Ultimate Prescription

Smoking and Freedom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00048B

00:01 Welcome back to the program.
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with cardiologist, Dr. James Marcum
00:04 We're talking about smoking today,
00:06 and Dr. Marcum has made a point
00:08 that the "Affordable Care Act" basically discriminates
00:12 against smokers and you're saying that...
00:14 #1- that's not a very good idea
00:16 Why not discriminate against other things
00:17 that can cause us to have health problems.
00:20 But also, it's a window of opportunity for those of us
00:23 who love health and like to promote health
00:25 to do something for our friends and neighbors and family members
00:29 who may be smoking.
00:30 The first question we got here, Dr. Marcum, from the
00:33 heartwiseministries. org
00:34 website on this topic is about electronic cigarettes...
00:38 GOOD IDEA - BAD IDEA? How do we use them?
00:41 Well you know my saying here is we try to love people
00:45 and not judge them.
00:47 I've learned in taking care of people that smoke,
00:50 and I take care of lots of people that smoke
00:52 because they end up in cardiology offices
00:53 because they have heart attacks.
00:55 Many different ways to work with people...
01:00 The 2 things that I think they MUST have
01:03 is they must have support from doctors, from friends,
01:07 from churches, from someone that must support them
01:10 to give them the encouragement, YES, you can do this!
01:13 This is a journey, we're going to travel this together!
01:16 And #2, they also, in addition to support,
01:20 it's very important that they have at least
01:22 some desire on their own.
01:24 Now that's IT, doesn't smoking destroy the desire?
01:27 I mean, aren't we talking about something that
01:29 actually keeps you from fixing yourself from it
01:32 because it's a habit?
01:34 Now remember, smoking turns on some of the stress pathways,
01:39 makes our brain go fast, so the thinking part of the brain
01:42 is not very good and it's very addictive.
01:45 So you get these pleasure pathways,
01:48 these nicotine paths, they're strong cords,
01:51 they're very hard to break.
01:53 Some people say that there's nothing harder in life
01:56 than breaking the nicotine habit.
01:59 It's the most potent addictive substance we have known for man.
02:03 It must be true because that's
02:04 why so many people are still smoking.
02:07 It's very addictive and a lot of people, when they start,
02:09 they have no idea how bad that it is;
02:11 they have no idea how hard it is to stop.
02:14 So getting back to our question...
02:16 These things are important.
02:17 You gotta have support and I think you have to want it
02:19 at some level yourself.
02:21 Either want it to help your family,
02:24 want it to help yourself, to serve God better;
02:27 something in it that you have to want - those 2 components.
02:30 Now, there are many ways to quit smoking
02:33 that will help aid in that.
02:35 One is E-Cigarettes.
02:37 E- Cigarettes are electronic cigarettes.
02:41 They are a little bit heavier.
02:43 I've never used them, but other people have.
02:46 They also release nicotine, but supposedly the plan is to
02:50 release less and less to slowly take away the addiction,
02:55 okay, slowly over time.
02:56 The same way it works with the patches.
02:59 Some people have a stronger patch, a lesser patch,
03:01 and a lesser patch.
03:03 What does NOT work is if you take E-Cigarettes
03:06 AND you smoke or if you take the patch AND you smoke,
03:10 then you get double the whammy and becomes to get more harder.
03:14 Now some people are using prescription medications,
03:18 and for some people that works as well.
03:20 But remember, there's always a risk versus the medicine
03:23 versus the benefits.
03:25 So it usually takes a lot of different approaches.
03:28 Some people work in classes with these 5-Day Plans,
03:32 the 3-Day Plans.
03:33 Sometimes a doctor can work with the patient.
03:35 Sometimes I can tell a patient and I say,
03:37 "Listen, you really need to quit smoking, here's all the reasons"
03:41 I'll try to educate them.
03:43 Then the next thing I'll say is,
03:44 "Do you think you need some help,
03:46 or do you want to do it on your own?"
03:48 And if he says, "Well, let me try it on my own"
03:50 I'll say, "Well let's cut back"
03:53 Some people can do cold turkey but I find that the minority.
03:57 I have them take less and less.
03:59 "Now maybe you can do 5 this week and then 4 this week,
04:01 then 3, then 2, then 1," and then I ask them,
04:05 "You have to replace the hand habit"
04:07 Replace it with something else, maybe chewing gum
04:10 or pixie sticks or chewing a straw,
04:13 or a toothpick or something else.
04:15 You have to have people that will help you and remind you,
04:18 and then I tell them it's very important that you replace
04:21 a good habit with a bad habit.
04:23 So every time you get that terrible desire to smoke,
04:26 we'll do something - go to the Scripture, read a Scripture.
04:30 In other words, though cigarette-smoking has taken
04:31 that bad habit has replaced good habits.
04:33 Now you're saying, let's reverse that,
04:34 let's go from bad to good.
04:36 Yes, let's find something... when you want to have
04:37 that bad habit, replace it with something good!
