Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00046A
00:17 When was the last time you saw a commercial
00:19 heralding the benefits of water? 00:22 Nobody says, "WATER, it does a body good" 00:25 Well, that's about to change, stay tuned... 00:30 I'm Dr. James Marcum 00:32 Are you interested in discovering the reason why? 00:36 Do you want solutions to your healthcare problems? 00:39 Are you tired of taking medications? 00:41 Well, you're about to be given the "Ultimate Prescription" 00:48 You've been going all day in the hot sun. 00:50 You're tired and thirsty, so you reach for a cold one. 00:54 You get a fruit juice or a cola or lemonade. 00:56 You drink it down... Ahhh, that's more like it! 01:00 Not so tired anymore, but guess what? 01:02 You're still thirsty, maybe even DANGEROUSLY 01:06 thirsty and you just don't know it. 01:08 What happens next can be downright deadly. 01:12 Dr. Marcum, what do we need to know about 01:14 good old-fashioned, plain, normal, boring WATER? 01:18 You know, Charles, I wouldn't say water is boring. 01:22 In fact, we're dedicating yet another program 01:25 to talk about the importance of water... Amen! 01:27 THAT is how important it is... Yes, yes 01:29 Let me just stress a few things for you today. 01:32 I'm getting fired up, I can tell. 01:33 .. 70% of our body is water. 01:36 Every chemical reaction in our body depends on water. 01:39 How we think depends on water. 01:42 The thickness of the blood depends on water. 01:44 Whether we're tired or not depends on water. 01:47 And the list - the kidney function depends on water. 01:49 EVERYTHING depends on water! 01:51 Now, I was thinking the other day, 01:53 and I guess I shouldn't think like this, Charles, 01:55 and I'll share it with our viewers out there today. 01:59 How much do we really do good in medicine, 02:02 when you think about it. 02:03 You know, that's a very reflective thought. 02:05 I've been practicing for quite a few years now. 02:09 Let's think about that... 02:10 Infections - You know, we've helped a lot with infections 02:13 through the years, but at the same time, 02:16 we help some infections, but then we started overusing 02:19 antibiotics and now we have super-infections. 02:21 So maybe... I don't know about that. 02:23 Anesthesia - Well that's a great thing because 02:25 before people could be put to sleep, they would have all 02:29 sorts of bad things inside that we couldn't fix. 02:31 So I think surgery is good to fix things that are 02:34 broken inside, to take out a bad gallbladder. 02:36 I think surgery is a good thing to do. 02:38 And then heart disease - of course, pacemakers. 02:42 Before that, the heart would stop and if you're having a 02:44 heart attack, we can help with that... 02:46 But many of the things that are trendy to talk about now 02:49 are things that have technology-based. 02:53 I'M going to make today, WATER, 02:55 something TRENDY to talk about, Charles. 02:58 We're going to be SO excited about water 03:00 that we're going to tell the whole world that water 03:03 it does a body GOOD! Yes 03:05 There are going to be commercials everywhere with 03:08 people drinking water saying how good it is to have that! 03:12 NOW IF THEY DID THAT, if we were able to make a 03:13 commercial and 5 million people watching this show decided 03:17 that they're going to drink more water, 03:19 would it change your business at all - as a cardiologist? 03:21 Oh YEAH, YEAH - Remember all the stressors? 03:24 Lack of water is one of the stressors on the body. 03:27 Remember I said, it's a little bit of this stress, 03:29 a little bit of that stress... 03:30 Well when 7 out of 10 people now are dehydrated, guess what? 03:35 7 out of 10... 7 out of 10- that turns on the 03:38 stress chemistry again. 03:39 So if we add up all these chronic things that we could do, 03:42 all these stressors, we could turn down those dramatically 03:45 just by drinking enough water. 03:46 Water helps thin out the blood. 03:48 Water helps lubricate the joints. 03:52 Water helps prevent Alzheimer disease. 03:55 Water helps metabolize those medicines you are taking. 03:58 One of the most scary things, occasionally, Charles, 04:01 we see people that don't drink water, 04:02 and yet they take a fluid pill. 04:04 Then they get dehydrated, then all of a sudden, 04:08 their little dose of a 5 mg of a blood sugar pill, 04:11 equivalently becomes 50 and their blood sugar 04:14 drops and they get in trouble. 04:16 You tell a story like this of a lady 04:18 in a nursing home, would you share that story with us, 04:20 that's an important story. 04:22 Yes, I had a lady that I took care of one time, 04:24 she was in a nursing home and she came to the hospital 04:27 in kidney failure and her blood sugar was virtually nothing. 04:32 And, everyone said, "What kind 04:35 of strange disease might she have?" 04:37 Well what had happened was, she had gotten sick 04:40 at her stomach and wasn't eating or drinking for a few days, 04:43 and yet still taking in the fluid pill. 04:47 A prescribed fluid pill... Yes, the fluid pill dehydrated her, 04:51 and in the process of dehydrating her, 04:54 it made her kidney functions get worse. 