Ultimate Prescription

Beach Treatment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: James Marcum & Charles Mills


Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP00044B

00:01 Welcome back to the program!
00:02 We're at the beach today, thus the sunglasses!
00:04 We're talking about a vitamin that is essential to our health,
00:07 and it comes from the sun.
00:09 And what better place to get that vitamin than at the beach.
00:12 Dr. Marcum, you mentioned a couple of supplements
00:15 that we need to be taking.
00:16 Should EVERYONE take a vitamin D supplement just across the board
00:20 Is that the safest thing to do?
00:21 Well let's talk about that for a second because I don't think
00:24 there's one answer that goes for
00:26 everybody, but let's think about this.
00:28 Remember we talked about 1 in 3 young adults, 1 in 4 adolescents
00:34 that's a lot of vitamin D deficiency. That certainly is!
00:37 That's a lot of serotonin problems.
00:39 That's a lot of bone problems.
00:40 That's a lot of vascular problems.
00:43 That's a big issue!
00:45 So I think that if you're out there today,
00:48 and you want to take care of your family...
00:50 You know, say, "Listen, let's go to the beach"
00:52 or at least "Let's start taking a vitamin D supplement"
00:56 Let's look at our levels and make sure it is good enough
00:58 because we want to have that good.
01:00 Whether everyone should take it depends on
01:02 how much vitamin D you're getting in your diet;
01:05 how much you're getting outside,
01:08 you certainly could have it measured in a doctor's office.
01:12 And here are some numbers that might be interesting to people.
01:16 We can measure vitamin D in a blood test,
01:19 and the target level is about 20 nanograms per milliliter.
01:26 Now that's not very much and "The Institute of Medicine"
01:30 recommends that if you're less than 70 years old,
01:33 Charles, that would be you... Thank you
01:35 and have not had their level tested before,
01:39 you need to use about 600 international units a day
01:43 of vitamin D3 and you can look
01:46 at that in the store as vitamin D3
01:49 Now if you're greater than 70, you need about 800 IU
01:54 of vitamin D a day.
01:55 Now, are they assuming that the older you are,
01:57 the less you're outside... is that why it going down?
01:59 Less outside and the less you have in your body. Okay
02:02 It seems to be more deficient the older you get. All right
02:04 BUT, if you're deficient, you can certainly measure
02:07 it in a blood level and supplement - get extra.
02:10 In fact, in my practice, if I think people are deficient,
02:14 it's important to me for a couple of reasons.
02:16 One, is blood pressure.
02:18 I want the blood pressure to lower,
02:21 and I can lower the blood pressure by giving vitamin D
02:24 I can also lower the chance of someone having a bone fracture.
02:28 You know, we make so much big deal about these
02:30 bone supplements, but the simple things like walking,
02:33 and vitamin D which can help make the bones stronger -
02:36 we don't even talk about this!
02:38 Because remember, vitamin D deficiency, calcitonin comes up,
02:42 they try to steal calcium from somewhere.
02:44 They steal it from the wrong places - the bones and the cells
02:47 If the cells are getting calcium stolen from it because
02:52 there's not enough vitamin D... The cells in the bones, you mean
02:54 Well, cells in the bones and cells in the body.
02:55 All the cells in the body have calcium. Yes
02:58 Vitamin D is involved with calcium.
03:00 So if the vitamin D is not around,
03:02 you don't have enough calcium,
03:03 calcium is pulled out of the bones - bone fractures!
03:06 Pulled out of muscles - muscle aches...
03:09 Aches and pains - serotonin.
03:11 So lots of different things can happen.
03:13 So, yes, people need to take supplements in the wintertime.
03:17 I admit, I don't get out enough and I take
03:20 vitamin D3 in the wintertime and it makes me feel better.
03:24 It helps my moods out, helps me out until
03:26 I start getting outside more.
03:28 So I take vitamin D3 myself and
03:31 it makes me feel a lot better.
03:32 I don't necessarily have my number,
03:34 but let's say a person comes in and they're measured,
03:36 and their number is low...
03:37 Then I will vigorously supplement their stores
03:40 to get that up because remember,
03:42 when the vitamin D is good, the calcium,
03:44 these other chemicals are going to follow suit.
03:47 Everything is going to start working better.
03:49 So when you replace a nutrient that is low,
03:54 okay... that helps the entire body,
03:57 it's just not one chemical pathway.
03:59 Do you follow me? I do
04:00 And also, there are other nutrients that we might
04:03 be short on, that when we don't have enough,
04:05 it affects the entire chemical pathways,
04:08 and the real problem is not necessarily this, this or this.
04:11 The real problem might not be the blood pressure
04:13 or the lack of bone growth or the acid in the stomach,
04:17 or the muscle aches or the depression...
04:19 The real problem would be that chemistry that God made us for
04:23 that a chemical that we needed, that supplement that we needed
04:26 to begin with to have.