04:40 Go for a walk, sing a song, read a passage of Scripture,
04:45 call your friend, break the pathway.
04:48 Now, statistics show that most people, Charles,
04:51 don't quit the first time, it's a journey.
04:55 So I tell people, just because you quit smoking,
04:57 you know, you start smoking again, don't beat yourself up.
05:01 Figure out what in your plan didn't work.
05:04 Was it - you didn't have enough support?
05:06 Did you not really want to do it yourself?
05:09 Did you not wean yourself down?
05:11 Did you not have a substitution?
05:13 A lot of people just do it because...
05:15 I asked them, "Well why did you start smoking again?"
05:17 "I got bored. " Well, have a plan for that!
05:20 "I got nervous" Well, have a plan for that!
05:23 Or, "I was around some friends that smoked"
05:27 So each scenario that comes around, have a plan.
05:30 It might take you 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times to quit smoking.
05:34 This is a very addictive habit.
05:36 I can't say I fully understand it, Charles,
05:39 because I've never smoked before,
05:41 but I watch people that do it and it's just like it's a
05:44 BATTLE inside them.
05:46 And I just applaud people that are able to do that
05:49 because if they could do that, they could do anything.
05:51 But what an opportunity for us now,
05:54 for people that are interested in health, to help people
05:57 to come up with great plans, to help them to this...
06:00 We're going to see more and more people interested...
06:02 We're going to see the government reimbursing for it.
06:04 There's going to be a lot of that desire that we
06:07 haven't had before.
06:08 Now, we need to supply the support and give them
06:10 the mechanisms to be able to beat this habit.
06:13 But at the same time, we need to point them
06:16 to the real source - the real source of your power
06:19 to do things for the right reasons.
06:21 Who are you doing this for?
06:22 Are you doing it for yourself and for selfish reasons,
06:24 or are you doing it for a God that loves you
06:26 and wants you to feel better.
06:28 I like that - I like that! Doing it for God.
06:31 God has done so much for us,
06:32 now, we can do a little bit for Him.
06:33 What a good idea that is! Another question!
06:35 Okay, another question here from
06:36 heartwiseministries. org
06:38 OH MY! Maybe we can appeal to people's vanity.
06:42 "Is it true that cigarettes cause you to AGE faster?"
06:45 Now what does it mean - how do you age faster by smoking?
06:48 That is absolutely true. It is?
06:50 When you smoke cigarettes, it damages your skin.
06:53 Have you ever looked at a smoker, look at him,
06:56 you know, someone that might be in their 30s or 40s,
06:59 they look much OLDER because actually the nicotine,
07:02 it actually damages - the cigarette smoking,
07:05 the whole process, the chemicals damages the skin,
07:09 it increases the aging process.
07:11 Anything, Charles... here's another step,
07:14 anything that causes this chronic stress accelerates aging
07:18 You see what I'm saying?
07:20 So cigarettes really accelerates aging.
07:22 That's a major stressor on our body at many levels,
07:25 so it's going to super accelerate.
07:27 Some people can do that just
07:28 because they want to prevent aging.
07:30 All right, here's a question again from
07:33 heartwiseministries. org
07:35 "If you don't smoke, how about chewing it?"
07:39 "Chewing tobacco, is this a good thing?"
07:41 Well, you know, everyone asks that question,
07:45 "Is chewing a good thing?"
07:47 I would say, "No, it's not a good thing"
07:50 Why is that?
07:51 Well, you still, in your buccal mucosa, you absorb things
07:56 very fast into the bloodstream,
07:59 and actually, when you have tobacco - nicotine in there,
08:02 you absorb that stimulant in the bloodstream.
08:04 Also, in the absorption process, you also damage tissue
08:09 with carcinogens.
08:11 People that chew have a lot higher risk of having
08:15 head and neck cancer.
08:16 And this buccal mucosa is in the mouth... Yes where it's absorbed
08:19 Several baseball players through the years,
08:22 they used to chew and several of them have come up with
08:26 cancers because of this process.
08:29 So it's not good to chew either.
08:32 It's not good to smoke.
08:34 These are things that are both harmful to our health,
08:36 and we want to help both people to be able to stop these things.
08:40 Chronic pain is the next subject here.
08:42 "Can stopping smoking help with chronic pain?"
08:44 I guess the reverse of this is..
08:46 "Does smoking create chronic pain somehow?
08:49 Well, I don't know if smoking creates pain.
08:52 It might cause internal pain, but smoking does contribute
08:56 to pain that you already have... OH, okay
08:59 Especially related to back pain.
09:02 What smoking does is not only does it take away your
09:05 oxygen - your oxygen from your tissues,
09:08 it takes away in healing powers that you have.
09:11 It also makes the disks unable to get a good blood supply.
09:15 When it doesn't get a good blood supply, that can cause pain.
09:19 So different things that are related to the cigarettes
09:22 that make pain a lot worse than it is...
