Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills
Series Code: UP
Program Code: UP00045B
00:01 Welcome back to the program
00:02 I'm Charles Mills here with cardiologist, Dr. James Marcum 00:04 We're talking about the evidence 00:05 that everyone seems to be ignoring, 00:07 and that evidence is the AMOUNT, in this case, 00:10 of toxins in our environment, in our food, in our lives. 00:13 Dr. Marcum, you're kind of depressing us here, 00:16 what can we do about this? 00:18 What are things we can actually do starting TODAY 00:20 dealing with the toxins in our environment, 00:22 and in our homes and in our bodies? 00:24 Thing #1 is realize the elephant is in the room... There you go 00:28 We have a problem... We have a problem 00:30 You can't find solutions until you recognize problems. 00:35 So we have to recognize that this is a problem. 00:38 The second thing - if you're having symptoms that are 00:42 unexplained, maybe it's related to some type of toxin. 00:46 There are toxins that can actually be 00:49 measured in the blood. 00:50 You know, some people are exposed to this, that, 00:52 or the other, so they can actually be measured 00:54 in the blood - different metals especially. 00:58 Some toxins cannot be measured, 00:59 like some of the ones we saw here, 01:02 they're not easily measured at all. 01:05 In other words, caramel coloring would not be in the blood. 01:07 No, you can't measure that. 01:09 You can measure arsenic and mercury and those type of things 01:13 but you couldn't measure like caramel color. 01:15 So once you realize #1 that you have a problem... 01:19 #2- If you're having a symptom, then you really have to 01:23 do something maybe beyond. 01:25 And then a third thing is - limit your exposure. 01:28 You know, once you realize it's not bad, 01:30 well let's limit our exposures. 01:32 How might we do this? 01:34 Well, practical things like opening a window 01:38 so you can breathe at night. 01:41 Working outside around toxins, maybe if you're around 01:44 bad things, wearing a mask. 01:47 How about if you have a lot of noise pollution, 01:49 wearing some earphones. 01:51 Protecting yourself, so you protect your nose, 01:54 you can protect your ears. 01:56 Well how about protect you stomach from this? 01:59 Well you can try to eat things that have less toxins in it, 02:03 and you can tell what things have them in it 02:05 by looking at the ingredients. 02:07 They are required by law to put the ingredients on, 02:10 and as you saw, some of these ingredients like 02:13 growth hormone, BHBT, potassium bromate, Olestra, 02:17 artificial food dye, artificial coloring 3 or 4 02:21 Maybe if you can't say the names, 02:24 maybe it would be smart to avoid as much of that as you can 02:27 What is this... I don't know but I'm going to eat it. 02:29 That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? 02:30 I'm going to put it in my throat and there you go! 02:33 But why take a chance? 02:35 Now I know it's not a perfect world and everyone cannot 02:38 eat perfectly or hear perfectly, or whatever, 02:41 but one of the things we can do is... 02:43 we can help move toxins through us. 02:45 We can eat foods that help detoxify us, that bind us... 02:51 And if you think about it, if it's in the GI tract, 02:54 you just don't want a toxin sitting there not moving through 02:58 you want it to MOVE THROUGH. 02:59 How do we get things moved through? 03:02 Can you spell FIBER? There you go FIBER! 03:04 Things like kale, greens - that helps detoxify the system; 03:11 helps pull this out of the body; 03:14 WATER - hydration all of that. 03:17 One of the things that might help detoxify us is 03:20 a lot of toxins are stored in FAT. 03:25 Good news - bad news in that one. 03:27 Yeah, so if you have a lot of fat, you might be storing 03:30 old stuff in fat cells. 03:32 Yeah, the body has some place to put it... BUT 03:36 Right, so maybe if we can work on the weight, 03:40 we can lose this but in the process of losing weight, 03:42 you might have more toxins than you expected to deal with. 03:45 It will RELEASE them back into the body... 03:47 Temporary but painful. 03:49 Any time you can speed up your metabolism, 03:52 like exercise, sweating... 03:55 You know, you see them sweat off a disease, 03:57 sweat out the toxins, you increase your metabolism, 03:59 sometimes the metabolism can get some of BAD "humors" 04:03 out of the body as well. 04:05 Now these are just some simple 04:07 common sense things which we can do. 04:09 What we DON'T want people to do, Charles, 04:11 is be living in fear. 04:14 Living in fear and being scared all the time - 04:17 the chemistry of being scared of everything in my environment, 04:20 that might be worse than the environment itself. 04:23 You know, do you like science fiction? I do... 04:26 My daughter likes science fiction and sometimes 04:29 you know, you see something in science fiction 04:30 that's a little bit scary and you don't know what's worse, 04:34 the scary thing or this. 04:37 Well the same thing - which is worse, 04:40 the chemical in the environment 04:42 or being scared of the chemical environment? 