Ultimate Prescription

Is It Edison's Fault?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00047B

00:01 We're talking about REST here and we have identified
00:06 the fact that Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb,
00:09 in some cases did us a disservice because we can
00:12 burn the midnight oil literally all night long,
00:15 and not get the sleep we need...
00:18 But before we answer these questions from
00:19 Heartwise Ministries, I want to ask you
00:21 to define for us what REST is?
00:25 We need rest, we know that.
00:27 Does it necessarily mean sleep or are there
00:31 ways that we could rest that don't include sleep?
00:34 And is there a problem if you do that?
00:35 Well let's talk about that, I might not give you
00:38 a specific answer.
00:39 Everyone wants black and white
00:40 and sometimes it's a little gray but a couple of big principles
00:44 Rest and sleep is a way to treat disease,
00:48 and a way to prevent disease.
00:51 BOTH - rest and sleep.
00:53 Both rest and sleep to prevent and as well as treat disease.
00:56 So they should both be a part of your life
00:59 whether you're preventing disease or whether you're
01:02 treating disease - getting the rest you need.
01:05 Now, during break, we were talking to our friend, Bill...
01:09 And he was telling us that he rests at night,
01:12 but when you think about when you're laying down in bed,
01:15 what are you resting?
01:16 Are you resting your muscles? Yes you are.
01:18 Are you resting your GI tract? Yes, you're not eating.
01:21 Are you resting your ears?
01:23 Well, you're not listening to a lot of things,
01:25 so you're resting your ears.
01:26 Are you talking? No, you're resting your ears.
01:29 Now remember, the lower parts of the brain...
01:31 Resting your mouth, in other words.
01:33 Yes, hopefully, you're resting your mouth.
01:35 Unless you talk through your ears.
01:36 WHAT? Cause you said you were
01:37 resting your ears if you're not talking...
01:39 WOW! That's interesting. Only I didn't know
01:42 how you did that. No, I made a mistake, Charles
01:45 I made a mistake on that one!
01:47 But anyway... You need more rest!
01:48 Yeah, I do, probably. Yeah
01:50 But the point I'm trying to make is,
01:52 you can rest lots of things and still be awake.
01:56 Now, of course, when you go all the way out,
01:58 the front part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex,
02:01 rests as well, but you can rest that a lot by not using it.
02:06 For instance, you're not doing heavy work at night,
02:10 heavy cognitive things at night,
02:12 so you might take it from a 10 to a 5 or a 4 or a 3 or a 2
02:17 You're not putting it ALL the way to sleep,
02:18 but you're resting it as much as you can.
02:20 And that's a relaxation TECHNIQUE as well. YES!
02:23 You can sort of relax that and
02:25 so you can do a little bit different,
02:27 and then, of course, when you go all the way out,
02:29 of course you even rest that part, the thinking part
02:32 from doing things, but you know what?
02:34 There are still parts that are having to do SOMETHING.
02:38 The brainstem still has to work to keep your breathing,
02:41 to keep your heart beating, to keep the basics going,
02:44 but everything turns down to as low as it can possibly go.
02:48 Now, if you're unconscious asleep,
02:50 then that's probably more optimal than if you aren't
02:53 doing these other things, but still doing those
02:55 other things, there's still a long way
02:57 of going to help yourself out.
02:59 So anyway, the big point is that you can rest and sleep
03:04 and still get chemical benefits.
03:06 It both treats disease as well as prevent disease,
03:09 and of course, we want people to sleep what they need.
03:13 And of course, if there are things preventing the sleep,
03:16 we want to identify what those are and take those away
03:20 so they can rest more because that is
03:22 truly treatment for the body.
03:23 Now when you're not resting, guess what?
03:26 It creates stress on the body because of the chemicals,
03:30 the circadian rhythms get off,
03:31 your adrenalin goes crazy, it turns on this bad cascade,
03:35 so lack of sleep hurts the body,
03:38 and anyone that is sleep-deprived will know that
03:40 their brain just doesn't sleep as good.
03:42 You saw when I just messed up
03:43 saying that your ears are talking...
03:45 You know, I haven't seen an ear talk in a couple of weeks now.
03:48 It's been a couple of months for me... You too, okay
03:50 QUESTIONS! We better get to questions!
03:51 We got questions... I guess the take-home message
03:54 here and I want to make sure that our listeners and watchers
03:56 are knowing this - that rest is important and it may
04:00 include sleep, but if you wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning
04:03 and... "Man, I can't sleep," you can still rest!
04:06 You can still sit there and 95% of your body is
04:09 totally relaxed and if you're thinking nice thoughts,
04:11 you're thinking pleasant thoughts
04:12 and thinking kind and loving thoughts,
04:15 then your brain is resting too.
04:17 If you happen to drift into sleep, that's good too,
04:19 but don't think you failed your body
04:22 because you don't have that 8 hours of sleep at night.