04:28 Now we're not talking about A LOT of something here... NO
04:31 Apparently a little bit of vitamin D goes a long way.
04:34 And that's a great question because everyone
04:37 is interested in taking supplements
04:39 because they think that that's good.
04:40 If you have a disease, you might need extra.
04:45 You know, you hear about vitamin C, extra for this...
04:48 Vitamin D extra...
04:49 So if you're in a diseased state,
04:52 depending on what that disease is,
04:54 you might need EXTRA nutrients,
04:56 EXTRA supplements...
04:57 But if you're pretty healthy to begin with,
05:00 then you just need the baseline.
05:02 And you get most of the baseline,
05:04 if you eat a diet that's full of fresh fruits, vegetables,
05:08 nuts and grains; that you try to get stuff locally
05:11 and not imported, that you have some soil... with it,
05:14 you get almost all the stuff you need.
05:17 Now wait... you have some soil with it, clarify that.
05:20 We're going to eat soil?
05:21 Well no, it has to be grown in soil... Okay
05:25 Because soil has some vital trace elements.
05:27 That's where you get your trace elements from.
05:29 There are some people that are farming
05:31 pretty much without soil nowadays, it's very interesting.
05:35 But anyway, nutrition is a very interesting field
05:39 that you can learn so much about,
05:41 but if you look at it, it does relate to medicine
05:44 because all these things are so valuable.
05:47 So that's why when someone asks me a question,
05:49 sometimes a question is not the real issue.
05:53 The real issue is... well what causes the need.
05:56 So, when someone talks to me about depression, guess what?
05:59 I'm going to think about vitamin D and the nutrients.
06:02 And if they happen to be depressed, then I say,
06:04 "Well maybe one of these nutrients are running real low
06:07 and they need EXTRA supplements,
06:08 EXTRA on this amount.
06:10 Just like you work very hard to get people off drugs.
06:13 Well, we really need to work ourselves pretty hard
06:15 to get ourselves off supplements if possible.
06:17 We want to get our vitamins, our minerals,
06:20 our elements and everything from the food we eat,
06:22 but there may be a time when we need a little shove,
06:25 but it shouldn't be a lifelong time commitment.
06:27 No, and the body does a pretty good job about deciding
06:30 what you need and what you don't need,
06:32 and getting rid of the extra,
06:33 and it's sort of an interesting thing but that might help.
06:36 I hope that answered that question.
06:37 That answered that first question right here.
06:39 The first person that asked a question at
06:41 heartwiseministries. org
06:42 asked what supplements should a
06:43 person be taking and you've covered that.
06:46 That's a general recommendation.
06:47 Okay, question #2... "I broke my hip and my
06:49 vitamin D level came back at 10"
06:52 Now you mentioned 20 someplace in there...
06:53 It came back at 10.
06:55 "I am just starting to take vitamin D, how much do I need?"
06:58 Now, is the body smart enough to take MEGA doses
07:02 of vitamin D and store it? Exactly!
07:04 It can use mega doses and sort of "catch up"
07:09 You're super deficient, you need some,
07:13 and the sooner you get it, the better.
07:15 So a person that's that deficient to breaking a bone,
07:18 they need about 5,000 international units a day
07:22 for 2 to 4 months, then 1 to 2,000 maintenance dose
07:26 after that and then they can also have their doctor check it.
07:31 We don't want to have another broken bone.
07:33 You know, we don't want to have another broken bone.
07:35 But I just wonder, all the broken bones you have out there,
07:38 when you see the prevalence of this,
07:41 and the prevalence of other things,
07:42 just think, the real problem might be that we're not
07:46 getting the things that God wanted us to have
07:49 as substrates to have our body to operate optimally.
07:53 Boy, we've talked about bones before...
07:55 We've done a show on osteoporosis,
07:56 and our poor bones, we need to do everything
07:58 we can to keep them...
07:59 But you know, all this affects the heart, the blood pressure,
08:03 it just affects different things throughout the body
08:06 when you get the proper building blocks to function
08:08 and have energy.
08:10 Now, I know there's going to be people listening to this program
08:13 right now who are saying,
08:14 "It's dangerous for me to be outside"
08:16 You're saying 30 minutes a day.
08:19 What can we do to get the sunlight we need if
08:24 #1, we live in Alaska, we don't have sunlight
08:29 or it's cloudy or whatever, what can we do
08:31 across the time? Yeah, there are lots of different things...
08:34 You don't have to be in the sunlight.
08:35 You can take the supplements, they're activated.
08:39 They have different lamps that you can put out.
08:42 So you... you think those lamps are good. That's good!
08:43 Well, they work on some people that need it.
08:45 They get those, so those are 2 things that we can do
08:50 that will help get our vitamin D levels up.
08:52 Now, the suicide rate and the depression rate
08:56 went down a lot in those northern countries
08:59 that are dark all year - once they just started
09:01 adding vitamin D to their diets. It's amazing...