04:57 She was also taking a blood sugar pill, 04:59 so now the blood sugar pill couldn't get metabolized, 05:02 it built up in the body. 05:03 So the blood sugar was chronically low; 05:06 she was nearly in a coma when she came in - 05:08 all because of this terrible dehydration that occurred 05:12 because of this process. 05:14 So, this is very important - what got my mind on it 05:19 this summer is I wrote a blog, that's on our 05:21 heartwiseministries. org website 05:23 where they can ask our questions and this came from 05:26 George Washington University in the D.C area. 05:30 And they were noticing that they had an increased number 05:33 of patients that came for hyperthermia - high temperatures 05:38 Well why was that? 05:40 Well people start not drinking enough water... 05:43 Water is used to regulate temperature; 05:45 all of a sudden the temperature goes up and guess what? 05:48 You can die from high temperature... Wow! 05:52 A few years ago, I took care of this guy, 05:55 and he was riding a bicycle. 05:58 Now he had some mental health illnesses, unfortunately, 06:01 but he rode a bicycle 40 miles in 100 degree weather 06:06 in the summer and he didn't have any water with him 06:09 on his whole trip. 06:11 Needless to say, about 30 miles into the trip, he collapsed. 06:15 They brought him into the hospital, 06:17 he was severely hyperthermic, temperature was real high 06:21 because he didn't have water to regulate his temperature. 06:24 The temperature was not regulated correctly; 06:27 the kidneys went into failure; 06:28 his muscles began to break down, a medical condition called 06:33 "rhabdomyolysis" where the muscles break down. 06:36 It was just a terrible thing. 06:38 He ended up going into multiorgan system failure 06:42 because of the high temperature, because of the lack of water, 06:45 and all of this was just because he did not drink enough water. 06:48 Now this was a dramatic example, 06:51 but what are each one of us doing each day 06:54 when we don't put enough water into our own bodies. 06:58 So a lot of things can happen. 07:00 The first thing people are going to say, Dr. Marcum, is 07:03 "Well, I drink all the time, I have my fruit juice here, 07:06 I have my colas here, I drink my tea and my coffee" 07:09 "Why should I have a problem with water 07:11 when I'm drinking all of this liquid" 07:12 Is there a difference between liquid and water? 07:16 Water is liquid but are liquids that are 07:18 not equal to the water? Yeah! Absolutely! 07:20 I have people that come and say, "I drink plenty; 07:23 I drink my coffee and my iced tea and my beer 07:26 and my Coca-Cola and everything. " 07:28 And there's water in those things, right? 07:30 Well, it's not the same way and it ends up actually... 07:34 some of those - it doesn't get in the bloodstream very quick. 07:39 Some of it could cause us to be dehydrated, 07:41 especially if it has caffeine in it. 07:43 Of course, it has all those chemicals. 07:45 When a person comes to the hospital, 07:48 and they're in bad shape, the first thing we do is 07:50 put oxygen on them usually, and then we start an IV 07:54 Well, what are we putting in that IV? 07:56 Are we putting 1/2 caramel color and caffeine, 07:59 and lots of sugar coloring? 08:01 NO, we're putting 1/2 normal saline or normal saline; 08:05 we're trying to match the chemistry of the blood 08:08 to sort of rehydrate the system. 08:10 Because what happens when we have hydration - 08:13 every cell in our body depends on water to run its machinery, 08:17 and as soon as that's disrupted, 08:19 everything is disrupted. 08:21 And then when that's disrupted, STRESS is put on the system 08:24 and it just makes things worse. 08:25 Spiral begins right there... Right, again, the spiral 08:27 starts right away, it's gets bad and bad. 08:30 Now if you think about it, we've talked about 08:32 the terrible examples, the people that ride across 08:35 the miles, the person in the nursing home that got sick, 08:38 but I also have more subtle examples of dehydration. 08:42 I had a lady that came in not too long ago 08:44 to the emergency room that kept having her heart go fast. 08:47 She had the skip all the time, it was just SKIP, 08:50 it would go fast, it would go fast! 08:51 So my approach, she was fairly young and I said, 08:54 "Have you ever had this skipping feeling ever before?" 08:57 And she says, "No, I haven't had a skip" 09:00 So I said, "Well, the skip is due to some type of 09:03 stressor on the system" 09:04 "Now it can certainly come from the heart, 09:06 but it could come from other things" 09:07 "Let's look at the stressors" 09:09 I said, "Are you in pain?" "No, I'm not in pain" 09:12 I go, "Did you sleep enough last night?" 09:14 "Oh I slept fine last night" 09:15 "Did you have any toxins, you know, did you have some drugs?" 