids
07:03 and antioxidants which helps our blood vessels
07:06 and helps keep us healthier.
07:08 It does lots of good things for the body.
07:10 It's a very fresh thing to eat.
07:11 Now occasionally, I like to eat those fried apple pies.
07:14 They're probably not as good as the fresh apple.
07:17 They sure taste good occasionally.
07:19 Okay, fried apple pie keeps the doctor nearby.
07:20 Right - probably if you eat too many of them!
07:23 Next question - A gynecologist delivers babies.
07:26 False - A gynecologist takes care of women's needs.
07:31 The obstetrician is the one that delivers the babies,
07:35 and sometimes doctors do it both and they call them
07:37 obstetrician/gynecologist.
07:40 So sometimes you have to look, if you need a gynecologist,
07:43 someone to help you with female hormones,
07:45 you might want to go to a gynecologist.
07:46 If you're young and you have a baby that is due,
07:49 you might want to go to an obstetrician
07:50 or find one that does both because some
07:52 specialize in one or the other now.
07:54 All right, very good, looking for truth!
07:56 Male menopause is NOT a real condition.
08:00 Male menopause is now a real condition.
08:03 That's where the men, just like the women,
08:07 we can have fluctuations in our hormones,
08:09 and the fluctuations of hormones can cause real health problems.
08:15 Another true or false question -
08:17 Walking and healthy diet can help bones
08:20 as much as the medication?
08:22 Yeah, that's true, Charles, and you don't hear much about
08:25 this on television, you know, they want to sell their product.
08:28 But, bone health, walking, eating healthy foods,
08:33 that showed just to be as effective as taking
08:35 one of these fancy bone medicines
08:37 to help make your bones strong.
08:39 So if you're diagnosed with osteoporosis,
08:41 it's time to get into walking and healthy eating.
08:43 Absolutely, that's something that you want to do
08:46 to help strengthen your bones and make your bones stronger.
08:49 Okay... It's a good thing to do.
08:50 This question, I get this a lot in my work...
08:52 Most sodium is taken in by
08:55 salting the food at the table, true or false?
08:57 False... Most sodium comes in the packaging of the foods.
09:02 The things that keep it from spoiling... In packaged foods.
09:05 Yeah, the canned goods, the packaged goods,
09:09 the meat that has been preserved.
09:11 So most of the salt you get in that and you don't get
09:14 a whole lot in a salt shaker.
09:16 And a lot of people take in a lot more salt every day
09:19 than they really actually need and all this sodium
09:22 raises blood pressure, damages vascular structures,
09:25 is not very good.
09:27 So if people would just try not to eat as much
09:29 things in packages, eat more FRESH,
09:32 that's going to help their health by decreasing
09:34 the total amount of sodium they get every day.
09:36 All right, very good.
09:38 True or false - Fear hurts your ability to think?
09:42 That's actually true.
09:44 People that are scared to death
09:46 or have a lot of fear in their lives,
09:48 it turns on the stress part of the brain
09:51 which makes the prefrontal cortex,
09:53 the thinking part of the brain, not think as good.
09:56 And I think that people that are taking tests that are scared,
09:59 they notice when they're scared and fearful,
10:00 they don't think as good.
10:02 But when they calm down, relax, take a deep breath,
10:06 they're able to make good decisions.
10:08 Now, some people, believe it or not, will argue
10:11 with each other and they'll get into discussions
10:14 and arguments and stuff and they'll actually
10:16 get mad at each other.
10:17 And when that mad and that fear is going back and forth,
10:20 you can't think as good.
10:22 So in that situation too, you should step back,
10:25 let yourself settle down and you'll actually think better.
10:29 So we don't like - fear is not a really good thing
10:31 for high cognitive function. All right, very good
10:34 True or false - A thankful heart is a happy heart.
10:38 That is a true statement.
10:40 I'm looking for the strong, scientific evidence right now,
10:45 but what got that in my mind is the kids,
10:48 when they were little, they used to watch the Veggie Tales,
10:51 and they had a Madam Blueberry and she used to sing this song -
10:55 "A thankful heart is a happy heart,
10:59 I'm glad for what I have, it's an easy place to start"
11:02 But anyway, people that are thankful,
11:05 I think, tend to be happier.
11:07 Happy people make higher endorphins,
11:09 it helps a lot of good things in the body.
11:11 So, we need to be more thankful.
11:14 I think that's a true statement.
11:15 Well I'm thankful for that little song you sang.
11:17 That was lovely, thank you very much.
11:19 We'll take a short break and when we come back
11:21 Dr. Marcum will take us to the Throne of Grace
11:23 for even more information, stay right where you are.
11:40 We've talked about some interesting things today,
11:43 and I promise I'm not going to sing another
11:44 Madam Blueberry song to you.
11:47 But I do think a thankful heart is a happy heart,
11:49 and I hope your heart is happy today.
11:52 I hope you're thankful that you watched this program today.
11:55 If you look, everyone is out there
11:58 looking for truth in their lives,
12:00 and I'm looking for truth and I want to share with you some
12:03 things that I learned about truth
12:05 as it relates to healthcare and I want you to continue
12:09 to look for truth.
12:10 And there might be those out there that are beginning their
12:13 search and we want to pray for you right now.
12:15 Shall we bow our heads...
12:17 Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank You for being
12:22 with us. We're all so different in life.
12:25 We have different things that we need.
12:28 We have different backgrounds,
12:30 but I think, Father, we all want to have truth.
12:32 We all want to know You better and we all want to be
12:36 healthier, Father.
12:37 We want to thank each person and if there is someone here
12:39 that needs Your love in an EXTRA special way today,
12:43 needs Your healing, we want to pray that You come into
12:45 their lives in a very special way, Father.
12:48 Touch them and help them, Father
12:50 And please help each one of us
12:52 in our journey to find truth, Father and You lead us
12:55 the way You want us to go.
12:58 Thank you for bringing us here
12:59 together as a group today, is our prayer... Amen
13:02 There are many ways you can stay in touch with our ministry
13:07 You can go to our website and our website is called...
13:10 heartwiseministries. org
13:13 You can leave your question or concern.
13:15 There are a lot of interesting things on that website.
13:18 There's a prayer page where you can pray for other people.
13:21 There is also places with testimony.
13:24 And I want to thank you for joining us today on the
13:26 "Ultimate Prescription"
13:27 and join us each time and I want to pray that
13:29 God will continue to go with you and bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17