Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00046B
00:01 Anytime we talk about water, I get very thirsty, Dr. Marcum,
00:03 so that's what is happening here. 00:04 We're talking about water today, 00:06 and just how important it is 00:08 that there is no substitute for it... 00:10 We cannot say, "Okay, I drink my Coke or my coffee, 00:14 or my fruit juice... even fruit juice, 00:16 it does not take the place of water. 00:18 Water is very important. 00:20 Well you know, "very important" is an understatement. 00:22 I cannot tell you how many health problems we cause 00:26 just because we don't drink enough water, 00:28 and how much better someone can feel RIGHT NOW 00:31 by starting to hydrate himself. 00:33 It's AMAZING, some people say, 00:35 "Well, where should I start in living healthy?" 00:37 Well one of the first places, I always start people 00:40 is make sure they learn how to breathe, 00:42 learn how to drink water, those are the basics, 00:45 and those will get you feeling better almost right away. 00:49 All right, instead of going chasing after that symptom, 00:51 trying to figure out WHY IN THE WORLD DOES MY JOINT HURT, 00:54 or why in the world does my stomach hurt, 00:55 or why can't I think clearly or why do I have a headache? 00:57 It may be as simple as just DRINK WATER. 01:00 It's certainly worth a try! 01:02 All right, okay questions from 01:03 heartwiseministries. org website 01:05 Again, we are going invite our listeners to send their 01:07 questions in there. 01:08 You're getting thirsty too, aren't you? 01:09 Yeah I am, I got a little thirsty. 01:11 All right, here's question #1 01:13 "I only have bottled water available at work, 01:16 is bottled water safe?" 01:19 Well, you know, there's lots of debates on that, 01:22 but I think the big thing is to drink WATER. 01:26 The risk of NOT drinking water is way up here... 01:29 the risk of drinking water is way down here 01:33 REGARDLESS of what source you get. 01:35 The concerns are that when plastics are heated, 01:42 the plastic containers leach chemicals called "phthalates" 01:47 ...that's a real possibility out there. 01:50 There are also people that are worried about 01:52 the water they get from their supplies, 01:56 but there are certainly other options that people can take. 02:00 They can get certain filters, they can distill it. 02:03 What really works for you, at the same time, 02:06 I do think - remember we talked a little bit about 02:09 being scared and nervous all the time... 02:11 You know, how much is the theoretical risk of this 02:14 versus the theoretical worst ... are you thinking it in. 02:17 "As a man thinketh" 02:18 If you think it might be bad, it might BE BAD. 02:20 So it's theoretical, but I think each person 02:23 has to examine the evidence; what works for them. 02:26 And for this fellow right here, I would rather him drink 02:29 out of a bottle, than not drink water or drink coffee 02:32 or something else or even to do without. 02:35 I think doing without is a greater risk 02:37 than even taking it in. 02:38 So everything that we do is about risks and benefits 02:41 and it's about risk management. 02:43 So for him, I think if he doesn't have any other choice, 02:46 I would rather take that than not drink at all. All right 02:49 Very good... This next question, I'm assuming must 02:51 come from Asia or something... 02:53 "Is coconut water a good thing to drink?" 02:56 Have you ever drunk coconut water? 02:57 Have you ever chopped a coconut off a tree and opened it up? 02:59 Charles, a few weeks ago, my wife and I, 03:02 we like to go to different places to eat, 03:05 and a few years ago I didn't eat very good at all, 03:08 and for me, if I was hungry, I just wanted to eat. 03:13 Even if it was bad, I would eat it. 03:14 But my wife and my daughter talked to me and said, 03:17 "Listen, will you eat tasty food?" 03:20 And I found out that if I had tasty food, 03:22 I'd much prefer tasty, HEALTHY food than eating bad food. 03:27 Most people will discover that, 03:28 and they're surprised when it happens. 03:30 And even on our website today, we have a 03:32 Heartwise Healthy Eats where you can actually 03:35 go in and look at restaurants that are healthy, 03:37 and you can actually evaluate them! 03:39 So a person could actually go in and be a Heartwise viewer, 03:43 go in to a healthy restaurant, we have a form 03:45 where they can write out a review. 03:47 They can help the world become a better place 03:49 because it's my contention, like myself, 03:51 if I have a choice of eating good food and bad food, 03:53 and I know when I'm traveling, where to go, 03:56 I will choose good food... so that was the contention. 03:59 So anyway... I'm regressing, so we're eating at this 04:04 healthy food and there it is, COCONUT MILK on the menu, 04:09 and I said, "I like to try new things - coconut milk looks 04:11 pretty healthy; I'm going to have coconut water" 04:14 ...coconut water it was. 04:16 So I had coconut water... 