04:44 It's a fine line, as we've discussed. 04:47 Because the reaction in the body is very similar. YES! 04:49 They are both stress reactions. 04:52 So which is going to cause the largest stress reaction? 04:55 So as you can see, there are no absolutes 04:58 in good health, but those are some general 05:00 things that I think people can do... 05:02 Let's run through those again... 05:04 Water, exercise, some people get hot and sweat it off, 05:08 moving the transit time, wearing a protective device 05:12 over the ears, over the face. 05:15 All those things will help a little bit to protect 05:18 their exposures from chemicals... 05:20 And if you think you might have a disease, 05:23 some of these weird diseases that no one can explain, 05:26 ends up being one of these weird chemical exposures occasionally. 05:30 You know, we did a show and I thank you for letting 05:32 me talk about some of the problems that are faced in my 05:35 house with my wife, she has multiple chemical sensitivities 05:39 And really, there are things we can do there... 05:42 Watch what we use for cleaning our house. 05:44 Watch what is on our walls, what's on our floors, 05:49 try to find natural materials as much as possible. 05:53 Today's world is better than it was 20 years ago, 05:56 more and more people are saying... 05:57 "This is hurting us, we're not going to do this 05:59 anymore - we're going to use different ingredients now" 06:01 So it's easier now to live cleaner 06:04 as far as the environment is concerned but it takes 06:06 some effort, you have to do some searching. 06:07 Going back to what we said at the very beginning, 06:10 you know, our rates of heart attacks are not going down. 06:14 Our rates of cancer, chronic disease, mental health 06:17 or chronic pain are NOT going down. 06:20 So we have to say... Well, in order to understand 06:23 the solution, sure I can make prescriptions and treatments, 06:26 but to find a solution, we have to understand the problem. 06:31 The problem is we're not sort of doing things the way 06:34 God had envisioned it. 06:36 We've gotten away from that relationship with God. 06:39 All the stress... you know, I hate to say this, 06:41 but things aren't going to get better. 06:44 It's going to continue to go down this path, 06:47 but we can STILL live with power and not in fear, 06:52 and we can do what we can within our control 06:54 to help make our environment 06:56 as healthy as it can be. Excellent! Excellent! 06:58 Okay, here are some questions Dr. Marcum, from the 07:01 heartwiseministries. org website 07:03 I invite our viewers to send their questions in 07:06 because what you want to know 07:07 is what we want to talk about, as simple as that! 07:09 So heartwiseministries. org website 07:11 Question #1- This is what the writer said... 07:14 "I have a lot of gastrointestinal issues, 07:17 and have been to numerous specialists without success" 07:20 "I have pain after eating and spells of diarrhea, 07:24 any thoughts of something that might help me?" 07:26 Yeah, this could be many different things. 07:29 Of course, you want to make sure it's not some 07:31 pathology-like thing like an infection 07:34 that could get in the bowels. 07:35 You want to make sure that it's not a medication 07:37 that could be causing it. 07:39 But a lot of people, Charles, have sensitivities 07:43 to different things in the environment. 07:45 Like if I yell and scream, it's going to hurt your ears. 07:47 Well, yelling and screaming to the bowels is some of the 07:51 chemicals that we put in it. 07:53 So it might be that this person is getting some chemical 07:56 that they're not used to... 07:58 Something that the body is not used to and it has a 08:00 chemical reaction... 08:01 It's like a bee sting inside the bowel. 08:03 And the common things we see like - cheese, dairy products, 08:09 gluten sensitivities, but it can also be more complex. 08:14 Certain chemicals can trigger it 08:16 Artificial sweeteners can trigger it. 08:19 So what I would suggest this person is go back 08:22 to a whole food plant-based diet, 08:25 and then see if they might improve. 08:28 Let their bowels rest, let them heal up on their own, 08:31 and try not to stimulate the bowel as much 08:34 with other things that can cause these immune reactions 08:37 that might be triggering. 08:38 She said it happened after she eats, 08:40 so maybe she could change this and also see her doctor, 08:43 and make sure it's nothing that's pathological 08:45 like an infection, like some medicines or some other 08:49 reason that could be causing it. 08:50 I would assume that for this writer here, 08:53 pain after eating - it might not be a bad idea to see an 08:56 allergist - there may be foods that they're allergic to. 08:58 And, you know, we see gallbladder, if you have pain 09:00 after you eat, in the right upper quadrant, 09:02 sometimes the gallbladder could be stimulated. 09:04 Sometimes it could be ulcers. 09:05 Ulcers can be problems, diverticulitis. 09:08 Lots of different things that 09:09 could be explored for this person. 