09:25 Everyone claims, "Oh, the smoking, it helps relax me"
09:29 "It helps my nerves. "
09:30 And it seems to help with that,
09:32 but it definitely makes pain worse.
09:35 But there are other BETTER ways to help relaxing the nerves
09:38 other than smoking cigarettes.
09:40 All right, very good.
09:41 Well this final question we have here from our website...
09:45 "What are your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act,
09:48 the pros and cons. "
09:49 When this program airs, the Affordable Care Act
09:51 will be up and running and what are your thoughts on this?
09:56 Well, you know, I've given several interviews about that
10:00 the last couple of months and it's sort of like,
10:02 as this might come out in a few months,
10:04 I'm sort of like - well, I'm prophesizing.
10:07 When there are 11 million words of regulation,
10:11 and when the website, as we're talking now, is having a
10:14 hard time getting up and anything that doesn't
10:18 really answer the reason WHY, that treats symptoms,
10:24 that doesn't get at the cause, I think might be subject to
10:29 problems and remember, are we really solving the
10:33 healthcare dilemma?
10:34 We've talked about this on this program before.
10:37 All the symptoms, but the symptoms aren't the problems.
10:41 What's causing the symptoms is the problem.
10:43 Just because someone has access to healthcare,
10:47 doesn't mean they're getting better care,
10:50 just because they're having access,
10:52 doesn't mean they're getting better care.
10:55 If you're getting the wrong type of care,
10:57 the wrong type of direction in your healthcare,
10:59 that's making things worse, is it better?
11:01 In other words, we now have access to the #1 killer
11:03 in America - the drugs and the medical profession.
11:07 We now have a more affordable access to THAT... WOW!
11:11 So are we really solving our healthcare dilemma?
11:15 The real solution to the healthcare dilemma, I think,
11:18 is getting back to that relationship that we have
11:21 with the Ultimate Physician who can help us
11:24 see what we need to do along life's path
11:27 to make our chemical changes for the good;
11:29 to help us eat better; to help us pick out the
11:33 time for modern medicine; help us to find doctors
11:36 that work with us that makes sense with us to use
11:39 medicines and procedures when we need to;
11:42 to help us avoid these things.
11:45 All these things, I think is the real solution
11:47 to the healthcare dilemma.
11:48 When we do that, then we're going to see our healthcare
11:50 starting to come down because there's not a lot of other
11:53 financial things that are driving the system,
11:58 and we really have people that understand what's good
12:00 for EVERYBODY coming up with these ideas.
12:03 MY! I have my doubts, I have my doubts!
12:07 I like what you're saying there.
12:09 You're saying that if we want true affordable care,
12:12 let's take out a policy with Christ as our insurer
12:18 because He was on a cross and He paid the premiums.
12:20 And I think it's great for people to be insured,
12:23 great for people to be cared for...
12:25 I think everyone needs to have care,
12:29 but at the same time, is it solving all of our problems?
12:32 I don't think so.
12:33 Yeah, okay, well let's talk to the God who has paid
12:38 the premiums for our real, true Affordable Care Act
12:41 on our returns, so stay put...
12:56 Thank you for joining us today.
12:59 I might not have the answers, you might not have the answers.
13:04 Cigarettes are such a hard issue,
13:07 but a couple of things we do need to know is,
13:09 we need to help those that need to quit smoking.
13:12 If we're smoking out there, we need to find ways
13:15 we can do to quit.
13:17 And one thing that we all must do as part of our
13:20 prescription - as part of our treatment,
13:23 is we must pray.. pray for each other.
13:26 Have God be part of this prescription.
13:30 Have other people praying that will give us the answers.
13:33 And realize that we might not have all the answers,
13:36 but we have a connection, a relationship
13:38 with the One that has all the answers.
13:41 We've talked a lot about cigarettes today,
13:43 and I hope people will use this as a springboard
13:46 to help themselves quit smoking, help your neighbors quit smoking
13:50 Show this to one of your friends,
13:52 and for all those that are trying to quit smoking,
13:54 I want to say a prayer for you today.
13:57 Father God... There are many out there
13:59 that are trying to overcome different habits
14:02 including smoking and we know that You are the
14:05 Ultimate Physician with the Ultimate Power,
14:07 and You can give us the ways to help and this way might be
14:11 suddenly quitting, it might be through help
14:13 of a class, it might be through help of a friend,
14:15 we know that You can help us Father,
14:17 and we want to pray that You come into our lives today
14:20 to help us overcome the power
14:22 of smoking... is our humble prayer. Amen
14:25 If you might be interested in asking me a question,
14:29 go to our website... heartwiseministries. org
14:33 There are some interesting blogs and some other
14:35 material that you might want to look at
14:38 to help your health do better...
14:39 And we want to thank you so much,
14:41 and we want to thank you for allowing us to serve you
14:44 on the Ultimate Prescription.


Revised 2014-12-17