09:06 And you know, I can't remember the last time you saw
09:08 someone at the beach that wasn't pretty happy
09:11 because they made all that serotonin.
09:14 And also, their bones seemed to be pretty good.
09:16 I don't see too many people that are beaching it,
09:18 having problems with their bones.
09:20 So it has a lot of good treatment, good prescription
09:24 for going to the beach.
09:25 So I'm going to start writing more of those to mainly
09:28 get people to think about all these nutrients,
09:31 especially vitamin D; those are just as important
09:34 as anything else for good health
09:35 because if you have enough of those,
09:36 you can maybe avoid getting into bad health.
09:39 Now, of course, for those who live in North Dakota
09:41 or Kansas or Illinois and there's not a beach nearby,
09:46 we're talking about sunlight here;
09:48 we're talking about sunshine on our bodies.
09:50 The beach is a great place because the beach has
09:51 some other good things, right?
09:52 Yeah, you can make an artificial beach, Charles.
09:55 You can make an artificial beach house.
09:57 You could have a pretend beach.
09:59 But you know, there's lots of things you can do.
10:01 I want to see you write a prescription for...
10:03 "Make a pretend beach" and give that to somebody.
10:05 Well I saw someone... I didn't think this was a
10:07 beach, but they went to a river and they called that a beach.
10:09 There you go! A stream, a lake...
10:11 A lake - you could call that a beach.
10:13 Lakes we have around here, yes.
10:15 But the point is, a beach substitute.
10:19 Like I'm going to go outside and walk outside
10:21 in the sunshine for a few minutes.
10:22 And when you do that, you take your hat off,
10:24 you have a short-sleeved shirt on if it's summertime,
10:27 you try to get that sun on your face and on your arms,
10:30 and on your chest if it's warm enough for doing that.
10:33 And I guess if you are in the middle of the woods
10:35 all by yourself and it was warm enough,
10:39 you could just start getting LOTS of sunshine!
10:42 But we recommend that for people who are just really
10:45 in the middle of the forest someplace.
10:47 Laughter is the best medicine, my friend Charles.
10:49 I could just see them arrest someone and say...
10:50 Well, Dr. Marcum said...
10:51 Laughter is the best medicine here... I guess so
10:53 Well we're going to take a short break,
10:55 and when we come back, Dr. Marcum is going to
10:57 talk more about this important topic of keeping ourselves
11:01 healthy by using the natural things that God has made for us,
11:04 the sunlight!
11:06 We've talked about fresh air and good food and rest,
11:10 and Sabbath worship and taking time to
11:13 have relationships with people.
11:15 We also need to include that other day of creation...
11:17 when that sun appeared...
11:18 And now I know why - there are just so many things
11:21 connected to it, it's not just do this and this,
11:27 it's do these things so this and this and this
11:29 can happen - they're all connected in there. Yeah
11:32 And, of course, the more we take care of our bodies,
11:34 the clearer our thoughts are, the clearer we can have a
11:36 good relationship, not only with other people,
11:38 but with our heavenly Father too and speak to our heavenly Father
11:41 When we come back, Dr. Marcum is going to speak
11:44 to the Ultimate Physician, stay tuned...
11:59 I really enjoy answering people's questions,
12:02 and you know, a lot of time you hear fancy medical jargon
12:06 and fancy modern medicine used,
12:08 but today, we talked about something basic but so important
12:12 as vitamin D.
12:14 This prohormone helps our entire body do well.
12:17 So if there are 2 things I want you to leave from this
12:21 talk from today...
12:23 #1- Go outside, enjoy some vitamin D, enjoy some sunshine.
12:29 #2- Tell your friends, remember a lot of kids are not getting
12:33 out as much as they should.
12:35 So if you see someone that's working on a cell phone
12:37 or a computer, say - "Hey, why don't you go outside
12:40 for a few minutes, make some serotonin,
12:43 make your brain better, make your bones stronger,
12:45 take away those muscle pains, come on and join me!
12:48 If we start working one person at a time,
12:51 I think we can really change the way people feel
12:54 getting them to feel better.
12:55 So don't forget the importance of vitamin D today.
12:59 I want to have a prayer with you
13:01 right now, let's just bow our heads...
13:03 Heavenly Father... I just thank You for helping us learn
13:06 so much today about how You want to take care of us.
13:09 We want to invite You to be our Ultimate Physician
13:12 to take care of us and today help us to find someone that
13:16 we can share this information to, so that we might make this
13:19 world a better place - is our prayer... Amen
13:23 You know, one of the things we like to give you value,
13:25 we'd like to leave you 1 or 2 things that you can do
13:28 to help others, but we also want to invite you to answer
13:31 your specific questions, go to us at our website,
13:34 heartwiseministries. org
13:37 We'll do the best we can to meet your needs
13:39 and to serve you, and we also want to invite you
13:42 to take this message and to spread it to all your friends
13:45 and neighbors making the world a better place to live.


Revised 2014-12-17