09:12 Here's another one... 09:13 And I'm assuming the question was asked because 09:16 of the problem that this person is facing. 09:17 "Is it possible to have headaches from 09:20 the air we breathe?" 09:21 Yeah, I guess anything is possible, 09:24 and I would say, "yes it is" 09:26 We know that people that have pollution, 09:30 or that they don't get enough oxygen content, 09:32 they can have headaches. 09:34 We know that people that get dehydrated can have headaches. 09:37 We know that people that have certain other chemicals 09:40 in the body can have headaches. 09:42 So, yes, I would say that any toxin could cause 09:45 the stress of a headache and it's possible. 09:48 Here's a writer from South Africa who says 09:51 he has a concern over the water supply they have there. 09:54 I realize, he says, chemical contaminants 09:56 can get into the water. 09:58 What do you do when you think 10:01 that the water you're drinking is bad? 10:02 Can you do something to help water get better? 10:05 Well that's a big issue, Charles... 10:10 You know, we talked about all these medicines that we have 10:12 billions and billions of them, how are they disposed of? 10:16 Yep - flushed down the tubes and unfortunately, 10:18 our water treatment centers can't take out everything. 10:22 So, there is some possibility that small amounts of 10:25 these medicines are still out there. 10:27 Yeah, they're finding medicines in water supplies 10:29 even after they've gone through the whole system. 10:31 In a glass of water that you get from your tap, 10:33 someone's medicine may be in there... drink up! There you go! 10:37 But I tell people, you can't live your life in fear. 10:40 Yeah but what can you do about this? 10:42 What you can do about that is you can get these 10:44 special filters that you could put on your water devices 10:48 that you can filter that through. 10:49 That will get some of the stuff. 10:50 It might not get all of it through, but it can do that. 10:53 If you're really concerned about it, 10:55 you can actually boil water or buy special water that 10:58 doesn't come from that type of source. 11:01 Yeah, I don't want anyone to live in fear and feel afraid of 11:06 their water. 11:08 Common sense, I think, here. 11:10 You just use a filter, boil the water if you feel like it, 11:15 but if you also work on your body 11:18 to make it as strong as possible, 11:20 your immune system as strong as possible, 11:21 then you can take water that may be slightly contaminated, 11:24 but because you have a good immune system, 11:25 because you've worked hard on building up 11:27 your body to fight disease, you'll be in much better shape. 11:30 And you might be the lucky type that has a beautiful 11:32 mountain stream somewhere! 11:34 You might be that lucky person! 11:36 We'll come to their house to drink! 11:37 Okay, well we appreciate these questions from 11:40 heartwiseministries. org 11:42 We invite your questions there as well. 11:44 We'll take a short break and when we come back, 11:46 Dr. Marcum was going to introduce you to the 11:48 Master Physician, so stay tuned... 12:00 Thank you for joining us today learning about all the toxins 12:04 in our environment. 12:06 And I guess the take-home point today is 12:08 I want you to realize that there are toxins all around us, 12:12 and, unfortunately, over the years, there has been more 12:15 and more toxins... 12:17 So take time in your life to think... 12:19 "Am I around toxins and what can I do to minimize my exposures" 12:25 "And if I'm exposed to toxins, what are some things that 12:28 I can do to help myself remove these toxins from my body" 12:33 It might be something like having some kale 12:35 or some greens or increasing the metabolism by exercise 12:39 or drinking some big glass of water. 12:42 But what we don't want you to do - is to live in fear. 12:45 We want to let you know that there's a God that loves us, 12:48 that's going to take care of us, 12:50 that's there to be with us when we need Him. 12:52 Let's pray together... 12:53 Father God... I just want to thank you today 12:57 for giving us the ability to learn about all the things 13:01 about our health, just thank You so much. 13:03 There might be someone out there, Father, 13:05 that needs Your healing today in a special way. 13:07 Please be near and close to that person, Father, 13:11 and help us to continue to love people, 13:13 and bring as many people as we can into Your Kingdom 13:16 is our humble prayer. Amen 13:18 One thing that's neat about the health message 13:23 is everyone has health, hopefully, 13:25 and everyone wants to feel better and look better. 13:28 So this is a message that you can take and share with 13:31 your friends and loved ones letting them know that 13:33 God has a plan that's given us in the Bible 13:36 that changes our chemistry for the good, 13:39 so maybe we don't have to take much medicines. 13:42 We want to thank you for joining us today 13:44 on the "Ultimate Prescription" 13:46 Stay with us each week and send us our questions at 13:49 heartwiseministries. org |
Revised 2014-12-17