09:19 Some people do drugs and that makes their heart skip, 09:21 especially one called, "methamphetamines and cocaine," 09:24 that skips the heart up quite a bit in the practice that I see 09:27 I bump into them. "No, I haven't done that" 09:30 So, in talking to her, finally comes down to, 09:32 she was just not drinking enough water, 09:35 and when she was not drinking enough water, 09:37 it made her adrenalin level go higher. 09:39 Adrenalin caused her heart to skip more. 09:43 We had a liter of fluid in her, as soon as she got hydrated, 09:47 the skips went entirely away. 09:49 And that was a direct example of how not having enough water 09:53 in HER, made adrenalin go up and of course, 09:56 fear because she was scared because something 09:58 was going wrong, so that even made it worse, 10:01 and then as soon as she figured out what caused the stressor, 10:04 got her own self under control, the skips went entirely away. 10:08 Now, it takes time to figure these things out. 10:11 so this was a lesser example, but how many of us, 10:14 evidently 7 in 10 of us, have some type of chemical 10:18 reaction that's occurring in our body maybe because 10:21 we don't have enough water? 10:23 Could it be contributing to mental health illnesses? 10:26 Absolutely! 10:27 Could it be contributing to joint pain? YES! 10:31 Thick blood? YES 10:33 Blood pressure problems? YES 10:35 That would be the thick blood, blood pressure. Yes 10:36 Well, foot problems? Yes 10:39 But when every chemical in the body - 10:41 kidney problems - when every organ needs it, 10:44 it only makes sense that water is so ESSENTIAL. 10:48 WATER - it does a body good! 10:50 I don't think we can talk enough about it because 10:53 when people leave here today, I want them to know 10:55 that I have to pay attention to how much water 10:58 I'm putting in myself every day. 11:00 All right, let's talk about this... 11:01 The viewer is watching us as well... 11:04 "How do I know that I'm drinking enough water?" 11:07 "Are there tests I can do myself to indicate that I am dehydrated 11:11 before I go crazy?" 11:13 Yeah, there is and here are the 2 easiest things to do... 11:16 If you want to do it fancy, you can take your urine 11:19 and they can measure something called the "specific gravity" 11:22 where they tell how thick or thin it is. 11:25 If you want to do it simply, you can look at it... 11:27 "Is my urine clear?" 11:29 Another general guideline is - take your weight, 11:32 divide it in 2 and that's about how many ounces you need a day. 11:36 Now if you're more active, you even need more. 11:39 Now if you're a sickly person or have other medical problems, 11:43 that might be different. 11:44 So for instance, let's say you weigh 180 pounds, 11:47 you need about 90 ounces of water a day. 11:50 So that's just a general guideline or until your 11:52 urine clears up. 11:54 I tell people, don't try to drink big at night 11:57 or it disrupts your sleep pattern. 12:00 The first thing I do is I get up in the morning, 12:01 I drink a glass of water. 12:03 I brush my teeth, I drink another glass of water. 12:06 Before each meal, I drink a glass of water. 12:08 So I try to get it down up front. 12:10 Now you might be going to the bathroom a little bit quicker, 12:12 but all the cells have the needed substances 12:15 at the very beginning of the day. 12:17 So a great way to start the day is drinking enough water. 12:20 Now, you mentioned, let's go back to the urine 12:23 just for a moment there because I've heard other 12:25 professionals talk about how important it is 12:26 that we examine this. 12:28 As-a-matter-of-fact, in Australia, if you go into the 12:30 bathrooms in Australia, right above the urinal, 12:32 there is a chart - Yes and it has different colors 12:36 there and it says - If your urine is like this, 12:38 then you need to do this; if it's like this... 12:40 And as it got more cloudy or as it got more yellow, 12:44 then that's the problem we're having. 12:46 We need to have it as clear as possible. 12:48 What is happening exactly? 12:51 Why does the urine, when you're not drinking enough water, 12:53 become more yellowish or more cloudy? 12:55 It's because your body holds onto the water. 12:57 It concentrates it... Okay, so urine is 13:00 water plus other things. 13:01 Yes, you're holding onto as much as you can get. 13:03 Oh, I gotcha... You know, your cells need 13:05 every bit that you get, so you're not 13:08 losing any in the urine. 13:10 But if you have clear urine, that means your cells are happy 13:13 More than enough water! Okay... 13:14 All the cells have what they need, 13:16 it's just very, very important. 13:17 And people are going to say, "You know, I drink my coke, 13:20 and I drink my tea, but that does NOT do 13:22 what water does - is your message. 13:23 No, it doesn't - it does not move the way... 13:25 God made us 70% water, not 70% of these other drinks. 13:30 Okay, so we need - we NEED half of our weight 13:33 in WATER ounces... WATER, other liquids don't do it 13:37 We have some questions coming up in the 13:38 heartwiseministries. org website 13:40 We invite you to leave your questions there for us 13:42 on this program and we'll get to those on our return, 13:45 so stay there! |
Revised 2014-12-17