04:18 It didn't taste very good to me, Charles, 04:21 BUT about 3 hours after I had that coconut water, 04:26 I felt like a NEW MAN! 04:28 I mean, I was REALLY feeling good! 04:30 I looked at some of the ingredients in coconut water, 04:32 it has lots of electrolytes, a lot of potassium in it. 04:36 In doing my research, coconut water also is a 04:39 substance that helps lower blood pressure, 04:41 helps hydrate yourself - it's something really good for you! 04:45 It aids in the hydration process, 04:47 so I would say COCONUT WATER is something really, really good, 04:51 and not only got coconut water I'm starting to like 04:56 coconut milk as well... Well, what do ya know? 04:58 But the point is, is as we get out and try new things that 05:02 God made in this earth and we research it, 05:04 you never know how it might make you feel, 05:07 especially if you might be missing something. 05:09 So maybe I was missing a little potassium I needed because 05:11 I felt so much good. 05:13 Now I will still put down 2 or 3 of these 05:15 when my wife will buy it for me. 05:16 A week of this coconut water, it doesn't taste very good, 05:20 so you have to sip it, but the nice thing about 05:22 the sipping thing is you can sort of sip a little bit of it 05:25 for 3 or 4 hours and it never goes away. 05:27 But I feel so good, Charles, 05:29 so I'm a big coconut water person. 05:31 I'm trying to figure out why that is, 05:33 and I think I have a handle on it. 05:35 When you take grapes and you squish them down, 05:37 and you make grape juice or you take oranges 05:39 and you squish them down and make orange juice, 05:40 there is still a lot of the pulp 05:43 I see a lot of the fibers in there, 05:45 but coconut really is pretty when you crack it open 05:48 and you pour it out, it's pretty clear, 05:50 and so it's not a fruit juice. 05:53 Coconut milk is not a fruit juice, it's not like that at all 05:56 It's water that happens to be sitting in a coconut 06:00 that has probably produced it in there, 06:02 and giving it all this good stuff, okay, I understand. 06:05 It's a little bit different than any other thing out there 06:06 that God has given us, isn't it? Yes it is 06:08 How many things have liquid in the middle? 06:10 In the middle - there's a little thing there... it's own cup 06:12 I'll have to think about that for a while. 06:14 I'm sure something else has a liquid. 06:16 You'll have to let us know if there's something else 06:18 you know that has liquid in a shell. 06:21 I can't think of any. I know, I can't either. 06:23 A cactus... there are cacti that have liquid inside them. 06:28 A cactus? A cactus - yes! 06:30 No really, cactus. Oh yeah 06:31 So you're telling me there's a cactus, 06:34 and I open it and it pours out? YES, YES! 06:37 A lot like a coconut, right? I'm thinking 06:39 All right, we're going to search for that, aren't we? Okay 06:42 All right, "Is it dangerous to drink too MUCH water, 06:46 and how much is too much? 06:47 Yeah, we've heard that a few times. 06:49 It's very hard to drink too much water, 06:52 but it is possible. Really? 06:53 You can get water-intoxicated, 06:55 but it usually takes a person that's drinking way, way, way 06:58 too much or has an underlying medical problem. 07:01 So the answer to that question is... 07:04 It is possible, but it's very, very hard. 07:07 You have to really try to do it. 07:08 Yeah, okay... I would assume that your body would say, 07:11 "No, I don't want anymore," FAR before that happens. 07:13 That's a good point, Charles, 07:14 if people would just listen to their bodies... 07:16 Their bodies will tell you what to do. 07:18 You know, it will tell you, usually if you've walked to far, 07:22 or done too much, your body will tell it. 07:24 Or if you've talked too much to a guy about cactus juice. 07:28 Your body will tell you when enough is enough! 07:31 We have a few more minutes. We do! 07:33 I haven't had enough yet! 07:34 Here's your next question Mr. Coconut-drinker guy. 07:37 "Will dehydration really shut down the kidneys?" 07:40 Are the kidneys going to go DOWN 07:41 when you don't drink enough water? 07:42 YEAH, they quit working, they can, 07:45 and actually sometimes I've seen them entirely stop. REALLY? 07:50 Because what happens is the blood pressure goes down, 07:54 the profusion goes down to the kidneys and you get an acute 08:00 damage to the kidneys and they just sort of say, 08:02 "I'm stunned, you didn't give me what I need, 08:04 I'm going to quit working for a while" 08:06 Now sometimes with fluid, you can sort of 08:08 prime them up again, but sometimes they don't, 08:11 and it's a real dangerous thing. 08:12 Now what gets me about kidney disease... 08:14 remember, a lot of our drugs are metabolized in the kidneys. 08:19 If we are taking lots of medicines, 08:22 and we have a decrease in kidney function 08:25 especially because we're not drinking enough, 08:27 but we're still taking our medicines, 08:30 those medicines become a lot more potent or risky for us. 08:35 So you have to be careful... 08:36 Because they're more concentrated, 08:38 they're not diluted with the water. EXACTLY! 