04:25 And it's not the end of the world if you sleep 3 hours
04:27 and say, "Man, I'm ready to go do something for a while,
04:29 and then lay back down a little later"
04:31 ...Because I'm assuming the body will just let you know
04:33 in no uncertain terms when it's
04:34 ready to sleep and you WILL SLEEP!
04:36 Your body will sleep-you.
04:37 It's in good cycles if you're having good sleep...
04:40 Questions! heartwiseministries. org
04:43 You talk about this a lot...
04:45 "How can sleep apnea ever be cured?"
04:48 "Can it be cured"
04:49 Well, sleep apnea can if it's obstructive sleep apnea.
04:53 There are 2 types; one that generates from the brain
04:56 - that's called central sleep apnea,
04:58 and one that's because too much tissues
04:59 around the airway or the airway falls back.
05:02 About 20 million people have sleep apnea.
05:05 That's a condition where you quit breathing at night.
05:08 When you quit breathing at night, the oxygen level goes
05:11 lower and lower and lower, and sooner or later
05:14 an alarm goes off... UH, UH, UHAA
05:17 and you grab a deep breath and you get the breath -
05:19 and then you go back to sleep again.
05:20 You might not even know this is happening,
05:22 but what's happening is - the alarm goes off,
05:25 the adrenalin, the stress goes off,
05:26 the blood pressure and all these bad things happen,
05:29 and that goes on 8 hours a day. Wow
05:31 So that goes on year-in, year-out.
05:33 That's a tremendous stressor.
05:35 Now one of the large causes, excuse the pun,
05:39 of sleep apnea is people carrying too much weight.
05:42 So some people, if they get enough weight removed
05:44 from their neck by losing weight;
05:46 some people, of course, have the mask that blows in air.
05:49 There are now people that are changing the shape of their jaw
05:52 with a dental appliance, some people having the
05:56 back of their throat cut out so the air moves in and out.
05:59 MY... Yeah, so these are all ways to deal with sleep apnea.
06:03 Because sleep apnea is a big problem.
06:05 Even though you're asleep, you're not really getting rest.
06:08 Think about it - your mind might be asleep,
06:11 you might not be digesting, but your body has to really
06:14 fight to breathe.. that's a stress.
06:16 You're not really resting when that's occurring.
06:18 I guess getting your throat reamed out
06:21 is probably better than dying,
06:22 but is there an alternative?
06:23 If you have sleep apnea, you mentioned losing the weight
06:26 and whatnot, for most people would that be sufficient?
06:30 Well you know, a lot of people even though I take care...
06:33 I live in the real world... a lot of people,
06:36 they can't even do that because it's so
06:37 uncomfortable to wear the mask...
06:39 We encouragement them to lose weight.
06:41 Some people do a little bit better if they lay on their side
06:44 and not on their back because that's when the tongue
06:46 seems to come back in the back.
06:47 People do better if they don't eat big at night - our digestion
06:51 So those are little tips that might help
06:54 if you have sleep apnea and don't want to wear the mask,
06:57 it might make it a little easier for you.
06:58 Okay, another question from heartwiseministries. org
07:01 This person must have done a little bit of research...
07:03 "Is it true that eating processed foods,
07:06 keeps the body from resting?"
07:08 What is it in processed foods that keeps you awake?
07:10 Yes, there is a truth to that. Really?
07:14 Digestion starts in your mouth.
07:16 When you eat a processed food,
07:19 it has to start digestion immediately,
07:21 and digesting processed foods and dealing with it
07:25 is a lot harder than dealing with natural foods.
07:28 You have a bunch of chemicals
07:29 your body is not used to having,
07:31 doesn't know what to do with it.
07:32 Some that they don't even know that are actually damaging
07:34 and stressing us out.
07:36 Sometimes when you're even cooking your food,
07:39 can stimulate your immune system some.
07:41 So the immune system is stimulated and says,
07:43 "Listen, I've cooked and processed foods,
07:45 I have to have an immune response to this situation,
07:47 this is not a normal situation"
07:50 So some people say that even people that eat lots of
07:53 cooked meals, stimulate your immune response to that meal.
07:57 So the answer is "yes" processed foods do
08:00 take a little more energy than it would to do unprocessed foods
08:05 or natural foods.
08:06 You know what, I will mention it,
08:09 if a person really wants to rest their GI tract,
08:12 try some smoothies...
08:14 You know they're already broken up, don't have to break them up,
08:17 you don't have to chew them.
08:19 It goes right through the digestive tract.
08:21 Usually there's not much protein and fat which
08:23 it takes a lot of energy to digest...
08:25 And it's like instant energy - now you might miss a little
08:28 of the fiber, but those are some great things
08:30 for instant energy.
08:31 We're talking about a fruit smoothie here, right?
08:33 Yeah, fruit smoothie, but you know,
08:34 some people put other things in it too... Yeah, they do
08:36 You know, if I were you, I would take some cactus
08:39 and put the cactus juice in them... that's what I'd do,
08:42 ...a cactus juice smoothie!