08:39 EXACTLY! Our kidneys are not breaking them down 08:42 like they normally would, like the drugs have been studied 08:45 They build up in the body, they become TOXIC a lot quicker 08:49 if they're not having the kidneys work. 08:50 The same with the liver, the kidneys and the liver 08:53 take these toxins out of our body, 08:57 and the bowels help a little bit too, 08:58 but when we're moving these wastes, 09:00 if we have part of our body that cannot remove wastes, 09:03 and we take waste in, the waste builds, 09:06 and then we have these little problems going on. 09:08 All right... Now you mentioned how great you felt 09:11 after drinking the coconut, here's a question from 09:14 heartwiseministries. org 09:16 It says, "Are energy drinks... 09:17 Now I saw little bottles of this - you drink this and for 09:20 5 or 6 hours, whatever, you're supposed to feel great. 09:22 ...little energy drinks, are they good for 09:25 hydrating the body and are they good for you just in general? 09:28 Why I laughed at that question is... 09:31 I don't watch TV much, but I saw this guy, 09:35 and he had something called... 09:36 And I looked it up because it was so interesting. 09:38 He had this something and he called it "5-Hour Energy Drink" 09:42 and I saw him drink this, and then he ran around 09:46 and he fixed the house and he fixed the car, 09:49 and he passed a test and he went to work, 09:52 and he did this all in a short period of time. 09:54 And the bottom line is... 09:55 these 5-Hour Energy Drinks are the best. 09:58 So I went to the store and I looked at what the 10:01 ingredients of a 5-Hour Energy Drink. 10:03 They are almost all STIMULANTS. 10:07 They will cause you to get revved up and really 10:11 speed up your metabolism. 10:12 In a good way or a bad way? No, no, no - in a bad way 10:16 It could cause dangerous heart rhythms. 10:18 They have stimulants in them. 10:20 Some of them have chemicals like guarana and Cott 10:24 that are from other areas, large amounts of caffeine, 10:27 lots of things in it and they do provide energy 10:31 on the short-term, but long-term it's not a stable 10:36 source of nutrition. 10:37 The energy drinks - guess what? 10:39 That will dehydrate you if you don't drink water. 10:42 Because if you don't drink water and you have all this 10:44 metabolism going, guess what? 10:46 You burn off water with it, so you can get dehydrated 10:49 and hurt your internal organs. 10:50 So you could have some downstream consequences. 10:53 So I don't really recommend those 5-Hour Energy Drinks, 10:56 and I'll tell you this... what they said on TV 10:59 was not true - you couldn't do what that guy said. 11:04 They lied... Nope, no way, Charles, couldn't do it... 11:06 BUT... WATER - if you drink some water, 11:11 you might not be able to do all that, 11:12 but at least it will do a body good. 11:16 It will be sort of the way God made us to be; 11:20 70% of its body, it has followed all these 11:23 natural laws. 11:24 It follows the same principles we use in the hospital. 11:26 I can't tell you how many... the best place I think 11:30 if you want to start good health is make sure 11:32 every day you're drinking enough water. 11:34 All right, very good, we'll take a short break 11:37 and when we come back, Dr. Marcum is going to talk 11:39 to the Water of Life, stay tuned... 11:54 Well I've learned some new things today from Charles 11:57 who taught me about the cactus, 11:59 and also our director, Bill, who has taught me 12:02 about the Saguaro cactus and other people, 12:04 I did not know we had all these great sources of 12:07 water and electrolytes, but I want you to investigate it too 12:11 But the BIG POINT here, let's not lose the big point, 12:13 WATER - you want to improve your health, start drinking water, 12:18 pay attention to it, ask yourself... 12:20 "Have I had my WATER today? Am I well-hydrated?" 12:25 Remember, we gave you some simple steps you could do 12:27 to check your urine to count 12:29 how much water you've brought in you... 12:31 It's one of the best things you can do 12:33 every day to feel well, not only to prevent disease, 12:36 but also to treat disease. 12:38 When someone comes into the hospital, 12:40 the first thing we do is we give them some fluids, 12:42 we give them a liter, help them feel better 12:44 so all their tissues can work better, so guess what? 12:47 You can actually heal yourself. 12:50 We're going to take some time now and pray for Living Water 12:54 to be in our lives... 12:55 Father God... Thank You for giving us water 12:59 to drink to make our bodies better, but more than that, 13:02 thank You for being our Living Water - 13:04 the Water that's going to keep us alive; 13:06 it keeps us vibrant that brings us home to You 13:10 every day Father. We just want to thank You 13:12 for being our Lord and God and our Ultimate Healer 13:15 and Friend... is our prayer, Amen 13:18 I learn as much learning about these things 13:22 as just about anybody else, 13:24 and I love to answer questions because when I don't know 13:27 the answers, guess what? 13:28 I have to look them up and I learn something, 13:31 and I can share it and I want to invite you to go to our 13:33 heartwiseministries. org website 13:36 read one of our blogs, interact with us, 13:39 and thank you for using this ministry as a way to 13:42 reach your friends and neighbors with better health, 13:45 and introducing them to the "Ultimate Prescription" |
Revised 2014-12-17