08:43 The man is learning about the water in cactus.. another show!
08:46 We'll continue here...
08:48 Medications! You have written a book about medications called,
08:52 "Medicines That Kill"
08:53 Can it also kill your sleep?
08:56 Well certain medicines can.
08:58 Certain medicines can keep you up at night,
09:00 and keep you doing things you don't want to do.
09:03 Certain medicines that wear off in the middle of the night,
09:06 like a pain medicine if you are having chronic pain.
09:08 Then the pain could come on,
09:09 that could disrupt the sleep cycle.
09:14 But if you depend on when you take it,
09:15 sometimes your blood sugar might be going too low or too high,
09:18 that could trigger some alarm in your body to wake up.
09:23 A lot of the psychiatric drugs
09:24 can disrupt sleep patterns as well.
09:27 If you take a fluid pill at night,
09:29 and you have to go to the bathroom,
09:31 that could disrupt a sleeping pattern,
09:34 so there are lots of different medicines,
09:36 and you need to talk to your doctor about which ones
09:38 that are interfering with sleep,
09:40 but there are many medicines and other things
09:42 that just mess up our sleep.
09:44 What is, in your estimation, a good night's sleep?
09:52 Just narrow this down to us now.
09:54 At the end of a good night's sleep,
09:56 how should we be different and how should our bodies
09:58 be different - what should have happened to us during that time?
10:02 What happens in the night is you want to rest
10:04 as many parts as you can and you want to feel,
10:08 when you wake up in the morning,
10:09 to have energy, vibrancy, you feel like facing the day
10:14 and going-going!
10:15 Now if you feel like that, some people can accomplish
10:18 that with 3 or 4 hours of sleep.
10:19 Some people do it with rest, but when you feel that way,
10:22 you feel like - I'm ready to go and tackle the world;
10:25 I have plenty of energy to last me the whole day.
10:28 Whatever you're doing is working.
10:31 And the general principles we've talked about,
10:33 you know, we want people to rest or sleep more,
10:36 have at least 3 hours at a time,
10:38 try not to eat big at night,
10:40 try not to do stimulants which keeps the body working,
10:43 try not to put chemicals that keep the body working.
10:46 Try to rest, you know, try not to put a lot of
10:48 mental things in that keep you working.
10:50 Try to rest that body at night as much as you humanly can,
10:54 and then you'll wake up feeling as good as you possibly can.
10:57 A lot of what happens to us at night is based on what
10:59 we've done during the day.
11:00 And I really want to stress, I think part of the nightly rest
11:03 is that weekly rest too, because you need a break
11:06 where you break your routine, however that might look,
11:09 I think that's an important thing that we need to do as well
11:14 All right, well you know, I love that text in the Bible,
11:17 "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy-laden,
11:21 I will give you rest"
11:23 God understands the importance of rest, mental, physical
11:26 and spiritual rest and He wants to be the Source of that rest
11:30 for us when we come unto Him...
11:32 And that's exactly what we're going to do after our break,
11:35 so stay right where you are.
11:49 Each week, I try to bring you something of value
11:52 that you can apply to your life, make it very practical,
11:55 as well as something that you can share with your friends
11:58 and neighbors to help their relationships.
12:01 Two things today, I want to remind you once again...
12:05 #1- Rest and sleep is a treatment for disease,
12:10 whether that be heart disease, or depression or whatever.
12:14 Rest is a treatment but also rest and sleep
12:17 is a way to prevent disease.
12:19 If you're not getting enough rest and sleep - guess what?
12:22 The stress cascade that we've talked about becomes turned on,
12:27 and unfortunately, in our well-marketed world,
12:30 we're not getting enough sleep anymore.
12:32 I'm going to pray right now that you might have
12:35 better rest today, let's bow our heads...
12:38 Heavenly Father... There are many of us
12:40 out there that need to rest better, that need to sleep
12:43 better because we want to feel better and have more
12:46 energy to serve you better.
12:48 We also want to share this with our friends and neighbors.
12:51 Thank You for helping in learning this,
12:53 and please help us to take this and apply it
12:55 to Your kingdom, is our prayer... Amen
12:58 You know, it's not enough to have knowledge.
13:03 Lots of people can know things but unless you take
13:06 the knowledge and do something with it, that's the challenge!
13:10 So I want you to take this knowledge that we've
13:12 learned today and DO something with it.
13:15 Try to figure out ways you can sleep better.
13:18 Teach your friends how to rest better.
13:20 And you know what, friend, when you're doing this,
13:23 you are also a healer for the entire world.
13:26 Also, we want to encourage you, go to our website that's
13:30 heartwiseministries. org
13:32 Leave your questions, read our blogs,
13:34 and I want to thank you for your prayers as we
13:37 help others understand what the Ultimate Prescription really is.


Revised 2014-12-17